• Praey for the Gods: Prey for the Gods Wallpaper
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Prey for the Gods Wallpaper
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.
  • Praey for the Gods: Screen zum Spiel Prey for the Gods.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.12.2021
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Preis Update 22.01.23

Über das Spiel

Praey for the Gods ist ein Bosse erklimmendes offenes Welt Abenteuer Spiel. Wo du eine einsame Heldin spielst, die an den Rand einer sterbenden und gefrorenen Welt geschickt wird, um das Rätsel hinter dem ewig währenden Winter zu entschlüsseln. Angekommen nur mit den Kleidern am Leib, musst du die kolossalen Gefahren überleben, denen du begegnest. Um die Balance wiederherzustellen und das Land vom Abgrund zurück zu gewinnen, muss du dich der Frage stellen, die selbst ein Gott nicht beantworten kann.

Erklimme Riesige Bestien
Überkomme nahezu unmögliches, um die massiven Bestien zu erklimmen und zu besiegen, die an dieses Land gebunden sind.

Kletter, Gleite, Schwimme
Du kannst auf nahezu allem klettern das du erreichen kannst, über Ruinen, Bergen bis hin zu den Massiven Bestien dieses Land bewohnen. Steige auf zu den Spitzen er Berge und gleite dann über die offene Welt, um zuvor unerreichbare Stelle zu erforschen. Schwimme in eiskalten Gewässern, um versteckte Orte zu entdecken die Geheimnisse und Schätze offenbaren. Aber verweile nicht zu lange oder es könnte dein letztes Mal im Wasser gewesen sein.

Erkunde, Fertige und Überlebe
Du erreichst diese gefrorene Insel nur mit deinen Kleidern am Leib - es liegt nun an dir zu Überleben. Mache Feuer, Jage nach Essen und finde die Ausrüstung, die du brauchst, um in einem ewigen Winter zu überleben. Du hast nicht nur die Natur als deinen Feind, daher fertige Waffen, besiege Gegner, um bessere Ausrüstung zu erlangen und erforsche lange vergessene Höhlen, um ihre Geheimnisse zu entdecken. Über diese Prüfungen zu triumphieren wird dich rüsten für das nahezu unmögliche das dir bevor steht.

Finde deinen Weg
Praey for the Gods ist ein nicht lineares Spiel, wo du dir aussuchst gegen wen du kämpfst und wie. Die riesigen Bestien können in jeder Reihenfolge angegangen werden, so entscheidest du über deinen Weg.

Löse das Rätsel
Warum hört dieser Winter nicht auf? Warum kam niemand zurück? Kryptische Bilder führen zu einer Geschichte die lang vergessen schien. Um die Balance wiederherzustellen und das Land vom Abgrund zurück zu gewinnen, muss du dich der Frage stellen, die selbst ein Gott nicht beantworten kann.

Eine wunderschöne erstarrte Welt
Erforsche eine Landschaft erfüllt vom nicht endenden Winter, umgeben von schneebedeckten Bergspitzen und kriechendem Nebel. Die Überreste einer uralten Zivilisation liegen vor dir, aber lass die Bewunderung nicht in Nachlässigkeit übergehen – Schneestürme können dich jeder Zeit je überraschen und in einen Blizzard verschwinden lassen. Glücklicherweise hinterlässt du Spuren im Schnee die du zurückverfolgen kannst, solltest du dich verlaufen.


  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz, AMD CPU Phenom II X4 940.
  • GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 660 or AMD GPU Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: DirectX 11 is necessary to run the game.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel CPU Core i7 3770 3,4 GHz, AMD CPU AMD FX-8350 4 GHz
  • GFX: Nvidia GPU GeForce GTX 770 or AMD GPU Radeon R9 290
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1) or Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: DirectX 11 is necessary to run the game.
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

634 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 01:57
Ja, ist schon ganz nett. Hätte ich gewusst, wie man den Greifhaken richtig verwendet, dann hätte ich 8 Stunden weniger in diesem Spiel verbracht, sach ich euch.
9109 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 22:32
Gut: Viele Übersetzungen.
Schlecht: Alle Sprachen wurden mit dem Google Translator übersetzt.

Keine der Sprachen, Deutsch / Englisch, bietet einen vollkommen verständlichen Spielspaß.
106 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 22:21
Bitte mehr ! :D
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 10:43
Vorweg an die die geschrieben haben es wäre ein Masterpiece: krabbelt aus euer Höhle mal raus und entdeckt den Spiele-markt mal. Das Spiel hat noch ein langen Weg vor sich. Die Ausdauer-leiste ist ein absoluter Witz, diese nimmt so schnell ab nach wenigen Aktionen das ein freies Bewegen absolut unmöglich ist. Die Kolosse haben alle noch Macken die ausgemerzt werden müssen wie z.B. beim Stier hab ich im Maul fest gehangen und kam nicht raus, beim Yeti hat der Harken nie funktioniert. Es kam zu kompletten Spiel abstütze da die Kolosse aktionen gemacht haben was das Game nicht verarbeiten konnte z.B. wenn man an Wänden gehangen hat die darauf zerstört wurden. Es gibt noch so viel mehr was überarbeitet werden muss und da kommt mir eine Frage auf. Warum wird ein Game veröffentlicht was eine reine Baustelle ist und dafür noch Geld verlangt?
Das Spiel hat Potenzial aber nach so vielen Jahren in Early Access und noch so vielen Fehlern sollte mehr geschehen sein wenn von 1.0 geredet wird
196 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
412 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 18:39
Die Bosskämpfe sind gut gemacht. Hoffendlich kommen da noch viele viele dazu.
Der Survivalaspekt macht mich gar nicht an und erinnert zu stark an BOTW. Schmeißt den kram raus, 15 Bosse oben drauf, gib dem Mädel ein Reittier und wir haben eine Brauchbare alternative zu Shadow of the Colossus auf PC.
202 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 13:03
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu Praey for the Gods. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/praey-for-the-gods//

Von einigen kleinen Schwachpunkten abgesehen, hat es mir Praey for the Gods wirklich angetan. Bereits von Beginn an, hatte es diesen mysteriösen, unbekannten Touch, sodass man herausfinden möchte, was genau hier passiert ist. Und die Spannung bzw. der Reiz ist auch bisher bei mir nicht verflogen. Immer wieder habe ich das Spiel gestartet und weitergespielt, während ich bereits am Schreiben des Reviews war. Daraus resultiert auch, dass ich nun doch schon gut 10 Stunden Spielzeit in das Spiel investiert habe.

Dabei habe ich 4 der aktuell 6 Bosse besiegt – befinde mich also noch nicht am Ende. Laut offizieller Roadmap sind zudem mindestens 2 weitere Bosse geplant, sodass es am Ende insgesamt 8 sein sollen. Ich denke, dass man somit bereits in der aktuellen Version des Spiels locker 15 Spielstunden investieren kann, gerade wenn man es auch noch auf die Sammelgegenstände abgesehen hat. Mit dem zukünftigen Content könnten es dann sogar mehr als 20 Spielstunden werden. Weiterhin dürften die höheren Schwierigkeitsgrade eine Herausforderung für all diejenigen darstellen, die nach dem ersten Durchspielen noch nicht genug von der Einöde hatten.

Für die derzeit veranschlagten knapp 25€ bietet das Spiel bereits eine gute Menge Inhalt. Die generelle Qualität der Präsentation, also die Grafik, der Sound und die Verknüpfung der Spielmechaniken, ist auf einem hohem Niveau und fast durchweg gelungen. Wenn die Entwickler mit gleicher Sorgfalt weiter am Spiel arbeiten und weiteren Content sowie sonstige Verbesserungen einbringen, dann sehe ich keinen Grund, warum Praey for the Gods nicht eine echte Indie-Perle werden sollte – wenn es das nicht schon längst ist.
99 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 21:07
very good game
61 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 00:07
if you dont have a playstation and haven't played shadow of the colossus play this. if you do have a playstation and have play shadow of the colossus also play this
568 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 18:25
Well worth the purchase. A fantastic successor to Shadow of the Colossus with fascinating lows and dizzying highs. All with a team of three people. Great job on this! If I could go back in time to support this game's kickstarter I would. They deserve it.
256 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 22:38
A fantastic, engaging, captivating, rewarding experience!

Short version: If Shadow of the Colossus and BOTW had a child raised by Dark Souls, ir would be Praey for the Gods.

This small dev team has put out one of my favourite games, and you owe it to yourself to experience it! Thank you all so very much
82 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 15:10
As a Unity3D developer, I find this game to be awesome! I hope they make more open world monster games.
84 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 19:34
not really any fuild gameplay
374 Produkte im Account
111 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 21:52
Cool game, but i hate those one-shot attacks from bosses. I get it, they are big and strong, but I'm on easy mode for a reason, so don't annoy me with bs like that.

edit: thumbs up for caring.
375 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 13:40
The game very quickly overwhelms you with mechanics before you're even in the game world and continues to do so after you start controlling the character. On top of this, the tutorial who tries to teach you some mechanics tell you to do the exact opposite of what you need at one point, which caused me to be stuck for 15min (after you get the grapple hook and the game shows that you can grapple to a target, it tells you how to unequip it, when you actually need to aim at a very specific part of the opposite wall that doesn't have the target you were just shown). On top of this, frost kicks in before you ever get told how to handle it (apart from reading through all of the difficulty options).

You're also able to go, seemingly, an infinite distance in the wrong direction from the point where you gain control of the character with no indication that you're doing something wrong (there is a clear path forward, but any RPG player will definitely try to explore to make sure they don't miss anything)

The movement feels clunky and from what I can tell the game is very confused what it's trying to be. It feels as if the game tries to be BotW, SotC, a soulslike and something entirely different at the same time and as previously mentioned the result is to overwhelm the player and not gaining any one distinct feel.

As someone who waited for the 1.0 release for years before playing, I'm quite disappointed to tell the truth. I'll still play the game to get a bigger picture, but so far I'm not very hopeful.
248 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 19:49
This game is incredible. I tried it once in early access and then again on full release, streamed it too. Myself and everyone watched loved every moment of it! The platforming was fun, Grappling Hook + Glider, what's not to love?!
Exploration really paid off, it felt like the devs were rewarding you for searching every nook and cranny, there was something interesting to see, something to collect, valuable crafting materials.

