• Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.
  • Ridge Racer Unbounded: Frische Screenshots, passend zum Inhalt der Day-One-Edition.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2012
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Preis Update 26.06.24

Über das Spiel

Ridge Racer Unbounded, Teil der beliebten Ridge Racer Rennserie, entwickelt die Reihe in eine neue und unerwartete Richtung weiter: Die Spieler erwartet in wilden Rennen eine wahre Adrenalin-Explosion. Werde Mitglied der Unbounded Street Racing Gang, angeführt von Kara Shindo. Verschaffe dir Respekt und beweise dein fahrerisches Können gegen deine Rivalen auf den Straßen von Shatter Bay.

  • Breche mit Konventionen - Dank neuesten Grafik- und Physikeffekten erlebst du Zerstörung wie nie zuvor. Fahre wie entfesselt und vernichte alles, was sich dir in den Weg stellt.
  • Rase durch Shatter Bay – Die Stadt hat ihre eigenen Regeln und wird dominiert von den zahlreichen PS-Monstern, die sich ihren zerstörerischen Weg durch die vielen verschiedenen Gegenden bahnen, z. B. Gewerbegebiet, Raffinerie, Hafen oder Hochhaus-Baustelle
  • Völlig neue Renn-Maschinen – Traditionelle Rennwagen und harmlose Rundkurse ohne Rempeleien und Blechschäden gehören der Vergangenheit an. RIDGE RACER UNBOUNDED setzt voll auf waghalsige Duelle mit Crash-Garantie und richtige Badass Cars inklusive den legendären RIDGE RACER Angel und Devil Cars.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 10:01
Macht Spaß!
Definitv eine Empfehlung!
Ich habe es in knapp 9 Stunden durchgespielt, wenn man sich nicht so dämlich anstellt wie ich ist es wahrscheinlich in 7-8 Stunden durchgespielt.
Wenn es im Sale ist, auf jeden Fall zugreifen!
238 Produkte im Account
231 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 04:31
Ridge Racer Unbounded ist ein Arcade Action Rennspiel vom feinsten. Mit großartig in Szene gesetzten Explosionen und vielen verschiedenen Strecken und Fahrzeugen wird bei diesem Spiel die Zerstörung und Verschrottung von Autos und Gebäuden zelebriert. Die Steuerung ist genau und die Sounds sind von hoher Qualität. Bei dieser Gewaltorgie kommt bei jedem Fan von Feuer und Zerstörung das Blut in Wallung und die Hände werden vor Erregung feucht. (Hoffentlich nur die Hände.) Fazit: Alt, aber gut mit originellem Flair und sehr günstig.
1176 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
2663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.19 22:54
Ridge Racer meets Flatout

