Prey (2017)
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Über das Spiel

Die Geschichte
In Prey erwachen Sie an Bord der Raumstation Talos I, die im Jahr 2032 um den Mond kreist. Sie sind der Hauptproband eines Experiments, das die Menschheit für immer verändern soll – aber etwas läuft fürchterlich schief. Die Raumstation wurde von feindseligen Außerirdischen überrannt und nun werden Sie gejagt. Während Sie sich den dunklen Geheimnissen der Talos I und Ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit stellen, müssen Sie vor allem eines: überleben! Dabei können Sie nur die Werkzeuge nutzen, die Sie auf der Station finden. Darüber hinaus helfen Ihnen nur Ihr Verstand, Ihre Waffen und bewusstseinsverändernde Fähigkeiten. Das Schicksal der Talos I und allen an Bord liegt in Ihren Händen.
Auf der Talos I ist nichts so, wie es scheint. Als Morgan Yu machen Sie sich auf, Hinweise zu entschlüsseln, die Sie sich selbst hinterlassen haben, um damit die Wahrheit über Ihre Vergangenheit herauszufinden. Welche Rolle werden Sie in den Plänen von TranStar, der Organisation, die die Talos I gebaut hat, spielen und wie werden Sie mit der geheimnisvollen Bedrohung umgehen, die die Station verwüstet?
Einzigartige Kulisse
Die Raumstation Talos I im Orbit um den Mond ist das Vorzeigeobjekt privater Weltraum-Unternehmen. Erforschen Sie eine luxuriöse Station, die vom Konzern-Chic der 1960er Jahre inspiriert wurde, und finden Sie Ihren Weg durch miteinander verbundene und verschlungene Pfade, die unzählige Geheimnisse verbergen.
Unvorstellbare Bedrohung
Die schattenhafte außerirdische Präsenz, die die Talos I befallen hat, ist ein lebendiges Ökosystem, das auf die Vernichtung seiner Beute aus ist. Es liegt nun an Ihnen, einem der letzten Überlebenden auf der Station, dem tödlichen Angriff dieser furchteinflößenden Jäger Einhalt zu gebieten.
Die ultimative Herausforderung
Individualisieren Sie Ihr Spielerlebnis anhand von anpassbaren Spieleinstellungen und Schwierigkeitsgraden. Verstellen Sie nach Belieben eine Vielzahl von Parametern für Schleichen, Bewegung und Kampf, um das Abenteuer für Sie herausfordernder (oder einfacher) zu gestalten.
Spielen Sie nach Ihren eigenen Vorstellungen
Erlangen Sie die Fähigkeiten der Außerirdischen, um ein ganz persönliches Arsenal von Kräften aufzubauen und Ihre einzigartigen Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Erschaffen Sie mithilfe von Blaupausen, Geräten und Werkzeugen, die Sie an Bord der Station finden, immer nützlichere Gegenstände, um die gefährlichen Hindernisse auf der Talos I zu überwinden. Überleben Sie die noch nie dagewesenen Bedrohungen allein mit Ihrem Verstand und Ihrem Improvisationstalent!
Addons zum Spiel
![]() |
Prey: Mooncrash | 10.06.2018 | 19,99€ |
- CPU: Intel i5-2400, AMD FX-8320
- GFX: GTX 660 2GB, AMD Radeon 7850 2GB
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel i7-2600K, AMD FX-8350
- GFX: GTX 970 4GB, AMD R9 290 4GB
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit versions)
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
2185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.24 00:24
Prey spielt in einer alternativen Zeit. In der Präsident Kennedy überlebt hat und die Menschen in einer großen Raumstation in der Nähe des Mondes leben. Angezogen von der Aktivität der Menschen im Weltraum, greift eine fremde Kraft, welche aus verschiedenen Spezies besteht und als Typhon bezeichnet wird, die Erde an.
Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle der, weiblichen oder des männlichen, Morgan Yu und unterziehen uns einem scheinbar einfachen Psychotest, in dem es vor allem um die eigene Moral und Opferbereitschaft geht: Würde man sein Leben retten, wenn man jemanden dafür töten muss. Im Einstieg erlebt man in Egosicht, wie man seinem Bruder folgt und brav die Fragen der Wissenschaftler beantwortet, bis die Lage eskaliert. Nicht etwa, weil alle wahnsinnig werden, sondern weil plötzlich etwas Außerirdisches angreift: Eine undefinierbare schwarze Masse attackiert die Forscher während des Experiments. Was ist das bloß? Jetzt hat Morgan mehrere Probleme: Zum einen ist er zwar einer der Bosse, aber leidet noch unter dem Gedächtnisverlust und weiß nichts mehr von seiner eigenen Forschung. Was weiß er eigentlich von sich selbst? Zum anderen geistern Aliens auf der mehrstöckigen Raumstation umher, die er für Antworten erkunden muss. Ach so: Gibt es eigentlich Überlebende?
Der gewöhnliche Einstieg:
Die Story macht zwar neugierig, wird routiniert inszeniert, aber kann in den ersten Stunden noch nicht fesseln. Man freut sich über die an System Shock erinnernde Spielmechanik, die von Action, Erkundung und Schleichen geprägt ist, zumal einem schon die wieselflinken, schwer ins Visier zu nehmenden Aliens so zusetzen, dass man früh sterben kann und so zum geduckten Schleichen motiviert wird. Aber vieles wirkt sehr vertraut: Schon wieder Amnesie und dazu zig Audiologs, E-Mails und eine Stimme, die einen durch ein Labyrinth leitet.
Ein ordentlicher Umfang, aber unnötiges Backtracking:
Weil Ressourcen wie Medkits und Munition stark begrenzt sind, artet fast jede Auseinandersetzung in Stress aus. Das scheint durchaus Absicht seitens Arkane zu sein, denn der Spieler kann auch schleichen, verschiedene Granaten zur Schwächung oder Ablenkung der Feinde einsetzen sowie Gasflaschen und andere Umweltgefahren für seine Zwecke nutzen. Tatsächlich aber erscheinen die meisten dieser Werkzeuge auf Dauer viel zu schwach, die Ablenkfalle etwa dauert nur ein paar Sekunden. Und für jeden Standardgegner einen aufwendigen Schlachtplan erstellen, um sich irgendwie durchzumogeln, bevor wir das Zeitliche segnen, nein dazu hat man irgendwann keine Lust mehr. Man fängt an nach einer Weile an den meisten Gegnern einfach nur noch vorbeizurennen, denn ihr Ableben bringt keine Erfahrungspunkte. Die Motivation, sich in die langwierigen, auf Dauer nervigen Gefechte zu stürzen, nur um am Ende mit ein paar Materialien für das simple Crafting-System belohnt zu werden, hielt sich in Grenzen. Zumindest sobald man einmal alle Teile der Raumstation gesehen und erkundet hat. Anschließend kehrt man zwar für Haupt- und Nebenquests zwar noch mehrmals in die (nun dank Gegner-Respawn erneut von noch stärkeren Feinden bevölkerten) Gebiete zurück, aber dieses häufige Backtracking geht mit keinen neuen Belohnungen einher.
Wer Prey mit der angemessenen Geduld und geistigen Beweglichkeit spielt, wird auf seine Kosten kommen und eine Menge Spaß haben. Allerdings dürften sich selbst tiefenentspannte Zen-Buddhisten über den einen oder anderen Moment im Spiel gehörig aufregen. Prey ist sich nämlich hin und wieder nicht zu schade, Spielerfrust durch schiere Unfairness zu erwecken. Mein Lieblingsbeispiel: Wir fahren mit dem Aufzug aus der Lobby rauf ins Arboretum. Ich habe den Aufzug schon mehrere Male zuvor genommen, dabei kann man sich einige Sekunden entspannen. Nur dieses Mal flackert das Licht, es geht aus, es geht an - und schwupps - steht ein Typhon vor mir. Und ich tot weil ich vorher natürlich nicht meine Lebensenergie aufgefüllt habe. Sowas ist nicht spannungsfördernd oder überraschend, sowas ist einfach unfair. Mit einem ständig drohenden Mangel und der wachsenden Anzahl sowie Gefährlichkeit der Gegner kann ich mich ja arrangieren, aber diese Frustmomente entstehen immer dann, wenn Prey zu derartigen Mittelchen greift, um den Spieler in seine Schranken zu weisen.
Von Industrierohrzange über Pistole zu Schrotflinten, aber auch etwas Futuristische Waffen wie die Gloo-Kanone oder Recyclergranate, ist vieles dabei. Es gibt aber auch noch die Fähigkeiten, da ist natürlich auch das Hacken oder schwere Gegenstände anheben mit dabei. Aber auch Außerirdische Kräfte wie etwa eine kinetische Explosion oder einen Doppelgänger erschaffen.
Ich habe mir Maus/Tastatur gespielt und habe keinen Anlass zur Kritik, die Steuerung mit Maus-Tastatur ist präzise. Denn wo die Kämpfe gegen die teils rasend schnellen Gegner mit dem Gamepad schnell unübersichtlich und frustrierend werden können, wirken sich Maus und Tastatur wohltuend auf das Balancing aus. In der PC-Version stehen zehn Slots in der Schnellzugriffsleiste zur Verfügung, die man ähnlich wie in Deus Ex oder System Shock mit den Zahlentasten aufruft. Ungewohnt dagegen, dass das Mausrad stets das Ringmenü zur Auswahl von Waffen und Skills öffnet - leider lässt sich diese Funktion nicht auf eine andere Taste legen.
Prey setzt auf die CryEngine, aber offenbar auf eine ältere Version. Die Beleuchtung ist nett, könnte aber durchaus besser sein. Auch das Shading wirkt nicht immer voll überzeugend und Level wie Objekte sind ein wenig polygonarm - was in Anbetracht des recht stark stilisierten Looks jedoch in Ordnung geht. Auf der Habenseite ist besagte Detailliebe, die euch immer wieder zum Stehenbleiben animiert, um eine von den Wissenschaftlern vollgekritzelte Tafel zu bewundern, die Schönheit der Architektur, die Alien-Gewebe in der Schwerelosigkeit. Das Spiel läuft auch mit älteren Grafikkarten und CPUs und selbst da kann man noch Spaß mit dem Spiel haben. Prey ist zwar keine optische Granate und wirkt technisch etwas angestaubt, ist aber ein durchaus ansehnliches Spiel geworden und kann mit einigen einfallsreichen Details und Effekten sowie dem gelungenen Art-Design und der Gestaltung der Umgebungen punkten. Die Performance ist erfreulich gut, ein paar Kleinigkeiten wie das LoD samt aufpoppenden Texturen und pixeligen Schatten könnten aber Feintuning vertragen.
