• Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.
  • Ratropolis: Screen zum Spiel Ratropolis.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 22.12.2020
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Preis Update 02.05.21

Über das Spiel

Ratropolis kombiniert Roguelite, Deck Building und Tower Defense mit Echtzeitstrategie-Gameplay. Verteidige deine kleinen Rattenvorposten gegen Raubtiere und monströsen Kreaturen und bringe diese in Sicherheit. Baue die größte "Ratropolis!" aller Zeiten indem du Rattengeschichte schreibst!

Wähle aus über 500 Karten aus den Kategorien Wirtschaft, Gebäude, Militär und Fähigkeiten, um deinen taktischen Befehl auszuführen. Alle Anführer beginnen die Reise mit einem Deck aus 8 Basiskarten. Der Aufbau eines effizienten Decks ist der Schlüssel zur Verteidigung deiner Ratten gegen Wellen rattenhungriger Feinde. Füge Karten hinzu, entferne und verbessere sie, um ein Deck zu schaffen, das eines wahren Anführers würdig ist!

Deine Ratten in der Stadt zu beschützen, wird eine Herausforderung sein. Beziehe Hilfe von Beratern mit Talenten in Finanzen, Verteidigung oder Führung. Sie werden dir bessere Handlungsmöglichkeiten bieten, wenn das Chaos sich erhebt. Fällt die Stadt, endet die Kampagne, aber mit jedem Ende folgt ein neuer Anfang. Schalte neue Karten frei, um deine Wahlmöglichkeiten zu erweitern und jede Abwehr zu einem neuen Erlebnis zu machen.

Führe nun Ratropolis in den Sieg und rette deine Ratizens vor dem Untergang!

  • Einzigartiges Gameplay: Echtzeit-Deckbuilding-Kartenspiel kombiniert mit Roguelite- und Tower Defense-Elementen! Hast du so was schon mal gespielt?
  • Sehr fesselnd: Hochgradig fesselndes und schnelles Gameplay, das blitzschnelles Handeln und Reagieren erfordert.
  • Wiederspielbarkeit: Einfach zu spielen, schwierig zu meistern.
  • 100+ Ereignisse: Zufällige Entscheidungsereignisse bieten mit jedem Spiel neue Erfahrungen
  • 500+ Karten: Schalte neue Funktionen und Karten frei, um nach jedem Spiel stärker zu werden.
  • 6 mögliche Enden: Wähle dein individuelles Abenteuer!
  • 6 Anführer! Jeder mit eigenem Spielstil und Merkmalen.
  • Führe niedliche Ratten an, keine verwilderten Katzen!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.4 Ghz
  • GFX: 512MB Video Ram.
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Window 7, 8, 10 (64-bits)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • MISC: Minimum resolution: 1280x720, recomended FULL HD 1920x1080.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 3.2 Ghz
  • GFX: 1GB Video Ram
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Window 10 (64-bits)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Minimum resolution: 1280x720, recomended FULL HD 1920x1080.
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 22:23
The game is pretty fun.
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 20:56
Ich habe das Spiel ziemlich kurz nach Release erhalten. Seitdem hat sich im Spiel viel getan.
Die Entwickler nehmen Vorschläge der Community an.

Mittlerweile habe ich über 30 Stunden Spielzeit und noch lange nicht genug von dem Spiel. Ich finde, der Wiederspielwert ist sehr hoch. Gerade, weil es zeitlich recht gut eingrenzbar ist, man es aber dank der Speicherfunktion nun auch unterbrechen und zu einem anderen Zeitpunkt fortsetzen kann, greife ich gerne dazu, wenn ich auf dem Sofa sitzend noch eine kleine Runde was spielen möchte.

Die einzelnen Anführer, ihre Spezialfähigkeiten und die entsprechend angepassten Karten machen das Spiel trotz des eingängigen Spielprinzips abwechslungsreich.

Ich kann das Spiel absolut weiterempfehlen!
68 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 06:46
Fun little game. fairly challenging and cute artstyle.
238 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 11:00
Ratropolis ist ein Tower Defense Spiel mit Deckbuilding Mechaniken, einer gewissen Prise Strategiespiel und vor allem
Rogue-Like Elementen. Das Spiel ist am Anfang bockschwer! Über Welle 20 zu kommen ist ein Wunder. Doch da liegt auch der Reiz von Ratropolis, die Freischaltungen. Je öfter man einen Helden spielt desto mehr schaltet man für ihn frei. Seien es neue Berater die dir einen Passiven Bonus geben oder sogar neue Karten die völlig neue Mechaniken bieten und somit auch mehr Kombinationen das Spiel zu gewinnen. Aktuell bietet Ratropolis 6 verschiedene Helden die sich alle drastisch unterscheiden und jeder für sich einen völlig anderen Spielstil bietet. So hat man z.B den General, dessen Deck überwiegend aus Militärkarten besteht welche sozusagen eure Einheiten sind. Es gibt aber auch den Bauherr der einen großen Fokus auf Gebäude und dessen Verstäkrung legt. Abwechslungsreich ist das Spiel allemal und mir war bis jetzt (aktuell 34 Stunden Spielzeit) nie langweilig. Jede Runde birgt ein neues Abenteuer welches man strategisch bewerkstelligen muss und ganz ehrlich, es macht immer wieder bock von vorne zu zocken. Auch der Zeichenstil der Karten und die Musik sind ein Grund mehr das Spiel zu lieben.

Absolute Empfehlung für Tower Defense und/oder Deckbuilding Liebhaber. Gerade vor dem Hintergrund, dass man hier für Rund 10€ ein echt schickes Spiel bekommt in dem viel Liebe zum Detail steckt und welches absolut Süchtig macht!
108 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 19:33
The game was fun for sure, but I will probably not continue to play it. It's very stressful and draining. There are endless things that want to be clicked and demand your attention all the time.
207 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 15:12
Ein absolut fantastisches Spiel, spiele es immer mal für Zwischendurch. Hoffe, es wird stetig weiterentwickelt
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 18:43
Ein großartiges und kurzweiliges Spiel, dass auch nach dem x-ten mal spielen noch immer Spaß macht und außerdem sehr herausfordernd ist.
Personen mit geringer Frustrationstoleranz ist von dem Spiel jedoch abzuraten, da es wirklich nicht leicht zu gewinnen ist. Für mich liegt gerade jedoch darin der Reiz :)
2848 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 10:01
Dass ein so einfaches Spielprinzip so begeistern kann hätte ich nicht erwartet, vor allem weil man von der Beschreibung her eher von einem Kartenspiel ausgehen könnte...vergleichbar aber am ehesten mit Kingdom, jedoch mit verschiedenen Anführern, bei denen mir sich von jedem die Speziafähigkeiten während nur weniger Spiele offenbart hat...naja, von jedem außer dem Wissenschaftler. Sowohl das Spielprinzip, als auch die Errungenschaften haben mich echt lange ans Spiel gefesselt, auch wenn ich mir den Rest vermutlich nicht mehr holen werde...man soll ja aufhören, kurz bevor man komplett süchtig wird :)
1097 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 19:15
Die ersten Runden haben durchaus Spaß gemacht, der Progress hält sich aber in Grenzen. Zudem stresst mich das ganze Spielprinzip, was den Vergleich mit Slay the Spire nicht zu lässt. Hier geht es weniger um wohl überlegte Kartenzüge als unter Druck schnell die richtigen Karten rauszuballern. Das Spieldesign ist hübsch und die Kartenmechaniken gefallen mir sehr gut, aber der ständige Druck, schnell die nächste Kartenhand abzuarbeiten, macht mir einfach auf Dauer keinen Spaß und wirkt irgendwann nur noch nervig.
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 03:15
für ein Early Acess titel ist das Spiel schon recht weit in der Entwicklung, mir persönlich macht es bisher ne menge spaß.

Ratropolis ist eine mischung aus karten und tower defense spiel.

Das spiel ist dahin weit aufgebaut das man durch mehrfaches spielen mit den verschiedenen Anführern, verschiedene karten frei spielt die dann ebenfalls bei den Durchläufen mit anderen Anführern auftauchen können.
Jeder Anführer hat zu beginn ein Starter Deck aus 10 karten wobei diese sich meist nur durch 1-2 karten unterscheiden. Und erweitert dieses Deck durch besiegen von Angriffs wellen oder durch das kaufen von neuen karten beim Händler. Man startet mit 2 Schutzwällen die es gegen die anstürmenden Gegner zu verteidigen gilt. Dazu stehen einem Gebäude,einheiten, wirtschafts und zauber karten zur verfügung, mit denen man seine Stadt und die Verteidigung aufbauen kann. Man kann mit untschiedlichen Anführern spielen bei dem jeder sowohl eine eigene passive als auch eine manuell aktivierbare Fähigkeit besitzt.

negativ bei der sache ist das sich trotz der untscheidlichen Fähigkeiten die Spielweisen nur wenig ändert, da wie erwähnt jeder Anführer im Endeffekt, bis auf einige ausnahmen zu beginn, auf die selben Karten zurück greift und man so meist zum ende hin immer versucht die selben einheiten, gebäude und zauber zu haben.

