• RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.
  • RIDE 4: Screen zum Spiel RIDE 4.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2020
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Preis Update 08.10.23

Über das Spiel

Sind Sie bereit für das beste Spielerlebnis, das es für Motorradfans gibt?
RIDE 4 wird mit Hunderten von Motorrädern, Dutzenden von Strecken und einem ganz neuen Maß an Realismus Ihren Wettbewerbsgeist wecken.

Wählen Sie aus Hunderten von offiziell lizenzierten Motorrädern und fahren Sie auf Dutzenden von Strecken auf der ganzen Welt, die sorgfältig und mit außergewöhnlicher Detailtreue entworfen wurden! Jedes Objekt wurde ausgehend von CAD-Daten sowie Laser- und 3D-Scans erstellt, um Präzision bis ins kleinste Detail zu erzielen und das beste Zweirad-Rennerlebnis aller Zeiten zu erschaffen.

Erleben Sie ein aufregendes und dynamisches Abenteuer, das durch Ihre Entscheidungen beeinflusst wird, und wählen Sie eigenen Weg von den regionalen Events bis zu den professionellen Ligen. Zeigen Sie Ihre Fahrkünste in herausfordernden Rennen, Fähigkeitstests, Streckentagen und einer Vielzahl von Events. Sie können sogar ein offizieller Testfahrer für die berühmtesten Hersteller werden!

RIDE 4 verfügt über ein völlig dynamisches System für Wetterbedingungen und einen kompletten Tag-Nacht-Zyklus.Erleben Sie Rennen in einem neuen Licht und beweisen Sie, dass Sie unter allen Bedingungen der beste Fahrer sind. Und zum ersten Mal wird der "Endurance"-Modus mit seinen Langstreckenrennen und animierten Boxenstopps Ihre Beharrlichkeit auf die Probe stellen: Erleben Sie eine Welt, in der Strategie der ultimative Bestandteil Ihres Erfolgs ist!

Wir stellen vor: A.N.N.A. (Artificial Neural Network Agent), unser revolutionäres neuronales KI-System, das auf maschinellem Lernen basiert. Fahren Sie gegen schnellere, intelligentere und präzisere Fahrer und treten Sie gegen eine KI an, die menschlicher ist als jemals zuvor!

Fahren Sie Rennen mit Ihrem eigenen Stil! Wählen Sie aus zahlreichen offiziellen Marken das Outfit Ihres Fahrers und passen Sie Ihre Motorräder ästhetisch und mechanisch an. Lassen Sie Ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf und gestalten Sie Helm, Anzug und Motorradlackierung dank unseres neuen Grafikeditors völlig frei.Teilen Sie Ihrer fertigen Kreationen online oder entdecken Sie die besten Designs der Community!

Erfreuen Sie sich an einem Online-Multiplayer-Erlebnis, das dank unserer dedizierten Server umfangreicher als jemals zuvor und ohne Verzögerungen ist.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K / AMD FX-6350
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 960 / GeForce GTX 1050
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8.1 64-Bit or later
  • HD: 43 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-5820K / AMD Ryzen 5 2600
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1060 / Radeon RX 580
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8.1 64-Bit or later
  • HD: 43 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 09:23
Viel zu schwer gemacht
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 18:19
Wie kann man im Endurancemodus das wechseln auf Regenreifen nicht programmieren ?
Da muss ein komplettes Team bei der Entwicklung einfach gepennt haben oder die sind zu doof zum testen -.-
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 13:43
lohnt sich allein schon wegen der Grafik
2651 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 20:50
Nice Game, I like it !!
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 19:00
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 16:54
Als Neu Einsteiger wegen der Grafik das Spiel gekauft.
Jetzt kann ich nur den Registrierungstest immer wieder versuchen.
Es gibt nur eingeschränkte Setting-Funktionen.
Mit Standardsetting für mich keine Möglichkeit die Qualifizierung zu erreichen.
Keine anderen Strecken / Motorräder möglich zum auswählen,
rausgeworfenes Geld.
10 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 20:03
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 19:19
Die Fahrphysik sowie die Grafik sind sehr gut.
Das einzige, was mich stört sind die immer gleichen Motorrad Sounds trotz wechseln des Auspuffes.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 11:25
65 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 14:16
Leider ist das Spiel langweilig also nicht zu empfehlen !!
Keine Supermoto Strecken mehr ,SCHADE !!!
Für mich ist das Spiel ,reine ABZOCKE !!!
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 16:55
Frustrationslevel: Höher als jemals zuvor!
Wenn ihr die vorherigen Titel gespielt und gemeistert habt, könnt ihr es probieren.
Wenn ihr es zum ersten mal spielt, dann lasst es lieber.
Wenn ich viel Glück habe, dann muss ich das Rennen nur 30 mal neustarten, um mal nicht in der ersten Kurve von allen KIs über den Haufen gefahren zu werden.
Und ich frag mich wirklich, was für Bremsen die KIs haben, dass sie an mir vorbeirasen können, während ich bremse und sie sind in der Kurve sogar langsamer als ich, während ich es nur haarscharf überhaupt in die Kurve geschafft habe. Dabei hab ich sogar schon die höchste mögliche Bremsleistung.

Selbst auf dem leichtesten Schwierigkeitsgrad benötigt man eine extrem hohe Frustresistenz
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 17:14
Insgesamt leider nicht so gut wie die Vorgänger:

-Kaum noch Straßen Tracks (wenn ich Rennstrecken fahren will spiel ich MotoGP)
-Es gibt zwar Supermotos aber keine SuMo tracks mehr
-Fehler an den Bikes die trotz Patches nicht behoben werden
- Sounds sind teilweise echt schlecht
-Zum teil echt komisches Fahrverhalten
-Fragwürdige Reifentemperatur Mechanik
-AI der es einfach egal ist wo du fährst, sie wird dich immer abräumen
- Kostenpflichtige DLC,s einfach um noch mehr Geld rauszuholen

Pro :
- Zeitgemäße Grafik
- Gute Optimierung für den PC
- Schöne detailierte Motorrad Modelle
- Zumindest einigermaßen gute Zeitüberbrückung für die Winterpause um Blickführung etc zu trainieren
46 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 12:13
Ich bin oder war RIDE fan seit teil 1 eigntlich schon seit den uralten supberbike teilen noch auf ps3.. ride3 war super.. ride4 war anders aber fahrerisch auf simulation eine gute ecke ansprechender.. alles in allem ganz solide mit den typischen milestone fehlern und bugs.. ducken wird animiert hat aber nur beim drücken wirkung.. bei ride 3 war es andersrum..

jetzt aber der grund warum ich das spiel sowas von zum kotzen finde. letze woche war ein updated welches die ganze neue sim-erfahrung zunichte macht und das spiel sich anfühlt wie RIDE3.. genau dafür hab ich geld bezahlt.. ironie off.. vermutlich um die leute zum kauf von bike-sim experience zu animieren.. ka was bei miolestone läuft aber immer wieder schaffen sie es ein spiel schlechter zu machen.. wenn leuten zu schwer ist macht man nen arcarde game draus welches den ganzen charakter des bikes / spiels nimmt.. keine aufschaukeln, speedwobbels, mehr es fährt wie auf schienen für jeder vollidiot .. schade wer ride 3 hat und keine strecken vermisst braucht den teil wohl nicht kaufen
297 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 22:02
Sehr gutes Motorrad Rennspiel
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 18:35
Ich wünschte es wäre ein echt tolles spiel aber Frust macht sich breit...

