New campaign, more workshop integration and much more, see full list of changes:
- New "Freeman Chronicles" mini campaign with 3 new challenges.
- Rearranged challenge select screen, now challenges are grouped by campaign.
- In Mining Station Alpha challenge, traders come more frequently, and there is an extra Driller Bot.
- In Starport Atlantis challenge, you now get an extra Carrier Bot and Biologist at the start, but no Workers. Also you get no food traders anymore.
- In Frozen cage challenge, you only need to survive for 15 days now.
- Rocks in the Dark Moon challenge now have the same color as the surface.
- Fixed issue when loading strings from campaign challenges.
- Fixed welfare objective in challenges.
- New music track.
- Added vsync option to settings menu.
- Fixed issue with resources in storage sometimes not being selectable.
- New buttons in the settings and challenges screens that open the workshop with the right filters, in order to download new languages or challenges.
- Languages and challenges now refresh automatically when subscribing to new items from the workshop without restarting the game.
* New things that can be done in challenges:
- Specify a restricted set of specializations that come in colonist ships.
- Specify the size of a building to be built as an objective in a challenge.
- Specify a particular type of colonist or bot to build as objective.
- Prevent workers from mining.
- Change the frequency of trading ships.
- Change the color of the planet's rocks.
- Change the Sun, Environment Map and Backdrops.