Wünschenswert wären da spezielle karten die dann auch nur der einzelne Anführer besitzt und nutzen kann aber vieleicht kommt das ja noch bei einem Early Acess is schließlich alles möglich.

Ich habe nach ca 15 stunden von 5 der 6 Anfüher alle karten frei gespielt.
Durch den recht hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad ist das spiel nur leuten aktuell zu empfehlen die sich nicht so einfach unterkriegen lassen. Wer schnell gefrustet davon ist auch nach mehreren stunden bei der ein oder anderen runde bereits innerhalb der ersten 10 wellen zu scheitern sollte von dem spiel ehr abstand nehmen.
Ich spiel auf normal und habe von 20 runden bisher erst 1 mal alle 30 wellen überstanden.
Offt wurde ich zwischen der 25-28igsten welle einfach überrannt. Wenn das glück einem nich hold ist, dann kann auch schon mal nach welle 8 schluss sein.

Ich lass mich zumindest überraschen wohin die reise mit ratropolis noch geht.

Fazit: das spiel hat großes potenzial, durch den aktuell recht hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad ist es aber sicher nichts für jeder man, aber wer sich davon nicht abschrecken lässt und auch spaß hat wenn nicht alles beim ersten mal klappt, macht mit ratropolis nix verkehrt.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 18:03
I love playing it because you only need to click with the mouse !
129 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 17:08
Very good game, there is a lot of different way to play.
The only problem is the game tends to lag A LOT when there are a lot of enemies. But even then, the devs are working on it.
275 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 19:49
It's good but nothing special. Art-style is cute.
20 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 16:08
I've played 61 hours in the last two days.
175 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 17:53
The more I play it, the more I like it.
I wish there were more options to customize the game though.
11 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 12:27
alright. After 20h you get a little bored, 30h you're done
373 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 22:25
I am not good at this game. The rats just come and destroy my city every single time except once. But I would recommend this to just about anyone. Maybe you'll be better at it and then give me some tips.

But til then - somehow I'm having a blast play a side-scrolling Tower Defense game using a card mechanic and suspect you would too.
693 Produkte im Account
183 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 04:22
I really don't understand the developers.

You have a good foundation on your hands, why not make it easier to move units around?! Why not have a central place where you can activate your available building actions? Why do I need to wait for units to get to a wall to send them to another wall?!?!?!
370 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 01:59
this is a top notch strategy with a very frusterating user interface.

the deckbuilding machanics and strategy of the game is superb, each of the rat powers, decks, units give the game lots of life. each of the heroes have diffrent decks with stratagies in each one makes the game repeatable and rewarding.

as for the down side, how you control units and need to scroll left and right to do things makes the game just having to spam the pause button on each level to micro manage the units that a lot of the time you HAVE to micromanage. in the harder stages of the game it is not uncommon to just lose because you sent the wrong person in a direction and takes too long to turn them around.

that said despide the UI problems the game is WORTH IT. think on that.
733 Produkte im Account
180 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 13:44
It's not that the game is bad, it's just not good. The overly colorful, hard-to-parse presentation would be more fitting for a browser flash game, the animations are mediocre.

The gameplay loop that combines tower defense with a card game is interesting. The designers managed to find a way to fuse the two together: the world lives in real time, and you can refresh your hand for new actions and resources every N seconds. It creates a curious effect where you have to strategize, but also act fast, and the combination mostly works.

It's for this design innovation that adds a kind of twist to a generally Kongregate-feeling game that I'm giving it a thumbs up. But I wouldn't call it a recommend.
346 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 19:08
You like Card Games?
You like action packed, fast paced combat?
You like endless mode?

Go get this game. It's not AAA and will not last for endless hours, but it will satisfy your need for long enough.

And I am just too damn stupi to win ;D
583 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 11:52
Ratropolis Review
Purchase Price: $14.39 (-20%)
Regular Price: $17.99
Play Time: 30-45 minutes for first 30 waves
100% Completion: No (78% of the way there!)

tl;dr - Ratropolis is a unique blend of deck-builder and tower defense with an adorable artstyle that has become one of my go-to “I don’t know what I want to play” games.

Ratropolis immediately captivated me with it’s artstyle. It’s unique blend of deck-builder and tower defense has kept me coming back for more. The game is straight-forward & easy to learn, yet difficult to master. UI is intuitive and provides all relevant information to the player. Animations and SFX are very well done, and excellently supports the artstyle.
There is meta-progression by earning xp as each of the six leaders in order to unlock more cards. In addition, after one has beaten the game once, pollution is unlocked where each subsequent victory will add an additional modifier making the game more difficult (ala Monster Train). There is also a feature that allows one to continue playing after having beaten the first 30 waves as a new leader which triggers again after each additional 30 waves survived (the leader choices are random, no additional xp will be earned, however).

Although the re-draw timer has been brought up by some as a negative, it truly does add an entirely different dimension to the game, and I believe that it is a generally positive addition to the game. In most deck-builders (e.g., Monster Train, Slay the Spire, Guild of Dungeoneering, etc.), one needs to be certain that they are making the best play, and a timer simply does not belong. However, in a tower defense, time is just as much a currency as gold. Having a re-draw timer applies pressure, and instills a sense of impending doom - which I believe adds to the immersion in this post-apocalyptic world our little anthropomorphic rats must survive within. The hordes are drawing nearer by the minute, and the ratizens must rush to the defense of our city!

My main gripes with the game are the initial difficulty curve, the lack of maps (there are only 3), and the tediousness of achievement earning. Firstly, it seems that an early victory is extremely difficult without unlocking certain cards for each leader. Although, some leaders are easier than others (The General should have been the first unlocked leader, not the Merchant). Secondly, a campaign would be a very welcome addition to the game, and would easily allow the developers to add in a few more maps. Lastly, some achievements are simply a slog (survive the 120th wave), irritating as all hell because of uncontrollable factors (achieve victory while never exceeding 999 gold) or are RNG based (have x, y, & z advisor).

Other than those minor criticisms & quibbles, I truly enjoy the game, and wholeheartedly recommend it.
629 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 02:59
This game could be so much bigger than it is now.

DEVS please release more content.

For now, slightly thumbs up.
352 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 06:51
I love deck building games, but the combination of deck building + RTS tower defense just... does not work. It's a really interesting, daring game, but it's unbalanced and frustrating to play. Interesting to tinker with, but not enjoyable.
326 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
4318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 03:26
I really enjoy this game and have played it for a crazy amount of hours. Super addictive and fun.

I do wish there were more than 3 worlds though and it can be frustrating when the enemies get to a certain level and are super overpowered after a slow build up. Also not sure how the game can continue past a point when you are locked in to only making 200 max warriors to fight for you. At a certain point you will just end up dead no matter what you do with this limitation.

There is some imbalance issues but it is fun and challenging. Anyone who likes these types of side scrolling army building games will love this one despite it's flaws.
131 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 00:03
Unique blend of deckbuilder but with time-based attributes. Adding another dimension (time) makes the game much more exciting and more tactical than most turn based deck builders. I love the selection of heroes as well. Highly recommend
203 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 16:31
I gave it a try. Then i kept doing it.
465 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 19:42
I unlocked the military general, got to wave 31, found out the game went to wave 60, became a necromancer and died because I sacrificed all my rats to summon rat skeletons. 10/10 would recommend.
57 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 18:01
i recommend it
517 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 08:33
290 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 03:06
Get on it.
329 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 09:56
Quick review:

This game is very simple.
It is a horizontal game where you start with your base - a castle or house, or whatever.
Then, you expand outward and place guards down as you go. That's it.
It's like a tower defense, but sideways.

Each game is different as you draw cards at random to put down.
You keep filling your deck. It's very easy to understand and extremely difficult to win.
I've played about ~ 7 hours of gameplay and have never beat it, but I have unlocked a lot of different characters, cards and ways to play.

Quick pros:
- Nice music
- Cute art
- Spooky art
- Probably family friendly enough? A nine year old could play it, as long as they're real about losing. You will lose. It's all about losing!
- Nice devs, keep updating, even tiny things. I came across no bugs.

Quick cons:
- Very very difficult
- Can be repetitive
417 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 17:58
At first I thought this was sucked. I played, did ok and hit some walls. Convinced myself I got a mobile game sold as a PC game. Then i stumbled across a YouTube with dozens of hours of VODs on his YouTube from his twitch play. I figured this guy has to be getting paid to play because he usually plays pretty deep, strategic games. I usually only watch people play games to see if I should buy it. In this case it really opened my eyes up to a whole new way to go about playing the game. Its a great game.