This is a diamond in the rough, really. I see this and I imagine what the team could've made with more time, more funding, a bigger team... Only thing it's really lacking is a bit of polish. Sometimes the climbing/camera can be a bit janky, sometimes and enemy drops loot that falls through the floor. It's not a common thing but it happened enough to mention. I played this game on normal because the survival aspects were more of an unfair annoyance than an actual challenge, especially with how often snowstorms are.
Honestly though don't let that stop you. This is an incredible experience with a brilliant soundtrack! You'd be missing out if you didn't play it.
666 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 19:33
Hate to say it but this game heavily falls flat with confusing boss mechanics, confusing terrain, poor difficulty scaling, and I would even go as far as say the entire gameplay is confusing with how clunky movement is and how bad the UI is. This entire game is mostly just a frustrating experience than a immersive experience like shadow of the colossus was.
I really don't recommend this game.
893 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 12:20
If you ever played Shadow of the Colossus (SOTC) on the PlayStation 2 and you're nostalgic for that experience again on PC, you will get the SOTC Remaster for the PlayStation 3 along with wonky controls. The fights with the titans of the land are not difficult if you have the patience of a saint. If you're willing to forgive the controls (that seem to be the hidden titan throughout the game), there is something here.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 03:59
Lowkey Shadow of the Colossus
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 15:50
well is the same mechanic with shadow of collosus+survivor planning. and no horse you explore by walking. i play with no walkthough,wiki,youtube or guide. what i can say is some boss kinda anoyying. like the trall boss. dude i fight him like 30 min just to figure how to kill it. look forward to more boss, and i wish i can ride the wolf to explore the map
459 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 13:44
It's an open world Shadow of the colossus like with a bigger emphasis on exploration and survival elements. And it's pretty damn good.
126 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 23:07
The game is good not the best (6/10) it has a good mix of exploration, crafting and boss fighting as well as some fun puzzles along the way.The game lacks in its mechanics especially when fighting a boss that one shot kills you so having to deal with the clunky mechanics that ruin the fun was annoying.The snow filled world in this game is interesting at first but starts to become pale as you play more also, the game seriously needs a fast travel system having to go over certain areas over and over again to search for collectible was annoying. Now the story in this game is really poor in term of the cut scenes and boss fights they don't really tell you anything about the story However, in the notes you collect in the map you find much more interesting bits of the story but not everyone will collect them so going solely on the main quest line and fighting the all of the bosses you don't really learn much about the story of the game so in conclusion, the game is fun especially if you previously played shadow of the colossus and like the boss fighting elements of the game it also doesn't have a high price tag which is good but it will probably be more worth it to pick it up on sale.
1971 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 02:30
I'm going to preface this by saying I never played Shadow of the Colossus so I can't compare it to that. Praey for the Gods is a game where you fight bosses 100x your size as you climb up them to attack their weak points. Boss battles take time as you not only try to avoid these huge boss' attacks, you also need to find safe areas to climb up or even open up paths just to reach the boss. Boss' will have bells you have to ring three times on them that you'll have to search for. The game does have a stamina system where you'll fall off if you run out but you have a good amount of stamina that the only way you'll really fall off is if you get greedy and try to attack over and over without ever stopping to rebuild stamina.

There is a bit of a survival system but the game has an interesting difficulty setting. There's difficulty settings set up just for how hard the boss fights will be and a separate difficulty setting for the survival aspect of the game. The survival aspect feels very tedious as exploring for supplies can be a chore. I highly recommend even if you want a harder game, to choose the story sub setting. Items can degrade and break, even the grappling hook, but I never had anything break on me at the story setting. You could beat all the bosses without even using the grappling hook as well so don't feel like the grappling hook breaking might deter you from the game.

Outside of the annoying survival aspect which can essentially be turned off, the boss fights are a lot of fun! The world isn't massive so you won't be exploring too much. There are some enemies you can run into in the world but you can really just outrun all of them. The game's all about the boss fights and it certianly delivers on that front! I had a blast playing this game and definitely recommend giving it a chance.
1833 Produkte im Account
693 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 02:51
Clearly inspired by, but lacking the charm of Shadow of the Colossus. It's hard to pinpoint how this game misses the mark, but I think it probably tries to do too much, and a lot of the systems in this game are not great. The survival isn't fun, it's annoying, and takes away from what this game could have been.
237 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 10:10
This game is amazing. I'm seriously astonished that there are any negative reviews. Well, actually, not really, cuz you know... the internet... But honestly it's incredible. Yes, we all know it's extremely similar to Shadow of the Colossus (which rules), but it's much more involved with RPG-esque upgradibility and more weapon options, etc. It's absolutely beautiful and the music is super epic as well. BUY IT. And contact the developers and give it positive reviews to entice them to release a physical copy as well :D I love my Steam copy, but a PS5 (or Xbox or whatever) copy would be freakin epic.
803 Produkte im Account
461 Reviews
1602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 15:57
Pugilist paladin pursues praey through a perpetual permafrost purgatory plagued by a pantheon of prodigious phantasms.
187 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
84 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 00:02
if botw and shadow of the colossus had a child with terrible physics and unresponsive controls
193 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 22:45
for its price I would say it more than meets the requirement of a shadow of the colosis clone. this game has charm. its got freedom. its got enemies big and small. yeah its a bland snowy landscape, but this terrain is challenging, unforgiving, and its your job to use your tools to fight off the elements and your foes. which is more than I can say for shadow of the colosis. I cant wait for a sequel to this game. if they do another game with double or triple the amount of UNIQUE colosal enemies and build on that world with more variety in biomes than I would be more than happy to shell out 70 - 80 bucks Canadian.
if you missed playing shadow of the colosis, I would highly recommend this game. I must get back to the blizzard and explore wish me luck.
1008 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 20:35
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average (1)
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
(1) main objective and some extra

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☑ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
286 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 10:50
Shadow of the Colossus ft. Breath of the Wild.

Much like one of its primary inspirations, Praey For the Gods proves that adding crafting and survival elements to a classic formula only dilutes the game and turns it into a grindfest that adds unnecessary padding and takes away from the core gameplay; in this case, slaying massive Colossi.

It only has 9 bosses (although the last one feels more like 2 separate monsters fought back to back), meaning that it would be a lot shorter than SotC if it weren't for the sluggish grind through the environment for the scant resources to level up your armor, health, and stamina, actions that are practically a requirement against the enemies due to their extremely cheesy attacks that fit into one of two flavors: unavoidable 1-hit-KOs and swift attacks that stunlock you until you die. There isn't an inbetween, really, and this is made worse by the lack of i-frames in the dodge.

Your time between colossus fights are filled with ingredient hunting and boring, meaningless encounters against random zombies, wild boar, and the rare puzzle, rather than a peaceful carefree ride through forests, plains, and cliffs to your final destination. The hunger, durability, stamina, ammo, sleep, cold, and even health systems are all poorly designed and vastly more annoying than anything approaching fun, regardless of difficulty.

The real issue with the game, however, is the total lack of consistency in the controls. To start with, the game just... doesnt let you aim properly... sometimes. it has this weird gridlike stutter stepping issue that prevents you from precision aiming (specifically the bomb flowers and scrolling around the game map).

Then, there are more cases than I can count where the game would simply eat my controller input while trying to do an extremely important action that would save me from death. You can tell when it occurs because your stamina bar will be close to full but the game will pretend like it isn't. As far as I can tell, these happen by being too close to an unclimbable surface like ice or metal. (My best guess is when you try to jump or latch on to a surface, the game interprets you as being closer to the unclimable surface than the climbable one, and then simply rejects the input because the surface is unclimbable rather than relocate to the nearest climbable spot you're actually aiming the control stick at). These events happen a dozen times a boss, and they heavily impact the core fun of the game.
81 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 07:06
If you took Shadow of the Colossus, combined it with Breath of the Wild, and added some good, and some dumb mechanics, this is what you would get. There are many good things with the game, and many bad things as well.

Lets start off with the good things.
  • Most of the colossi (all but two) are extremely fun to fight against. If you've played Shadow of the Colossus, and liked fighting Avion and Phalanx, then do I have good news for you. There's two flying colossi that are just as fun.
  • The music, and sound design for this game is phenomenal.
  • The exploration aspect is amazing with you being able to practically go anywhere you want, so long as the thing you are trying to climb is not ice. Not to mention the puzzles that you can come across, which utilize drawings found on rocks and cave walls to guide you in completing them.

Now for the bad things...
  • If you choose a game difficulty where weapons break, you will quickly find out that every weapon is incredibly fragile, and will break incredibly quickly.
  • Animals take an incredibly long time to respawn, but I'm hoping that this will be changed in future updates.
  • Snow storms are a thing that encourage you to not play the game. If you're caught out in one, you can't see a thing, and you start to freeze to death. The solution is to hide in a cave, and wait for it to stop. Now this wouldn't be so bad if snow storms didn't last 20 minutes, with a 2 minute break in between each one. Also certain clothing have cold resistance, but from what I can tell it doesn't help at all. You'll still start to freeze if you're in a snow storm.
  • In addition to your cold meter, you also have hunger, and tiredness, which is just a nuisance. Both deplete faster than the time it takes for your weapons to break... So if you pick a difficulty where those matter, you probably won't be seeing much colossi as all you'll be doing is trying to find food, and sleep.
  • Remember when I said there were two infuriating colossi? Let's talk about the mechanics you'll encounter with those two (without spoiling anything). When it comes to Shadow of the Colossus, NONE OF THEM were smart. What I mean by this, is that if you were about to stab one of them, they wouldn't slap you like a mosquito, killing you in one hit. Guess what? There's a colossus that does that in this game. It has a weak spot on both of it's arms, and if you don't get to it and hit it quick enough, you're dead. Instantly. That's one of the infuriating ones. The other is like if you combined Gaius, and Malus. There's a certain pathway you have to take up its body, you have to jump to and from different limbs, it's about as skinny as Gaius which makes grabbing the limbs a nightmare, and it walks while you're trying to jump from limb to limb making the jumping part a nightmare.

If you rage easily, or hate bad game mechanics, play this on Easy/Normal, and on Story mode (which means hunger, and tiredness only affect how quickly your stamina regenerates, and weapons can't break. They can be damaged, but can't break). Overall, like Shadow of the Colossus, it's a good game, but it has some dumb parts to it.
517 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 03:40
Prey for the Gods is a game that wore me down. It’s a game in the vein of Shadow of the Colossus- there’s giant creatures that you have to go murder for reasons, you climb them to accomplish this. The world it paints from the getgo is apocalyptically bleak, an everlasting winter that makes survival near impossible grips the land. An eternal blizzard so cold that metallic tools and weapons become brittle and break. The vibes very much justifies the survival aspects of the gameplay, and thematically weapons breaking so fast does genuinely make sense.

