Resident Evil 4
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Über das Spiel

Er soll die Entführung der Tochter des Präsidenten aufklären und seine Nachforschungen haben ihn an einen geheimnisvollen Ort in Westeuropa geführt. Dort stößt Leon auf unvorstellbare Gräuel und muss herausfinden, wer - oder was - sich hinter diesem Alptraum verbirgt.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 / Intel Core i5-7500
- GFX: AMD Radeon RX 560 with 4GB VRAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti with 4GB VRAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX: Version 12
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 / Intel Core i5-7500
- GFX: AMD Radeon RX 560 with 4GB VRAM / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti with 4GB VRAM
- Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX: Version 12
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 20:05
das ganze erlebnis ist immer noch mega nice wie vorgänger und nachfolger aber:
-warum gibt es kein fadenkreuz ich bekomme krämpfe :,)
-etwas gespame an gegnern
-cooles game aber horror ich weiß ja nicht
-fühlt sich mit der zeit gestreckt an
-story etwas random (warum die tochter des präsidenten wo ist der bezug hä?)
-saddler nervt mit seinem gelaber über amerika blabla das ist sinnlos weil eigentlich nie das land thema ist?
2475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 19:52
2983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 21:39
Wunderbarer Klassiker
Resident Evil 4 sollte eigentlich schon JEDER kennen oder gespielt haben. In Resident Evil 4 spielen wir Leon Scott Kennedy, der vom US Präsidenten beauftragt wurde, seine entführte Tochter Ashley Graham zu retten. Leon Scott Kennedy ging in Resident Evil 2 durch die Hölle, einige Jahre nach dem Vorfall in Raccoon City, gerät er nun in die nächste Hölle.
Diesmal sind es aber keine Zombies sondern Parasiten, die Las Plagas, im laufe des Spiels wird man verschiedene Gegner und Kreaturen begegnen. Resident Evil 4 spielt nicht in den USA, sondern in irgendein abgelegenes Dorf in Europa, das Dorf ist recht groß und bietet auch einiges an Gegner. Munition, Kräuter und Granaten sind begrenzt vorhanden, Munition sparen ist oft sehr wichtig. Mit Resi 4 wurde ein neues Inventar System eingeführt. Das Inventar ist größer als in den vorherigen Teilen der Reihe, das Inventar kann ebenfalls im laufe des Spiels, bei einem Händler verbessert werden. Der Kauf und das Verbessern der Waffen ist ebenfalls möglich, falls keine Munition mehr vorhanden ist, kann außerdem das Magazin verbessert werden, dadurch wird automatisch das Magazin der Waffe wieder aufgefüllt.
Bosskämpfe und Quick Time sind ebenfalls vorhanden, das Anfangsgebiet bietet so einiges an spannenden Bosskämpfen, auch Schätze die gefunden und verkauft werden können. Beim Händler wird ebenfalls neue Ausrüstung freigeschaltet, je mehr Fortschritt man erzielt oder wenn man in ein neues Gebiet kommt. Optisch wurde die HD Version um einiges verbessert, Texte und Auflösung ebenfalls. Trotz der grafischen Verbesserung, ist es heutzutage sicherlich für viele zu angestaubt und sicherlich nicht mehr so schön. Soundtechnisch ist es immer noch klasse, auch Atmosphärisch ist das Spiel sehr gut, an manchen Stellen sorgt es sogar für Gänsehaut. Die Gegner KI ist ebenfalls sehr gut und reagiert auch sehr gut, lediglich Ashley kann manchmal etwas belastend werden. Die Steuerung mit einem Controller oder mit Tastatur und Maus funktioniert ebenfalls einwandfrei.
Bonusinhalte sind ebenfalls enthalten, nach Abschluss der Story sind diese verfügbar. Separate Ways, ist eine kurze und gute Bonus Story, die man unbedingt nach Abschluss der Story spielen sollte. Außerdem gibt es 2 Mini Spielmodi, eine von denen ist der beliebte Mercenaries Mode, der Modus beinhaltet 4 Karten und 5 Spielbare Charaktere.
Auch wenn das neue Resident Evil Village eine Art Resi 4 ist und auch einiges übernommen hat, macht mir Resi 4 trotz des Alters dennoch sehr viel Spaß. Für mich ist Resi 4 immer noch ein Wunderbarer Klassiker und ein Meisterwerk.
