• Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.
  • Per Aspera: Screen zum Spiel Per Aspera.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 05.11.2020
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Preis Update 13.05.23

Über das Spiel

Welche Rolle spielt die Menschheit im unendlich großen Universum? Was sind wir bereit zu ertragen, um es herauszufinden?

Per Aspera ist eine Planetensimulation, die Hard-Science-Fiction und Basisbau miteinander kombiniert. Du steuerst ein hochintelligentes künstliches Bewusstsein, dessen oberstes Ziel ist, den Mars für Menschen bewohnbar zu machen – eine Mission voller Herausforderungen. Erkunde eine Karte basierend auf geografischen Daten der NASA, baue verfügbare Ressourcen an der Oberfläche ab und nutze realitätsnahe Technologie basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Prinzipien, um eine erfolgreich operierende interplanetare Basis zu errichten.

Du bist zwar zunächst allein, doch du kannst auf die Hilfe deines Teams in Houston zurückgreifen. Baue durch deine Entscheidungen ein Netzwerk von Beziehungen auf, die sich auf den Erfolg deiner Mission auswirken.

Erlebe die tatsächlichen Bedingungen und Herausforderungen, die das Terraforming mit sich bringt, während du Studien und wissenschaftliche Theorien von echten Weltraumbehörden und Ingenieuren umsetzt. Teste verschiedene Kolonisierungsstrategien, breite dich auf der gesamten Karte aus und erlebe das Abenteuer, die Menschheit in eine multiplanetare Spezies zu verwandeln!

In Per Aspera schlüpfst du in die Rolle eines künstlichen Bewusstseins namens AMI, dessen oberstes Ziel alles andere als leicht ist: den Mars in ein üppiges, grünes Paradies zu verwandeln und auf die Kolonisierung durch den Menschen vorzubereiten. Aber du bist nicht der Erste, der diesen Versuch unternimmt, und während du dich den zahlreichen Herausforderungen stellst, erfährst du Schritt für Schritt immer mehr über das Schicksal deiner Vorgänger.
Stell dich der Herausforderung.

  • Erlebe, wie eine echte Terraforming-Mission ablaufen würde. Errichte riesige Komplexe auf der Weltkarte. Der gesamte Mars ist dein Spielplatz!
  • Enthülle die Wahrheit über die ersten Missionen der Menschheit zum Mars in einer packenden Einzelspieler-Story.
  • Entwickle deine Basis und überprüfe Theorien im einzigartigen Sandbox-Modus.
  • Erforsche neue Technologien und setze Projekte um, die auf realer Wissenschaft basieren.
  • Erkunde real existierende Gebiete auf dem Mars – dargestellt in einem einzigartigen Grafikstil.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Mid to High-end recent CPU
  • GFX: Mid to High-end recent GPU
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: These system requirements are preliminary estimates and will change before launch.
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-8700 / AMD Ryzen 5 3600
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX Vega 56
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

108 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 23:53
Kampagne abgeschlossen nach 34 Stunden auf Mittel im ersten Anlauf. Es war nicht zu leicht, aber auch nicht zu schwer. Ein paarmal hatte ich an meinen eigenen Fehlern echt zu kämpfen.
Die Story ist nett, aber hat keine sehr großen Überraschungen. Macht mir aber Spaß und war ein nettes Zubrot das Spannung reingebracht hat.
Das Setting gefällt mir sehr. Wir sind die K.I. AMI die den Mars terraformieren und besiedeln soll.
Das Technik drum herum war für mich recht angenehm. Nicht zuviel Nerd-Zeugs das man dauernd googlen muß weil man es nicht kapiert. Alles sehr anschaulich. Nur am Ende das Verältnis der einzelnen Werte zueinander war irgendwie frickelig und nervig.
Mir fehlen noch so ein paar QOL Verbesserungen.. vielleicht das leere Minen besser hevorgehoben werden, oder direkt abgebaut werden. Das veraltete Stromgebäude upgradebar werden, oder man sie besserleichter umbauen kann und finden kann. Auch das man bestimmte Gebäude nicht so easy hervorheben kann war teils nervig. Hab oft meine Raumhäfen gesucht.
Werde mir jetzt mal ein paar mods anschauen und das Spiel nochmals auf schwer versuchen. Weiß nichtmehr was es gekostet hat, da es schon ne ganze weile ungespielt in der Liste drin war, aber ich bin echt zufrieden. Das Szenario macht echt Laune und ich machs lieber gleich so auf dem ganzen Planeten, als bei Planet Crafter als einzelperson rumzurennen. Macro statt Micro. :)
155 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 09:57
Läuft sehr gut und mit dem neuen Update umso besser. Empfehlenswert für Menschen die gerne Aufbausimulatoren spielen und auch mal eine Herausforderung suchen.
415 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 18:17
Per Aspera (PA) ist ein Spiel was wohl jeden Logistiksimulationsliebhaber gefallen dürfte. Habe es mir damals zum Release gekauft und es hatte bis vor kurzem eher in meiner Bibliothek geschlummert.

Habe nun nach 40h alle Errungenschaften freigespielt und haben das Spiel an sich auch soweit durchgespielt und habe alles gesehen.

Story ist fantastisch und hat auch einen wiederspielwert da es 3 verschiedene Enden gibt die alle an sich sehr interessant sind.

Hier folgen ein paar Sachen die noch verändert werden sollten. Das meiste kann man direkt mit einem Patch nachreichen.

- Die Begrünung des Mars wird nicht unter bebauter Fläche und Wegen angewendet. (sieht dann irgendwann echt komisch aus...
- Gebäude die nach einiger Zeit überschwemmt werden können nur noch teils abgebaut werden. Diese Befinden sich dann bis zum spielende in der Gebäudeliste und können nicht entfernt werden
- Das Terraforming ist an sich einen echt gute Idee und vorallem auch gut umgesetzt. Irgendwie fehlen die gegenpole des Terraformings. Man kann zwar O2, CO2, Temperatur, Wasser erhöhen aber diese nicht wieder durch Technik verringern.

ein paar kleine Wünsche für die Zukunft...
- Unterschiedliche Reichweiten der Energieversorgung. (Energieerzeugung und Transport trennen)
- Abbau von alten Gebäuden ohne direkter Verbindungen (auch gern mit Verlust)
- Lufttransport von Ressourcen über Raumhäfen
- Importieren und Exportieren von Ressourcen
- mehr Möglichkeiten der Nahrungsproduktion
- die Möglichkeit je Relaistation mehrere Transporter zu Stationieren (gern per Upgrade der Station)
- Wassergebäude die man auf dem Ozean/See erstellen und betreiben kann (Energietransport, Ressourcentransport, Abbau und ggf. Offshoreanlagen (Energie/Ressourcenabbau)

Im Großen und ganzen kann ich das Spiel Empfehlen! Waren 40h echter Spielspaß ;)
114 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
3180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 23:40
Ein gutes Spiel, das die Chance verpasst hat, ein sehr gutes zu werden.
Eine 80% Wertung wäre in Ordnung.

Aber erst einmal die positiven Dinge.
+ interessante Aufbau Simulation
+ 100% Erfolg mit überschaubarem Aufwand möglich
+ verschiedene Entscheidungswege/Lösungen
+ Wasser verändert Umwelt

+/- Ein Spiel das keine Langzeitbindung erfordert (Wiederspielwert)

Jetzt das Negative
-- SFX Geräusche
Die nerven ab einem Zeitpunkt so stark, dass ich sie auf 0% stellen musste.

-- automatisches Strassenbausystem
Da die Gebäude fix auf den Ressourcen platziert werden müssen, kommt es zu schlechten Verbindungen.
Verbindung geht zum Beispiel in eine Mulde anstelle aussen herum. Selbst Die Siedler 1 hat das besser gelöst. Es wäre wahrscheinlich besser gewesen, wen man die einzelnen Strassen zwischen den Gebäuden selbst gesetzt und mit Drag & Drop (mit Farbskala für den Abschnitt) zurechtgerückt hätte.
Durch die fixe Verankerung der Gebäude, werden benachbarte Resourcen blockiert, weil nicht genügend Abstand zur benachbarten Ressource eingehalten wird. Dies trifft man häufiger bei zusätzlichen Landeplätze vor, bei welcher zusätzliche Ressourcen für den minimalen Start hinzufügt. Ab 1000 Gebäuden wird die Routenfindung extrem langsam und es kann sein, dass es ne halbe Minute dauert bis ein Drohnenhub geplant ist. Wenn man mehrere Gebäude gleichzeitig baut, kommt die Wegplanung nicht mehr nach und ist für mehrere Min in der Gegend ausgelastet.

