AddOn Prey: Mooncrash
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Über das Spiel
Kurz nach den Ereignissen von Prey wurde es dunkel auf der geheimen Mondbasis von TranStar. Funkstille. Und es ist Ihre Aufgabe, herauszufinden, was geschehen ist. Schlüpfen Sie in Prey: Mooncrash in die Rolle des Hackers Peter, der sich auf einem Spionagesatelliten wiederfindet, mit dem die Kommunikation von TranStar abgehört wird. Verstrickt in einem Knebelvertrag mit der KASMA Corp. obliegt es Ihnen, die Geheimnisse der Mondbasis aufzudecken – sofern Sie Ihre Familie jemals wiedersehen wollen.
Anmerkung: Im Spätherbst wird noch ein Mehrspielermodus folgen.
Leben. Sterben. Anpassen. Entkommen!
Entkommen Sie von der Mondbasis, bevor die Typhon-Bedrohung nicht mehr aufzuhalten ist. Eine recht simple Anweisung, die jedoch auf eine Vielzahl von Wegen angegangen werden kann. In Mooncrash erleben Sie eine brandneue Kampagne im Stil eines Rogue-lite mit hohem Wiederspielwert: Überleben Sie eine wachsende, sich weiterentwickelnde Typhon-Bedrohung und nutzen Sie die unterschiedlichsten Hilfsmittel zur Erfüllung Ihre Aufträge.
Überleben Sie, wie Sie wollen und mit wem Sie wollen
Schalten Sie im Laufe der Kampagne die unterschiedlichsten Charaktere frei – jeder mit ganz eigenen Fähigkeiten und Verbesserungen. Bedienen Sie sich dem erfinderischen Geist der Technikerin Joan? Oder schwingen Sie als Sicherheitsmitarbeiter Bhatia lieber die Schrotflinte als eine Rohrzange? Volontär Andrius mag körperlich etwas schmächtig wirken, doch seine psychischen Fähigkeiten sind umso größer. In Prey dreht sich alles um Entscheidungen, und diese Entscheidungen liegen ganz bei Ihnen.
Suchen Sie nach Geheimnissen, Ausrüstung ... und einem Fluchtweg
Auch in Mooncrash kommt wieder das Talent von Arkane Studios für detailreiche und geschichtsträchtige Umgebungen zum Vorschein. Die Größe der Mondbasis entspricht etwa der Größe von vier Bereichen der Talos I, und auch hier gibt es wieder Einiges zu entdecken. Halten Sie also die Augen auf nach lebenswichtigen Vorräten ... und natürlich Mimics.
Neue Herausforderungen, neue Lösungen
Die Typhon-Bedrohung hat auch vor der Mondbasis nicht Halt gemacht. Bekannte Typhon, aber auch harte neue Gegner stellen sich Ihnen in den Weg. Sie müssen alles aus Ihrem Arsenal an Waffen und Kräften herausholen, um dem Tod ein Schnippchen zu schlagen und von der Basis zu entkommen.
Prey: Typhon Hunter
Die Chancen stehen nicht zu Ihren Gunsten, als Sie versuchen, von einer geheimen TranStar-Mondbasis zu entkommen. Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg: stetige Anpassung. Mit jedem Durchlauf begegnen Sie neuen Gegnern und Gefahren und müssen mit einem wechselnden Arsenal an Waffen und Kräften immer neue Ziele erreichen. Die dynamische Umgebung macht die Kampagne von Mooncrash zu einem gefährlichen, aber auch fesselnden Abenteuer – und die spannenden, sich ständig neu entwickelnden Herausforderungen werden auch die besten Spieler ins Schwitzen bringen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i5-2400, AMD FX-8320
- GFX: GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel i7-2600K, AMD FX-8350
- GFX: GTX 970 4GB, AMD R9 290 4GB
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 17:32
Das Gameplay unterscheidet sich dabei deutlich vom Hauptspiel. Die Spielcharaktere müssen zuerst freigeschaltet werden, indem wir bestimmte KASMA-Aufträge erfüllen. Dazu ist es erforderlich die Simulation mehrmals zurückzusetzen. Dabei geht aber nicht alles verloren. Freigeschaltete Charaktere bleiben verfügbar, gefundene Fabrikatorpläne und Chipsätze ebenso, Forschungsdaten mit dem Psychoskop müssen kein zweites Mal ermittelt werden und natürlich bleiben einem auch die verdienten Simulationspunkte erhalten. Beim spielen erhält man diese für das Töten von Typhons, finden von Chipsätzen und Fabrikatorplänen, Reparaturen, Hacken, das Abschließen von KASMA-Aufträgen, etc. Mit diesen Punkten können wir für unsere Charaktere vor dem Start Ausrüstung kaufen. Dabei haben wir auf alles Zugriff, was wir zuvor an Fabrikatorplänen und Chipsätzen gefunden haben.
Jeder Charakter hat eine ganz bestimmte Palette an Fähigkeiten, die mit Neuromods freigeschaltet werden können. Waffenupgrades existieren nicht aber man findet Waffen und auch die dazugehörigen Fabrikatorpläne in verschiedenen Qualitätsstufen (Standard, Verbessert, Elite). Was man findet und wo man es findet unterliegt komplett dem Zufall. Da man sowieso mehrere Durchgänge benötigt wird man automatisch seine Kollektion nach und nach erweitern.
Die Mondbasis besteht aus vier Abteilungen, die in etwa vergleichbar groß sind mit denen aus dem Hauptspiel.
