• R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.
  • R-Type Final 2: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Final 2.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.04.2021
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Preis Update 22.02.24

Über das Spiel

Zum ersten Mal nach fast zwei Jahrzehnten kannst du nun endlich wieder R-Type Final 2 auf PC erleben! Spüre den Rausch, wenn du ganze Horden von Bydo mit deiner Flotte von R-Type-Kämpfern mit einem Arsenal an neuen und klassischen Waffen, Kanonen, Spezialeinheiten, Bohrgeräten und vernichtenden Deltawaffen niedermähst. Die Bydo-Bedrohung entwickelt sich ständig weiter und aus den getöteten Feinden spawnen immer weitere Gegner, und alle Bereiche sind durch die sensible Bydo-Korruption verdorben und verändert. R-Type Final 2 vereint die explosive Action des Originalspiels mit aktueller Grafik und modernen Spielfunktionen – ein Muss für alle neuen und alten Fans der Shoot-'em-up-Spiele.

Verbessert und weiterentwickelt
R-Type ist zurück und besser denn je! Erlebe selbst die explosive Rückkehr des legendären Shoot-'em-up-Spiels auf PC, wo sich die hochwertige Action des Originalspieles vereint mit aktueller Grafik, anspruchsvollem Spiel und einem ganzen Arsenal neuer Funktionen, weiterentwickelter Gegner und Bereiche, die sich vor deinen Augen verwandeln und einem Echtzeit Schwierigkeitsbarometer, das sich anhand deiner Leistung anpasst.

Universelle Herausforderung
Das leistungsabhängige Schwierigkeitssystem passt sich der Erfahrung des Spielers an, und macht es zu einem Erlebnis für alte Hasen und neue Spieler gleichermaßen. Wenn du genug Alienhorden vernichtet hast, kannst du dir die weltweiten Bestenlisten vornehmen und dich mit Piloten auf der ganzen Welt messen!

Frei anpassbare Ausrüstung
Verändere jedes Element deines Schiffes nach deinem Geschmack, einschließlich Farbe, Waffenart und Skins. Wähle außerdem aus Dutzenden von Kampffliegern, die es in älteren Versionen gab und individualisiere sogar deinen Piloten nach deinem Gusto.


  • CPU: Dual core AMD or Intel processor @ 3.0 GHz or faster
  • GFX: GTX 950, AMD R9 280 or newer
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64bit or later
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Quad core AMD or Intel processor @ 2.8 GHz or faster
  • GFX: GTX 1060, AMD RX 580 or newer
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64bit or later
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

759 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 10:12
Masterpiece, worth every penny
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 16:28
Bestes Game ever
1167 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 19:41
Not bad but full prize is much to high,its worth 20€ not 39.90€.
I made a refund.
But buy again when its much cheaper.

48 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 21:12
Nettes Game ABER 40€, wie oft schon erwähnt, sind eine FRECHHEIT sondergleichen ! DLC = 2 Maps extra nochmal 10€ dazu ... Gehts noch ? Ich hab das alte R-Type schon gespielt als Kind aber sowas ist echt mehr als dreist. Ok, mein Fehler aber da ich 2+ Stunden schon gedaddelt hab, ist nix mit Rückgabe. Sonst auf jeden Fall da die Unreal Engine deutliche Schwächen aufzeigt ingame. Schade aber für eine Empfehlung hätte da echt mehr kommen müssen.
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 08:44
So habe ich mir das immer vorgestellt! Super gemacht. Man hätte alle Vorgänger vielleicht als kleinen Bonus mit einbauen können.
326 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 21:31
after initial skepticism ... I am thrilled!!!
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 17:20
this game turned out so cool. Many thanks to the team that made it possible to relive this title from back then. a thousand thanks to you :)
47 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 10:01
Ich habe mich riesig auf den Titel gefreut und war gestern froh, als es endlich da war. Als treuer Fan der Serie seit Anbeginn, musste dieser lang erwartete Titel unbedingt in meinen Besitz. Richtig angespielt habe ich es allerdings erst heute. Obwohl ich es R Type Fans und Shoot em up Fans empfehlen kann, bin ich doch noch etwas hin und her gerissen und meine anfängliche Euphorie konnte leider nicht durchgehend aufrecht gehalten werden. Das Spiel ist etwas paradox. Diese Eindrücke habe ich nach der oben gezeigten Spielzeit bisher.
Optik: Zum einen sieht es richtig toll aus mit den ganzen Lichteffekten und dem Design. Jedoch fallen einem auch öfters sehr matschige Texturen ins Auge und andere Effekte die nicht immer auf dem hohen Niveau gehalten werden können. Zudem vermisse ich die optischen PC Anpassungen, die man eigentlich in fast jedem Spiel hat. Es gibt keine besseren Texturen gegenüber der Konsolenfassung (lediglich eine höhere Framerate). Ich gehe mal davon aus, das es eine 1 zu 1 Portierung ist, was man auch am Menü sehen kann.

