• Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.
  • Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack: Screen zum Spiel Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack.


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Planet Zoo
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 17.12.2019
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Preis Update 24.05.24

Über das Spiel

Schließt euch Bernie Goodwin an und erlebt epische Abenteuer in der Arktis – mit neuen Herausforderungen, Tieren und mehr! Neben zwei neuen Herausforderungen, die eure Fähigkeiten als Zoomanager auf die Probe stellen, erwarten euch vier neue Tierarten und über 200 Szenerieobjekte, mit denen ihr eurem Zoo einen coolen Look verpasst.

Wichtigsten Funktionen

Aufregende neue Szenarios

Norwegen: Macht euch auf zu den skandinavischen Fjorden Norwegens, um eine abgelegene Auffangstation zu errichten – erweitert euren Zoo mit Tieren der Arktis und stellt mit Gehegen und Versorgung die optimalen Bedingungen für sie her.

Mexiko: Erweitert einen bereits bestehenden Zoo, der seine Gäste nicht kalt lässt. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, Tiere der Arktis auch in diesem heißen Klima glücklich zu machen!

Exklusive Tiere der Arktis

Verzaubert und Gäste und bringt ihnen ganz nebenbei die Tiere der Arktis näher: Eisbär, Rentier, Polarwolf und Dall-Schaf – alle vier Tierarten bieten ihre eigenen Herausforderungen und haben spezielle Bedürfnisse, über die ihr in der Zoopedia genaueres herausfinden könnt.

Über 200 neue Szenerieobjekte

Hüllt euren Zoo in eine dicke Schicht Schnee, designt Eisskulpturen oder baut euer eigenens skandinavisches Dorf – es stehen euch über 200 neue Gebäude, Szenerien und Pflanzen zur Verfügung, mit denen ihr eurer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen könnt.


  • CPU: Intel i5-2500 / AMD FX-6350
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 (2GB) / AMD Radeon R9 270X (2GB)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 (SP1+)/8.1/10 64bit
  • HD: 16 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Minimum specifications may change during development
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
  • CPU: Intel i7-4770k / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB) or AMD Radeon RX 580 (8GB)
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 16 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Minimum specifications may change during development
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

15 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 07:33
OK das war wohl nix.

4 Tiere den einen freut es, den anderen nicht. Ich empfinde es als viel zu wenig. Den Wolf und den Bären in ein neues Kostüm gesteckt und schon ist das DLC fast fertig.

Die Gegenstände sind ok aber zu wenig. Um die Anzahl von Objekten künstlich zu strecken, wird jedes Teil in verschiedenen Größen und Texturen angeboten.

Maximal 4 Euro Wert.
55 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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Verfasst: 10.03.20 23:12
Eindeutig nicht zu empfehlen für den Preis!

Was bekommt man:
- 4 neue Tiere
- Neue Ergänzungen für die entsprechenden Biome (eigentlich nur zwei neue Arten Steine - Schnee und Eis... und Weihnachtsbäume)
- Neue Beschäftigungsobjekte
- Neue Szenerie mit Requesiten und Co.

Wäre der Rest ok, fände ich die ledeglich vier neuen Tiere noch annehmbar. Da der Rest aber auch eher Müll ist, hätte man da doch wenigstens mehr Tiere raushauen können. Gerade sowas wie Pinguine sollte eigentlich ein MUSS sein.

Die neuen Felsen sind eine nette Ergänzung für das Schneebiom, jedoch sind die drei neuen pflanzen ein Witz. Dies sind nämlich nur Weihnachtsbäume!

Auch die Requisiten sind fast ausschließlich sehr weihnachtlich... Das finde ich persönlich SEHR enttäuschend! Man will schließlich nicht unbedingt ein Weihnachtsdorf bauen. Die Alternative, nämlich das Wikingerähnliche Designe, sieht hingegen wirklich schön aus, kam meiner Meinung nach aber etwas zu kurz.

Ich habe es mir geholt, weil Polarwölfe meine absoluten Lieblingstiere sind, sonst hätte ich es definitiv gelassen. Zumindest, bis ein Sale kommt
19 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 17:32
Tolles Spiel!

