Backyard Toys
Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Map - Backyard Toys
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
15.01.07 14:38
Map Description: You are toys in the back yard of two messy kids. The Axis have been supplied with a prototype soldier that the allies must destroy.
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: keine Infos
Autor: ATB
Veröffentlicht: 05.12.06 - 12:04:29
Website: keine Infos
Map Description:
You are toys in the back yard of two messy kids.
The Axis have been supplied with a prototype soldier that
the allies must destroy.
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Logo for Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 4 Stunden 16 Minuten
15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
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