Sound: Die Musik und die Effekte sind durchweg gelungen, hier gibt es nichts auszusetzen.

Gameplay: Hier hadere ich noch etwas. Die Steuerung ist ok (R-Type typisch halt), jedoch habe ich doch etwas mehr erwartet nach diesen vielen Jahren, etwas innovativeres (schwer zu beschreiben). Die Levels sind sehr gut entworfen, jedoch auch relativ kurz. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad schwankt sehr stark. R-Type typisch ist er natürlich nicht einfach, aber der Anstieg ist teilweise extrem stark, was besonders an der von mir kritisierten Steuerung liegt (vielleicht bin ich auch nur einfach zu alt für solche Spiele geworden). Es gibt Passagen die sind teilweise extrem einfach und ein paar Meter weiter, kann man an kniffligen Ausweichpassagen verzweifeln (ja, gehört zur Serie dazu). Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist zwar nie unfair, jedoch manchmal sehr sprunghaft. Was schön ist, wenn man auf dem höchsten Schwierigkeitsgrad spielt, bekommt man neben mehr schießenden Gegnern auch andere Bossvarianten.

Design: Die Schiffe sehen toll aus und lassen sich anpassen (wenn ich es richtig gelesen habe, soll es bis zu 99 Schiffe geben). Für den Anpassungseditor wünsche ich mir jedoch noch ein paar Möglichkeiten, da er sehr rudimentär und aufgesetzt wirkt. Nichtsdestotrotz eine schöne Dreingabe. Die Gegner sind vielfältig und gewohnt abwechslungsreich. Die Levels sind sehr abwechslungsreich, jedoch auch Recycling aus vergangenen Titeln. Leider war nichts neues dabei.

Umfang: Der Umfang ist sehr gut. Neben den Hauptmissionen bekommt man einen Scoreattack Modus (Einzellevels). Es gibt das R-Type Museum indem man Schiffe freischalten und modifizieren kann. Zudem viele Artworks und eine Gegnerbibliothek. Auch die Menüs sind nett gestaltet. Im Ingame Shop kann man für Ingame Währung neue Sachen (Pilotenausrüstung, Aufkleber etc.) freischalten. Die dazugehörigen Ressourcen kann man kaufen oder durch Spielen farmen. Für Unterstützer des Crowdfunding Projekts gibt es mittels Passwörter noch einige Extrainhalte.

Fazit: R-Type Final 2 ist ein durchweg gutes Spiel, was jedoch noch einige Punkte hat, die man verbessern könnte: Grafikanpassungen und bessere Texturen für den PC. Einige innovative Levels per DLC würde ich ebenfalls begrüßen. Was mir sehr fehlt ist ein online Multiplayer Modus. Das würde das Spiel massiv aufwerten. Ich habe mir die Roadmap der Entwickler nicht angeschaut und weiß bisher nur, dass noch Inhalte kommen sollen, was aber alles dazu gehört, kann ich leider nicht sagen. Den Preis finde ich trotz liebevoller Arbeit etwas hoch angesetzt (ja, ein Snes Spiel zu seiner Zeit war zig mal teurer, die NIS America Titel sind mmn immer etwas teurer). 20 - 30 Euro hätten sicher gereicht, vor allem da man noch nicht absehen kann, ob kommende Inhalte kostenpflichtig sein werden. R-Type Fans können aber bedenkenlos zugreifen. Was noch zu bemängeln wäre, ist die Tatsache das man trotz Pad Unterstützung bei den Eingaben im Textfenster trotzdem zur Maus greifen muss, da der Controller plötzlich keine Funktion mehr hat. Nicht schlimm, aber umständlich und nicht durchdacht. Meine Kritik soll auf hohem Niveau verstanden werden.
261 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 14:10
It is not a good sequel of the PS2 R-type final

1. It tried to mixed up things in 3D and 2D, in stage 3 for example you will see some enemy flying in from the side,covering the player's screen, and then to the forward side of the player.
2. The resolution is higher then PS2, but the background is quite detail lacking.
3. Lack of story.
4. Camera tilt front or back a bit to mimic a 3 dimension sense.