Ridge Racer ist Kult. Seit Namcos Drift-Racer 1994 zum Launch der ersten Playstation erstmals für Konsole erschien,begleitete die Reihe fast jede Playstation als Launchtitel
(Ridge Racer 1 für Playstation 1, 5 für Playstation 2 und 7 für Playstation 3).
Vielen gilt die Reihe bis Heute als Inbegriff der Arcade Racer, auch wenn ich denke, dass dieser Titel eher Segas älterem Outrun zusteht.
Jedenfalls änderte sich am Spielprinzip selten etwas. Rasen, driften und die Abfolge der Kurven auswendig lernen, um eines Tages die Strecke zu meistern. Das machte schon auf der Playstation 1 einen Heidenspaß und tat es selbst noch auf der Playstation 3. Und was passiert 2012? Namco überlässt die Entwicklung dem finnischen Team von Bugbear, welches vor allem für den ausgezeichneten Destruction-Racer Flatout bekannt ist, sich aber beispielsweise auch für die Playstation Portable Umsetzung des letzten Sega Rally (2007) verantwortlich zeigen.
Und schwupps – schon ist Ridge Racer mehr Flatout und Burnout denn Ridge Racer. OK – driften muss man immer noch. Allerdings füllen wir damit jetzt eine Energieleiste auf, die wir wahlweise für Boost, besser aber noch zur Zerstörung von Gegnern oder Gebäuden nutzen.
Gegner können so in spektakulären Takedowns, die denen aus Burnout in nichts nachstehen, geschrottet werden, was diesen wertvolle Sekunden kostet. Und arcade-typisch gibt es eine Art Combo-Zähler: Viel Zerstörung auf einmal wird durch exponentiell steigende Punktezahlen belohnt - Da macht Gegner-schrotten gleich doppelt Spaß!
Außerdem können auf den Rennstrecken in der fiktiven Metropole „Shatter Bay“ bestimmte Gebäude zerstört werden, um Abkürzungen freizulegen. Darüber hinaus stehen noch Benzinfässer und Tankwagen an der Strecke, welche sich ohne Boost zerstören löassen und spektakulär explodieren, einen Teil der Boost-Leiste füllen, und mit etwas Glück auch noch Gegner mit in den Tod reissen.
Die Steuerung ist dabei ultra arcadig gehalten - Wer es realistisch mag ist hier einfach im falschen Spiel.
Es gibt verschiedene Rennmodi wie Domination (normales Rennen mit Gegnern), Drift-Angriff (keiner Gegner, Driften gegen die Uhr) und Zerstörung (auf Zeit möglichst viele gegnerische Fahrzeuge plätten). Und wem dass nicht reicht, der bekommt noch einen Streckeneditor mitgeliefert um eigene Strecken zu bauen.
Das Spiel macht sauviel Spass. Ich würde soweit gehen, dass ich seit Sega Rally, Blur und Burnout - alle leider nicht (mehr) auf Steam erhältlich – nicht mehr so viel Spaß mit einem Arcade Racer hatte. Dabei macht es einem das Spiel nicht leicht. Jedes gewonnene Rennen nimmt man so als echten Erfolg war, der einem nicht geschenkt wurde.
Dabei kann sich auch die Grafik, vor allem auch dank der famosen Lichteffekte, immer noch sehen lassen. Die Umgebung wirkt manchmal leicht pixelig, dafür kracht und explodiert es aber an allen Ecken, so dass man diese kleinen grafischen Mängel im Spiel selbst kaum wahrnimmt.
Leider wurden die Multiplayer Server mittlerweile abgeschaltet und ein Splitscreen-Modus existiert leider nicht. Ich finde aber, dass sich dieses Spiel allemal auch für den reinen Singleplayer lohnt!
Fans von Flatout, Burnout und Arvade-Racern allgemein müssen zugreifen!
613 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.19 11:52
Ridge Racer™ Unbounded ist ein Arcade Racer der Burnout und Split/Second ähnelt. Man schaltet im laufe des Spiels neue Fahrzeuge durch ein Levelsystem frei. Nach jedem absolvierten Event, schaltet man ein neues frei oder einen neuen Bezirk den man Dominieren muss. Es gibt viele Spielmodi und einen Strecken Editor, man schaltet im laufe des Spiels auch neue Objekte für den Editor frei. In manchen Modi kann man mit der Power Fähigkeit Ziele zerstören, die dann als Abkürzung dienen oder auch um Gegner zu vernichten. Der Sound ist sehr gut, die Fahrzeuge finde ich auch klasse und jedes Fahrzeug fährt sich unterschiedlich. Der Multiplayer ist leider nicht mehr verfügbar, aber es macht trotzdem viel Spaß. Sollte man sich aber in einem Sale holen.
132 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.18 20:32
Ridge Racer Unbounded ist ein Arcade Rennspiel von Bugbear. Man sollte sich allerdings keinen Ridge Racer erwarten. Die Spielmechaniken sind ganz anders und auch von Bugbear wurde in der Vergangenheit anderes gesehen. Das Spiel verfügt aber über ansehnliche Grafik und auch der Sound und das Handling sind gut umgesetzt worden. Der Karrieremodus geht flott voran und die gelegentlichen Zerstörungsrennen sorgen für Abwechslung. Fazit: Flotter Arcade Racer mit großem Zerstörungsfaktor zum kleinen Preis.
1493 Produkte im Account
444 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.15 17:03
Review verfasst am 4.07.2015

Ridge Racer™ Unbounded ist kein Simulationsgame sondern ein Arcade Racer. Die Grafik ist fürs Jahr 2015 nicht mehr up to Date, aber nicht hässlich. Den Sound find ich toll. Am Anfang sind nur wenige Fahrzeuge und Strecken verfügbar. Es gibt jedoch ein Levelsystem und bei jedem neuen Levelanstieg gibts neue Fahrzeuge. Und bei erfolgreich beendeten Rennen werden weitere Strecken freigeschaltet. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist für mein Empfinden einen Tick zu hoch und die Steuerung etwas schwammig. Persönliche Spielspaßwertung 8 von 10.

