Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Guide - S4nDMod
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
05.08.10 13:06 Scripting
NDMoD Commands
Adminbot Commands
Command Mod Default RtCW Default Possible Values Description
AB_Enable 1 0 0 to 1 Enables or disables ALL of the adminbot.
AB_AllowNameSpam 1 1 0 to 1 Value of 0 kicks players who change their name very quickly in an attempt to overflow (crash) the server.
AB_AutoMaps 1 0 0 to 1 Executes /main/MapConfigs/.cfg each round.
AB_CheatsOk 1 1 0 to 1 Value of 0 kicks players if they attempt to use single player cheat commands.
AB_MinHits 50 0 0 to ∞ Number of hits (team and enemy) before AB_MinHitsPercent is checked
AB_MinHitsPercent 40 0 0 to ∞ After AB_MinHits is reached, this will kick players with a percent of team shots greater or equal to this. 0 disables this feature.
AB_MinNameChars 3 0 0 to 31 Minimum number of characters (non ASCII) that a player must have). 0 disables this feature.
AB_MinScore -10 0 -∞ to 0 Score at which a player will be kicked. 0 to disable.
AB_Tks 6 0 1 to ∞ Number of teamkills at which a player will be kicked. 0 to disable.
AB_MaxTkPoints 200 0 1 to ∞ Number of 'points' from teamkills with specific weapons at which to kick
AB_AsPoints 25 0 1 to ∞ Points given for an airstrike or artillery teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_DynamitePoints 20 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a dynamite teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_FlamerPoints 50 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a flamethrower teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_KnifePoints 50 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a knife teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_MauserPoints 50 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a mauser teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_Mg42Points 20 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a MG42 teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_MgPoints 30 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a MP40/Thompson/Sten teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_NadePoints 25 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a grenade teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_PanzerPoints 25 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a panzerfaust teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_PistolPoints 50 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a Colt/Luger teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_SniperPoints 50 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a sniper rifle teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_ThrowKnivesPoints 40 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a throwing knife teamkill. 0 to disable.
AB_VenomPoints 30 0 1 to ∞ Points given for a venom teamkill. 0 to disable.
S4NDMoD Server Settings
Command Mod Default RtCW Default Possible Values Description
g_medpacks 2 0 0 to ∞ Number of medic packs a medic drops when he is gibbed.
g_ammopacks 1 0 0 to ∞ Number of ammo packs a lieutenant drops when he is gibbed.
g_nadepacks 1 0 0 to ∞ Number of grenade packs an engineer drops when he is gibbed.
g_fixedPhysics 1 0 0 to 2 Simulates either 125 (set to 1) or 333 (set to 2) fps movements of clients. 0 Disables this feature.
g_shortcuts 1 0 0 to 1 Enables text shortcuts. 0 Disables this feature.
g_maxAirstrikes -1 -1 -1 or 3 to ∞ Limits the number of airstrikes per team that can be thrown in a 1 minute period. -1 Disables this feature.
g_allowBlackNames 1 0 0 or 1 Allow players to use black(^0) in their names
g_goomba 1 0 0 to ∞ Allow players to 'goomba' each other, fall damage must be on
g_poison 15 0 0 to ∞ Amount of health poison takes, set to 0 for no poison kills
g_dropReload 1 1 0 or 1 Allows players to use the drop reload exploit
g_reviveReports 2 0 0 to 2 Report revives to: 0) off 1) everybody 2) own team only
g_tapReports 2 0 0 to 2 Report tap outs to: 0) off 1) everybody 2) own team
g_gibReports 1 0 0 or 1 Turn on/off gib reporting
g_nameChangeReports 1 1 0 or 1 Print when player changes name "xxxx renamed to xxxxx"
g_reportHeadshots 0 0 0 or 1 Print 'Headshot!' when player gets a headshot
g_ltNades 1 1 0 to ∞ Number of grenades a LT starts with
g_medNades 1 1 0 to ∞ Number of grenades a Med starts with
g_soldNades 4 4 0 to ∞ Number of grenades a Soldier starts with
g_engNades 8 8 0 to ∞ Number of grenades a Eng starts with
g_privateMsgs 1 0 0 or 1 Turns on/off private messaging
g_minMsgChars 2 0 0 to ∞ Amount of letters a pm name must have in it
g_allowGib 1 0 0 or 1 Allows players to use /gib
g_allowKill 1 1 0 or 1 Allows players to use /kill
g_shove 100 0 0 to ∞ Enables shoving, also acts as the force applied to the player shoved
g_shoveNoZ 1 0 0 or 1 Enables shoving, also acts as the force applied to the player shoved
g_kickableNades 1 0 0 or 1 Turn on off kick grenade ability
g_kickableAS 1 0 0 or 1 Turn on/off kick air strike ability
g_kickerGetsOwner 0 0 0 or 1 If a player kicks a grenade or air strike, it becomes his grenade.