Neutral changes:
1. Now you unlock ships by spending in game resources which is earned by playing. (fair farming time)
2. You need to buy DLC if you want some addtional, special stages

1. More decals and cosmetic customisation.
2. R-fighters perform totally the same as the original
3. Colourful gameplay
362 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
10364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 17:47
Look just like a classic shoot them up there are limited stages but the replay value is incredible, you dont put 100+ hours into 6 stages that are 3 minutes each if it is not good
220 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 17:47
The gameplay is good but the graphics feel lacking (color palette is all over the place, and not in a good consistent way imo), animations feel rigid and the UI feels horrible to navigate through. Feels a bit like a missed opportunity.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 05:41
This is the best game made. Simple.
115 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 15:13
Awful. The in game menu's don't match where the mouse cursor is, the dialogue is dreadful.
121 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
2648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 21:24
I've not played a new R-Type game in a long time, I enjoyed the original arcade release back in the day (yes, I'm that old) plus I played R-Type 1 and 2 to death on the Amiga.

I believe I may have forgotten how hard they were, as I'm getting my bottom handed to me on 'Kids' difficulty. I am improving slowly though, and for me this is where R-Type shines, stick with it, learn the patterns and you'll improve with every game.

This is a highly enjoyable modern remake of a classic. Just be warned - it's not an easy game.
1230 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 14:58
Seem's alot easier than the older R R type games outside leo but so was R Type Final 1 on PS2 that I unlocked every ship in
1718 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 21:25
A thinking man's shooter that's very engaging. I've read it's not to the level of certain past installments of the series, but by it's own merit without the comparison, it's a hard game that's great to progress through one inch at a time.
137 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
97 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 07:54
Good Ol' R-Type. Very difficult. I'm glad they got the kiddy level, but even at that it's hard. Playing levels over and over to get to know them and advance. Always anoying when you get hit and loose all the power-ups, making it even more difficult. Customizing fighters is fun. It looks great with different graphics and enemies for each level. One of the better shoot 'em ups out there.
1868 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 02:19
Nice game but I suck
843 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 18:36
I've been waiting for this game. 10/10
155 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 13:36
as a noob for kind of R type games that has so many annoying obsticle environment, enemy sniper, and ridiculous stage trap. i think this game is quite friendly for newbie like me. honestly i can't play R type classic like (1st/2nd) and i can said those games are masochist. but R-type final 2 is kinda hard for the first experience. but once you find your own path or arsenals everything is fun! i've got 1CC with RX-10 Albatross( That ship that i really recommend for newbie because it module while disconnected are very useful for clearing the path, and yes you need to grind material to unlock that ship first.) not only that. as i mention before this game has grinding for collecting ships. by keep playing, the material are increased each completed stage and overall im as a noob R-type player found really fun on this game!
250 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 22:05
Possibly a masterpiece of horizontal shooters (in the making?)... but if R-Type, to you, is huge phallic bosses and H R Giger style imagery in the first few levels, you might be best sticking to earlier releases. I think the strength here is gameplay, with a focus on mastery of control, learning enemy behaviour and quick decisions about the 'bit's position or function. It feels like tired old (though artistically lovely) R-Type Final 1 cheered up, got widescreen and started treating the player with a bit of respect.

I enjoy the patterns and the need to alter your speed in places for finer control. It's very satisfying identifying enemy weaknesses or finding a spot on screen where you are less likely to die and the game is kind to you, unlike Gradius, where you stand a decent chance of powering up soon after dying. The graphics are lovely, but having got to level 3, it feels the design crew gave up a little (but I have only seen a small amount of this level). NB I run an old laptop with a Nvidia 920M (made in 2016) with the resolution forced to 800 * 450 (approx 16:9) by modifying the gfx config - and the game looks and plays great with everything set to high (ultra setting for the textures).