Die Sprachausgabe ist gut, wobei die deutschen Sprecher manchmal etwas gelangweilt klingen, so als ob sie den Text nur vorlesen würden. Der Waffensound ist so weit ganz gut, piepende Drohnen, sphärische Töne und eine Musik die dezent im Hintergrund ist und nicht negativ auffällt. Der Kampfsound hingegen ist nach einer Zeit, aber etwas nervig.
Bei mir war es erst Liebe auf den dritten oder vierten Blick. Die ersten Stunden haben mir nämlich nicht so gut gefallen (oder die letzten Stunden) - zu oft bin ich von irgendwelchen Phantoms verdroschen worden, zu oft haben mich die kleinen Mimics erst erschrocken, dann genervt. Doch nach einer Weile wurde mein Eindruck besser. Einige Gegner gehen mir zwar auch nach mehreren Stunden auf den Zeiger, etwa wenn sie einfach zu viele Kugeln schlucken, mir mit wenigen Treffern die halben Lebenspunkte wegprügeln oder in Situationen (re)spawnen, die glatt als unfair durchgehen. Die Story zu erleben und dabei die vielen Details, Notizen, Audiologs, Passwörter, Verstecke und kleinen Geheimgänge zu entdecken, macht Spaß! Zwar kommt Prey für mich trotzdem nie an das erste BioShock ran, doch das muss es auch nicht: Wer sich nach einem Spiel im Stil eines System Shock sehnt und keinen übermäßig guten Shooter erwartet, der bekommt ein spannendes, umfangreiches und forderndes Sci-Fi-Abenteuer geboten.
2038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 19:58
Auf jeden Fall ein Super Game das ich nur empfehlen kann
2811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 14:14
Definitely also recommend the DLC Mooncrash, which is much more smaller in scale, but on it's own a nice new change of the game formular.
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 23:27
1860 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 18:48
It's very similar to the bioshock games, however in my opinion, it is actually better than bioshock (which is a very high praise for a video game), since the gameplay is way more up to date (in particular, the gunplay (especially in bioshock 1) just feels terrible nowadays). Additionally, i actually found prey's subject of science ethics on a space station more interesting than bioshock's criticism of extreme capitalism in an underwater city, but that is definitely just personal preference.
5770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.21 11:59
Insgesamt kann ich das Spiel wirklich jedem empfehlen, besonders wenn man sowieso schon Interesse an Science-Fiction hat.
3393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 09:05
Warning finish the quests in main and DLC mission does reset completely your unlocks.
So gameplay is a mix of Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Dead Space 3/BioShock
You collect different items and they can be used or recycled to make new items or weapons.
There is a special item to unlock the skills, you can either find those or make them yourself later in the game.
Enemies are very diverse and different.
I personally did find moon crash DLC better than the main game.
3029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 09:14
Eher ein geistiger Nachfolger von SystemSchock und BioShock, mit noch freierem Gameplay als DeusEx. - Das alles in einer beeindruckend glaubhaften Spielwelt. die mich im höchsten Maße neugierig erkunden, ausprobieren und lieber nochmal zurückgehen hat lassen.
Die Story schwankt zwar in ihrer Intensität, aber ein SciFi Plot mit unklarem Gut/Böse-Charakteren reicht mir auch dann aus wenn sie zuletzt nur okay ist.
Absolute Spielempfehlung. Und wie so oft ist die beste Devise:
No powerplay, no gameplay-tipps, no walkthroughs
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 10:13
Wer also Spaß mit den oben genannten spielen hätte, der macht mit Prey nichts verkehrt. Vor allem da man gerade am anfang, recht gut überlegen muss auf dem höhsten Schwierigkeitsgrad wie und wo man kämpft.
Nicht Empfohlen
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 09:31
6343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 16:20
13935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 12:58
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 21:24
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 04:29
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 16:42
• Gute dramaturgisch gut umgesetzte Story
• Viele Missionen von Haupt zu Nebenmissionen ist vieles dabei
• Angemessene Spiellänge
• Viele Erfolge
• Guter Sound & Synchronisation
• Viele interessante Gegnerarten vorhanden, über dessen Ursprung man als Spieler auch gerne mehr erfahren würde
• Fähigkeiten/Skills vorhanden
• Durch Daten- und Audiologs, sowie E-Mails wird die Geschichte durch andere Personen mehr Transparenz verliehen
• Insgesamt eine große Welt zum Erkunden, dies ist auch das Stichwort denn Erkundungen machen in diesem Spiel viel aus
• Unsere Entscheidungen beeinflussen das Ending
• Es gibt mehrere Endings
• Viele weitere Informationen in Form von Notizen oder Bücher
• Warten bis zum Epiolog – Es lohnt sich
[ - ]
• Die Ladezeiten sind furchtbar lang und unnatürlich oft vorkommend
• Navigation wird in dem Spiel ganz klein geschrieben, sie ist irreführend und nicht hilfreich trotz des Wegweisers und der Bereichskarten
• Backtracking
1523 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 17:10
2548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 13:32
Das ganze Spiel ist eine riesige Hommage an System Shock und Deus Ex: Die Musik, die Geräusche, die Leere, die herumliegenden Opfer, die Rätsel, das Upgraden der körpereigenen Mods.
Stimmung und Musik passen perfekt: In den ersten zwei Stunden habe ich jede Sekunde eine Projektion von Shodan erwartet; so dicht ist Prey am alten Flair. Viel besser als Dead Space.
Die Schwierigkeit ist immer knapp am Schaffbaren. Erst nach Mod und Sammeln kann man den nächste Level schaffen. Die Raumstation wirkt riesig. Es gibt immer mehrere Möglichkeiten weiter zu kommen. Hacken, Klettern oder Kämpfen. ...und besonders stimmend umgesetzt finde ich die Außenmissionen in Schwerelosigkeit und Raumanzug.
Wie konnte ich das Spiel nur in 2017 übersehen?
6941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 06:12
3003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.23 05:50
Now, all we need to do is wait for a "potential" sequel for this game, whenever that is. Such a shame that we had to experience that of Redfall.
2070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.23 09:27
if gloo cannon has 5 fans, im one of them
if gloo cannon has 1 fan, that fan is me
if gloo cannon has no fans, im no longer alive
if the world is against gloo cannon im against the entire world
till my last breath, ill support gloo cannon
devastating that this game will likely never get a sequel
1883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.23 12:23
One key part of RPG elements and character ability growth here is the use of nanomods, which open up doors to learn a large number of skills that affect how we go about solving the problems the game throws at us. Some of those are familiar to us from other similar games - ability to hack computers, repair machinery, lift up heavy objects, etc. Some offer perks in combat, such as skill to upgrade weapons and even bullet time, allowing us to slow time around us while fighting. Partway through the game we also unlock a few new skill branches which are associated with alien abilities, creating an even larger amount of different ways to tackle challenges - such as firing psychic and elemental blasts, mind controlling biological or machine enemies, morphing into objects to remain undetected, and summoning alien clones to fight for us. Upgrading ourselves in alien abilities, however, carries risks - the automatic turrets all around the station will start to see us as an enemy as well and will fire on sight if we are near. The game really does offer a tonne of fun approaches to gameplay and you won't be able to try them all in a single playthrough.
There are interesting and creative weapons present too. In addition to regular firearms, such as a pistol, shotgun and a powerful beam weapon, the game also gives us more unique choices. Early on we get a weapon that can shoot freezing blasts to freeze enemies in place. There's also a toy-like crossbow that lets us shoot at computer screens and buttons to activate things from afar, like if you need to unlock a door to a room through a small window. A few thrown explosives too, such as the recycler charge, that turns everything in its blast radius into recycled materials that we can then use to craft things.
And speaking of recycling, there's a really cool crafting system in place. The game features no shops or merchants. But there are a lot of items we can pick up, some of which are junk. Basically it satisfies the manic looter in us, letting us pick up everything that's not nailed down. We can then throw all this stuff in one of the recycler machines all over the station. These machines recycle everything into 4 types of materials: organic, synthetic, mineral, and exotic. We then use these in another machine, called the fabricator, which allows us to craft more useful things, such as ammo for weapons, medkits, and even the nanomods to upgrade our abilities. I've often found myself compulsively collecting junk, recycling it, and crafting useful stuff. It was just so much fun in itself. Although you'd often find yourself short on at least one type of material (darn you, minerals, you're needed for almost everything!).
Over the course of the main story, we get given many sidequests. Although some of the sidequests we can only discover by exploring the station, reading emails, and listening to audio logs. This encourages us to explore everything, because you never know what you might find. We don't have to do those sidequests right away. Since the game is an immersive sim, there's freedom in when you do them, and you can plan to do a certain sidequest when you're in a certain area.
There are a few aspects I personally would've liked to see done a bit differently:
- Firstly, we do get a chance to save a few NPCs during the game events, although there are only a small handful of the important ones that influence story events and open up new quest opportunities. I would've liked to see more such NPCs, saving whom could open up new things in the game.
- About halfway through the game, the alien life forms create a powerful alien called the Nightmare which starts hunting you and can appear every now and again while you're exploring. You can either kill it or wait out until it leaves the area. I think it's a great idea and can keep you on your toes at times. However, by late stages of the game it got a bit annoying as it started to appear too often for my liking. Killing it often was a waste of resources. I would've preferred if frequency of it appearing would've decreased after I've killed it once. There is however a sidequest, completing which gives you a way to repel this creature for a few times.
Visuals and other forms of presentation are all beautiful. UI is great, sound effects wonderful, music is nice, and voice acting is great too. At first you might feel a little lost with all the menus, but the game explains each of them in due course.
Overall, I've really enjoyed the whole playthrough of Prey and it's easily one of my favourite RPGs now. We really need more immersive sims, as it's a rare genre, but if done properly, it is so fun and rewarding to play. Highly recommended!
1776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 20:02
6575 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 16:25
Stuffed with novel mechanics, top-tier sandbox level design, and a great sense of personality. One of my very favorite games.