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 13:39
Zur Story: Die Tochter des US-Präsidenten wurde entführt und Leon Kennedy wird losgeschickt, um sie in einem abgelegenen Dorf irgendwo in Europa zu finden. Hierbei stößt er auf verrückte Dorfbewohner, die ihn ständig auf spanisch anschreien, das Leben schwer machen und attackieren. Er entdeckt, dass auch in diesem Dorf das Virus eine wichtige Rolle spielt, wodurch er gegen Dorfbewohner UND Monster kämpfen muss, um Ashley - die Präsidententochter - zu retten.
Die Steuerung war anfangs echt gewöhnungsbedürftig, ging nach einiger Zeit aber in Ordnung. Allerdings wurde mir durch die Kamera ständig schlecht. Erst als ich das FOV durch ein externes Programm vergrößert habe, konnte ich endlich weiterspielen. Die Dorfbewohner haben mich ständig genervt und waren immer in großer Zahl anzutreffen. Dabei waren die Monster schon fast eine nette Abwechslung. Findet man Ashley, kann man ihr Befehle erteilen, wie sich zu verstecken oder stehen zu bleiben. Das hat meiner Meinung nach wirklich gut funktioniert. Auch später spielt man eine Passage als Ashley, hat aber natürlich nicht Leons Arsenal zu Verfügung, wodurch die Umgebung genutzt werden muss. Man sollte auch auf Ashley achten, denn stirbt sie, hat man verloren und muss vom vorherigen Speicherstand aus weiterspielen. Bei einigen Passagen und Gegnern wusste ich nicht so recht, worauf es hier jetzt eigentlich ankommt und warum ich da gerade gestorben bin.
Die Story selbst ist durch das Dorf-Setting etwas ungewohnt, aber ganz ok. Der typischen Countdown bis zur Selbstzerstörung, Bosskämpfe, einige Rätselpassagen, sowie eine spektakuläre Flucht sind ebenfalls wieder vorhanden. Schade finde ich jedoch, dass bei den alten Spielen keine deutsche Synchronisation vorhanden ist. Sorry, aber die englische Sprachausgabe bei diesen Spielen finde ich fast durchwegs grauenhaft, wobei nur Leons und Ashleys Charaktere ganz in Ordnung sind.
Wer die ganze Spielreihe so wie ich gerne durchspielen möchte, kommt um diesen Teil nicht umher. Ich empfehle das Spiel zwar, aber bei einer Punkteskala bekäme das Spiel nur 5/10 Punkten.
662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 15:10
I played it a dozen times on the PS2 alone and with friends - that was something great, special at the time...
The graphics actually still fit today, as does the sound - only the controls take a bit of getting used to at the
beginning; but you can get along with that quickly.
The HD version is much more eye-friendly - quite pleasant.
I'm very excited to see how the reboot of this 4th part will be.
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 19:12
Ich habe von dem Spiel nicht allzu viel erwartet, doch es hat mich umgehauen.
Das Spiel kam zwar 2005 raus, aber die Grafik und das Game Play fühlen sich trotzdem irgendwie „erfrischend“ an, da man eine solche Steuerung in der heutigen Zeit nicht mehr gewohnt ist. Trotz der veralteten Schießsteuerung macht es Spaß zu spielen, einfach nur, weil es zu dem Spiel passt.
Das Setting des Spiels finde ich sehr gut gestaltet, genauso wie die verschiedenen Gegner und die Story.
Ursprünglich habe ich das Spiel angefangen, da ich mich auf Resident Evil Village einstimmen wollte aber dann war ich so in dem Bann des Spiels gezogen, dass ich eher im Hype von RE4 war.
Jetzt hoffe ich umso mehr auf ein RE4 Remake.
Ich kann dieses Spiel nur empfehlen, für mich ist es mein Lieblingsspiel of all time geworden.
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 00:02
- Das Spiel ist UNCUT und besitzt alle Bonus-Missionen.
- Die Steuerung wurde verändert im vergleich zur GC/PS2 Fassung
- Manuelle Änderungen an der Steuerung müssen in einer .ini Datei gemacht werden.
Danach werden ein paar QTEs falsch angezeigt.
- Texturen sind nicht wirklich HD und sind teilweise sehr unscharf. Abhilfe gibt es da mit Textur mods.
TLDR: Inhaltlich vollständige Version eines zeitlosen Spiels. Nach etwas tuning super spielbar.