The issue is the world and actual gameplay don’t entirely mesh, and the additions to the Shadow of the Colossus formula are unnecessary and/or poorly implemented. The way the food and sleep bars affect your stamina genuinely elude me, and you’re stripped of them so quickly there’s not much point in trying to keep them filled given how little the world gives you those resources. There’s a lot of traveling in this game, and the closest thing to moving quickly is a glider you have- provided there’s not a storm raging at the time. And you climb up to a high point, and the direction you want to go is downhill. There’s no mount like Agro to speed things up, there’s certainly no fast travel. All the while heat is a constant threat because if it’s drained, you start losing health (depending on your difficulty). The initial issue is the game doesn’t tell you that you can chop down trees other than the small ones you can just gather from, you have to find an ax for them to tell you that. There’s a chance you could find out yourself, but why would you randomly attack a tree? But also using an ax on a tree absolutely shreds its durability, because as mentioned the cold has made everything brittle. And the way resource buildup works in this game is that at the start it’s impossible to actually maintain your items, and after a while if you do any wandering you have more than enough to maintain multiple weapons- which flies in the face of the aesthetic of the setting. You do even more exploring and you learn that there’s that equipment you can get, but again the limited resources and the time it takes to travel means you have to spend a lot of time rooting around to actually upgrade them to the point they’re worth taking over the default equipment you’ve been upgrading anyway.

Guys, I haven’t even gotten to the part about killing the giant monsters yet. Y’know, the point of the game? Okay. So I’m going to call them Blights, because I’m fairly sure the game used that one in reference to them although not capitalized. First off, don’t worry about the sword you collected, it doesn’t matter in the boss fights. I think only one boss requires you to use a bow. The fights themselves, conceptually, can be cool- often times they’re located in areas that prior clans have bound them and/or prepared to kill them. Why none of them are dead is currently a mystery to me, perhaps the answer lies in one of the many notes you can find. But regardless, the setup for how you weaken and engage the Blights can be cool. The thing is, the Blights don’t have very clean designs. There are these sigils (which are actually pretty cool visually/thematically) bound to them, which act as the points where you do damage to them. These sigils are physically bonded to them with ropes, so one would think that if you see ropes, there’s going to be a sigil. This is incorrect. Most of them have hair coating their bodies, which you can cling to. And just like its spiritual predecessor, the climbing is awkward as hell. Several of the Blights also have excess hair that doesn’t really need to be there and makes the fight that much more unclear- because again, the sigils not being very clearly identifiable from more than 15 feet away when they start glowing makes it hard to actually find them. So you get to the sigil, and unlike Shadow of the Colossus where you just kinda poke it with your sword at various intensities until it bleeds, the sigils work with a three checkpoint system. You have to slowly pull out the center bit and then slam it in to ring a bell within, three times with each sigil. The problem with that is the Blights move around to haphazardly that you spend a lot of time beginning to pull the center out only for the lightest of movements to negate what non-checkpoint progress you make.

I wrote a lot. I could probably do more, but TL;DR: It’s Shadow of the Colossus but worse in most ways. It adds things it didn’t need to, and most of those additions are done poorly.
141 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 20:23
I updated my review after beating this game on legendary diffucultyoost survival mode and readingwatching a bunch of negative reviews on this product.
NoMatter Studio, if you read reviews, please, check this. In first place, I bring up some technical issuesquality of life stuff.

Now, to users.
Things you should know before you buy: actual technical issues and quality of life points.

Here I'll tell you what I have actually faced here.

- clunky controls
Most of negative reviews were about them.
I didn't feel that my controls were clunky at all. But, maybe, it is due to the fact I play on minimum quality level with 800x600 resolution (otherwise my PC gets overheated pretty soon and just switches off, thus, it is either 'Shadow of the Colossus PS2 original release graphics, or nothing), but on this quality level the heroine response quite flawless with no lag input (played with PS4 dualshock gamepad, connected to my PC via USB).
What I did face, though, here is: when I switch back to keyboard, and then to gamepad during the playtrhough (when I need to aim very precisely with a bow, for example), there may be not lag input, but a moment when the heroine won't react to gamepad at all, and the game need second or two for re-recognizing it. Thus, if you play both with a keyboardmouse and gamepad attach, you are warned: it may be issues right after changing controls.

- camera
Ah, yes. You will face some moments with it.
It tries to brign you feelings of colossi shaking, flying, turning, moving and so on.
In some cases it actually helps you by telling if the surface you are grabbing to is flat so that you can actually stand on it. And it really helps.
But, mostly, it will cover your screen with furstonewhatever colossi has on its body you are grabbing to, confusing you and giving you some disorientation and additional time to understand where you are and where you are crawling now.
For real, this may be your most dangerous enemy sometimes. Not too often, though. Again, ocassionally and not for long.

- unskippable cutscenes
Some of them are totally unskippable (not too many of them, mostly - some plot-driving ones), and for the most part - you can skip them, but not from the start, and usually have to wait for a second or so after the video starts. I understand why it may be issue, especially during tough fights when you just want to re-try the battle and don't want to watch the scene you already know by heart.

- ocassional lags with grabbing
When you want to climb from one surface to another (both of wich are stick together, but either at some weird or sharp angle, and, clearly, there is no empty space between them), the heroine may choose not to climb from one surface to another, forcing you either to stand on the ground and re-grab to the surface you need, or, if there is no such option, just release yourself and regrab with your grappling hook. I didn't face this issue while fighting colossi, but there were moments with it during regular open world exploring

- ocassional music fading
When you switch to your inventorysettings screens and back to game, there may be a chance that overall sound volume lows down. This can be fix easily by switching back to the settings screen and return to game again. Got it a couple of times.

- black screens at locations switching (cave entrances, in and out)
Got this bug once: I left the cave, could hear my heroine walking, breathing and jumping, open inventorysettingssave-load screen and so on, but the location itself was totally black.
This was a one-time issue, and everything solved once I've loaded the game (had a manual save right before leaving that cave, thus, nothing was lost), but, still. It is a really tiny chance you may face it (literally, I've played for nearly 30 hours and completed the game twice, and only once met this bug. But you are warned: it _can_ happen).

That's for actual technical issues me myself faced.

Now for quality of life stuff.

- no choice of what to pick if there are a lot of stuff on the ground
If there are a lot of things lying around you, it is very difficult to choose manually what to pick and what not to, as you have to aim very precisely to the very item you need, and there is no button like 'highlight all the lying stuff' like in Diablo, and no additional windowscrolling option to switch through loot before gathering it. Only aiming for now.
Very, very precise. As your pouch is divided into sections for:
supporthealing items, it can be a problem sometimes.
It my case it was like:
There were a lot of arrows, and a tiny berry among them.
I had my backpack already full of arrows and, not only didn't need them, but the game told me that there is no space in my inventory (for them - yes, pretty fair, all arrow slots were filled).
Thus, in order to pick that stupid berry, I had two options:
Either to move somewhere and to drop all my arrows to pick up those which are near the berry I need
Or, to aim with a mouse, to a very particular pixel at which the main heroine at last understand what particular thing I want her to pick.
And I don't think I need to explain further why it is an actual flaw and should be fixed.

- no default weapons memorizing (at least for me. Devs replied that this should not happen and they are investigating this case)
The issue is, you have three hotkeys: one for meele, one for range, one for grappling hook.
And here is the case:
To shoot your bow and to shoot your hook, you press the same button.
And, if, you _didn't_ equip your hook, the game picks a bow as a default. This fact is okay and I get it.

What is not okay:
If you did not use your bow at all, but use only grappling hook all the time (and, believe me, you will use it, you want to use it, it is a must to use it at some points), and then die or load game manually, and just hit 'aimshoot button'... The heroine picks the bow instead, just because she can. Even if you didn't use it at all since the very start of the game.
Alternatively, after death or a manual load, if you don't have a bow in your inventory (and, still, used your hook before you died or when you made a new safe file), and, again, you just hit 'aim' without telling the heroine to equip your grappling hook manually, she just won't react to your command and won't aim at all. At least until you re-equip the hook to the hotkey.

Thus, now you are warned.
If all the listed technical issuesquality of life stuff is totally unacceptable to you, but you still interested in the game conceptwant to try it, but afraid that the game costs too much and is still so unpolished - I'd recommend you either: wishlist and subscribe and follow the updates, as the developers releasing hotfixes frequenlty and react quickly to bugs and feedbacks, or to get Praey of the Gods on sale.

Despite all the listed, I still recommend this game.
Like, hey, it was made by a team of only three developers. It is a finished product, it is definitely not rushed out, it is made with care, and there are may be some uncomfortable stuff, but overall, everything here is more than good and worth trying out. Really.

Thus, those were technical issues.
And now the original text of my review, totally subjective, and only about how it feels (at least, to me).

I have just finished my playthrough (hard difficulty, boost survival mode).

Overall feeling:
Nice, really nice. Throughout the whole game I was wondering if it's just a game-fanfiction, or a true sequel to Shadow of the Colossus. And, after beating the game - yes, you can call Praey for the Gods a real non-official fan-made sequel to that great game.

Now pros:
First off, the colossi themselves.

The rest in comments. Start from 1st page to continue.
1218 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
1031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 05:45
I picked up this game around the time it originally launched into Early Access and after a few hours of dealing with some bad framerates, and a constant crash at the same point, I ended up just uninstalling it with the intent to revisit later after it had more time in the oven.

I then forgot all about it, until the other day when Steam told me it had released into 1.0. I had originally been super pumped about the game so I installed it and fired it up.