6811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 03:54
If you get discouraged by the start, I would highly suggest sticking it through.
2245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 01:10
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
4029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 19:34
The game excells in it's ambiance, in making you want to know more about the world, Talos I (the space station where the game takes place) and it's inhabitants.
If you like games like Bioshock 1+2, System Shock, Deus Ex (the 1st one) - get this game.
Be advised - it IS a slow burner, but wholly worth it.
1855 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 07:11
Prey is an absolute masterpiece.
in many words:
Prey emphasises heavily on game mechanics like sneaking, looting, exploring areas and stories likewise and a horror-ish atmosphere driven by its compelling main plotline.
If these things are what you're looking for in a game, don't hold yourself back because Prey absolutely will deliver!! ;)
However, players that find elements like the aforementioed annoying and tedious best set their sights somewhere else.
For me personally, playing PREY was an experience OUTSTANDING in 25yrs of pc-gaming, like the book or film so good you wish you could un-see/un-read it so you could see/read it again for the very first time.
-rewards the player for thinking outside the box
-bugs nonexistent/not worth mentioning
-high replayability through challenging achievements
-theres even a handful of mods out there
hope this was helpful!
2407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 09:35
A solid grasp of core mechanics, alongside excellent world building and art direction make for a very enjoyable experience. The atmosphere is gripping, and the writing is at the usual high standards we come to expect from this studio.
A more in-depth video review can be found here:
2138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 04:11
every time i play this game i discover something new, whether that be a new quest, a new way of opening a room, an entirely new room in general even.
the absolute freedom in the HUGE sandbox this game gives you is absolutely unparalleled.
the level of detail arkane put into every single little prop, every single decision you can make, every single ability coming together with every little detail in the environment comes together to create the best FPS sandbox ever created.
prey is up there with dishonored in terms of atmosphere, world building and characters. every background character in every audio log, every email and every dead body feels like they had a real life aboard talos I, and you're picking up the pieces of a once thriving, technologically incredible community that suffered a horrible fate.
the tech that went into creating this is still mind blowing to this day, this game has one of the coolest introductions i've ever seen, and those themes permeate through the rest of the game beautifully.
the combat has SO many different approaches and tactics, to the point where i don't think any two playthroughs will ever be the same.
all in all, an absolute masterpiece in interactivity, gameplay, storytelling and player choice.
arkane hits it out of the fucking park yet again.
2831 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 00:28
1255 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 20:45
It does have it's problems, but none of them are even close to deal breaking in my opinion. I did not really enjoy the zero gravity parts and the overwhelming ability options.
Oh also, definitely go in blind.. no tutorials or starting tips. I did it that way and the game did an excellent job of not holding my hand about everything, but definitely helping when I got stuck.
2144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 18:00
The gameplay is just so damn good, and the writing aint half bad either, AND it looks fucking gorgeous!
Im ashamed it took me this long to play it
1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 17:33
The ambient and story were great, the atmosphere was so good and tense I could only play in short sessions...but it was so cool and intense that it stuck into my memory.
Now im revisiting this, years after, and now its even clearer: this is one of the best fps I have found in years. It's so special, that for details on the game, go read another review, mine is more a philosophical one.
Technical wise, I can say the production values are imo, AAA, the graphics and effects are great, the interactions with everything are superb, the gameplay options, upgrades, powers, weapons, innovation on enemies etc are top. The story is mindblowing, worth of a movie
I must say, while being a big Arkane fan (loving their dishonored series) I am not very attracted to their latest, semi rogue lite fps. This one, Prey, is more in the Dishonored / Bioshock league.
And now im gonna replay it from start, slowly savoring every bit of it, knowing nothing similar released not only years before, but also years after it. So its a true gem!
Also, given its kind of gameplay, it is much better enjoyed when you have a mood for it, like you wanna play some kind of slow paced horror game, with lots of investigation, and some burts of fast and crazy action, which isnt anything similar to playing another one of Arkane fps, like Youngblood, where you just wanna shoot like mad and laugh at nazis, hehe.
Overall, a very recommended game. One of those games you can consider one of your favourites even if you aren't gonna play it for hundreds of hours. I really wish there were more games like this XD
2202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 10:45
Combat is awkward and enemies are so weird. Tools of the trade are even more weird. Only wrench, pistol and shotgun are normal tools of the trade and even they don't quite have the effectiveness you expect 'from other games'.
But i kept going and after understanding how open the game is to solutions it started to dawn on me the sheer attention to detail and freedom you have meanwhile keeping pressure on you to scavenge items for your survival. Inventory management is a must. And the story itself slowly started to open up the same as new areas became available and you learned new tricks. Only then did i realize that despite the game having the bog standard 'here is a problem, you can shoot yourself through it, sneak it trough this convenient vent or hackety hack something' it adds a layer of abstraction on top of that with it's own set of skills, tools not seen in other games. You can parkour a lot and even build bridges. And there seems to always be something worth grabbing in hidden places.
Game lands somewhere between bioshock and aliens isolation and it has issues compared to both: Bioshock has a more linear selection of weapons which helps getting into the game. Prey wins in the longer run hands down but so many people never get that far. Aliens Isolation hands over elements to Prey in the form of something i wont mention in details here. But otherwise this game is nothing like Aliens. Sneaking is mostly done early to mid game. Later you don't really care.
So i guess if you want something different here you go. Satisfaction not guaranteed but for the hard headed ones it is a good probability you will consider this a masterpiece afterwards.
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 18:31
Story is a little bit complex, so you definitely have to pay attention to details, and probably one of those games that you'll have to play twice to fully gather it, because some things only become clear right on the end. I gotta say ending had me baffled because it's not what I expected, but maybe I just missed out on the clues through the game.
NPC are very nicely designed. They all have their own personalities and goals, and helping them along the way feels really good and natural. It doesn't feel like it breaks flow of the game.
On that I will say that this game has really great side quest design. There's a lot of them, and yes, there's a lot of backtracking (which I liked), but man are most of them fun, and they make sense in the grand scheme of things. There's some that are just plain annoying and I had to search it up, but they are few and far between.
Anything to do with combat in this game is very fun. Weapon choice is classic with couple of exceptions but they still do really well. GLOO Cannon adds something that you rarely see in any other game, and i loved it! Upgrading your weapons is very basic so not much to say there. It's not something you will find exciting, but it's fine I guesss.
However, Neuromod system is really really fun. There's so MANY skills you can choose to take and level up that you can really do whatever path you want. Do you want to be a hacker that can lift heavy things? Sure. Do you just want to focus on your gunplay and go from there? Yeah! And many many more combinations, some really wild ones. I also think the amount of Neuromods that you can find through the game is just about right. You won't really realize on your first play, but it really hammers down the importance of choosing correctly and not just spending points randomly.
One major negative on this game are the sheer amount of loading screens, and also every loading screen has two loading screens. Really weird and really gets to your nerve later in the game when you have to backtrack often. Sure, on SSD it's probably not felt as much, but for anyone using HDD, you will definitely notice that.
Anyway, that's it. Really good game, a hidden gem in a way that deserves more spotlight. I'd give it solid 7/10.
2877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 02:18
Just a warning incase anyone actually reads this: This game is NOT a fast-paced shooter. It's an immersive story game with guns. It's a lot similar to Bioshock and Dishonored: You start off weak and are better off avoiding fights and being stealthy until you become an end-game powerhouse that can kill anything. The game IS hard, though, if you intend to try to shoot everything. The black blobs hit HARD. Don't be ashamed to turn the difficulty down. Even on Normal it can be brutal in the beginning.
If you stick around long enough to get your bearings and push through, it's a good game with great atmosphere (as Arkane does best). The story is roughly 40 hours long (yes, really.) and the basic premise is a lot similar to the 3 games I mentioned above. However, I won't spoil it as the story is slowly explained through playing.
It was a bit dull at times, but other times was tense and anxiety-inducing. Highly, highly recommend it to any fans of the games I mentioned.
One more small note before you begin playing: Like Dishonored, the way you play the game affects the ending and a sliver of the difficulty. The main and only way to affect this though is what you choose as upgrades. Again, won't spoil, but upgrades with blue background = good ending. Upgrades with purple background = bad ending.
Have fun!
3762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 20:31
easily goes to my personal top of jaw-dropping endings.
I'm just so glad I didn't catch any spoilers before playing this game, so here's my first piece of advice: DON'T WATCH any video reviews before playing - they tend to spoil the great things. You know, when an NPC in a game has been talking to you for 10 minutes, explaining what's what, that's bad narrative design. But when no one has told you anything yet, but it STRIKES you, and in a moment you REALIZE EVERYTHING, that's great narrative design. And Prey (2017) does that. It has a common narrative theme with Bioshock 1, but what Bioshock, imo, fails to do, Prey does wonderfully. The Big Twist works much better when you know your character well enough and have a connection to them.
Prey has been on my radar for quite a while, but I didn't want to play it, scared away by the 'survival' tag. That's just not my kind of gameplay. I want to kick a$$e$ in games, not to tremble in a corner waiting for a monster to go away. Then I stumbled upon a video called something like 'Transhumanism in Prey (2017)'. I watched it (cautiously skipping possible spoilers), and it got me interested immediately, since 'what makes us human' and stuff like that is one of my favorite topics. OK, I thought. I'll suffer for the sake of... humanity.
Actually, all you need to know about gameplay is that, first and foremost, it's an immersive sim by Arkane. Disregard all the rest. I found out that the survival component works surprisingly well in an immersive sim. Knowing that your resources are limited, you'll explore more and find alternative (sometimes even creative) ways of dealing with enemies instead of just running'n'gunning. I also found out that surviving is not so stressful when no one forces you to do what you don't want to. Don't feel like fighting? No problem. Just sneak around. Don't want to look over your shoulder while searching that curious room? Go ahead and kill that pesky typhon roaming there. Not in the mood of running? They got you covered - pretend that you're a cup (I'm not kidding. You can do that.)
The further you progress, the more tools you get to have fun with. There are so many (weapons, abilities, 'grenades') that the encounters never get old or repetitive. While at the beginning I was afraid to engage in combat with anything bigger than a mimic, in the second half of the game I'd had my share of creative a$$-kicking. A fully upgaraded shotgun + the shield ability, and a Nightmare becomes a piece of cake (OK, of biomaterial). It's up to you to find the most fun combinations.
