• PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
  • PT Boats: Knights of the Sea: Neue Screenshots vom selbstständigen Add-on South Gambit für PT Boats: Knights of the Sea


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.08.2009
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.05.24

Über das Spiel

Die innovative Kombination aus Simulation, Strategie und taktischer Action!

Diese maritime Action-Simulation versetzt den Spieler an Bord eines Patrouillenbootes (auch PT Boats genannt) im zweiten Weltkrieg. Spielen Sie Alliierte oder Deutsche und übernehmen Sie das gesamte Kommando an Bord. Planen Sie im Taktik-Modus den kompletten Angriffsverlauf und wechseln Sie mit nur einem Mausklick vom Taktik- in den Simulationsmodus. Bedienen Sie neben der Steuerung auch die Flaks, Maschinengewehr, Torpedos, und weitere wichtige Funktionen und wechseln Sie ebenso einfach in den Echtzeitstrategie-Modus, um das Kommando einer ganzen Gruppe zu übernehmen. Gehen Sie strategisch gegen Ihre Gegner vor und gewinnen Sie Ihre Mission!

  • Innovative Kombination aus Simulation, Strategie und taktischer Action
  • Einfacher Wechsel zwischen Strategie-, Simulations- und Taktik-Modus
  • Möglichkeit der gleichzeitigen Kontrolle über eine Gruppe von Schiffen, einzelne Schiffe und über die verschiedenen Crew-Mitglieder
  • 50 verschiedene Schiffe und 6 Schiffs-Klassen
  • Realistische taktische und physische Eigenschaften jedes Schiffes
  • Aufwändige Grafik mit DirectX 10-Rendering: Soft particles, advanced transparency, advanced ocean rendering und advanced HDR für Gewehrfeuer und Sonnen-Reflektionen
  • Multiplayer-Modus mit bis zu 16 Spielern (LAN)


  • CPU: 2.5 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or higher
  • GFX: 256MB GeForce 6600 or Radeon X1300 and DirectX 9.0c
  • RAM: 1.5 GB
  • Software: Windows XP SP2, 32 - bit
  • HD: 2 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 8.1-compatible audio card
  • INET: MP DSL 1000
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700+ or higher
  • GFX: 512MB GeForce 8800GTX, ATI Radeon HD 4850 and DirectX 10.0
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Software: Windows Vista, 32-bit
  • HD: 3 GB
  • SFX: DirectX 8.1-compatible audio card
  • INET: MP DSL 2000

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 18:32
Hmmmm... Prefer SH3 plus Schnellbootmod over it.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 18:12
never got past load up game suck
146 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.19 15:38
It is a fun game and runs fine also.
329 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
1517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.17 02:58
A nice game.

First the problems: Many users have compatibility issues. In my case I use Win 8.1 64X with an AMD card, I tried the demo in the page of the editor however, I was unable to make it work, fortunately a user in the forums posted the link to the proper driver, I installed it (no rocket science) and the demo ran perfectly.


If you are interested in this game try the demo first, if it does not work please check the forums

Now the game features.

There are 3 tutorial missions, and 54 missions in campaign.

Weserübung: 1940, 5 missions, Germany and Great Britain.
English Channel: 1940, 5 missions, Germany and Great Britain.
Cold Waters: 1943, 4 missions, Germany and Soviet Union.
Land under sight: 1944, 4 missions, Soviet Union.

Routine service: 5 missions, Germany, Allies and Soviet Union.
Bonus missions: 2 missions, Germany, Allies and Soviet Union.

You control a PT Boat, you can change stations, artillery, machine guns, torpedo launcher and helmsman.
You will have control of other ships, minesweepers, destroyers, etc however you can only take the helmsman role you can't directly fire their weapons.

A nice variety of missions, attack convoys, defend convoys, collect intel, search and attack bases, etc.

Some missions are very short maybe 10-15 minutes and others can reach 1 hour, you can't save in the middle of the missions so be careful.

If you like Battlestations Midway/Pacific, take a look at this game.
188 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.17 15:01
Most broken piece of shit on steam. Crashes before the menu screen.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.16 10:42
Very poor, promises plenty delivers little, even in the tutorial the interface does not work, plus the horrendous racist german voice overs are enough to completely ruin what could have been a good game, garbage, avoid!
2008 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.15 20:57
The game could be really cool - and honestly isn't that bad when you get it to work. Do direct x 9 and you may get it to work for a while but it hard locked my computer after playing for a few minutes.
1884 Produkte im Account
269 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.14 18:12
Mixed bag this one. At a price of 9,99€ i can not recommend it but if you can get it for a couple of euros it's definitely worth it. 2-5 euros is the price point i'd give to this game that Akella left a bit too rough on the edges.

- Sometimes you get the 'being there' feeling.
- Skirmishes around a convoy can be epic as you try to struggle your way through
- Looks pretty good though forget DirectX10. doesnt work for anyone. i play with 9.0c settings.
- Detailed guns and boats and crew.
- Good enough UI once you learn it's quirks.
- Good enough and fun enough management of destroyers and other ships under your command if you got any.
- Good looking smoke - when it decides to stay visible.

- UI is rough in the corners. also forget about modern day markers telling you exactly what to do - instead listen closely what the instructions are and follow them - or try to work yourself around them. (i.e. go to sector G-7 and look for a convoy - how about going north of that and trying to look there first where they might be heading)
- Damage models - i dont understand what determines who wins and who loses fights between PT boats. sometime crew fly around after direct hit. sometimes you can dump a lot of ammo on an enemy and still go down with the fishes.
- Better like restarting missions all the time. Allies first mission took me some 10 tries. (mission does randomize convoy consists (?) and locations a bit so every mission is slightly different even if you retry the same mission over again).
- Missions are locked and you can only advance through the hard way - Hard to say how much content there really is here - 3 tutorials in the beginning though that you really should do.
401 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.13 15:03
this is a must have for any WW2 navy geeks..ultra realistic, tough missions, great graphics, detailed modelling. I recommentd the Pt BOAT gold pack as both original and expansion are worth the price at $14.99
297 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.13 21:24
A mix of Battlestations Midway and Silent Hunter. Runs perfectly for an older game as well.
Logo for PT Boats: Knights of the Sea
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
43.33% 13 17
Release:26.08.2009 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Akella Vertrieb: Battlefront Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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