And then I could not stop playing it. I'm a huge fan of Shadow of the Colossus, and this feels like a loveletter to Team Ico's game and yet somehow still manages to do things in its own way and in some ways even elevate above SotC. Its incredibly rewarding to play, has really well designed mechanics, and is absolutely beautiful in everyway, from its gorgeous visual design to the phenomenal music. I'm absolutely amazed at how far the game came and could not recommend it more highly. I look forward to seeing what this dev does in the future, and to replaying Praey for the Gods many times over the rest of my life!
1865 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
1149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 05:39
The fact that I compare it to Shadow of the Colossus shows what this small three man dev team has done.
Dial it in to how hard you want it to be and set off on a grand adventure.
Boss fights are the main attraction, but crafting, lore, exploring,gliding and grappling hook all help round
things out.
This doesn't hold your hand to much which is nice, but you never feel totally lost.
If the price seems high wait for a sale, but don't let this one get away, cause it's worth a play through.
Just for the experience.
562 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 15:03
I followed this indie game since the start and I finished it when it came out (because we were able to keep our saves and it missed the final boss with the ending). If you do want to rush the game, it will be around 8-10 hours straight of gaming only. But that's only for rushing. You may want to wander to find better gears (new clothes), weapons. tools and materials.

Sure that the weapons you do find from the start are crude and easely to break, but you actually find some with higher durability. Annoying at the start, I give you that feeling of Breath of the Wild. Possibly they could tune up a bit more with the durability and I am pretty sure it can make some reviewers a bit more happy about it. At least they have not experienced that time when the weapons litterally breaks in your hands, while fighting undead draugr, warriors or whatever their names are.

As for the Survival aspect, it is pretty alright. It is manageable. But you do want still to keep an eye on constantly, especially the Warm. The game is heavily focused on the temperature. The weather in this world can radically change all of sudden. It can be a littler warmer during many hours. But with a blizzard, it is getting colder. If that bar reaches to zero, you will start losing your Health. It is better to look around, find and spot some refuges around the world. Travelling in this mountainous island can be quite treacherous. But be at ease that whenever you sleep in a refuge, the time passes. So if you want to skip a blizzard, your bet is doing so.

Finally, the boss fights mechanic. It is Shadow of the Colossus: Find a way to climb up these giants, locate the weakspots and attack them their. Compared to SotC, each one of them are differents. Thought SotC, you have some which they are litterally differents, but some of them were quite some kind of clones with a few variants (First colossus with the mace, then you have one in the ruin with the beard and finally the one with the sword in the castle ruins are quite identicals for their look.)

Yet, for an indie game, I also encountered many problems in all the aspects, even climbing one of the bosses was hard due to some kind of misjumps or not fully able to go throught, being stuck, especially near the end of the game bosses.

For all of this with their problems that I mentionned above in my other paragraphs, I did enjoyed the game itself. It worths to try this game on my part and following this game since alpha. The game is good with some problems in their own mechanics. But it is a game created by 3 guys, giving the aspects of Survival, Exploration with some fights along the way and a Shadow of the Colossus boss fights. Hard to mix, but the devs did it.
754 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 06:38
It's like they combined shadow of the colossus and breath of the wild, but only the worst parts.

Weapons are made of cardboard and will crumble if you look at them because it's just too cold to exist apparently. You'll spend most your time slowly waddling through empty fields of snow trying to keep not one, not two, but three different survival meters full (food, sleep, and warmth) which admittedly aren't too terrible to manage, but just annoying enough to complain about. Enemies dodge through walls and their attacks have hitboxes the size of texas.

And to top it all off, the climbing is just so unbearably janky. Which is a big problem when climbing is the most important mechanic in the game.

I really wanted to like this game, but with how it plays you'd think this was still an alpha build. I'm only 4.2 hours and two bosses in so far so if it gets better i'll update the review to show it, but so far it's just miserable.
1569 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 05:30
Praey for the Gods. An ambitious attempt by a three-person studio to make a clone of timeless classic — Shadow of the Colossus. At its best, it is almost as good as Shadow of the Colossus at its worst. At its worst, it has terrible Colossus physics, unnecessary survival elements that disincentivize exploration, and everyone's favourite 'weapon durability' mechanic.

It misses most of the marks it needs to hit to be a good SotC clone.
Most Colossi look and play like copies of the original ones adjusted to the team size and ability. You can see the familiar designs and tells, but the level of interactivity and polish is not there. There are no epic horse rides into the unknown, high-speed pursuits with shooting the colossus from horseback, playing hide-and-seek, or many other things that made SotC great.

Both protagonists' and Colossi's physics and animations are way worse than in SotC. Instead of smooth stumble-and-roll inverse kinematic animation for your character when a colossus stomps their feet and the ground trembles underneath you, there are awful invisible shockwaves and you falling on the ground like a Havok-enabled sack of stale potatoes. Instead of using colossus' momentum to fling yourself from one part of it to another, there's only awkward jittery crawling and unexplainable physics glitches the second you let go of the 'Grab' button.

The copying doesn't just stop on including the colossi in the game. First, there's a central hub temple with murals depicting colossi in which you wake up after defeating each of them. Next, there's a room with a light well in which you can talk to a mysterious entity guiding you towards your next target. Finally, there's a light beacon that guides you towards your next target. But surprisingly, there's no way to find the weak spots on the colossus' body — the one thing that this game would actually benefit from. Sure, there are ropes on their bodies that you can follow, but they are sometimes just as hard to see as the weak points themselves.

I cannot comment much on the side-content since playing this game on Hard difficulty with Survival elements enabled really disincentivized exploration. Your 'Hunger' and 'Energy' bars only last you several minutes, and some weather effects can wipe your 'Warmth' bar in less than that before you even notice. In addition to that, any damage you receive also drains all of your bars a little, which leads to Skyrim-style gorging yourself with food after every hit you take.

The only interesting things that this game tries to add to the formula are Grappling Hook and Glider (arguably, it was already in SotC as a reward for defeating 14 colossi in a Hard Mode Time Attack). But, unfortunately, those are primarily used during the traversal towards the colossus' lair and not really during the fights themselves.

I see absolutely no reason to recommend anyone to play this game instead of booting up a PS2 emulator and playing the original Shadow of the Colossus.
120 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 23:57
Has that Shadow of the Colossus feel (which i love), but with survival added to it. Great game so far and the fights are good an engaging. Some of the bosses did some things that actually surprised me.
Camera angles can get a little weird sometimes, but it's a very good game overall, especially if you love SotC
I look forward to more updates and the rest of the game
321 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 01:10
shadow of the colossus Ice edition
631 Produkte im Account
244 Reviews
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 01:04
Really fun game, but expect to repeat several of the boss fights many times. lol Worth it to finish though.
506 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 01:06
An ABSOLUTE masterpiece (and the game is not even finished). Epic in scope, the theme of cold chills to the bone, giant behomoth gods awoken from their frozen slumber to be methodically stilled forevermore backed by astounding soundtracks and music that could easily be mistaken from the works of Hollywood's finest composers.
Never before or again will a game have moved me like this one and I care not for comparisons to it's inspiration but I am totally confident when a team of just three men come together and create something legendary in execution. This game demonstrates with unmitigated ease why it is a fight to the death against the cold, the gods and the enemies completely intent on taking your life and why surviving against all the odds will be a rewarded with sheer joy in toppling a deity and dying another day.
This amazing title reflects the unsurpassed talent of it's small three-man development team and it shows in the work that has been put in to create one of the finest games to be released this decade and dare I say it a gift from the gods.
Easily a perfect 10.
100 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 11:40
I love Shadow of the Colossus. I have never played it, but when I heard about this game I was pretty hyped because no one's gonna put SOTC on pc for the next 200 years, and I'm not buying a console just for one game, no matter how good it is.

I've never played SOTC but I've seen several playthroughs because I can't play it myself. Now this game, it clearly has inspiration from many games, especially SOTC. But it is unique.

I'd say this game's biggest weakness is that it doesn't explain itself very well, as it just gave me the basic mechanics and left me alone to do my own thing, leading me to search up other basic mechanics like certain material gathering that I would have never found out about on my own.
If you're like me and you got this game because it seems very much like SOTC, don't get it for that reason. Lot's of people say it's basically just SOTC with a little bit of breath of the wild, but that statement is misleading. Praey for the Gods, unlike what you may think, feels a lot more like a brutal survival game that is sort of similar to breath of the wild, but with trash durability on weapons, a little bit clunky in terms of combat, and a SOTC themed fight every now and then. That is the best way I can explain it. So if you think getting this game is essentially a one way ticket to SOTC on pc, you'll be sorely disappointed. It's a good game and has a long way to go, but it isn't what I and undoubtedly many other people were expecting.

I feel like in future they should add a different gamemode that focuses on the combat and boss battles whilst eliminating survival features. This is not necessarily to make the game easier per say, more like appealing to a larger fanbase. Because the durability of weapons and the levels of hunger, sleep and cold resistance go down so fast it's not even fun trying to keep up with it by eating a berry every now and then.

Hope this helps you understand the game a bit more if you were like me and thought this game would be like SOTC on pc with some survival elements.

I just hope that one SOTC can be put on pc, because there is nothing that can beat that game in my heart.
201 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 10:34
Wonderful game. Its fun and its looks great. Fans of Shadow of The Colossus will really enjoy it obviously. I cant wait to see it out of Early Access.
326 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 05:07
A must-play if u like Shadow of the Colossus
685 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 17:40
Controls feel like a really early access game, not worth £24.
401 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 13:34
I am a huge fan of Shadow of the Colossus, no question the devs are too and I love it!
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 02:35
Very Similar to Shadow of the Colossus, but clearly has it's own style with how it has crafting, upgrade systems, different armors, and hunting. The atmosphere is hauntingly beautiful, the music is wonderful, and the game is just in and of itself, a blast. Would definitely recommend, 8/10.
156 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 01:37
It feels like shadow of the colossus meets the long dark. There are breath of the wild elements in here too.

I'm a bit lukewarm on the game. I had some major framerate drops near the water but otherwise it performs well. I enjoy the music. The game looks nice enough. I think the animations are a bit stiff but they do what they need to.

My issue is more how the survival mechanics and bossfight mechanics mesh. I don't really want to have to worry about being too cold or being sleepy mid fight. I want to focus on the fight, but the survival mechanics keep jumping in front of me and waving their hands. How do I bring down this behemoth? Hold on boss one sec I need to drink a coffee and make a fire. The two game genres are amazing on their own, but they have conflicts when brought together.

I disliked weapon durability in zelda, and I dislike it even more here where tools break in 5-10 uses.

The boss checkpoints are pretty bad. They place you a good 30 second run away from the fight, and you then have to watch a 10 second cutscene every time(I know there is a skip prompt. The skip prompt doesnt appear for all cutscenes. When it does appear, it appears several seconds after the start of the cutscene.)Please put the checkpoint after the cutscene.