1059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 17:14
before, i have only played the village section when i was quite young, and i barely remembered anything from it
this game is a MASTERPIECE
i can recommend this game to anyone, even ones who dont have any history with RE series (personally, this was my 4th RE game i finished)
there was only one part i genuinly disliked, which was the maze which i died 3 times in
other than that, even without paying attention to the story, its just plain fun because the combat has aged very well
i personally didnt think ashley was that annoying, atleast i never had any problems with escorting her
tl;dr absolutely amazing game, can recommend to anyone
6320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 10:35
graphic is very good.
music is alright.
the gameplay is not so good this could be much better.
you can play it with controller or mouse and keyboard,..
all achievements work.
1125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 23:13
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.22 09:56
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 01:16
1562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 01:00
Genre: Third Person Shooter
+ I am writing this review because of the incredible work two modders did, recreated every texture in painstakingly detail, overhauled the lighting, fixed all the graphical glitches and added new options like FOV, controller sensitivity, fix quick time events for 60 fps to name a few. The new HD mod makes the game playable in modern times and is practically a requirement if you want to play this game. They spent 8 years of their personal time and money and it is easily one of the most impressive mods I have ever seen.
+ The pacing is near flawless, the game is always introducing new areas, gameplay, enemies so everything feels fresh and engaging throughout the lengthy adventure
+ A variety of different weapons that can be upgraded by finding treasures. Each weapon is satisfying to use.
+/- This is an old game so I understand that many gameplay concepts are now out dated. The main character can not move while shooting and you have to open up your inventory to switch weapons feels very cumbersome and slow.
+/- Controller highly recommended
I have played and completed this game way too many times on Gamecube and its not hard to see why this game is considered an instant classic. This game is one of the first modern third person shooters.
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 22:12
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 15:52
Story : 10/10
The story of the game did not bother me at all, I even wanted to play again, then finding the girl in the story becomes more interesting.
Graphics : 10/10
HD graphics
The game graphics are very beautiful
Musics : 10/10
The music of the game was very beautiful, especially when saving, I wanted to stay that part.
Details : 10/10
The details are very precise
Game play : 10/10
The gameplay is easier and you can hit the target with the mouse.
Variety : 10/10
The variety of the game is very high, there are any challenges.
Characterization : 10/10
The looks are almost non-existent and very well made.
Optimization : 10/10
Bug's : no Bug
Overall score : ⭐/10
100% recommended
Nicht Empfohlen
1039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 19:33
Only exclusive full screen or windowed.
Certain Quick Time Events don't work on 60 fps. Since you can only change the frame rate in the main menu that means you will lose progress trying to adjust it.
The game will eventually swallow your mouse so you can't tab out again.
You'd probably be better off playing one of it's 50 other releases on an emulator.
1674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 10:23
2948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 01:28
I'm sure there's a lot of people that have played this game, but for those who haven't, you should give it a try.
It's kinda hard to adapt to the mechanics of movement in the game (camera and character), specially if you come from FPS games, in my opinion it's the only bad thing in this game.
You may have issues with the graphic aspect, I don't know if this is for everyone but if you set the game to 30 fps instead of 60 fps you may fix the crashing problem.
If you are able to overcome this small problem you are gonna enjoy this game just like the very first time you've played.
It has a very good replayability, specially if you're an obsessive of the perfect games cuz this has very few achievement's amount.
Get the infinite guns and enjoy trying to put your score as high as you can on the leaderboards.
5599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 09:44
LEON: Hunnigan, is that you?
HUNNIGAN: Finally... The line's jack-free.
LEON: Hey, Hunnigan, no glasses...
HUNNIGAN: Forget the glasses. What's the status of the mission?
LEON: I've rescued the subject. We're returning home.
HUNNIGAN: You did it, Leon!
LEON: Thanks. You know, you're kinda cute without those glasses.
Gimme your number when I get back.
HUNNIGAN: May I remind you that you're still on duty?
LEON: Story of my life...
3353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 07:44
But there’s only one thing to concern if you’re new to this game and want to try it…its control/movement.
This game uses the same control/movement mechanic (Tank Control) from classic resident evil game, but using different angle (over the shoulder). Your movement will be very limited such as:
- You can’t move while aiming/shooting
- You can’t strafe right/left
- You can’t jump (except for obstacle)
- You can’t dodge (except for QTE)
- You can’t cover (except for some chapter, you have option to cover)
Despite that control limitation, once you get used with it… it’s completely a great game. Now let’s wait for RE 4 remake…
1617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 12:18
You’re Leon S. Kennedy and send on a Mission to rescue the Presidents Daughter from a Cult. After your first encounter with one of the Villagers it’s certain that there is far more to it than it seemed at first.