- Der Anfang ist zäh, weil man zuwenig Aluminium und Drohnen hat. Deshalb wird der Fortschritt unnötig hinausgezögert, weil eine Drohnen die ganzen Transporte nicht schaffen kann. Zusätzlich kann die Anordnung von Silizium und Aluminium weite Wege für die Drohne verursachen, das wird noch verschlimmert weil nicht nur diese Kombi problematisch ist, sondern auch die Anordnung von Eisen, Kohle und Chemie. Dies wird benötigt, dass man zu den zusätzlichen Drohnen kommt, welche die Lage entschärfen. Die Verwitterung der Gebäude und der resultierende Produktionsabfall machen die Lage noch prekärer.
Leider trifft man das Problem mit jedem neuen Landeplatz an, ausser man baut es neben der vorhandenen Basis und lässt das Problem durch die Hauptbasis entschärfen. Ansonsten kostet es unnötig Zeit um eine handlungsfähige Basis zu kreieren. Mit Erfahrung und Mikromanagement (prio+Produktionskontrolle) kann man das zum grossen Teil beheben, aber das benötigt Erfahrung.

- fehlender Endcontent
Hat man die Ziele erreicht, liegt der Planet immer noch brach. Das terraformieren bringt keinen Nutzen, ausser das man Wasser aus den Seen/Meeren entnehmen kann. Tiere hab ich keine Gesehen, Landwirtschaft ist nicht möglich. Ressorcen gibt es nur an der Oberfläche, aber keine im Boden. An Ressourcen im Wasser kommt man nicht mehr ran. Irgendwann hat man die vorhanden Ressourcen abgebaut, dabei wechselt ständig die Logistik durch die wechselnden Ressourcenvorräte. Die Langzeitmotivation kommt nicht auf, weil die Lage sich ständig verändert und man keine grössere Bevölkerung unterhalten kann. Es wirkt, als ob der Umfang des Spiel auf eine Minimum Version zusammengekürzt wurde.

- Das Ende ist etwas unbefriedigend, fürs Flair hätte eine kurze Filmsequenz sehr viel für die Stimmung gebracht. Hier hat man eine Chance verpasst Pluspunkte beim Spieler zu bekommen und ein Gefühl der Zufriedenheit zu kreieren. (z.B. Kleine Kinder die Draussen auf dem grünen Planeten spielten.) Farmen, damit man grössere Städte / Bevölkerungen auch versorgen kann. Zusätzliche Forschung.

- Platziert man neue Gebäude oder werden sie abgerissen (z.B Spieler oder durch die Flut), verschwinden in der Gegend die ausgebauten Strassen. Die Ressourcen sind verloren. Die Drohnen fahren nur auf vorhandenen Gebäudestrassen zur Baustelle, baut man mehrere Gebäude in der Gegend fahren sie im grossen Bogen um auf die Baustelle zu gelangen.

- Die Transportlogik hätte noch Verbesserungspotenzial.
Dadurch, dass Vorkommen auf erhöhten Lagen relativ gering sind, werden die Transportwege zu den Fabriken länger und der Wirkungsgrad sinkt auf tiefe Werte. Könnte man die Strassen selbst platzieren oder Rohstoffgebäude neben den Ressourcen platzieren, könnte man gewisse Probleme entschärfen.
Besonders da die Reichweite der Drohnen etwas unklar definiert ist, kann es zu Engpässen im Liefersystem kommen. Was gerade bei grösseren Häusern problematisch sein kann mit der Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung. (Abwanderung durch Versorgungsengpass)

- Resourcenübersicht / Statistik
Wen man mehrere nicht zusammenhängende Basen hat, ist die Ressourcenangaben verwirrend.
Bei Strom kann man in der Ansicht sehen, aber für die Ressourcen ist das nicht so einfach.

- Erklärungen zur Mechanik sind zum Teil wenig erklärt. Es gibt Jahreszeiten (Sommer&Winter) das hat Auswirkungen auf die Stromproduktion, es wird aber nur was von Sandstürmen oder Winden gesagt.
- Windkraftwerke sind fast nutzlos, die Ausbeute ist zu Gering, da sie mehrheitlich nur begrenzte Leistung liefern (weniger als Solarkraftwerk).

- Das Kampfsystem
Die Angriffsdrohnen sind zwar gut, aber durch die fehlende Schnellauswahl sucht man die parkierten Truppen auf dem ganzen Mars. Die Verteidigungsplätze sind markiert und visualisiert, jedoch die Drohnen nur unzureichend.
Die Truppen kehren wieder zu ihrem Sammelplatz zurück, wenn keine gegnerische Gebäude in der Umgebung sind.
Eine Schnellauswahl könnte Wunder bewirken, dafür hätte man den Zeitraffer auf +/- belassen können, so oft ändert man die in der Regel nicht.
- Wen man die Feindbasis angreift, kann man Ghostgebäude nicht zerstören, dadurch kann es mühsam werden, das letzte Gebäude inzwischen all den in Bau befindlichen Gebäuden zu finden, damit der Feind als besiegt gilt.
- Wird die eigene Stadt überflutet, dann zeigt es als Ghostgebäude in der Karte an.
Wie gesagt, eigentlich ein gutes Spiel, aber gewisse Aspekte hätten eine Anpassung/Verbesserung benötigt um ein sehr gutes Spielerlebnis zu erreichen. Ein Nachfolger wäre wünschenswert, wen die man an den erwähnten Punkte arbeiten würde.

Auch wen die negative Aufzählung länger ist als das Positive, so trügt der Schein.
Das Spiel ist gut, aber es dauert einwenig, bis man mit den Eigenheiten auseinander gesetzt hat und damit zurecht kommt. Man darf gespannt sein, ob da noch was nachkommt.
315 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 11:13
Ein langwieriges Spiel aber das Setup Mars ist echt Interessant und auf Planetarer Ebene mal was anderes als das altbekannte mit den kleinen Karten!
265 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 12:22
Ein vielversprechendes Spiel, basierend auf einer schönen Idee und aus meiner Sicht auch ansprechend umgesetzt.
Zu Beginn des Spiels fehlt es grundsätzlich an allem, hier hilft etwas micromanagement, um möglichst zügig die Basisinfrastruktur aufzustellen.

Mit der wachsenden Basis verschiebt sich dann auch der Fokus auf die Organisation des Logistik-Systems.
Und hier kommt dann auch der gravierende Malus dieses Spiels: Welches Logistik-System?

Gefühlt ist das einzige Mittel Unmengen an worker hubs zu bauen, um idealerweise jede Mine, jede Fabrik mit einem eigenen Worker zu versehen. Das ist ziemlich ineffizient, raubt ohne Ende Ressourcen und nimmt Unmengen von Platz ein.
Zumal es auch nicht hilft. Ich erlebe trotzdem, dass die Kohle aus der Mine im Norden am nördlichen Stahlwerk vorbei nach Süden verbracht wird und die Kohle aus dem Süden wird nach Norden gebracht.
Die Storage Center lassen sich überhaupt nicht sinnvoll steuern. Hier kann man auswählen, was eingelagert wird, ein Maximum setzen, sowie ein Minimum. Aber: 1. auch wenn etwas nicht auf der Erlaubnisliste steht, wird es eingelagert, eine Negativliste scheint es nicht zu geben. 2. das Setzen eines Minimums scheint dafür zu sorgen, dass die entsprechenden Ressourcen gesperrt werden. Nun wäre das ja wunderbar, dass man so einen Teil der Ressourcen dem allgemeinen Zugriff entzieht, es ist aber völlig sinnfrei, wenn man keine priviligierten Abnehmer definieren kann. Sinnhaft wäre ja eben z.B. Kohle in der Nähe der Stahlwerke einzulagern, damit diese darauf zugreifen können und immer auf kurzem Weg versorgt sind und einen zu definierenden Überschuss halt allgemein verfügbar zu machen.
Dem ist aber nicht so.

Des weiteren würde eine Priorisierung der Baureihenfolge enorm helfen. Z.B. Stromversorgung immer vor Minen, oder ähnliches und diese Priorisierung müsste durch den Spieler beeinflusst werden können.
Mir scheint, dass sich die Baureihenfolge daran orientiert, was zuerst platziert wurde und zugänglich ist. Wobei es Ausnahmen zu geben scheint, aber klar geworden sind mir diese bislang nicht. Die mögliche Priorisierung schiebt einfach nur einzelne Vorhaben nach vorn, ändert aber nichts am beschriebenen Bedarf.

Soweit ich das bislang erkennen konnte, scheint es auch keine Möglichkeit zu geben, dass unterwasser befindliche Ressourcen (auch Investigation Sites??) nicht mehr genutzt werden können. Wünschenswert wäre, wenn es da vielleicht per Technologie Abhilfe gäbe. (Vielleicht gibts die aber auch schon und ich habe sie nur noch nicht entdeckt)

Derzeit jedenfalls ist es so, dass mir das Spiel in der Anfangsphase Spaß macht und dann ziemlich bald nervtötend wird. Ich hoffe voll darauf, dass vor allem ein nutzbares Logistiksystem eingepatcht wird.