Ultimately I would say it is worth buying but be prepared for some frustration.
102 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 20:27
I've beaten 3 bosses. The bones are there for a good game, but the controls feel wonky. The mechanics are pretty good. The game play loop is a little repetitive and there really isn't much to do besides kill the bosses and a few mobs here and there with pretty OK combat for fighting the small mobs. It has some survival aspects but it's not really fleshed out. Still Early Access so you should definitely keep an eye on it. I'll post an updated review after I beat the game, it is sorta challenging and unforgiving on the hardest difficulty.
73 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1384 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 09:17
In a mixing bowl, mash Shadow of the Colossus. Toss in a cup of Breath of the Wild. Mix in some berries and logs. Throw into the freezer for 6 hours and you'll get Praey for the Gods.

Seriously, you must play this game. It's great!
Bosses are really fun to fight, music is great, graphics are beautiful and there are many details here and there that make you enjoy and immerse on what's happening in-game. If you have your doubts about buying this game then stop hesitating and go buy it. Totally worth it. I recommend playing the Hard difficult from the beginning to feel the real survival aspect of this game
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 10:26
Finished it in 8 hours on Legendary Survival Difficulty. Spent another 5 hours running around looking for totems and notes while enduring the freezing cold, sleepless days, and starvation. In the end I realize that the only true friend is the Wolf. 10/10 would play again for Wolf.
336 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 17:30
Shadow of the Colossus will no doubt be talked about for many years and has gone down as one of the best games of all time. So does Praey for the Gods fall into the shadow of the Colossus? To answer that question in short it does but instead of being hindered, it thrives in the shadow. No Matter Studios has developed something that could be insane in the next couple of updates. They've managed to create a similar feeling to SOTC in terms of making mystery and atmosphere. I'm absolutely over the moon when it came to the random discoveries you would make while you walked around the map. Twice in the beginning I managed to stumble upon two bosses by chance. Both times felt pretty similar to the first couple encounters with the colossi. As for the environment, it can be overbearing and oppressive as the snow feels freezing to the character. This has its drawbacks and advantages as does everything but the easiest thing to do is upgrade the clothing first. Once I did this I was able to travel to every location without worrying about making a quickfire. The playthrough from there was much more enjoyable and simple but this takes away from the survival aspect. With a bit more refinement the survival aspect can make this game shine I feel. As for the bosses, they're exactly what I hoped for, gigantic, unique, and different to take down. Each boss or Colossi feels like they have their personality and react differently with every encounter. The biggest downside of this game and the same issue I had for SOTC was the combat. As great as it is climbing and just the responsiveness when moving on the Colossi was fairly clunky. This is forgivable but it was my largest hangup during my gameplay. So to recap Praey for the Gods captures in places the same feelings and atmosphere as SOTC perfectly. I was able to complete the game or at least this version is roughly 8 hrs or so which is a decent amount of time. Considering the remake Resident Evil 2 took me 6.2 hrs this was surprising given the $30 price tag. On top of that, I picked this game up after three years or so of watching the development for $15 and I couldn't be happier. If you're a fan of Shadow of the Colossus then this game is right up your alley and I had a wonderful time playing it. 73/100
198 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 00:05
this game is all around a fantastic piece of work
106 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 07:54
After playing for hours, i realize, this isnt good. The idea is. This plays horribly. 3rd boss is complete bs. Constant knockback eve when nothing hits me, climbing is terrible. I wish i had refunded when i could. Still early access, but problems make it frustrating. Also, im pretty sure i killed a boss, and nothing happened.... There was nothing left to do, i understand the game, and boss design, so what happened. Waste of an hour. Thats when I shut it down and decided im done. Little enemies are terrible. No lock on, deep snow all over, having to eat, and keep warm? Having to run football field size areas to light things to do boss battles is just annoying. Weapons break Breath of the Wild style, and its worse, if thats possible. I want to like it, but i just cannot now.
250 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 22:32
Loving the game so far but with 1.0 release right around the corner I feel like I would be doing the game a disservice by playing so close to massive improvements.
317 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 17:46
Play the first 30mins of the game and you will see what other games influenced the making of this one. If you like any of those that influenced this you will at least appreciate what the devs are trying to create.
225 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 17:27
I will say this game is very good in terms of immersion, the wind in your ears, the old, etc.
Dealing with the bosses, so far, has been really close calls only because I was playing on Legendary difficulty with Survival selected, which means I can die of hunger, lack of sleep, and the cold. The short instances where I needed to do actual combat however felt a little lacking. I attempted to dodge out of combat, but swinging a weapon immediately tries to drag you into a combo when you start attacking. I literally ran from the first enemies I saw because I couldn't effectively hit them without being hit myself, and at top difficulty, that's rather frustrating.

The game needs more polish, however perhaps when it hits 1.0 it will be way better.
Definitely has the same boss-fighting style as Shadow of the Colossus, (At least for the first two bosses.)

I'm contemplating getting a refund, but at the time of purchase it was 35% off. With this game's potential quality, I think I'll keep it since this game is totally worth it's standard $29.99, maybe more.
25 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 15:38
This game is an absolute masterpiece, and it isn't even finished yet.
The survival aspect mixed in with battling gigantic creatures and even miniature enemies that are ready to dice you into the snow covered landscape makes a nice gameplay mechanic that hardly any other game has.

If there is any cons, it would be item durability depletes REALLY fast, and to eat multiple items you have to repeatedly open the inventory and it it one at a time. But really, that's it.
I highly recommend trying this game off.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 06:05
Just play the game within an hour. I like this game concept bringing single player mixed with storyline and survival because some survival games usually dont include any story in their games because they leave it to gamers imagination to imagine their own story from it. I love the grippling hook like item which is very cool if i have to say. The things that i think need an improvement is the character movements. It felt very sluggish and slow. The dodge is ok and responsive. I wish the melee combat are faster for the character movement. Maybe add some animals like birds in the sky which give more lively situation and lastly, should've use right click for aim and left click to shoot for arrows plus the bow accuracy not so good whatsoever. Maybe the review will be change in the future as i go through
107 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 03:40
EDIT: After reading the considerate developer response about these issues, and knowing that there are changes coming down the pipeline to address difficulties, I have changed my review to positive. I'm leaving my previous review here for useful context to new players like myself!


Let me preface this by saying that I went into PFTG with the notion that it would be a similarly fun experience to SOTC. The charm, the fantasy, the nostalgia. I can't recommend it currently. While the gods themselves are decently a challenge, three glaring problems arise.

The game focuses heavily on survival elements. Body temperatures, drowning, freezing, starving, etc. Wandering aimlessly at painfully slow footspeed, punching boxes in snowbanks and picking berries. It leans far too hard into a survival sandbox with 'colossus killing' somewhere in the background. If you're into hardcore survival games; PFTG may work for you. If you want a classic SOTC experience, you'll find yourself playing The Long Dark with SOTC as an afterthought.

Your weapons will break and they will break often, leaving you unprotected and exposed. There is a constant demand to roam endlessly for parts or hoping to come across random undead and kill them for potential items. Which will then break one fight later. It's Breath of the Wild's weapon degradation problem, but more punishing. You will spend more time repairing, simply trying to understand how repairing/UI works, and collecting random materials hiking slowly around in the snow more than you will face off against gods.

These are hopefully issues that are the result of still being in development. But in places that require you to climb out of the water, you will often become stuck - graphically jittering or unable to jump out, causing you to be killed outside of your control. Getting stunned in some cases is too long a down period, in which an opponent can swing and chain-hit you multiple times simply because you're too slow to recover with animation. It often feels that though you may press the jump or climb button correctly, the character simply doesn't respond in the same timely manner as your controller reflexes - making for a frustrating experience.
27 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 18:18
While largely influenced by Shadow of the Colossus, Praey for the Gods is still fun in a way that serves as a respectable love letter to the aforementioned title and in a good way.
649 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 00:52
I love SOTC so i really enjoyed this game, bosses where fun to fight, environment nice, not so much a fan of survival games so if you explored solved puzzles and upgrade yourself and weapons I would have liked that better but that's just me and Im sure most people will enjoy the survival aspects of the game, few small bugs but for early access this is a great game.
Ryzen 7 3800X, 5700XT, windows 10 64.
2840 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:51
I was quite excited to play this game. It looked like a nice alternative and would give me that shadow of the colossus vibes. It did and it didn't. Like with a lot of things you kind of wish you could give the game a so-so review on steam. Like it's quite impressive (given this game is made by a much smaller team.). Plus the game boast many theoretically fun concepts. But nothing really landed for me. I feel like playing this on the harder settings really gives you a good indication of how some of the concepts are poorly implemented. I'll use one for example.
The survival stuff just kind of did my head in. When dealing with one of the bosses. The last thing you want is to figure out you didn't bring enough food, sleeping bags, or fire wood for the battle. If theses were only effected by how long the fight took you and how much stamina/energy you were using. It wouldn't be that bad. But sometimes, the games environment throws things in to kind of ruin the experience. Wind that makes you incapable of flying the direction of the giant beast. A sudden darkness that makes the battlefield pitch black. Harsh colds that make your heat meter go down insanely fast. All (At least from what i have gathered, you can correct me if i'm wrong.) seemingly random. So you could be very close to the end of a battle and have every thing go down the drain. Making the bosses feel like a chore and a slog to get through. Which was the main reason many people I would purchase the game!

To speak further on the bosses. They all also felt a bit lacking. When I first booted up the game and fought my first boss, I thought eh this is pretty cool! The scale of the bosses is pretty well done. But it loses its flare pretty quick. None of them scream originality. They are all novel. Also there really isn't any skill or problem solving involved in defeating them. Every thing is pretty clearly laid out, kinda insultingly so.

Some of the worst bosses are the final ones. The Yeti and Cordon or whatever its called, its the flying one. For the yeti, hes just kind of annoying. Once you find out your route to beating him, he's stupidly easy. But finding that route out is annoying cause pretty much any hit from his is instant KO. As well, trying to get him to do what you want is annoying. want him slam the ground with his foot? he just wont do it when you want him to. or he'll do the opposite one you can't climb on. Want to try and glide onto his stomach to climb him? he'll swat you out of the air and it's pretty much luck if you survive or not. Also the wind would work against me when trying to glide onto him which was just another annoyance.