Though the storyline is relatively short, I got lost for 62 hours, and I'm pretty sure I still haven't seen everything. The exploration was so amazing - I discovered something new every time I revisited a location. I have yet to mention how gorgeous the location design is. Moreover, albeit the complexity of areas, those really look like places where people used to work - every single detail on the space station makes sense. There's also plenty of environmental storytelling.
Oh, and you can go OUTSIDE the station, to the outer space! I mean, how many games do you know that offer you the experience of floating in zero gravity, first person, watching the Earth and stars? I don't know any other. I was like, 'wow!' the first time I got there. There are things to do outside the station, too.
So here's my second piece of advice: DO the side quests! This is where the game really shines - through these quests and interactions with NPCs.
There were some frustrations, of course. For example, when I found out that I couldn't morph into smaller things that could have squeezed through one very tricky door. I'd had so much fun with the morph ability and was disappointed. (Later, I found out that the devs actually explained it: they had too many clipping issues with smaller things, so they had to limit this ability in such a way.) But mostly, such frustrations made me want to try harder and be more aware of my surroundings, instead of just rage quit. And there were bugs, not critical, but still unfortunate. Falling through textures a couple of times, an enemy seeing me through a wall, a Nightmare not going away after the timer has run out. There was that moment when I was pretty sure I grabbed a quest item from a safe, but the quest didn't update and the marker kept pointing me to the safe, which made me doubt my own sanity. Well, you know. Mind games.
So here's my final piece of advice: PLAY THIS GAME. If you like immersive sims, there's a very, very good chance you'll absolutely love Prey.
Now it's time to beat the mi-i-ind game
(that tune is so catchy)
3120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 17:48
Playing this game for the second time made me realise how great this game actually is, a masterpiece in my opinion.
They did a poor job at promoting this game and making me think it's another FPS with aliens for you to shoot for fun.
Also the music in this game is Mick Gordon's best work in my opinion it's a shame that it doesn't get enough credit as much as his work on DOOM.
2268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 12:51
Without a doubt Prey is my favourite game ever made. It is a masterpiece. No other game in this day and age has managed to pull off what Arkane pulled off here. A love letter to System Shock, with influences from Deus Ex, Thief and obviously Dishonored.
A massive interconnected spaceship, that you can traverse both internally and externally, an entire roster of crew members that you can optionally track down and locate (alive or dead ), a huge range of gameplay systems that link in dozens of different ways to make every single encounter or obstacle have a unique solution for almost every player, incredibly level design that is consistent the whole way through, a story that gives and gives the more you put in with the wealth of emails, notes and audio logs that can be found, the list just goes on. I've not even mentioned the weapons, powers, and other skills you can obtain.
The best thing anyone can do is go into this game without knowing much about it, as the introduction alone is probably one of the best sequences ever created. If you stick around long enough to get to grips with everything, you'll end up with the best modern immersive sim ever created.
Yes this game is called Prey, yes it has nothing to do with the original FPS Prey - blame Bethesda, not Arkane. If this has put you off at any point in the past, do yourself a favour and look past it. You will not be disappointed.
3563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 18:21
2658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 11:37
1651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 06:22
“I used to wish we weren’t alone in the universe.”
A modern style, “play it your way” sci-fi RPG that actually lets you play the way you want, Prey is a flawed gem that is Arkane Studios’ homage to System Shock 2 and probably their greatest achievement to date.
Should you buy this?
Review in detail:
Story and Gameplay:
(Played on Normal difficulty)
Prey is a first-person RPG where you play as Morgan Yu, aboard the space station Talos One, currently orbiting the Moon. You wake up with no memories, during an alien invasion on board. Everyone else around you is either dead, possessed or hiding and its upto you to explore the space station if you want some answers. The only problem is, will you live long enough to get any answers, and can you trust the answers you do get?
At its outset, Prey plays a lot like a survivor horror game. Your only weapons for a while are a wrench and a Gloo gun that shoots special ammo that non lethally freezes enemies in place for a while and can also be used to make platforms to reach out of the way places. Ammunition is rare at the beginning and the very first basic enemy type you meet is an alien critter that can imitate random stuff like coffee cups, chairs or garbage cans. So might walk into a room looking for something and get your face eaten off by a cardboard box. So, you’ll be spending the first few hours of this game sneaking around, till you get more resources and better weapons.
This is where the game’s greatest strength lies. It’s ability to let you choose multiple methods for dealing with the same problem. Do you need to get past some enemies and an electrified doorway? Sure, you could try fighting them and then walk through the electrified door, tanking up all the damage. Or, maybe you could sneak around, find an air duct and slip into the next room? Or maybe pull out the Gloo gun and create a new platform over the hazards? Maybe there’s a keycard nearby or computer to hack that can open up a new way? It’s all up to you.
The weapons in this game are alright, but nothing to write home about. You get a wrench and the Gloo gun to start out, before adding a pistol and a shotgun to your arsenal. These will be your workhorse weapons for much of the early and midgame (along with some grenades) before you add an electric gun and a laser weapon to your collection later. The enemies you meet along the way ramp up in difficulty pretty soon. You’ll start off facing camouflaging critters, but soon you’ll be facing cloning phantoms, possessed turrets, aliens that mind control people and turrets and more.
If you’ve read this far into the review, you might be thinking that Prey is a great game and a masterpiece. So why did I call it a flawed gem in the summary?
Because Prey has problems maintaining its consistency.
Prey does a lot of things right, but it fails to keep it going consistently. The game starts you off with a wrench and little ammo, making it tense and atmospheric as you creep through hallways listening for any indication that enemies might be nearby. However, after a few hours you’ll have amassed a bunch of weapons, ammunition and other stuff to be able to just casually blast past most of the enemies standing in your way. The game has a basic crafting system where you can turn junk into crafting materials at certain machines and use them to craft supplies. A neat idea, in theory, enforcing your role as a survivor. But as you progress through the game, you can gather enough trash to craft munitions for a whole battalion, and I ended the game with hundreds of bullets and shells and 30 medkits. You can even craft upgrade modules, which further helps break the game balance. This crafting system also means that after a while, sneaking past enemies isn’t really the best option for you anymore, because killing them will net you more supplies. This goes double for levels you revisit, because enemies spawn in previously cleared levels, but supplies don’t. So, killing enemies is your only viable source of supplies in those places.
Graphics and Sound:
Prey’s graphics are pretty well done. Talos One looks beautiful and real effort has been put into making the place look like it’s a place where people used to live and work. Special props to whoever designed the shadows, because they look gorgeous, especially when you’re in space floating around the station. The character models might look a little weird to you, because Arkane used their “kinda cartoony” models for people that they had in the Dishonored games in Prey as well. Considering how the rest of the station looks, it’s a but jarring, but it didn’t bother me too much.
The sounds in Prey are amazing. The voice work is great all across the board, but it’s the enemy and ambient sounds that steal the show. There’s nothing like hearing own footsteps as you walk into a room, only to hear the tell-tale sounds of a mimic scurrying just out of sight, or the heavy footsteps of a phantom. Sometimes you’ll even hear metallic sounds of some other parts of the ship breaking and it all adds up to make you feel really alone and vulnerable from all sides.
Final words:
Prey is a game with many good ideas, even though it might not be able to execute them with consistency for long. As a homage to older RPGs like System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, it still manages to hit the mark more often than it misses and, in some areas, even surpasses those classics. The bottom line is I really enjoyed my time playing Prey and I recommend you check it out as well.
1327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 08:06
Prey is one of those games you will love for various reasons, I will proceed to name a few.
Its UI is magnificent, Its incredibly beautiful and easy to understand.
I love its story, how its being told and all those twists being uncovered as you progress.
If we talk about the gameplay, its brilliant, its a remarkable upgrade from what Dishonored is, even when Dishonored is already one of the best in that genre. All the things you can do, the choices to free roam and all the opportunities to make different paths and still being told the same story, while feeling totally different and unique.
Customization of the abilities its pretty good, it feels quite different between different builds, even tho, there is not a huge ability tree.
And last, its music, just perfect. Scifi synthwave which makes everything looks cooler.
You have to play Prey if you haven't and I recommend you to play it slowly, and enjoy the atmosphere, its dialog and its story. As I said before, Its something different, with a formula only perfected by ArkaneStudios.
2050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 20:21
+Choices to make
+Side quests
+Lots to discover
+Space travel
+Immersive gameplay
+Nice graphic
+Great sound
+Recycler and Fabricator machines
+Scary some time
I didn't play a game so good in years!
4199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 21:31
Fans of Metroidvania-like games would find a lot to enjoy here. Pages of unique abilities (Slowing down time, turning yourself into objects, summoning doppelgangers of yourself or straight up slinging energy bolts), huge intricate levels full of hidden pathways and alternate routes, optional side-missions with moral choices, and an extremely intuitive crafting and upgrade system that keeps you constantly hunting for more items. Players looking for more challenge can also enable higher difficulties and optional parameters - including the addition of various injury types and equipment degradation (and repair).
This game is an obvious labour of love from a team that was heavily experienced in the genre. If you've got a craving for a very well-written, exploration-focused shooter, then this should be at the top of your list.
4823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 04:47
3735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 08:37
7227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 04:51
2024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 14:34
Information / Review English
Prey falls into the genre first person shooter, which was developed by Arkane Studios.
Gameplay / Story
Prey is set in an alternate time in which President John F. Kennedy survived the 1963 assassination attempt. As President, John F. Kennedy initiates several financings into the space program, which can expand it.
Attracted by the activity of humans in space, an alien force, which consists of different species and is called Typhon, attacks the earth. The United States and the USSR form an alliance to fight Typhon. Together they build the space station Talos I in the orbit of the moon around the earth to use it as a prison for the typhon. Over time, the station will be expanded by various agencies. This makes for a variety of decorations in the retro-futurism style]. Eventually, the United States takes full control and creates research laboratories on the prison satellite to study the Typhon. After a fatal incident between the scientists on board the station and the Typhon, the United States canceled the project. A few years later, the TranStar Corporation acquires the station. Advances in neuroscience allow scientists to use and control the typhon. This gives them the opportunity to take advantage of physiology and create neuromods that can restructure the human brain and enable new abilities (including superhuman ones). The success of the TranStar Corporation ultimately grows through the sale of Neuromods on Earth. At the time of the game, in 2035, the TranStar Corporation was expanding the station and creating residential quarters for its employees.