Bis dahin erstmal keine Kaufempfehlung
148 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 21:24
Trailer angeguckt, fand Interessant auf den Mars zu terraformen und kolonisieren. war im Verkaufstart im Angebot daher gekauft und durchgehend gezockt.

3x mal Kampagne leicht dann schon gescheitert in der Mitte im Spiel wegen Nahrungsmittelknappheit
2x mal Sandbox aber dann auch schon gescheitert in der Mitte im Spiel wegen Probleme mit der Nahrungsmittel

positiv :
- sehr gutes Konzept
- macht am Anfang mit kleinen Basisstart Spass

negativ :
- die Animation bei Wasser/Wald sieht echt billig aus und nicht natürlich.
- am Anfang mit kleinen Gebäuden macht Spass/motiviert, aber sobald man zu viele hat + bei Phase 3/4 ist fällt die Motivation/Spaßfaktor weg weil man dann schon zu schnell überfordert wird und man überhaupt nicht mehr weiß was man falsch gemacht hat. weil bei jeden neue Phase wird dann was anderes umgestellt (wie z.B. darunter Brandgefahr, O² Sauerstoff darf nicht zu hoch werden etc.)
- Nahrungsmittel wird schnell knapp wenn man zu viele Kolonisten hat, da müsste ich dann auch schnell mehrere Relaisstationen ausbauen damit man die überhaupt verbinden machen kann und zu versorgen = totales Schwachsinn. was ist dann bitte mit das Wasser auf den Mars die ich geschmolzen hatte?
- bei manche ist das Spiel total verbuggt, Uran erforscht und noch nie auf einen Sandbox-Spielrunden gesehen WTF? hatte deswegen die ganzen Zeit Probleme gehabt mit der Energieversorgung
- man muss aufpassen dass man nicht auf einmal zu viele Ressourcen ausgibt sonst bauen die dann kein neuen Drohne mehr = tut auch dann nix mehr = Schuss ins Bein..

von daher kann ich das Spiel aktuell nicht empfehlen, ist pure Zeitverschwendung. ich warte auf ein Update vielleicht wird es dann besser..
46 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 07:54
Absolut zu empfehlen. Wer Surviving Mars mag, der wird dieses Spiel lieben. Lasst euch nicht von der mittelmäßigen Bewertung irritieren.
387 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1063 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 15:08
Schönes ruhiges Base-Building Spiel für Zwischendurch. Nix zu komplexes aber macht Laune :)

Mir fehlen noch diverse Komfort-Funktionen für Bedienung und Übersicht. Ein paar Bugs gibts natürlich auch noch, aber bisher nix fatales (aktuell hab ich Probleme das O² zu reduzieren).

Technisch ganz hübsch aber auch nicht umwerfend - zweckmäßig. Performance bricht ab und an ein, fängt sich aber auch wieder.

Ich mags - allerdings glaub ich nicht dass es viel Wiederspielwert hat für mich.
27 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 11:30
Schönes Game schade nur, dass es das nicht mit dem Ton auf Deutsch gibt. Ich hoffe sehr das, dass noch folgt.
43 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 16:05
so, habe es jetzt fast 40 Stunden gespielt. Es hat Potential, ist aber noch Verbesserungsdürftig was die KI angeht. So habe ich genügend Reserven, um alles zu bauen was es zu bauen gilt. Aber es wird einfach nicht getan, was dann irgendwann zum Problem wird, wenn keine Automaten mehr gebaut werden. Ich war im Leichtspiel schon sehr weit. Aber das Fehlen dieser Robots hat mich im 4ten und letzten Spiel das Weiterspiel gekostet. Man kann ja auch nirgendwo etwas nachbestellen.

So macht ein Spiel keinen Spaß!

werde aber ab und zu mal zurückschauen, ob sich etwas geändert hat
70 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 21:11
Das Spiel könnte von seinem Spielprinzip gigantisch sein, aber leider bekommt der Speiler nie gesagt warum etwas nicht geht. Also wartet man in Spieltempo x16 das irgendwas irgendwann passiert weil alle Storyabhängig ist. Spieltemp x100 wäre jetzt nett da man stunden verbringt bis man mal was neues machen kann. Als Early Access würde ich Daumen hoch geben, als finales Game schmeisst man das Geld zum Fenster raus, sorry no go
283 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 17:48
Need some more polishing, but it is a jewel like mars.
Base building is very good, but on normal some resources drain very fast and you dont get enough food and water.
They are still paching and balancing, so I am positive, this will get balanced.
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 14:23
Ich bin ein wenig enttäuscht von dem Spiel.
Die Story ist ok.
In 23h Kampangne komplett durchgespielt. Leider absolut kein End Kontent vorhanden.

Was für End Kontent fehlt.
- Mehr Forschungsmöglichkeiten
- Wasser aus Seen extrahieren zu können
- andere Nahrungsquellen
- Andere Minenmöglichkeiten um auch im Endspiel durchgehend Ressourcen beschaffen zu könne.
- Evtl die Möglichkeit später auch andere Planeten für die Ressourcenbeschaffung zu besiedeln.

Was allgemein fehlt:
- Bessere Kontrolle über die Warenwege
- Ein Modul, damit man Straßen direkt ubgraden kann, es ist sehr umständlich vom Gebäude aus dies zu tun
- Oft fehlt die Information, was genau ein Gebäude bringt. z.B. steht da nur wandelt CO2 in O2 um, aber nicht die Information wie viel in welcher Zeit.
- Es fehlt an Komplexität
- Es war nicht mal nötig größere Koloniegebäude zu setzten, was auch an der Nahrungsbeschaffung gescheitert wäre.

Aktuell so wie das Spiel ist, gibt es für mich keine Motivation weiter zu spiele.
Für den Preis lohnt es sich daher einfach nicht.
40 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 15:16
Die Story gefällt mir nicht! Autonomie, die künstliche Idee des Organismus! Wieder eine Form, der menschlichen Ideologie (Kontrolle)! Ein Abklatsch, bestehender Projekte !
83 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 23:41
Super-geiles Stunden-brechendes Zeit-tot-schlag-Spiel...
Am Anfang dachte ich mir was ist das für ein unnötiges Spiel, aber nach Stunden, den Spaß noch immer nicht verloren, sogar mit Kampfeinheiten. War überrascht, dass auf einmal Gegner auch existieren.
Die Logistik erinnert mich ein wenig auf Siedler.
Macht süchtig!!! ^^ und überrascht ständig mit Abläufen die ich noch nie in einem Spiel gehabt habe...
Will Heute, es ist nach Mitternacht, nicht mal in die Arbeit ^^ Gute Nacht gg

Viel Spaß .......
1082 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 13:13
Dieses Spiel ist nicht mit Surviving Mars vergleichbar !
Hier geht es um ein komplexes Wirtschaftliches Aufbauspiel welches durch eine KI gespielt wird die man selbst ist.
Für Geduldige Menschen die gerne Wissen wollen wie Terraforming einen Planeten verändert sollten erstmal auf ihre gute alte Erde schauen denn dort beginnt es schon seit langem ^^

Ein Spiel für Wirtschaftsfreaks und angehende Philosophiestudenten

Ps . die Musik sollte man abschalten nach dem ersten Song
1479 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 09:05
Definitely my go to game for terraforming and hoarding resources. Could use more fembots though.
743 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.22 18:19
A beautiful city builder/planet terraforming game that unfortunately has glaring issues in logistics and a ton of bugs. This game will, for seemingly arbitrary reasons, sometimes completely cease to function and you'll be forced to just accept it and have to remove and replace buildings from time to time to get things rolling again. There are plenty of features that are just completely broken and should not be used under any circumstances - these include Storage Chests and secondary landing sites. These will 100% break your production and are NEVER worth using under any circumstance. There are other features, like Hyperloops, which will increase productivity overall but require a restart every so often as they tend to get stuck bouncing items back and forth.

The campaign has decent writing with good voice acting. I have no complaints on that front (so far at least, I'm at terraforming stage 4 at the time of writing)

This game has plenty of potential as terraforming Mars into a habitable planet over time is a really enticing prospect to build your city around. Unfortunately the plenty of issues that are in the game that will frustrate you for hours detract from the interesting premise and makes this a difficult game to enjoy. I got this as part of a Humble Bundle and would not have paid for it normally, and I wouldn't recommend anyone else to do so either, hence the negative review.
224 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 21:35
Didn't expect much but ended up playing nearly eight hours straight. Can't really compare it to any other game of its genre so that is a big plus. The AI's voice and the story is pretty nice too. In my book it definitely is worth giving it a run since the price tag is also fairly decent.
4107 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 01:45
So I've tried two playthroughs of this game now, and it's frustrating that I want to like it, but it seems like the only way I'm ever going to enjoy it is turning the difficulty right down.

The problem I have with the game is that you don't really get adequate control over pacing, and by the time combat arrives on Mars you'll likely be encountering logistics issues with your existing base, which the game doesn't really help to instruct you with. So you start getting attacked and are unable to defend yourself, because although you've researched the parts needed, your workers can't get resources to the build sites even though your stockpile count claims you've got more than enough.