Ich empfehle euch das Game wenn ihrs unter 10 Euro kriegen könnt, und Spaß an Arcade Rennspielen habt.
204 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.14 19:21
Ridge Racer™ Unbounded ist für sich genommen ein solides Rennspiel, welches mich auch gut unterhalten hat.
Die Fahrphysik ist ganz gut und das Schadensmodell eigentlich auch.
Die sogenannte Power die man durch driften und rammen von anderen Fahrzeugen aufladen kann ist ziemlich stark, da man problemlos 2-3 Autos auf einmal zerstören kann (Man wird auch oft genug von anderen Fahrzeugen die Power benutzen zerstört).
Anstonsten gibt es verschiedene Missionen wie zb. driften oder zerstören von Fahrzeugen, (natürlich auch normale Rennen).
Fazit: Man kann sich von Ridge Racer™ Unbounded die Demo runterladen, und wenn sie einem zusagt bei einem Steamdeal zuschlagen.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 19:13
i kept curious about this game since a critic give this game decent overall score, after playing couple of laps, now i understand the hates...
gotta carefully what critic says.
269 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 12:41
Great game! I don't understand why so many bad reviews? the game looks great and is very fun when you learn the drift boosting... which doesn't take long unless you're crap at that sort of thing... I can't really fault this game, I would of liked if they'd added rumble feature and a cockpit or bonnet view if I had to knock something..
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 01:48
Crash all the time while loading to play game.
RRU.exe error

not a great product i can say!

played only 0.4 hrs. money wasted :(
318 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 05:18
It's fun if you don't go in expecting an actual Ridge Racer game, the game a neat art direction and the gameplay feels really tight once you get the hang of how drifting works, real shame that servers were shutdown a few years ago.
848 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 20:09
I found myself craving an arcade racer recently and remembered I had this game in my library. I seem to have shelved it and not sure I remember why. After a few minutes playing it again, I got my answer.

I'll skip my story section since it's pretty bare bones. What I will point out is Ridge Racer as a franchise is usually bright and colorful. This entry you can tell was inspired by games like Burnout and Need for Speed. It's a homunculus of all the styles put together, and I'm sorry to say it doesn't work.

Graphically, the game looks beautiful, has a nice soundtrack, and the gameplay, at first, is pretty solid. You gain boost by drifting and tailing your opponents. You cannot use your boost until the bar is full and then you get a burst of speed. You can use your boost to break through buildings or obstacles to create shortcuts or explode your enemies. You can also just use it to catch up.

My main problem with this game is the difficulty. You have to drive perfect or you are not winning or even qualifying to unlock more levels. If you crash once or drift out of control (which will happen a lot until you unlock more cars), you aren't winning the race. This makes for very frustrating gameplay, unless you like the challenge.

My second problem is the level design. The game world takes place in Shatter City and after the first few tracks you will notice that all levels are roughly the same just different portions of the city. It's quite lazy and disappointing. Even though there are different events and modes, it doesn't help that you are literally playing the same level over and over but just in a different part that you couldn't access before.

Now the one thing I will praise the game for is that losing isn't the end all to be all. You still get experience for the actions you take in a race and that goes towards unlocking new cars and items for the level editor. The level editor is a nice touch, and although it is bare bones with just you placing blocks, I still think it's cool to mess around and play with when you unlock new blocks. However, due to the servers being done, you can't play anyone or share levels so it'll be more of a couch fun thing.