The player takes control of the protagonist Morgan Yu, a human aboard a space station with numerous hostile aliens. The player has the opportunity to choose certain attributes of Yu, including gender, and make choices that affect the story. In order to survive, the player has the opportunity to collect weapons and resources on board the space station and use them against the aliens. The player is also able to move outside the station in complete weightlessness. The gameplay is heavily influenced by Metroidvania.
The game has several final versions, which are dependent on the decisions and the interaction with the station
+ challenging science fiction adventure
+ interesting story with an extremely exciting finale
+ You can feel the flair of System Shock
+ great tactical fights with cool combos
+ good scope
+ excellent level design with alternative routes and possibilities
+ little puzzles and secrets
+ several levels of difficulty
+ Achievements and trading cards
- some long walks and periods of suspension
- Hacking mini-game too monotonous in the long run
Prey offers you a successful game with a great flair, great atmosphere, story and extraordinary weapon and enemy types! Clear buy recommendation.
Information / Review Deutsch
Prey fällt in das Genre Ego-Shooter, welcher von Arkane Studios entwickelt wurde.
Gameplay / Geschichte
Prey spielt in einer alternativen Zeit, in der der Präsident John F. Kennedy das Attentat im Jahr 1963 überlebt hat. Als Präsident leitet John F. Kennedy mehrere Finanzierungen in das Raumfahrtprogramm ein, wodurch es ausgebaut werden kann.
Angezogen von der Aktivität der Menschen im Weltraum, greift eine fremde Kraft, welche aus verschiedenen Spezies besteht und als Typhon bezeichnet wird, die Erde an. Die Vereinigten Staaten und die UdSSR gehen ein Bündnis ein, um gegen Typhon zu kämpfen. Gemeinsam bauen sie die Raumstation Talos I in der Umlaufbahn des Mondes um die Erde, um diese als Gefängnis für den Typhon zu nutzen. Im Laufe der Zeit wird die Station durch verschiedene Agenturen erweitert. Das sorgt für eine Vielzahl von Dekorationen vom Stil des Retro-Futurismus]. Schließlich übernehmen die Vereinigten Staaten die volle Kontrolle und erschaffen Forschungslabore auf dem Gefängnissatelliten, um den Typhon zu studieren. Nach einem tödlichen Zwischenfall zwischen den Wissenschaftlern an Bord der Station und dem Typhon brechen die Vereinigten Staaten das Projekt ab. Einige Jahre später erwirbt die TranStar Corporation die Station. Fortschritte in der Neurowissenschaft ermöglichen es Wissenschaftlern, den Typhon zu nutzen und zu kontrollieren. Dadurch haben sie die Möglichkeit, die Physiologie zu nutzen und Neuromods zu schaffen, die das menschliche Gehirn umstrukturieren können und neue Fähigkeiten (einschließlich übermenschlicher) zu ermöglichen. Durch den Verkauf von Neuromods auf der Erde wächst letztlich der Erfolg der TranStar Corporation. Zur Zeit des Spiels, im Jahr 2035, hat die TranStar Corporation die Station weiter ausgebaut und Wohnquartiere für ihre Mitarbeiter geschaffen.
Der Spieler übernimmt die Steuerung des Protagonisten Morgan Yu, einem Menschen an Bord einer Raumstation mit zahlreichen feindlichen Aliens. Der Spieler hat die Möglichkeit, bestimmte Attribute von Yu, einschließlich des Geschlechts, auszuwählen und Entscheidungen zu treffen, welche die Geschichte beeinflussen. Um zu überleben, hat der Spieler die Möglichkeit, Waffen und Ressourcen an Bord der Raumstation zu sammeln und gegen die Aliens einzusetzen. Der Spieler ist auch in der Lage, sich außerhalb der Station in völliger Schwerelosigkeit zu bewegen. Das Gameplay ist stark von Metroidvania-Einflüssen geprägt.
Das Spiel verfügt über mehrere Endfassungen, welche abhängig von den Entscheidungen und der Interaktion mit der Station sind
+ anspruchsvolles Science-Fiction-Abenteuer
+ interessante Story mit extrem spannendem Finale
+ das Flair von System Shock ist spürbar
+ tolle taktische Gefecjhte mit coolen Kombos
+ guter Umfang
+ ausgezeichnetes Leveldesign mit alternativen Routen und Möglichkeiten
+ kleine Rätsel und Geheimnisse
+ mehrere Schwierigkeitsgrade
+ Errungenschaften und Sammelkarten
- einige lange Laufwege und Schwebephasen
- Hacking- Minispiel auf Dauer zu eintönig
Prey bietet dir ein gelungenes Spiel mit tollem Flair, super Stimmung, Story und außergewöhnlichen Waffen- und Gegnertypen! Klare Kaufempfehlung.
2452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 23:56
You don't just follow a line to your objectives here like you do in Dead Space, the world is a playground for you to explore and be creative. But it's also a lot more than that, as Talos I research station is one of the most detailed, believable locations ever crafted in a game. It has so much personality, it feels so lived in, it's one of the finest examples of environmental storytelling while also enabling creative, nonlinear gameplay.
It takes so many cues from the System Shock games, but does so in a different scale. Whereas the System Shocks pursue a more claustrophobic horror setting like Alien, Prey is a lot taller and wider. This results in more exposition about the crew members, their lives, their personal and professional relationships, and Prey does a perfect job here, also folding in some additional thematic depth and foreshadowing.
It has plenty of flaws, certainly much more than System Shock 2, but the end result is still a rare gem, a type of game that is rarely made. A game too rich in content for most gamers hence it not being a commercial success, but for those who want an enveloping experience, this is the type of game I recommend.
- Prey presents one of the most detailed, believable game settings ever made. No location feels more lived in. The world building is very strong here, and the character development is surprisingly good.
- Wonderful nonlinear design. Virtually infinite backtracking, nonlinear quest and level progression, multiple endings including a very early one, all of this allows for greater freedom of expression from the player.
- Extremely interactive environment used to bolster both the narrative and nonlinear gameplay.
- The Typhon is an intriguing alien species, and they make for intimidating, although still cheesable, opponents.
- The storytelling effectively screws with the player's mind at times, even though none of the twists are entirely unforeseen. Cool foreshadowing too.
- Pretty good, but flawed character build diversity. Repair, Hacking, Leverage (strength leading to new physics interactions) are all used well for progression, cool weapon design although too few of them, very cool psionic powers of varying types (polymorphing, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, summoning, and more).
- Very capable, but overpowered stealth gameplay.
- Inherits much of Dishonored's movement. Ledge mantling (although a flawed implementation), automatically ducking under low objects (also flawed), and thankfully leaning.
- Above average AI actually poses a challenge even if they're still exploitable.
- Perfectly executed outer space movement.
- Outstanding soundtrack.
- Good difficulty mode customization with the inclusion of optional survival gameplay parameters for weapon degradation, traumas, and limited oxygen (only if your suit is damaged though).
- Its crafting system didn't make me want to kill myself.
- Some plot holes - realistically, January would have just filled us in on the rest of Morgan's video, instead of wasting all the time to go fix it when our entire species is on the line here. Also you cannot escape with survivors via Alex's escape pod for some reason, only you can use it alone.
- A bit buggy and unpolished. Physics glitches, AI path finding issues are common, other AI bugs, LOD glitches, I did encounter a game breaking bug that required restarting it (all computer screens ceased being interactive). Also some wonky coding behind some quests, like how when you transfer the data about Mikhaila's father to your workstation, it simply doesn't appear on your workstation until you talk to her.
- Some clunkiness with movement mechanics not working reliably. Automatically ducking under objects doesn't always work, the automatic mantling reduces how much control you have over your character compared to System Shock 2/Thief's implementation. You lose control over your character a bit too often for a game like this; likewise you have no control when exiting elevators so your character might walk right into danger.
- AI is too exploitable, much more than in System Shock 2 (and because System Shock 2 is properly moddable, it has a mod that makes them even less exploitable). Phantoms are confused when you run circles around them, when you take cover, and all enemies are helpless beyond a certain distance (100 ft or so for many) and such distances are very commonly seen in Prey's big maps. Every single AI is incapable of dealing with a player that maxes out Mobility (which is quick to max out); you can sprint and jump with impunity and probably never get touched, no matter what you're up against.
- Various balance issues. Stealth is overpowered such that leveling it up is pointless. While the game starts off as an above average survival horror game, it ends up being a power fantasy game long before the end even (Prey Core Balance Mod thankfully delays this but it's not enough) and this is even true on Nightmare mode. Typhons are no match for a Neuromodded Morgan Yu, or even military operators.
- Too many Neuromods, even if you never fabricate them. Your character ends up being a master of so many trades.
- Seeing the Typhon, the ultimate threat to humanity, get absolutely bodybagged by military operators is silly.
- The Typhon look like moving shadows yet they don't stick to the darkness. The game really should have involved lighting more in the gameplay process, and made all Typhon weaponize shadows more.
- Not nearly moddable enough.
- The main quest to scan the Coral is the worst kind of objective marker hunting quest. Total bore but thankfully it's the only bad main quest and you're already an overpowered God by then so you can finish it very quickly.
- Outer space is too noisy, it misses out a bit on what space horror should be.
- Inadequate enemy variety, especially when Commander Dahl lands and unleashes infinite spawning military operators and nothing else. Substantially less enemy variety than the System Shocks even though this is at least twice as long of a game.
- Inadequate weapon variety for a game of this length, also substantially less than the System Shocks. Even if Prey were half the length it'd need more, even with the psionic powers.
- The worst surround spatialization I've ever heard, which harms immersion. It doesn't use the right speakers, no simulation of height/verticality, poor sense of distance. Sound is ultra important for this type of game. It also has some sound mixing issues with character voices being exponentially louder than audio log voices.
- Lots of lights not casting shadows and noticeable pop-in. Thankfully a mod addresses both, though pop-in can still be seen.
- While it offers fairly extensive HUD/UI/tooltip customization, it's not enough. Thankfully Prey Interface Customizer has us covered.
