• R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Screen zum Spiel R-Type Dimensions EX.
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots
  • R-Type Dimensions EX: Official Screenshots


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.11.2018
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Preis Update 19.05.24

Über das Spiel

Die Coin-op-Klassiker R-Type & R-Type II gibt es jetzt gemeinsam auf Steam! Kämpfe dich durch alle 14 Bydo-verseuchten Level – in Retro-2D-Grafiken oder wunderschönen 3D-Grafiken – und wechsle jederzeit mit nur einem Tastendruck zwischen den beiden. Die neuen 3D-Grafiken werden durch komplett neu strukturierte Arrangements der zeitlosen Musikstücke von R-Type begleitet! Das klassische Gameplay bleibt unberührt, während der neue endlose Spielmodus kontinuierlichen Fortschritt vom Spielstart bis zum letzten Boss ermöglicht. Diesmal wird der Bydo dir nicht entkommen! Beide Spielmodi können als Einzelspieler oder im lokalen Multiplayer gespielt werden. Reiß dich zusammen, rette die Erde und zerschlage das böse Bydo-Imperium!

Zwei komplette Spiele! Alle 8 originalen R-Type-Level + alle 6 originalen R-Type II-Level. Das klassische Gameplay ist unverändert und genauso herausfordernd wie die ursprünglichen Coin-op-Versionen.

Hi-Res-3D-Grafken + komplett überarbeitete Musik! Wähle zwischen 2D-Grafiken mit klassischer Retro-Musik oder schönen 3D-Grafiken mit schöner, überarbeiteter Musik und Soundeffekten. Wechsle mit nur einem Knopfdruck während des Spielens zwischen Grafik- und Audio-Modi hin und her!

Neuer Infinite-Modus!: Mit unendlichen Schiffen wirst du endlich den Bysos bezwingen! Mit der Levelauswahl kannst du üben und die Level spielen, die du willst!

Spiele die klassischen R-Type und R-Type II genau wie die Originalversionen!

Lege allein los oder erledige die Bydos mit einem Kumpel. Spielt freundlich, ohne miteinander zu kollidieren, oder schaltet um auf kompetitives Spiel!

Neue Funktionen!
Fliege mit deiner Zeitlupe-Taste spielerisch durch die Kugeln oder erhöhe deine Geschwindigkeit mit der Schnelllauftaste. Im Endlosmodus kannst du auch deinem Schiff mit nur einem Tastendruck die maximale Kraft verleihen!


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 2.00GHz
  • GFX: Intel HD Graphics 5000
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/ Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 300 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: With these requirements, it is recommended that the game is played on Low quality settings.
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Japanisch, Französisch, Italienisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

274 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.19 21:39
991 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.19 08:08
Zwei absolute Klassiker in einem.
Man kann sie entweder pixelperfekt oder oder remastered spielen.
Der Infinite Mode sorgt dafür dass man auch mal die späteren Levels sieht, denn die R-Types sind legendär schwer.

Wenn amn auch nur das kleinste bisschen Interesse an Shmups hat ist der Titel essentiell (wenn nur die Originalplatine nicht so sackteuer wäre...)
329 Produkte im Account
138 Reviews
84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.18 17:28
Eine sehr geile Neuauflage der ersten beiden R-Type-Teilen! Man kann jederzeit zwischen der alten 2D-Grafik und der neuen 3D-Grafik umschalten. Es gibt schickere Effekte und mehr Hintergrund, alles sieht halt moderner aus im 3D-Modus. Auch die Musik und die Soundeffekte wurden etwas überarbeitet und klingen besser im 3D-Modus. Das Spiel aber bleibt in 2D, wie früher. Aber man kann auch jederzeit die alte Grafik auswählen! Es macht spass, ist aber wie früher sauschwer! Aber es gibt ja zum Glück nen Endlosmodus, wo man unendlich Leben hat, denn im Klassikmodus hat man nur 3 Leben!
271 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.18 00:07
Ja wie geil ist das denn. R-Type 1 und 2 remastered plus Originalversion!
Als Homecomputerveteran musste ich das Spiel einfach haben und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht.
Originalgrafik und Sound sind wie gesagt ebenso enthalten wie eine neue modernisierte 3-D Optik plus modernisierter Musik und Soundeffekten - und das auf Wunsch noch mit nahtlosem Übergang, man kann im Spiel af Knopfdruck direkt hin und her wechseln. Dazu noch diverse weitere Einstellungen bei der Darstellung wie z.B. eine ganz witzige Ansicht bei der man an einem Arcade-Automaten steht.
Die 3-D Modelle haben zwar zugegeben nicht mehr ganz den Charme der Sprites aber das geht trotzdem noch völlig in Ordnung. Es wirkt in der neuen Optik auch nicht völlig überladen oder so, das Spiel ist in der modernen Fassung genauso gut lesbar wie immer.
Es gibt außerdem einen Coop-Modus und einen Endlos-Modus für Menschen für die Arcade-Spiele zu hart sind ;)
Jeder der mit Shoot`em Ups auch nur ein bisschen was anfangen kann sollte hier zuschlagen.
833 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 18:47
in the 90s I was a kid and beat both of these games. and I like this 10/10
138 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 23:17
I love this version of R-Type. I do believe its a lot easier than the original version. For one, In all the years I've been playing this game (R-Type 1) I have never ever even seen the first boss, nether mind get to the fourth level on my first go. The graphics in the 3D mode are spot on, and the way you can switch between original 2D to 3D is a brilliant idea in the games design. So much so, this will be a feature I just might steal for one of my own games I develop. Also worth noting is the original chip tune also changes to a modern piece of music. R-Type has and always will be the best side scrolling shoot-em-up that has ever been made. I'm glad I've got this in my Steam collection.
2559 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 14:43
Better play the original ROMs on MAME with scanlines activated for an authentic experience.