For the final boss (the flying one). This may have just been my game, but it would get INSANELY dark every time i'd need to hit his weak point. So dark that i could not even see him, until he started his attack, which then i would need to see (meaning if i'm looking the opposite way, i need to do a 180 to even know where he is.) which consequently would most often relate to me dying. I haven't beat this boss yet cause I was just not feeling like slogging through the dark. just felt like a bother

GRANTED, I am playing playing on legendary and have played on the lower difficulties, which makes all those things a lot more manageable. But then found myself bored. Everything was too easy. I didn't find much of anything challenging anymore. So it just ended up feeling like the mechanics in the game are just poorly implemented and imbalanced.

I don't know. Sucks. Game has a lot of potential and it truly does feel like with a good amount of tweaking the game can be really great. But until then you can't really justifiably recommend something that just doesn't feel fun to play. Real shame. I'll come back to it maybe on full release to see how I feel about it. But until they balance the bosses and survival aspects better, it just really isn't worth it imo. Not a terrible game, just not something I personally could recommend.

If you do feel like you still want to purchase the game. just play the lower difficulties, enjoy the atmosphere and the world. It should be fine.
84 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 02:59
جميل جداا للي يحبون تحديات
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 05:19
viking shadow of the colossus. Woah
52 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 11:44
I loved this game. It still needs a bit of polish, and they are still gonna add 2 more bosses, but I like how it keeps the essence from Shadow of the Colossus plus adding something new like the survival and rpg aspects of the game. Also, there is no particular order to kill the bosses, I found most of them while exploring the map and I actually liked that.
105 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 14:20
Breath of the Wild + Shadow of The Colossus + Survival elements = good times.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 17:45
Honestly a fun game, really looking forward to the finished product. Fighting the gods was tasking in some moments (especially because i kept accidentally coming across them way before i was ready), but it was a fun challenge. I think I only died like 6 to eight times and the majority of that was with the damn yeti ( one of my favorite fights though) now I'm just running around trying to clear up the rest of the achievements while looking for hidden upgrades that i might have missed.

climbing, gliding, slowmo aiming while falling mechanics are super botw feeling, but i love them all the same. you can also pull off some funn Snk feeling grapplingjumping moves if you can time things right and have enough stamina. never played shadow of the colossus but since everyone compares this to that then i may have to try it out.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 05:26
Phenomenal hybrid of Shadow of the Colossus and Breath of the Wild. The boss fights are the puzzles and the world is brimming with exploration potential and rewards. Solid game~
218 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 18:00
Amazing game. Clearly a mesh between shadow of the colossus and breath of the wild. Currently 5 bosses and quite a lot of things to explore in a sizable map. I recomend this game to anyone who enjoyed SotC, as the nostalgia is pretty strong. For anyone else who didn't play SotC I'd say wait for release, but if you're curious or want to support the developers while they develop it, then go ahead. 9/10 would be launched off of a shaking colossus again
175 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 16:37
This game is hella freaking fun, and the soundtrack is oh so good, good god. and it's not even full release.
Each of the bosses have a crazy cool mechanic of their own (Though I don't care for mr.Big hands)
and finding a 3 star weapon OOOO! Love this game! Can't wait for the full release and I Praey that there will be more bosses upon full release!
649 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 06:35
Feels like Shadow of the Colossus mixed with Breath of the Wild. And the player character reminds me of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn.
Dis game is pretty dang good!
90 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 23:37
Love the game as it was and as it is now. Some of the things they changed in the more recent updates I myself would have left alone but at the same time I like what it became. It is like Shadow of the Colossus as far as boss fights go, has great epic music, and is a survival game so whats not to love about it.
42 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 21:28
As expected, it's a mix of Shadow of the Colossus with Breath of the Wild. I played on normal difficulty with survival turned on and it offers a decent challenge. I imagine hard and legendary would make boss fights and survival much more difficult. I've played for around 12 hours and completed the story so far and I've quite enjoyed myself! The music does a great job of creating atmosphere and is rather beautiful! The controls are pretty tight for the most part; perhaps a little disorienting when hanging from bosses. The camera controls are inverted by default so I suggest fixing that! If you like SotC, I definitely recommend it. Even if you haven't played SotC, I STILL recommend it! Enjoy!
434 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 09:04
I might be missing out on some nostalgia, since I never played Sotc.
Everything feels flimsy, buggy, twitchy. The crafting, fighting, climbing, running, grappling, nothing has weight or feel.
137 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 22:39
(Early Access Review)
When people describe this as Shadow of the Colossus meets Breath of the Wild, that's pretty much exactly what it is. And yet it feels like something totally its own.
The world is engaging and the art style is excellent. I appreciated how the notes left around the map functioned as both world building and sometimes gameplay tips, but always only felt like world building. The paintings scrawled on the stone walls depicting these gods are a clever way of presenting a boss fight how-to without making it feel like the game is holding the player's hand.
Combat against mobs is a bit wonky, and I found the most success by spamming attack and only rushing or dodging occasionally. Could use some work, but at least it isn't a total pain. The whispy spirits are probably the worst to deal with timing-wise, but they die quickly, so that's good. (Also a note in-game explains a way to ward them off without fighting!)
To be honest, I really don't like degrading materials mechanics. It sets off that part of my brain that wants to hoard materials, which isn't fun. However, it quickly revealed to be quite well-balanced so I never felt like I was totally at a loss for keeping up with my equipment upkeep.
Traveling is a bit of a drag and the weather mechanics are brutal, but that made the survival aspect all the more rewarding. Every camp and cave is a blessing.
And of course, the bosses.
Each boss (or god) is unique and engaging. There's room to maneuver between strategies and find what works best for you, and the sheer scale of these creatures is incredible. Love that. My main criticisms lay with the Yeti boss, but for the sake of avoiding spoilers, I'll leave that out here.
In terms of the full experience, there's a lot to see. Armor to improve, secrets to uncover for rewards, and mini-challenges along the way. However, very little of this is required for the bosses. Playing on normal, critical health would regen a bit, so unless I really messed up, I'd be okay. And while the various upgrades would serve invaluable on higher difficulties, the only serious requirement for most of these bosses is your stamina and grappling hook. If you rush the bosses, the game in its current form is surprisingly short. Not that it's a lesser experience for that, but it's worth noting. If you just wanna fight the bosses, you can. If you want to experience the whole world and beef yourself up, you can do that too.
All things considered, this is really solid despite a few minor rough spots. Supposedly there are even supposed to be more bosses on the way, which thrills me. I can't wait to see this in its final form!
189 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 19:22
anyone who is a shadow of the colossus fan should play this game
296 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 14:37
shadow of the colossus meets breath of the wild, what more could you want?
135 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 14:22
my experience with this game thus far is as follows;
defeat big skeleton man.
defeat giant charging boar.
defeat worm the size of freedom tower that shoots f*****g lasers out of its beak.
defeat sky dragon.
get killed by random ghost woman while gathering sticks.

I uninstalled to make room for some other games but I will eventually give this one another go
40 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 21:10
Good reminder of Shadow of the Colossus...wish steam could get PS4 2016 version...would buy in a heartbeat, but this will work for now. Seems pretty cool and plays somewhat the same. I do like the added enemies and other things to do on this game
288 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 20:14
Shadow of the Colossus but with all the Bells and Whistles that gaming has developed since that game came out. A game that doesn't hide its influences, to the extent that I recognized Dark Souls and Breath of Wild dna even though I have only ever played about an hour of each game at a friend's house once.

Colossus however I've played for over a hundred hours, and not having a copy of it this last decade I've missed it. This game was exactly what I wanted, with some welcome survival elements that fit the atmosphere of cold, lonely exploration perfectly.

Game has its flaws: campfires feel forced, crafting/repair is sort of arbitrary, the grappling hook doesn't really fit into the atmosphere or the narrative, combat with plebs is clunky and unwanted, etc. That's all fine, I optimistically assume there'll be lots of tweaks and fixes before a full release. I'm totally happy that the developers have been focusing on putting in sweet monsters to bring down. The point of early access is to check out a game's potential, and this one has a lot of that. It's already huge and impressive. I'm excited to see what the final product will look like, and will probably recommend it.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 02:58
Very enjoyable, MORE BOSSES NEEDED XD, i'm honestly excited to see what new things are added, for the people who have played shadow of the colossus this is a must buy 9/10 the only problem i have is that there are only 6 bosses so far I NEED MORE THINGS TO FIGHT XD

Random suggestion frog boss dk why but it would be cool to fight a frog xD
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 20:43
Incredibly promising early access. Looking at videos of game play from last year and comparing it to my experience now shows so many performance and game play improvements, and the developers are very transparent and communicative about their process
268 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 13:42
My First impression, Since I have only played it a short while.
Is the gameplay is solid, not clunky at all basic attacks feel very fluid.
There's a circle crosshair for the bow shots that when moving slower or standing stationary.
It makes the Crosshair smaller make bow shots easier. Which i thought was a unique use of a crosshair. You get alot decent stuff fairly fast in the game like the grappling hook and glider.
The survival aspect was very simplified which i really liked. You can find resources everywhere on the ground from animals and in crates. Which you can use to upgrade your clothes, and craft items. When i also mentioned simplified before i mean there's no running to find an area to sleep or start a fire. No need to build a 100 crafting stations before even being able to make something.
Everything you can do you can do on the fly. Need Arrows? if you loot logs it gives you an option when in your item bag. To craft 1 into 5 arrows or to use one to start a fire to get warm. Need to sleep? just flop that sleeping bag on 3 feet of snow in middle of a blizzard and you good ;).
Most of Everything does degrade after a while from uses but you can pick up alot of duplicates. Which works well making you appreciate more on what you have. Knowing when to use it or when to break it down.
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 01:27
very fun, reminiscent of shadow of the colossus and hellblade.
21 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 17:55
This game is very good with all of the colossi/titans/gods having their own indivual mechanics that really makes you strategies and has tons of replayibility.(and also I know my spelling sucks)
115 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 02:58
This is a great game considering the size of the development team but honestly it tries to do too many things. It's a survival game with jumbled inventory systems, hack and slash gameplay, world exploration, plus you're hunting those big bosses. It's better to excel at one aspect rather than struggle to juggle several at once...especially with a dev team of this size. SOTC focused solely on the boss aspect and that's why it was such a smash hit. PFTG should have done the same seeing how SOTC is it's biggest inspiration. I killed all the bosses in less than 3 hours and had no interest in going back in pursuit of any of the side objectives. I will say this, it's still worth it on sale just to get your SOTC fix, albeit a short one.
196 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 17:10
I funded this game $200 years ago on KickStarter. Its turned into a fine game years later with them adding the last bosses near the end of this year (Which will also add the last 3rd of the map as well). As it s now, its a great game. I enjoyed running around in the snow exploring areas and finding area/ cave puzzles to unlock more gear. The Bosses themselves are not all that hard, Its the ambushes and cold that will hurt you the most.
134 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 02:08
Shadow of the Colossus but on steam and not finished yet
90 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 02:06
I believe this might be my first review ever. All I can say is, the graphics, the sounds, the music, the gameplay......all fantastic. Well worth the purchase. It really does feel like each god is impossible to beat because of the size and nature of each fight. I don't want to give anything away regarding the gods. Just know that each one is uniquely intriguing and exciting to fight against. Great job to the developers.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
573 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 21:15
Beautiful game, love how they made a shadow of the colossus like game and implemented some mechanics from breath of the wild. absolutely love it and im excited to see the future of this game.
420 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 05:34
Praey for the Gods, i bought it on steam summer sale, had it on my wishlist for a while and now that i finally got the game i played and i am gonna say this i dont regret buying it at all.