Final verdict? Unless you really want to challenge yourself with super hard AI and horrible drift controls, I can't really recommend this game. The price for admission isn't bad at $10, but just prepare yourself for frustration going in. I did enjoy pieces of the game, but the overall package was just too annoying to complete. Thanks for reading!
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 12:46
Ignore the fact this is called Ridge Racer and think of it as Burnout and it is a blast! Just a stripped back, tight, arcade destruction racer.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 11:26
When RR meets Burnout, this is it!
224 Produkte im Account
127 Reviews
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 16:17
nice game, you can drift :D
38 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 23:56
played it back in 2012 it felt amazing but when I played it now my nostalgia glasses are gone this game sucks
58 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 15:23
The game is ok but I wouldn't say it is the greatest due to using the Ridge Racer name on it and I understand why this game just flopped but after playing sometime there was moments I had fun but unfortunately my save data is somehow gone now one day when I was going back to it so I gotta start all over again and I actually talked to a friend who used to work with BugBear and was part of making this game so it was a nice talk but I can say it was their first time making a triple AAA because of Namco so it was tense for them but I am guessing they weren't happy with the final results and he knew some issues in the game but couldn't do much but to summarize it's a ok arcade racing game and for $10 you can't go wrong but it is best to wait for a sale.
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 19:02
its ok. Not the classic ridge racer experience and definitely has a learning curve. Get it in the sale if you are interested. Plenty of better racers around though
155 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 20:17
it's no ridge racer 6
124 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 00:17
Was sitting on buying this a good few years but never did it after reading review after review.
For the fans of RR7 and below, this isn't for us that's for damn sure :(
16 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 18:13
Variety of Cars (Including DLC)
Weird Track Designs
Controls (Depending on Cars’ Stats)
Online No Longer works
2441 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 06:58
Ridge Racer: Unbounded was created by Bugbear Entertainment and published by Namco Bandai. Created for Windows, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Released on July 31, 2012 (US). This is the first Ridge Racer game with destructible cars and destroyable scenery which is similar to Burnout and Split/Second. It is also the last installment for the home consoles in the Ridge Racer series. You can blast your way through all sorts of buildings, highlighted by on-screen icons when you're powered up, but the carnage lacks the punch of Split/Second's collapsing airports or MotorStorm's apocalypse, and the shortcuts you create seldom give you much of an advantage anyway. The takedowns, meanwhile, require little skill and hardly feel explosive; they're more like mild prangs elevated to slow-motion extravaganzas so as to inject spectacle into otherwise-flaccid racing.

Game Preview.
671 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 19:01
Sadly no same spirit like old Ridge Racers :( Wasted potential.
956 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 13:25
Fun arcade racer!
804 Produkte im Account
178 Reviews
4197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 02:55
Great game, tons of fun... but also frustration. I managed to finish it today after installing it at least 3 times since I got it. somehow along the way I remeber I lost all my progress for some reason, I'm not sure what happened.

Anyway. The game still looks pretty and is still a blast to play, especially the domination races. The domination races are basically normal races where you race through city districty and drift to gather turbo points.
You get turbo points even when you are near an opponent, you gain them even quicker when there are many opponents around you. You also gather turbo points by smashing things. Gathering turbo points is the same for every race mode, and there are several.
Once your turbo is full, you can use is to crash your opponents, that will respawn, just as you when you get crashedby them. Also, once your turbo is full you can blast through walls to create shortcuts and crash into trucks and stuff that will explode in turn crashing your opponents.

The other game modes like racing against time, destroying police cars, either with your car or a massive truck, and drifting challenges, they are mostly not as fun as domination races because of the extremely hard to reach high score you need to unlock the next race in the district. This results in a ton of grinding, for example, you are finishing a district but you miss the last race or next race, cause it's still locked. What you need to do is to replay races where you didn't score so well to get those additional newly gained points. You can also replay racer where you scored well, but you can always see if you can score better. However you need to amass the new points in order to unlock the last, or next race of the district.

Personally I'm glad I have finally finished it. I tried so hard to make a good time on the final race, but I could not reach 2 stars for just 25 miliseconds. Upon many many tries, I gave up. One star will do.