You control Leon like in most 3rd person shooters from a behind the back camera perspective. A difference to modern games is, that he can only shoot while standing still, which feels weird at first but works out great after you got used to it. Beside that Resident Evil 4 plays like most games in the series, you scout the locations for Ammunition, Herbs and Money, to stay alive and upgrade your Weapons at a mysterious Merchant. The Boss fights all provide a different challenge to overcome and play out entirely different.
Graphic and Audio
For such an old game the graphic still holds up but of course shows it age compared to more modern games. Still, Resident Evil 4 is far away from being a bad looking game. On the other hand the audio and sound design can absolutely still hold up in every situation.
Pros & Cons
+Still amazing Game- and Gunplay
+Well implemented and fair Weapon Upgrade System
+Many different Boss fights
+Fantastic tense Atmosphere
+Fair checkpoint system
+Enemy design and variety
+Well designed locations
-For 2 QuickTime Events I had to quit the game, and lower the fps to 30 since the game didn’t register my key presses on 60fps, neither on Controller or Keyboard
Final Thoughts
If you haven’t played this masterpiece of gaming history you absolutely should give it a go. Resident Evil 4 had a big influence on the genre at whole and still holds up to this day. It’s an experience everyone who is even remotely interested in 3rd person shooters and survival horror games should make.
Now excuse me, I have to beat the game on Professional...
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 20:38
Fun to the very end, sometimes challenging
Upon completing the game the first time, you unlock epic rewards that allow you to play through the campaign again, only this time making it less challenging and more fun. Seriously, if you know what i’m referring to than you already know ????
Atmosphere is on point.
Controls may take getting used to. Once mastered, the game is a cakewalk.
Overall amazing game.
Never be afraid to look up a tutorial for when you’re stuck. No shame in that. ????
1801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 03:55
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 03:27
When I was a child, the chainsaw man had been in my dreams many times
my chainsaw phobia is probably caused by this. ^^
I finished the game many times without getting bored,I hope they make a remake soon.
if you haven't watched it yet, here is some Resident Evil Animation movies ↓↓↓
Resident Evil Infinite Darkness (2021)
Resident Evil Vandetta (2017)
Resident Evil Damnation (2012) my favorite
Resident Evil Degeneration (2008)
[strike]Bonus: Resident evil 4 Ashley The Bizarre (+18) Hinca-p xD[/strike]
3435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 06:02
Resident Evil Serie start with a horror, third person, Puzzle and mystery solving game evolved into more of the action shooter game. Resident evil 4 is just the right game in the middle. Which offers the perfect balance of horror/puzzle elements of first 3 resident evil game and fast pace shooting fun of later resident evil game. A lot people include myself regard this game as the best resident evil game in the entire Serie so far. You play Leon the sweep cleaner Kennedy that will run through village, lake, castle, cave, temple, bunker, lab and island beyond to kill everything, solve everything and loot everything. After Leon left not a single box/vase will be left alive.
In all seriousness the entire game was very well made with mixed game play, interesting plot, good music/sound effect with a little outdated cut-scene. You also get one of the most fun sidekicks in all the games ever. (Ashely gets kidnaped more than princess peach from the entire Mario series in a single game!)
Even through this game has aged but still well played fun for fans of the Serie or any new gamers.
A solid 9/10 would be my final rating. All the achievements are really straight forward with only 2 of them can be missed so you a quick guild to ready about shooting the water and kill the right hand. You need play through the game again via professional difficulty to get last achievement. It’s actually not that hard since saving and check point still works. Ada’s side quest is also recommended to be played as she is super-fast, sexy and cool to control with nice video/voice report.
1106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 22:12
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 21:21
If you're a fan of the Resident Evil franchise do yourself a favour and play this one. By far one of the best in the series. The controls take a little bit to get used to and they're not the best feeling, but the whole rest of the game is worth it.
And the soundtrack slaps.
3671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 19:45
It's a complete change in Resident Evil, is simply one of the best survival horror games there is.
This will always be the best game ever, there isn't really much else to say, the graphics are starting to show their age, but i believe you don't care about that.