Der kritische Faktor in der Simulation sind die Beschädigungsstufen. Je nachdem wieviele KASMA-Aufträge wir bereits abgeschlossen haben, sind diese Stufen unterschiedlich lang bzw. kurz. Im Schnitt sind es um die 15 Minuten pro Stufe. Wird die nächste Beschädigungsstufe erreicht respawnen alle Typhons in allen Abteilungen und werden dabei durch stärkere Versionen oder durch stärkere Typhons ersetzt. Erreicht man das Ende von Beschädigungsstufe 5 wird die Simulation zwangsweise zurückgesetzt.
Das klingt zunächst nach viel Stress. Glücklicherweise gibt es einen Umstand, der diesen Aspekt komplett negiert: Zeitschleifen! Jeder stärkere Typhon (Telepath, Technopath, Weber, Mondhai, Albtraum) droppt eine. Mit ihr kann man den Countdown zur nächsten Beschädigungsstufe quasi um fünf Minuten verlängern. Und das Beste: dafür gibt es auch einen Fabrikatorplan! Damit kann man das komplette Spiel auf der ersten Beschädigungsstufe bequem durchspielen.
Durch das Roque-lite - Prinzip bleibt der Grind in Mooncrash nicht aus aber sobald man den Fabrikatorplan für die Zeitschleifen gefunden hat, hat man genug Zeit, alles was das DLC anzubieten hat, zu genießen.
Ich hatte viel Spaß mit Mooncrash. Die Atmosphäre erreicht zwar bei weitem nicht das Level des Hauptspiels und die Storymissionen der Charaktere sind geradezu lächerlich kurz, dennoch fühlte ich mich sehr gut unterhalten.
Wer Spiele mit Grindfaktor und den zumindest am Anfang zeitkritischen Aspekt nicht ausstehen kann, sollte die Finger davon lassen.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.18 08:37
Man spielt in einer Simulation, die sich laufend ändert, man weiss also nie genau was einem erwartet. Dadurch bleibt die Spannung konstant hoch. Man ist gezwungen vorausdenkend zu handeln, taktisch und klug. Beispielsweise ist es in der Simulation manchmal besser, gewisse Dinge für den zweiten Charakter (oder gar den vierten) zurückzulassen. Es gibt immer neue Runs, aber selbst wenn man stirbt und das Ziel nicht erreicht, gibt es einen Fortschritt, der einem bei einem neuen Run wieder einen kleinen Vorteil erschafft. Man stirbt oft und trotzdem kommt man weiter. Der DLC ist wahrlich clever konstruiert, bin wirklich begeistert.
Ich habe den DLC bei Veröffentlichung gekauft, aber gewisse Reviews (wie beispielsweise das der Gamestar) haben mir irgendwie die Lust darauf genommen. Da ich das Hauptspiel aber so genial fand, wollte ich nun doch ein Versuch machen und... mann, was war ich überrascht. Der DLC schleudert einem in eine regelrechte Suchtspirale und man will in der Simulation besser und besser werden, noch schlauer agieren, noch schneller sein, noch weiter kommen.
Für mich ist Mooncrash so ziemlich der kreativste DLC, den ich je gespielt habe (und ich spiele seit über 25 Jahre). Was die Arkane Studios hier abliefern ist abseits der üblichen dahingeschluderten 08/15-DLC der Marke Ubisoft, EA & Co. und eine absolute Empfehlung. Es ist ein DLC, welchen man so nicht erwartet und vielleicht sind gerade deshalb die Bewertungen eher im Durchschnitt. Wenn ich Doom spiele und plötzlich ein DLC hätte, in welchem ich wie Garrett aus Thief agieren müsste, wäre ich auch erst einmal irritiert.
Offen gesagt bin ich etwas erstaunt, den die Arkane Studios peilen mit ihren Spielen wie Dishonored & Prey sicher nicht den normalen Casual PC-Gamer an, sondern diejenigen die das Besondere suchen, das etwas Andere, Ungewöhnliche. Wenn ich mich also nicht komplett täusche, dann kann ich Interessierten nur dringend empfehlen sich durch manche Reviews nicht abschrecken zu lassen und dem DLC eine Chance zu geben. Er ist umfangreich, clever, schlicht toll und es definitiv wert gespielt zu werden.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 23:42
Mooncrash is different approach to the game - you should just consider as seperate one comparing to main game.
In the end I've enjoyed roguelike formula (I like those type of games) and I can recommend this game for everyone who like to repeat stuff over and over to get stronger :)
If you liked main game and you prefer just straightforward story with some quests on side - consider buying Mooncrash.
[spoiler]Game is not telling you that but if you want to max out everything - DO NOT FINISH KASMA ORDERS! - since it will force you to restart game from scratch[/spoiler]
Final verdict 7/10
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 18:47
And now we have Mooncrash, It's a little DLC that is basically a game by it's own. Treat it like a Rougelike.
When it comes to the content the game offers about 30 minutes of gameplay with a very small story in the background for the sake of it. the main purpose of that DLC is to play the same level multiple times and unlock other characters and end the same level in different ways.
It's a really neat idea and fun for those who are interested in this type of games. But is it worth the full price? Just no but I still do suggest for people to give it a try regardless of the pricing.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 12:20
I love it, it's unique, incredible and designed with a though. One of the best roguelite experiences I've had.
The mistake they made is that they didn't make this as a separate game as too many players think this would be like prey was.
Don't know about Typhon Hunter, never tried it. I get too anxious when playing PvP content.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 22:12
One of the best DLC:s I've played. I strongly recommend picking this gem up!
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 16:17
Mooncrash is a rogue-lite game built upon the base game’s mechanics. It features a whole new area to explore with five different characters and a set of new rules, that make the whole experience feel more challenging and fresher.