I guess that must be how they must have set their time limits... They must have played a bunch, made their best times and then subtracted some 20 seconds from their result, for you to reach to get 3 stars. Otherwise I don't understand how did they set those impossible-to-beat times. In the end, I ended with 2 races on 2 stars and the last race 1 star. On every other race I got 3 stars, but many times it was near impossible to get the 3 stars. It was insane.

So yes, Ridge Racer Unbounded is fun and frustrating. But if you are fan of arcade racing games and you never played this, then I suggest you try, you might love it. Also, if you love games like this, there is another cool and frustrating game you must play,called Slpit/Second. Which is in my opinion, even more exciting and adreaniline-pumping experience and looks prettier than Ridge Racer Unbounded.
1919 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 11:14
This is not a good singleplayer game, this is not a good multiplayer game. It's now a corpse, dead from all activity with a ton of copy'd assets, cheating teleportation AI, and with wonky mechanics. You can't set your own controls. The singleplayer has no legs to stand on and is just repetitive, without any story. There is no longer multiplayer. It has DLC's which bring nothing to the game. It might have been something in 2012, but it can't really test the age of time.

I mean, there are no reasons to buy this game, not anymore. 3/10
There are better options for both for singleplayer and multiplayer games.
341 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 21:39
This game was clearly a victim of misbranding. It's not Ridge Racer at all, but it's bloody awesome arcade racer that still holds up in the gameplay, visual and sound department nearly a decade after its initial release. Well, save for the dubstep part of the soundtrack, lol.

The fact you can't access any kind of multiplayer (due to servers being shut down) is frustrating. Would really love to play with my friends, whether it would be online, LAN, or even splitscreen. I mean, once i unlock all the stuff and 100% the single player campaign (almost there at the time of posting this), i would really like to play some more.

Oh well, still recommended, because the challenging single player campaign is worth it, but only when you come across discounted bundle that contains all the DLC.
Not really worth the full price imo, because of the killed-off multiplayer part of the game...
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 19:13
Always been a big Ridge Racer fan but unfortunately if I can't customise my own controls then I can't play the game..
306 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 11:17
this is not your father's game back then, RR series with no Reiko Nagase is not RR. Bamco does not give a f about RR series, and who the hell is Kara Shindeiru!?
566 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 19:46
Back in 2012 Namco wanted to make new Ridge Racer and they wanted to make it modern. They hireg Bugbear and told them to go with what's trendy. The result was a game that has nothing to do with Ridge Racer and everything to do with Burnout. Also edgy.

But it's been 8 years and purely arcade racers are hard to come by. So what do we get? Well if you are familiar with the pre-Paradise City Burnouts this is basically it, plus quite a lot of drifting (which in this case IS actually a bit closer to how drifting should work, just a bit thoug, meaning it's kinda hard to get right).

So you will be racing, wrecking other cars drifting to the sound of techno in an urban-industrial setting. Back in the day, this game was considered kinda bad, unispired, too hard, boring etc. In 2020 with the focus being on racing simulators or Forza wannabe's, Unbounded is like a breath of fresh air. It's tough, sometimes unfair, most of the times hard, but if you forget the Ridge Racer legacy, it's very much a fun game.

8 years ago, I could point out many things that should have been done better, but considering how arcade racers are now, this thing feels like a torch of hope.

For the current discount price it's a no-brainer (DLC you can skip, most of the cars are bad and some are OP).
All in all, I had more fun with this in the past few days than with anything else out there and to me that speaks volumes.

The only real drawback is the lack of multiplayer since the servers have been shut down (too bad with the track editor and all still being there).