Nicht die Lizenzen die soviele zu schwer finden sind das Problem sondern die KI...

Der Schwierigkeitsgrad rechnet nur den Endspeed runter... dies bedeutet auf strecken mit sehr viel high Speed sind 120% Schwierigkeit kein Problem.... bei kurvenreichen strecken sind manchmal 60% schon zuviel weil die Gegner einfach wie auf schienen fahren da kommt man nicht hinterher....

Ausdauer Modus ist auch ein Witz, abgefahrene Reifen betreffen die KI nicht.... Also total sinnlos....
Nordschleife ist da überhaupt das beste... nach jeder runde sollte man in die Box und schon verliert man das rennen... 2 Crashes beim autopilot nur wegen einmal Box... wie soll man da gewinnen? Lächerlich....

Vielleicht in nem Jahr wieder wenn das was versprochen wurde geliefert wird... so wie die sagenumwobene lernende KI.... HAHA

spiel ich lieber wieder Motogp20 auf 120% Schwierigkeit
190 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 11:14
Grundsätzlich kann man Ride4 empfehlen. Das Gameplay ist ordentlich und die Events sind durchaus Abwechslungsreich.
Ich werde mal einige Punkte aufzählen, die man vor dem Kauf beachten sollte.

1. Die Fahrphysik wurde stark überarbeitet! Leute die wie in Ride3 fahren, werden dauernd Stürzen ( so wie ich auch am Anfang ).
Ich war nach den ersten 3 Stunden soweit das Spiel nicht mehr anzurühren, aber wenn man versteht wie man bremsen muss, wann man einzulenken hat, nicht ständig zwischen Vollgas und Bremsen wechselt, dann macht das Fahren mehr Spaß als in den Vorgängern.

2. Eine Außnahme des oben angeführten Punkts, sind leider die Supermoto Rennen. Als jemand der selbst Supermoto gefahren ist, habe ich die Rennen in Ride2 geliebt. Alles fühlte sich richtig an, Driften funktionierte einwandfrei auf den engen Strecken. Dann kam Ride3, welches bei besseren Strecken für diese Klasse, leider die Fahrphysik völlig versemmelt hat. Das lag vor allem an der schlechten Hinterradbremsen Physik, die sich durch alle Ride3 Klassen zog.
(Nun mein größter Kritikpunkt und die größte Enttäuschung an Ride4 !) Hätte man die Supermotos in Ride4 völlig entfernt, wäre es mir lieber gewesen, als diesen Schatten seiner selbst zu sehen. Fahrphysik ist im Grunde die eines Naked Bikes und es gibt keine engen Supermoto Strecken mehr, geschweige denn Offroad Passagen. Es macht mich traurig diesem vorher lustigen Modus langsam beim sterben zuzusehen.

3. Der Endurance Mode hingegen ist richtig gut geworden. Ich hatte nicht erwartet soviel Spaß mit diesen Rennen zu haben. Vor allem die dynamischen Tag-Nacht, sowie die dynamischen Wetter Wechsel, machen diesen Modus zu meinem Favoriten in Ride4. Auch wenn das Verhältnis von Tankinhalt zu Reifen Verschleiß etwas seltsam ist.

4. Der Livery Editor ist so ziemlich perfekt. Einen Großteil meiner Spielzeit habe ich in diesem verbracht weil es so viel Laune macht.
Es gibt nur 2 Verbesserungsvorschläge Meinerseits. Es sollte eine Milestone Originale Lederkombi geben welche man Vollständig ''bekleben'' kann. ( Beine, Arme, Lenden, usw. ) Es sollte möglich sein einen Sticker als eine einzige Ebene abspeichern zu können. ( z.B. ein selber gemachtes Red Bull Logo verbraucht nur mehr 1 Ebene auf dem Motorrad und nicht mehr 150. )

5. Die Anzahl der Motorräder ist leider stark geschrumpft zum Vorgänger. Es reicht zwar immer noch für die am meisten verwendeten Fahrzeugklassen (Sport, Renn), aber wer hier eine Vielfalt wie in Ride3 erwartet wird Leider enttäuscht. Hier wird man vor allem durch gratis und bezahl DLC's nachbessern. Da aber alle Modelle von Grund auf neu gemacht werden für dieses Spiel, sollte das zu verkraften sein.

6. Was die Rennstrecken betrifft gibt es hier auch wieder Positives und Negatives. Wie bereits erwähnt fehlen die Supermoto Strecken. Leider vermisse ich auch den Ulster Road Racing Kurs und den Autodromo Vallelunga, da ich diese Strecken sehr mochte. Dafür kamen durch Suzuka, Tsukuba, Mugello und ein paar anderen neue tolle Strecken dazu.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 10:32
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 23:44
Die Produktpolitik von Milestone ist abartig. Viele Motorräder und Strecken werden per kostenpflichtige DLC nachgeliefert und auch das Tuning wurde im Gegensatz zu ride 3 deutlich abgespeckt. Es fühlt sich einfach nur wie ein halbes Spiel an. Ganz zu schweigen von dem fehlenden Polish des Games. Es macht den Eindruck, dass nur Amateure dieses Spiel entwickelt haben und richtig getestet wurde auch nicht. Z.B. Jedes mal bei einer Time-Attack Quest muss man der KI 15s beim fahren zusehen, bis man selber ans Steuer darf. Das ist vorallem bei vielen Versuchen nervig. Die Karriere ist eine lose aneinanderknüpfung von aufgaben, die nach und nach freigschalten und einfach im menü ausgewählt und abgearbeitet werden. Vorallem für anfänger kann die anfangsphase sehr frustrierend sein. Die Bewegungen der Fahrer bei S-Kruven sind unnatürlich. Die Helme sind überproportional groß. Es gibt kein geführtes-Setup wie bei MotoGP20 wobei diese Mechanik doch einfach hätte übernommen werden können. Die Motorräder der KI sind nicht immer gut balanciert. trotz fehlerfreier fahrt ist es nicht möglich dran zu bleiben (ich hab schon viele Stunden in Motorradrennspiele versenkt). Aus irgendeinem Grund gibt es endurance-rennen, was auch massiv beworben wurde. ich frag mich nur warum, weil die meisten eh nicht mehr als 5 runden rennen fahren. In MotoGP20 gibt es ein gut funktionierendes Reifenverschleiß system, bei der sich z.B. die linke flanke mehr abnutzen/erhitzen kann als die rechte. In Ride 4 gibts das nur noch in einfacher form. Der Reifen verschleißt als ganzes. Es gibt einfach keine Qualifying in der Karriere, man startet auf einem willkürlichem Platz. Dann gibt es Grafikfehler bei den KI-Fahren beim Rennstreckentag. Bei vielen Motorradmodellen stimmen Proportionen nicht (die Tauchrohre der CBR600RR Gabel sind halb so lang wie die gesamte gabel) usw. usw.

Es gibt noch vieles mehr, auch wenn manches nur kleinigkeiten sind, aber in der Summe trübt es extrem den Spielspaß. Das Spiel fesselt mich persönlich kein bisschen und macht keinen Spaß. Die Karriere ist keine, denn man baut sich als Fahrer nichts auf. Man klappert nur eine Aufgabe nach der anderen ab um neue Aufgaben freizuschalten (wow). Es gibt kein drumherum und tamtam. Der einzige Fortschritt ist, dass man sich mehr motorräder kaufen kann. Aber ohne Kostenpflichtiges Credit-Multiplier kann das etwas dauern, bis man sich tolle bikes leisten kann .