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 11:46
1472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 01:29
In the original games I find myself shooting once and running past them and in 5 and 6 I end up playing a worse version of Max Payne. In 4 I'm playing something I can't really get anywhere else,
The combat feels incredibly smooth despite being stationary while aiming. It adds a level of intensity and commitment to shooting someone without making me feel like I'm rolling dice to see if I get to kill it in 3 shots or 15 shots like in RE2's Remake. There's a lot of satisfying weight to the melee actions that give you i-frames in order to make some space in a crowd. You constantly find yourself in new encounters with enemies that feel different from the last which is great, without that variety this game wouldn't really go far past the first few areas.
Boss fights are great. There's a few that I would call my favorite in the franchise and they really are satisfying. They all feature great set pieces and have the variety needed to keep each encounter unique. Some are better than others, but you'll walk away from them all feeling accomplished
The inventory management leads to some satisfaction in sorting items around to tightly fit a rocket launcher you just picked up, and the upgrades lead to a sigh of relief. Rebind your sorting controls if you can, they can be a little awkward, but they're nothing worth bringing the game down over.
You end up getting a lot of ammo from encounters, but there's still a need for precision and resource management. You don't get an infinite amount of ammunition to plow through enemies, but you're not gonna have to knife every enemy to try and conserve bullets. Melee actions after stunning an enemy is where the combat goes from engaging to enthralling.
The story is about what you'd expect from Resident Evil, it's nothing profound, but it's not bad either. It's actually quite good and fun. The characters are quiet like-able and there's game play sections that make them feel more personal than other entries. The game overall has really good pacing and never leaves me desiring something more.
The puzzle solving in this game is really fun. It's a nice way to break up the pace of the action encounters without resulting in mediocre gameplay. That's really all I have to say about it as they pretty much speak for themselves.
Lastly, this game doesn't ditch horror entirely. It's quite chilling at times. Some enemies move incredibly fast and the audio queues for them can be nerve wracking when exploring certain areas. The ambiance adds to that experience as well as some great art direction and enemy design.
This is one of the most refreshing gaming experiences I've had in recent memories. If you want a solid action campaign with enthralling combat, climactic boss fights and likeable characters, I can't think of a title more deserving of that recommendation.
1801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 19:37
1473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 15:59
If you are going to play this game today in 2020, download RE4HD Project Mod. This willl make the game look like a modern game basically.
1536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 16:17
А вот и главный герой – мальчик-колокольчик Леон Кеннеди, телохранитель дочери президента. Идет напролом, взламывает сундучки с монетами, постреливает из пистолетика: злодеи, выходите на бой!
Они и выходят, вразвалочку и злобно порыкивая. Озверевшие пейзане норовят посадить незваного гостя на вилы; мутанты и великаны облизывают плотоядные губы – уж очень хочется отужинать человечинкой.
Да только напрасно злобствуют, болезные: тому, кто изучит законы механики, ничего не страшно. В затейливой конструкции нет лишних деталей. Все идет впрок, самая малюсенькая пружинка имеет свое назначение. Попадешь в голову одному лиходею – и сможешь раскидать целую толпу молодецким ударом ноги. В светильниках и тушках ворон упрятаны небольшие клады. Светошумовая граната разом убивает самых гадких паразитов.
Этот мир со зловещей червоточинкой в сердце только поначалу кажется непостижимым царством ужаса. В стране, приводимой в жизнь тройным поворотом ключа, нет ни забот, ни настоящей смерти. Ее законные правители – его величество Разум и ее величество Потеха. Пускай визг цепной пилы леденит душу, пускай наступают рядами мрачные монахи. Бояться нечего. Зло – всего-навсего детская игрушка, а его обитель – кукольный домик.
6067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 06:34
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 21:13
Takes a huge turn from the earlier games in the series. However Leon and a few other characters make a return appearance.
Leon is no longer just a police officer he is now a special federal agent super spy kind of thing. On a mission to rescue the President's daughter.
Portion of the game takes place locating and rescuing her.. Then it becomes a escort mission keeping the damsel in distress safe from being taken or killed. Shooting and action is pretty solid fun most of the time. There are however a few shooting gallery/kill all the enemies before you can proceed areas.. while the actual game areas are big, there is not too much exploration you're more just moving from point A to B
Puzzles are quite simple, quick time events might be the cause of most of your deaths because even on harder difficulty its not a terribly difficult game.
Most of the exploration will be gathering the treasures to collect them all.