Check him out if you on the edge and wanna see the depth of the game:
101 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 00:23
Very fun real time deckbuilding rougelite base builder. Plays a lot like an real time strategy game. Learning curve is a bit steep at first, but lots of interesting choices to make during a run. All of the classes feel different and interesting.
102 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 17:25
This is the sort of game that has me wishing Steam had a neutral review option. I had a good bit of fun trying out Ratropolis, however it's unlikely that I will play many more than the ~7.5 hours I've played as of posting this review.

First things first, Ratropolis is a unique combination of several different genres. Coming straight off of Slay the Spire and Monster Train (two deck-building roguelites, for those unaware), I was intrigued to play 'A fusion of roguelite, tower defense, city-building, and deck-building!' Those are all accurate descriptors, and I think the idea behind Ratropolis is truly solid. For me, however, the fun ends only shortly past the novelty of such different genres being combined.

The biggest problem I have with Ratropolis is its timer. This is of course necessary to allow for the tower defense elements (which run in real-time) to be able to function. Unfortunately, however, this means that the speed with which you play your cards is a legitimate factor for how well you do in the game. While most other card games (at least the ones that I've played) reward you for playing the correct cards in the correct order, Ratropolis doesn't really function in that way. In order to get a new hand, you have three options: wait out the timer, pay gold (one of your important resources), OR find a way to go infinite and bypass the timer entirely. Let's quickly go through each of these options.

1. Wait out the timer -- This comes with some obvious downsides. Any time spent waiting is time you're not playing cards, meaning you're missing out on possible gold, citizen, and unit generation. This is obviously not ideal.

2. Pay gold -- This option is fine early game, when the cost to reload your hand is <50 gold, and you aren't spending your gold on a lot, however the amount of gold it costs increases with every wave and quickly becomes hard to keep up with. Generating several hundred gold per hand, every hand seems like quite a feat, especially since in the later parts of the game you'll likely be spending a lot of gold to get units down constantly. I don't see this as a viable long-term strategy, however it's possible there are legitimate ways to do this that I'm overlooking.

3. Go infinite -- The final option, and the one that really ruins the game for me. Thin your deck to ~5-7 cards and find a combination that allows you to generate money, then redraw the money generation card + the card you played to draw in the first place. The animation time of playing / drawing cards becomes a legitimate factor, so you really do want to narrow your combo down to the fewest cards possible. Unfortunately, this option seems to me to be the only viable strategy that allows you to keep up with the ever-increasing difficulty of the enemy waves.

Going infinite is, in my mind, the absolute last solution a deck-building game should encourage, as it removes the thoughtful planning of turns and limits you instead to mindlessly playing the same couple cards over and over and over. On top of this, I think it's particularly silly when a game's goal is to side-step game mechanics.

What follows are a couple possible solutions to the problem that may be worth exploring for future games that attempt this theme.

1. Remove the timer entirely, and instead place a limit on the number of turns that can be played between waves. This would, of course, require cards and buildings to be designed with this system in mind. The way you play cards during waves would have to be overhauled as well; maybe you would be unable to play cards during waves, or you could have a separate battles-only deck that does rely on a timer between getting new hands -- I don't know. This solution would (ideally) remove speed as a factor, and encourage a more 'traditional' style deck-building play, where you carefully plan the optimal route for a given turn.

2. Remove, or at least heavily discourage the possibility to go infinite. At the very least, this means removing the ability for cards to draw themselves (as in, a 'draw two' card adding itself back to your hand if you have only one card in your discard pile). This would likely require some work done to balancing the amount of cards drawn from card effects, as well as the amount of money you can generate in a turn, and the cost of performing actions like redrawing and playing units. In essence, rather than sidestepping the mechanic of paying to redraw, this system would encourage you to find ways to overcome it.
453 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
3033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 04:14
Pretty fun and certainly worth around $20, but once you figure out a winning strategy for each faction, the game is basically solved. Despite the best efforts of the added cards, the game kinda lacks variety in play-styles especially at higher difficulties.

Somewhat reminiscent of slay the spire and similar rogue-like deckbuilders, but with a tower defence/city-builder twist.
263 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 04:21
I gave a rats ass.
343 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 18:27
Drafting deck building mixed with Kingdoms style wave survival defense using towers and minions. Excellent art and highly polished style in its presentation. The survival tower defense aspect may be a little too frantic and spammy for some deck building gamers, but each of the 6 leader decks offer tactical variety and each deck has a few different internal themes to choose for specializing into within its deck.

Wave difficulty ramps up exponentially at waves 10 and 20, then less surprisingly at the transition from normal play to endless at wave 30. It is a bit of a rough and frustrating initial surprise as a new player after purchase and may also be a turn off for some. The base game itself is pretty good and is only really lacking a custom game freeplay mode for messing around with different settings. That being said, personally I'd happily pay for DLC/expansion packs with new leader decks and world maps if they were designed to the same level of quality.
227 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 03:53
Games with card mechanics tend to bore me, largely because the most effective strategies are usually the most dull.
Generally you are encouraged to get an effective loop and then reduce the amount of cards you have to a bare minimum to make your loop effective and repeatable. The downside of this is that the more interesting cards tend to be too hard to use in these loops and so generally get culled. Sure you can try to use them, and you can get them to work but it just won't work as well as your tight 5-10 card loop.

Ratropolis really isn't any different in this regard. What makes it stand out a little bit more is the other factors of the game that make it an interesting package. i.e. the economic, town building and tower defence elements. These make it interesting enough to push past the generally negative aspect of card based games.

The biggest negatives is the RNG. I'm generally not that opposed to RNG as a mechanic in games. I find it amusing how plenty of people won't play games that use percentages, such as the Xcom games because they can miss with a 95% chance to hit (lol). The RNG in this game is next level. From the direction the enemies come from, the enemy types, the strength of the waves, the availability of cards from vendors or building, the actions you can take at the end of each wave, the advisors you get to choose, etc, etc. If you hate RNG, don't play this game!!

Other than that it's a good little time waster.
288 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 13:43
i just bought it, been playing for almost 30 hours straight. What day is it again?
233 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 20:52
Stay away from this.

I'm a big fan of slay the spire and monster train and I also really enjoy tower defense games.

So where did this game go wrong?
For me it simply has zero depth, getting rare/legendary cards are easy and you will consequently be able to pick up any card you want in any run. This is at least the case in the beginning of the game when tons of the cards are locked behind grind, I'm already dead tired of this game after 8 hours but maybe it would be more fun if I grinded another 30 hours into it and unlocked most cards.

You don't have time to read the cards its all about rotating them and getting as much value off as possible by rapidly playing the same cards over and over. That said there are almost no strategy about what cards to play or where, the depth is simply not there. Another problem for me is the fact that many many cards require you to micromanage spells or abilities in order for them to gain value. What I wanted was to strategically pick cards and build my base to try and survive, not casting fireball on every enemy wave manually a hundred times while mindlessly playing through every card in my deck. This game feels like work
144 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 07:58
Rats, rats, we are the rats
Celebrating yet another birthday bash
Michael, its your birthday today
Cake and ice-cream are on its way
And Michael's been such a good boy this year
Open up your gifts while we all cheer

Needless to say. Very good game, frequent updates, good replay value and of course. Rats.
293 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 02:35
I am annoyed that the 'pause' feature doesn't allow you to play cards during the frozen time. Yes, time slows down while you attempt to place a card, but when you have expanded your defensive line in each direction, placing cards becomes a hassle.

If this was fixed, I would upvote this game, as it is otherwise enjoyable as a deckbuilder rougelite.
582 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 03:10
Card based games in a turn based game or even a real time game with pause are fine because you can actually take your time and read the cards and contemplate your decisions and card synergy. In a pure real time game it is just tedious and annoying, especially because this game expects you to repeat playing over and over. A good concept that is ruined by trying to be overly hardcore.
188 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 10:59
I've completed the game multiple times with different leaders. Check out the prologue of the game here. (If you found this helpful give it a thumbs up.)


1. Quirky, friendly graphics.
2. New spin on tower defence genre with building your deck for the protection, unique.
3. The game is very engaging, great time killer.
4. customisable playstyle, no run is ever the same and multiple classes(Leaders) to choose from.
5. Cute rats that like cheese!

1. There is no story line to the game just pure gameplay.
2. Ratropolis gets hard quick, so you will need to learn the optimal ways to build each leader or lose the run.
3. A lot of the cards can be quite useless compared to others, some balancing issues and tweaks needed.
4. The game is very APM heavy (Actions Per Minute) if you aren't quick you will lose time and that might lead to defeat.

I really liked my playthroughs of Ratropolis, every run with each leader felt unique and different in its own way with multiple areas to choose from. The thing that stopped me from playing it, was that most leaders had an optimal way to build in the end which would make the cards you pick for that leader the same in most runs or be at risk of getting a defeat screen.
I rate this game 7.5/10
459 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 17:20
The game has a premise but it all falls apart in the details.

There are numerous events and pop-ups in the game. Get used to having something pop up every second while you're trying to read card descriptions, strategise building and unit placement, micro-managing unit movement, planning out deck strategy and keeping an eye on enemies atacking your walls on two sides or jumping into the city and attacking some other random building.