My son loves the music and it is a very fresh sounding, enthusiastic soundtrack. Not as dark sounding as as Final 1, but a competent piece of work, with engaging arrangement and a positive and modern vibe. The sound effects are good with nice fizzy crispy explosions and boost / laser sounds.

The bosses have great attack patterns, but visually, look a little boring (at least on level 1 and 2) compared to earlier incarnations of R-Type. For example, level 1 - the Bydo boss you see on the very first R-Type, but part frozen, slumps to the right of the screen, covered in ice. The much smaller stomach parasite is the only noticable featue (I'd like to see the host, or at least just before you destroy it!) - what toll have the years since the last encounter taken on its appearence? etc... Level 2 boss is a couple of rectangles floating around another rectangle. Great fun learning to beat that boss, but the design doesn't inspire me.

Maybe it's the resolution I'm forcing the game to, but the mouse pointer is usually visible in game unless I move it to the bottom of the screen.

Final small gripe - the 3d camera panning effects can seem a bit robotic and not very smooth or organic (i.e level 1 approaching the structure, the ship turns into the entrace and the scenery rotates around the ship as it approaches - and then abruptly stops. I would have liked to see a less abrupt, smooth, gliding transition.)

Over all, it's actually probably my favourite R-Type. I feel it would knock Gradius V off the my top list for awesome side scrollers if the above bits are addressed, in time. It's very fun to play, and I would think the younger generation of players will be taken by Yuki Iwai's positive and solid music score, the ability to customise your fighter, learning enemy patterns and behaviour and the fun of learning how and when to use your boosts, dose, speed changes and bit. My son is a big fan of Final 2 already, although is very new to the genre.

It is a tad expensive to buy (I got it in a Steam sale) but I find that there is a lot to like about this game.
119 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 21:05
This is a $10 game packaged as a $40 game. It's very light on content, and the level design is very dated. If you can get it on a really deep sale I can see it being fun for a few hours, but don't expect more than a few hours of playtime.
311 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 22:49
do i recommend this game? hell yes! it's like playing Super Nintendo R-Type 3 all over again, except that it's prettier. :P
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 18:50
truly a huge dissappointment, no creative stages or bosses, the movement of the ship is slow and dull, dont play it
86 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1000 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 14:25
Dont get me wrong but this game aint worth 35 quid, and those DLC are insult.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 00:17
I really wish that there was a restart from beginning option instead of being forced to continue from checkpoint, really annoying for me personally, would rather spend my time redoing the stage to get the attack bonuses instead of losing them all at the cost of continuing from checkpoint.
Beautiful game, I love R-Type even though I struggle with this version, seems way too small for some reason
Wish there was more customization tbh and it feels finicky when trying to align a decal, like putting numbers perfectly next to each other
No major complaints though, just knitpicky I suppose, beautiful game, I can't get over it, and really cool that we get to personalize our fighters
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 03:26
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 14:39
If you liked R-type Final 1 then you will like this as well

If you dont like slow shmups , dont get this game

Honestly, I'm just happy there's a new R-type game
34 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 18:19
As a life long R-type fan, I give this 10/10
676 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 16:43
I haven't played an R-Type game since R-Type Final on PS2 when it first came out, but playing R-Type Final 2 gives me some of the feeling I had when playing Final. It has a lot of the old school memorization and dodging to it. And the ship collection that gives the game some legs. I would recommend this game to anyone that enjoyed Final or wants to support modern day push for shmups. I would have to warn you, like games of the old there's a lot of replay, memorization and cheap crap but that kind of comes with the territory!
62 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 15:01
R-Type game.
Puzzle-like, positioning, dodging and exploiting safe spot.

