Ranch Sim’s big Unreal Engine 5 update is available now to play on the unstable branch! This is an early version of the update which we're rolling out for community testing - so expect to run into issues and bugs. (Feel free to stick to the public/default branch if you would rather play the update later on once it has gone through more testing and polish and has officially released!)
We need your help and want lots of you playing the unstable version and sharing your thoughts, feedback and bug reports as we continue to add to and modify the update!

Included in the current build…
- Enriched visuals (environments, lighting and more)
- Optimisation improvements
- New animal models
- New animations
- Oil production
- Enhanced horse movement
- New vehicle physics
- And more

Save Compatibility
PLEASE NOTE: Previous saves are not compatible with the new UE5 version of the game. We don’t take this lightly, but to deliver the major enhancements this update brings it was simply unavoidable. Please also be aware that new saves from today’s unstable version might not be compatible with further unstable versions of this update and the final version of the update which will go onto the public branch. Once the final version of this update is live on the public branch, we foresee no further save wipes.
For the time being the old UE4 version of the game is still available on the default branch so that you have the option to continue playing that with your existing saves if you choose. When the UE5 update moves to the public branch, a new branch will be created for the old UE4 version. Make sure to give your new saves different names from your previous UE4 save files to avoid accidentally overwriting them!

Accessing the Unstable Branch
To access the unstable branch, do the following:
- Load up Steam and head to your Library
- Right click on Ranch Simulator and then select ‘Properties’
- Head to the Beta tab and in the drop down select ‘unstable_branch’ (no password needed)
- This will then download the new build for you.

Unstable Patch Notes
- Lumen global lighting system (option for high end PCs, increases GPU resource consumption - recommended to be used in conjunction with DLSS)
- Improved version of the map, using all the features of the new engine
- New TSR anti-aliasing system
- New improved wolf model and animations
- New improved models and animations of roosters and chicks
- Ability to skip all introductory quests at the start of the game
- Ability to build an oil rig for additional passive income
- Improved performance with a large number of animals
- Now you can destroy the tent
- Added new horse locomotion with additional animations and movements (under development)
- Added gamepad control (key remapping and interface for the gamepad is not configured yet)
- Reworked Animations
- New car physics
- The garage and old barn are now completely destructible
- New items icons in the store
- Increased cooler capacity
- Sound from rain and wind is now muffled indoors
- Leaves now fly in the air in a strong wind
- Added rainbows