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Content update DOOMER №1 is available! Changelog post.
Planar Conquest
24.09.24 04:12 Community Announcements


Greetings from the Doomer development team!

We apologize for the long absence of any news and game updates since the announcement of our roadmap. As is often the case, everything that could go wrong went wrong. As we built all the processes and implemented what we promised, it took more time than expected.

Now that the time has come, we are pleased to present you with the first content update, which is quite significant in scope, but represents only a small part of what's planned.

Let's talk about future plans before we get into the details of the update. From now on, we'll release updates more frequently. We can't reveal the content or dates yet, but there won't be such long breaks between updates anymore. In the next step, we'll rework the technical foundation of the game, optimize everything that's "under the hood", and then start developing game mechanics.

And yes, you read that right, Doomer will feature game mechanics and a clearly defined gameplay cycle. And naturally, we will add more nostalgic items, references, and elements that are signature to the time.

Sincerely yours, the Doomer team.

Now for the content update:

1) Character:

  • Doomer can now run, jump, and crouch;
  • When running, the camera wobbles more intensely than when walking;
  • Removed camera shake with the option to turn it on if you want to;
  • The phone model has been updated to Pokia :), which is more relevant to the time when the game takes place.
  • The phone interface has been updated with the ability to call, but no one will answer...yet.
  • The ability to take photos through the phone has been removed, since it does not correspond to the time of the game. We will get back to this and explore ideas of how to do photos and screenshots later. However, it won't be done with the phone camera, that is for sure.
  • A redesigned item interaction system has been added. For example, the rat isn't a part of your pocket anymore. It lives in the cage. You can get it out and put it back in.
  • Like any doomer character can now die, there are several ways to do that. Feel free to experiment.
  • 2) Doomers apartment:

  • You are able to open and close almost all of the doors and windows in the apartment.
  • Now, there are switches in all rooms, so lights can be turned on and off.
  • A gas stove can be lit.
  • Lots and lots of authentic items that are appropriate for the time the events of the game take place. Brand new models of items made from scratch, including Dendy consoles, cartridges, videotapes, books, Great Dragon and Technics of Youth magazines, as well as video and audio tape recorders. There is no sense to list it all, just explore and enjoy.
  • It is now possible to pick up and inspect items. At the moment, not all of the items are eligible for that, but we will be gradually adding the ability to inspect them all.
  • You can now watch TV
  • The apartment has a telephone now, you should expect a call.
  • There has been a change in the apartment's furnishings. Now that Doomer has a new table, he has rearranged some stuff around the apartment.

3) Other:

  • The apartment building has the entrance now, you can access it from the doomers apartment. It allows you to go out onto the street, or access the roof. We attempted to make the entrance as authentic as possible using relevant objects and attributes of the time, writings on the walls, ashtrays, bottles, etc. You can explore, ring your neighbors doorbells and find ways to entertain yourself, maybe getting an achievement or two while you are at it. We'll add more activities over time.
  • You can access the roof now. There you can walk around, smoke a cigarette and contemplate about your life while looking at the surrounding landscape from above. That, and all other sorts of activities you can think of.
  • The lighting has been updated, smoothly transitioning to dynamic lighting;
  • A variety of ambient sounds, clocks, birds outside the window, street noise, computer startup, and others have been added;
  • Picked bottles can be thrown anywhere if you click the left mouse button after picking them up. Give it a try, experiment with it...
  • The railroad in the area is now fully operational. Watch the departing train doomer and think about life...
  • There are many hidden activities now. We won't reveal them, but we are sure you'll enjoy finding them. Don't be afraid to explore the neighborhood and the apartment, something interesting is surely waiting for you there.
  • Lines 97 is now installed on the computer.
  • Several parked cars appeared on the streets.
  • The apartment buildings themselves were embellished with authentic external elements.
  • Old achievements have been remade to match the spirit of the game and the changes we've made. You'll find new secret achievements as well, look for ways to unlock them and just have fun.

Enjoy the game!!!
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Release:30.05.2016 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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