Planet Explorers
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Über das Spiel
Story Mode – Story mode is the main meat and bones of the game, it is the action-adventure-rpg-somewhat-4X segment, offering npcs, missions, colony building, farming, training, diplomacy, and of course, a storyline that you can follow or ignore. This story features a 17X8km world map with many unique character, landscapes, biomes, locations, and over 140 types of potential enemies. Even though we’ve made it seem like a very action oriented game in the trailers, in reality, players can choose to not fight so much as to just plant a farm, make some food, keep the colonists alive, negotiate with the sentient aliens, and defend the perimeter from the local life forms. That can still eventually arrive at the ending. And yes, there is an ending. Story mode also features coop with other players.
Adventure Mode – This mode is based on a procedural map generated from a seed. It comes in a 40X40 kilometer map. Players will be able to complete random missions, defeat bosses, dive through dungeons, and explore different landscapes. This mode also features survival and versus.
Build Mode – In this mode, there are no enemies and an infinite amount of building material. It also currently comes in a 40X40km map. Players will be able to build whatever they want in this mode, including everything in the Creations Editor. Think of this as the perfect testing ground to test everything you build. Or…it’s your place to build your garden without ever worrying about the pesky aliens.
Multiplayer allows Local Area Network and player hosted servers. We also have many official servers in the lobby.
Coop – Coop comes in many selections, such as adventure mode, story mode, build mode, etc. This is pretty much an open world sandbox.
Versus – This mode allows teams of up to 16 players to battle against 16 players from another team. We allow full terrain manipulation in this mode. It's a point based system where one team wins if they reach a certain point level based on kills, built objects, resources mined, etc.
- CPU: i3+
- GFX: GTX 460+ HD 5770+
- Software: Win 7 64bit
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Must have OpenCL compatible CPU or GPU (DX10.1) 32bit can run, but will experience some memory crashes on higher qualities
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: i5+
- GFX: GTX 760+ HD7000+
- Software: Win 7 + 64bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Must have OpenCL compatible CPU or GPU (DX10.1)
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
6505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 18:29
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12489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 08:53
Sprach man das bei einem Übersetzer oder was die dar Eingestellt haben für einen Ego-Master, wurde man gebannt mit der Einstellung ,,gefehlt mir eure Antwort nicht bann ich euch einfach,,.
Für mich ist dieses Spiel Tot und ich hoffe es folgt keine weiteren dieser Jonko-Firma die einen Verrückten die Waffe ihn die Hand der aus Spaß das Game über denn Haufen geschossen hat.
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6021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 16:01
Ich habe selbst vor der Steam Veröffentlichung einige hundert Stunden im Single und Multiplayer verbracht.
Durch die sehr detailierte Hexagonwelt die keinerlei Kanten im Terrain hinterlässt wenn man gräbt, kann man wenn man sich ein bisschen Diszipliniert ist, sehr schöne Höhlen buddeln.
Die 'Standardwelt' Planet Maria ist sehr groß, abwechslungsreich und hat viele verschiedene Terrains.
Die Prozedural generierten sind mäßig. Nicht ganz schlecht aber doch insgesamt zählt nur das Biome. Highlights oder Points-of-Interest gibt es kaum.
Rohstoffe ernten ist ein Teil vom Spiel der sehr langwierig gestaltet ist und ernsthaft in Arbeit ausartet.
Einmal vom herumreisen und suchen her, damit man sie alle findet und zum Anderen ist der Zeitaufwand sehr hoch, bis man die besten Werkzeuge zur Verfügung hat.
Es sind jedoch kaum Grenzen gesetzt in der Art wie man das Gelände verändern und bebauen kann.
Kolonien - Eine eigene Kolonie ist ein 'Game-Changer' sobald man diese begonnen hat und die ersten Bauteile stehen, fällt das mühsehlige Beschaffen von Rohstoffen kann automatisiert werden. Ab diesem Punkt, fängt man ernsthaft an zu Spielen und kann sich in den tausenden Details des Spiels verlieren und Stunde um Stunde Spaß haben.