I feel like there are two things that would really help. Firstly giving better indication when the combat chain starts how much time you actually have before the attack comes. And when construction stalls, more helpful explanation of why the thing isn't getting built.

Other aspects of the game I think I like, such as the overall style, and potentially promising storyline, but so far the game has been too frustrating to progress in to recommend it
144 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 06:33
This game is not for everyone, but it IS for anyone who's read the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson!

There are quite a few tweaks to game-play that would improve the flow of the game (water treatment plants flooding as sea levels rise, looking at you!) but if you can get past those issues, it's a fun resource management game with a thought provoking story-line.
998 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 16:53

Per Aspera?

A game with one of the most beautiful depictions of the red planet combined with light simulation gameplay.

I love getting to see Mars in all its teraforming-phases, from raw untouched to being drenched in blue wetness until you spring the green thumb.

When it comes to simulation / logistic games, Per Aspera might be on the lighter site gameplay wise but that doesn't make it less of a gem. Infact, I enjoyed it being not too overly complex and at the same time believe that there is positive room for growth in that department. And it seems the devs are working hard on more content for us to enjoy in the future. getting to explore the submerged parts of the Mars *wink wink*

All in all, Per Aspera is one of my favourite space / sci-fi games which I love from the bottom of my heart and I wish the game and the devs all the best for the future.

I hope, you, the other possible future customers get the chance to enjoy the game and get charmed by it just like I did. :)
150 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
7409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 05:20
Just completed the game in story mode and found the whole game quite fascinating, took me a long time to reach the end but it was definitely worthwhile. I failed in my first attempt after around 30 hours game play because I raised the water level too quickly and submerged a lot of my production buildings so beware of making the same mistake. End game became a bit tedious waiting for CO2 levels to drop but that was probably a lot down to me being over cautious so as to avoid any disasters. The early negative reviews for this game really should be discounted now as the dev's have put in so much hard work to put things right and in 120+ hours of playing I encountered no hiccups at all. Definitely worth a buy if you're the patient type of player who's in it for the long haul.
576 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 02:50
Fun, but deeply flawed.
1443 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 20:40
The game is a good combination of story driven narrative and management simulation with finite ressources to gather.
If you enjoy games where the ressource gathering gives you another challenge then this is quite interesting for you.
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 16:27
This is my favorite game of 2021. I like simulation games as a group, and this is a beautiful installment of this growing genera. I love what simulations teach me, being spoon fed facts off a list. I love that (having played Per Aspera) I know the landscape of Mars better. I know some of the names, sure, but grokking the SCALE, the oddness, sparking my curiosity about Noctis Labyrinthus, just from working on the planet is priceless. I became familiar with Mars in a way that Surviving Mars never did (though I played that a lot too).

===Some relative problems===
* The story is fine. Not great, but really is fine.
* The AI plot is interesting. I've done some work in AI, so nothing groundbreaking for me there. But it was an interesting take.
* The user interface _was_ an absolute *drag* when it was first released. I could not bring myself to play it for more than an hour at a time. It was sad, the game had so much potential. I came back to it last month after nearly a year, and it was laminar smooth. I was happily shocked and spent another 60+ hrs playing it.
* The speed is slow. This is true, very true. But you can speed up the time. So DO THAT. I kept the game on 1x or 2x my first few attempts to play this, it was unbearable. Looking back, I'm not sure why I was sticking to that speed... some sense of optimizing or something. I tended to leave the speed on 8x, sometimes 4x, then pausing to think when I was planning out something complex. This was a much more enjoyable experience.

===The amazing===
* I learned about MARS. The real Mars. Getting to know the geography, I started to wonder and ask questions that scientists have (also apparently) been asking for decades. This made be feel kinship with those other humans who had looked at flyby images of Mars and wondered: What the **** is THAT? How did that happen? or simply... huh... weeeird.
* I learned about terraforming and how to change climates. There is little discussion in-game of Earth climate change, but it did inspire me to think about CO2 capture in a new way. I will not solve climate change myself, but I am thinking about it in a more productive way. I'm even drawing up diagrams for some CO2 capture designs.

I love this game. It makes the world a better place by being made. The developers should feel proud of their work.
99 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 17:51

Done 60h in the game.

My comments:

+ beautiful and original planet simulation and graphical topographical illustration
+ cool attempt on writing a story line for terraforming of mars
+ awesome martian sci fi setting


I was convinced when buying the game it is a base management simulation. It is not. It is a visual novel with management elements.

The management part simply does not work:
- most of the elements are automated leaving little space for creativity
- most of the game you spend on 16x time speed because of how long construction takes and there is nothing else to do but wait - it is really boring
- logistics system is fundamentally broken and barely works, it is oversimplified, does not allow for creative solutions or diversity, it is mundane
- not being able to build your own roads is frustrating, the current automation adds no value to the game
- altogether the game is unnecessarily slow - it is not the terraformingg that takes time in the game, it is the road construction that takes forever and getting resources to where they have to go
- I only completed one ISA ending so maybe i am missing something (I will not replay the game, it takes to long and the game is too boring and not diverse enough) but a lot of end game features seem wasted, I did not build a single open air city as it was not necessary. Seems like a waste.

The game play takes forever and is quite boring. You play because you started and you want to complete your mission but it feels like a day of work.

I hope there will be more updates on improvement of the management of the logistics system, real time game speed and more options on what can be done on the red planet.
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 15:32
This world building game is quite addictive. The mechanics of the game are complex enough to keep any veteran of the genre challenged and yet the learning curve is not too steep to discourage beginners and newbies.

The story driven dialogue with the the AI is amusing and the whole Mars terraforming aspect of the game adds an interesting layer of humankind's near future. Highly recommended.
142 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 01:51
My first playthrough took 17.2 hours. 17.2 hours to terraform Mars.

This is a simulation more than a game. If you want to quickly turn a frozen wasteland into a temperate green world; go play Spore. This game is very much about the slow burn and dear Lord do I love that. Developing a small colony, slowly building up infrastructure as I begin to influence the environment and watching those small changes develop. It is a truly beautiful sight seeing that first hint of blue and the beginnings of life. For me, the hours it took to reach that stage were well worth it; I felt that my efforts had been properly rewarded. I hate games that just give you everything with a minimum of effort now.

The game has its flaws. The biggest being a screen resolution issue. Only on the smallest resolution that looks like I'm seeing the world through my mother's glasses does everything fit on the screen. Anything larger and everything is squashed together and also cropped off. I had to keep changing resolution in order to access certain things. Combat, an unexpected mechanic in the game, is very basic, consisting of two swarms of numbers flying at each other and counting down until one reaches zero. If you're looking for a sci-fi war game, this isn't it. The music switches from either being atmospheric or grating in its repetitiveness.

The other big issue is the lack of help. Various special projects don't tell you what effect they'll actually have on the planet, I didn't know Hyperloops had to be manually connected to one another and reading some discussions elsewhere I've read conflicting descriptions of what various buildings are capable of with abilities that aren't mentioned or displayed in game.

I guess though that discovering everything myself contributed to the experience, though it was frustrating discovering the humidity display and discovering the reason my biodomes weren't seeding was because I had built them in a dry location... Despite that location being right next to an ocean... The game took elevation into account, a level of detail I hadn't accounted for. Once I learned this mechanic and put a bidome elsewhere, it swiftly seeded the area with lichen.

This was good fun for me and I'm about to go again. There's clearly room for improvement and they are working on it. But if you're looking for high-octane action, you won't find it here. This is a game for the patient.
468 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
5533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:53
Beautifully done game.
100 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 20:56
I would post a more positive review but the drone combat management is pretty bad. I made the mistake of combining drones from several bases to take on the initial drone attacks from the SA-1 area and after the battles, there is no way to easily return drones to their respective bases. There are no command options (supposedly u can 'shift' and designate a number of drone to split off, but doesn't work (at least for me). Really disappointed in this design and makes me dread going forward with the game.
304 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 18:45
This game comes highly recommended, but with caveats.

Full disclosure, I am fascinated by terraforming and am therefore interested on that basis. This game is very detailed, strategic and slow. If you are looking for immediacy, or an RTS, or even a city builder like Skylines, look elsewhere.

If you are looking for a slow burn game about slow transformation, this game is unique like no other.
392 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 02:13
This is a cracking good game.
The story is something I would never have expected from this type of genre, and dang it is a good story.

Really scratched my itch for a game like this, don't think there is anything like it out there, absolutely love it.
167 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 19:18
This is ultimately a logistics game, but it's quite bad at being that.

Transporting goods in Per Aspera is accomplished entirely by drone trucks. Each one is bound to a worker hub, one worker per hub, and each hub has its own exclusive intervention zone. If you want goods to move faster, you need more hubs for tighter coverage.