The tutorial does not explain half of things and is rushed in 2 minutes. Difficulty can be selected between: hard (more enemies), hard (tougher enemies) and hard (epic enemies). So when you just start you get mawned down and don't even knwo what happened, why you lost or how to improve.

Speaking of improvements, the only thing you get from each playghrough is unlocking new potential cards to find. This means that you get decreasingly lesser chance of getting good cards and the more you progress the more frequently you are getting garbage cards. F.e. I managed to beat the game on third pass but ever since I never was able to get a decent set of cards to pick from.

You can unlock up to 6 characters that don't differ all that much so in the end the character you choose doesn't feel any different. Once you beat the game there isn't really any incentive to keep playing (other than unlocking potential cards you can RNG during a playthrough).

All in all, I find the game chaotic, too fast paced (reminds me of Korean Starcraft tournaments in terms of clicks per second), unbalanced, too dependant on RNG and not rewarding in terms of progression.
563 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
4964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 19:52
Solid tower defense/city builder roguelite where your every unit, building and most actions are cards. 9/10

- variety (6 leaders with different playstyles and decks + 3 environments with different enemy types to choose from)
- run takes between 30-60min to complete
- autosave at certain points
- permanent progression system (unlock cards and leaders)
- randomized runs (replayability)
- 2 boss types for early and end bosses
- ascension (pollution) system
- advisor system (basically perks you can get and pick during a run that are in effect only for the duration of the run)
- never crashed on me

- rng can sometimes be horrible but that is true for all card games
- if you want to continue the game after you win (wave 30) you will need a good PC to run this because later on it gets crazy but it is relatively ok at wave 120 (highest required for an achievement)
- ordering troops around is a little awkward
- needs a little grinding to get all the cards, not that much tho
- you only get extra experience points for winning based on the ascendancy (pollution) level not based on how long you managed to survive

btw you do NOT build a deck in this game, you unlock new cards and those are added to their leader's deck. There is no option to disable the ones you dislike.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 15:08
The game idea is good and the graphics etc are great.

I do feel like the game is a little limited at the moment though. It's an interesting idea to have a deck building element which creates a little more variety in the game meaning you get different champions and cards each time but in the same way it makes the game very hard to strategise.

I have played for around 18 hours now so have explored a lot of the game. It does feel as soon as I understand 1 mechanic I lose and even using the same character can't use that strategy again because of the random deck mechanic.

I will continue playing this but I think the price is a little steep for how limited the game play is. It's good for 20-30 mins games but you couldn't sit and play this for hours.
122 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
7585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 19:46
Imagine slay the spire but you are rewarded for apm.
464 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 21:38
i cant say the game is bad but its very much if you dont get what you need to succeed you will lose. nothing you can do about it, just if your unlucky you will not succeed. the game has two basic resources money and people. there is a third for one of the leaders but honestly you cant count on it to actually be there when you need it.
money is fairly easy to manage its people that is really a problem. the basic house will get you 3 people and while it can be upgraded thats usually it. from there you can get cards that will get you people as well, but there is maybe 2 reusable cards per leader that can get you more people. there is also a single building card that can get you new people every two minutes. this is out of a large pool of cards and getting them is fairly random so its actually quite unlikely for you to get the cards you need to succeed. once you have the cards its usually just a case of throwing cards at the walls until you have a large enough stack to beat anything down thats coming your way. you NEED one of these solutions by at least wave 10 or you WILL lose.
there is also a difficulty spike for wave 20 that just amounts to they have too much damned health. wave 1-9 the average health is around 10 with some bigger people with around 20 and 50 for the bosses. this steps up to 20 40 and 100 for 10-19, wave 20-30 however has the basic units starting at around 100 and the heavies going up to 1000, the bosses for this are even higher. there is very little opportunity to get high damage units in the game so you need STACKS and STACKS to kill them in any reasonable amount of time.
there are slightly different strategies to engage in depending upon the leader you are using. the two easiest ones to use are the general and the engineer. one simply buffs units before placing the cards and the other trades your hand for building cards. the general is just he basic STACKS of units and the engineer can lay traps but these take up BUILDING space so will eat into your revenue and population. both of these can work to play the game but unless you are LUCKY you WILL LOSE.

theres also the if a wall is destroyed you cannot send troops to it so if the left wall of the base is destroyed you cannot send people from the right side to it to make sure the main building is destroyed.

its not bad but i would like the game to depend a bit less on luck and more on i know what im doing. some cards are just flat out useless when i could be getting a card i could actually use so i can finish the run.
155 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
4619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 21:18
A combination of Kingdoms settlement style and Slay the Spire card strategy. This game is easy to learn but takes time to master.
The different characters you can choose from are different and have a diverse card range.
Three different areas also have different monsters and dangers.

Really good game, 9/10.
152 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 12:36
The game had a lot of potential, but it was thrown out the window in favor of balancing the game based on the feedback of the most advanced players at the cost of making the game enjoyable, in my opinion. I do not understand why, in a game that already has a difficulty scaling system, the standard difficulty had to be made into a tedious grind compared to what the game could have been. I would not give a thumbs down for that alone but the Devs decided to _change_ the game into what it is now long after i bought it and was pretty amazed initially. With every patch the game becomes less fun for me and I do not see how I could give anything but a negative review for this, which is sad, because I used to like the game a lot and I still think it has a lot of stuff going for it. Just not enough to make up for it's flaws.
1100 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 16:18
A very nice and original tower defense, unique gameplay style, infinite mode, nice features.
168 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 06:11
Hey if you are here because you like slay the spire, monster train, griftlands, whatever, you know what im talking about, then get this. Don't listen to these salty reviewers, the game is great. No, it is not impossibly difficult. No, you wont ever have to restart due to bad hands. no, the characters are not overly similar, each character has a vastly different playstyle. If you're curious then get it. this is one of those games where you're just going to have to get it yourself. I hate the idea of wasting money, normally I dont recommend games just because I like them, but this one just has the fundamentals of a great game.
390 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 10:34
It's a fun game, but I hate the fact there's no save functionality, so you have to play a game in one sit-in...
So unless they add this functionality I can't recommend it
85 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:52
Fun tower defense, reminds me of Kingdom with cards.
345 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 10:31
I like it, it's fun and has some good ideas that work, but it needs more work. Many cards don't scale as game progresses, so they have a very limited lifespan and makes endgame useful cards a bit limited.

The reason why I not recommend it, is because, unbelievably, there is NOT a SAVE option! You have to play X hours in a row or let the game running (that's why I have so many hours). I don't know, but my last game went like 5 hours in a row. This is not serious.
225 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 21:43
Nowhere near enough base card variety, with a huge grind attached to it. Beyond your leader power, decks will see very little syngery, eventually leading to a state where you just mindlessly throw cards down while pressing your leader power every now and again, alongside the early game being incredibly stale due to lack of cards. Has potential, not worth the time right now, personally not a fan of unlocks in any roguelite due to said stagnation of builds
460 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 14:10
A game I would like if it had the ability to save a run and resume later. As it doesn't, I will rarely if ever play this.

Edit: I do find this game to be quite fun. It has a good blend of tower defense and deck building. If you do not have an issue with the lack of saves during runs, I would say go for it.
1442 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 10:01
A 2d tower defence/ base building mash up, Ratropolis offers a solid strategic challenge for those who are looking for something a little different. The 6 leaders each make for quite a different approach to playing, which is particularly useful as it can be an unforgiving game and you'll need to find the approach that works for you to get out of the gate.

One this to note is that Ratropolis is a bit grind heavy - after 10 hours and nearly as many wins I have unlocked only around 15% of what's available.

I definitely had fun but the gameplay is a bit too rote, now. More events would help keep the variety going for a while longer, as would increased rate of unlocks.
176 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 02:17
This game used to be fun, but I can not recommend it in it's current state. If you are one of those 'Hardcore get good or leave' gamers then this game is for you but if you are casual like me this game isn't.

I got this game before the most recent update. Back then practical every card was able to be picked up by every leader with the exception of a few to spice things up which was fun.

This recent update made almost every card unique to every leader with the exception of a key few, this makes it so that some leaders now are almost unplayable due to lack of military or the grind needed to get the new cards to make the leader fun, OH YEAH AND THERE IS GRIND - Almost forgot to mention that!

The dev after the most recent update also reset all players progress in the game making it so everyone had to regrind all over again rather than including a simple line of code or update that was 'For those who already had cards unlocked stay unlocked/ and or those who owned the game before X date keep all progress'.

I want a refund for this game but because I have too much time in it I won't be given it even though this game is a completely different game than what I bought, and I no longer find the game enjoyable in it's new state.
373 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 01:11
Whenever I am done being a rat in Escape from Tarkov I play this to rat some more. 10/10 would recommend
458 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 14:46
Interesting deck building, tower defense like game. Constant updates improve the game and has cute characters. Must play for deck building game lovers!
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 23:02
A difficult game hiding behind a cutesy art-style and a casual facade, attracting the wrong audience and not providing enough to keep hardcore players interested.