The 3D looks OK-ish but could have been so much better.


only get it on sale
230 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 20:49
I absolutely love R-type, and this is possibly the best version out there.
127 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 00:11
Blast off and strike the evil Bydo Empire!

This game is good. You will enjoy.
44 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 23:13
Best shoot-em-up of all in my opinion. Crazy hard on the surface but if you slowly break the levels down, bit by bit you can bring down the Bydo. Any fan of games old and new will struggle, but the great music and addictive game play pushes you to keep trying. Learn the strategies and patterns till each level is like a synchronised swimming routine in space. Enjoy :)
740 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 12:10
I have to give R-Type Dimensions EX a negative recommendation based on technical issues to which this port/remake did not find a suitable solution. As soon as I started playing I noticed stutter in the framerate. I tried to ignore the stutter and just enjoy the game. Sadly, I can't look past this problem, which is that the original R-Type arcade machine runs at 55.017606 Hz. This Remake - based of the ROM - just repeats 5 extra frames to fill 60 Hz. As is always the case, every repeated frame causes a slight stutter in the scrolling. So you're left with a game that microstutters 5 times a second. Since the game is not running at 55 fps but 60 fps, VRR such as G-Sync doesn't do anything, and it throws off frame rate counters that will simply report back 60 fps. The only sollution it seems, is to force your monitor to run at a custom resolution at 55 Hz. Which mine can't do.

As far as the game itself, it seemed fine for the limited time I spend with it. The updated music sounds nice. The updated graphics I wasn't that much a fan of. The aesthetics are... passable, but some of the hitboxes seemed off when enemies destroyed my ship even when I was still a mile off collision. That did not seem to happen in the OG graphics you can instantly switch to with a single button press.

So for now, untill they patch the game, which is not likely to happen anymore, I do not recommend Dimensions EX.
175 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 20:28
R-Type and R-Type II are great shoot 'em up classics. The remake did the two games justice and you can always switch back to the original arcade versions as well. R-Type Dimensions EX is worth it.
460 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 15:28
The games are great but the port is not.
There is very noticeable judder/choppiness which is not present when emulating them in MAME.
313 Produkte im Account
235 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 17:45
A blast from the past, and still fun, though a little on the difficult side for me. Side scroller shooting fun, with Geiger-esque graphics. Probably more for those who remember it fondly than the new generation of gamers, but I think it is still pretty fun.
244 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 08:22
Awesome classic arcade!
1016 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 21:53
A stellar remake of some very excellent shooters. Extremely hard games, but you can continue as much as you like (watch out for R-Type 1's stage 7 checkpoint, it's easier to restart the level XD) The remade graphics are nice, and don't really lose any visual clarity over the old pixel graphics. The ability to swap between them on the fly in a seamless transition is very nice. I played with the old school graphics most of the time, but swapped to the 3d look when i needed a change of pace.

R-Type 1 has a couple levels that are a bit too happy to kill you with enemies appearing from any edge of the screen, and the last stage is kind of bland, but still shows off the power and versatility of the Force system phenomonally.