Fahrzeuge - Eigene Fahrzeuge bauen ist ein Spaß und erlaubt sehr viel Freiheiten. Von Booten, Buggys, LKWs bis zu Flugzeugen ist alles Möglich.
Waffen, Schilde - Auch diese können selber gestaltet werden in einem Editor und direkt verwendet werden.
Dieses Spiel hat wahnsinnig Spaß gemacht und hat auch eine sehr schöne Story die man durchspielen kann. (Teils gebunden, teils Open World - man muss ihr nicht folgen, jedoch machen die Belohnungen in der Story ein Erkunden erst richtig möglich.)
Leider, Leider, gab es einen Unfall bei den Entwicklern und sie haben nicht nur ihren Multiplayer und Lobbycode verloren, sondern waren auch nicht gewillt wenigstens wieder ein Spielen im LAN/per TCP-IP zu ermöglichen.
Da dieses Spiel im Multiplayer so viel Spaß gemacht hat und der Single-Player modus leider nicht da ran kommt, muss ich mich gehen eine Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.
Für mich war es über die Jahre jeden Cent Wert und ich habe mit Freunden und Familie viele Stunden im Mehrspieler verbracht. Hin und wieder Spiele ich es noch ein paar Minuten, bis mich wieder der fehlende Multiplayer-Teil deprimiert.
Sollte es irgendwann, durch einen Patch oder ein Community-Projekt wieder einen Multiplayer-Mode geben, wird dies in eine 100%ige Kaufempfehlung umgewandelt. (Ja der Multiplayer mode war nicht Bug-frei, hat aber bisher jedes Open-World-Spiel ohne die Möglichkeit die Welt zu verlassen in die Tasche gesteckt. Minecraft ist Müll dazu im direkten Vergleich und das habe ich auch Jahrelang gerne gespielt....)
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2551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 19:43
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38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 03:49
Reasons why I quite:
1.) The tutorial was extremely long winded and tedious in how it explained the mechanics.
2.) Constant walls of text to explain basic concepts or to info dump.
3.) The dialogue was so clunky that I had to read each text box multiple times to understand something that didn't feel important.
4.) Characters will tell you to do one thing while getting told to do something different by a text box.
5.) How the game conveys information about gathering based quests is practically absent from the game all together.
6.) The game spends a lot of time (early on) telling you what you can do rather than letting you learn through experiencing what you can do.
2444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 23:11
Third person Survival/Builder/colony management story driven RPG in a sandbox world with in game content generation.
Can be played single player or muiltiplayer coop
Has a non-story mode for playing around with sandbox mechanics
Despite a lot of jank the game has charm, many uniquely combined elements and I enjoyed playing around with it. I didn't finish it but I enjoyed playing with it and spent quite a lot of time
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5251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 14:13
4976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 14:26
Unfortunately the game was dropped and abandoned. Now it is free on Steam.
In all honestly, I'm upset that the game is not finished - but I got a lot out of it for the EA price I paid. So I am not angry that it is free - I got more than my money's worth. And I enjoyed playing the game.
And now that it is free - it is totally worth picking up and playing as a single-player game (multi-player doesn't work).
Give it a go - you got absolutely nothing to lose - other than your time.
3733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 21:31
Edit: I didn't know this game was pay to play... anyway you can give thumbs down, but the game is still one of the good games on Steam.
Score: Crème brûlée/Omelette au fromage
14824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 21:24
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2135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 05:37
On another note, this game was buy-to-play until recently, which irked many people who paid for promises, but received naught. Having released the game as free to play is just a gut punch.
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7126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 17:33
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2019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 22:30
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4771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 13:00
I saw how you've started work on other games and left this one to rot.
5856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 14:16
The bad about this game is more in it's near MMO style clunky combat, shit-head developers who not only break a game feature (Multiplayer/Co-op, which was very unpolished when it was destroyed) to the point it would have needed to be rebuilt from scratch during a bug fix patch after announcing they would save the rest of the story for a sequel when/if they make it (Personally I think they have scrubbed this bad rep game from their systems and never plan to release it/Work on it) only silver lining is after that they put the game on f2p. Third issue is the unfinished story (Dev admitted this game was aiming to be what they could not achieve, a game with many planets, so said to wait for sequel to actually get these features and the story)
Final Thoughts, solid 3/5 stars on the delivered game alone. (Biggest detractors are the combat, lack of finished story, and Lack of mining Machinery.) Though it should be stated, this game storywise is more of a prequel due to how quickly you can reach the end of the current story.
