Für dich haben wir die neusten Features einmal aufgelistet:
- Added new co-op/team vanquish map "Aqua Center" which may seem familiar, yet completely different!
- Added night version of the Great White North map to the Turf Takeover Playlist
- Added Hide n' Find missions to Backyard Battleground
- Added Bot & Pot Missions to Backyard Battleground
- Added unique character variant images to group HUD
- World Options now shows all friends playing the game, not just the joinable ones
- Added classic setting in options to change primary fire button (PS4 Only)
- Added Aim Sensitivity slider to now allow more precise control over aim speed (for PC this is broken up into both mouse and gamepad sensitivity)
- Added ability to select between hold button to aim or toggle button to Aim
- Added kick player option to the in-game scoreboard for easy access (player hosted modes only)
- Added difficulty to Pause Menu for some game modes
- Game Now defaults to common chat in Private Matches
- Added ability to view scoreboard while vanquished
Die kompletten Patchnotes hierzu findest du auf der offiziellen Webseite.