the positives
- alot of difficulty options so accessibility for the game is alot
- boss fights are simple yet enjoyable and reasonable difficult
- id rate the artstyle of the game a solid 8/10
- love the level design of the game, shows that the world is interconnected

the cons
- the game as of rn lacks content, and the 30 usd price might is too much especially if they plan on increasing the price when it comes out of early access but hopefully by then the game would have alot more content and worth the money if that happens
- bugs, glitches ya all know the shit that games with every early access game
- idk why but the way the character u play as stands normally feels unnatural and off


Praey for the Gods is short and satisfying and i believe it has alot of potential and i do believe it can be a great game given the proper love and care for now in my personal opinion the game needs more content, fix the bugs and glitches, improve its animation and combat and ofc the most important and a must have for this game is a /b petting mechanic!

also another side not, idk why there is no crunching in this game, seem odd
105 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 12:28
I will update this when I finish the game. I just want to say tho, I bought this game because I watched a Shadow of the Colossus video, and it rly made me wanna play that but I do not own a playstation, so I typed in PC games like Shadow of the Colossus into google and found this. And tho I have never played shadow of the colossus, I can say that the sense of wonder and freedom to explore I had when watching the video of shadow the colossus, came back to me when I played this game.

-First Impressions-

My first impressions have been MOSTLY amazing. The only thing I find a bit meh sometimes is the lack of animation cancelling. And the clumsyness of my character getting stuck on a corner while climbing or something. But I mean whatever I finished Ocarina of Time with its movement mechanics so I can finish this. Everything else has been nice. I feel immersed in this frosty purgatory.

The game is very free after the intro area. I literally just started roaming around. I found a bunch of collectibles and was upgrading my gear. I collected notes and found out how to defeat certain enemies. I found two legendary weapons, one in a puzzle and one from a mini boss (getting on his back was THE clumsy experience I spoke of). And I did all this before reaching the actual next boss I was meant to fight. To be honest I am more interested in finding collectibles in this world than I am fighting bosses but that is because thats what I love doing in zelda the most (collecting heart pieces). So many ledges to explore and reach.. Little shrines with specific ways to open them. Cool stuff like that.

The graphics look good, but it would be NICE if you let us have access to some of those fancy pants settings you use to advertise the game. Even if they will melt my PC. The snow is amazing.. the trails are so nice. Honestly 111% snow trail satisfaction.

I honestly wanted something that vibed like Zelda but more mature on PC and something also that vibed like Drakan Order of the Flame (but a good version of it cuz that game is charming but bad). They didn't have to be the same game, but I was looking for that kinda game vibe for a long time. I found BOTH in this game so far. (Now I haf to find a gaim dat vibes lik Witcher 1 and Diablo 1 :C)
127 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 14:32
This game feels like Zelda breathe of the wild and shadow of the colossus, crafting and fighting mobs is Zelda while the bosses are colossus. The game is incredible, definitely short and needs more content but that is to be expected of a early access game. The hookshot feels unnecessary, they few bosses in the game have spaces where you can hookshot but I don't feel like its necessary or as helpful as it should be. The ragdoll mechanics are a little annoying and I think combat with mobs feels pointless, they can give you some swords and bows but you don't use weapons in boss fight, so the weapons only help you fighting other mobs. They should try to better connect the mobs with the bosses so I feel like there's a point to weapons, like going around and fighting mobs to get better weapons helps you in the game. I think there should be dungeons with mobs, mini bosses, etc. and at the end of each dungeon there is a colossus boss. I think the game is great but needs work.
105 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 18:45
When u love Breath of the Wild or Shadow of the Colossus u need to check this game out
92 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 01:23
The only thing I would like to see is if they touched up the combat against the small enemies, add some variety of animations and maybe add a lock on feature so that hitting them isn't a nightmare. other than that, I love this game.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 00:25
I have been following the Development of this game since it was a Kickstarter. I only just was able to get a PC that could run it and I have to say I was impressed then and i'm still impressed now. My hype was well rewarded when I started to play, it has so many great features of games I've loved over my life and I will surely recommend it to my Friends. Definitely money well spent.
115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 21:39
I loved playing Shadow of Colossus and this game is so good and I have enjoyed playing it just as much, if not a little more.
64 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 20:07
one of the best game i have played.
481 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 06:02
Ring The Bell
Ring The Bell
Ring The Bell
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 04:45
Everything Shadow of the Colossus is and wasn't! Beautiful game.
71 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
164 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.20 16:06
what an absolutley wonderful game, I never felt so scared of dying in another game of this class. it's is a must buy
131 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 15:41
I jumped off a giant's statue's hand to land on a giant bird - 10/10

(in seriousness, the game is incredible from such a small team - while initially having my doubts about the survival mechanics and enemy mobs I found myself enjoying the trip and the destination - I do think some game mechanics are a bit weird/could be better explained like I was confused as to why I couldn't repair a 3 star sword till it broke while I could repair other items, or how initially by the one boss door I had attempted to grapple onto the things but nothing seemed to happen (my knowledge was that I could only grapple where the grapple panel was)) so I left and only came back way later to see yes I could grapple that, or how some puzzle rewards are confusing such as boots with a negative speed modifier - didn't know what they meant and had already upgraded to 3 star boots by the time)
Another gripe would be the bosses are very similar to Shadow of the Colossus ones (which is the point yes) but a bit more creativity for future bosses (which I HOPE is a possiblity) would be great! Also I do think the grapple could be more utilized for bosses in creative ways - it is such an interesting mechanic and I know it is used on pretty much every boss so I'd like more pls.
The survival mechanics are quite simple once you understand them (I played on Normal).
The sound design is also great! There are some performance issues and mesh problems but these are nitpicks on my side.
I had lots of fun playing this game! <3 I hope to see more!
208 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 18:19
a welcome return for Shadow of the colossus fans...
159 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 20:52
Taking inspiration from Shadow of the Colossus but set in a bleak snow covered landscape, Praey for the Gods mixes epic boss battles with survival mechanics requiring the player to explore and hunt, craft and maintain equipment and scavenge for supplies in order to succeed. If that concept interests you at all I would certainly recommend you check this game out.

At this point in development it has a lot of potential, the developers have done a fantastic job of bringing their vision to life and while the game already has plenty of content it still receives regular updates. You can really tell it is a labour of love, the developers know exactly what game they want to make and they are making it.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 00:23
I'm giving this a negative review so the devs can see what is wrong with their game, and hopefully make changes. Or explain how to circumvent issues if they are integral. I also want to offer guidance to others. While I love many aspects, it is still a long way from being outstanding.

-The tracks in the snow are so simple yet so well executed. I know it's not a big deal, but I love it. So I think it should be noteworthy and praised.
-The grappling hook is underwhelming from what I was expecting. I can't shoot as far as I wanted. But it still is a very impressive tool.
-Banshees are an easy kill, if you can be patient and track down their invisible form when not dodging attacks. I also like the creepy whispers.
-I am terrified of the bosses. I was thrust unto the satyr. The rest I'm not courageous enough to fight. Which I like, but also sucks, because I am nearly maxed out and can't progress otherwise.
-You can fight 5/6 bosses in any order. I may end up doing this because the devourer is too scary. I also hear it is one of the toughest. I was venturing on the cusp of its arena and nearly died.
-Bosses aren't the entire game, but it is nice to know they are working on adding more. Really love the designs.
-Crafting is kept at a minimum, but I feel it is also integral to the game, which is a good balance.
-Having a female MC is nice. As a new IP, they are not retconning any previous works. They are also supporting diversity. I'm tired of playing as dudes.
-While hunting with melee weapons is stressful, it works when you can't maintain a bow early on.
-The ability to save almost anywhere is amazing and I wish most games used this feature.
-Finding materials is not an issue. I was perplexed when I explored most of the map in only a few hours. Boxes appear in time. Animals and saplings respawn. I will see if stockpiling is possible.
-Having strong winds take over control of the gliding is understandable and immersive. If only there wasn't a storm every five minutes.
-Choosing to upgrade stamina or health is quite a process. I don't think you can go wrong. It changes how you will play the game. I also enjoy the added totems.
-The fire statues I used to find two totems so far are a nice puzzle. I hope to see more like that. Or the falling stone door I had to run under.

