• Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.
  • Railgrade: Screen zum Spiel Railgrade.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 29.09.2022
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Preis Update 25.11.24
  • Plattform: PC
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Preis Update 28.03.23

Über das Spiel

Baue komplizierte Eisenbahnnetze und nutze die Kraft der Züge, um wichtige Industrien mit den benötigten Ressourcen zu verbinden. Verwalte Inputs und Outputs, um die Produktion zu optimieren, und schaffe effiziente Lieferketten mit Strecken auf mehreren Ebenen und einer Vielzahl von einzigartigen Lokomotivtypen.
Kombiniere strategische Entscheidungen mit kreativen Konstruktionen, um wieder eine florierende Industriekolonie aufzubauen. Wenn du erfolgreich bist, beeindruckst du deine Vorgesetzten vielleicht so sehr, dass du zur Erde zurückkehren darfst.

  • Verwende komfortable Konstruktionswerkzeuge, um im Handumdrehen ein verkehrsreiches Eisenbahnnetz mit vielen Zügen zu bauen und zu verwalten.
  • Erstelle effiziente Lieferketten, indem du industrielle Quellen miteinander verbindest und Dutzende von Zügen auf der Karte platzierst.
  • Passe deine Züge mit verschiedenen Lokomotiven und Frachttypen an, mit Hunderten von einzigartigen Lokomotiv- und Frachtkombinationen.
  • Optimiere dein Eisenbahnnetz und platziere die Gleise strategisch, um schwieriges Terrain zu durchqueren und die effektivste Lieferroute zu erschaffen.
  • Kontrolliere den Fluss der Ressourcenproduktion durch sorgfältiges Management der Inputs und Outputs. Achte auf Engpässe, um die Züge und ihre wertvolle Fracht in Bewegung zu halten.
  • Investiere in das Wachstum deiner Städte oder exportiere Waren mit Zeppelinen, um zusätzliche Gewinne zu erzielen.
  • Bewundere deine Eisenbahnflotte im Modus Cinematische Ansicht.
  • Hilf in einer Einzelspielerkampagne mit über 50 Missionen, den Wohlstand einer Industriekolonie wiederherzustellen.
  • Investiere die Wertmarken, die du auf jeder Mission erhältst, zum Freischalten von neuen Industrien, Upgrades und Optionen.
  • Fordere dich selbst in Bonus-Nebenmissionen heraus. Erkunde trockene Wüsten auf der Suche nach Ölvorkommen oder entwickle ein Raketenstartprogramm.
  • Präsentiere deine beeindruckendsten Eisenbahnnetze in einem Fotomodus, der eine Vielzahl von Filtern und visuellen Optionen enthält.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Core i5 2.8 Ghz or better
  • GFX: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 or better, DX11-compatible
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicher
  • LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Spanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

0 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 09:09
kein sandbox und/oder freies spiel?! nur vorgefertigte story missionen? schönes spiel aber nicht das was ich mir vorgestellt habe. schade, wem das reicht für den preis ok
0 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.23 18:13
I really enjoy both train games and puzzle games, but this didn't scratch either itch.

You don't have long enough in a level to really get into it, which is compounded by having a time based grading system related to unlocks. You can just kinda pass the level without trying if you set up a basic network and accept a C rank, but then you don't get a lot of unlock currency.

Once you get a basic grasp of things, it feels repetitive when you finish a level, then start a new one and start the same steps.

There are more interesting train-based puzzle games and logistics games out there. I'm gonna try and refund this.
242 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.23 16:34
I read in a Steam review "game is basically a puzzle game, not a rail or industry sim" and that sums it up pretty well. And it is not even a good puzzle game
It's a pass/refund for me, even though I actually enjoy puzzle games.