If you are looking for a purely arcade racer, with nice graphics, great destruction and fun gameplay and can forgive the fact that someone calle this Ridge Racer, buy it and have fun.
470 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 21:58
Unbounded may not have much to do with the things
that defined Ridge Racer, but if you can get over that,
you'll discover an energetic, entertaining racer, with
gratifyingly destructive environments, challenging
gameplay and interesting online. Ridge Racer was due
for a reboot, and here it is.
205 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 04:46
Do yo hate EA but love NFS/Burnout? This isn't as good, but it'll do. The online is offline. The graphics aren't pretty, but the game play is fun. You can't go wrong for 10 bucks.
233 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 16:24
Boring game with cheaty AI, and dead multiplayer servers.
If u looking for single player experience.... check other racing games. not this one.
Graphics are good tho
302 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
1419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 06:06
This game wasn't what I expected from a Ridge Racer game, and because of all the negative reviews I never bought it. It doesn't have online anymore but that is OK, online is overrated anyway. All that said, after a few hours with this game I absolutely love it and it is giving me the same rush as any previous Ridge Racer game. The gameplay is challenging and varied plus the graphics at 4k is amazing for an arcade racer! If you love arcade racers, this game is for you!
1447 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 12:07
Imagine a FlatOut spin-off with some sort of cyberpunk culture vibes, that's what Ridge Racer Unbounded is.

It's not like the other Ridge Racer games, but it still is a good game. I actually played this and uploaded videos about it.

36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
774 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 15:47
No sound on Windows 10 pro.
2725 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 10:09
Burnout-Like Racing. Tons of wrecks, explosions and drifting (often at the same time)
Multiplayer-server is shut down, however, I feel confident recommending this for the singleplayer campaign only.
1379 Produkte im Account
993 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 15:36
Fake news Ridge Racer.
1218 Produkte im Account
202 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 16:01
BANDAI NAMCO bring us real ridge racer games like Ridge Racer 7 port.
156 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 05:45
From Bandai Namco.
Car racing game.
The player gets points from winning the race,
destroying the environment, crashing the opponents
cars and for special movement, as for example curve
drifting, long jumps, hitting special targets and others.
There are a lot of road maps available. So are a lot of
cars available to choose from. Finally there are several
different competitions as for example drifting only and
fastest time.
Available even for low price to middle price computer
198 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 07:57
If you're looking for anything close to realistic, you won't find it here. The car audio doesn't even match the gear shifting that's just how unrealistic it is. All of the online services are now permanently offline, so that's a negative. The way the cars get damaged and would render them impossible to drive, etc.

In fact, I can't really find any reason to recommend this game unless you really are into the Ridge Racer franchise. The only reason I bought it was because it was on serious special and because I'd played Ridge Racer that was released on the PSP when it first came out that I really enjoyed that.
312 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
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49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 21:40
This isn't a good racing game...
124 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 12:12
Old but great, fun arcade racer. Can pick it up play for 10 minutes a pop or you can get wrapped up in it for hours!
190 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 10:06
If you liked Ridge Racer 6 or 7 Don't bother with this game. It's unpolished and doesn't even feel like a RR game. The drifting is garbage the only thing it does is slam you into walls at full speed and then they want you to destroy buildings while also trying to win the race. This game shouldn't honestly even be called Ridge Racer at all and was barely worth the $2.49 i spent on it.
176 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 00:54
For sale price, this game's pretty good. The gameplay's an interesting mix of Split/Second and Burnout, with some solid handling and takedown mechanics. The career's short (I beat it in about 5 hours with almost all 3 star finished), and the car list isn't amazing, but it is decently varied at least.
1195 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 00:34
I remember being amazed by this game in 2012 when I played demo. At that time I wasn't playing many racing games.
Today when I started really playing racing games, and I got it on sale for 3$... It's really bad game, feels empty and ugly (even for 2012 it's ugly, there was many games that were beautiful in that year).
Somehow my car is slow as hell and I need to constantly drift to have some chance catching up to NPCs, and when I drift to long, it gets stuck and I end up crashing... This is a total joke.
144 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 00:34
i only recommend this game at the $4 or less mark. it, like many others have said, is not a RR game. for the price, its not bad. its nothing to brag about either...
1741 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
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1773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 22:54
I love this game, I thought it was absolutely awesome.
BUT, it is abandoned by the publisher, multiplayer is impossible etc etc which means the online portions of the game just 'time out' and there are impossible to get achievements.
287 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 18:35
Wonder when Namco brings back a proper Ridge Racer game.
186 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 08:16
I'll be reviewing Ridge Racer: Identity Crisis. I mean “Unbounded”. As it stands, this is the final installment of a once great racing franchise that released their last truly enjoyable game 20 years ago. Don't get me wrong, there were appealing elements to Ridge Racer after part 5, but that one was a well-rounded package, balancing arcade racing with a deep (at the time) career mode. I literally spent 15 minutes with this title and I'm already sick of it. I really wanted to like this one. I tried, but every time I thought I was warming up to it, that my complaints were simply because I hadn't gotten used to the game, something else set my teeth on edge.