Es ist viel Kreativität möglich. Die DLCs sind es aber nicht wert. Ein arctic pack ohne Pinguine? Doof!
71 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 03.03.20 00:13
No Penguins???!!!
247 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 23.12.19 12:27
zu teuer für 4 Tiere
28 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 20.12.19 18:19
Basically a nice looking DLC package.
Many people complain that there are too few animals in the package, but I also put a lot of emphasis on the items.
This makes the game so varied and nice to look at.
Unfortunately I have to mention a minus point here. There is too much holiday decoration. This is half a christmas addon. I would have liked more typical architecture (where is the color selection for the wall elements? Greenland is famous for that).
There are also more arctic plants than the main game includes for taiga and tundra . Nevertheless a thumbs up, because a negative evaluation would be unfair with the loving design.
82 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 15:24
Nice pack, you get:
- 4 animals (which all are great and bring new additions to the game, except the arctic wolf)
- 200 scenery pieces (in a Skyrim-like style, which is quite unique!) and a lot of blue prints for buildings, which are great to build a Nordic/Skyrim-looking village
- 2 new scenarios!

I think, that there could have been a few more new animals (maybe 6-8), but the pack is okay as it is, as long as the next packs contain more animals or bring new gameplay mechanics!
189 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.19 22:49
Ich verstehe die Leute nicht die sich über den Preis aufregen.
Man bekommt hier 4 neue Tiere die allesamt KEINE Reskins sind und 200 (!) neue Teile mit denen sich wieder soviel anstellen lässt. Ich habe bereits jetzt mehrere Stunden in einen neuen Zoo gesteckt und habe gerade mal ein Gehege und ein Mittelaltermarkt für meine Gäste fertig. Und noch soviele Ideen.
Die Spieler heutzutage hätten gerne alles umsonst. Vergessen dabei aber, das auch Entwickler gerne sich und ihre Familie ernähren möchten. Und wir wiederrum möchten immer mehr Content. Win-Win Situation würde ich das nennen.

Was ich eigentlich sagen möchte: Der DLC ist jeden Cent wert. Die Tiere sehen wieder alle großartig aus. Die vielen neuen Bauteile (wer Wikinger und Skyrim mag wird sich hier besonders freuen!) setzen der Phantasie keinerlei Grenzen.
Liebes Frontier Team, macht genauso weiter!
4 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 16:34
I'll admit, I have rather mixed feeling on this DLC. On the one hand, this DLC was the first that Planet Zoo put out, so you kind of have to cut them some slack here. On the other hand, the animal selection is undoubtedly the weakest out of any of the packs. The Arctic Wolf is a blatant recolor of the Timber Wolf, and there's no Musk Ox, no Walrus, and not even an exhibit animal. The other animals are good, but my god, the space requirements for the Polar Bear are absolutely ridiculous. The fact that it needs more space than the African Elephant is insane. The building theme is fine, but it's pretty niche, especially the ice pieces. However, this is the only DLC to add more career mode missions. I'd recommend getting this DLC on sale if you plan to get it.
240 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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Verfasst: 12.03.22 22:10
The pieces in this pack are brilliant, I love building elaborate Nordic buildings with them!
14 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 28.12.21 05:09
also no penguins
130 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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Verfasst: 07.10.21 20:35
The best DLC of Planet Zoo. My Reindeer Sven mated with all the females and their kids before he passed away. What a legend.
6 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 19.09.21 00:05
Its a perfect dlc for christmas time and has some good animals with all of them adding a nince cold enviornment animals to your zoo's.
34 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 21.06.21 20:02
Okay, if it were just for the four new animals, I wouldn't have recommended this DLC. But seeing from later DLCs that there will be no further scenarios included, the Arctic Pack is the last chance for new scenario content so far. Of course the Arctic/Skandinavian objects are looking nice, but the new animals could have been more or...well there are no pengiuns, but another wolf (but now in white)...
2 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.21 16:52
The artic pack is a really cool pack and my favourite was probally the polar bear but the scenery peices like ice blocks and artic wood could use a teeny weeny retexture
66 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.04.21 19:38
Thesis: Planet Zoo: Arctic Pack is an interesting DLC it is quite obvious it was there first one, although the Christmas decorations are nice the lack of any other more flexible objects really is disappointing, I can only recommend this if you love polar bears and Dall Sheep.
(1-10) represents rating