There are some must-have mods for this game, listed below (if the links get removed they're Prey Core Rebalance Mod, Prey Interface Customizer, and Real Lights plus Ultra Graphics Mod, all on Nexusmods):
Newcomers should probably play on Hard mode first (and I recommend using all the optional survival difficulty parameters), any subsequent playthroughs are best played on Nightmare just so there can be some semblance of difficulty on them.
2759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 22:15
4238 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 22:24
1468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 00:41
To avoid spoilers I will avoid talking about these aspects as the game is fully of mystery for player to uncover. If you like Bioshock or you're a fan of RPGs and great story telling then Prey is absolutely for you.
2754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 16:00
the pros:
+the story is very interesting with good pacing and you get 3 ending depending on your choices and your game style so that add to the replayability.
+the gameplay is a mix between deus ex and dishonored (you can go stealthy or gun blazing with tons of upgrades and skills to unlock )
+fresh and interesting enemies.
+nice looking graphics
+sound design and the voice-over are well done .
+no game breaking bugs or glitches.
the cons :
-i didn't like the Zero gravity sections (like in space) it felts like floating and a bit hard to navigate ( its just personal opinion).
i highly recommend it if you like games like dishonored and deus ex .
ps: i didn't try the dlc so i cant tell if its any good
1581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 03:20
В кратце - атмосферно, фантастически продуманно, с кучей деталей и потрясным саундтреком от Мика Гордона - чего еще можно желать?!
2651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 18:14
☐ Kids.
☐ Everyone.
☑ Mature.
☑ Casual Players.
☐ Pro players.
☐ Potato.
☐ Bad.
☐ OK.
☑ Good.
???? Pretty decent graphics but a bit outdated imo, as if it were a ~2015 game instead.
The artstyle in Prey is art deco, which gives a very nice Bioshock vibe
☐ Beautiful.
☐ Masterpiece.
☐ Terrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☑ Fantastic.
???? I'd say Prey is a perfectly done hybrid between Dishonored and Bioshock.
The alien abilities are very similar to Bioshock plasmids.
The Psychoscope which is used to scan ennemies to unlock abilities and find out ennemy weaknesses is very similar to the research camera from Bioshock.
Different ways to get to a point or defeat an ennemy : you can for example hack through doors, find the keycard to open the door or find a hidden passage.
Play with a stealthy approach or head-on; set traps, use your environment or just blow them off with your fully upgraded shotgun. There are just infinite ways to play this game!
☐ Easy.
☐ Medium.
☑ Hard.
???? Difficulty I felt when playing on Hard, for once the difficulty settings are truly representative of the difficulty ingame
☐ Very Hard.
☐ Death March.
⌛Game length:
☐ Really Short. ( 0 - 3 hours)
☐ Short. ( 3 - 8 hours)
☐ Medium. ( 8 - 20 hours)
☑ Long. ( 20 - 40 hours)
???? 30h on the main game
15h on Prey Mooncrash
☐ Very Long ( 40 - 60 hours)
☐ Extremely Long (60+ hours)
☐ Endless
☐ It Doesn't Have One.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☑ Good.
???? The story is pretty good but it didn't leave up to my expectations, because I kept comparing Prey to Bioshock, I expected the same kind of mindblowing story.
☐ Fantastic.
☑ It Doesn't Have.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☐ Like Watching A Movie.
☐ Horrible.
☐ Decent.
☑ Average.
???? The sound effects were pretty basic :
Almost every ennemy had a unique sound effect BUT they only had 2 or 3 sound effects each, which still made it repetitive when encoutering the same type several times.
Very little background sounds, even on an abandonned space station there could still be more environmental sounds than that imo.
The music is okay nothing memorable.
☐ Good.
☐ Amazing.
☑ Full Price.
☐ Wait For Sale.
☐ Refund It If You Can.
☐ Don't Buy It.
☐ Free.
☐ Minimum.
☑ Medium.
???? Runs pretty smoothly, on a GTX 1050 I had everything on High except the textures (due to only having 2GB VRAM) and I had 50-60fps
☐ Fast.
☐ Super Computer.
☐ Game Itself Is One Big BUG.
☐ Game Breaking Bugs.
☐ Lots of bugs.
☑ Few Bugs.
???? Actually only encountered one very minor bug : sometimes when going through a broken glass, the sound effect abruptly stops.
☐ Nothing.
☐ Terrible.
☐ Bad.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
☑ Great.
☐ Fantastic.
Multiplayer: ☑
???? Prey : Typhon Hunter
Singleplayer: ☑
????Final Score:
1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 03:22
6015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 14:52
2906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 00:04
A bit buggy here and there, but nothing I can't forgive for the sake of good gameplay and a well-framed story with interesting characters. And just when I thought the ending is weak, hell no! Won't spoil it.
1162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 15:17
2333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 00:41
Before you continue reading this review or any others: do yourself a favor and play the game blind. There are a lot of really cool moments that are easily spoiled if you read into things too much. (I avoided any such spoilers in this review.)
- The gameplay is delightfully nonlinear. Similar to other Metroidvania and open world games, Prey allows multiple correct paths and solutions to many challenges -- you can often solve problems they way you might in the real world, rather than being railroaded into a certain solution. Unlike other Metroidvania games, however, its execution of this concept was stupendous. Despite a complicated map and constant backtracking, I rarely found myself getting lost.
- Combat is satisfying, and the games nature allows you to tune its difficulty just by spending your time in different places. Having a tough time in combat? Gather some materials for upgrades and health. Still having a tough time? You can take advantage of the environment in nearly the entire station -- the whole game is built around outside-the-box thinking.
- The game also subverts many common video game tropes. Areas that appear blocked off (normally unmodelled or empty in other first-person games) can almost always be accessed -- I don't remember seeing an area I couldn't get to, one way or another.
- Sequence Breaking, or skipping parts of the story via alternative means, is not only possible but arguably encouraged. Having a hard time finding a code to a door? Simply unlock the Hacking ability and brute force it. The story accounts for this; you won't mess things up even with extreme shenanigans.
- You can collect pretty much every object and use them to make tools, weapons, ammo, and upgrades. It's surprisingly satisfying to loot every container, and you don't have to worry about keeping eight different varieties of wire on you -- recyclers don't care what they take in.
- Prey does an excellent job of supporting its story. While the basic idea isn't too exceptional, the addition of logs and highly coherent, interwoven characters allows you to relate to story concepts. Often, a background or joke email will direct you towards useful areas.
- There are several decisions you need to make as part of the game: some of them are especially challenging. One of the hardest decisions I had to make was something I simply stumbled across; it wasn't even a main story event -- just a side quest.
- The game is very well executed. Graphics are decently performing, even on my older RX 480 (and running through Steam Play Proton on Linux!) Bugs were few and far between: the only really notable one was an area where you could see through a window to some upgrades, even if you'd already collected them (leading me to search around for a room I missed -- it was just a room that hadn't updated.)
- The design direction in this game is clearly apparent: areas of the world have their own aesthetic and it greatly helps with player orientation (eg the Art Deco lobby or the brutalist Psychotronics)
- The soundtrack is well-composed, although I felt like the selection is a little limited and sometimes the triggers for songs didn't always hit.
- There isn't a way to turn off the (relatively minor) motion blur effects. Annoying if you're playing at a low framerate, but the dynamic resolution option worked well to keep the game running nicely.
19805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 22:25
I'm not going to review the soundtrack, story, visuals, or anything in serious depth-- just know they are all fantastic. Play the game on hard your first time through, if you don't mind reloading a lot from dying over and over, as I did this on my second play-through and enjoyed it so much more -- which I didn't think could happen! I had a whole new appreciation for utilizing my environment, like electrical surges, to help defeat enemies and found that I needed to be mindful of my ammo and upgrade choices. I don't games that just beat you to death with unnecessary difficulties like sudden time limits on an objective out of nowhere, give out ammo so sparingly that you are afraid of varying your play style in the slightest, or games that really only have one build path worth pursuing while the rest is just novel options. There are so many good things about this FPS story-driven horror that you just need to experience them for yourself.
2093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 04:46
The bad thing with this game are the loadings... extremely slow which is a problem, also upgrade your skills and most important your shottie! pistol, the gloo cannon, etc.
Because you can die quite fast tbh trust me so focus getting upgrades in your health, the maximum is 300, also PSI till the max which i don't remember if is it 150 or 200, hack till lvl 4, getting more space in your inventory is very important as well but it has other abilities too so i suggest you to choose them wisely cuz they are very important.
The DlC Mooncrash is boring at least in my opinion, I played as the 1st character and finished and it was boring as hell you've to play with 5 and do some missions and side questions quite silly tbh, so this DLC is meh.
Prey Typhon Hunter, I didn't even bother since i bet no one is online playing it.
Prety It's a cool game, the mainly problem are the loadings... taking seconds... >.>'
Prey 8/10
Nicht Empfohlen
1279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 16:10
1843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 15:06
Gonna grind neorumods to unlock typhon and human abilities.
1564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 13:39
The game does have its downsides, primarily annoying glitches. However, no amount of enemies killing me through shut doors, enemies freezing until I slaughter them, several dialogues starting at the same time to drown each other in cacophony, getting stuck with no way out, and other annoyances spoiled my enjoyment of this game.
It is all about agency and belief that you are there, in the game. You feel the impact of your choices in the game and the choices are not bland or trivial. And the music, design, dialogue - all of the game made me believe that I was dealing with real people aboard a real space station.
You are in for a treat with this game.
2635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 10:10
Aberrant, abnormal, addlepated, flaky, extraordinary, fantastic (also fantastical), freak, freakish, freaky, phantasmagoric (or phantasmagorical), phenomenal, bizarre, bizarro, cranky, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny, kinky, kooky (also kookie), odd, off-kilter, off-the-wall, offbeat, out-of-the-way, outlandish, outré, peculiar, quaint, queer, queerish, quirky, rum [chiefly British], screwy, spaced-out, strange, wacky (also whacky), way-out, weird, weirdo, wild, atypical, rare, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unique, unusual, unwonted, conspicuous, notable, noticeable, outstanding, prominent, salient, striking, atrocious, outrageous, shocking, crotchety, idiosyncratic, nonconformist, nonmainstream, out-there.
10473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 01:08
The Story: 10/10
This is a game you won't want to have ANY prior knowledge to the plot or it will lessen the impact it has. The characters feel real, the story is enthralling, and the conclusion is more than what you'd expect.