Milestone gibt mir das gefühl, dass sie mit geringstem Aufwand maximalen Profit erzielen wollen. Dabei sollten sie nach 3 Teilen schon erfahrung haben was die Spieler wollen. Doch dem ist vermutlich wirklich nicht so. Dabei ist MOTOGP20 ein hervorragendes Rennspiel, das nur zu empfehlen ist. Aber wahrscheinlich ist MOTOGP20 einfach nur besser weil es in der zusammenarbeit mit der DORNA entsteht und diese auf Qualität wert legt und diese dann auch prüft. Aber Ride 4 wirkt wie hingekackt und ohne jede passion für das Motorradfahren und tolles gamen entwickelt. Ride 4 ist den kauf auf keinen fall wert. Wer eine tolle Motorrad simulation sucht wird mit MOTOGP20 viel glücklicher und wer gerne Straßenmotorräder fahren und tunen will, der ist mit Ride 3 deutlich besser bedient. Denn das Spiel ist billiger. Es gibt mehr Motorräder und mehr tuningmöglichleiten und in diesem Spiel wurden nicht sinnlos Resourcen in die Entwcklung eines Spielmodus gesteckt, den eh keiner spielt (endurance) und dafür der fokus auf die wichtigen dinge gelegt
86 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 23:37
Ich kann mich einigen Kritiken nicht anschließen. Für mich persönlich ist RIDE 4 das beste RIDE, was es bisher gab.

Entgegen einiger Stimmen gefällt mir die Struktur der Karriere richtig gut. Ich finde die Lizenzen zwar teilweise fordernd, aber sowas sollte teilweise in Spielen vorhanden sein. Auch, dass man zunächst in der Regionalliga anfängt, sich dann in die Weltliga hocharbeitet, um dann in der World Superbike League und World Endurance League zu landen, mega gut. Auch die ganzen Nebenevents gefallen mir und wechseln den Alltag im Spiel für mich ab.

Auf der Piste macht das Spiel für mich eine gute Figur. Das Fahrverhalten braucht zwar ein bisschen Eingewöhnungszeit, aber wenn man drin ist, macht das Spiel eine Menge Spaß. Das einzige, was mich stört, sind die viel zu harschen Track Limits an vielen Strecken. Auch die KI ist teilweise mega doof (Vorallem in Runde 1), kann aber teilweise auch normal drauf sein, wie man es erwarten würde.

Der Multiplayer war bei mir relativ stabil, nur bräuchte ich noch mehrere Spieler, die während des Rennens in der Lobby bleiben würden.

Die Bikeauswahl finde ich ganz in Ordnung. Das Tuning hätte man meiner Meinung nach nicht vereinfachen müssen, da mir das Tuning in RIDE 3 gefallen hat. Das ganz große Plus bei mir ist die Streckenauswahl, die nun auch endlich Strecken wie Interlagos, Suzuka oder Mosport beinhaltet. Nur finde ich es schade, dass es immer weniger Straßenkurse gibt, die auf echten Straßen basieren (wie z.B. Garda Lake oder so aus RIDE 3).

Auch ganz cool ist der überarbeitete Ausdauerrennenmodus. Ich finde es cool, dass man nun endlich auf seine Reifen und auf sein Benzin aufpassen sollte. Auch ist es löblich, dass es nun dynamisches Wetter und dynamische Tageszeit gibt (etwas, was GT Sport immernoch nicht hat btw).

Grafisch sieht das Spiel gut aus. Man merkt, dass Milestone nun eine gewisse Erfahrung mit der Unreal Engine 4 hat. Mir gefallen die Lichteffekte und vorallem die Regeneffekte. Auch die Bikes sind wunderbar detailliert. Soundtechnisch gefallen mir die Motorensounds auch. Nur der Soundtrack ist eher meh.

Fazit: Mit RIDE 4 liefert Milestone ihr wohl bestes RIDE Spiel ab. Ich gehe sogar so weit und behaupte, dass RIDE 4 eines der besten Rennspiele in diesem Jahr ist. Nur hoffe ich, dass sie noch etwas an der KI ändern und die Track Limits anpassen. Ansonsten mag ich das Spiel sehr. Auch, weil mich das Spiel teilweise mal fordert.
247 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 21:01
When you accept the challenge to master the licenses with all this annoying time attack races then you have here a fantastic racing game.
It has got the best graphic, sound and physic in the whole RIDE franchise.
In the beginning this game is very hard but after you have got achieved the needed licenses this game makes a lot of fun. I have seen only very small but no game breaking bugs so far.

The only negative points are that I miss my beloved Ducati Streetfighter 848 wich was included in the older RIDE games and that they will later leech your money pocket with a lot of DLC's...
96 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 10:27
Ich liebe dieses Spiel aber man kommt nicht in den Genuss das ganze Spiel zu nutzen.Irgend wann im Spiel hängt man fest weil man die Lizence nicht schafft ( Langstreckenlizence Zeitrennen Nordschleife mit ein Motorad was einen immer abwirft wenn man schnell fährt )
-muss gepatcht werden-
Lizensen leichter machen das auch schwache Spieler das volle Spiel nutzen können sonst hat man nur ein halbes Spiel gekauft

Fazit: Ein sehr gutes Motorad Spiel wenn die Lizecen nicht wären

Ich werde die Rezension positive bewerten wenn das gepatch wird.

I love this game, but you don't get the benefit of using the whole game. At some point in the game you get stuck because you can't get the license (long-distance license Zeitrennen Nordschleife with a motorcycle which always throws you off when you drive fast)
-must be patched-
Licenses make it easier for even weak players to use the full game otherwise you only have to buy half a game

Conclusion: A very good motorcycle game if it weren't for the licenses

I will rate the review positively when it is patched.
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 08:35
Spiel macht mir sehr viel Spaß, erinnert mich stark an die alten Gran Turismo Rennspiele. Die Lizenzen sind für Casual Spieler sehr fordernd aber nach einpaar Stunden ist man voll drin und sobald man die Strecken auswendig kennt ist es kein Problem mehr und mann ist im Rausch der Geschwindigkeit. Die Motorräder sehen einfach schick aus und fahren sich auch gut, jedes auf seine Art und Weise. Grafik ist das beste was man zurzeit bei Motorrad Rennspielen bekommen kann.
Es gibt viele Leute die das Game schlecht reden weil es kein Hardcore-Simulation ist und diese Leute überfluten hier alles mit negativen Bewertungen und meckern wie verrückt im ComunityHub. Aber mir war von Anfang an klar auf was ich mich da einlasse, da es hunderte Videos in YT gibt. Wer dieses spiel als ARCADE bezeichnet sollte mal Googeln was Arcade spiele sind. Ich würde es vom Spielprinzip mit Project Cars vergleichen, das heißt wenn ARCADE bei 0 ist und Simulation bei 10 dann ist RIDE4 irgendwo bei 7 oder 8. Anders kann ich es nicht erklären. Ich bin selber Motorradfahrer seit vielen Jahren und würde dieses Spiel sogar Leuten empfehlen die nie Motorrad gefahren sind um das Gefühl zu erfahren und etwas fürs zukünftige Biker-Leben zu lernen.(ja das geht mit diesem spiel). Trotz einpaar kleinen Bugs empfehle ich dieses Game bedenkenlos weiter an Leute die einfach gas geben wollen und nicht gleich losmeckern wegen jeder Kleinigkeit die nicht akkurat umgesetzt wurde. TOP RACING GAME!!!
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 21:07
Zunächst möchte ich anmerken, dass ich ein sehr erfahrener Spieler bin und in Ride 2 und 3 ohne Probleme es in die weltweite Top 100 Rangliste geschafft habe und daher das Spiel relativ gut analysieren kann.