-Animal Variety (6)
-New toys (4)
-New scenery (7)

9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 20:56
I just got this and I think that the Arctic wolves are really pretty. But like the other people said, it has few animals. Maybe in an update you can add Arctic foxes?
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 16:46
i love this Game. Guys keep up the good work! To make this game complete just need to add all types of aquarium fish .
62 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 09:19
16 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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Verfasst: 03.04.21 10:38
Would be even better with arctic foxes, or musk oxen
27 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 15:06
My least favorite of all, yet I still like it.

The 4 animals are amazing quality, my persoanl favorite being the beautiful Arctic Wolf. Not only do we get 4 animals and a nice Scandinavian/Viking-ish theme, but it comes with a fun little campaign about caring fir these fragile animals.

Like all the Planet Zoo packs, I'd recommend it. At the very least get it to have the complete collection. You'll be glad you did.
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 19:00
This was an ok pack compared to the rest of them. I still liked it, and the animals are great, but only four. And for all of you complaining that there are no penguins in the ARCTIC pack, consider that there are no penguins in the arctic (I know that there were no penguins when the comments were posted, but still).
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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Verfasst: 23.01.21 22:16
This was the first and my first Dlc for the game and I enjoy it greatly. Interesting variety of animals and new models. I do find it quite repetitious that there's another wolf and bear but still I can handle that. Anyhow the Arctic Wolf and Polar Bear are amazing and with the Polar Bear, it's a real life Zoo staple. The build objects however are amazing and I enjoy them thoroughly, the Christmas theme may be odd, but with the right recolours and pieces anything can work for you. 8/10 (+1 because I'd protect the Dall Sheep with my life, so overall 9/10)
256 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 04.01.21 07:02
10$ for 4 animals? Overpriced.
371 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:52
Scenario's good.
Scenery good.
Animals poor.

It is disgusting these DLC's for a ZOO game have such a low animal count each time, even the sale cost is not worth the price. This is a $2 DLC at most. Depressing.

For a Zoo game you really gotta give us bang for our buck and just dump animals on us, doubling the animal count would feel more justified.
310 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:13
Give us Less Scenarios , MORE Animals .
50 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 17:46
Definitely the weakest DLC, but still good. A niche filled, with new construction pieces. The Arctic Wolf is maybe a little low quality, but the other animals make up for it. All around not a great pack, so i would wait for a sale if you can, otherwise the other packs would be a better bet.
6 Produkte im Account
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0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 09:22
If you like simulation games and animal documentaries, you'll love this! Aside from being a fun way to pass time during my lunch hour, this game is very educational. I love animals and it's nice to enjoy learning from any video game. You can tell that the developers and designers put their hearts into this and it's amazing to see how far simulation games like this have come compared to the DS game (Zoo Tycoon?). Glad I took the plunge and got this! I'm on at least 180 hours at this point!!

If one of you developer folks reads this - an aquarium, petting zoo, aviary pack, or even mythical expansion would be appreciated!
286 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 08.12.20 02:09
The DLC practice for this game is insane. 4 animals for 10 bucks is crazy. The building pieces should be sold in another pack. This isn't Planet Coaster. People are buying this overpriced pack for the animals, not the building pieces. They just add them to justify the price.
24 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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Verfasst: 06.12.20 06:54
The Arctic DLC for Planet Zoo is a bit of a letdown. In fact, you could say that about virtually all DLCs that have come out. For this one, there are a few more animal species they could have added such as the musk ox and the arctic fox. Also, let's be honest, the building pieces are just overwhelming. Honestly, I think Frontier would be better off cutting back on the copious amounts of building and scenery pieces they add with each of these DLCs. They are too overwhelming in variety for the casual player and even overwhelming in selection to more dedicated players. Also, while the building pieces are interesting and appropriately themed, the building system is far too complex at times as is and it's incredibly frustrating that Frontier would choose to work on, in most cases, re-textured building and scenery assets instead of adding more animals per DLC, which in case no one noticed, are the focus of the whole game. Do not buy this at full price, too little meaningful content for the price. Yes, it does include two new story scenarios, but this is the only DLC that has expanded on the campaign story line so far. Again, not enough interesting content to justify asking $10.
209 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 01.12.20 19:32
Fun but overpriced.
Get it during a steam sale, but not before.
21 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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Verfasst: 30.11.20 17:59
I bought this pack bc I'm from Scandinavia, and wanted snow, reindeers and polar bears in my game... It's an ok pack, but wait for it to go on sale. There's only four animals in this pack, and a bunch of christmas items (a bit odd, but I don't hate it) If you ask me, they should have made a holiday dlc, for those wanting it, and leave it out of this one, then add other items or more animals to this one... anyway,