Pros & Cons
+ New unique enemies
+ More areas to explore
+ Different characters require different approaches
- Not balanced very well, gets incredibly easy after 5-6 hours
- No way to continue playing for achievements after finishing the game
You play as a hacker and a corporate spy, whose job is to find out what happened on Transtar’s Moonbase. In order to do that, you have to dive into a simulation as 5 different characters. Each of them is desperately trying to escape, while you’re uncovering their stories and learning what tragic events transpired on the moon. Once in a while you will be taken out of simulation to find out more about the character you’re really playing as. Though those segments feel more like a nuisance stopping you from enjoying the gameplay. If you’ve finished the main game, you probably won’t learn anything new from this story, but it's a nice way to indicate your progression.
Now to the main focus of this DLC, the gameplay. It takes core mechanics of the main game and takes a rogue-lite spin on it. Each time you start a new run of the simulation, the map resets, all enemies and loot respawn. The map consists of three big areas connected by a hub location. It’s not random generated like in most rogue-lite games, although certain details of the map can change between runs. For example, certain doors, that were working before, become locked, some areas lose power and some catch on fire. The other feature lifted from rogue-lite is a character system, you have multiple characters with different stats and abilities, requiring different approach and strategy. For example, one character can go shooting everything without breaking a sweat, the other one has to rely on stealth and will die in just a couple of hits. It forces you to utilize all of the tools at your disposal and makes the gameplay feel more varied than in the base game. Each character’s goal is escaping by any means available, which includes space shuttles, escape pods, cargo containers and two more original methods. Your arsenal is pretty much the same, with the addition of a few new grenades and a melee weapon, that's basically a wrench with an ability to do ranged attack. There are new types of enemies, they are great, but I don't want to spoil the surprise for you.
There’s one interesting catch to the gameplay loop, unlike most roguelikes where new character means a new run, if you die or escape in Mooncrash you continue the same run, unless all of your characters are dead or left the station. It means that the map will already be looted and freed of enemies by your previous character. There’s however a certain measure for keeping it interesting, the corruption level, which gets elevated after a certain time. When the level goes up, enemies respawn and become more powerful. You might think it’s unreasonable at first, since the map is already looted you won’t be able to find anything useful with your next character. But due to the map staying the same, it’s incredibly easy to transfer items between characters, which makes playing at high corruption levels as easy as on low. There’s also an item that delays corruption level, so when you get the hang of it all and are able to manufacture this item in big quantities, it turns the whole surviving experience into a smooth grind.
If you want more of Prey’s gameplay or felt like the base game was lacking in variety, it’s definitely the DLC for you. It suffers from certain flaws making it too easy in my opinion, but it also avoids a lot of other rogue-lite pitfalls like boring random-generated levels and lack of story progression. It takes around 10 hours to beat or more if you’re going for achievements, making Mooncrash a good deal for its’ price.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 19:39
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 16:46
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.22 06:37
I spent about 27 hours playing Mooncrash, though 5-7 of those were grinding neuromods for an achievement. It's not as good as the base game, but it's still fun and compelling.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 20:45
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 21:58
Prey is excellent in general, and I enjoy roguelites. BADDABING BADDABOOM
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 06:29
I enjoy a lot about Mooncrash, the characters are really interesting and I love how each having a limited amount of the skill tree makes you play vastly different and the fact that you get to a point where you have to start considering your character order and who will access/fix what to set up another character later on when you play as them, as well as the environmental puzzles and discovering the exits. The level design is okay, sadly some randomized layouts means you can't always account for everything or that some runs will be easier than others.
There's a lot I also don't find fun about Mooncrash. The corruption timer is an ever present annoyance and doesn't really serve to add anything but (1) respawning enemies in areas you've cleared out to keep things from getting too easy, (2) powering up enemies and (3) ending the run when you take too long. I don't like any of these in practice.
For 1, I think taking the time and resources to make an area a safe zone should be rewarded, at most I could see the crater being the only area to have continously respawning enemies until you power up the kill towers. For 2, this already exists as you complete more objectives as more enemy types begin to get introduced. I'd rather just have leveled enemies follow your progress or, more fairly I think, be restricted to further areas in the station. For 3, there is just zero place to have the game end the run flat out during whatever you're doing wherever you are. Ending the simulation should have just been replaced with spawning The Nightmare.
A lot of these decisions are clearly made in the name of padding the runtime, as the content is lacking when you start to lay out what you actually do. You have 5 objectives, one per character, and then 5 storylines to complete for them which vary greatly in time. Riley's objective is one of the longer ones to do, but her actual storyline takes less than two minutes to complete. Arguable the hard character objective to complete is the Volunteer's because it requires unlocking skills three and two levels deep respectively and a character which you'll likely unlock last.
I will update my review once I finish (objectives 24/27 complete), but so far SkillUp majorly missed the mark by saying Mooncrash is leagues better than Deathloop. I enjoyed my time with Deathloop immensely more, but beyond that they just clearly have different design goals rather than the bare similarities they share. The only point Mooncrash has about Deathloop is the lower amount of handholding, but honestly Mooncrash also basically spells out what you need to do to solve your main objectives with waypoints and the occasional journal read. I do think overall though, that Mooncrash and Deathloop are almost equally some of Arkane's most underwhelming work when compared to the Dishonored series as a whole and Prey's main game.
EDIT: Beat the DLC ending paragraph holds up. I can see why people really liked it so much but it's not the second coming of System Shock 2. Volunteer and Custodian storylines were by far the most interesting of all of them all but there's just not a lot of meat on the bone with the overall experience.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 17:30
I had a few crashes in the first few runs. At some point they stopped and now it works flawlessly. Weird. I didn't really mind the crashes. After a crash, it loaded me at the last point of entry, so I considered it a surprise savegame. As you might have heard, there is no quicksave, so I take what I can get.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 15:21
This comes at a cost of the immersive storytelling the original used, however both the meta-narrative and the narrative itself is definitely a lot better than the base game. I love how each character does have their own story, and how they all interlink with each other. Specifically the twists in Vijay's and Riley's story respectively. I wish there was a little more creativity in moving between zones, or maybe making the tram system more in depth. The moonshark is quaint but can be a little annoying, especially the later into the run you get.