- Zu Beginn ist der Karrieremodus unglaublich schwierig.
- Der Fahrer hat einen extrem schmalen Körperbau, wodurch einige Helme deutlich zu groß aussehen
- Um eine Challenge neuzustarten, welche nebenbei bemerkt auch extrem schwer sind und sich unmittelbar nach einem Sturz oder leichtes Berühren der Grasflächen von selbst abbrechen, bedarf es viel Geduld, da es durch die Zwischensequenzen und dem Autopilot nahezu 15-20 Sekunden Wartezeit entsteht. Hört sich zunächst nicht viel an, doch führt man sich vor Augen, dass Goldzeiten nur durch fast fehlerfreie Runden erreichbar sind und der kleinste Fehler zum Abbruch führt, was durch die schwerläufige Lenkung stark begünstigt wird, hab ich im Endeffekt mehr Wartezeit als effektive Spielzeit. Bitte einen Quick Restart einführen.

146 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 18:33
Remember those blue spiky turtle shells in Mario Kart that always gunned you down from first to last place on the last corner of the race?

Well, now they're in this game and have two wheels, waiting for the right moment to nail you from behind and let their other two wheeled friends fly by.

Revolutionary neural AI my @$%.

Otherwise than that frustration, it's a major step up from Ride 3. Love the new user menus and menu music. Contrary to what some may think, I find less motorcycles in the game with more details makes a better experience overall, and less overwhelming. Trimming the fat is a good thing every once in a while. Controls feel less responsive at first, but is corrected by installing race suspension and tires first. Then just pick soft tires if the race is short enough and tune the suspension accordingly. Lowering front ride height can help a LOT.

I still think Ride 2 is better.
58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 18:09
268 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 23:52
amazing ride
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 22:43
Dope. As far as i know.
98 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 12:42
This is basically the dark souls of racing games. And thats why i like it, super satisfying
229 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 21:36
Five hours in, and I can't recommend this game.

The learning curve is extreme, and that isn't always a bad thing, but there are some design choices from the game developers that were really annoying.

Let me get this out of the way. The graphics are really good. Replay's are fun to watch. The sense of speed is there, and it really comes to life in some of the camera angles available. Customization is really awesome, except for the fact that customizing helmets does not allow you to overwrite the helmet logos. Also, the rewind feature probably saved my controller/wall/monitor. It's much better then the one in Forza, where you rewind up to a certain point, which could end up ruining your perfect line from a turn before. In this game, you control how far you rewind, and there is also a nice little slow motion assist to get you back up to speed, giving you time to get your controls where you want them.

Easy mode isn't. The AI set to easy is so much better at taking lines then you. I set the assists settings to max, and it really was more of a hindrance then a help. According to the assists, my biker will automatically break, lean forward, lean back, and help me in my race. This would be great, normally, but really it seems that Ideal racing lines do not change based on the bike you have. In some cases, when it tells you to brake it's outright lying. At one point, there was this massive wide turn, and my biker was constantly breaking. All through the turn, the AI were just jamming past me, putting me from third to eighth. Then at the end of the turn, it told me I really needed to break hard at the start of a half-mile strait away, causing me to go from eighth to last place. I turned off assists, and was able to make that same turn without breaking at all during the turn Afterwards, I sped out of the turn putting me in first place, and yes it was telling me to break at the start of the strait-away. I ignored it.

Now lets talk about the AI. The first race I did, I had all the assists on, I had the AI set to easy, and I had the starting bike. The race begins, and I start moving forward. Some of the bikes ahead of me just take off way faster then me. While I'm thinking that I probably have to work on my RPM's at the start of a race, one of the AI's behind me slams into the back of my bike, causing a massive pile up of bikes and bodies all over the pavement. There was no one by me, tons of room to go around. Honestly, I laughed, but when it happened again on my third race, I was already tired of it. However, when they are racing, they are following racing lines way better then you on easy. There were times where I felt I was doing well, and getting a feel for the game, when the next three riders ahead of me where the same 3 dots for several laps, and I just couldn't catch up to them. This was after me rewinding over and over again to get better cornering lines. About the only time I was ever able to catch up to AI was on long strait-away's, and for the life of me, I couldn't get the controls to behave in any realistic way.

Easy mode isn't.
Learning curve is high, and very unforgiving.
The 'assists' are way more a hindrance then a help.
AI is poor, and will slam into from behind like the bike wants to mate.
125 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 18:16
What I hate the most is the removal of many bikes which were in Ride 3.
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
8368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 15:56
Very good simulation game. Would be better if the nordschleiffe was more realistic. Also please include multiplayer endurance racing....we want pitstops and fuel tactics maann
235 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
5167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 17:14
Enjoyable. The physics are good but the sounds are repetitive on the bikes, which reduces the fun factor for me a bit. Otherwise fully recommended with some sort of controller and on sale.
95 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 09:33
Great step forward from Ride 3. The physics in this game feel great compared to Motogp21 n Ride 3. I feel like they almost nailed a perfect balance although some things could probably be changed like more settings etc. As for content the game has the potential to be massive if it had a free roam option. Just a small city with free roam would be amazing. Ride 5 having free roam will make this game a one of a kind as no other motorcycle game currently has free roam with this level of detail.
TLDR; Great motorcycle game - IMO best on market besides Motogp21 if u like motogp.
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 08:13
Be aware that youre buying a very limited version of the game. To enjoy the full game you need to purchase all of the DLC packs, other than that its a nice game the price is unreasonable.
51 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 18:27
tlan fua2,tlu fua2
142 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 18:50
As someone that actually races motorcycles at the track, I have to say that the beginning time playing this game is rather frustrating. The game is EXTREMELY slow transitioning for turns and the braking is like it's constantly fading. I even turned on aides to see when the game suggested I brake and it takes even longer than the game suggests. The AI seem to have much better transitions and braking making it REALLY hard to get a feel for the game and enjoy it.

The reviews for this game are REALLY good however, so I'm guessing once you get better parts it'll feel more like a real bike does but I did want to point this flaw out in case you actually race bikes and are disappointed at first. Especially those slow transitions...they are just brutal. If I took that long to set up and execute turns, I'd be in the hospital every day I rode; it's that frustrating.

edit: Finally figured out how to upgrade parts and it DOES feel more accurate. Braking is still weak compared to what I'm used to but close enough for a game. I finally figured out my main issue though and it's lack of precision control using a controller. I noticed on controllers I oversteer instead of smooth movements so I'm guessing part of the problem is actually ME not being able to smoothly use the thumbsticks which you need to do in this game. I'll update the review if I'm ever able to improve.
162 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 21:42
I fucking love this game!