No more explanation.
2401 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 14:56
I am going to start this off by listing all of the bad:
-Alt+Tabbing is a gamble. It will sometimes leave the game in an uncontrollable state.
-There are some performance issues that will arise from time to time. Usually this is in the form of frametime issues.
-There is an issue with textures on assets.
-The menu system can be buggy on some occasions.
-The PC Version is still stuck on version 1.0.1
-Stage 3 seems weirdly out of place. It uses a minimalist art direction and clashes with the rest of the game.
-Price point for this package should have started around $25-$30.
-Graphical Settings are non-existent.
-Projectiles can get very hard to see when the screen gets busy.
-Some bosses feel like afterthoughts.
-There is one laser in the game that just... disappears when you disengage it. It is very contrasting compared to how amazing the animations are for other weapons in the game.
-The currency system for ship acquisition is kind of busted since Etherium is so hard to come by. It makes the other currencies pointless.

Even with these issues I did enjoy the game.

I enjoyed the mechanics and varying styles of play offered by different ships and their Force. Some of them drastically change the way you approach stages/enemies. Some specializations include: area of effect, long distance, close combat, utility, etc. They really did a decent job in making different classes of ships feel unique. They also put in a type of risk/reward factor into how scoring is handled through the use of Force and Dose. The stages included in the base game and the first DLC are enjoyable and look great (aside from the aforementioned stage 3). The difficulty for this game is handled beautifully in my opinion. Not only do enemies become more aggressive, but their numbers/patterns increase as well along with some other surprises.

Aside from some aspects of the UI being glitchy, the design looks great. The museum is a tad clunky in my opinion, but overall it is handled competently. It does take a few button presses to get into the game, but it's that bad. During gameplay, indicators are clear and stats are Sound design and music sounds good. Some tracks are better than others, but it fits the overall atmosphere of each stage.

While the game does tend to have some stuttering issues for me, it runs smoothly for the most part (Usually my stuttering occurs after alt+Tabbing and/or Alt+Entering a few times). This is one of the rare shmups that allow you to play at above 60FPS and I love it. I lock everything to 120FPS and the response time and smoothness of animations does wonders of the gameplay and aesthetics. While the game doesn't allow you to control graphical settings it does allow you to ramp the game up to 4K. If you have a decent rig, you should be able to handle 4K 120FPS without issue. It's an amazing way to play the game.

GRAPHICS (Outside of Stage 3)
Lighting and particle effects look amazing in this game. Stage assets look amazing. Enemy and Ship models are detailed. It feels good to see a modern Japanese shmup with some production value. The only issue is that there is some minor texture pop in. The game also doesn't seem to be using the highest available textures on the player ship, but it's not very noticeable until end stage close ups.

Overall I enjoy R-Type Final 2. It is missing ALOT of content that was promised, but hopefully that gets rectified soon. This is a great base to build from and I feel like they can really propel this game into a modern shmup classic with a little bit more work. From the screenshot I've seen of a future DLC stage, I'm hopeful for the future of this game.

PS: Please fix Stage 3. It is almost a meme.
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 16:30
Its R-Type its 2021
222 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 14:34
The Game? - Pretty Good.

The Price? - Pretty Bad.
324 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 14:31
As of right now, not worth it. Too unrefined for the price, and PC is lagging behind consoles in terms of patch releases.

Play Delta or Final 1 via emulation in the meantime, and check back in a year to see if they've polished this into something more worthwhile.
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 19:31
The drifting specks of light
Soothe the darkness in my heart...
Enough to forget my nightmares.
785 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 14:12
I was so damn excited to hear the news, a new R-type game in coming and not just that its coming to Steam. So being a life long PC gamer (and PC Gamer only since early 2000s) I couldn't contain myself and counted the days till the release of the game. Unfortunately all my expectations have been crushed. While this is in no way a bad game. Its not a great game either. And if I could speak freely (yes everyone is welcome to their own opinions) this is not even a R-Type game. Let me explain.

For me R-type is two things. Grim oppressive atmosphere. Huge towering enemies and mechs and space ships that always keep you in awe. Take R-Type Delta for example or R-Type II, each and every level is an assault on the senses. Really high stakes imagery and total apocalyptic world vibe that is somehow gorgeous to look at. This R-Type has some kind of plant enemies theme and it doesn't work for me. Remember that opening level of R-Type 1 on PS2. How the camera placement was inverted, glass shattering and huge mechs and spiders enemies crawling into sight while you had to survive all of it. That was a challenge. The real deal! This game's first level is so damn easy slow paced and uninspired. The later levels have no soul to them. The music is fine and rather enjoyable. The actual visuals are sometimes jaw dropping good but not in the level design department. The levels are mostly the antithesis of what R-Type is all about. THE HORROR ..... IS MISSING!!!!!!!!! THE HUGE MECHS ARE ABSENT MOSTLY!!