You could upgrade the roads by paving them, but roads easily lose those upgrades. Creating a new building in the middle of an upgraded road will delete it with no refund - even if it's a worker hub you put in to increase throughput. Roads will also be deleted if you scrap one of the buildings at either end, which you're encouraged to do as mines run out and more efficient power plants and colonies are unlocked.

Building up a sector requires a lot of materials and so a lot of trucks to get them to where they need to be. There's no good way to handle this temporary influx. Additional hubs means bringing in more materials that will slow down the construction and also require an extra scrapping step. A classic builder/hauler divide would have done this better, as would a more centralised transport system.

It's also largely quite tough to diagnostic throughput problems. There's no good way to tell where a factory has been importing materials from, and the interface makes it hard to see where it could import materials from. You'll see a factory have efficiency issues and a couple minutes just figuring out how it's been working, only to conclude you should scrap it and upgrade another one elsewhere.

Terraforming, the main draw of the game, is opaque. Several of the upgrades won't tell you they have additional prerequisites and conditions. For instance, the extremophile plants you use to convert CO2 into O2 require a certain temperature which isn't mentioned anywhere. Worse, the ground based plants only look at global temperature, but the algae care for local temperature : They can't develop over ice. Ice being largely indifferentiable from water in the visuals. You can bring in comets for materials only once, but importing materials from other planets is repeatable and the UI doesn't specify either way.

Terraforming also doesn't integrate with what you do. It's an output. You'll be a bit worried about rising waters - which you can only get numbers on in roundabout ways - and the developer added a desalination plant in a patch, but it doesn't change the way you play. You won't start open air fairming or unlock new drones that take advantage of the denser atmosphere and waterways. It seems like a missed opportunity.

The story is okay with good voiceacting, though it's not particularly interesting to me. Choices don't seem to integrate that well, they lead down the same kinds of path.
503 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 00:54
Relaxing but smart base-builder.
352 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 03:32
Per Aspera kept drawing me and I bought it on the last sale, pushing past the other negative reviews. Now, after a play through, I remain disappointed.

The game has everything that should draw me in, and it does, until it just grinds to a slog. For all that the game offered details and interactions, it didn't follow through on the promise. Many things fell flat and the game devolved in to fighting with the systems and repeating the same actions. Frustratingly as well, tool tips are hit or miss - its hard to judge how you should approach a problem when your tools don't tell you how effective they are. I'll add more detail below in spoiler text.

Ultimately, Per Aspera received a single playthrough from me where I felt like half the time was waiting. I wish this game accomplished everything it seems to have set out to do. The soaring visuals of moving from space to planet, and scrolling around using the well made UI to see everything operating has such potential.

Spoilers / supporting details:
[spoiler]- Tooltips are incomplete - for instance, you don't know which of the space missions are recurring and which are single shots. Additionally, most of those space missions don't tell you what the impact will be - how much gas is transported, etc.
- Logistics are frustrating and non-interactive - it feels like a single location can only ever be serviced by a single worker station; so bottlenecks are created and cannot be alleviated. Two worker stations next to each other cannot pull from the same hyperloop station and feed a colony, so instead its just a slog to feed a big colony.
- Space missions are just disappointing - everything just seems to fizzle out and then a number goes up on the UI. I even crashed a moon into Mars and nothing happened! Was that because I did it at the end into a full bar of atmosphere but the full moon shouldn't have just...faded.
- Space missions shouldn't be completely disposable - rockets should be reused, maybe only when the mission is recurring to give you a reason to keep spaceports assigned.
- The space elevator was a monumental disappointment - it was just forced for the last stage of terraforming but otherwise was another spaceport. The goal of a space elevator is traditionally to remove the fuel costs of exiting the atmosphere and allowing vehicles to be built in space, removing the constraint of atmospheric entry. Missions costs should change to represent this (reduced chemicals, etc.)
- Certain mechanics just don't seem to be implemented - trees and animals research didn't seem to have any impact on the system. There are weather screens and biomes, but I never felt the need to interact with them or that they informed my gameplay.
- Upgrades seem unneeded - I didn't build tier three factories until the end as it felt like the cost of moving through the logistic network outweighed the increased efficiency. At the same time, there were no upgrades for worker stations where they were sorely needed.
- The game ends before you explore half the planet - I felt like there was a major missed opportunity to grow and build more. This is limited by the storyline preventing access sectors until just at the end, where all that was left was to import some nitrogen.[/spoiler]
453 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 18:30
Very cool to start with, but the story just seems to stop and some of the terraforming actions(comets and asteroids and the like) seem to do nothing at all. Cannot seem to unlock most of the map. A bit of google suggests the story is bugged and the whole thing buggy. Feedback for player actions is so bad it is hard to tell what is and is not working. Excellent game early on, could be awesome, but fundamentally flawed and depressing I cannot progress after 20 odd hours(including one restart).

It is not a finished project, it is not cheap and I would avoid it.
540 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
2863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 09:46
Nice management game about terraforming Mars. Compared to Surviving Mars, it`s less about micromanagment and more about macromanagement and logistics. The storyline is a nice background, do yourself a favour and don`t spoil it for yourself, avoid reading tutorials as they tend to spoil the story unfortunately, especially the 100% achievement tutorial with no spoiler warnings.

It`s well polished, I encountered no bugs or crashes. Tutorial is almost nonexistent, but that may be for the better as discovering how to optimize the logistics is half the fun of the game. You get your basic tools at the beginning one by one so you get to know the basics, and then you get complete control and everything else is optional, no railroading, which is great, but still some hints and tips could be nice.

Past updates did great things for playability. Some aspects still feel barebones (especially the bioterraforming) and I feel full terraforming is a bit too easy and fast (at least on normal difficulty), but there are still updates planned and now that we got mod support I expect lots of things will get even better.
80 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 20:54
Holy crap, the story in this game is sooooo good. I'm loving the mix of colonization and story. Really amazing.
210 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 11:59
The game was on sale so I got it. Over all a good game! Not a lot of bugs and a nice story. worth it.
1241 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 09:20
Per Aspera is a game about Terraforming Mars. You play as the resident AI that is in control of everything on the planet, setting up mines and factories, and bringing in colonists and keeping them fed and hydrated. I am not actually done the game yet, so Mars isn't totally Terraformed yet but this is easily one of my favourite games!

    What I like:
  • The graphics are very good, you can zoom in and see a lot of detail in your mines, workers, factories and colonies. I play the game at 4k and it looks amazing. There is a lot of detail on Mars, it has many of the craters, canyons, lake beds, mountains named, it looks like Google Mars.
  • The sounds and music are very immersive.
  • Gameplay in Terraforming Mars is very open ended, and you can approach it at your own pace and from multiple routes.
  • Lots of interesting research options that open up great benefits and gameplay options: like faster roads and hyperloop roads (Which transport workers and resources at incredible speeds across the map.
  • UI is very well laid out.
  • Story is engaging and interesting.
  • Combat is interesting. Combat ability increased by research. You build combat drones at drone factories which you can then order around Mars.
  • Developers are on the Forums a lot, very helpful, they track down bugs as quickly as possible.

Here is an example of my Base on Mars in Stage 3 of Terraforming. As you can see my base stretches halfway across Mars so the distances are pretty far from one side to the other. There is lots too the Story also, I am 25+ hours in, and I have only unlocked 4 quadrants on the map with lots left.

    What I dislike:
  • The logistics AI needs a rework in my opinion. Even with the ability to allocate resource priority to construction, manufacturing, worker/drone construction. I think part of the problem is your transporting resources across large distances on Mars, and each worker can only transport one resource at once.
  • The game is fairly heavy on what I am assuming is mostly CPU and GPU, at 4k I get low fps in the later stages of the game 25-30fps. Which is playable, but not great, optimisation is really needed.
  • The save system also needs a revisit from the developers. Sometimes it saves properly, sometimes saves don't update when you save, sometimes they become corrupted. My advice is to make a new save with a name you haven't used yet!
  • There needs to be an easy way to see where resources are of each type, and then take you to them if you click on a certain listed resource. I had trouble with Water where the game said I had 1750+ of it, but I honestly couldn't track it down. This ability to find where resources are kept would greatly aid in how you setup your storage facilities and modify your worker hubs in certain areas.

    Devs: What I would Love to See in the game.
  • Tier 2 worker Hubs with either 2 or 3 workers per Tier 2 hub.
  • The ability from research to allow workers to carry multiple resources of the same type between 2-4 items.
  • A bit more optimisation of the game! At 4k, at the stage where the picture was taken I get between 25-30fps. I honestly cant play games anymore at 1920 x 1080 because my monitor is a 55 inch 4k TV and at 1080 it looks like blurry garbage lol.
  • Consider adding Nvidia DLSS, for us Geforce users of 2000-3000 series it increases fps by 50-70% potentially (at least it does in other games)

Ideas for DLC, Terraforming other Planets:
  • Saturn's Europa or Titan
  • Jupiter's Ganymede
  • Venus
  • Uranus's Oberon and Titania
  • Maybe even Pluto with enough greenhouse gasses and research to make the core molten to get a magnetic field going.