Whoever came up with this is a genius. Unfortunately this has made me even more invested in the Prey universe which makes me sad since I doubt there will ever be a sequel. But DAMN is this game + DLC has blown my mind.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 06:07
Arkane's usual missed final hurdle to getting extremely great narrative delivery but very intriguing ideas and strong presentation is here, the story is front centre in the game and it has strong narrative drive.
The problem with prey is the focusing on dominant strategy by the end of the game as all of us immersive affectionadoes can admit to - mooncrash forces harsher resource deprivation, and limited classes to encourage the classic immersive sim high strength of adaptation and lateral solutions to challenges - gloo gun as a stealth tool to let you skip enemies to go higher? emp grenades to force eletric gates to power down so that you can escape the chasing moonshark? enemies which are too tough so you can finally take out that boltcaster for distracting instead of as a remote button pusher ( pro tip : electric modified weapons and gear can also disable powered gates and doors - really damn handy, and resource effective)
Because the game is harder you can finally justify the very precise inventory management which is kind of needless in the base game - how many stacks of typhon lures and emp grenades did you win the game with? Overall this makes the player interact with the different prey systems, items and mechanics much better and imaginatively - hightly recommend it to anyone who has finished prey and wished it more challenging (not in the military operator way) or know their way around immersive sims.
Hopefully we get more of this in the future with even more complex and interconnected interactions
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 20:33
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 19:22
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 23:31
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 15:31
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 08:36
if you like shooters and roguelites. I combines the shooter feeling of the base game and mixes it with the light challenge/thrill of a roguelite.
While dying is feels bad first, you will come back stronger every cycle. You will find neuromods and will keep the bought skills from last run. Also found schematics for the assembler. You gain a lot simpoints for most actions, which act as currency for buying equipment for a run.
So buy a matter of time you learn how to survive and learn the map. And the moment it gets easier, the game will add some new variables to the environment, e.g. adding fire/radiation to a random section or cutting power.
Overall a great idea and I hope that simular content will come up.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 14:08
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 11:08
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 14:55
It also really good narrative and deep backstory for all characters, if you are interested in such a thing.
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 00:05
It just feels completely diffrent from the base game wich isn´t necessarily bad but i felt like when it comes to freedom you´re very limited compared to base game, the game feels super limited because of time limit and the small repetitive setting, sure gameplay wise the game adds a few new things like diffrent types of turrets and gadgets/weapons but the combat of prey wasn´t super amazing to begin with and lacked enemy variety, powers are cool and some weapons are very good, but when you focus mostly on combat and remove exploration and amazing level design as well as a cool setting, and story and notdouble down on what worked you are essentially killing what most people flocked to Prey for and as a result the DLC wasn´t super good as a big base game fan, and as you can se in the reviews allot of people agree.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 08:47
I think the game devs took risks to make this, because you wouldn't expect it. However, I have to say I enjoyed playing it, the pace is different, it is more about doing what you can during the time you have than looting and exploring everything in the moon base with Morgan Yu. If you want, you could still use a specific grind technic to play the game as if you were playing with only one character.
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 03:53
props to arkane for a ballsy ass move in that this dlc isn't even the same fucking genre as the base game, but all mooncrash does is affirm how much i hate rougeanythings and how much i probably won't buy deathloop
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.21 11:22
I was sceptical about it first, but I decided to stick with it. That is likely the issue why people give it a negative review. This DLC takes some time to really get going. The time limit might seem annoying/discouraging at first but once you know what to do you can use it to your advantage.
TLDR, don't give up. Stick with it and you'll likely enjoy it nearly as much as the vanilla game. I did.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 22:26
I loved it!
Others didn´t, but for me, it was exactly what I was hoping for. It was very rougelike, and I´v had to massively improve my skillset (and tactics) to finish the main objective.
I personally rate this DLC 4/5, but I totally get why others are not happy - since the concept takes a few hours, to get into. Its different from the main game, but I don´t feel like giving you guys spoilers.
(Comments allowed)
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 06:29
Most of the negative reviews on here seem wildly different from my playing experiences. So many complaints about the timer and feeling like they need to rush... I had plenty of time for the vast majority of my playtime. You have to go into Mooncrash realizing that you *WILL* not be finding everything your first run(s). There are no quicksaves, there is permadeath (for that simulation). You will have to reset unwinnable simulations. You will have to use your intelligence to strategize a way forward, sometimes using mechanics in the base Prey that you didn't use or perhaps didn't even know about. You will probably die plenty too.
The game is pretty darn straight forward: don't die and figure out how to escape. It's pretty disheartening to see so many reviews saying they refunded in a hour or two because it wasn't a straight line or that they had to use different characters or win over multiple runs? If Majora's Mask gives you a panic attack you will probably not like this. If you like challenging rogue-adjacent experiences, this is one of the best out there, even more so for roguelite first person games.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 07:18
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 17:28
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 06:30
I imagine that some people will like it. People that like a challenge, and like to repeat things over and over. Probably not for your average Prey fan, though, and definitely not at full price.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 01:33
Me: Ok
Prey Mooncrash
Me: *Trying to figure out how to walk safely without disturbing Moonshark like not touching the sand*
Moon Shark: Die
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 11:04
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 18:22
I couldn't stop before I figured out a way to make every character escape! 10/10 from me!
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 05:59
Nicht Empfohlen
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 16:46
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 11:30
Deviating from the normal Arkane formula of quick saves, slow paced methodical gameplay wasn't exactly appealing.