But I understand it might be so that the phallic imagery and horror of the previous games was not what the devs of Final 2 were going for. Perhaps they wanted to do something entirely different while keeping the R-type characters and weapons intact. I don't know. But to me its missing that unmistakable R-Type appeal of most previous titles.

Anyways you can disregard my opinions if you are so inclined to. And I don't mind. Neither to I hope that this title should fail commercially. On the contrary I hope the best for the devs and game. This one is just not for me. And lastly I really hope the devs decide to port the classic R-Type Delta and Final 1 to PC soon.
124 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 01:03
Okay, hooking up a controller makes it far better now. I thought the intro was unskippable but that was because the game kept thinking it was the first launch thanks to the keybinding softlock issue I described. The game play is fun, but unforgiving as typical of SHMUPS games.

Quality, simply put is the main flaw of the game. The difficulty tends to be all over the place. For example the difficulty in stages 2 and 3 are far beyond the difficulty in the underwater stage which is one the later stages, and this was on 'practice' mode, the easiest mode in the game. Some bosses are easier than the stage itself to be frank.

When respawning at a checkpoint you lose all your upgrades, and this is often at some of the most difficult portions of the game, which at this point, respawning at the start of the stage would be easier, but isn't given as an option. Allowing this, even for some of the easier difficulties would make going through the game far easier, or just respawning without losing your upgrades on easier difficulties would be great.

Graphically, it's nice to see the ships in HD, and stages look great, for the most part, however the AI battleship map is really rather simply graphically, and feels out of place compared to something like the fiery armoury map which is far more detailed in comparison. In fact in some cases it feels like a regression from R-Type Final's giant battleship(PS2), which feels more detailed in comparison despite being SD. R-Type Delta's triangular shield graphic that surrounds your ship at the start and end of stages feels like it has more effort than the generic static field that now surrounds your ship

Musically, it too is generic, I mean it works, but Delta had better sound design, the first 3 stage sound tracks were far more distinct and memorable to this day.

This review thus far has been negative, but it's really mostly improvements R-Type need to make to survive going forward in 2021, as there are plenty of other games now that either have better value or enjoyment for much less.

As a R-Type fan, I'm just happy to even have this game, I thought the series was dead a decade ago, and I did have a blast navigating through the stages. The team critically still has the level design aspect down which is the core of the game, and that's what matters really. If you're a R-Type fan, chances are your mind was or is already made up about getting this. But to try to introduce newer gamers into this, R-Type has to do better, assuming it wants to continue the series, and simply just isn't a love letter follow up to Final and the games prior.

My original review still stands, minus the intro cutscene, so I'll leave it below. And no I didn't get the keybinding set to the mouse, I'm just using the controller for now.

DO NOT BUY YET, holy crap this game is unfinished, trying to change the unintuitive keyboard layout can get you trapped in the game with no way to back out and this is the first 10 minutes. I backed this wanting a future for R Type, but this 'launch' hurts it more than it helps. Even entering in your name is difficult, it brings up a text box with a keyboard layout below it, but it's unselected, so all your keyboard inputs go nowhere until you move the mouse to click it. I'll change this review once I figure out how to map the fire button to the mouse, if it even is possible to begin with.
751 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 19:11
This review will be updated in time as the game is updated. I want to recommend this game, as I have been a fan of R-Type since the first few games over 30 years ago now. But right now the game has issues, issues that can hopefully be fixed!

Right now the game is buggy, has lag issues during key moments of fights, and has menu glitches that make it impossible to interact with the game if you alt tab out and tab back in. Currently, I have not gotten to any of the final paths of the game (It has branching paths beginning with level 6 depending on a choice you make at the end of level 5, similar to the first Final). However, the reason for this has not been because the game is too hard or I'm bad at it or any complaints with the levels themselves. When I reached level 5 the first time, I died to the final boss on it, alt-tabbed out to check a discord message, and when I came back the game wouldn't do anything. I could not hit continue, I could not select a fighter, nothing. Controller and keyboard become completely unresponsive, no matter what button I pushed I just got nothing or an error sound from the game.