R-Type 2 is more difficult overall, but the level design is consistently really cool, especially in the last stage. This one only has 6 stages compared to 1's 8, but maybe that just indicates the level of care they put into each one.
617 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 08:09
А вот наверное нет. Рублей за 150-200, может быть. И то непонятно. В чём проблема? Ну для начала 3D режим ужасен. В нём что-то странное происходит с collision box-ами и ты постоянно непопадаешь когда визуаьльно попал, умираешь, когда визуально увернулся и т.д. Классический режим более-менее, но у некоторых боссов тоже есть проблемы с попадением и глюки скриптов. Но главная проблема - режим бесконечности. R-Type это игра не столько про реакцию, скольно про запоминание. Понятно, что в современном мире никто не будет перепроходить игру сто раз с начала, что б запомнить места появления врагов, шаблоны движения и атак боссов и т.д. Вроде режим бесконечности как раз решает эту проблему. Но есть одно большое НО! Тебе игра говорит, что ты можешь перепроходить уровень сколько угодно раз, что б улучшить результат. Ок. Можно. Каждый раз стартуя НУЛЕВЫМ, Никаких апгрейдов, ничего. Что убивает саму идею. Ты 100% не наберёшь больше очков и не пройдёшь уровень лучше, если начал его в гораздо худших условиях. Что убивает единственную причину перепроходить уровни. А тратить тонну времени проходя каждый раз игру с начала будут только отъявленные мазохисты.
52 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 20:41

First Thoughts

Coming from the love I have for Super R-Type on the SNES, this port fulfills my R-Type needs.
But wow, I didn't remember this game to be so short!
You will go back into the nostalgia of playing the first and second arcade game.
With the same awesome music, and gameplay!

Uniqueness unneeded

Dimensions EX gives you a couple of modes to go from Ye Olde graphics at an arcade to 2D just as needed 3D on a 2D plane to 3D at a slant.
These are nice features. But I don;t need them. I played on 3D on a 2D plane the whole time. The music remaster is just excellent that way!

You will not lose, unless you do

Dimensions EX has an infinity mode, where you can race yourself or your friends to spend the least amount of [strike]quarters[/strike] lives. You will always finish the game. It also comes with a slow-down/fast-forward feature that you trigger yourself indefinitely. This is how a poor player has the chance to GIT GUT. Love this feature.
You can play classic ofcourse with a set amount of lives.

Time? Value?

I really didn't remember R-Type to be so short, especially with all the sequels that came out. I expected like the full ALL LEVELS version. I had to watch some longplays to see if it was all that short. And the answer is..
Yes and No. Yes it is still shorter than in my memory, I mean I was kid when I played it first. But still has more content than these 2 arcade ports. I would LOVE to see the say: SNES levels and the R-Type III levels.


- Arcade experience is spot on
- R-Type I & II (I mean come on! hype!!)
- Lots of extra features
- Best feature is the slow-down, that way you can get the muscle memory back


- It feels very short.
- Most features are unnecessary

I don't have more CONS actually.
I do wonder if I got my values worth, but heck. My nostalgia blinders are over 9000 with this one.
I recommend it for fans of R-Type, or if you are looking for another (AWESOME) bullethell sidescroll shooter.
I can imagine however you can get way more levels and worth if you aren't especially nostalgic for R-Type.
310 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 15:44
It doesn't have the weird frame pacing problems the original arcade release has. As much as I'd rather play this on OG hardware, it's got at least a retro graphics option.

It's R Type 1 and 2. Good ports.
739 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 19:53
Harder than bullethell shooters
1942 Produkte im Account
250 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.19 16:14
As longtime fan of R-Type, this one does not disappoint. includes the arcade classics I & II. I'm pretty lousy with the game , but fortunately there is an unlimited mode that gives you unlimited lives, with goal of finishing stages with the least number of deaths.
469 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 20:11
It's a classic of the genre, it may be hard at first but after several playthrough it's very fun.

It also had an original Giger-esque design for the Xenomo- err I mean the Bydo empire.
218 Produkte im Account
93 Reviews
1658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.19 00:19
Excellent collection of two legendary shooting games. The ability to switch between the modern and classic graphics is a very nice touch. Fantastic value for a well made collection of two iconic games.
277 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 22:21
love, love, love this game! it brings back so many fond memories. where's R-Type III? i want that game so bad.
1836 Produkte im Account
418 Reviews
82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.19 06:19
An excellent port of two really insane shumps. Everyone loves these because the main gimmick, the option that you shoot off and control simultaneously as a mounted shield, a floating portable turret, and a rear mounted backfiring turret, is incredible and unmatched in complexity, elegance, and depth throughout the genre. Combine that with a rockin soundtrack, a perfect port that lets you toggle between retro and new graphics midgame, and you have an amazing package.

The problems with this stem from the fact that this is still R-Type, and the best way to describe the problems with R-Type is that the default mode in this remake is an infinite lives mode where you simply respawn where you die infinitely and try to beat each mission with the fewest deaths. This is the default mode because R-TYPE IS A RIDICULOUS GAME. You will never meet a soul in your life who can legitimately clear this game. You have better odds of being struck by lightning. This is a pile some of the most ridiculous excesses of early shump design. Gargantuan hitboxes, massive enemy spam, absolutely brutal checkpointing where you simply cannot recover your power ups. I do not know what they were smoking when they made this. Sure, it IS beatable no miss, but nobody is going to put up with that.