really love the snow <3
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:26
Actually a great game. So many opportunities to build and be creative in any way you want. Not only can you design habitats, you can make buildings, layouts, all integrated with amazing animals. On high graphics quality, this game is mental. Highly recommend.
59 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 13.09.20 02:57
Charging this much for reskins is outrageous. This is probably why there is no mod support for this game: so the publishers/developers can squeeze as much money for minimal development time. People would catch on quick if most of what we are getting can be done by modders.
244 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
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Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:48
this is an ok dlc, i do wish it added a lot more animals because there isnt that many animals for colder climates in this game, other then bears. i do like that it added a lot more building pieces but i dont really focus on that aspect of the game too much. should have made two different dlcs. one for animals and the other for building pieces. i do recommend but at the sametime i dont. i wish there was a neutral rating lol
5 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 30.08.20 18:44
I don't place the animals in this pack in my zoos as much as I thought I would. Glad it was only $10.
114 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 25.08.20 14:46
too expensive for how little content it provides
20 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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Verfasst: 23.08.20 14:34
Liked the new animals/career scenarios and arctic items. Worth the price.
139 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 22.08.20 13:35
Overpriced dlc with no penguins, don't buy unless it's on a really good sale.
11 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 21.08.20 16:08
I bought one dlc for this game and I am not touching the others unless there is a substantial sale. It’s just straight up not worth the asking price.
I like the quantify my purchases using a $1=1 hour system. Could I get 10 hours of content out of a few animals and set pieces? Maybe if it was stretched a bit, but it wouldn’t enhance the game enough to make me want to go that long.
470 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 20.08.20 15:40
not enough animals
190 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 31.07.20 00:49
A negative review merely to tell Frontier they need to up their game and release more substantial DLC content.

The positive I'll give this pack over the South America pack is that it features scenarios to play through. Gameplay wise, the negative I'll list is that polar bears will never be practical/ affordable outside of Sandbox mode.
4 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
0 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 23:43
penguins live in antarctica lol

Now for the main part. Lots of people say they are getting ripped off or little content. Each animal is $2 with unique models and animations. The arctic theme is 80 cents. Now I'm a idiot so math I am probably wrong but it is close. Each animal has a unique model and unique animations so it takes a long time. Oh yeah its campaign is part of the [spoiler alert] Bernie Goodwin lost and Legally Dead part and its campaign are in my opinion some of the most beautiful.
67 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 16.07.20 03:32
no penguins cringe
149 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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Verfasst: 13.07.20 01:09
Needs More Animals but has good Nature Content
12 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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Verfasst: 07.07.20 17:02
I got this on sale.
I would recommend waiting until it does go on sale then buying it if your thinking of getting this pack.
This pack really adds to the game and I love the new Animals! I have the Arctic Wolves, Reindeer and the Sheep in my zoo so far and they are all so cute and wonderful to see.
287 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 05.07.20 18:24
Veeeery light on content for the price. Arctic wolves are just regular wolves with new fur, polar bears are difficult to work into most zoos, which leaves you with reindeer and dall sheep as the animals most players will see added to their zoos. The building set is nice but still heavily themed with a few notable exceptions, so not really worth the price. Only really useful if you're working on an arctic themed area, which is tough with how few arctic animals are actually in the game.
385 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 03.07.20 21:38
No Seals? No Walruses? No Penguins?
If you're gonna make 10 bucks of DLC can you atleast make it worth 10 bucks?
180 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 28.06.20 08:39
Tricky question: why don't polar bears eat penguins?