I would pay for those DLC opportunities!

I would highly recommend picking Per Aspera up on a sale from Steam or even from some place like Instant Gaming.
690 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 02:42
Game seems promising, but it just doesn't have the depth or polish to make it fun, even after multiple major patches after coming out of EA... why they decided to come out of EA and then post a roadmap of planned features anyway is beyond me, should have stayed in EA until the game was actually done.

But I think the main issues stem from fundamental game design anyway. The game is laid out a lot like the Settlers series, except all the roads are built automagically, so there's no sense of organizing delivery routes yourself; all you can do is plop down buildings and hope they're close enough to other buildings for your workers to carry stuff in a decent amount of time. Workers taking too long? Just put down more workers! The entire game seems to be about putting down buildings and making sure they're inside various circles you need to continually expand; it's not much of a challenge, just a chore.

The UX design is pretty rough as well; I can tell they tried to make a very sleek UI, but it just kind of lacks proper play testing and polish. Why do like half the buttons not have tooltips? Why can't I check what that little black box signifying a resource is properly? Early game I had no idea what I was building, because all I could see was boxes in different colors. When zoomed in, the display icons above buildings disappear, which seems cool at first, until you realize all the buildings look the same, so you have no idea what is what unless you zoom out. Certain buttons appear on buildings just on mouse-over, but others (like Scrap, which took me ages to find) don't, and they only appear when you select the building; but then other things, like how much a battery is charged, only appear on mouse over, not on selection! Why are there two separate, but overlapping UIs for the same functionality?

Oh and just in general the UI is absolutely tiny and there is no scaling option... I know that's trendy in indie games these days, but seriously guys, I have to lean forward and maintain a steady sniper grip on my mouse half the time just to be able to click the tiny, tiny X button you put for dismissing notifications.
650 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 01:03
Good game. Worth a buy on sale.
But unfortunately not great game. It is fun and you can feel that effort went into it. Story is not bad and quite interesting. Gameplay is different than one is used to in such mars strategy games but still keeps you playing. Especially when you can see the planet change thanks to your effort.
But to become a great game there should be more content. Especially when you approch late game and the end of the story part it feels like there is nothing left to do. Even though there could be so much more. Farms, trade, forests, tourism, more logistical options, orbital stations...
Since there was not much left to do, I finished the last few terraforming projects while being mostly afk.

So to summarize: Good but not great game. I do recommend picking it up on sale and hope there will be more games like this in the future.
225 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 21:45
building the same startup base 10x per game is tedious
473 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 07:16
I was giving it a pass on having UI and gameplay issues because I thought it was in Early Access. Turns out it isn't.

UI is barely workable. Tutorial is unskippable. Logistics are up to the game's auto-magic. Startup of your base must be done perfectly. You expand in the wrong direction or get the wrong minerals, your base will die early.
540 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 15:23
I lost myself in this game! I bought it and yesterday and played it for 13.1 hours straight! I cannot wait to see what the devs do with it!
321 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 15:48
I don't often write reviews, but I hope the developers read the constructive criticism here and can adjust their development. This game has a *lot* of potential, and I am tepidly recommending it.

If you like management sims you'll enjoy this game, despite its flaws. Let's list the positives.

1. Great concept and design.
2. Interesting story with good voice work.
3. Balanced tech progression system.
4. Great graphical execution.
5. Decent replayability.

Here's the cons.

1. RNG can screw you - either a well-placed meteor wiping out major production centers, or not enough necessary resources spawning in your area.
2. Very little in the way of help or hints on what things do - I've completed special projects and seen no notable difference.
3. Gameplay mechanics need alternatives. Food shouldn't *just* be made from the same 2 resources, give techs that provide renewable alternatives (for example), or end-game techs that can provide limitless (albeit expensive) crucial resources.
4. Worker AI is abysmal and resources will stack up in places they aren't needed.

I think there's a lot to improve in this game, and I am excited to see where the developers take it. In its current state, though, it needs more polish and work. Still, I had fun, and will continue playing it.
169 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 04:05
Having played this game on release, i hit a snag and never finished the game. After the latest patch, I decided to give it a go, and I must admit I enjoyed the game very much. Pleasant art style, interesting resource mechanics as well as the changing scope of the managable quickly goes from small base to half a planet.
978 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
2508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.21 15:45
I played through the campaign, didn't try the sandbox mode yet. I didn't know I wanted a story in my city / planet builder - but it definitely elevated my experience playing Per Aspera. The game itself is pretty straight forward - mine finite resources, build more complex resources from those and keep expanding to keep the resources flowing. Mix in supporting some colonists to provide research to get access to new / improved buildings and larger projects. An interesting story leads the player through the campaign.

There are some logistical concerns, building workers to ferry resources, or a more advanced method later. It wasn't difficult to balance these things in the campaign playing on normal difficulty, until I got careless on the last step and mistook how many resources I had available. The global numbers include those in all developments, which aren't necessarily connected. Almost burned my main area to the ground, but I recovered with some work. All in all definitely worth a play.
482 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 20:45
Story - Plays as the tutorial for the sandbox game, but the story as told through voice and text that occurs around AMI is actually pretty interesting and makes learning the actual game play mechanics enjoyable.

Gameplay - Is mostly logistic simulation. While making sure you push the terraforming process forward or you will run out of resources and lose. Its mostly a relaxing experience with minimal stress. Many factors of the gameplay are nuanced, they may mean nothing to some players and a lot for others. A greater variety of structures would create some replay ability because as is there really is no reason to play again. A great upgrade to the game would be attempting to terraform other real planets. Even though it wouldn't be feasible it would make an interesting challenge.

UI - Is sometimes limited in giving relevant information, but they have improved it.

Music - Needs more tracks.
255 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 01:13
The game is a bit of a bait and switch. It starts out as a rather mild factorio-lite builder and then takes a turn for their weird with some tower defense style combat mechanic that it really didn't need. Buyer beware.
741 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 06:58
Tried and tried again, waited for the updates but still, this game is a micro-managing mess. And I'm so saddened by this because the story is engaging, the main mechanics are very fun and cool, when I play it I don't see the time going by.

[The rest below is mostly me ranting about how you have to micro-manage everything and how everything is not well thought]

But in order to have a functional base, you have to keep make it bigger because resources depletes a bit quickly. And if you don't want your workers to stop gather resources for your factories, you have to also displace the factories close to those new mines otherwise suddenly your production is shit. And nothing clearly shows all the logistic issues in this game.
So you spend a ton of time removing depleted mines, moving structures / building new ones, activating / deactivating mines & factories one by one just to have a better flow of resources ...

This is super tiring once your base is big enough.

Or their system that forces you to expand by launching new landing zones around Mars, far away from your base. It is cool but after a while those landing zones arrive with too little resources and you always have to start with 1 drone creating the same buildings in the same order otherwise you won't have enough resources, even if you are drowning in resources in your main base. And the fact that once you unlock the superior version of mines (at a higher price), it become the default mines, even on those MULTIPLE LANDING SITES you have to launch. So everytime you launch a new site, you have to carefully click on the lvl 1 mines and factories every time you place one new, while remembering the correct order otherwise you may lose resources (hopefully you can wreck buildings and lose nothing, but it is still annoying AND it still costs clicks / micro-managing).

So the expansion of your main base becomes tiring, and expanding on the surface on Mars by launching new little bases is also very tiring because you kinda have to replicate the first 30mn of the game every time.

I'm tired. I want to play, move further in the story, but the game doesn't want me to. I won't come back until some time, maybe in a few years there will be enough changes that will make this game playable.
412 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 21:10
This game has a fun gameplay concept that is however very shallow and towards the end frustrates by not being rewarding and throwing a hundred little stones into your path for being unrefined.
The story is okay. It starts out fine, but it tries so hard to make us care for overdrawn, one-dimensional characters that however instantly default back to normality the moment the plot needs to advance. The game gives you choices, but almost none of them seem to really matter. One big conflict that threatens to tear the very protagonist apart somehow disappears into the void later on, even if you never chose to resolve or confront it. Poof, gone!
But the biggest problem will certainly the be the sprawl. You will find your base hopelessly overgrowing, because resources run out so you need to keep building mines and expanding your reach. But the old mines need to be deconstructed manually and production needs to be either moved along or you need to rely on one of the worst logistics management in a base-building game: none.
You cannot influence the way the game paths resources. So one worker will be overburdened with dozens of orders while the worker in the next sector idles peacefully because the orders do not go or from a building in its sector. You can put buildings into priority mode so they get preferential treatment when goods are moved, but if you have for example one area where a lot of water is being extracted and one area rich in chemicals, you cannot have the game path those resources together where you want to turn them into food. Only put the food factories into priority mode individually. And when another resource then gets pathed by those food factories, you will see all your other projects grind to a halt because your worker drones will prioritize the food resources over whatever else is needed. This can be resolved with clustering production, but it feels more like working *around* the bad game pathing rather than clever base design, and it will slow down your production. The only thing you can do is basically give every mine and factory its own worker, at which point you can enjoy the framerate grind to a halt, because running anything other than x16 speed is horrible (most sound effects aren't played on that speed so they won't keep building up to a deafening drone) which also cuts your framerate in half. I found myself spending more time on de-sprawling the planet towards the end, while the actual endgame presented no actual challenge.
And if you want to hunt down the food factories to un-prioritize them, have fun, because unlike every other game like this that I have played, icons do not stay the same size when you zoom out, so you to scroll across literally the entire planet looking for this tiny symbol next to every building.
This also goes for drone swarms in the laughably shallow military aspect, where biggest swarm always wins. Want to know where your huge swarms are? Well, have fun checking every single defense tower. How do you find them? Well, let's go for icon-hunting again!
Only engage on your own volition. It is addictive, but not rewarding.
151 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 14:34
Mechanically, the game is a disaster.

