Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Map - Acropolis
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
15.01.07 14:37
My map is a modified and modernized model of the Acropolis, Athens (c. 435 BC). Before the Peloponnesian War states around Athens were united by a formed Delian League. The treasury was contained ...
GameTyp: Multiplayer
MapTyp: keine Infos
Autor: Pareto
Veröffentlicht: 05.12.06 - 11:18:32
Website: keine Infos
My map is a modified and modernized model of the Acropolis, Athens
(c. 435 BC).
Before the Peloponnesian War states around Athens were united by a
formed Delian League. The treasury was contained, at the Acropolis,
inside the Parthenon. In time Athens, took advantage of the Treasury
using it to beautify Athens, with sculptures, paintings and other art
work (either Doric or Ionic skills were used in those times). This
upset members of the Delian League, especially Sparta.

Finished on July 2, 2002.
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15. 01. 2007 um 14:37
15. 01. 2007 um 14:37
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