This game was actually developed by Bugbear, who you may remember as being responsible for the Flatout series. More recently they gave us Wreckfest, an excellent title, but as of 2012 (when this was released) they're most recognizable titles were the Flatout games). The best possible way I can describe this title is to say that Bugbear tried to make Flatout into Burnout and then dressed it all up as Ridge Racer.

It seems as though there were two diametrically opposed factions involved in making this game, and they never were able to come to an agreement. On one side you have the Burnout crew, fighting passionately to make this a demolition racer with its emphasis on wrecking cars and destroying property. On the other was the Ridge Racer team, the ones who wanted this title to stick to its roots, focusing on racing prowess and drifting finesse. And neither side was willing to budge. As such this game feels like it's stuck in transition. There's too much Ridge Racer in it to keep it from being a good Burnout clone, and there's too much Burnout in it to make it a good Ridge Racer game.

Unbounded features a few new additions and changes to gameplay that are, frankly, alien to the RR franchise. I want to be generous and say that it's their attempt at a demolition racer, casting a broader net for comparisons, but they very clearly set their sites specifically on Burnout. Instead of the sanctioned circuits, cordoned off as race tracks, like in previous RR titles, this game opts for the “gritty street racer” fad that permeated every racing game at the time that wasn't an officially licensed title from an established organization. The city, Shatter Bay (I wonder how they came up with that name), is full of destructible objects to crash, bash, and smash your way through. There are buildings with walls you can smash through to create shortcuts. The boost meter finds its way back into the series, but with an added wrinkle this time around. In keeping with generously dipping into the Burnout bucket, boosting makes your car an indestructible battering ram. You can wreck (referred to as “frag”) your opponents and crash through certain walls to create shortcuts through various structures. This can only be done while you're boosting. Of course, winning or losing depends almost exclusively on the use of your boost. Great lap times? Perfectly executed drifts? Utilized every possible shortcut? It doesn't matter because one of the other racers saved their boost for the last 1500 meters and, compliments of the game's rubber-band AI to encourage beating and banging, they're right on your bumper and easily overtake you.

It honestly feels like they tried to force Ridge Racer into a Burnout box and it wasn't a good fit. Certain bits and pieces of the RR franchise that didn't fit neatly into the box were shorn from the game. Ridge Racer's drift-heavy physics are somewhat tamed here, supposedly to aid in wrecking. However, all it does is strip away one of the most satisfying elements of the series. A perfect drift through a corner or series of corners used to be richly rewarding and afforded you with a respectable lead (not to mention some eye candy to encourage you to watch the replay). Now it's more like a frustrating chore, something to do to refill your boost gauge. Putting so much emphasis on demolition racing it seems Namco/Bandai opted for rubber-band AI to keep collision fodder nearby at all times. This further emphasizes how little racing matters to this franchise, anymore. It's no longer about the best lap times or the smoothest lines. It's about utilizing boost, and it always seems like the AI rivals never actually rum out of boost.

Then, because of the Ridge Racer side, it never really becomes a good demolition racer. Rubbing fenders and trading paint with your opponents almost feels tacked on. It doesn't feel like it's actually supposed to be an integral part of the racing, but it's been forced to a position of importance within the title. You wreck them only while boosting, and even then it requires a direct hit. Meanwhile, they brush up against you and you're fragged. It honestly makes it feel more like a gimmick, developed to nothing more than a tech-demo to drum up early interest in some demo footage, yet forced to be an integral part of the gameplay.