- Game is about getting it done as quickly as possible, which makes it impossible to plan larger things or make something work perfectly. Once you fulfill the mission, map ends. This game completely misses the point of industry/rail sim games.
- No sandbox mode, only story missions. Even worse: each missing has plenty of stupid steps/quests you have to do in order; and the game will punish you for doing things out of order.
- Rails are more of a "let's just hook up industries" mechanism than really rails. Trains can just drive through each other and turn around in place, stations are weird, no signals, can't build multi-track train stations to load balance, train composition is weird, etc. You actually get punished for building true train networks, point-to-point is the only thing worth it (with some shared tracks for money-saving).
- Bootstrapping the network is horrible because industries will stop producing and accepting inputs once their output buffer is full. This also means you will stop earning income with those trains yet they still rack up costs.
Example: I had to send appliances to a city. Appliance factory needs steel and copper wire as input. Steel comes from steel mills which need iron ore and coal, copper wire comes from a wire collier which needs copper. So if I first hook up iron ore and coal to steel, the steel mill will make 8 steel and then stop accepting inputs (making your trains just drive around while full). 8 steel is done in 1 minute, so you better manage to hook up the steel mill to the appliance factory in 1 minute. But then 1-2 minutes later that will be saturated as well because you need copper wire to do anything, which you yet have to build. Oh and everything is costing money all the time while you do this and you barely have enough to build all the things you need. As written above, it is more of a puzzle trying to fit in all you need in time while not going broke.
- UI is more in the way than I'd like. Building is generally ok, but not amazing. Far too often you have to escape out of building completely before restarting because of the bad UI.
- Graphics are fine, but it is sometimes hard to see things (buildings are too similar - don't tell you what they are without clicking on them).
- Maps can be a bit claustrophobic, but I gave up 4-5 missions in (+tutorial).
- The bank system is weird. Why can't I just have interest on my money (or debt)? Why do I have to manage essentially 2 accounts (the "live" one, and the bank account)?
- Long-press space to progress through dialogs and speed up the unskippable email before every mission - eugh.

I'm sure I missed some things that would change my statements above, but I'm just not feeling it. Back to OpenTTD for me
0 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.23 09:50
Sadly the game is just a level based Story game. I hoped it would have a Sandbox mode or be much more like a modern TTD version. It's sadly not or not yet. I don't feel like playing story mode, when there is no free sandbox mode.
469 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 21:40
I was so hyped for this game and it was such a disappointing letdown.

The "story-based" approach feels weird to me. You get some email asking you yada yada yada please build a railroad: Whatever. Just get on with the mission. How well you do in that mission is measured exclusively in how fast you complete a scenario, which is the dumbest metric in my opinion. I hate to rush and like to plan out things, but the game punishes you for it. When playing, some game mechanics are just SO STUPID, like trains that can literally DRIVE THROUGH EACH OTHER. Who in their right mind greenlit this tremendously bad idea? I know it can be turned off, but for a TRAIN simulation it seems like an awful, awful idea. Fully breaking immersion because it creates a shallower learning curve? Similar is that trains just "flip around" automatically. What is this, I thought we were talking about trains! Oh and every time you want to confirm something (like click "OK" on a dialog) you have to hold spacebar or the mouse button for like four seconds or so. It feels like an ETERNITY, soooooo painfully bad UI/UX. The whole tutorial seems so painfully streched out. I gave up not because it was too challenging (all of these are easily completed at "S" tier even when playing for the very first time) but because it was so boring and it really wasn't forseeable that more freedom was coming anytime soon. Basically the game just asks you to click here, you click here. Good job, S tier! Super annoying, why can't I explore and figure out the game on my own? The tutorial is choking all the fun.

The visuals are really beautiful, this could become a good game. But right now it just isn't enjoyable for me.
0 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 21:19
This game is pretty fun!

It has two major flaws:
1. No Sandbox mode. Puzzle games aren't fun. Just let me play how I want.

2. The tutorial has a god awful habit of hijacking the camera. I cannot stand when games do that. It's awful.
282 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 14:03
it's a puzzle game. that's ok, but it would need to be advertised as such.

what really put me off is that tracks don't have signals.
0 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 08:29
Well there is actually quite a lot here for veterans of the logistics genre. The campaign ramps up slowly, but not too slowly, introducing mechanics that are available very well. QOL is very high with this game and everything it puts on display works really well. Complexity certainly does ramp up as well with cities that need more and more goods as the map progresses as well as all factories and mines having the ability to accept a good that will boost their production being water or energy.

The game as it stands consists of two phases, planning and play. During the planning phase you can use your initial funds to plan routes, place factories and more. Once you buy your first train the timer starts and it is then a rush to complete the objectives before time runs out in order for maximum reward in the form of vouchers which you can then spend on permanent unlocks for your story mode. After about the 4th mission is when bonus regions start which really take the training wheels off and up the delivery targets for those put off by the ease of the first few missions, but they are essentially just tutorials as is to be expected.

TLDR: This is like Factorio and Train Valley had a baby. 2 thumbs up.
0 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 07:06
The game is solid, but it is NOT a Railroad Tycoon 3 successor.
Basics are good, track placing is ok, train directing is ok.
I would give this game a middle rating. Since it is not possible, I have to rate it down.
My issues I have with it are to severe for a train management game to give it a thumbs up.