- Graphics are okay
- Concept is neat

- Logistically, very shallow: game says what is needed, click to build more
- Combat is terrible, and should have been left out
- Most choices in the game are an illusion
- Game starts very slow to hide poor design past the 2 hour refund time limit

61 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 13:57
It was released as an unfinished game. I had to quit because it was so broken. I waited for all the updates and yea they fixed a lot, but its still not a fun game. I love city-builders and resource management games, but this is just frustration on Mars. The whole backbone of the game, workers and their hubs, is a buggey ridiculous mess. This game is BEAUTIFUL! The story line is awesome with great voice actors. But the core of the game is just frustrating. Honestly I don't regret buying it cause it is an amazing 3D render of Mars.
276 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 03:53
I like logistic chain games, but this was not to my taste. The game starts out promising but gets more tedious rather than interesting the more you play it. The chains are very short and simple and it feels more of an busy work to expand, rather than trying to build more effective chains of logistics. Things take relatively long to achieve and its not interesting to wait for things to finish at all in this game.

Story line and voice acting is ok, music is ok'ish but bit repetitive. Graphics are very mediocre but works well enough with this type of game.
335 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 20:28
I'm writing this review after just raising Mars' atmospheric pressure to 300 millibars.

I've started playing on patch 1.2, so haven't experienced many of the issues mentioned in other reviews.

I'm happy with the story and how it is executed (AI that you play as asks itself questions about Mars, the colonists, nature of consciousness, and you can answer for the AI) and with the gameplay. The wealth of information and decisions that you have to make sometimes becomes overwhelming, but the good news is, if you mess something up, you can fix it later.

One thing I liked most is how gradual the terraforming project is. It takes months for a colonist ship to arrive, it takes years to melt dry ice at the poles, it took me 16 years from the start of the terraforming project to generate an atmosphere with the pressure 1/3 of Earth's, allowing colonists to live in unpressurised habitats.

If you like slow and methodical building games, I can recommend this one.
86 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 07:15
So far, so good -- a base builder with a bit of a story to it.

I doubt I'll put as many hours into this as I've done to Satisfactory, Factorio, Cities Skylines or the Civ series, but that's not really what it's for! Totally worth the time and money for me.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 21:34
After about 200 buildings the game becomes overwhelming trying to maintain your base. The building list menu doesn't let you locate the buildings you need to prioritize and you cannot control any buildings through this menu. If you lose your ability to build workers and your worker population crashes you cannot recover from it. It is impossible to delete buildings, your workers have to deconstruct them, which requires workers. Slowly all my buildings atrophy until the game decides to automatically remove them and I have no idea what it removed compounding the problem of trying to prioritize resources to build more workers.
149 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 16:12
If you love Surviving Mars you will love this game too. If SM is micro management, this is more macro management.

Took 22.5 h to complete the story. Great story and voice acting.
155 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
4174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 12:44
It is a good slow strategy building game. Unfortunately there isn't alot to it in the long run. Still worth the cheap price I paid for it. 69 hours to get bored of it.
143 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 11:16
I wish there was something more precise for a review other than a thumbs up or thumbs down.

The frustrating thing about Per Aspera is that it *is* interesting, fresh, and new. And it comes *close* to greatness. Interesting story, the base mechanics make sense, and you get a sense of scale. If they improved on this, it would be a mastapeece (/dunkey)

Things they need to improve:

1: When you build worker hubs, they split everything into zones (1 hub/1 worker per zone), and the exact mechanics of how they'll move resources around is never really clear. I think (think!) I have a handle on it, but its incredibly hard to get a resource flow that feels like you're on top of it. They need to make workers less obtuse and more useful. The worker zones is interesting, but fundamentally flawed, I feel.

2: They look like they've fixed the issues with water (it was a huge bottleneck, and all the more frustrating because by mid-game, there are literally oceans of the stuff, but you couldn't use it). Great for fixing that, but it really makes me question the developers when they leave something that pants on head stupid in there on release. But resources in general are so limited that you spend the vast majority of the time building infrastructure to get more resources because otherwise you'll run out of something vital, and then the whole system crash spirals to death. On the time scale we're playing at, there should be some resource deposits that are effectively unlimited. I could buy a range, where there might be a very rich (high extraction rate) patch, but it'll run dry quickly, while a low quality one lasts a lot longer.

3. And the never ending sprawl leads me into my last point. When I play things like Factorio, what I've found that makes them interesting is that your reach keeps expanding. You start out doing menial tasks yourself, but as the game progresses, the things the player does themselves keeps getting on a higher and higher level. You might spend a lot of time in the first half hour moving ores around to smelt, but you eventually have a whole line making plates. Don't have to think about plates anymore, cool. You can start thinking about factories and inserters. Eventually, if you're me, you set up a mall where all your basic stuff is made, and you can just grab it as you need it. Don't have to think about making it anymore, it just happens in the background. You can focus on setting up facilities. Eventually, you get robots and you're literally stamping out major expansions on a scale that is nuts. Your reach and scope keep expanding, but they don't drag you down with having to do all the basic stuff constantly, and it makes for a good experience.

In Per Aspera, when you launch a new site, you have to do the exact same startup that you did on your original colony. You have to do it in the exact same order (because of the tiny amount of resources that get dropped with you). If you don't, you won't be able to get it self sustaining, and its a waste. If you want to expand like you need to (see above), you'll do this 5-6 times at a *minimum*. I had to do it probably 15 times. It gets incredibly old and frustrating. Having the ability to set a build order, a standard plan to execute or something. Or even have the option to build a bigger rocket so you're not boostrapping with a tiny amount of resources, and having to force-build low tier buildings so you can afford them.

In closing, I don't hate this game. Its probably one of the more interesting colony building games out there, but its got some major flaws as it stands. Its a *frustrating* game, because its so close to greatness. Its 80 percent of an amazing game, but the last 20 percent fell off a cliff into the bowels of hell.

tl;dr: Wait until they fix some issues, or wait until its on a Steam Sale.
86 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 00:54
The game isn't the best thing ever, but it is still really nice to play sometimes.

The good:

- A very nice audiovisual experience. Everything looks nice and makes noises.
- The gameplay in general is satisfying. It isn't really a complex game where you do crazy production lines, but that doesn't make the game worse.
- The story is also nice, but it isn't really anything new.

- The concept of you terraforming a planet in a game with simple climate simulation and all that is really good.

- The devs did fix some stuff so that the game is actually playable and isn't frustrating, and they seem to be doing content updates as well, so the game can still become better than what it is right now.

The bad:

- The optimization is kinda eh. Basically, every drone has to know how to navigate all of your base and does all the calculations on the fly, so the game gets very cpu-intensive after midgame or so.
- The worker AI is bad. Sometimes they can't move that one resource piece at all even though the building it should go to is prioritized and is literally right next to the resource unit. Just like the framerates, this stuff usually works fine for the most of the game, but gets worse towards the end of it.
310 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
3331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 08:04
This isn't looking good Houston...Imminent Impact :)
644 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
2938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 17:29
I think most of the complaints for this game have related to a somewhat opaque resource transport system. Basically, each worker's hub houses a worker that doesn't like to travel far from that hub. Once you understand that, it's relatively easy to ensure that your logisitics systems run smoothly. Fantastic game.
689 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 04:52
Far too easy to get into a permanent death spiral, especially with the constant attacks from enemies. Doesn't help that your workers are absolutely braindead and are incapable of repairing powerplants. It's just not a fun game.
415 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 04:25
This is a really frustrating review to make because there's some real highlights to the game. The story and aesthetic choices are quite good and the very light meditations on AI ethics and philosophy that pop up throughout the game evoke science fiction writing at its finest.

Shame about the gameplay, though.