If you want penguins we need an Antartic dlc pack, duh.
123 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 10.06.20 23:57
Not enough Content to justify a $10 asking price
165 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 06.06.20 18:24
Hello! If you are considering purchasing this DLC give my review a read. So, normally. I don't review games, or DLC from steam. But I thought I should, considering the sheer amount of bad reviews for this amazing Arctic Pack!

- Don't buy this back if your PC is unable to run Planet Zoo in at least medium graphics or higher. The snow takes a toll on performance, and requires your graphic settings to be slightly higher to even show up.

- The pack has a very festive theme to it, leaning towards a lot of winter holidays including Christmas. If you celebrate those holidays, that is an added benefit, being able to add garlands, presents, festive trees, and much more to your zoo! If you don't celebrate them, or perhaps you are agnostic. Very festive items may be a let down for you.

So, this pack as a whole includes four animals, which is fine for the current price [Running at about $10.00 USD] . And I'll share my opinion on all of them, because they all are done lovingly. And have beautiful textures.

- Dall Sheep, some of the cutest critters you can have in your zoo, with a unique appearance and very simple habitat needs. They are a very unique take on what you would expect in an Arctic Pack, and I'm sure many who have purchased the pack did not know about these darling sheep beforehand. I love them, and they look amazing.

- Reindeer, these are absolutely adorable and super goofy. They are beautiful, and are very well done. They don't look similar to any other animal found in Planet Zoo, and are fairly simple to fulfill all their needs. They don't require much space at all, and you can keep very large herds of them which tend to attract large amounts of guests.

- Arctic Wolves. Alright, so let me address this if you couldn't already tell. The Arctic Wolves are unfortunately just Timber Wolf re skins. Which I am quite disappointed about. They have almost identical needs to Timber Wolves, if you are super into the Timber Wolves, I'm sure these cuties would please you. They are nice to keep in your zoo, but feel like a last minute add in to me, and not something purely cultivated for this pack. [They could've been in base game easily]

- Polar Bears. These guys are one of the most iconic animals you can keep, have have a huge guest appeal in your zoo. Not only are they beautiful, lovingly done, and absolutely AMAZING. They are one of the few animals that are quite challenging to keep in your zoo. With unique needs, and slightly picky stats, they are sure to keep you on your toes.

Over all, you get four very unique animals that are an absolute joy to add to any zoo in a cold weather biome. [Taiga or Tundra] Along with the animals, you get many new decorative items, wall types, and preset buildings which look perfect in Arctic zoos. As well as a few new enrichment items that are festively designed for the new animals added, and some scenarios which one is easy, and the other is moderate to hard-ish. So, the question is. Do I recommend this pack, and is it worth it? Yes! I definitely recommend this pack, but only to certain people. If you want this pack, ask yourself how often you indulge in cold weather zoos, are you a particular fan to any of the animals included, or do you just want the pack for the sake of having it. And, is it worth the money? Yes, and no. In my opinion. I think a couple more animals would have been nicer, but I think for $10.00 USD four animals and hundreds of new decorative items is about on par with the price. I wish they could have took the time to use a different model for the Arctic Wolves, and perhaps added other iconic cold weather creatures. But I'm sure we will see those in due time.

Hopefully this review helped anyone considering getting this pack, and perhaps you will see this in the sea of bad reviews, with mostly shallow points and criticisms.
89 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 26.05.20 15:45
This is $4-5 pack, not a $10 pack. I bought it on sale, hoping the $1 off would help. No-- there's just so little for a pack that costs almost quarter of the price of the full game (which IS well worth it).

