• Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.
  • Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm: Screen zum Mehrspieler-Shooter.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2013
Zum Shop
Preis Update 07.05.24

Über das Spiel

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  • CPU: Dual Core 2.3 GHz or better
  • GFX: 256 MB SM 3.0 DX9 Compliant NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX or better ATI Radeon HD 2900 GT or better
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Software: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • HD: 8 GB free hard drive space
  • SFX: Windows Supported Sound Card
  • DX: DirectX 9.0c
  • INET: Broadband Internet Connection required
  • LANG: English
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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400 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.13 19:47
The most realistic WW2 game out there.The Thompson is the best looking one I have ever seen in any game, I find myself shooting it just to enjoy the animations. The feeling of hitting someone long range and seeing the poof of blood is amazing. It has bullet drop, and you can adjust the sights for range. This is the only game i have ever seen to have the pop up sights actually work. The BAR and Thompsons have flip sights. The Surpression system is perfect! The screen effects really mess with your aiming.
Graphics 10/10
Realism 10/10
Sound 10/10

Well worth every penny!
347 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.13 10:17
This game isa hell lot of FUN !!!!

It's totally not like COD or any morden FPS , it combined pure FUN with REALISTIC element , even BF3 can't beat this game , this game wins hand down definitely !!

Buy it now if you've got the balls to take action in this brutal and crazily fun wafare!!
486 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.13 19:02
Rising Storm is a realistic FPS brought you by Tripwire Interactive, a fantastic developer.

This title is a spin-off of Red Orchestra of which the franchise is based in the Second World War. Instead of Soviet Union fighting against the German Nazis, here the game is based in the Pacific War of which you fight with the Japanese Empire or the United States of 'MURICA (I mean America...). Just like Red Orchestra, I suggest you only play this game if you're not deeply affected by war movies or if you don't have war trauma. Like I said in my brief introduction, the game wants to be as realistic as it can be without breaking the pacing. There's a lot of good voice acting here which can transmit pain. For example, I accidentally shot one of my teamates and the player's avatar died. The player respawned, however, the avatar kept crying of the pain and he wouldn't stop. It made me feel bad for the mistake and I couldn't concentrate properly. So as I said, be sure you would be fine with the execution of the theme.

You'll be fighting in many historical locations which are very well built for the game mechanics implemented in the game. Rising Storm is an assimetrical class-based game of which you have various roles to choose from. Assimetrical multiplayer (for those of you who don't know), is a system of which both teams or more have different attributes and features but the game is still balanced. In this case, the Americans have many classes with a better selection of weapons and the Japanease use guerilla-tactics and have special abilities. It's a bit harder to use the Japanease and you don't have a tutorial segment for them. What's harder to learn is how you should play Rising Storm, it's a lot harder to know how to advance efficiently or to defend as long as you can.

Even though it's a class-based game, what really matters is logistics here. What I'm talking about is moving as many soldiers as you can from point A to B and holding the point....preferably without dying of course.... You have many respawn tickets and as long as you don't burn too much time and don't waste them in an unproductive way, what you should be worried about is pushing with your teammates. You'll die many times though, so don't be suprised, it's a very hard game. You can respawn alongside your squad leader like in Battlefield.

The game is quite slow if you're doing things right. There's a lot of cover-based shooting because you can actually stick to cover, fire blindshots and tilt out of cover to fight. In all cases, do not go alone and don't run-and-gun. Go with teammates so you can get cover fire. Speaking of the firefights, the guns are very enjoyable to use but are hard to control because of their recoil. The game rewards for long and accurate shots, specially because you're dealing with old guns which work best in a specific way.

Rising Storm as Red Orchestra has a regenerative health that is mixed with consciousnesses and morale. So not only will shooting directly your enemy lower his HP, but also suppresive fire and nearby artillery fire will do the same. When your HP bar is low, you'll have difficulty hearing and you'll only see black and white. However, once the HP bar is low, you have to shoot them directly. You can also get injured and bleed out, so make sure you stick your head low.

Thee graphics are very beautiful but there are no facial animations which make it awkward to look at the soldiers. If you don't have a very good machine, then don't worry, the extensive option menu will help you on that.

In conclusion, Rising Storm has a high learning curve which probably will put you off if you don't like very hard games, but if you're looking for a challenge, then I recommend it!
288 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.13 19:39
Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 is essentially what Battlefield wishes it was. It's a more mature and more advanced PvP shooter that demonstrates the difference between console gaming (Battlefield/Call of Duty) and PC gaming (this game).

Many of the game modes are similar to what you'll find in Battlefield and Call of Duty, so what separates RS/RO2 is the gameplay. It's like a realistic, hardcore version of Battlefield except with much better level design, better netcoding/hit detection, mod support, and no balance issues.

Some may say it bridges the gap between typical shooters like Battlefield/CoD, and mil-sims like ArmA. Most of the gameplay, from the weapon functionality, complex vehicle functionality, and the high levels of intensity are closer to ArmA, while the scale and game modes are closer to Battlefield. Although not as strategic as Crysis/Crysis Wars or Natural Selection 2, anyone who likes PvP shooters should get this game.
471 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.13 19:09
Rising Storm needs a bit more polishing and a few more updates to really shine, but as it stands it's an excellent escape for old-school FPS fans. If you were a hardcore fan of Heroes of Stalingrad, this is basically an expansion in the Pacific with more gameplay you know and love.
1194 Produkte im Account
133 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.13 08:00
Rising Storm is a truly incredible WW2 multiplayer experience. Fans of Red Orchestra 2 will be more than satisfied but even new people to the franchise (like me), will most likely find the gameplay addictive and the experience one of a kind.

This game also includes the Red Orchestra 2 multiplayer so you can fight in the Pacific AND the Eastern Front. There are huge 64 player battles in extremely large maps that really makes you feel like you’re part of a war instead of a multiplayer shooter.

Red Orchestra has always been about realism which means limited HUD, quick deaths, a bleed out system, and a morale meter. Red Orchestra 2 players won’t be surprised by these features because they aren't anything new, but I just wanted to mention them for new players. The moral system affects the shakiness of your screen and the amount of colour you can see. If an enemy suppresses you, it will quickly drop. If artillery falls near you, it will drop. If you witness a fellow teammate getting killed, it will drop. There are lots of things that affect it but over time it gradually recovers.

Aside from the new maps and new weapons, the best new features are the distinct differences between the American side and Japanese side. The Americans have superior weapons whereas the Japanese have dirty tactics like grenade traps and Banzai rushes. So any Japanese soldier can use his grenades as traps by planting them in the ground. Luckily enough, they aren't triggered by fellow Japanese. The Banzai charge is a really interesting feature. Any soldier can charge forward while quickly diminishing morale of the Americans affecting their aim etc. The more Japanese that group together during the charge, the higher the morale drop for the Americans. While performing a Banzai charge the Japanese are also more resistance to gunfire. The Japanese weapons aren't as good as the Americans, but the effective use of these tactics can really make a difference.

There are various game styles that have been added such as “Action” which includes a more revealing HUD. So far I’ve only played Objective mode so I can’t tell you much about the game modes, but objective is very fun and really emphasizes teamwork.

It’s nice to play a game where teamwork is important and although one player can’t do much, a whole squad working together can really make a difference. I enjoy the visceral nature of the game and the realistic sounds used. It really is a definitive WW2 experience that I won’t forget!
Logo for Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
100% 82 0
Release:30.03.2013 Genre: Ego-Shooter Entwickler: Tripwire Interactive Vertrieb: Morphicon Limited / Peter Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:Steam Franchise:keine Infos
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