Devs get 1/5 for atleast owning up when they made a mistake, but then promise only a small stipens for the backers of this game who were promised/sold on alot, got only 45% of those promises and had a feature destroyed / taken from them. 5% discount to people who bought your game for a sequel which has yet to appear 5 years after the fact when they made 3-4 other games (Almost all of them Single player, probably due to how horrid the Multiplayer in this game functioned) is super disingenuous. It shouldn't be free as its a whole new product, but at least 50%-75% off for those of us who bought the first game would have been better.
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204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 00:03
16380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 07:53
34484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 11:49
You have unlimited possibilities when building bases or using the creation system. let your creativity flow and have fun.
You crash land on an alien planet with other survivors, your adventure begins...
Clink link for reason why this game is free now
> Planet Explorers Server Issue Final Solution <
4719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 12:43
8694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 17:46
Fast forward 5 years and I'm still thinking about this game on occasion and wishing there was another game with the unique item creation system exactly like this. I come back and find the MP server is dead with no hope of recovery and the game has been abandoned. Sadly I re-install it to relive some memories and start working my way through the story that was unfinished so long ago and ... holy crap, it's good. Okay, maybe a bit cliche and cheesy, but overall it's good. I just sank an additional 48 hours into this game, building my ships and swords and guns and just following the quest lines. Some of the characters are forgettable but some are just hilarious. There are still hints from the devs that a Planet Explorers 2 is planned, but it doesn't look like they have started development on it yet. Once they do I will be the first in line for it, glorious bugs and all.
Overall, I'm sad at the death of multiplayer and the abandonment of this game, but it's still a great game on it's own.
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39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 01:13
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 18.04 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | Ryzen 5 1500x | [/tr]
GPU | GTX 1050, nvidia-410.104 | [/tr]
Game Saves | Automatically, manually whenever you want | [/tr]
Technical Notes | Ran too poorly to truly test | [/tr]
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 03:13
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192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 19:15
9481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 19:34
823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 19:48
39280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 07:15
Due to an issue in development where an irresponsible party wiped their multiplayer central servers, and the source code for said servers, the game lost multiplayer support. However, the game itself is still very fun.
The game never did receive it's final balance passes, and the story mode still feels incomplete. However, the core mechanics are very good, and the core game base works well.
The single player randomly generated mode is fun, but feels very lacking without multiplayer. That mode was really designed for multiplayer, and this is painfully obvious.
There is still hope for multiplayer if someone in the open source community wants to write a solution. The developers released the majority of the game's code to a shared source license (all they legally could). They originally intended to use an fully open-source license except for one of said closed source modules (The wheel handling code) forbids it.
The unique Voxel-Based design system is extremely fun, despite the mechanics of it being not quite realistic. Who wants realism in a game that isn't a simulation game anyhow.
Despite it's faults it is a very good game.
3905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 15:26
Lots of side quests and an interesting main storyline to follow.
3580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 05:51
Thats Steam for you.
Bought this game back in the day and i never regretted it.
Dont be fooled by the negative reviews, this game is good, quirky but good.
The developer/publisher decided to make it free once they ceased development for it and dropped the multiplayer servers.
How many other companies do that?
The only reason im writing this review is the anger against the injustice of the negative reviews, because this game doesnt deserve them.
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17423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 22:56
5520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 03:37
7478 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 05:20
There are many negative reviews from frustrated and disappointed people who are not happy about the fact this game turned into a free to play after they paid for it and that the official multiplayer is gone.
I wasn't a backer on kickstarter like some of those people who complained, but I was still one of the players who had to pay for this game when it was released on Steam.
I would lie if I said that I don't care that it turned into a free to play, but in my case, it's because I know it will not receive any more updates and that's sad. Planet Explorers 2 is way too far away in the future, if they ever start developing it at all (I hope they will).