Also whats with the space requirements of the polar bears? I know they need space, but 4x more than African elephants and 11x more than a grizzly bear?!
69 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 24.05.20 11:41
This is awful! Where are the PENGUINS!?!?!?!?..... (in the antarctic you idiot.)
96 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 23.05.20 16:37
Lol penguins live in the Antartic, not the Artic
140 Produkte im Account
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Verfasst: 17.05.20 02:21
How do you make an arctic dlc pack and NOT include penguins! Come on Bethesda!
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Verfasst: 14.05.20 02:27
14.50 for 4 animals (with animals like Polar Bear and Reindeer which should be in the base game) and 2 incredibly easy and simple scenarios. Also some scenery but honestly that should be in the base game or free because this is a zoo game not an architecture game.
Now I only ever got to play Zoo Tycoon 2 Complete Collection so I don't know how much the expansions were but I do know they had a lot more animals, a lot more scenarios and a lot more new mechanics than this. It is a piss poor effort and Frontier needs to stop being incredibly greedy with their DLC's like they have been in their previous games. Release them all at once rather than trying to squeeze everything you can out of people with tiny expansions.
That being said the animals look great (as usual) and the scenarios being easy can be seen as a good thing after playing that soul sucking campaign.
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Verfasst: 06.05.20 03:27
where da penguins and seals
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Verfasst: 26.04.20 14:34
The animals and objects are nice, but there isn't enough content for the price.
only 4 animals is NOT enough for a dlc, especially when it doesn't include some very popular options (like the penguins so many others wanted, and are upset by the lack of)

its not a bad dlc, but i hop they make more fleshed out ones in the future.//
anyway, maybe wait for it to go on sale, unless you REEEEEALLY want those polar bears.
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Verfasst: 15.04.20 03:21
Total rip off, I mean the animals that are there are very, very cute and well made. But four animals? Really? And no, the amount of building stuff doesn't make up for the price.

Make descent DLCs, dudes.
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Verfasst: 09.04.20 19:20
How can you make an arctic pack and not include penguins?
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Verfasst: 08.04.20 10:22
Not a great value for money with regards of species and even the species in it feels like a reskin. Feels like a missed chance to add more variety and diversity.
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Verfasst: 07.04.20 21:35

Sorry for the long post, short review is at the bottom....

I know I am simply echoing what others have said, but I believe that this is a major fall down for Planet Zoo. If we look at our predecessor, Zoo Tycoon, the sheer amount of animals contained in it was spectacular. Not only that, but each animal was lovingly designed {which these ones are as well} and had the most endearing quirks and traits - they were not re-skins. It's disheartening that both of the new DLCs contained so few animals. I love how everything can be customised and I love the incredible scenery, but we are all here {let's face it} for the animals.

So many gorgeous animals are missing from the base game (which I understand is to stimulate the buying of DLCs), but to acquire dribs and drabs in this manner is disappointing. I would rather pay more for a substantial pack that comes out every couple of months than the way things are going now, which echo Jurassic World rather alarmingly, and will see a sharp decrease in supporters of the game. Also, I do love the exhibit animals, but they simply cannot count towards a final goal here. At the risk of sounding like a spoiled brat, another frog to add to our collection is great and all but it is not the same as a living, breathing, unique animal for our large enclosures.

I mean, we have two separate brown bear species which are very much alike but are missing a single leopard? Two species of tiger but no gibbon? An arctic wolf, which echoes the timber in mannerisms, but no fox?

Then South America comes out missing iconic animals and with a small (though beautiful) collection of four enclosure species and a little froggy?

I am not only here to be negative, I love Planet Zoo and it is a masterpiece, but I am very nervous that this is the path we are on and I hope that the developers will listen to their players, as they have so far been doing. Platforms like Steam not only give the chance for companies to make some extra money using frequent DLCs, but they allow for a community which should not be taken for granted. It should work both ways, and it often does, but (as in the calamity that was Jurassic World) the community can be ignored, which results in so much wasted potential.

Thank you for this incredible game! With luck we will see 'fuller' DLCs coming out in the future.

Now down to the nitty-gritty:

What can you expect in this pack:

1 x polar bear (stunning and difficult to manage in equal measures)
1 x dall sheep (beautiful and unique)
1 x reindeer (a welcome addition)
1 x arctic wolf (lovely to look at but a re-skin of the timber)
Some gorgeous new scenery items.
2 x new career zoos ( 1 x easy; 1 x middle to tough difficulty)

Is it worth the money?