Its very difficult but once you start getting the gold medals you get mad kicks off the game.
36 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 16:13
need skill and knowledge
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 01:03
Stops loading. I get 2 thick black lines at the top and bottom of the screen when I try to start the game. Sick of reinstalling.
9 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 19:56
Terrible game. The previous RIDE was cr@p but enjoyable, this one is has better graphics but is worse to play. Yet again they've managed to make riding a digital bike harder than a real one. I ignored the reviews when buying this because i'd already completed the previous one and knew i liked it, but honestly i'd take a refund any day.
Not worth your time or money, do not buy.
21 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 11:02
nice game
647 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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3025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 00:35

100% Achivements only if you also buy the DLCs....This is madnes. I am so dissapointed.

You really can go suck a **** milestone. Why charge the full price if I have to take double the money to COMPLETE the game? How retarded is this?

This, and only this, is the reason for this.

You suck.
55 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 23:27
No matter what skill level you put the AI rides on, they seem to always be expert and impossible to beat. If you pick this game up, be prepared to run the same track over and over until perfection is achieved.

UPDATE: Ok, I have figured it out. If you are having issues, load into the track and change your ABS, AW, and TCS settings (using the Dpad on an xbox controller). They default to level 3. I put them all to 1 and bang, now the game is fun again. I guess having those settings on 3 really reduces the bikes ability to run.
393 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 03:01
Need to reduce difficulty, VERY EASY is still way too challenging.
14 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 00:06
bike goes nuts
93 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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2850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 18:51
Ai players, unrewarding physics, poorly thought out events and double price DLC on steam make this a hard pass.
114 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 21:38
I ride motorcycles in real life on the road and on the track. I don't care about graphics or a career mode. I just want a motorcycle simulation. And as that Ride 4 fails.

It's alright as a game when you just want to do cool stuff on virtual motorcycles, but when you're looking to actually get a believeable riding experience, look elsewhere. The bikes are virtually uncrashable as long as you keep them on the tarmac (I played without any driving aids and set the brake settings to aggressive).

It looks pretty though and the amount of content is really impressive.
353 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 10:00
the graphic is stunning, the handling, not much different than ride 3, but the career mode not as easy as before. buy it if you are true rider IRL..
419 Produkte im Account
156 Reviews
3670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 22:42

Wiggle that booty on the bike.

No not that way… If you’re used to car racing games, this game does take some time to getting used to. You need to steer into a corner earlier due to the body weight of the rider.


* All bikes feel different.
* Good handling (once used to it).
* There are a lot of Bikes.
* Customization is decent.
* Can make own liveries or download.
* Can go quite deep into tuning of the bikes.


* Lack of tracks/circuits.
* AI rather bad it’s not aware you exist.
* Difficulty level is not consistent, it can swing heavily both ways.

Overall it’s a fun and the handling feel solid, it takes however some time to get used to it.
The AI really needs fine tuning. You’ll also end up racing a lot on the same tracks/circuits, would be nice with more.

Rate this 7.5/10 – Wait for sale.
62 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 19:24
Nice ~ Hv Fun ~ ~
213 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 21:48
Flat out with your rat out.
41 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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5116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 00:10
It happened before when i had around 10 hours that after a game crash the data failed to load and i lost all my progress, i didn't mind since i was just starting now at 77 hours it happened again, i was so far in the career mode and saving up money and to start from zero its just insane i didn't get to finish the game, and i wont be playing it anymore unless a fix for this and a way to get my progress back appears out of thin air.
188 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 23:24
Difficult to the point of being a chore to play beyond 30 minutes. There is no fun to be had with the racing itself and should you find yourself actually able to post up a decent time on a race or challenge it is astonishingly unrewarding. The AI are far too difficult to race against and arent programmed to detect you, they will consistently ram into you on corners because they cant see you. There are barely any courses and no visually interesting courses barring like two of them. The events and trials are awful and do not fit the game at all. To restart a track you must sit through 10-20 seconds of autopilot before you can attempt the race again. This is annoying when youre trying to master the first 10 seconds of the race itself, and becomes a nightmare when you're forced to restart almost 15 times over the course of the longer races. The bike customization is nonexistant and there is no way to just ride what the fuck you want to ride without accumulating the credits in the career to buy each and every bike. The whole game is a mess and I can't believe GTAV is still the best moto racer game on the market for people who just want to hop on and race without all the gimmicks and 400 hour learning curve.

Gameplay sucks
No free ride
No quickplay
Career mode sucks
Physics are laughable
Difficulty and balancing is laughable

Racing motorcycles in real life is by far easier than it is in Ride 4. Enough said.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 16:14
The game is good BUT... the AI pretty much ruin the enjoyment of racing offline. I haven't finished a race yet without being crashed in to by an AI rider taking an unrealistic lunge or dive-bomb up the inside or just riding into me on a straight. The gameplay is good but the enjoyment is completely destroyed by not being able to have a competitive race in the field as it's pretty much guaranteed you'll be taken out. An option to turn off collisions offline would make it better.
8108 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 14:22
Ride 4 is much better then ride 1,2,3. In how the bike rides and handles and the game does look better then ride 3, Not sure why all the hate but the only thing i can find a bit hard with is even on easy the ai can be really hard on some track then on other track on easy it super duper to easy, Other then that this is the best ride game in the series so far .
47 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 12:31
Really nice game, its really fun, I don't like that I have to pay so much money just to drive some bikes that I would love to drive :(. I would love to see a more active News Page, there are updates coming out but its not telling me what is new what changed etc.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 03:55
Graphics budget: 90%
Physics budget: 2%
Sound budget: 1%
11 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 14:06
good game but rider physics need to improve. rider leans too slow and it annoys. anti wheelie and traction control can be improved. doesn't feel realistic. anti wheelie intrudes even at 5th gear. and especially brakes r a joke. braking should definitely be improved. but overall fun game
118 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 15:22
I was such a massive fan of Ride 2 because of how less it was a riding simulator and more of a video game that a mere 125cc scooter rider like me can enjoy. Ride 3 felt built from the ground up to cater to sport bike riders and Ride 4 is just Ride 3 with better graphics. Noobs like me can set the riding aids to everything auto except Automatic Brakes and ABS, but the grind to get CR and move from category to category is too tedious, it gets boring especially when you race to win while rewinding at least 10 times a lap. Thank God I only got this on sale.
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 15:19
Let's get the Dislikes out of the way first, as there aren't many.

1/ I'd rather not see 'Locked' items in the menu, making me think I've only purchased half the game. I'm 48, I'll get the add-ons I want.
2/ It'd be great if the electronic aids settings were auto-saved for each bike (TCS, etc).
3/ The MV F4's have a hideous high-pitched noise when off the throttle/braking.
4/ A choice of a single, high-powered RM or EM (if that's your thing), when running the game for the first time would be great. Though technically this is a Wish List thing.

That's it really. Some other very mild annoyances, but nothing significant.

Bottom line: There are enough rider aids & settings to cater to more or less any player. So, if you have any interest in motorcycles, racing (time trials etc) & gaming, then I cannot recommend this enough. A++

Already one of my favourite games of all time. Cheers!
209 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 21:04
The learning curve is steep even to pass the first tests, meaning the majority of the game is locked out via really tedious time trials that are very difficult, i banged my head against the first one for hours. AI attempts to kill you if they get a chance.
Handles nothing like riding a real bike, so if you do ride forget all the do's and dont's of cornering in the real world.
17 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 16:32
Its just annoying enough not to be fun. I loved no 1 and played it from start to finish when it launched. Din't enjoy 2. Skipped 3. Should have skipped 4 too. Its not fun. It becomes a chore to play it. You will end up having to force yourself to play it, just to justify the money you spent on it. Got it on a huge special and I still regret buying it.
46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 23:24
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:39
bike go vroom vroom
5782 Produkte im Account
372 Reviews
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154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 07:05
I had high hopes, and they were all dashed. Time attacks and overtakes are what I hate most in Ride games and this is pretty much just those to ever progress through. HELL NO.