Cards are poorly designed, many being gimmicks that aren't worth the trouble to use. More are unlocked as you play, but are just as gimmicky and useless, cluttering the card pool. The cards that do work nearly trivialize the game, as the main threats are just massively produced stat-bloated enemies which lead to boring endgames.

UI is a mess, as military troops are a hassle to manage and there are notifications and alerts all over the screen, vying for player attention in too many directions and causing a stressful experience (especially when there are enemies attacking).

Early-game turns into a rush to build economy by quickly buying extra cheap turns. But basic early-game cards can actively hurt a beginner player to use carelessly. In addition, you can upgrade cards as well, but this also makes them even more expensive to use while providing only meager benefits. All these factors make the game rather unintuitive and newbie-unfriendly.

As for Hardcore players, they have a leaderboard ...and that's it. Most of the game is just digging through the markets to get the right card combos/setup and steamrolling once you get them. There's an optional endless mode, but it merely drags the game out by randomly destroying your buildings and/or military until you lose or give up.

There's also this awkward period where enemies stomp through your city if they get past your last wall, leaving you unable to do anything but watch.

I can't recommend this at all. It's just not fun to play and it's poorly balanced. And sadly, I'm not very hopeful that it'll improve when it leaves early access next month either, as the devs continue to needlessly nerf things each update.

Quite a shame, really... the art truly is cute.
1567 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 18:22

Follow my Curator Page for more Strategy Games!

Ratropolis is a roguelite deckbuilder and tower-defense game.

There are six different classes. Every class has different cards. You start with basic cards and have to survive waves of enemies attacking your city. With cards, you can build different buildings which will give you bonuses, etc., units and buffs or debuffs. Enemies attack from two sides so it's important to defend both sides equally. You can move your units around but it takes time for them to move from one side to the other.

Through your run, you can upgrade cards, remove them from your deck, or get new ones. You constantly change your deck to make the best out of it. Destroying enemies gives you cheese as well as some cards do or some buildings produce it. You need cheese to play cards, buy cards, etc.
Each character has a special ability. It can be upgraded in a run and is on a cooldown once you use it.

Every class changes the strategy of a run. Different maps force you to change your strategy. Special happenings are different on each map and can make your run easier or harder.

In this roguelite, you unlock new cards and classes with every run which makes future runs a bit easier.

The game is well balanced, free of bugs, and addictive with lots of content.
It's a must-have for every fan of roguelite deckbuilder. The tower-defense elements go well with it. It's one of the best early access games out there. It can be stressful in the later waves of enemies, but you'll constantly learn new strategies to make future runs less stressful.

I highly recommend the game. It's well worth the asking price of around 13€/USD right now. This is your last chance to buy it before it leaves early access in December and gets more expensive. The last discount (30% off) before they raise the price will be active from the 25th of November 'til the 1st of December.

If you like my review and strategy games, please consider following my curator page on Steam!
711 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
4999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 14:42
Call me a dues-paying member of 'The Cult of the New' when it comes to genre mash-ups like this. I can't get enough of them. When Slay the Spire came out and combined roguelites and deck-builders I was hooked for 100+ hours and even back in my pre-COVID table-top gathering days, deckbuilders (Dominion/Thunderstone) were my favorite. The combination of control and RNG is so delicious and it's exciting to see all of the ways developers are using this in either quality design or just experimenting with a gimmick.

Ratropolis is certainly a deck-builder + tower defense, not quite as sure about the roguelite or city-building elements. You are the leader of a newly found city for your Ratizens. These mice are your workers that you will assign defensive roles, stations or have them do other resource or support jobs. Your workers assignments are a major part of the game but there are also autonomous defensive buildings and 'skill' cards to keep things interesting. For an Early Access game, it is improving at an excellent rate with solid balancing updates coming (and more needed, but I have faith). I love the variation between the Leaders, their special cards and abilities and how they all help you form a better overall play. The game is unforgiving - very difficult (as good tower defenses should be) and it will take multiple plays for you to even get a decent grasp of what simple strategies are. I was thrown off at first at the degree in which I was staring at the timer to tick down so that I could draw more... the 'time as a resource' is understandable in tower-defense but it wasn't until I played for awhile that I really appreciated it in a deck-builder (which I had always regulated to being only turn-based in my head). Now I really like the tension that aspect brings. I completely get how a lot of gamers who are less interested in experimental Early Access/Indie games can get annoyed, but this has really captured by imagination currently.

If you love tower defense and/or deck-builders and don't mind some growing-pains in this experimental mash-up, then this may be a great game to try out (I was dubious, but patient and I fell pretty hard for this). I look at Early Access Indie games with a lot of grace and care much more about gameplay and execution of a new idea more than nit-pickier things that can easily be fixed pre-release. If your sensitive about the finishings, you may want to wait.

I just reviewed this for my podcast RYSK: Roguelikes You Should Know which should drop at the end of November 2020.
32 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 10:06
I would highly recommend this game, the combination of a card based dungeon crawler and city defense game is brilliant.

In normal card based games the options of each turn are pretty limited and outside a combat one has to customize the deck: not with this game! The creators made a type of card based game that mixes the turns and customization of the deck simultaneously, making time the scarce resource. I also really like the feeling of being able to steer the development of your deck (in other games this sometimes is a matter of luck), which can be done in many ways.
1276 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 01:11
I enjoyed the previous version of this game quite a bit, but this most recent large update seems to be a big step in the wrong direction. It seems to have made cards much more niche and situational, so there are fewer combinations of cards and mechanics that are actually viable, especially on higher levels.

As for the changes to the leaders - The first time I played as the merchant (the first leader available since they locked all the others behind a playwall again), I thought that they had just ramped up the difficulty, but it turns out, he just absolutely sucks now. The service mechanic built into most of his military units is awful and should either be tempered by adding stronger units as a trade off, or just removed entirely. Once I had unlocked the military leader, I won easily without really any planning. The leaders are completely unbalanced now.

The builder leader is good as well, so maybe it's just the merchant that sucks now. I only played the first 3 before I decided I would take a break from the game for a bit as I just was kind of irritated with some of the changes.

Overall, I would maybe still recommend this game, but the direction of this last update concerns me about the developers plan going forward.
483 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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3686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 17:04
First iteration of this game was an enjoyable if sophomoric experience. Pull the one arm bandit and get lucky with a pretty blatant engine falling into your lap. Get the engine and maybe win, don't get the engine and get crushed.

The second iteration shows a completely lack of understanding in gameplay design. Forced engines just to accomplish chores in an attempt to tighten card mechanics takes away any of the emergent fun of the first. Game feels like an absolute boring chore with no interesting options early, mandating a grind just to enjoy the game's full set of mechanics (which I am assuming is there because I don't feel like grinding to find out, but know they were there in the past). Meanwhile the same difficulty is present, meaning you are fighting against the chore of mitigating boring negative mechanics of your own lackluster cards against an incredibly difficult RNG experience.

And once the excitement of finding a good engine is replaced with the fight for mitigating a bad one, all the other poor design choices shine through:
- Cringe writing and sound effects
- No meaningful events or choices, just more boring RNG of which the bulk is negative
- Spells... it's like they purposefully ignore the existence of their own mechanics and designed these in a vacuum. They were (perhaps still are) the lynchpin in many engines, but baring those engine cards, the rest feel like complete trash which don't acknowledge how tactically risky it is to rely on them being in your hand when you need them versus what they produce as an effect
- Despite all the tightening I am not sure any additional balancing was realized

My advice for this team is to not fix what isn't broke. Honestly the game should have gone out of early access based on the first iteration. It was a fun title for 15 bucks that gave me 50+ hours of gameplay. Your milking a dead cow at this point. Could have either introduced new characters or built out the existing ones if you wanted to do that. Instead you made a worse game out of a decent to good one.
44 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 14:32
So I've played this game for over 179 hours. The most recent changes/update really ruined the game for me. The game is now tedious to the point of frustrating. You can't really build up on your units because they now have a time limit. This applies to even the base units. I've never gone from completely loving a game to considering it a bad game. Please reconsider the most recent mechanic. It's a horrible addition.
721 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 10:42
Rats. Nough said.
259 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 20:00
Fun game. Issues currently are development is still slow & the game is basically the same survive 30 procedurally generated rounds & your progress probably will be destroyed when they do patch the game. I would still be playing it daily if it wasn't for the latter being persistent for me (a major part of the game is you level up the heroes which unlocks different/better cards for the deck to draw from).
393 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 18:48
This game was great. It was a card-game fused with tower defence. It is cute, and it was funny. Then they introduced a new mechanic that basically ruined the game, where most of your units just leave after a while. This mechanic doesn't add anything to the game, but ruins the fun
231 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 17:30
The most recent update absolutely ruined the game, so much so that it's barely even playable anymore. Balance is totally out of whack and the game requires even more grinding to unlock the cards necessary to attempt a winning run. I get that it's early access, but that's a poor excuse for rushing out a half-baked update that completely alters the game's foundation.
200 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 00:55
Fun to play. Getting more difficult by the second. I dont even know if you can beat the game. Doesnt matter. So much fun to get good combos and still losing at some point.
Get it, play it, love it.
1067 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 23:29
Sadly I have to admit this game is not for me. Idea is really good, but it's too many things going on in here and quickly you will realise you are clicking tons of notices that drag you away from what's most important: deck building and planning strategy. It's like Kingdom glued together with Slay the Spire and it just does't fit. I'm sad that I have to refund it because it looks very cute and I love art concept of this game.
101 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 15:42
I enjoyed the deckbuilding aspect, but I did not enjoy the RTS addon. I prefer more time to think about strategy rather than spam cards as fast as I can. I can see where others could like this game but for me I will stick to Slay the Spire or Monster train which I like much better. Difficulty is mostly managed by making things faster and not more complex. Learning curve is very high, I played the tutorial level several times. Although I got better each time, I was not able to complete the level and not even sure if there is a completion or if it is just an endless mode where you try to last as long as you can. The game is pretty vague on this aspect.