The Gameplay: 10/10
If all you play is CoD or CSGO, this may not be your game. But if you are familiar with the likes of Bioshock, Deus Ex, Dishonored, or especially System Shock 2, you'll be delighted to hear that this is very much a spiritual successor to System Shock. The versatility between weapons and abilities, and how you can upgrade both, is superb. The environment is highly interactive, everything from computer consoles to vents to everyday objects are things to consider. Can't get into a room because the door is locked? Turn yourself into a coffee cup and go through the broken window. Use the huntress boltcaster to shoot the open door button on the computer console. Turn off the nearby generator and force the door open with your strength. Find the key code to the door through a security terminal. Hack the door if you have the skill. I could go on. And mind you, this is just for opening a door.
Go buy it. Right now. I don't care if it's on sale. It's worth it. You won't regret it.
4278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 06:59
6899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 12:16
- A heavy and very controlled atmosphere
- The RPG / FPS mix that works well
- A very good level design
- A thrilling adventure
- The exhilarating alien powers
- The freedom left to the player in the gameplay, but also the scenario
- Drawbacks :
- Graphically lagging behind
- Sometimes frustrating 0G phases
- A scenario and a narration that lack genius
Summary : By attacking a style that gave birth to cult games, Arkane bet big, but finally manages to deliver a very good work. Sometimes good, often very good, but rarely excellent, Prey succeeds in plunging us into a bewitching adventure which however lacks that pinch of magic that separates great productions from video game pearls. The studio still convinces with a very successful gameplay, but struggles a bit with the lack of risk taking and innovation on the side of the scenario and the narration. Even duality on the graphic side, the whole has the chance to rely on a sublime artistic direction somewhat marred by an aging engine. The whole remains solid and offers a bunch of good ideas that will keep fans of space trips in suspense. A great adventure that I highly recommend.
5567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 19:41
This is the Wagyu of Singleplayer RPG.
Rare occasion I can't say anything negative.
And a sole instance when I loved DLC more than original game (Mooncrash)
3027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 20:36
One of my best gaming experiences of the 2010's.
Probably overall the best storydriven singleplayer FPS I have ever played. Raising the bar set by games as System/Bioshock, Deus Ex and Half Life
The diverse gameplay mechanics offer a 'custom' playstyle that caters to every FPS enthusiasts needs.
3719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 12:34
The best part of PREY is its story, though. I almost never play games because of their story - and I'm easily annoyed by intrusive or lengthy exposition. I also hate reading texts in video games (my job already consists of reading and writing texts all day). PREY, however, does it perfectly: Mostly it shows instead of telling and when it does tell, it's very concise and elegant about it. The story itself is really interesting too and it manages to be emotional and philosophical without being pretentious - there's a beautiful twist at the very ending that I didn't see coming.
There are some weaknesses, of course: It takes a while to get used to how PREY handles combat and the waypoint system isn't the best. These are, however, minor points, in my opinion. PREY is worth every penny: There are several endings waiting for you and certainly more than one playthrough if you feel like it. Some of the achievements are pretty fun too!
1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 04:51
1823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 07:11
If you know nothing about the game, buy it now and start playing it with the internet turned off. If you already have an idea on what you're getting into (like I was), it was still a wonderful experience that really makes me wish for a sequel.
1815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 06:50
???? My grandma got 100% in a speedrun.
???? It's easy, maybe too easy.
???? Absolutely normal.
✅ A hard but fair challenge.
???? Challenging and sometimes unfair.
???? Absolutely frustrating, you have been warned.
How long is it?
???? Something for your lunchbreak.
???? A couple hours.
???? As long as it should be.
✅ So many hours.
???? Your lifetime is not enough.
What's the story like?
???? What story?.
???? If you can call that a story.
???? There is one if you need it.
???? Just about what you'd expect.
???? You'll want to make sure to get all of it.
✅ Like playing your favorite novel.
Having a good time?
???? Watching grass grow can be fun too.
???? If you're into the stuff, maybe.
???? Imagine breaking through a wall with your head and then another one.
???? Like playing with your dog/cat.
✅ You'll forget everything around you.
???? A memorable moment in life, like your first car.
???? Definitely a one-hit wonder.
???? For the achievement hunters.
???? It's a once a year kind of a deal.
???? With some mods, it's worth it.
✅ Exciting enough to always draw you back in.
???? I'm basically living my life in this.
How does it look?
???? Insults my eyes.
???? Pixelpile.
???? At least you can see what's going on.
???? Graphics simply exist so you can play it.
???? Normal, just normal.
???? Something different from the masses.
✅ Sit back and enjoy the looks.
???? Give me the looks, frames don't matter.
How does it Sound?
???? Like a 1920's silent film.
???? There are the essentials. Bare essentials.
???? Solid middle ground.
✅ A well thought out sound mix.
???? Your ears will thank you for the experience.
What's the music like?
???? White noise would be an improvement.
???? It does the job, but you won't remember.
???? There's not pros or cons to it.
???? Something to remember.
✅ You'll have the soundtrack on loop for the next year.
How do the controls feel?
???? Like stopping an ocean liner.
???? Driving a tank would be easier.
✅ Keyboard and mouse, just as you'd expect.
✅ Gamepad/Joystick recommended.
???? You think and the game will do it.
???? Not on my watch!
✅ Just some small ones to deal with.
???? Can get annoying.
???? Plenty, but they make for lots of entertainment.
???? It's on the edge of unplayable.
???? Basically runs on bugs.
System Requirements
???? A calculator will do.
???? PotatOS approved.
???? The pc from Best Buy will do.
✅ Fine with High-End Hardware.
???? Just two words: Quantum Computer.
Is the Price Fair?
???? Price? It's free!
???? Not enough for what you get.
✅ Perfect price for what you get.
???? It will hurt your wallet.
???? Get ready to sell a kidney.
???? Would you sell your soul?
Should you buy it?
???? No.
???? If it's on sale.
✅ Yes.
2058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 01:29
But, Bethesda, for fụсk's sake! I am not that attentive and focused not to forget to come back through two huge locations to open a safe, — and remember its fụсking code in the first place, yeah! I am lacking concenration, thus, this incredible abundance of everything at once, — locations, objectives, abilities, — makes my head spin, to be honest.
This is the one & only minus — just personally for me — of this game, since usually I prefer things to be more linear: like, you just follow it straight, complete the objectives and proceed to the second, third, fourth location, et cetera, et cetera. In this game, you will always have to skip several objectives in every single location, since to complete them you will often need to get somewhere else first.
So, how about travelling 9000 km to the opposite side of the station, finding, for example, a smelly fụсking corpse there, getting a keycard or a note with some fụсking passcode from it, and, afterall, not fụсking forgetting to get back to the place you were a couple of hours before and completing the remaining objective? I usually feel like after a hard day at my job after doing all of it.
Oh, and also: I get nausea when I have to travel through locations with low gravity. Bruh.
2536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 11:57
They are weak, bothersome, without brains. But you. You will be worse. Scan and slam, until it is done.
Too Long; Didn't Read: Prey is an immersive, slow paced, adventure game that not only creates tension through its horror-inspired enemies and its dark hallways, but also thanks to its morbid technologies and concepts.
It rewards exploration and attention to detail, and the world itself is probably one of the best and most realised in gaming. Its puzzlelike approach to combat may alienate some, but understanding it comes as part of the well-balanced progression.
I recommend Prey immensely, it earns its place as one of the best 0451 games out there, on the same level as Bioshock and System Shock 2.
The Gameplay
Combat: Prey does not play like a typical shooter. The game does not reward those who run and gun every environment, but instead those who take their time and methodically plan out their attack. This is why at first Prey can seem a little too hard with enemies eating away at you while you can only throw 3 swings of a wrench before you are out of breath.
The wrench can be swung 4 times at most before your character runs out of stamina. But charging your strike uses the same amount of stamina but does triple the amount of damage than normal. So, the correct tactic to use it would be to sneak up on an enemy with you ready to strike with the wrench. And this is just one example of how Prey has designed its combat around patience and tactic.
The Gloo Canon is another great example. When fired at an enemy it deals no damage, but it freezes them in place for a short period of time. This then allows you to charge up a wrench swing. This means before engaging in a fight it is a good idea to make sure you have or can immobilize them with this weapon. Since the Gloo Canon can create blobs that are physical, you can create access to higher ground, or create obstructions.
Exploration: Ammunition, health packs, etc, all of these items are exceedingly rare and crafting them requires a lot of recourses. This means even if you do not like exploring much in these games, it is in your interest. Exploration can be one of the most rewarding and useful things to do.
Sometimes a room or objective you need to reach will have a locked door that requires a key code, and you have not invested in the hacking skill. This means you must look around the room. Maybe above the door is a service hatch, that if you use the Gloo Canon to create a staircase to, will allow you access. Maybe entering a room, you ignored earlier will provide you with the code. If the door has a window next to it, you could smash it and if you see a computer, use the nerf gun rip off to open the door remotely. There are many ways to get around the station, and no area will truly be off limits, thanks to the ingenious level design.
Exploring outside the space station is also fantastic. It can be done very early on, and is used to access areas that were damaged, as well as reach far off points of interest like a floating billboard or a space shuttle drifting off in the distance. Access to the main locations of Prey can also be done from space but they are locked from the inside. This means space is more of a convenience to back track to areas you’ve already explored without having to go through the entire building.
The Player: Prey’s skill tree is body modifications, similar to Bioshock or Deus Ex. These can be used for combat, such as more damage with security weapons like shotguns and pistols, or more health. Some body mods help exploring the space station, such as more stamina to run, jump and hit with, or more strength to move obstructions out of the way. And some help improve your experience, like hacking to pacify robots or access locked off areas early, or repair to fix damaged electrical systems or ruined sentry guns.
One of the more interesting parts of this system however, is the ability to copy enemy abilities. Take the mimic for example, the basic enemy that hides itself as objects like coffee cups, health kits and office chairs. Bring one out of hiding, splatter it in glue to immobilize it, and you can scan it to understand it’s behaviour, but you can also unlock modifications to copy this ability, and then you can disguise yourself as objects as well. This works for all enemies, and certain allies, on the space station.