Well, yes and no. It is not too expensive for what you get, but what you get is dismal in the animal department. The community let this one slide, but I see that the reviews on South America are not glowing at all. It is sad to see so few animals, and I would rather have waited longer and paid more for a better pack. That being said, I did purchase it knowing what I was going to be getting, and no false statements or misleading information was supplied.

If you want to add to your zoo like I do, then purchase away. However, it may be prudent to wait and see as to how the developers respond to their latest critics before sinking more money into the franchise.
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Verfasst: 07.04.20 21:04
Need a Marine Mania DLC/Expansion Pack with dolphins and shit.
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Verfasst: 07.04.20 19:58
Not worth to pay so much for 4 animals, and I contained myself of reviewing, but now I see this will become a common practice... from my side, not worth to pay 10 euro each 3 months (around) for 4 new animals only. I hope the practices change because this is not a way to keep your fanbase happy.
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Verfasst: 07.04.20 12:35
4 animals and a new theme for $10 is just a scam don't buy it even on a sale the devs dont deserve it
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Verfasst: 03.04.20 04:33
Love the scenery and the polar bears. Where are the Penguins?! I assume seals/walrus etc would come in an aquatic pack later, but penguins would've been perfect for the arctic pack. Bummer.
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Verfasst: 22.03.20 10:40
Definitely not worth it. This was simply a money grab for the holiday season. You will only get 4 news animals and these animals are basically re-skin of animals already in the game. This means you are paying $10 for very little addition development from Frontier. This should have easily been included in the deluxe edition. Very disappointed.
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Verfasst: 14.03.20 03:16
I enjoy what is actually provided in the pack, the Arctic Wolf was a bit of a cheap add in. I love the Dall Sheep; it's unique and fun, same with the reindeer. The polar bear is a must being such an iconic animal. I would've loved to have seen one or two more animals and something different instead of the arctic wolf. Maybe a walrus, arctic fox, or musk ox? I think an exhibit animal should be included for the price as well.

My biggest thing that upset me was how close to the base games release this DLC sold. Some of this could've been included in that base game. Frontier was way better to its customers with Planet Coaster, I hope they haven't gone all big business greedy.
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Verfasst: 27.01.20 06:19
$15 its okay. but i was expecting much more than just 4 new animals thats not enough to expire me to build an arctic zoo.
arctic foxes/foxes
snowshoe hare
arctic ground squirrel
there all missing. not to mention as a fellow Australian i would like to see more aussie animals like kangaroo's, wombats, bandicoots, quokka, koalas, Numbats, Dingo, Platypus, bilbies, Echidna and the Tasmanian Devil

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Verfasst: 17.12.19 21:28
its pretty good but it wouldve been better with penguins and walruss
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Verfasst: 17.12.19 16:25
Too pricey for the content it offers. Some of the new assets are pretty cool, but there's not enough of them, and 4 animals is way too underwhelming.
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Verfasst: 17.12.19 15:05
So far the dlc itself is good, The Arctic wolves act and seem different to the timber wolf so its not just a reskin. My reindeer for some reason love sleeping in water but thats not an issue.

One critique i would have is the price. £8 is a bit much if im honest. As nice as the scenery is, you got to think people are paying for the animals, which means each animal costs £2. Had some other animals been included then it would be worth it. The Walrus, The Wolverine, Musk Ox and the Arctic Fox could have easily been added.

Only having 4 animals doesn't represent great value. Yes we get 2 scenarios and a bunch of new scenery which is gorgeous, but its the animals we're paying for. 6 animals per DLC pack should be a minimum when it comes to smaller regions like the Arctic. It does leave me worried for another DLC pack. Such as an African Savannah pack. Theres at least 30 animals i could think of to add and if its £8 for another 4 animals then i wont be buying and i hope others dont either.

Another issue is Arctic animals wanting Arctic biomes but no plants or trees are considered arctic.

So far so good though aside from the things ive stated. i just hope the devs give value for money and dont cash in on peoples ignorance and good nature like they have done with Planet Coaster.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
68.92% 153 69
Release:17.12.2019 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Frontier Developments Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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