Dying many times and playing through the Mooncrash over and over also seemed unappealing.
Honestly though, after 10 hours, it has grown on me. Its a very unique spin on the Prey series and If I'm being honest with myself, if they did revert back to their normal formula, the DLC would be mundane.
I think this is a DLC you will either hate, or love. Once you dip your feet in the water so to speak, you will drift to whichever category you view the game in.
I think in retrospect, its a good idea that was actually executed well, but I can understand why some people would be deterred from it, but they wanted to think outside the box and I can't dismiss Mooncrash as anything but original and creatively unique.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 04:43
Prey + the Mooncrash DLC is a successful throwback to System Shock 2 and Bioshock, while comparing favorably to Alien: Isolation and Dishonored. Its greatest strengths feature in the opening hours of the game, with the sudden reveal of Morgan's captivity, the terror and tension of the Typhon, and the interesting mechanics. As one explores further, Prey retains its strengths of a beautiful station, and wonderful level design, but the story starts to show its seams. At the end it runs out of steam, and the conclusion feels truncated. The Mooncrash DLC recycles the original mechanics and fabricates them into a unique experience, that exceeds its predecessor by condensing the experience and subsuming plot in favor of mechanics.
Prey Mooncrash: Escaping A Funhouse of Horrors
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 02:51
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 23:54
What I liked:
- Unique Hybrid sim/rogue-lite combo
- Has a story and cool ending
- More challenging than base game
- Gripes of both genres gone
What I didn’t like:
- Nothing
My Score:
Quick Summary
The merging of two genres into something truly unique and still no competition to knock it down from its pedestal. There is literally no game in this genre that this game created to even compare to. The tension mixed with required on the fly managing of resources, where to go and how to complete each quest to make sure every character gets out in a unique way was a blast and I’m so stoked that their new game in this same genre.
More in depth:
- Mooncrash came out in a year of so many rogue-likes so it could have got lost, but this game takes the bold stance to take the core mechanics of its IMMERSIVE SIM AND SHOWCASE A NEW BREED that many people were not prepared for, you take all the CORE MECHANICS from my Prey review and the game still holds on the immersive sim and deep mechanics that the game was previously praised for, what it does different first it keeps the STORY vibe and puts in the rogue-like genre that I’ve never seen so far and HAS AN ENDING instead of never-ending till you get bored that the genre is usually known for, with 5 characters that each have a quest line and story to find out more if you’re into the whole lore thing.
- These 5 CHARACTERS YOU PLAY AS EACH HAVE CERTAIN SKILLS taken from base game but split so neither are overpowered and have a strength or style that goes with them, you can when dying over and over get currency to buy better starting loadouts that can simplify the game as it’s really easy to get money to do this. They each have a quest that you can decide if you want to complete for challenges and more currency, your goal is to get they all out in one go with each escape being used up by said person, so it REQUIRES STRATEGY AND PLANNING to figure out what how do this and is so much fun.
- Because of the random nature of rogue-likes, this is where the GENIUS COMES INTO PLAY, because in the main game it was never required to use everything in the game because you can use the same abilities that always worked, since not everyone has those abilities and permanent weapons, you are required to use the foam darts, the morph, turrets and improvised tactics to survive, the tension is heighten because of this, the more emergent gameplay happens and randomized sections having no power, locked doors, hazards, enemy and loot layout change on each death makes it so you for the most part can’t do the same plan every time. You can use and leave resources for later characters to use to help in their escape, as you don’t need to keep your gear when you escape and can give it to the next one in line.
- Overall the game takes the best of both genres and LEAVES THE DEAD WEIGHT BEHIND, it’s not a padded never-ending rogue-lite and requires the use of all the systems of its immersive sim base game to great this masterpiece that I don’t get the hate, I do get it’s not only the immersive sim that people wanted it to be, but it keeps the core intact and just changes it to be unique and experiment to find new experiences which I care more about than just another copy paste safe DLC, like what did people want from this dlc for $10? Seriously I would like to know in great detail.
PAID: $10
COMPLETED IN: 12 hours
Games similar I recommend:
-" target="_blank">Into the Breach
-" target="_blank">Slay the Spire
-" target="_blank">Dead Cells
- Deus Ex Human Revolution(played on Xbox)
Games looking to try next:
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 10:22
Roguelike, unique spin on gameplay formula from PREY 2017.
If that description didn't scare you away- 'Mooncrash' DLC is a pretty safe recommendation for any fan of the base game and other titles made by Arkane Studios, especially on any half-decent sale.
DLC offers standalone expansion (with minor ties to original events and characters) of PREY's world with new side story arc, protagonist and gameplay that is divided between separate five playable main characters during simulations (de facto roguelite 'runs'), presented during relatively short gameplay loop focused on a single goal- emergency escape from new, self-contained area- science base on the Moon after Typhon outbreak.
New formula is executed very well considering all constraints that had to be taken into consideration by developers in order to make it's reality believable from the perspective of the original story.
Wording is very important- 'Mooncrash' is a spin of PREY's gameplay, not a roguelike game set in that universe or just one that is adopting PREY's visuals and gameplay basics, with all the advantages and disadvantages that result from it.
If you don't mind roguelike concept of repeated gameplay, work towards incremental and permanent character improvements, randomization of loot (including chipsets, new gear & schematics and basic loot rarity system replacing weapon upgrades) or constant time pressure in form of Corruption death clock that is also increasing difficulty for all runs in a single simulation (it can slightly managed with ingame loot item, also can be modded out) then don't hesitate to grab this one.
It still offers the same great quality that Arkane Studios is known for- looking at the quality of the created world, the artistic setting or sound, this content could easily be incorporated into the basic game.