After you complete the main game. They give you the whole new game + where you can start again with goodies from your first play through. Also, they have a mercenaries mode basically a arcade enemy attack mode and that in itself is fun as hell.
totally worth buying if you've never played it before and if you had played it before its worth buying and playing again. Enjoyed my recent plays.
Going through them all. From 0-6 remakes and sub games.
718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 13:51
5925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 15:37
Words cannot describe this masterpiece.
If you're reading this and have never touched this game, well you've missed years of fun.
Worth. Every. Cent.
To be honest watching the nostalgic ass trailer makes me wanna download this Gem again.
I can promise you, you will have fun. :3
Unless you have no arms, maybe even senile, this game will be the bane of your existence
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 23:51
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 18:43
Capcom can do no wrong, I pray to them every night.
Resident Evil 4 president. #MakeREgreatagain #RE2020 #PeoplecalledJackarestupid.
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 04:45
The controls were awful for me at first. It takes time to get used to it. But once you learn the ropes, you start to feel and enjoy this masterpiece. I couldn't resist my urges to play this game even when i was sleepy as hell. The story is interesting and makes you wanna learn more about it. Graphics are not bad, if you value the story more than the graphics, you will be fine. The characters are also good, but the monsters are the bests. Game is a bit less scary than other resident evil games, but it has more action elements. Normally i would consider it as a bad thing in scary games but this game has something i really like but i can not explain. Don't get me wrong, it is still scary, especially its atmosphere and the boss fights. It's just more of a shooting zombies in the head but also trying to conserve your ammo game (nothing like re6 tho, so don't worry).
This game is definitely worth your time, don't be like me by getting sceptical and delaying to play this masterpiece.
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 04:35
898 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 12:41
Because there is no love stronger than love for this game.
8860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 03:06
Я думаю и так все знают что игра шедевр, так что повторяться не буду.
(I think everyone knows that the game is a masterpiece, so I will not repeat myself.)
Вот вам перевод реплик врагов на русский и английский! ????
(Here is a translation of the enemy's replicas into Russian and English)
(Los Ganados)
?Ahi esta! - Вот он! (Here it is!)
?Os voy a romper a pedazos! - Я раз#рву тебя в клочья! (I'll t#ar you to shreds!)
?Detras de t?, imbecil! - Сзади, ты имб#цил! (Behind you, you imbec#le!)
?Un forastero! - Чужак! (Outsider!)
?Mi#rda! - Д#рьмо! (Sh#t!)
?Maldita sea! - Ч#рт! (H#ck!)
?Hey, aca! - Эй, сюда! (Hey, over here!)
?Agarrenlo! - Взять его! (Get him!)
?So cerdo! - Ёб#ная свинья! (F#cking pig!)
?Basta, h#jo d# p#ta! - Прекрати, ты, убл#док! (Stop it, you b#stard!)
?Ah, por el...! - Ах, за…! (Ah, for...!)
?Donde esta? - Где он? (Where is he?)
?Esta en la trampa! - Он в ловушке! (He's trapped!)
?Te voy a matar! - Я уб#ю тебя! (I'll k#ll you!)
?Por ahi! - Вон там! (Over there!)
?No dejes que se escape! - Не дайте ему убежать! (Don't let him escape!)
?No dejen que se escape! - Не дайте им сбежать! (Don't let them escape!)
?Bloquear el paso! - Перекрыть пути! (Block the tracks!)
?Te cogi! - Попался! (Gotcha!)
Puedes correr, pero no te puedes esconder – Ты можешь бежать, но не сможешь скрыться. (You can run, but you can't hide.)
?Cogelo! - Взять его! (Get him!)
?Te voy a hacer picadillo! - Я сделаю из тебя фарш! (I'll make mincemeat of you!)
?Empieza a rezar! - Начинай молиться! (Start praying!)
?Lo encontre! - Нашёл! (Found it!)
?Miralo, je je, esta herido! - Посмотрите, хе хе, ему больно! (Look, heh heh, it hurts!)
?Dale! - Стреляйте в него! (Shoot him!)
?Cabron! - Убл#док! (Bastard!)
?Ah! Que madre - Ах, тв#ю мать. (Oh, f#ck!)
?Quiero su cabeza! - Я хочу его голову. (I want his head.)
Лос Илюминатос / Фанатики
Los Illuminados / Zealots
Morir es vivir - Ум#реть, чтобы жить. (To d#e, to live.)