- turorial is way too long and focus is wrong imho
- too many text boxes which I have to long-press-space away
- long-press-space I realy dislike
- overview of per train revenue is missing
- train configuration: missing information about single engine before adding to the train. Maybe have a mouse over tooltip window or st like that
- missing game speed option
- when placing tracks and you are not satisfied with the automatic track placment, you would interrupt and continue the way you want the pathway. BUT everytime, you stop the following attaching doesn't work on the first click, you always have to do a second attempt.
- missing options for loading unloading trains: waiting until full for instance
- intransparent train priorities: trains full loaded wait for empty trains which are returning, when they meet on the same track
- intransparent revenue flow
0 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 05:17
No sandbox/freeplay mode?????? That's like buying Factorio and playing it only for the tutorial.

You may as well buy this for half the price. Refunded.
287 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.23 03:15
The core gameplay loop is simple but engaging - make stuff, move stuff, sell stuff - but the complexity grows really well so far - cities need a mix of resources, workers from cities are needed to run industries, you can add catalysts to most industries (an extra resource that increases production rate), etc. also the soundtrack is excellent.

I think the biggest caveat to people looking is that there isn't a sandbox or free build mode yet and you're restricted to short-ish scenario maps in the campaign, but it's fun as is and it has a lot of promise.
764 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 14:44
Trains in this game just move through each other. That's just refund for me.
0 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 13:51
Learn to behave like an actual highly pressured Japanese business man! Single player is based on quick problem solving,efficiency and making that sweet YEN. NEEDS Sandbox mode
0 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 13:47
Loving it only a little over an hour in. The game has a simple core that is executed well and expands outward to become challenging to optimize. For certain people, reaching 100% efficiency is like crack cocaine. If that is your style this will be super fun. Looking forward to the sandbox mode in the roadmap as well!
0 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 13:05
If this ever gets sandbox i might go back to it but the handholdey story mode killed the game for me it frequently punishes you for future planning and doing things ahead. The game is very arcadey and honestly more of a puzzle game than actuall transport sim... If you actually liked TTD i wouldnt recommend this its extremely simplified.
0 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 09:04
Absorbing and enjoyable. Easy to get into, but feels like the challenge grows nicely.
657 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 09:01
While at first glance this might give factorio vibes, it's a totally different experience. It has a story mode that teaches you the game mechanics in various maps, and it overall feels like it's taken the good part about trains and automation, and stripped away the tedium. There's still depth and strategy even with the tedium taken away, and overall I'm having a good time.

It feels quite polished, and with that I'm gonna say if you're a fan of factorio or other automation style games, definitely give this a go.
0 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 08:52
Having played through this game on another platform, let me tell you this:
Are you remembering the old days where you could put 4 hours to optimize your transport network in TTD etc. etc.?
But now you might have a family and you cannot do with games that require steep learning curves?
You still yearn for a nice gaming reward and have optional deep optimization techniques, if you can spare the time?
Then look no further, buy the game, get used to the rhythm of the levels and you will find some great hours of gameplay.
0 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 08:41
I love railroad tycoon style games. Trains are symbols of efficiency. Train games done right reward player efficiency. This game does that with robust mechanics that are simple to learn but difficult to master.

I have played this over 300 hours on EGS. After an initial discovery run, the campaign does a good job of not throwing you off the deep end, it was so fun to go back through and put this knowledge to use along the way. Perfection is not realistic. But I set a goal of half S-rank on all missions. Achieving this was so rewarding. As good as it gets! :D
0 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.23 07:31
So, what do we have here?
For me this game is a worthy successor of Sid Meier's Railroads, with a bit of arcade feeling and without monstruous tycoon vibe, like TTD. I bought this game on EGS a year ago, and was so captivated by it, that i've done all the achievements and missions on S rating. This game has so much in it, and still so much potential to grow, which is still going with not so regular, but big updates!
Every fan of train tycoon games must try it, because it's a hidden gem in this genre. It has all in it: neet graphics, dynamic gameplay, tracks and production planning, trains management, nice physics element with height difference (nice Sid Meier's legacy!). And moreover: decent story, captivating gameplay, which goes from mission to mission. All missions are going with timer and without dynamic pause, but it's irrelevant, because it mostly doesn't affect gameplay, other than sense of accomplishment. Throughout completing missions on different maps, you begin to receive more and more resources to gather and processing, more and more production chains, new locomotives, technologies, and, of cource, means to grow ingame cities, by meeting their resources demands.
What else do you need from trains tycoon game? Only amaizing work with the community! You can talk with devs directly in discord. You are still not buying?
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.75% 63 17
Release:29.09.2022 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Minakata Dynamics Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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