Hello everyone,
‘Update Pack # 1’ for RAMBO ® THE VIDEO GAME is now live!
This Update will contain a variety of upgrades and fixes that are detailed further below.
RAMBO THE VIDEO GAME, Steam ‘Update Pack # 1’ Contents:
- Upgrade your Rambo to level 25 Unlock all skill points and create the ultimate Rambo!
- New difficulty setting: JOHN RAMBO If Green Beret wasn't challenging enough, put your skills to the ultimate test with John Rambo mode. Your reward will be a score multiplier of x 1.5.
- New Perks New perks to experiment with! Use them to help get you through the toughest levels or create new builds to boost your scores and aim for those 3-star missions rankings.
- Bomb Proof Enemy Grenades do 25% less damage.
- Speed Demon 50 percent faster weapon switch speed & .5 sec longer chain combo window.
- Health Pistols Pistol weapons regain 15% health for each 3-chain kill.
- Combo Commander Enemies buffed by a commander are worth 10x more points.
- Half full and Deadly Secondary weapons are 25% more powerful but have 25% less ammo.