I did like the art style and the game is cute. I felt rushed so I didn't get to enjoy the small aspects of the game like descriptions and I even felt rushed when the events would pop up and I would end up skipping the text completely and just choosing a reward. Choosing a reward was mostly guesswork on what the reward would do as there were not tooltips to explain the rewards, so I assume the developers want you to make an uninformed choice and learn what you would like to choose based on repeated runs.

Ultimately a fun concept that I was hoping I would like and ended up being too rushed and I just couldn't take my time to enjoy it. Played for about an hour and returned it due to feeling like the game did not explain enough and I felt rushed all the time because of the RTS feature and could not enjoy the deckbuilding aspect as that is my favorite part.
642 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 16:42
Code Written By Hidden Gems Review : https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38624426/

Ratropolis it's a very well design card battle + tower defense + roguelike.

The game has a solid gameplay where you summon defenses for your city of rats, there are plenty of units and complements for do that defense, the enemies come in waves and you have to be prepared in each wave for do a good defense.

The visuals are really nice, even if they are just rats, has really well design the ilustrations of the rats.

And when the run it's finished and you complete or die in the proccess you get exp for increasee your character leader, like in a roguelike, for later unlock new cards and skills.

You can see my gameplay here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMKxXLx_bmc
30 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 04:37
to me just kinda seems like a more advanced tower defense. probably because I played way too much BTD5 im not really into this. Not saying its bad just not for everyone
277 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 00:17
This game is really close to being recommendable, but it's not quite there IMO. There's a lot of neat concepts here, a real-time deck-builder provides for an interesting stress experience. The sort of tower-defense play is neat as well. But I think there's a balance that hasn't quite been struck and a few problematic mechanics.

One problem is the micromanagement of where units are. It's just extremely tedious. You can only place units on specific walls, to move them between walls requires multiple clicks (and moving just a few units is extremely complicated). And so it becomes this game of maybe trying to just steadily recruit on the outer walls on each side and hope each side is well balanced? If a strong wave comes from one side, don't even waste time trying to move the units to that side. They'll be needed, but the experience of moving them over will be slow and frustrating.

Not to mention, never ever ever can you let enemies get further than your last wall. Then you cannot build units on that side and cannot move units to that side (because there's no wall to move them to). Which creates this odd 10s where you've essentially lost the second you lose an inner wall, despite the fact that you have gold to spare and units in your hand, and maybe even a dozen units on the opposite side just standing around pointlessly.

I think this game also has just a few too many mechanics trying to compete for attention at once. The complexities of economy, buildings, units, unit position, and skills, and leader abilities, are all enough to make for a pretty solid deck builder. When you add in a real-time element, it's a bit overwhelming. And I say that as someone who 100%ed One Step From Eden, which is the most frantically stressful deckbuilder I had played until here. But here it feels like a chore sometimes waiting for things to line up correctly.

I think this game has a future. I would be happy to re-review later. But for now, it's hard to keep playing.
264 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 22:59
This game is just fabulous. A beautiful mix of tower defense and deck-building that you just want to play over and over again.
55 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 18:59
I recommend this game right now exclusively so that the devs continue to get revenue to finish it.

This game has a lot of potential. The mechanics are fun and different, and I really want to like it. So much so that I'm going to keep playing it even though I often really hate it, and it clearly just isn't ready to sell for even $15.

The biggest deficit is the UI. Particularly when combat heats up, the control over your own units and ability to target units with skills (friendlies or enemies) is simply unacceptable. If you have a big direct damage attack you want to use against a boss-type enemy or a buff to one of your troops, and they are in the middle of a group of units (and there's no other way for them to be), it is virtually impossible to selectively target them. Beyond that, the redraw timing is clunky and leads to mistakes that wouldn't otherwise be made.

The difficulty scaling is pretty ridiculous and makes the game very frustrating.

RNG rules this game, and the RNG can be brutal. I just played a game where I didn't get a single useful building until wave 17. On top of this, there are really only a couple of feasible builds to be able to win. If you don't get strong card cycling cards early, you'll never make it. If you don't get reuse and work/labor command PLUS either barracks by around wave ten or a few watchtowers to supercharge, you probably won't make it past wave 20. If your first reward and first merchant don't provide at least one very good card, you might as well start over.

Also, there is no save mechanism, so if real life calls you away during a game, you cannot leave and come back.
140 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 06:12
Major balance issues and not in a good way
73 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
6931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 01:22
282 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 23:57
I got this game expecting something similar to Kingdom Two Crowns, given the visuals, and my final recommendation is geared around that. I'm also writing this review having put about 4 hours into the game.

I read some of the reviews that mentioned RNG early combos and difficulty spikes but thought this game would still be worth it. Turns out the game pacing is extremely fast. I've played on normal and hard and the longest any game lasted was 20 mins but that was one time I was really lucky.
While working on unlocking certain leader cards (each leader has 3 sets of cards to unlock) and playing on hard. Most of the time each game lasted 4 to 6 mins.
The roguelite aspect comes in with these card unlockables, similar to Slay the Spire. You receive XP at the end of each game. Playing on hard, I was getting about 100 xp per game and the first set of unlockables takes 300 xp (there are 6 leaders currently available).

On mechanics:
-The main mechanic/resource of the game is managing gold income you collect every 10-15 seconds. Building houses increases the income collected by 1 or 2. There are a 3-5 instant cards to collect gold early on (+10 gold per card in your hand, a cheese card: cost 40 to play and collect 30 gold for every cheese card in your hand, and farming: send two rat citizens to work on a farm... in 90 seconds collect X gold) and a couple of buildings that provide similar benefits.
-The next most important resource is citizens, as you need available citizens to play troop cards.
-The other major mechanic is deck building. A merchant will arrive occasionally selling 9 cards and every chest at wave end usually allows you to choose 1 of 3 cards.

In terms of genres does mixing resource management, base building and deck building in this case work? It's just a little fast for my taste and as other reviews mentioned RNG plays a huge role. Especially in getting access to crucial troop cards early on for surviving waves 5 and onward.

On game pacing there is hardly any time to catch your breath. After you defeat a wave a chest drops that will de-spawn after 15 secs that contains your reward for surviving. Certain buildings have abilities that trigger every 120 seconds that require you to click on an icon above the building to trigger. Add into this the fast pace card combo playing and you start to get the idea. The game is fun but there is no exploration involved / moving units outside of the fort walls. You expand your base simply to have more room to place more buildings. In terms of pacing / number of things to click on screen think mobile game. There is no safe daytime followed by nighttime attack cycle like on Kingdom Two Crowns and each game is designed to be very short.

So far there is one tower and one type of wall. All of your main defensive options come from unit cards that you unlock. I think I saw one building that will double the damage of your towers and a quest card that will give your walls extra hp. But the quest cards are usually pretty hard to fulfill. One gripe with quest cards are they take up room in your inventory and you draw them into your hand. I understand that once unlocked you can play them like regular cards but they don't feel worth it. Like the space they consume in my deck plus the low probability of fulfilling them each game just isn't worth it.

A couple of other gripes. After either of the last walls closest to your fort collapse, it becomes impossible to place any more units on that side / send military units towards that side. Your main building despite looking like a castle has a barely any hp. Seriously if the enemy breathes on it, it's game over. So what happened a couple of times was I had units on one side I would have liked to send to fight. But I was unable to send them in a few games and a couple of other times I did send them but they were too slow so it was game over. This doesn't seem like a problem until you have 1 or 2 very weak enemies survive/sneak by and it's just game over. There are some buildings and cards that increase unit speed but overall are a very poor investment compared to economic ones.