I certainly don't regret that I purchased this game, because if my money helped to improve this game at least a little bit, then it was worth it. The game wasn't too expensive at the time I purchased it and I believe I already got the entertainment I paid for from this game and I still haven't finished the main story. It's a very addictive game and you can easily sink many hours into it. There are some little issues here and there, but it's still a pretty enjoyable game overall...
So what is this game about?
You and your colleagues crashlanded on a new planet called Maria. You have a mission to explore the planet and build a colony there. You will also meet aliens and other NPCs who can give you quests that you can either do alone or with help of your followers or even other NPCs. You can trade with the NPCs to get some better items that will help you make some progress in game faster. You can gear yourself and your followers with the best armor and weapons, food, medicine. You will be building, designing all kinds of new technology from simple tools, armor, weapons to advanced things like robots, turrets and vehicles for driving, flying, sailing and much more. This game supports Steam Workshop and many community designed armors, weapons, vehicles etc. are available there for free. If this sounds like fun to you, you can't go wrong if you give this game a try. After all, it's free to play now...
I know that the official multiplayer is gone, but there's an unofficial patch that allows you to play multiplayer with certain limitations compared to the original, but I guess at least something is better than nothing. Plus, multiplayer in games like this can easily add many more hours of entertainment and that's always welcome. You can find the unofficial multiplayer patch in the discussions.
14813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 12:37
HOWEVER I paid full price and it was worth it. I feel like unless you're playing story mode, building colonies is almost kinda pointless but I played well over 200hrs in survival and it was amazing. The worlds are huge, immersive, and actually exciting to explore. There's a thrill to finding and exploring dungeons, wondering if you'll get those recipes or loot you're hoping for. Enabling the skill tree allows you to go from a humble peasant getting killed by the smallest creatures to a war machine fleet commander taking on entire alien towns in your massive invulnerable flying fortress bomber that you designed yourself. It's like a futuristic RPG/city builder/survival game in one.
This game had so much potential that it was on its way to being the best game in existence and I'm really disappointed and confused as to why it was abandoned but even after all these years if I didn't have anything more important to do I would totally still give in to my urge to play again. Would 100% recommend.
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5247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 10:08
They dragged their heels, shat out a half-arsed copy, slapped the 1.0 on it and then went to make My Time at Portia.
To put salt into the wound they now made it Free To Play.
My advice: Avoid the game and the developers like the black death.
7083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 03:07
Right now, the game being free, if you like rpg's, open world, gathering, mining, farming, vehicle and base building, and almost limitless capabilities of creation with the editing tool in game, then this one is for you. You can design your own furnitures, vehicles, armors and weapons very easily once you get a grip of the creating tools.
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115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 10:05
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197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 23:18
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2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 00:06
That's how little the publishers for My Time at Portia (which I didn't buy because of Pathea games) care about this game, although they're claiming they're making a new version eventually. I'll be sure not to buy that, too.
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1651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 10:28
The developer left the project and a lot of bugs behind. Even functionalities which worked nicely before, like multiplayer, are now a mess.
I liked that game in the early beginnings, but the storyline had never been completed and all those update promises never happened.
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2197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 19:40
It is not. VERY LITTLE has changed since their initial release, with most of the changes being optimization and a clunky tutorial. What was once an extremely promising beta is now one of those weird almost-games that haunt app-stores, where it's more of a tech demo or proof of concept than a game.
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2356 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 23:15
4697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 18:52
It literally doesn't cost a cent to, at least, give it a try ;)
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178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 21:17
Got even more scammed, because it's free now.
Reason? The Devs actually abandoned their Project.
A true learning experience right there. Not in the Game, but in/for life.
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926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 04:20
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11819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 03:54
The only thing that got fixed by release was the in the map. Maybe the story, too but the bugs in the NPCs and many other immersion ruining things got in the way of true enjoyment.
I know I paid for an early access game. I get to complain if a product didn't do well. I supported it and lost that money.
But that's early access for ya. It's a gamble. I lost this one.
Pathea Games
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