The dominant belief among mixed and negative opinions is that it would probably be a better decision to create a very conventional expansion that builds on the same gameplay framework and move the 'Mooncrash' formula to a spin off or a completely unrelated project. The basics of this opinion are understandable, but I personally do not share it - the developers have done a great job when it comes to integrating the gameplay premise with the world in PREY, and although it is rather unlikely - I would love to see this concept incorporated into PREY2 or just a continuation (maybe this time as a complete standalone product?) in the form of 'Mooncrash 2' with even deeper roguelike gameplay mechanics, an expanded arsenal of weapons, gadgets, enemies and new skills that that will allow you to get the full potential of this idea, without worrying about conflicts and inconsistencies with the basics of the original game.
One can only hope. PREY2 is already wishful thinking, despite first one being outstanding creative and artistic endeavour and just a great, fun video game.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.20 01:38
If you liked Prey you'll probably enjoy Mooncrash, but having completed it now I just wanna play the main game again.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 13:46
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Verfasst: 20.11.20 20:17
I won't spoil anything, but I find the missions are often poorly explained, leading to you dying or failing in an unfair way.
If you make it to the end by completing some set of objectives across many runs, the game locks you out of your save file, which is awful.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 03:14
The time table also punishes you by both increasing enemy difficulty and eventually booting you entirely, punishing you for not focusing on the exact location and composition of items (yes, weapons spawn with predetermined boosted stats...which doesn't help).
Overall, if you like the base game and how it's paced and how you are free to play/do whatever, don't buy this DLC.
If you wanted to do a dungeon crawl, or hell even a timed challenge, I can't imagine why you played the base game, it has next to no requirement to move quickly through an area (usually punishing you in combat for being in a hurry...unless you're late game, then you are almost a force of nature) and allows you to scavenge whatever you can carry for use now or to be crafted later. Gave it about...2-3 hours, before the pacing just broke me, not to mention the complete disregard for anybody wanting to explore the area in full due to eventual booting from the SIM.
This DLC changes genres from the base game quite significantly, and into a genre I don't really care for. Oh well, should've looked beyond the sale price of $8 at the time. Be forewarned as such, I cannot imagine why you'd play the base game and also desire this kind of game in the form of this DLC.
No wonder the DLC bombed in terms of sales, it wasn't even close to the base game type.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 05:27
The good news is that your objectives stay completed between resets, the skills you unlock for the survivors stay unlocked, fabrications for items and chips you find become purchasable permanently, and finally you gain currency called sim points that stack over each play though of survivors that you can spend on store items before starting another survivor run. So while the moonbase goes back to its original state (enemies, items, and environmental states are randomized each reset), your characters still keep their skills and can go into the game with newly purchased items.
There are five different ways to escape the moonbase, and if one survivor escapes via one way, the other survivors will need to find another way, thus making it where you need to utilize all the different ways to escape to save all 5 members in one simulation run (which is actually 1 of the 27 goals). Some ways of escaping are a little more difficult then others.
One thing to note is that the simulation has a corruption level which slowly ranks up as you play. As it levels up, enemies become harder and spawn in places you may have already been before. Once the corruption hits level 5 it kills your current character and resets the simulation. Pretty early on you find a way to lower your corruption which can help you move through the simulation without feeling too rushed. This was a common complaint with the DLC but in my opinion this item you get helps tremendously and it becomes easier to gain a lot of this item during the course of the game.
I have very few complaints. Some might find exploring the same four main areas of the base over and over again to be tedious, but its fun to learn the layout of the levels to the point where you don't even need to open the map anymore through each run. Plus starting a new run with a skilled up character and powerful purchased items helps make getting your next objective completed a breeze.
One major complaint I have is that once you complete all 27 objectives, and see the ending, it completely wipes everything. No joke. While technically there is nothing story wise to do once you complete the objectives, there are one or two achievements/trophies that basically get reset with it. Just a fair warning, if you want to complete your trophy list, only make sure you have 26 of your 27 objectives completed and you can complete everything you need to at your hearts content.
If you enjoy a game that checks off goals on a list as you complete them, then this is it.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 19:14
That said, it's important to understand going in that this is a VERY different experience from the main game, but personally I think it's a good thing. In Prey, I worked my way through the game very methodically, frequently save-scumming and basically getting every item from every container in the game, discovering every body, etc... Mooncrash FORCES YOU to not do play this way, which I personally found quite refreshing. You can't save scum so engagements actually matter due to the threat of dying and it really gets your heart pumping and forces you to think and plan ahead much more than the main game forces you to.
My biggest criticism is that although there are story elements and lore to discover, it's relatively downplayed compared to the base game leading to plot taking a backseat to gameplay. Overall though, I love it!
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 15:11
this was my latest experience with this dlc: (third or 4th run )
>get stuck on mission
> need to install x mod
>cant, need to scan more enemies
>no new enemies in area, crawling with phantoms
>find enemy (cystoid)
>dies to the infinite electric/fire floor i got on this run before can scan
>finally find another enemy as corruption hits4, scanned enough enemies
>get concussed during this
>cant install mod cos concussed
>medbot area blocked, cant fix concussion
>only way in room is mimic mod thru door
>cant install cos concussed
>permastuck cos shit design cant wait for trauma to expire and no pills around
>fucking dogshit loop
> looking for pills
>in vent
>poltergeist spawns right outside vent
>instakills with lift into roof
>cool game
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 18:05
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 09:51
Well, if you spent your time in the base game exploring every nook and cranny, reading emails and absorbing audio logs while cautiously inching your way toward your next goal, I'd venture to suggest you're going to have a bad time in Mooncrash. You are under constant time pressure to rush your objectives, which means caution goes out of the window, as does lingering over the details. This means you can miss things or stumble into typhon you're ill equipped to deal with, which often ends in another failed run.