So I quit it, and retried. Same thing happened when I alt-tabbed again. The menus are also buggy when looking through the bydo labs and the other gallery sections, not properly responding to directional inputs, leaving your input in a spot it wasn't upon exiting out of a menu, etc.

Just now I played again, got through stage 6.2, and the game crashed for the third time today trying to load stage 7.2.

tl;dr Game is good, but currently I cannot recommend it due to constant bugs and crashes hampering the experience, among other minor nuisances that add up to tedium across the experience.

Even barring all that, as much as I love R-Type, this has less content than R-Type Final on the PS2 and costs $40 plus a $20 season pass for more levels, all while having far less ships than its predecessor. The graphics are phenomenal, but the content is a bit lacking right now, I hope to see more in the future that will change this to a recommended, because more content is still being added, both paid and free. Biggest things that need to be fixed are menu errors, input issues, and the crashes.

tl;dr, again:
If you love R-Type, get it
If you just like schmups, wait for a sale.
1262 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 18:20
I love me some R-Type and this game seriously nails it. After believing R-Type Final on the PS2 really would be the final R-Type, and then hearing about Irem going under, I didn't think I'd ever see this game. I wasn't holding out hope. This game was a day 1 purchase for me and I don't regret it in the slightest.

The intro sequence gave me those excited goosebumps I only get on the best of occasions. The soundtrack has me hooked and I've barely scratched the surface of this game. I can't wait to dig in further. But based on what I've seen so far, I would recommend this game to fans of the series in a heartbeat. Is it perfect? I dunno, probably not. I'll admit I'm being a total fanboy over here. But I sincerely think the team behind this game have done an excellent job and have stayed faithful to series. This feels exactly like the kind of R-Type game I would want here and now.
8209 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 19:42
This plays like R-Type and feels like the R-Types of old. It could have done with a little more polish (stage three is underwhelming, especially in the graphics department) but it has branching stages, dozens of ships to unlock and you are bound to find some to suit your play style. Above all, it is fun. Frustratingly so, perhaps. It's great to play a new old-style shmup in 2021. Image Fight III next, please.
776 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 09:36
My downthumb for this game is based mostly on it's $40 price tag. It's a good game in its own rite, however it has some flaws. At first the game looks great, but as the game goes on you start to notice it kind of looks like a 2001 original XBOX game. The texture quality and polygon count takes a major dive in certain levels and its a serious shame (Look at this late game boss: https://i.imgur.com/FLYZVEq.png). On top of that the music is entirely forgettable. They did a good job of making the first few levels and especially the player ships and selection screens look really good but that's it. You have 99 ships or so to unlock but there's only about 7 levels to play (10 with DLC). No graphics quality options, buggy controller support... Sometimes even the gameplay is frustrating due to cheapshot enemy attacks and dated movement mechanics. You can use an analogue stick but its still 8 way movement with buttons that shift you through 4 speed levels.... come on now, was this made for arcades? No? Then design the game with analogue control. I realize that's not traditional for R-Type, but still, lets get with the times. I'd wait for a sale unless you've beat the previous R-Type games and really want it. Otherwise, I would say you're better off catching up on previous entries in the series for now. Theres so many great shmups on steam that you can pick up for less then $10. Go buy like 5 or 10 of those instead. In the future people may look at this game fondly, but right now it's freakin expensive for what it is.
1392 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 21:29
30 credits later, finished the main stages - Excellent game, exactly what I've come to expect from R-Type, I would go on to say that this is so much better than its predecessor, R-Type Final.

There are some things that could have been improved, some textures are a bit poor and stage three looks rather... bland, I wish the capital ship you fight had more detail to it.

The pacing of the game is great, unlike it's predecessor, has very few empty sections, performance is great and I'm overall pleased with this, I will undoubtedly continue to play this for many years to come.
100 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 18:00
This is the R-Type that I grew up with and loved!!! I remember pumping quarters into the original R-Type arcade and this lives up to it and more. Still feels like the original but really beautiful graphics. Even customizing your ship with graphics is a nice touch.
Logo for R-Type Final 2
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
81.01% 209 49
Release:30.04.2021 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Granzella Inc. Vertrieb: NIS America Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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