g_warmupDamage 1 0 0 or 1 Allow players to kill each other in warmup
g_unlockWeapons 1 0 0 to 2 if set to 0) off, 1) meds, lts, eng can pick up any smg 2) meds, lts, eng can pick up heavy weapons(panzers, venom, ect)
g_pickupAmmo 1 0 0 or 1 When enabled players only pickup ammo packs they need
g_ammoGivesSyringe 1 0 0 or 1 Ammo packs give medics a syringe
g_ammoGivesHelmet 1 0 0 or 1 Ammo packs give players helmets back
g_medExtraClips 0 0 0 to ∞ number of clips Medic has in reserve
g_ltExtraClips 1 1 0 to ∞ number of clips LT has in reserve
g_engExtraClips 1 1 0 to ∞ number of clips Engineer has in reserve
g_soldExtraClips 2 2 0 to ∞ number of clips SMG soilder has in reserve
g_pistolExtraClips 3 3 0 to ∞ number of clips pistol has in reserve
g_venomExtraClips 1 1 0 to ∞ number of clips venom has in reserve
g_mauserExtraClips 1 1 0 to ∞ number of clips Mauser has in reserve
g_headshotDmg 50 50 0 to ∞ Ammount of damage for headshots
g_helmetProtects 0 0 0 or 1 Headshot on helmeted player will do g_helmetDmg if this is on
g_helmetDmg 5 50 0 to ∞ Amount of damage headshots do on players with helmets
g_teamSwitchTime 30 30 0 to ∞ Ammount of time player must wait to switch back to another team after joing a team
g_deathmatch 0 0 0 to 2 Turn on deathmatch mode 0) off 1) team dm 2) all vs all dm
g_maxPf -1 -1 -1 to ∞ Number of panzers to allow per team, -1) unlimited 0) off
g_maxFlamer -1 -1 -1 to ∞ Number of Flamers to allow per team, -1) unlimited 0) off
g_maxMauser -1 -1 -1 to ∞ Number of snipers to allow per team, -1) unlimited 0) off
g_maxVenom -1 -1 -1 to ∞ Number of venoms to allow per team, -1) unlimited 0) off
g_alliedmaxlives 0 0 0 to ∞ Set allied max lives (g_maxlives must be set to 1 for this to work)
g_axismaxlives 0 0 0 to ∞ Set axis max lives (g_maxlives must be set to 1 for this to work)
g_ignorespecs 0 1 0 or 1 Will make it so spectators chat does not show up to players in game.
g_panzerArc 0 0 0 to 2 Turns on gravity effect on rockets 0) off 1) light gravity 2) heavy gravity
g_rocketspeed 2500 2500 0 to ∞ The speed at which panzer rockets move.
g_ASBlock 1 0 0 or 1 Turn on a message for when a player blocks an air strike.
g_ASBlockEasy 1 0 0 to 1 Makes blocking air strikes a bit easier.
g_disallowedVotes n/a List of vote strings you want disabled. Separate each vote with a space.
g_allowvote 1 1 0 or 1 Enable or disable voting
g_dropObj 1 0 0 or 1 Allow a player to switch to knife then press dropreload to drop the objective they are carrying.
g_dropNadepacks 1 0 0 or 1 Allow Engineers to hand out grenade packs using the /np command
g_throwableKnives 5 0 0 to ∞ Enables throwing knives, also sets number a player starts with.
g_ammoGivesKnife 1 0 0 to 1 Ammo packs give 1 knife.
g_maxKnives 5 0 0 to ∞ Max number of knives a player can carry.
g_knifeDamage 15 0 0 to ∞ Amount of damage a throwing knife does.
g_wolfKick 1 0 0 or 1 Allow players to use wolf kick from single player with the /wolfkick command.
g_dropClips 1 0 0 or 1 When a player dies and his weapon is dropped, the weapon dropped keeps its ammo intact for whoever may pick it up.
g_playDead 1 0 0 or 1 Allows player to fake dead using the /playdead command.
g_headshotsOnly 0 0 0 or 1 Enables a mode where only headshots do damage.
g_voteCredits 2 0 0 to ∞ The number of votes a player is allowed per round.
g_chooseMg 1 0 0 or 1 Allow players to choose from thompson, mp40 and sten as medic and engineer.
g_mvsay 1 0 0 or 1 Turn on the extended vsay commands.
g_dragCorpse 1 0 0 to 1 Allow players to drag dead, ungibbed bodies around.
g_underwaterMg 0 0 0 to 1 Allow players to fire main weapons under water.
g_underwaterRevive 0 0 0 to 1 Allow Players to revive underwater.
g_underwaterPistols 0 0 0 to 1 Allow players to fire pistols underwater.
g_tournymode 0 0 0 to 1 Enables a very buggy tourny mode.
g_forceWarmupSpawn 1 0 0 to 1 When a player dies they respawn immediately, after tapping out.