I was honestly hoping that, if I couldn't enjoy this title as another entry in the Ride Racer series I could at least get some fun out of it as an arcade racer or perhaps a well-executed Burnout clone. Unfortunately it's such a hodgepodge of gameplay styles and concepts that it never does any one thing well enough to like it. Every time I started to enjoy one aspect of the game it got fragged as it crashed into another aspect of the game. This game's crisis of identity is impossible to ignore and makes the game impossible for me to enjoy.
137 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 17:04
Very underrated game. Solid arcade racer, a good mix of Ridge Racer x Burnout x Split/Second.
Sure it had more potential but it's far from being just one of those mediocre games.
410 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 05:06
Played this on consoles and now on Steam. If you like arcade racers theres a good chance you'll like this, its about as arcady as you can get - very much feels like a coin-op racing game. The game is constantly over the top, with constant boosting, destroying other cars, big booms, and smashing through walls. Some of the negs are limited graphics options, frame rate isnt uncapped, and the timed stunt tracks can be annoying because its hard to play them in a repeatable way (a landing might make your car torque on you just because of ground geometry). Its also much different from older ridge racer titles, just expect that when going in. Overall I think its still a good value for the sale price if you like arcade racers.
966 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 00:32
* Enjoyable heavy and drifty driving - kinda reminds me of the Driver series, especially the third installment
* City vibe
* Variety of tracks
* Lighting and reflections - especially in the City Center
* Clean HUD - the necessary info is neatly implemented into the environment, only appearing for a brief yet sufficient moment of time
* OST - good mix of different genres of electronic music

* Physics glitches - sometimes a turned over cone is enough to send your car spinning and threshing in the air
* Lack of tutorial - I only figured out how to drift properly (keep pressing the button gradually) after the first stage (City Limits)
* Dead servers -> no multiplayer: a cheap AWS instance would keep the little amount of players left going, why not?!
* Repetitive track blocks - extra variety would be welcome
* Too much debris on the screen - sometimes it becomes frustrating to navigate the streets and the game starts to feel like a maze (hi, City Center!)

Verdict: a cool arcade racer to pick up on sale.
805 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.20 01:14
It's not a very good Ridge Racer game, but it is a fun Burnout/Split Second racer. While the gameplay still involves drifting around corners to an extent, your boost bar increases when you destroy obstacles, draft opponents, and crash other cars. Once it's full you can plow through opponents, crash through walls to create shortcuts and explode track features that will cause other cars to crash.

There's also a fairly decent track creator that runs into two issues: all of the game's online features no longer work (which also includes multiplayer) so you can no longer share your tracks with others, and the AI can't seem to get the hang of some of the more complex layouts you can come up with. Still, it adds some replay value after you're done with all career events.

At any rate, it's fun even if it has a few flaws, so I would wait for a sale if you're interested.
1186 Produkte im Account
224 Reviews
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121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 12:17
This game tries to be like Burnout without any of the fun, design or physics of Burnout. So, you have cars that control terribly, bad level design with boring/annoying elements all over the place, uninspired gameplay, etc.

16 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 15:46
nice game
783 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.20 00:12
It took me exactly 9 minutes to uninstall this garbage.
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 16:56
Very fun to play, nice to play a non sim racing game.
brought it on sale.
well worth the money
161 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 14:37
this game is one of the most fun games ive played yet, give this a shot if you like ridiculous arcade racing games
367 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.19 21:12
I'm not familiar with Ridge Racer franchise as a matter of fact this is my first Ridge Racer game. As far as i know it was arcade racing game without any destruction so i understand why a lot of fan hate this game. Personally though this game is fun solid arcade racing game, it's just trying so hard to be a Burnout clone because the takedown or frag mechanic is terrible but it's still really enjoyable. One of the reason i love this game is the fantastic looking muscle cars specially Nakamura 70 which looks like classic ford mustang. The levels are using the same assets over and over again but i don't really mind actually it's just really repetitive and good thing is you can create your own track with the same assets. so if you like casual chaotic arcade racing like Burnout or Flatout you might want to try this game, it's often discounted, there is a demo for it and the size is only 1.5 GB
128 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.19 16:46
Don't buy this game, its a sin to any Ridge Racer game.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
53.71% 405 349
Release:30.03.2012 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Bugbear Entertainment Ltd. Vertrieb: Namco Bandai Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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