However, every time you unlock one of these alien abilities, you become more alien yourself. Only invest in alien powers, or have too many of them to counteract your human abilities, and soon the space station will perceive you as an alien threat, and then the security turrets and operators you considered allies will become hostile. This means not only do you have to think about which abilities you need more than others, but also how many you should unlock before you need to stop or counteract them, an odd game of balance.
The Story
Prey’s story is very complex and intricate, with lots to discover and many twists and turns. It is best experienced than told, but to give slight context you play as Morgan Yu, the sibling of Alex Yu who is in charge of Talos 1, the space station and research base you explore in Prey. It specialises primarily in producing Neuromods, which is human knowledge and experiences that you can inject into yourself to gain abilities. However when removed, these Neuromods reset your brain to the moment you installed them, meaning all the time you spent using them is forgotten. This is the explanation of how you have ended up on Talos 1, Neuromodless, confused, and now fighting for your life in an overrun space station.
Graphics & Soundtrack
This game is very beautiful, with plenty of jaw dropping spectacles and surreal locations. Floating around space is made so special by how vivid everything is, the tall and proud exterior of Talos 1, the floating bodies seemingly frozen in their last moments, the isolation you feel as you float alone, in between the Earth and the Moon.
The inside has a glamorous art deco theme for residential areas, and clean laboratories for workers. The closer you are to the top of this space station, the more natural areas you find like a garden, the crew quarters, and the kitchens. The bottom of the station is where the more dark and intimidating locations can be found, like the engine room, the central computing, the labs. This gives the station nice variety and makes areas you have explored distinct and memorable.
The synth wave soundtrack is brilliant, it really suits the games sci fi theme, as well as helps set the mood or raise the tension. The intense and fast tracks really helped make gun fights feel dramatic. But I found the best moments for the soundtrack was when it was slow and quiet, and I was slowly walking through a room I had just cleared, reading emails of these people who had died, picking up items, accompanied by a low synth tone.
Final Score & Comments
I would give Prey a 9/10. It so brilliantly balances RPG mechanics with action game design and exploration that has not been this satisfying since Bioshock 2. Its story remains mostly strong throughout the game, and never failed to make me question what I, or the major characters, had been doing, and if we were justified in our actions. It has good replay value, and plenty of side game content. I can’t see many reasons not to at least give this game a go.
3188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 12:46
2129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.20 18:17
1797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 12:08
2262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 20:43
3827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.20 04:43
*Jittering caused by caffeine overdose- this review is not a Typhon Cacoplasmus, do NOT hit*
Yes- PREY ad2017 probably should've been named NEUROSHOCK or PsychoShock, but that's as far as solid controversies go. Not due to 'PREY' being a bad name or original from 2006/concept of Prey2 a potential burden- just because drawbacks and nuisances arising from this decision overshadowed any possible gains, whatever they were. But enough of that trivial issue.
PREY is an absolutely fantastic game and very solid foundation for potential new series, rubbing shoulders with similar classics- Dishonored, System Shock, BioShock, Deus Ex. Stands tall and firm delivering quite unique and fresh new entry in noble immersive sim genre.
What precisely does it offer?
- Superb worldbuilding. Story based on fairly light alternative history that hits wild sci-fi motives fast and hard. Memorable adventure from start to finish that leaves thirst for more- both answers and new question.
- Equally great level and environmental design- space station Talos1 feels as grounded and believable as it can realtively be and exploring it is a real joy and a thrill. Traversing environment offers many chances to test ingenuity and creativity of a player in suprisingly varied and distinctive modules (separate levels) of Talos. Verticality, variety, utility, mystery, fun!
- Art style! As a fan of Art Deco and mid-century aesthetical trends I have to say it's nearly mesmerizing! If Eastern Columbia building or subway stations in Moscow, blended in futuristic convention sound like something that can make your hearth skip a beat- that is a game for you.
- Unique atmosphere of light psychological horror. Unsetteling yet inviting to discover it's secrets and shed light on mystery of a disaster that happened high in the sky that... can overshadow Earth.
- Solid story full of moral nuances, well-written characters and dialogues, interesting lore and collectibles in form of audio logs, letters and emails or magazines.
- Satysfying game loop driven first and foremost by exploration, with well-balanaced, familiar on the surface combat that has a bit more depth than meets they eye. Great array of unique, creative weapons that are useful throughout the entire game. Decent amout of equipment, easy and fast inventory management, amusing crafting system, basic but reliable weapon upgrade system.
- Well realized skill tree offering both expected upgrades, additional skills that branch player's toolset and impressive set of powers, associated with research of extraterrestrial organi... hmm, 'beings'. Game doesn't rely on classic combat XP system- instead focuses on tying main character's development with rewarding exploration, observation, cunning and involvment in solving additional quests and tasks.
- Great soundtrack, sound design and VO performances. Haven't skipped a single conversation or record.
- Overall tight package and great value- even full, stealthy completionist run (40-45hrs) does leave a feeling of game overstaying its welcome. Add to that New Game+ mode, Mooncrash expansion, alternative playthroughs for specific character development paths and few difficulty settings.
It's honestly hard to find any problems besides minor things and nitpicking like fairly small number of unique body types and faces for (dead) human NPCs, occasional overlapping of audiologs and/or character dialogues, rare glitches of physics system, maybe slight imbalance of game pace, but even that is strongly connected to how player decides to apporach rythm of exploration vs. pushing story forward.
I haven't experienced any technical problems. Arkane made good use of powerful CryEngine- even if occasionally ragdoll/facial animation system or complexity of certain ingame models leaves a lot to be desired (considering high profile of PREY).
Rest is wishful thinking 'how big it could possibly have been and how many new weapons, gadgets, enemy types, side missions, locations or NPCs they could add'. Hopefully PREY2 will be an answer to that.
For fans of Arkane Studios productions, immersive sims or just solid, honest and good games in general - an absolute must play!
1476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 22:04
2309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 08:44
Relevant game anecdote: I got a quest earlier to find this one scientist's bedroom and I'd been listening to a bunch of audio logs from the other crew members about what a complete raging nerd he was, so I went over to crew quarters and dug around until I found a room with a chess board/big dumb moon rock sculpture/whiteboard covered in science crap.
And all the crew quarters are like that, they figured out where all of the 50+ people on the station sleep and personalized all their crew quarters.
And the entirety of the Talos 1 station all fits together logically and every strut has bathrooms and stuff. It must have been an insane amount of planning, I'm just not used to videogame devs giving this much of a shit.
3165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 02:43
The game has such an awesome opening but I feel the story kind of dies off after the first hour of gameplay and the ending seems pretty abrupt. It makes you question your judgements and serves as motivation to explore the environment. But wow, Talos 1 feels so believable, it’s amazing to explore and find all kinds of little secrets and random side stories. I usually dislike audio logs and notes in games but I found all of the ones in Prey really enjoyable to piece together. I can't really talk about much more without revealing information.
The game is a little rough around the edges and has its fair share of bugs and annoying problems. But the gameplay is absolutely worth it.
✔️Many fantastic mechanics to discover
✔️So many good ideas packed into this game
✔️Great intro sequence
✔️Amazing and immersive setting
✔️Unique and clever enemies
❌Could’ve been so much better with a few more months of development
❌The trailers literally spoil major discoveries in the game
❌Menus are designed for controllers and can be annoying to use
❌Some bugs and annoying controls
Nicht Empfohlen
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 13:52
1500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 08:52
So. Prey... is a game. A very good game which obviously draws most of it's inspirations from System Shock and Bioshock and if you have played or know about any of those games you can pretty much know what awaits you here and while i have played and absolutely love both System Shock and Bioshock i think Prey is my new favorite from these three.
It's something about atmosphere really. While this is not a horror game , at least i do not perceive it that way, it has this eery feeling throughout whole game ( this only applies if you choose to play on Hard or higher difficulty levels which i strongly urge you to do , it's a whole different game like that ) where you really feel like a PREY . If you want to survive you will have learn to effectively hide,scavenge ( i hate forced scavenging in video games but here it somehow adds to whole experience and feels integral part of it ) and weight your options every step of the way.
Admittedly game gets easier and less suspenseful later on like most harder games does ( i'm at that point now ) but i'm so invested in it's story and setting i just dont care and want to carry on. Prey is right kind of hard , you always have several options while level and map design is designed in such a specific way that even though i know this feeling is false, once you find a way to pass difficult enemy without engaging it you feel like you created your own unique way of doing so which noone else have thought of. You feel like an artist of sorts really.
Icing on a cake for me is side quests though i dont think that's an accurate name of them. If you imagine main story line as a centre branch of a tree those side stories are it's smaller branches. Every single one of them feels connected to the main story and in some cases to each other and at time they lead to one another in very unexpected and creative ways. Last time i was so interested in optional quests was in Witcher 3 and we all know how strong world building in that game was .
I just wholeheartedly recommend this game for everyone and i recommend to play it on hard and to struggle , it really makes you feel like you are isolated on a space station there you are the main dish on a menu.
2314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.20 09:01
- Stunning visuals, the station itself is a piece of art and the best thing is that every place on Talos 1 seems like a place where people actually lived in.
- The level design is incredible, it works perfectly on a gameplay perspective, without giving the impression that it is built for the player: every corner, every room has a purpose, everything is so alive you could imagine someone of the crew drank a coffee and put the mug on the table while doing research a few seconds before you enter the room.
- Awesome soundtracks, composed by the famous and talented Mick Gordon. He found the perfect way to convey feelings and create a unique atmosphere.
- The gameplay resembles a mix between Dishonored and the most recent Deus ex. You have lots of abilities that adact to your style, in an enviroment that gives you many ways to overcome an obstacle, you just have to choose your way.
- Story is good, and delivered in a perfect way. I found myself pushed to explore every cm of the station because i wanted to complete all sidequests and to read all i could about what happened on the station.
- There should be more different types of enemies.
In conclusion I higly recommend this game, in particular to those who enjoyed Dishonored, Deus Ex and Bioshock.
Mooncrush, the dlc, is a lot different from the base game and plays like a rougue-like. You are in a new base and have to escape from it with 5 different characters, each has his own abilities. The enemies and loot vary every time you start the run, so you have to adapt to every different situation. I really liked it, but I cannot recommend it as strongly as I did for the base game.
On the first run it takes from 15 to 25 hours to complete the base game and from 10 to 20 for the DLC, depending on your playstyle.
Arkane Studios
Bethesda Softworks
CryEngine 3
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos