Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Map - Assassination
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
15.01.07 14:38
An elite squad from the 82nd airborne division, the "All Americans," have been air dropped into the area and are attempting to assassinate Hitler at his secret mountain installation. Hitler is cornere ...
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: keine Infos
Autor: Hummer und Ender
Veröffentlicht: 05.12.06 - 11:49:44
Website: keine Infos
An elite squad from the 82nd airborne division, the "All Americans," have been air dropped into the area and are attempting to assassinate Hitler at his secret mountain installation. Hitler is cornered in a bunker beneath his mansion.
Primary Objective: Breach the main door to Hitler's lair. Destroying the door will give access to the room he is cornered in.

Primary Objective: Assassinate Adolf Hitler. Hitler is cornered in his underground bunker and must be killed.

Secondary Objective: Destroy boulder blocking cavern entrance. This will allow multiple routes to Hitler's house and bunker.

Secondary Objective: Capture the Trench Deployment Area. This will allow re-enforcements to drop in closer to Hitler's home.

Primary Objective: Defend the entrance to Hitler's lair.

Primary Objective: Protect Hitler at all costs.

Secondary Objective: Prevent Allies from destroying boulder blocking cavern entrance. Preventing them from destroying the blockade will slow them down and give more time to let Hitler escape.

Secondary Objective: Hold the Trench Deployment Area. Doing so will slow Allied re-enforcements and hinder the Allied assault.
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Erstellt von nilius
Zuletzt online: 2 Stunden 16 Minuten
15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
15. 01. 2007 um 14:38
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