-Early game was hard, and I'm playing on easy to get the feel of it. You aren't told much. Which is vital when so many mechanics are going on. Steep learning curve, since later in the game I can manage.
-Weapons degrade too soon. As in, only a few uses. Another early game issue. After the weapon update too. Sure, maybe they are worn from the cold. But games should become harder.
-Goodies don't always appear as icons, only displaying the background. It doesn't happen often, but is more frequent. Some of them will disappear in deep snow, never to be retrieved. Shot arrows are gone 90% of the time too, hitting a target or not.
-I like being able to eat raw meat with no downside. This is partially true. But the margins of effects between cooked and raw meat should be spread out.
-Enemies scale way too fast. A few hours in, I had to snipe the soldiers. They killed me in a few hits.
-I will often get stuck in a cliffside. This is daunting for me. Luckily, it has not been permanent.
-Boss music plays too loudly, in too large a vicinity. Mostly with the devourer. I was looting boxes near a campsite and it started. Not near the boss itself, just the arena. It is distracting and I wish it would only play when I am fighting the boss.
-It seems more beneficial to find new weapons, instead of trying to repair what you have. Pro tip: Dismantle what you don't need. Don't use them after the red icon appears. They will be gone and you can't get anything.
-Not sure what the red X marks on the map mean. I would say they are important. But I have explored a few and found nothing in those spots.
-There is a lack of material online about the game. If devs can't explain their game and its operations, I can't expect other forces to do so. I just want to learn about it, interpretations, what that green fruit I ate is and why it gave me a pizza pie graph, about how to approach these bosses without peeing myself.
-I loathe the devourer's minions. The larger ones are simple. You gotta slash em, then run away so they reappear. But they hurt me every time they retreat. I can't dodge the bombs from the small ones. I can't even make them stay in place, which is what I was told should work.
-Swimming is almost useless. The water freezes you up faster than blizzards. I wanted to explore around the waters for more loot, which didn't work. I understand why, I just don't like it.
-Playing on easy should let you heal over time. I have tested it many times. Only once did my health fully go up. I was in a cave. It hardly ever replenishes at all. I never get bonus (totem) health without using items.
-There are magic runes to pray beside. They don't seem to do anything but add their location to the map. There are also magic boxes with offering plates. They have meat rarely. Neither seem to do anything else.
-I found a box in the ocean and tried everything I could to break it, to no avail. This was disappointing as I had just started the game. So I wasted too many resources on that.
-Bedding lasts once and adds half of the sleep meter. Permanent bedding is scarce, aside from two obvious locations in the center of the map. At this point, heat and hunger meters are easy to maintain. But I am perpetually sleepy.
-I don't get why the meters deplete based on movement. I can run all day long with no problem. Yet a single jump takes a chunk from all three meters. In real life, doing both likely takes the same effort. Exercise is also proven to warm you up.
-Achievements are wonky. Sometimes when I do an action, like lighting something on fire or killing undead, it won't count. Either that or it is just delayed. I won't complain much since I'm nearly halfway there, but it's a functional issue.
-Huge ratio of crafting materials to their use. I have over 100 metal shards. Others like bone and powder are stacking. My whole session, I only struggled to find rope and cloth.
-Why do I have only 6 slots for weapons, but 48 for clothing? I can only carry 20 arrows? Pack upgrades only add slots to consumables, maxed at 16, and they don't last long. I find it to be unbalanced and one of the larger problems.
-Comparing it to SotC is insulting to both. They are two of the most unique games I have played. All they share is fighting big baddies. I get the devs wanted SotC II, but make your own game. You can have a perfect balance of bosses (please add more by the way) and exploration.

I will probably be changing my review in the near future. I expect the devs to find and correct many mistakes. But I also suspect I may not fully understand how the game operates. It is very niche and a learning experience for me.

Overall a positive experience, especially with the price I paid, but please fix your game. Most don't put up with the negative aspects I have listed. This is a new fan, wanting to see you guys succeed. Three guys on one game in three years is a milestone, but I know you can do even better.
282 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.20 04:13

Praey for the Gods is an omage to the classic Shadow of the Colossus developed by a three person team. As expected there are only a small handful of bosses but the game is bolstered by a basic crafting system and a few side mobs to fight.


Unique boss fights: Each boss is a unique encounter and typically involves using the local terrain to defeat the boss.
More than just a Shadow of the Colossus clone: The boss fights feel very similar to SOTC but additional elements have been added. The player has to survive the harsh winter weather and manage a heat meter along with a sleep and hunger meter. This is accomplished by foraging and crafting supplies and weapons. Foraged supplies can also improve your gear which helps you survive the weather and take less damage.


Given the small development team and the low price point I don't have any complaints about the lack of content.


Praey for the Gods is an astonishingly good game considering the tiny three person team and that this is their first independent game. There is a real game here. The few bosses (6 at time of writing) bolstered with environment survival, foraging, and crafting make for a decent experience. Each aspect is understandably lacking but it's just enough to be well rounded and enjoyable. Playtime is around 10-12 hours unless you barrel through each boss. I would recommend this to anyone.

Score: 9.0 / 10
36 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 23:27
Great game, still a bit unpolished, but it improves with every update!
24 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 00:29
It's like re-living the original excitement of shadow of the colossus all over again with some seriously beneficial gear gathering and combat additives. Can't wait for more of it.
760 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 19:45
If you're already feeling like Mother Nature wants to kill you, maybe now is a good time to stare into the eye of the sublime, and make a little home at the end of the world. Maybe cower in your cave from the unending winter, cook up some rabbit haunch; or steel yourself to hunt an oblivious, frozen god.

Aside from the obvious comparisons, I sense a bit of Don't Starve in its DNA. But it's not nearly as punishing as that game. Only thing that bothers me so far is the player's running animation looks goofy. The animations overall and the way they interact with the terrain and snow drifts are impressive, but a couple things are a bit jank. Nothing that seriously impacts the experience, though.
165 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 02:48
Forgot I backed this a long time ago, kicked it off today and played for a bit and its pretty great so far. Really love that SotC feel with survival aspects. Pretty good combo.
645 Produkte im Account
300 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 17:10
EA Review - For $30, this game really does feel like 3 guys were paid $501,252 (well closer to 400k with the fees) to make. Honestly, it IS NOT worth the $30 right now, doesn't have 30 hours worth of content that I can see as you have only a handful of gods to set free, vanquish etc.

I hesitate to mark this a yes, again it IS NOT worth the cost right now, however, the framework is there, it could use a few MM in support to make an excellent game with added music, lore and improved animation.

I'm fearful that in time we'll see no extra development to the core game as so so many Kick failures have lived up to in the past. Time will tell!
714 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 02:43
If you are a fan of Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, or The Last Guardian you will LOVE this game. Great inspiration, Better controllers and fantastic bosses! Can't wait for the rest of the game to be complete so I can finish it. Early Access allowed me to do 6 main bosses and a mini boss. Get this game it's well worth playing!
245 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 03:35
Loved this game within the first minutes. We need more games like this! The climbing freedom and the detailed snow does it for me. I loved Dying Light too; I'm glad the genre of open world climbing action games has made a mark on the scene. Can't wait to see it grow.
604 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 00:28
While trudging through the well-rendered frost-rimed forests, I began to understand why the Norse believed the world was crafted from the remains of a frost giant. As has been observed by every other review, the comparison to Shadow of the Colossus is both favorable and inevitable. This is an homage to a style of gameplay that should be implemented more. The grim, Viking aesthetic and the engaging, intuitively controlled gameplay combine into a digital experience worth having.
828 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 01:01
Only an hour in and it's definitely worth a go. First boss was well done. Capturing the shadow of the colossus feel perfectly.
Can see it's going to go in a very nice direction. Very much a cross between SOTC and breath of the wild. Stamina system, weapons breaking, eating food for boost in stats is all very reminiscent of Zelda. So far so good.
1155 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.20 23:14
A delightful mix of botw with boss design out of shadow of the colossus. Greatly improves upon the mechanics in botw, and a far more focused setting that feels more grounded. Having a hookshot fits so well in the open world setting with giant bosses you climb over. Really excited to see how the game progresses.
941 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
1135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 06:53
+Best winter visual and audio effects I've ever seen in a video game.
+Some stellar Shadow Of The Colossus gameplay.
+No horse, but there's a grappling hook that defies the laws of physics to let you travel faster.
+All the colossi are epic, fun and awesome... save for one.
+Hunting was fun. You get meat for eating (...or solving puzzles), plus loot for upgrading your gear.
+The cold is an omnipresent enemy and fending it off was satisfying. Nice frosty effects on the screen and SFX.
+Like in Breath Of The Wild, if you see it, you can go to it (mostly, it's early access so so parts are off-limits)
+Climbing to the very top of a huge mountain, on the verge of freezing to death, and being saved by torch-totem thingy.
+Minibosses were very challenging and satisfying to beat. Loot explosion! :)
+4th boss was just the friggin' best. Thank you so much for this (tear in my eye).
+...It's friggin' Shadow Of The Colossus!!!

-Hunger can be a real hassle when fighting bosses. There should be some boxes with food in the arenas.
-The worm boss looked dumb, was frustrating to fight and not fun at all. Pales in comparison to the others (bird was epic).
-Main character has no turning animation : she just spins in place. Animations need improvement. This was a big thing in SotC
-There is only one miniboss, repeated in a few places. There definitely needs more, and different moves/weapons for some of the existing ones.
-Lack of stuff in many areas, making the exploration of them fruitless and discouraging further exploration.
-Equipment doesn't show up on character when equipped. No sheating/unequip animation. Make a cool one for each item!
-Combat with normal enemies is repetitive, predictable. Soldiers get beaten by spam. Ghosties get exorcised by 1 arrow.
-It would be cool if enemies and protagonist could dodge, block and roll. Also, charge attacks & dash attack would b nice.
-The wolf doesn't really do anything outside of cutscenes. It would be epic if we could call him and ride him (Princess Monoke style!)
-There are many tents in the game world but they serve no purpose. You can't even enter the small ones. It would make sense to use them as shelters from storms and be able to rest safely.
-Boots need antlers for upgrade. Okay wat.
-Arrows auto-switch to bomb arrows when they run out, without any warning, causing me to blow up wildlife by mistake lol.
-Bird boss has some camera issues.
-Satyr boss Echo (replay mode) had no texture and the game crashed after I beat him.
-One boss is depicted on a mural as being tied up. But he just be chillin' behind some fortifications which he just happens to effortlessly break through when you just happen to arrive. Some boss intro re-design is in order here.
-Off-limits teleport is clunky and immersion-breaking. Have a big bird teleport behind player and snag him to bring him someplace in bounds (could have some nests here and there).

=>Game is still in early access, so problems are to be expected.
=>If you loved Shadow Of The Colossus, you'll probably love this too! Full price recommended!
=>Survival game fans, this one is full price for you too.
=>For anyone else, I definitely recommend this on sale to help them get it finished (and hopefully grow their studio)!
712 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
756 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 23:56
WITNESS THIS! A true spiritual successor to Shadow of the Colossus. OH MY GOD, THE MAJESTY! I can't wait for more!
97 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.19 02:09
Its like if shadow of the colossus and breath of the wild had a really early access viking baby
321 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 20:28
It's a bit rough around the edges but that's to be expected of an early access title. If you like Shadow of the Colossus then you will appreciate this. For such a small team of devs they are doing a fantastic job and I have been more than happy to support them.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.38% 938 187
Release:14.12.2021 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: No Matter Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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