It's all perfectly playable with the infinite lives, and that's fine. It's worth the indignity of playing in the kiddie pool to enjoy the systems at play and really taste one of the grandfathers of this genre, remastered in a loving and outstanding package, with the added bonus of being able to laugh at all the bull the game throws at you rather than rage.
1633 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.18 08:50
The Bydo Empire.
A bad BAAAD Alien Race that we have to defeat.

That is all we know about them. No kind of background Story, no face for our hero, just a ship.
But that was enough to create one of the greatest Shoot`em up ever.
The first R-TYPE Games startet 1988 on Arcade and was a hugh success. A Game that is easy to play, but very hard to master. You are playing a small Battleship that has a simple shot and a Beam if you press the Fire Button long enough in the Beginning. Soon you can receive a small Satelite that can dock in front or back of your Ship or just fly free. This little Thing is your ultimate Weapon, because it is undestroyable, but your ship not.
The use of the Satelite Weapon was new in that Times and it took a little bit Strategy in a Game that normally is only about shooting. R-TYPE was not only a Game, it was an addicting Timekiller with amazing Levels and amazing Endboss Fights.
Level 3 in Part One was a big battleship that has to be destroyed part after part.
After the Arcade Version, R-TYPE went on Homecomputers like the AMIGA 500 and it was amazing, also my first Contact with this game. Later R-TYPE 2 followed and many more.

Well, R-TYPE 1 and 2 now reached STEAM as Dimensions Ex and what can i say, it is amazing!
You can switch between the classic and remastered Version while you are playing the Game. Just press a button and the Game transforms into the Classic or the Remastered Version including the Music.
That is a wonderfull fan and new player support. Really great done.
Also you have a classic Mode with limited lifes and an endless Mode with unlimited lifes, what is great because R-TYPE is still easy to play, but very hard to master, but never unfair.

You also can play in local Coop and it has a slow mode Option, what makes it easier to get through the Bydo Hordes.

Tozai did an amazing Job, thank you for that.
I played it so many hours in the past, so it was a homecoming for me.

But there is one part that i`m missing.
The great R-Type 1 Title (Amiga500) Tune, done by the Gamemusic Mastermind Chris Hülsbeck.
He also did the Music for the new Gianna Sisters Game, which he also did in the Classic Gianna Sisters.
But that is just my wish.

If you like a challenging Shoot`em Up, no matter if you are new or old to R-TYPE, this belongs into your Gaming Bibliothek.
Highly recommended!

Thank you for Reading!
371 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
173 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.18 03:41
This version is absolutely THE legit old-school R-Type experience!

Plays 100% faithful to the original timings and attack patterns found in the TurboGrafx-16 version of R-Type.

This version lets you play with either retro graphics and chip tunes, or modern graphics and a recorded soundtrack;
You can even A/B switch between retro and modern modes mid-flight at the press of a button.

Highly recommended to play with just 3 lives if you think you can handle a true old-school arcade challenge!
219 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.18 12:33
OMG the nostalgia is real. I didn't know I remembered every soundtrack in this game until I played it.

There are two modes in this game, 3D and 2D. They don't affect the gameplay but the 3D is like what you'd see in late SNES era, nothing to write home about so I'd go for the 2D.

You can also choose between Infinite Mode and Classic Mode. Classic Mode is what you'd expect from any of these shoot'em up games from the 90s: 3 lives and after that you 'continue' from the beginning of that level. Infinite Mode gives you infinite lives so you never have to restart a level.

The level design is identical to the orgin games the way I remembered it when it was first released in the late 80s. It isn't bullet hell but it's still fun to juggle the Force . It's not a challenging game but if you're like me you're looking for that nostalgia, don't miss it.

It works well with my PS4 controller when I start the game in Big Picture Mode.
427 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.18 09:55
This is exactly like the old arcade versions of R-Type and R-Type II. They kept everything: graphics, musics and playability and you can optionally enable the newer versions, including with a seamless on the fly transition while you play.

The maximum resolution is 1080p which had me worried (I have a 1440p monitor) but this is fine in practice. The new 3D graphics look good and, most importantly, they don't distract from the action or look out of place. The music has been enhanced and is of a similar style as R-Type Delta.

There's an unlimited lives mode which respawns your ship immediately, which is good for those who don't have the patience to die 4384 times to get through a stage. There's also simultaneous local co-op to play with a friend using two controllers.

A must have for any R-Type fan. And for the rest, a nice looking shooter with either the original and challenging skill/learning pattern gameplay or a fun journey through all the stages to get a good enough score. For the price, it's a steal.
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88.52% 108 14
Release:28.11.2018 Genre: 2D Shooter Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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