Cogedlo, cogedlo, cogedlo... – Схватить, схватить, схватить… (Grab, grab, grab…)
?Si, quiero matar! - Да, я хочу уб#ть! (Yes, I want to k#ll!)
?Matalo! - Уб#йте его! (K#ll him!)
Muere, muere, muere, muere... – Умр#, умр#, умр#, умр#… (D#e, d#e, d#e, d#e…)
Cerebros, cerebros, cerebros, cerebros... – Мозги, мозги, мозги, мозги… (Brain, brain, brain, brain…)
?Ahi estan! - Вот они! (Here they are!)
?No dejes que escape de la isla vivo! – Не дайте им уйти с острова живыми! (Don't let them leave the island alive!)
?Es hora de aplastar! - Время для д#вки! (Time for a st#mpede!)
?Muerete! - Пошёл на х#й! (F#ck you!)
?Alli! - Здесь!
?Ve por ?l! - За ним! (Here!)
?Empieza a rezar! - Начинай молиться! (Start praying!)
?Te voy a matar! - Я уб#ю тебя! (I'll k#ll you!)
Фразы в некоторых диалогах
(Keywords in some dialogs)
Первая встреча Леона с Ганадо:
(Leon's first meeting with Ganado:)
?Que carajo estas haciendo aqu?? ?Largate, cabron!
Какого ч#рта ты тут делаешь? Пошёл вон, коз#л!
(What the h#ll are you doing here? Get out, as#h#le!)
Когда Леон забегает в дом с дробовиком и его преследуют Ганадо:
(When Leon runs into the house with a shotgun and is chased by Ganado:)
?Por ahi!
(Over here!)
?No dejen que se escape!
Не дайте ему уйти!
(Don't let him get away!)
?Bloqueale el paso!
Перекрыть пути!
(Block the tracks!)
Взять его!
(Get him!)
?Vayan por detras!
Обходите сзади!
(Go around the back!)
?Ponle una trampa!
В ловушку его!
(To trap it!)
?Te voy a matar!
Я уб#ю тебя!
(I'll k#ll you!)
?Te cogi!
Все названия в целом
(All names in General)
Las Plagas - Чума (Plague)
Los Ganados - Скоты (Cattle)
Los Illuminados - Просвещенные (Enlightened)
Novistador - Невидящий (Unseeing)
Verdugo - Палач (Executioner)
Garrador - Когтистый (Clawed)
Thank you for reading this , stranger!
Я надеюсь, что написал все и ничего не упустил.
(I hope I wrote everything and didn't miss anything)
Если вы нашли то , что я не углядел и не написал, дайте мне знать, я все исправлю)
(If you find something that I didn't see or write, let me know and I'll fix it))
Извините, если что-то переведено не правильно!
(Sorry if something is translated incorrectly!)
Все ошибки и недостатки будут исправлены!
(All errors and shortcomings will be corrected!)
Thank you all, bye!
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 15:59
Watch on in horror and excitement as Liam and his centre-parting head to [strike]Mexico[/strike] Spain and embark on a village-spanning adventure, battling farmers, the elderly and input lag, using such skills as:
- The ability to mix strains on-the-fly
- The inability to shoot a gun and walk at the same time
- Poor hand-eye coordination (seriously, using a grenade is like playing hot potato)
- The letter E
Walk-stop-aim-stop-shoot your way to Ashley as your enemies literally turn to dust before you. Don't think your luscious blonde locks can carry you all the way, though, as you'll need to overcome some tough bosses like Kratos, a Xenomorph, Lord Farquaad, GI Joe and Emperor Palpatine before completing your mission.
6513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 13:02
1021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 01:29
860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 02:29
Otherwise, this is the best game ever made. One of my favorite game of all time! To begin with, the story is just brilliant and it really draws you deep into the game, eager to know what's going to happen next. The game is extremely tense, especially when you are in the middle of facing a boss. As you are playing, your heart beats and your hands begin to shake due to the intensity which really makes it fun to play. Admittedly, this game is actually pretty scary due to the eerie music, and creepy atmosphere. This game doesn't rely on cheap jump scares like a lot of today's games. The gameplay is excellent and it is set out in a unique style although if you are used to modern day 3rd person shooters, you might find the controls to be a little awkward but you will get used to it after about an hour. I definitely recommend getting this game. It is a MUST have. 10/10 despite of being a nostalgic value only.
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos