Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Map - Attack
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
15.01.07 14:38
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: keine Infos
Autor: Ryan Corrigan (CptnTriscuit)
Veröffentlicht: 05.12.06 - 11:52:47
Website: keine Infos
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Destroye the Main Gate, Destroye the Communications Tower, and Destroye the Radio Room.

Allied Stratagy
The Allied team's engineers must rush to the main gate and plant dynamite. Axis players may spawn closer to the gate than the Allied players, so keeping a sharp eye is key. Once the gate has been destroyed, head for the radio room or the communications tower. The entire team should watch out for enemy snipers and communicate their location. Once dynamite has been planted, be sure to guard it so Axis engineers dont have time to difuse it. Players wandering around in the open are easy picking for enemy snipers, so move with caution and try to stay near cover.

Defend the Main Gate, Defend the Communications Tower, and Defend the Radio Room.

Axis Stratagy
The Axis team should rush to the main gate, and find strategic places around the gate and atop the gate walls. Calling air strikes and artillary bombardments on the bridge can be very effective in delaying the Allied team's advancments. Be sure to watch for snipers across the gorge and in the sniper tower. If the Allied Team breaches the gate, fallback to defend the communications tower and the radio room. Each objective should have engineers hanging around to atempt to difuss any dynamite that gets planted. Players wandering around in the open are easy picking for enemy snipers, so move with caution and try to stay near cover.
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15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
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