I get what they were going for (I enjoy roguelikes) but I don't think this was the best fit for Prey. As a proof of concept for Deathloop, I'd say it was a success. But I don't think many people who got pulled in by Prey for the immersive sim aspects will necessarily enjoy this, at least not in the same way. I did enjoy Mooncrash, but in a very different way than I enjoyed Prey. Your mileage may vary. Recommended, but with caution.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 20:15
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Verfasst: 20.08.20 16:02
Run Peter Run
I remember reading about the Pytheas moon base in Prey and thinking how neat it would be to go there. And what do you know, there is a whole DLC dedicated to it!
Contrary to its description in the original game, Pytheas has the atmosphere of a town in the countryside, where people are closer and more open to each other and issues are simpler. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling, which only gets stronger when you find out how big the base is and how much stuff is there to discover. And you have several characters with different abilities (including some new skills), marvelous! AND you can have a pet mimic! What’s not to like?
Stop right there and enjoy it while you can. Mooncrash will turn you into a hectic neurotic zooming through all these lovingly made maps vacuuming any valuables from them as fast as you can. You will not be given an opportunity to thoughtfully explore your surroundings. The reason for this is a timer that increases the difficulty approximately every 15 minutes and eventually resets the simulation erasing almost all the progress you made. Add to that randomised damage to various parts of the facility to impede your movement and you will get situations so frustrating you will want to throw your keyboard into the monitor, and the monitor through the window. Also, certain abilities are only available for certain characters (e. g. fixing, hacking, bypassing doors) which often leads to a situation where your goal is very close but you have no character left to bypass obstacles, and the only solution is resetting the simulation.
Another thing that was a striking change from Prey (for the worse) is the quality of voice acting. Benedict Wong apparently wasn’t available when Mooncrash was developed, so Alex got a new voice, and this is one of the deadest voices I have ever heard. Same goes for every character except for the Pytheas Announcer (Anna Vocino didn’t have a lot of material but delivered it brilliantly. Plus she has a cooking channel, so if you ever miss the Announcer’s voice, you can always listen to her teaching you to make muffins!), the Mule Operator (he only has a few lines, but David Kaye just nailed them) and Basilisk played by Sohm Kapila. The rest of them are just dead.
The characters themselves had pretty interesting stories and personal quests, though, except for Riley Yu, whose objective is to put some batteries in a piece of tech and push a button to test it. What happened to her after (if) she managed to escape Pytheas? We just don’t know. The rest of the characters are sympathetic and memorable, so that’s something. The ending is pretty neat as well, especially the soundtrack.
Technically Mooncrash also feels less polished than the original game: operators keep zooming around crazily, enemies’ and objects’ behaviour is weird. Once I met a Harvester who lost his corporeal form:
To sum up, if you liked exploring Talos I and learning about its crew, Mooncrash is very likely to frustrate you. It’s a constant race against time, and you will always lose. There are mods on Nexus that help deal with the death timer, but can you say a game is good if you need fan-made mods to enjoy it? And not being able to pet your pet mimic is simply ridiculous.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 03:51
I suppose you could argue that it adds a terror element and makes it more immersive, but its not an immersive danger but a strange corruption dynamic that just ends your run on the spot if you take too long.
Worst part is they only introduce it after they fool you into thinking you can take your time.
I have to recommend avoiding this installment, it misses the mark for me, but ofc if all of this sounds fun it might be for you!
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 14:58
Comparing the DLC with the main game makes it feel completely different. Instead of following one story line which can split up into many different versions because you have so many different ways on completing it, this DLC doesn't really have a story line.
You get thrown into a game world and the goal is to escape. If you die you can't respawn but have to begin from the beginning again with the next simulation being very different. This really annoyed me. Combined with the huge complexity this DLC has it just gets way easier to make a mistake and therefore way harder to successfully complete it.
Key word: Frustration.
This DLC has the same name like the base game and looks similar - but in the end it's completely different. If you expect Prey with new content this isn't something for you. If you expect a new game that uses mechanics from Prey then yeah this could be something for you.
It's really hard for me to give this DLC a dislike because I really really love the main game and hoped to experience the same flash and mindblowing game again. Maybe I give this DLC another try and change my mind again or I refund the DLC as long as I can - I'm not sure yet.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 23:55
Mooncrash is a wildly ambitious DLC; attempting to combine the infinite replayability of a roguelike with the dense and authored worlds and mechanics of an immersive sim.
It doesn't execute on its ambition perfectly, but its a damn good attempt that's worth your time if you're a fan of the base game. Roguelike mechanics aside, it's got the very compelling selling point of just being 'more Prey.'
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.20 19:02
It may appeal to some but make sure you don't mind playing the same levels over and over against the clock before you waste your money.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 12:33
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 16:28
Objectively speaking, it is a good DLC. Survival mode, much more difficult than the base game and some cool new Typhons. Some objectives are timed which adds to the challenge and adrenaline which I'm sure some players enjoy. If you're into that thing, you'll love this DLC.
But it's not just my cup of tea. The meaningful story line is completely gone. Combat mechanics isn't the best aspect of the game and yet this is the DLC's focus. The environment will be the same for every round of simulation you play which gets real boring fast. The objectives are meaningless, repetitive and will feel like a chore to finish.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 03:34
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 03:16
Q-beam kills tentacle nests real good
The Gen 1 elite chipset for the Artax propulsion system will make your life much easier
Disruptor stun gun is always needed (trust me)
The delay loop time object is cool
The longer you play, the more plans and chipsets and neuromods you find, and the more sim points you earn, the easier it gets. In that way it's the same as the base game; you start off sneaking around, scared of every noise, but by the end you're sprinting and ignoring enemies to get to your goal.
