- Vilagers now use a VFX when teleporting
- Fireflies now spawn near trees
- A minimap window used to quickly move between islands
- UI rework, enjoy a cleaner more tranquil UI
- Resource requirements for constructions now turn red if you don't have enough
- Updated portal VFX
- Slightly improved skybox colours/environment lighting
- Slightly increased moon light intensity
- New optimized water shader (while maintaining a similar visual)
- Cloud brightness and fading is not as deep
- Auto-save is now every 5 minutes
- [Crash Fix] Fixed crash relating to portals and moving buildings while villagers try to access them
- Moving Portals that are being used should no longer cause Villager AI issues
- Various particles blurring with transparent materials
- Fixed an issue with lighting in version 1.14-1.15 (apparent at night time)
- Disabled pixel perfect UI, overall performance improved
- Motion blur intensity slightly reduced
- Improved performance for AI and UI updates
If you experience any bugs please report them on the discussions board or my Discord. The demo version of the game has also been updated with all recent changes.