TL;DR If you're expecting a relaxing TD feel/base builder like Kingdom Two Crowns you might want to pass on this. If you're interested in card combos and enjoy optimizing a deck this should be a great game.
137 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 10:36
Very fun little game, the play cycle is quite good.
I am quite critical so the following criticisms apply inspite of my enjoyment of the game thusfar.
While the play cycle is good, I am yet to see a game breaking combo or a build that could scale to win the game (currently stuck at wave 22-26 or so) Often with rouguelike's you can quickly see some form of scaling that will allow you to at least keep pace with the monsters but outside of the mining card (which scales your gold generation) I'm yet to see any military scaling past just getting more units or some very slow buffs.

I've now since won a game, and it was a combination of a lot of luck, and the aforementioned slow buffs and mining, with insanely fast free redraws.

The unit AI that is awfully inefficient, combined with the ramping difficulty makes it easy to be overwhelmed. I would prefer to see slightly dumber units that don't play against other units quite so much. Once example of this is every melee user walking out of range of the ranged units, that never come past the tower.

There is also very little recovery methods. You cannot replace your units once placed (ie delete them) you just have to hope that the weak ones die.

Overall this game has a really awesome design pattern but still has a ways to go before being a properly paced / balanced game.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 14:50
I want to like this game, but there's a glaring flaw in that there is ****-all unit control, which makes the game borderline unplayable. Once more than one unit is committed to a wall, they're stuck together. If you combine two forces, you can't take them apart again. They can only move wall to wall, so once your last wall falls on one side it's game over. I keep coming back in the hopes that it changes, because otherwise the game's actually kind of fun.
5720 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 06:21


I dont usually review Early Access games till way after they are fully released. On this occasion I will, the game is very much enjoyable YES, BUT it is extremely difficult and I have been playing on ONLY easy mode. The waves start with only a few enemys, but quickly progress and everytime I now play the waves of enemys are now overlapping each other and very strong between waves 15 and 20 not giving me a chance to get enough gold to place cards, I have continued to try, hoping luck will be on my side, so far it is NOT :( . I have tried and tried and tried to no avail to get to wave 30 and it just seems impossible, I did manage to do it with the scientist leader before updates a few weeks ago, and now it just has become to difficult to accomplish, even my eldest son sat with me and tried to help me and was surprised how difficult it became. I believe the game needs more balancing before I can recommend this game, it is fun but if you cant get past level 30, let alone level 60 or even 100, then the game is just to difficult.

Easy should be easy in my opinion, game does not give you much chance.

I hope it gets more balances so the game is more enjoyable and not a chore.
318 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 20:05
Cool tower defense/base building game. Love the theme, and the graphics are gorgeous. While each time you play is repetitive in terms of the structure, the many different leaders drastically change how you play. Some focus on economy, while others focus on army or buildings. Randomized events and new card acquisition also add some flavor.

I don't like this game for long periods in one sitting, but I love it in short bursts. Worth the price!
879 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 12:34
This game is great!

It's a really fun mix of a tower defense, city management and a card game with a lot of variety and a good amount of difficulty options. If I was to compare it to other games, it's like a unique mix of Slay the spire, They are billions and Kingdom.

Personal score for the game: 9/10
221 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 05:19
It needs A LOT of work. On the surface it is a cute little game with pleasant enough graphics, but you seriously need to get really lucky with the cards you get. It is entirely too dependent on RNG. Most of the cards are just hot garbage and if you don't get reinforce and a bunch of towers then you are going to get absolutely steamrolled in some of the later rounds. It's not like other defense games where you can feel yourself slowing slipping behind until you inevitably lose, you'll feel like things are going well and then all the sudden the difficulty ramps up 9000% between rounds.

That's if you even make it that far; there is an enemy that can straight up jump over your walls. Yes, you read that right. If you run out of melee units (which you will because melee units are bad and like to bunch up and for whatever reason a lot of the enemies do AOE damage.) then these guys will jump right over your wall and slaughter your archers. This is in around round 5-10 out of 30, so if you haven't added extra walls yet it is actually impossible to deploy troops between them and your capital (which if it dies you lose). Some absolute Einstein of a person though it would be a good idea to include an enemy that just chooses to not participate in your defenses... in a defense game. Bad dev, no hot pocket.

It honestly could turn into something fun if they add some extra modes and take out the long range cannons, ram weasels, acid spitters, pirate barrels, and stupid jumping rats. but right now there are too many things that can kill your run even if you've done everything right.

If you take the time to learn the mechanics and which cards a good then that should count for something, and in this game right now it doesn't.

I got it on sale and I got about 9 hours of, I don't want to say entertainment... It killed 9 hours, i'll put it that way. I beat all 30 waves just to prove I could, and I hated every second of it.

479 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 11:55
Edit : After unlocking all the currently available cards and getting to round 30 and beyond, I have some additional reasons why while I enjoy the game I can't recommend it currently. It IS possible to hit round 30 without any crazy cheese, but it requires getting incredibly lucky in terms of card availability - some runs you will simply be doomed due to not finding the right buildings or strong enough military cards, and there's very little you can do to salvage these runs.

Part of this I think comes down to general card availability - often times none of the cards in your wave chest will be worth taking, and shops are relatively rare. The win condition of the game is too narrow to make many of the cards actually useful - it doesn't matter how far ahead you are in economy or ratlizens if you don't have offensive cards to spend them on, which makes a few cards vastly more important than others. Coupled with most cards being relatively cheap often the only limiter is how quickly you can cycle through to your useful cards to spend all your resources. To that end it feels like the game could do with mechanical overhauls in several places, especially around building cards and general expansion (as it stands there's never a reason to not expand for more space, and no real reason to expand beyond getting your first advisor if you don't have buildings you want to build).

Another thing I realised is that the tier 2 enemies (waves 11-20) VASTLY alter the difficulty level depending on which location you chose, and all of them have some very irritating variant enemies that completely invalidate aspects of the game. The weasel rams and the pirate cannons in particular are both incredibly irritating with very little counterplay, although the weasel rams are far more dangerous if you cannot find wall reinforcement cards while the cannons simply annoying.

Flavour wise it feels like the game is also lacking a lot of what you'd expect from something themed around building up a colony and society beyond just defending against attacks. The first thing that comes to mind for me is research trees, but more general outside events and things beyond just defending against waves of enemies, perhaps some kind of campaign mode? It just feels like it's lacking something big and different to shake up the gameplay.
Despite the negative review I do like this game - my gripe is that currently, it appears the only way to actually win is to pull off some kind of cheese (HAH PUN). Effectively, as it is a 'roguelite' all card rewards etc are randomised. Getting up to wave 22 or so is relatively easy without doing anything too crazy, but beyond that you will simply be overwhelmed if you haven't been able to set up some kind of cheesy feeling combo that involves abusing extremely buffed skill cards or having a nigh unkillable wall with longbowmen safely far away. I really wouldn't mind this, if this was in hardmode or nightmare, but this is the base game with no additional difficulty modifiers. Melee units, even incredibly boosted ones with military advisors and upgrades will drop immediately beyond wave 20 due to ranged AOE attacks and extremely tanky melee enemies that deal tons of damage.

Another gripe I have is that if you move your military units to one side of the map to deal with a particularly difficult wave, they will merge into one group. This highly discourages actually moving your units around, as as soon as they are merged and you run into a wave from both sides you pretty much just lose. Even if you can survive a wave that way, there's little chance you'll rebuild enough of a defence on the now defenceless side of the map to be able to hold off an attack. with cards like the duckling rider that move much faster than most other units, it feels like this hamstrings a lot of things that should be a strategy

I still really wouldn't mind the difficulty spike, but the game doesn't seem to offer much new stuff each time you start up a new attempt. The saving grace of roguelites and roguelikes has always been that losing even unfairly isn't such a big deal when you know the next game is going to be new and have something different going for it. So far each game has felt relatively similar, sailing through the early rounds (except the odd faliure to deal with the jumping enemies leading to a quick loss). I could really use some variety between games beyond a few new cards that don't introduce anything that feels substantially new or different to the game - broadly the playstyles seem a little too similar.
650 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 12:17
It's a fun game, and it has some very fun mechanics, but it feels like there's only a specific way to really win: hope you get a crossbowrat (for their piercing effect) or a musketrat (for high damage), some way to tank damage (either invest in LOTS of totems or get a shieldbearer), and find a means of upgrading your soldiers' damage and health. Because it's a rogue-like deckbuilder, you only have a slim chance of ever seeing any of those cards. Everything else is barely necessary. Your soldiers will go down too quickly to defend late game if you can't buff them, you can't buff them if you don't get the right cards, and you can't get the right cards when your deck is cluttered and/or you don't get good drops after each wave.

In other Deckbuilders, like Slay the Spire, each card complements a new tactic or playstyle. In Ratropolis, each card is necessary in some way, leaving you struggling to make space for new buildings, earn money, and manage your population, while ensuring you have a good hand to play during the next wave. If you get a hand full of weak soldiers during a tough boss fight, or buildings you can't place because you have no space to do so, you're forced to discard them. It's made worse still if you need either a military or building card, but you have a hand of useless cards (such as skills that should only be played during combat), and you have no means of using them.