When one of your characters dies, everything they collect will still be on their body so you can get it all back with another character. All installed neuromods and all found fabricator plans will be saved even if you die. Don't let the corruption levels freak you out.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 02:12
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 21:24
I liked it the first 40 minutes, it seemed as if more story/mechanics would be unfolded... but then I tried to ramp up my characters and the world also ramped up the difficulty, with not even a pause of the corruption level when exploring the notes/mails...
The modding community and editing the corruption levels scaling made it a bit better for me, as I could explore the world, but the characters are not that interesting.
It's enjoyable, but only after modding and to some extent, if you want to fight lots of enemies that level up constantly. I don't recommend it.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 02:22
It added a Time Limit and a lite Roguelike elements that might turn off some players. That being said the Time Limit increased my enjoyment. You have to manage your time in each section of the game to try to get through it before then corruption gets too high. Balancing the time limit with getting more powerful (by finding items and weapons causes a fun tension). In addition there is an item to lower the time limit that mitigates it greatly,
The Roguelike and elements are very mitigated. Your neuromod abilities are saved across saves and you get points that you can use to buy items before you start your run. If you use your points liberally the game gets IMO TOO easy. And losing your progress when you die might be frustrating I think the increased tension is a worthy tradeoff.
Overall I enjoyed Mooncrash and would recommend anyone who like Prey to try and those who only played for a bit and didn't like it to give it a second shot.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 20:57
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 01:50
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 17:08
I just wish this DLC was like the base prey, a story that you can do at your own pace.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 11:22
* Yes, it's a rogue-like
* Yes, it's $20.00 when not on sale
However, it's clear almost every negative review here has either barely played the game, is incapable of reading tutorial prompts or listening to in-game advice, or just has a fundemental misunderstanding of what this DLC actually is. I'll admit, it was a bit frustrating at first, and it seems like not much will change after your first playthrough or two, but let me say this: This DLC is basically Prey's version of Minerva's Den, but it's a roguelike. I'm speaking in terms of quality, new weapons and enemies, and the much faster pacing compared to the original work.
Without spoiling much, after your third or fourth run (which are anywhere from 10-45 minutes), the DLC really opens up. New mechanics are introduced, and most of the stuff that is frustrating (the timer, inability to share gear, lack of characters, lack of neuromods) quickly either go away or become so diminished they aren't an issue anymore. Most of the complainers here clearly haven't been using the fact that you are allowed up to 5 lives to their advantage. Use the character that can repair to open doors for the other guys. Use the hacking character to make everyone's lives easier. Save up a bit and use the security chief to kill some enemies for the weaker PCs. Use your head and this DLC becomes more amazing than the base game in a lot of ways.
My only big complaint is that the additions/weapons/enemies/powers/items should've been retroactively patched back into the base game. They kind of were, with Survival mode being added to OG Prey, but a lot of the stuff here in Mooncrash would've benefitted the original game quite a bit. I get that Prey had an image they were going for, and that there's got to be a justification to pay for this content, but still it's been so long that I don't think they'd lose money by adding some of the guns/items into OG Prey for free.
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 05:14
UPDATE: Taking me a long time to figure things out but I am starting to get the hang of it. Actually not all that bad. Still giving a thumbs down, it's not great or anything but maybe I will change my mind again. The Prey standalone I found annoying but I kept playing and learning, eventually loving the game so hopefully as I learn HOW to play this it will be great. Apparently putting food and drink in a storage container is only possible when the compartment is totally empty. You can not add a few things, leave and come back, and add more. That was annoying. Weapon purchase unlocking is by finding fabrication instructions...yeeesh, maybe the game stated that in the beginning and I missed it. It's a lot to take in. Still not a fan of that corruption counter...
UPDATE #2: I beat the game, took forever, but I did it. I accomplished all main objectives and got all escapes in one run. I even got two achievements that less than 2% of players have achieved. It's a hard game, made me angrier than any other game I can think of. Prior to each run their are so many factors that change where having the right guy to start the run makes all the difference.... once I figured the game out it is not all that hard.... and I stock pile money (one of my achievements) so I can go in to a new run fully loaded and ready to rock.
I rate this game in the middle but will keep thumbs down due to the insanity of it. I will definetly buy another DLC if it is like this...on sale.
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 15:50
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.19 18:28
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.19 00:23
If you haven't read the synopsis already, you're playing on the Pytheas moonbase you may have read about from references in the main game. The Typhon have broken containment and you have to escape. There's multiple ways to do this, which is good, since after you eventually unlock all 5 characters you have to use them all to escape in the various ways. Each has their own playstyle and things they can contribute.
This DLC technically is the same as the base game, but with one major mechanic change. Basically think of this as Majora's Mask, Prey-style. Or Dead Rising. Same concept. You start out with just a small amount of knowledge and capability, but it grows over time, each time resetting over again. The timer is the Corruption meter, which lets you know how much time is left before your trial has ended.
One important thing to remember is you keep all the Neuromod skills you applied, permanently. There's also a loadout screen, which means whenever you find various guns, items, and chipsets in the world, they become available so you can load a character up with them before even starting the level. You spend points, which you accrue by doing things like finding bodies, killing enemies, successfully escaping, etc.
There's also an item that slows down the timer. Which you can purchase and even craft with a fabricator! No lie, during my run where all 5 characters escaped, I kept the meter at level 1. From start to finish.
You can just build up or rush through. Take your time and restart your own run or try and do as much as you can each time. Up to you. I really did enjoy this mode a lot and actually wish there was more to play, but we'll likely be waiting for Prey 2 at this juncture. Give it a try!
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