g_smokeGrenades 1 0 0 to 1 Allows LT class to use the smoke grenade command.
g_smokeGrenadeLimit 4 0 0 to 1 Limit of smoke grenades an LT gets per life.
g_homingRockets 0 0 0 to 1 Enables homing rockets(rockets chase enemy players).
g_homingRocketsSens .9 0 0 to ∞ This can be used to adjust the sensitivity of the rocket.
g_panzerOverHeatTime 0 0 0 to ∞ This can be used to enable an overheat time on panzer(time in ms).
g_panzerFireRate 2000 0 0 to ∞ How often you can fire a panzer.
g_panzerClips 1 0 0 to ∞ How big the panzer clip is.
g_panzerCoolDownTime 0 0 0 to ∞ How long it takes panzer to cool down if overheat time is on(time in ms).
g_extraPanzerClips 3 0 0 to ∞ How many rockets a player starts with.
g_homingrocketdetects 5000 0 0 to ∞ How far away a homing rocket can detect an enemy player.
g_mines 1 0 0 to ∞ Enables engineers to use mines.
g_smokingPlayers 0 0 0 to 1 All players emit thick black smoke from their body.
g_goldrush 0 0 0 to 1 Enables a goldrush mode.
g_goldWeight 0 0 0 to ∞ How much the gold will slow down a player per piece they are holding.
g_instaGib 0 0 0 to 1 Enables an instagib mode.
g_nodrowning 0 0 0 to 1 Disables drowning.
g_autoShuffle 0 0 0 to 1 Teams will be automatically shuffled every round if this is enabled.
g_DoHighAcheivers 1 0 0 to 1 Enables high achievers to be displayed during warmup.
g_LTinfomsg 1000 0 0 to ∞ How far away an lt looking at another player has to be to get the info message.
g_allowSpys 0 0 0 to 15 Allows spys to be enabled.
g_reportSpys 1 0 0 to 1 Show teammates who the spys are with a center print message.
g_antilag 1 0 0 to 1 Enables antilag for server(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).
g_antiwarp 1 0 0 to 1 Enabled antiwarp for 'skippy' players(HIGHLY RECOMMENDED).
g_allowhitsounds 1 0 0 to 1 Enables hit sounds.
g_autoAim 0 0 0 to 1 Enables a server side aimbot for EVERYBODY!
g_jumpAccel 0 0 0 to 1 Allows players to continuously jump. This can allow players to reach high speeds.
g_automg42limit 0 0 0 to 1 Number of auto mg42s you are allowed to set out.
g_allowCV 1 0 0 to 1 Allow players to use CV.(buggy)
g_packingPistols 1 0 0 to 1 Allow players to carry both type of pistols.
g_tableStats 1 0 0 to 1 Enables the box score in console at end of round.
g_S4NDLog 1 0 0 to 1 Enables a S4NDMoD Logfile(mostly for debugging).
g_allowspeclock 0 0 0 to 1 Allows players to use speclock.
g_friendlyFireKnockback 1 0 0 to 1 Friendly fire will still do knockback even if friendly fire is off.
g_spawnTimer 1 0 0 to 1 Enables players to use the /start and /stop command to enable a spawn timer.
g_showLifeStats 1 0 0 to 1 Enables the stats that appear after a player dies.
g_maxConnsPerIP 3 0 0 to ∞ Max number of times an ip may connect to your server(good to prevent bot DOS).
g_undeadRevives 1 0 0 to 1 Allows medics to use syringe on live players.
g_fakePing 1 0 0 to 1
g_mineHealth 150 0 0 to ∞
g_truePing 1 0 0 to 1 Shows a more accurate ping in console.
g_binocWar 1 0 0 to 1 Allows binocular stats to be printed.
g_noSameTeamDefuse 1 0 0 to 1 Disables defusing of own teams dynamite(prevent stat whoring).
g_showHitBoxes 0 0 0 to 1 Shows hitboxes on all players for debugging.
g_autoTap 0 0 0 to 1 Enables a mode were players that tap out will not go to limbo until a few secs before spawn.
g_gibPoints 1 0 0 to 1 Award 1 point for a gib
g_ltExtraAirstrike 1 0 0 to 1 If enabled and an LT has a full charge, a second plane will come for an airstrike
g_autoTeamBalance 1 0 0 to 1 Balances teams so one side does not have more players than the other
g_RetakeLimit -1 -1 -1 to ∞ Limits the number of times a spawn flag can be reclaimed by defenders
g_SniperMode 0 0 0 to 1 Enables snipers only gameplay mode
g_autoSniper 0 0 0 to 1 Enables the automatic sniper rifle
g_ShowHighlights 1 0 0 to 1 Enable kill spree messages.


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Erstellt von buddha-monk
Zuletzt online: 13 Jahre 11 Monate
05. 08. 2010 um 13:06
05. 08. 2010 um 13:06
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