Graphics are quite nice, but the gameplay is kind of the important part.

105 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 09:18
Ride 4 is just a huge letdown, compare to Ride 3 (in my own experience)

The only thing i can approve is the graphics, the rest is just a downgrade from Ride 3, for me especially the UI and BGM.
Ride 3 is better.
213 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 05:58
The game does a terrible job of translating motorcycle riding to a controller. They tried to over do it and make the game more realistic. In the end the terrible game physics make you rage and want to ride your motorcycles in real life in order to forget about this piece of 5hit.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 14:19
I love this game but when i was play now the top speed of the bikes were very slowed , it feels like all the bike lost power at 5th gear , pls fix it
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1838 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 14:41
Absolutely in love with the physics and playing with a controller takes it into a whole different level. Definitely the best motorcycle simulator out there. However, the AI is utter trash. If you do an early brake into the corner, the rider at the back just follows it's line and crashes into you. That's the most annoying part of this game. There's another major disappointment, in Endurance mode, you can't select slicks or wet tires. For example, if you are starting on a wet track and eventually the track dries up then you can't go to the pits and change into slicks. And the headlights don't work at night during Endurance mode. I don't think enough time has been invested in game testing. However, it IS the best motorcycle simulator out there. The physics is just mind blowing and that's what keeps me hooked to this game.
95 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 17:43
pretty fun, got one hell of a learning curve if you are just getting into the ride series, i had to spend 10 hours at least, just to get the basic controls down. its a steep learning curve but possible if you have patience and a controller.
126 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 20:37
+ New handling
+ Fresher UI

- Same tracks (Almost)
- Too few selections of bikes
- Just rince and repeat riding with different cc or higher number of rounds

Wishes for RIDE5:
- Open world with real selections of famous roads preferably point to point
- Both on- and offroad tracks
- Much higher selections of bikes, and all types of, i.e Crusiers, Touring, Sport-touring, Dual-sports

100 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 01:26
I had high hopes for this game, I had not played the Ride series before but I've enjoyed a number of car racing games over the years and as a biker I was pleased to see a bike racing game with impressive visuals etc. Unfortunately the game physics are counter-intuitive to anyone that rides and the difficulty level of the license tests (whose completion is required to progress into racing leagues, which consequentially I cannot elaborate on) are absurdly difficult. I've happily flown phantom class in Wipeout HD Fury and spun up in the wet riding over the mountain at Cadwell Park in real life without crashing.. yet neither my reflexes nor technique will get me past the CBR600RR4 @ Mugello license test after 2 hours of attempts.

Note: Worthy mention/credit where it's due however, it looks superb and the faithful replication of the bike models is spot in (I've owned said CBR and currently own a Ducati 1098 and can't see a polygon out of place on them in game)
33 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 18:44
shitty and unrealistic i dont recommend it
396 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 17:36
I have been playing Milestone's motorcycle games for years. There's nothing in this game's incremental improvements that made the game more fun to play. The career mode lacks anything compelling to keep you engaged. The graphics are somewhat improved, but the rest of the game needs work.
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 13:08
its a 'okey' game for the different bikes but the gameplay itself can be better, u can put TC off but still u have tracion controll (tires don't slide out when u give to mush gas) etc etc.
122 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 21:22
its just a great game
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 08:39
very not realistic, this game is JANCOK
44 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 18:21
Graphics are nice but the game is extremely hard to play. Even at easiest settings, no way to enjoy..
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 16:39
AI is too difficult even on the easy setting they take the corners like on rails which is so annoying. This needs sorting out asap. Where is the brake caliper upgrades gone too ? the bikes feel really heavy and turn too slow. Disappointed with this game I cannot believe I purchased this garbage although I should have known better buying a Milestone game. I hope another games company takes over the making of the Ride games as Milestone always are spoiling this game every time they make a new Ride game. Also way too many time attacks in this game as per usual which spoils it too, total crap.
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 00:06
Are you a professional superbike racer? Do you have the finest of motor skills? Can you race for 20 minutes straight only to crash on the last lap and lose it all? If you answered yes to all of these questions then buy this game. Otherwise buy a ps2 and play tourist trophy its just as realistic but way more fun.
107 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 14:34
9 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 18:19
idk i loved r2 on ps4 got ride 4 for pc ad really wasent feeling it ai dont care about u they will just ram u i love all the bikes they have but im going to have to refund it i just really was not happy with ride 4 and there is no salt flats drag that sucks
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 03:30
This is definitely not first timer friendly. AI doesn't care if it's going to bump to the rider in front. AI has no safety concern to avoid other riders or to slow down. Definitely not realistic at all. Just a hard game. I want a refund.
668 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 23:47
Unfortunatelly the game is really frustrating. They added new annoying issues on top of those present in Ride 3.
- No difficulty scaling in time trials.
- If I want to replay a track and I want to get any 'profit' from the current run I need to get through 3 screens and more loading time than if I just decided to rerun the track without getting anything.
- If I want to upgrade my bike between races I have to (you guessed it) leave the career mode, go to my garage and then reenter the career.
- They really work hard on ideas how to make you remember it's a game and stop any immersion from happening. In Ride 3 it was nicks of opponents instead of real names (which, thank god, they patched), now it's woman winning most races.... Can you please add the option to choose either men or women to race. I do prefer to race as a women and compete with other women, than to see this farce (Because it just does not happen in real life). It's a really sad move.
- The 'Autopilot' is sometimes really long (again), which is annoying if you try a given time trial after lousing the first turn up (5 times in a row...).

I really love the racing, the bikes and the tracks, which makes me really angry that the above mentioned 'technical' issues cause by poor decision making mar the experience.
37 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 12:25
I've always been a bike racing games fan, from MotoRacer days. This is the Best Bike racing game out there, and yes its unforgiving thats the best part about it.
123 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 21:26
>Driving a 40 minutes endurance race (Brazil)
>Starts to rain (wow, seems to be an interesting race)
>Bots are going to pit, to change to wet tyres
>I'm going to the pit, and there's NO RAIN TIRES available! Only S/M/H
>Are you f* joking devs?

The game is alright overall, but it still feels like Ride 3 was better (better LODs, more different events, better menu/career). Physics is much harder here, but it's alright.
40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 11:50
too hard core , i cant get a license
82 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 22:13
I really enjoyed Ride 3 and had great expectations for this game but it is just a grind. Any enjoyment of trying to go for a good time is sucked out by the fact that you only need to stray off the track by a fraction to invalidate the next lap. What is the point? =
304 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 20:35
- The bikes are about as nimble as a drunken hippo.
- The bikes are about as agile as a 70 year old elephant.
- The bikes have a turning circle of Jupiter.
- Tree shadows pop-in right in front your eyes (even on maximum settings)
- Trees pop-in and change brightness and look buggy.
- The tracks are far from laser scanned and show it. The curbs are all wrong (unless they change them for bike events) compared to other sims.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 17:55
This edition of Ride is probably my favorite so far. It can be very realistic if you would like.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
704 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 17:13
10000/100 best bike game
1093 Produkte im Account
120 Reviews
6182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 15:22
Ride 4 is one of the best motorcycle racing games ever. Visually great and superb in terms of handling, Milestone did a great job delivering a fantastic experience on the track. The career is a little bit underwhelming in terms of design, but the game is still great to play.