Your downtime is often spent rushing for cards and trying to juggle where some buildings should go. their placement is semi-permanent, meaning that if you accidentally slip and put it in the wrong place, you've just screwed yourself if you have a building card that requires a large space (like a horn or a ballista). Your best bet is getting a demolition card, but good luck getting that before the next wave and not burning through your money on early redraws.

I've finished it twice, and while I did enjoy those playthroughs (and will continue to play it on and off - a negative review where the player can't stop, shocking, I know), the game feels much too cluttered with its mechanics and must be played in a specific way; with a heavy reliance on military. It doesn't feel like you're allowed to try any different strategies.
51 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 22:24
It is a playthrough style like most card games. It is not turn based.

It's like this game was made for someone that has all the cards memorized, knows how to estimate the power level of your own army as well as the enemies, because information is missing.

It is a real time game, not turn based so out of the gate you will have no time to learn, you learn by failing repeatedly. There's also a lot of unclear things that are extremelly important like how/when do units heal, how/when do walls repair... the list goes on. Ya you'll figure out how to play the game if you play it long enough. It's really lackluster out of the gate, I'm not a fan of reverse engineering a game to figure out how to play it. The game should either be understandable due to simplicity of the concepts or provide you with relevant information to make decisions. This does a questionable job at simplicity and information.

What's really killing it for me is the combat, there is no information that I know of to make any determination whether your going to win or lose a fight (which means you start the game over). You can be doing extremely well and upgrading your armies and defenses and winning strongly, then a group just runs over them and there are very few countermeasures once the fight has started. Once a fight looks bad at all, it's probably over, even if you stop it, you lost half your army and probably lose soon anyway. I watch streamers and the same thing happens, they never recover from a fight going a little bad.
228 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 16:16
This is an interesting unique strategy game. In ratropolis you need to survive 30 waves of enemy attacks on your town to win. You play mostly by playing your hand of cards to have various effects... in real time. So throughout the game you build up better cards to do things. Some cards are one time cards that create buildings in your town that have ongoing effects but your town can only has so much space for building though you can expand the walls. some cards create warrior rats to defend the walls. Others get you money which you need to play the cards.

There is quite a bit of random chance in the game with different cards you can get and different events so sometimes you can lose and it doesn't feel fair, Other times you get a good combination of cards early and the game feels easy. Usually though I find that I can scrape by with what is given to me although often if I'm going to win by the end I feel pretty secure. There are cards you don't get until you unlock them by playing and a lot of the unlockable cards are pretty strong so the game might be really hard until you get a few unlocks.

Overall I liked this game a lot and I haven't played anything quite like it before so I recommend people try it.
24 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
3249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 15:20
We're rats
We're the rats
We prey at night, we stalk at night.
We're the rats.
I'm the giant rat that makes all of the rules.
Let's see what kind of trouble we can get ourselves into
115 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 08:09
Fun time waster. Played it for the last 16/24 hrs of my life
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 05:56
this game is different to normal card game ,actually i like this game ,and thank who creative this game ,(if author can use some accomplishment to unlock different card , more player have some goal)
895 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 16:32
I don't feel like I'm really in control of the settlement at any point in time. Whether I can expand or upgrade or not is entirely up to the RNG, which just feels weird. I can have 600 gold stored up and I won't even be able to build a humble house. The military is almost always out of my control as well, and moving them between walls takes so long that it'll almost always be too late if a wall falls. I really feel there should've been more non-RNG ways to interact with the game, like building upgrades or maybe a few more skills that is purely coin activated rather than by card. When you lose, it's suddenly and seemingly without warning, with no real way to make a comeback. It just kinda feels iffy.
306 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 02:19
I tried awhile back and it still felt very early access. Now the game feels like most runs feel decent and that there are multiple ways to win
128 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 12:31
an easy and enjoyable game to spend time playing, The challenge is real, it looks cute, but its as unforgiving as it is rewarding and enjoyable.

80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 03:41
Card battler, city builder, tower defense kinda.... scratches a lot of itches at the same time. I do feel there is only a few ways to clear wave 30. It feels like early game is fun, mid game you know you're screwed or OP, then end game you're OP or living on the edge. In my last game I got an adviser that increased my population by 25%.... that advisor alone won me the game although I did almost lose if I didn't bring my forces from the other side. Some events will kill a run that you can't recover from. There are other runs where you can't plan the composition of the wave and it perfectly wipes your forces and you don't really get it. There is also a wave that puts units to sleep and I haven't figured out how to stop that from happening. Overall a great game that hits on so many tones. Hope it fleshes out more a greater variety of win strats.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2042 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 13:24
Deck building? Check
Resource management? Check
RTS? Check
Cute mice and ugly felines? Check
2021 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
1039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 23:45
I seem to be dipping into the card mechanics pretty heavily over the last few months, starting with my addiction to Slay the Spire and most recently spending a good amount of time with Trials of Fire. Ratropolis pleasantly surprised me yet again and is now the newest of the genre to soak up my free time when I had initially gone into it not entirely sure of what to expect. After only the first couple of games, I realized that it’s another title to earn a spot among my favorites for its unique blend of real-time and deck-building elements, a combination that is so well done that I’ve played at least two games of it every day since I first got my hands on it.

Enter the Rat Race
Ratropolis is played in games that last anywhere from a couple of minutes to half an hour depending on how well you hold off the enemies of ratkind (other rats, weasels, and even reptiles) that seek to raze your city. Waves of increasing strength arrived every minute and you must fight them off with the resources that you have at your disposal. Fortunately, each wave provides a treasure chest upon being defeated that rewards you with a choice of useful boons, such as adding or removing cards from your deck, increasing the efficiency of your leader, or even building a new house to boost the population of your rats and the taxes that make up your income. The occasional boss wave offers an even more impressive selection of rewards, though you certainly earn them as they are a significant threat to your settlement.

Due to the real-time nature of the game, drawing a new hand of cards is restricted not by turns, but by a timer. You can pay a hefty sum of coins to skip the timer and instantly draw, but even the richest of cities will struggle financially if this is used too often. There are plenty of times where it’s worth it though, an immediate hand or two in an emergency can be the difference between surviving a wave and being overwhelmed by it.

Hoarding For Survival
When you first begin, you some open land with your capital building centered on it, and a wall on either side of it. The direction that the settlement goes from here is determined by the cards that you use, and they come in for primary categories: economy, building, military, and skill. Other than in rare instances, cards always cost gold, and sometimes other resources such as your population. Economy cards tend to focus on making money in one way or another. Building cards are single-use cards that construct permanent structures on your open land or expand it further with new walls at predetermined locations. These tend to offer powerful activated abilities and useful passives, though they’re a fairly uncommon find and the most impressive of them are also expensive. Military cards create units at a wall of your choice, each consumes one of your population (or more if they’re particularly powerful) as well as their cost in coins. Unit types are varied and plentiful, but you’ll often struggle with your available population due to the increasingly stronger defenses that you need; housing is more than worth its weight in gold. Finally, skill cards are used for an instant effect, such as a battle cry that buffs military units for a short time, or another that sets an area on fire dealing damage to all units that pass through it until it burns out. I was pleased with the assortment in every category, and gaining new cards never stops being exciting.

King of the Rats
Each game of Ratropolis starts with you selecting a leader, though you’ll only be able to use the merchant in your first game as you’ll unlock the rest by hitting milestones later. The roster currently includes the merchant, the general, the building, the scientist, and the shaman, though there is at least one more coming by the final release. Each of these comes with an activated ability and a passive benefit. The merchant can discard cards to generate additional gold for your treasury based on the amount of gold currently in it, while they also reduce the purchase price of new cards from merchants and the market. The general can strengthen any military cards in their hand, and every such card in their deck increases the population of your settlement. The builder can discard their hand to acquire building cards that must be built before drawing the new hand, and building cards, in general, can be played on buildings of the same type to upgrade them. The scientist can generate skill cards that must be used immediately, though the use of any such card will reduce the timer on their ability making it available frequently if you have a good number of them in your deck. The last of those currently available, the shaman, specializes in the soul resource and can use it as a currency to acquire a number of useful benefits. With leaders that suit a wide variety of playstyles, I’ve found that I can play several games in quick succession without losing interest and I’m looking forward to whatever others may be added to the game in the future.

Ratropolis is easy to learn, but a challenge to master, and every game feels different from the last. Although some have offered solid competition for Slay the Spire’s crown at the top of the genre, none have come as close to Ratropolis for me, and that’s saying something as it’s still in Early Access. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes the concept, particularly if you’re into card-based mechanics, as I’d already classify it as an indie gem even in its current state. The only warning that I would give is that its real-time aspect keeps you on your toes and rushing about, sometimes even making you feel overwhelmed depending on the situation at hand. If you don’t need that kind of stress in your life and would prefer games that are slower-paced, this one may not be what you’re looking to pick up as your next purchase.

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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
87.43% 1391 200
Release:22.12.2020 Genre: Gelegenheits-Spiel Entwickler: Cassel Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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