• Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.
  • Ravenbound: Screen zum Spiel Ravenbound.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.03.2023
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Preis Update 26.01.25
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update 04.04.23

Über das Spiel

Ravenbound ist ein rasantes Action-Spiel, das die Herausforderung eines Roguelites mit der Entscheidungsfreiheit einer offenen Welt kombiniert. Systemic Reaction, eine Kreativabteilung der Avalanche Studios Group, machte sich seine Erfahrung mit riesigen offenen Welten und packenden Action-Spielen zunutze, um ein Roguelite zu erschaffen, das in einer ganz neuen Fantasiewelt spielt.

Permanenter Tod und Fortschritt
Du bist ein Seelenwirt des Raben, einer unsterblichen Waffe, die von gefangenen Göttern geschmiedet wurde. Um sie zu befreien und auf der Insel Ávalt wieder die Ordnung herzustellen, muss der Rabe seine Macht wiederherstellen – eine Lebenszeit eines Seelenwirts nach der anderen. In Ravenbound spielt der endgültige Tod eine wichtige Rolle. Zwar ist jeder Seelenwirt nach dem Ableben für immer verloren, doch die Stärke, die er dem Raben verliehen hat, ist es nicht.

Rasanter Action-Roguelite-Kampf
Verbessere über mehrere Lebenszeiten hinweg dein Können, indem du mit dem rasanten Hack-and-Slash-Kampfsystem gegen die verdorbenen Kreaturen des Landes kämpfst, die dich um jeden Preis aufhalten wollen. Meistere den Kampf und wähle Aufwertungen, die deinem Spielstil entsprechen, um kommende Hürden zu überwinden.

Eine unvergleichliche Fantasiewelt, inspiriert von skandinavischer Folklore
Kämpfe gegen skandinavische Mythengestalten und erzähle Geschichten über die, die sich im Wald verlaufen haben. Stelle dich großen Trollen, rücksichtslosen Hulders und untoten Draugr, denen du auf deiner Erkundung der wunderschönen Insel Ávalt begegnen wirst, sei es zu Fuß oder als durch die Lüfte gleitender Rabe.

Mit den richtigen Karten zum Sieg
Fortschritt basiert auf Freischaltbarem und Karten, die du auf deiner Reise durch Ávalt findest. Mit jeder Lebenszeit werden neue Karten freigeschaltet – manche durch Zufall, andere nach deiner Wahl. Je stärker du wirst, desto besser werden auch deine Belohnungen. So findest du Karten für bessere Rüstung, neue spielbare Klassen, magische Waffen und Relikte, die dazu alle Synergien bieten. Beim Finden der richtigen Kombination geht es für Seelenwirte um Leben und Tod – wortwörtlich.


  • CPU: Intel i5-6400 (4C / 4T) (Q3 15), AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 4GB, AMD Radeon RX 5500 XT 4GB or equivalent
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: 64 bit OS - Windows 10
  • HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: English, French, German, Spanish - Spain, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chineselanguages with full audio support
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-4770, AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 1070 8 GB, AMD Vega 56 8GB
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: 64 bit OS - Windows 10/11
  • HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: English, French, German, Spanish - Spain, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chineselanguages with full audio support

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

85 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 14:59
Bisher macht das Spiel einen großartigen Eindruck auf mich, jedoch stürzt es bei mir fortwährend ab und ich finde momentan keine Lösung. Ich hoffe das es da vielleicht noch einen Patch geben wird, der die Crashes behebt.
Ich bin trotzdem sehr guter Dinge uns sehe mich schon endlose Stunden in diese Welt stecken.
405 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 14:50
Very clunky fighting system
686 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 21:45
This is a good-looking and challenging rogue-like with some unique ideas, but I think most players are going to find it too frustrating to be worthwhile in its current state. Enemies are very tanky and combat is floaty, with both the players and enemies sliding all over the place. Really the best way to survive fights involves sliding and dodging constantly, which gets a bit tedious. A weightier, more grounded combat system would really have been a better approach here. The difficulty is very uneven; the most difficult enemy camps can take ages to clear as you are forced to constantly kite the enemies apart in drawn out hit-and-run battles, and some enemies are simply such overwhelming damage sponges that you're bound to mess up before you can take them down. You can occasionally power up and get a nice run going through the use of the cards that you acquire by winning battles, but in the majority of my runs I never had enough mana to use any of them. Most of my runs also involved the game crashing to desktop at least once; this sometimes happens when you die, which erases any progress you made during that run. Not great!

I think with some additional bug-fixing and some very extensive balancing work, this could be a really great game. They've got the groundwork here for a really interesting and fresh take on the genre, so hopefully with some time and effort they're able to make this thing as fun as I think it could be.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 15:58
Very fun so far, I have had a few strange things happen but overall I am having a good time so far.
391 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 14:25
While this game has its own flaws, there is also a ton of potential. After playing for a short amount of time I can tell you that I for one am having a ton of fun playing the game. I know it won't be everyone's game, and there are some small things that I would like to see change but this overall is a solid foundation. I would love to see PS controller icon supported in the future, if its not already and I haven't figured it out yet. The card system is honestly really cool and while most people say hatred is meh, I think this makes it so you can't just abuse the card system and get insanely powerful.

Overall, I highly recommend playing this game, and giving it a chance.
526 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 14:08
Nothing Changed since the last Beta.
Still a walking Simulator. You still get punished for leveling.
You fly to a remote place kill some enemies, pick up some hatred fragments that makes all other enemies stronger.
Have no Mana to use said cards. Proceed to walk several minutes to the next spot where your able to go into your raven form.
rinse and repeat for an hour or more.
Get punished fighting the boss because through the hatred mechanic he now has shitloads of health and kills you in a few hits.
Unlock nothing that helps you in your new run..

World is huge but emty as f
Combat is actually fun, until you get one-shoted
the diffrence between a perfect dodge/block is a few milliseconds.

If you make a big ass world, let me fly everywhere.
Dont punish me for actually enjoying combat and leveling.
If i want to be overpowerd and fight the boss that way, why stop me.

Cant recommend in the current state.
304 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
372 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 13:35
I think people are little too harsh on this game. Does it have a few goofy game mechanics choices? Yes. Does it have occasional bugs? Also yes. But they aren't charging AAA prices and you still get a fun game out of it. The combat mechanics are satisfying, particularly as you play longer and unlock more stuff and the different weapon types. I think the game should have made everyone's first character start with a longsword as that playstyle feels much more similar to other souls-like games and makes the enemies feel a lot lot less like health sponges, which is a common complaint when playing with the default swords. The game starts to make more sense and opens up a lot more as people play more, though seems like a lot of people are dismissing it very very early on.

As a sort of TLDR: I just got done beating Returnal and was looking for something else to scratch that live-die-repeat rougelite loop and this is working for me
266 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.23 02:57
So after finally completing the game I can say I fully understand how to play and enjoy each and every run

The general strategy that majority fail to find out and what the game fails to explain is that the main strategy is

Choose area
Follow blue objective to grab the mana
Upon completing this this will cleanse nearby chests of hatred to allow the player to open chests without penalty
Raven up and look for the little light beacons coming out of camps (this means that it has a non hatred chest)
Gather fragments and generally choose the free mana cards from the cleansed camps
Complete the Green objective to get coins
Use coins to either buy a potion from the town (heals 100) or use coins to unlock a relic slot
If you havent empowered enough fragments. Empower fragments until you have one Hatred slot.
Fight Warden

Proceed to next area

Enjoy Ravenbound friends.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
53.18% 184 162
Release:30.03.2023 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Systemic Reaction Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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