69 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 09:20
First off lets start with this, day 1 DLC is a complete insult !!!! Dont do that. unless your base game is cheap... but no! the base price is $50!!! Greatly disappointing from the get go. Next is politics of bikes. I get it, you are an italian company but for the love of everything holly HALF the bikes are Ducati and MV agusta ! What the actual ...... What happened to the EBR 1190 RX!??!?!?!??!?! BRING IT BACK !!! you had it in RIDE (1) !!! import it, update the polygons and textures.. wont take that long ! even as a DLC bring it back and do your research! there is an amazing selection of motorcycles that you are not featuring..... um the suzuki TL1000 is another example ....!! You can tell who sponsored this game by just looking at the bike selection.

ok done ranting now serious stuff. Dont buy this game and expect to play it with keyboard... wont happen. I just ordered a controller and will report back on physics and handling once i can complete a lap ....

The good:
Its beautiful. it really really really is !! Unreal engine underneath and gorgeous textures on top !! The bikes do look proportionally correct and are a joy to behold !! visually its stunning. the helmet and POV cams are amazing, feels like you really are riding the bloody thing... its just brilliant !!!

I have a feeling that ones i get to explore more of the tracks and events there will be more positive to say here

The bad:
Impossible to play with keyboard but thats not unexpected so ...maybe not so much of a con.
Some sound choices are weird., I know its hard to make engine noise good in a video game but this has a 1993 car game feel to it. there is no inertia to the sound like a real engine would sound, just instantaneous note changes ...

also the bike selection ....... you guys missed the mark, and i am not the only one here complaining about it... seriously there is probably 30 ducati models !! not exaggerating ! oh and they missed the MV agusta SENNA edition?? like, really ?

it gets a NO for 1st day DLC. That should be banned with a law somehow total cashgrab move. Next bike selection sucks, however if you are like me; bored in the winter months while the bike sits in the garage freezing...... this is a great way to have some fun. Just dont take this game too seriously ....
74 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 17:31
extremely unforgiving game, very difficult compared to ride3. for me restarting the same race over and over to try and get in the tiny time frames isn't enjoyable.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 14:09
if you love motorcycles, you will have a good time.
24 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 20:55
competitive at race with the ability to chill ride on free ride...Perfect!
208 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 02:38
People complaining about the patch may be right... I don't know because I didn't play pre-patch. That being said turn off all the rider aids aside from rider line and once you get the hang of it and unlock some bikes do a multiplayer game with a buddy and make everyone go helmet view and you will have some of the most fun you can have in a GP game. Sooooo much fun! I only wish they had more bikes and Isle of Man. Hopefully they will include more DLC
425 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
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2884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 01:43
Stay away if you enjoy challenge.

The game was incredible but post release patch increased hidden assists to the extent of extinguishing thrill and excitement of taming these two wheeled monsters and making your rider a super human wobble canceling master.

I have a 6 month old kitten at home at the moment that is more ferocious than these 1000CC Race Modified bikes.

Honestly, what are we doing here? Racing or ping-pong?
253 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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10786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 19:31
I hope the one drunk moron at Milestone who approved the latest physics update reads this...

Why the hell did you dumb down all the physics? Now it feels like i`m playing on simplified settings while it`s on simulation. No more wobbles, no more sliding, way too easy braking, and the bikes feel like they`re on rails. Why, why did you have to go and screw it up? Just because a handfull people complained it was too hard? Typical Milestone...

Last title i`ll ever buy from you guys, Ride 4 has been perfect till the latest patch. I don`t recommend buying anything from this company ever. Year after year they find ways to screw up their titles, without fixing real bugs or listening to their community.
12 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 04:36
13 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 22:53
mantap boss h2 ne banter
577 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
2663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 17:24
My first go at the Ride series.

In short, its Gran Tourismo for bikes.
Same principle:
Lots of bikes (would have preferred more though)
Quite a few tracks in multiple configurations

The good:
Graphics is awesome and it does HDR
Simcade... you need to practice and crash you will
Detailed bikes
Great racetracks that are well designed

The bad:
Sadly, Milestone default bugs and issues
Tires wear way too quickly
The AI loves taking you out... bit disturbing

In the end, if you love bikes you will love this.
Ride safe!

125 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 23:39
0 bugfixing, no notes from the devs, posting dlc's before fixing bugs in this shit handling game. Oh also, you guys coded the game so badly that you can actually play your paid dlc track on multiplayer for free. Just like the motogp series this is a bland representation of a game that comes out when you have no interaction with your fanbase, dont care about the game, just want to pump out some cash and are the only devteam that makes a motorcycle game, so you have no compitition and can do what u want.
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 17:04
remove ai collision. for the love of fucking god, remove ai collision.
105 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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848 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 06:31
The AI is just straight out infuriating, If its straight off the grid or taking any corner in a race with AI they just straight out take you out as if you're not even there. When you do get a grasp on this game and get out in front the AI slams into you with absolutely no remorse or care in the world for wanting to win. The AI just seemed to ram there way through the field without even a notion of racing to which honestly is better suited and more like the AI in Wreckfest. Game looks graphics wise very good and physics are , well interesting but the AI are plain out frustrating and ruin the experience.
I purchased this for offline racing and this review would be a thumbs up if not for the AI.
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 03:48
DLC for Credits Multiplier? Really?
That is not a fair way to make money from your loyal fans.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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4777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:35
Rushed game needs updates to make it better than ride 3
-Character model glitches on some bikes
-The a.i. won't acknowledge you
-Drifting physics seem way worse than i remember in ride 3
-Tire wear is way too accelerated

+Multiplayer is chaotic but fun
+Good amount of bikes and series to race

Think Ride 3 would be a better buy for this games current state.
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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3471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 01:40
Absolute f&^#ing garbage, have been playing ride/motogp since ride 2 and this has got to be one of the biggest let downs so far, the hype bout the new physics is extremely overrated, feels like a arcade game from the nineties, almost impossible to lose the front end, can't use rear brake unless you want it to lock instantly, Turning feels like its half on rails. Track limits are ridiculous. Can only rebind buttons on controller, no adjusting of triggers or sticks (cmon milestone its almost 2021 ffs) Tracks and bikes are improved but not by much. And what was this talk of all new neural ai??? does neural mean f&^%ing retarded and defiant of physics??? they ride their lines and make no adjustments at all to you and your actions, you tail end a ai you fall off, an ai tail ends you, you fall off, tyre wear is unpredictable to say the least, the amount of bikes is misleading as certain bikes have up to 3 or 4 variants( imo the same bloody bike) the amount of clicking to reset a race or event is time wasting bs. bike and rider customisation is stupidly limited, cant even choose the colour of certain gear, just preset crap to chose from. Bike customisation is the same boring basic crap as all the other ride games, gearbox 1, gearbox 2, gearbox 3... wow you finally added more tyres instead of just the diablo rosso... shame they are all the same, feel the same, act the same, are the same, tyres are not the same you dumb shits. Another cash grab by milestone with no real intent to make the game better. (made crystal clear by the availability of paid dlc at the release of the game) Shall we expect any updates?? I wont be holding my breath on that one.
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 11:36
I have 160 hours on MotoGP, 230 hours on Project cars 2 and 12,000 real life miles on motorbikes. I went into this game with strong track and bike handling knowledge. I lost my temper with this game more in 19 hours than playing Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne and Sekiro for 350 hours. Career mode means dedicating 95% of your time to riding bikes you don't want to ride in conditions you don't want to ride in. The good stuff is unlocked maybe 40+ hours into the game. Career mode just feels like a major grind. I came to the conclusion that I just cant be bothered and started doing Race mode only (which pays out virtually no credits). The handling is very arcade compared to MotoGP. I don't know why they didn't just transplant the physics model into ride 4. I don't like easy games but I found myself turning down the AI difficulty and turning on Rewind just to get some annoying races over and done with. Restarting a race 10 times because you've been knocked off your bike in the first corner gets annoying very quickly. Having to repeatedly sit through long auto-pilot gets annoying very quickly. I'm glad I only paid £20 for this. I honestly wouldn't recommend this game to someone who enjoys the MotoGP series.
215 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 00:44
First and foremost... Milestone, please give us a season pass on the PC, the Xbox and PS4 have it. It's just downright bad business practice with the PC player base.

Okay, quick review before it is updated later. Ride 4 is taking the series in a new direction, and I think a good one (sorta). It is very hard, even for someone like me that breaths motorcycles, even on my old keyboard. If you miss your turn in, if you accelerate out of a corner to early, even if you hit a bump funny, you are going down. They are finally forcing you to roll the throttle instead of whisky-d it which is how I played the games up until now. I even had to re-program my brain to do the turn in.

Turn the bike over early, and adjust the transmission and reduce the final bar to 0, for pure acceleration.
Keep in mind I've played with ZERO aids and on pro forever, no track line, not even a track map etc.

So here's my two cents:
If you are new to the series, or know for a fact that you aren't good at racing games or want a more casual less punishing experience, wait on this one! Come back to it later, play Ride 2 or 3 first. Then when you feel ready, come get Ride 4 and take the challenge. It's not going anywhere. Video review coming soon.

Amazing Ride Cameras.
Amazing Onboard.
Amazing Sound.
Tracks have slopes, camber, bumps etc.
Crazy detailed laser scanned bikes, down to the stickers!
Crazy feel, bikes feel very connected.
Rear brake is now a wild card, not a late brake saver.
Amazing screenshot editor.
New gear.
Tire wear is neat, kinda.

*VERY NEGATIVE* Limited bike selection, most likely will be through huge paywall because PC doesn't get season pass.
3 Riding styles, with no editor - still sad about this.
Limited helmet selection, because we can now customize from scratch.
Tires wear faster than marriage.
AI still ram you.
Replay Sucks.
Bikes are too heavy at slow speeds, Ride 3 had something for this which this one doesn't.
Career mode is restrictive (IE: can't do most of it unless you do certain challenges.)
Can't turn off difficulty features in career mode, which imo should be adjustable always at all times no matter what challenge you are doing.
115 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 21:45
Best motorbike sim game i've played. The physics are by far the best compared to its rivals which as a simulator is one if not the most important factor of this game in my opinion. Both bike and track models look stunning aswell as the selection of the two you are offered is amazing, the best I've seen in a motorbike or even any racing game for that matter. However there are still a lot of issues that need ironing out. A couple of which is the AI, from my experiences they are set on rails and will run you off the track if you get in there way leaving you re-spawning at the side as you watch all the other bikers fly past you. My solution to this was to enable and use the rewind feature whenever you are getting bullied. Another problem is the licences you have to complete in order to progress in the career mode. They are way too hard. As a semi competent player myself, I found them do-able but extremely difficult to the point where I struggled to even get the bronze medal. But my friend however, (yes I only have one.) has pretty much given up with the game within a day of owning it, and that's with with easiest settings. Yes I know not all games hold your hand such as dark souls and should pose a challenge to those who seek it, but I believe the it should be made a little bit easier for the sake of the not so good players.

Over all i recommend this game. But be ready for the frustration and tears that come with it.

Happy Riding! :)
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 16:50
This game is unbelievably disrespectful to the gamers!

The physics is hard AF?Fine.
The amount of bikes is little AF?Fine.
Furthermore, the bikes are expensive AF which create a money sucking vibe?Fine
The custom system is anti-human AF?OK, FINE.

But what about the totally life-wasting / unskippable / long AF / ending in the middle of a decelerating corner AUTOPILOT?

What about the crazy tiny / super strict time lap limitation?
And what is even worse?You have to WAIT for the totally pointless / simple and lazy animated scene until you are able to MOVE ON to restart the challenge.

AND THE WORST OF THE WORST?How can you made players pressing A to skip the moronic pointless scene then PRESS B to restart?JUST HOW?

Whoever made this decision, your game designing logic is an assault to the players who watch your trailers on YouTube and had high hope for you.

Give a shit about the gaming experience, please.

And all these above didn't even express 1/10 of my disappointment.

293 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 01:00
Okay everyone this is for anyone that has played Ride games in the past or riding in the real like myself. There are about 3 things I would bring up to let you know what to expect and how I believe the developers took this series in a more Sim racing direction.

This isn't quite like RIDE 3 or MotoGP20 so don't expect it to be

This was a rough one for me to understand in the first 30 minutes while playing for the North American racing licence. This game has a mix of RIDE 3's bike turn style in with the MotoGP20 kind of grip which makes it an interesting challenge for some who have never rode an actual motorcycle or understand the physics behind it. Bike won't really slide on most sub 400cc motorcycles like the R3 and RC390 but with supersports and higher it will. This is how real motorcycles work! It's not rocket science you just have to have throttle control and good riding lines and it will work perfectly.

You can't just jump into a racing series unless you've done the licence for it

If you're aware of how motorcycle racers get even started in racing then you can wrap your head around this. In the US for AMA racing you need to do a series of things to show that you can even properly race a motorcycle. I'm sure it's this way around the world no matter if it's more regional or international leagues so I'm not sure why people are complaining about this one. It's really simple to do and it gives you extra cash plus a free motorcycle.

Limited number of motorcycles

This is more of a educated guess based on what I know of development and how Milestone did the previous RIDE games. There is a big limit on the amount of motorcycles available compared to the other games which really doesn't bother me because they normally do DLC packs for this. Now to many that might steer them away but there were free packs in RIDE 3 which it seems no one remembered in reviews of this game. It takes a bit to development the code, visuals, and sound of motorcycle and they do use the real bikes to figure this out. I think it's to let the game live longer by dropping DLCs every so often that way people come back to use those new bikes. Just really a guess based on the 15+ packs they dropped for RIDE 3.

Overall don't let the bad reviews shy you away. If you don't like the sound of it come back after they drop 5+ DLCs but overall this game is an improvement in a Sim racing direction because most of the motorcycles act very much like their real life counterparts. If you do no electronics and you don't know how to ride in real life of 'course it's going to be hard some people are just not that smart. Just ride with the Normal or Advanced setting first then move to Realistic once you're comfortable. Also if you don't believe my credibility with riding just look me up under Instagram. I post my sweet sexy 2018 Aprilia Tuono there (which the Tuono in game acts very much the same with the electronics turned way down).

If you don't know yet just buy the game; finish one of the regional licences, and if you don't like how it plays return it. However I would try it before listening to half of these idiots on here.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
74.53% 1282 438
Release:08.10.2020 Genre: Rennspiel Entwickler: Milestone Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Ride
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