The problems are pretty deep into the core gameplay loops, and so far the patches have been mostly bugfixes without dealing with some very fundamental design choice problems. For example, the prioritization system for your drones is binary. Something is either a priority or not. This, combined with entropy making your drones wear out over time, means that there is no way to have drones prioritize their own existence above all else, leading to arbitrary death spirals that started hours back but you're only finding out about now. Upgrading resource extraction sites is ALWAYS a waste, as it merely increases the speed it draws from the finite pool of the resource, and it's cheaper and more sustainable to simply build another mine over another node of the resource. This becomes especially true when it turns out the degenerate strategy is to spawn new landing sites because new landing sites guarantee at least one of each resource node nearby, the only way to ensure you get a particular resource if you're short on one. This leads to silliness, for example in one run where since I can't mine the water now unreachable underneath the Martian lake, I'll have to launch a rocket next to my current launch site to get a water node to spawn.

At the moment, the dev team is working on bugs (quite a few, but not abnormally more than for an Early Access title, which this functionally is) and superficial annoyances that are easier to patch (one involves the story arc where you can get access to nukes that until recently did not give you access to the radioactive materials contained within the nukes), but I think the problems with the game go pretty deep into the guts of the design and I'm not seeing many alterations in that area yet. And by the time I had played long enough to be sure it wasn't just a fluke, it was past the refund stage, so buyer beware.
319 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 00:19
Let's get the most important bit out of the way:
After about 10 hours and one playthrough (on easy), I would recommend the game based on the fact that I still feel a great desire to play it and think I can still get some hours out of it to challenge myself. On a sale, this is a no-brainer, and even at release price, I think it's worth it.
And I say that as somebody who went into this with some reservations, for example because of the weird mismatch of scale between buildings and planet. There's something compelling and satisfying about this game, no doubt about it.

Thing is, this game feels incomplete to me. I don't only mean that it feels unpolished, as many other people suggested, although it certainly does that too - the logistics system felt like an albatross around my neck more often than not. To give you an idea of how big of an issue it can be: at the end of the game, I had a population of about 9000. For most of the late game, I had maintained a population of 2000 to 3000 and that was pushing it, considering that logistics inefficiency and distribution issues caused water and food production to be stuck at around 70% - so even though I had plenty of water and food available and did anything I could think of to optimize the transportation, there's no way in hell I could have exceeded 10.000. Seeing how I got lucky with water and chemical spawns (as in: I didn't have to worry too much about running out), I can't imagine how I'm even supposed to reach the limit of around 100.000 people.

And that's where the thing I didn't really want to talk about (lack of polish / balance) merges with what I do want to address: a sense of incompleteness.
To me, it feels like the game has the systems in place to be more than it is but doesn't really use it. The environment simulation is probably the biggest example of this: you have temperature, moisture and biome simulation, among other things. After a full playthrough, I completely fail to understand what tangible impact any of them have on the game - what do they currently bring to the table that could not have been achieved in a much more CPU-efficient way?
And what about surface water? What point is there to having water and oceans other than them being obstacles? Why can't they be used as a water source for colonies when that's half the point of terraforming?

It feels like there should be more - more technologies (particularly late-game, although it felt unnatural how quickly I went through them for most of the game), more gameplay revolving around the biosphere you're trying to build, more... more overall substance, really. That is what I think the game is lacking more than anything, beyond pure optimization.

I sincerely hope the developers continue to work on this. It's good, it's worth a look... but there's still a lot of room for growth.
339 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 10:15
Overall I had a lot of fun with this game. I finished the campaign.

The Good:
- Has a interesting story. The story which some city/planet/industry totally lack was nice, you have some choices you can make and it keeps you engaged in the gameplay as well as some plot twists. The game would not have been nearly as fun without the story.
- Educative. At some point I actually started looking up what is the role and effect of the proportions the main gases have in the atmosphere, as well as what would happen if there was more of X gas or less of Y gas.
- It is the kind of game that you say, I'm just going to complete this part and then quit for the day. 3 hours later I was still playing.

The Bad:
- The drones (without which you cannot build or transfer materials) have a poor pathfinding and their priority queue is bad as well. This gets worse the more you expand. At some point you have to try and figure out their bad algorithm and try to compensate but unfortunately you can only mitigate part of the problem. The only solution seems to be the devs improving this
- Very bad optimization. At first the game ran over 100FPS (GPU was not at full load). As I expanded I ended up playing the game at about 30FPS and lower from midgame to endgame. Clicking on batteries, or trying to upgrade ways shows some kind of overlay over the building. When that happened FPS droped in the 20s and even below. I had around 20% GPU load an no significant load on my CPU (no core went over 50-60%). I have a Nvidia 3070 with a Ryzen 3600. I asked a friend who has a Ryzen 5950X to try my midgame save and he had between 40-50FPS. The devs really need to improve upon this as I was about to abandon the game because of it.
- There are many things that are not explained, or not sufficiently explained, ranging from mechanics to values of output of mines, factories, special projects, etc.
- Each resource has a display global demand and global production rate. Unfortunately the demand one doesn't always work.
- The way in which you upgrade ways is really teadious
1177 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 14:51
Without going in to as much detail as many of the other reviews here, the game has some issues:
The game does have some performance issues later on.
The worker AI does need some tweaking as they can ignore obvious issues that spiral in to a game over with no way for you to fix them yourself manually.
The resources don't always spawn in ideal locations or even locations that are reachable, which can again lead to a game over which is out of the player's control.

The devs have updated the game frequently and fixed many of the biggest issues already, including tweaking the AI a little. They seem devoted to fixing the issues and making the game the best it can be and ignoring those issues mentioned, what's here is really fun. You get to slowly build up and the story kept me interested, wanting more the whole way through.

Overall, I'd recommend the game but for those who aren't already interested in this type of game, waiting for a sale maybe be best.
512 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 15:36
Review as of 1/19/2021
Overall I like this game however certain times the resource spawn makes it so you cannot finish the game. Specifically had 2 playthroughs around 2 hours each where only 1 silicon mine was available from the start. Ran out of silicon and could not keep up with maintenance drones due to lack of electronics. I had revealed about 90% of the first sector with there being no more silicon. This makes the game extremely frustrating. As of this version I cannot recommend this game.
98 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 19:32
I really enjoyed this game, until getting pretty close to the end. I had spent about 12 hours building my base in the campaign, just to have to destroy it. It was unclear in the game that by making the choice I did in game that I would be forced to destroy everything I had built. I think the sandbox might be fun, but I have such a bad taste in my mouth now that I spent so much time building something that I then was forced to destroy, in the campaign. The game is challenging and fun to build, but can't stand that I had to erase all of my progress. It would be one thing, if I had been defeated, but no. I was forced to defeat myself, after making a choice with unclear ramifications.
418 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:57

It is a very nice, chill but at the same time complicated planet-builder xD

It is a puzzle strategy game with very nice story in it. Not so often you find a strategy with a story and that is even decent! Usually its a game mechanics and everything that is built around it. Not this game! Go together through a personal development of a building A.I. on mars! 8)

Highly recommend for anyone that is thirsting fomr some different kind of a building strategy game!
635 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 05:24
Give it some time for the devs to fix the AI. The bots are horrible and prioritize things that don't matter at all over things that are super important.
282 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
3452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 19:28
Fun game, but definitely needs a LOT of bug fixing. Animals don't get spawned, trees don't get spawned, all you see is grass, lichen and water, despite all the late game research, they don't have any visual queues.
615 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 05:43
I was really digging this game right off the bat. The aesthetics, the fantastic voice acting, and the hints at a larger story about AI consciousness are great to see, especially in a colony builder. Unfortunately, the game mechanics start falling apart once you reach the midgame and become pretty unbearable if you want to finish out the story. I ended up using Cheat Engine to reach the end in a reasonable amount of time.

Part of why my played time is fairly high is that I was playing on the harder difficulty. The first time I reached the midgame, I cranked up the time multiplier to let some tech research finish... only to essentially have a colony collapse spiral when I realized I'd run out of resources to make maintenance drones. I figured ok, cool, I let the system get out of control and it's a neat clockwork thing that will break if you push it too far. I'll just start over and pay more attention next time.

But no, it turns out that what actually had happened was the drones that carry your resources around your base, e.g., from the iron mine to the steel factory to the parts factory etc., have really bad AI. When you're first starting out with a small base you don't notice it, but when you've got a base that's essentially a graph with 300+ nodes and 1500+ edges, the drones' favorite things to do become: 1. carry a single unit of a resource back and forth between two buildings that need that resource, and 2. decide to bring a unit of a resource from the other side of the planet to the factory that needs it, rather than taking it from a building right next door.

Since this doesn't affect small bases as much, this wouldn't be so bad if the game didn't force you to expand in order to both survive and advance the story. Resource deposits are finite and so you have to keep finding more to keep up with your colony's needs, and eventually the story objectives devolve into a series of objectives that are either 1) expand your base to this distant part of the planet to set up a research lab, or 2) complete projects at your spaceport that take tons of resources.

It really would be a grind even if resources moved efficiently around your base, but as it is I can't imagine finishing the story without many hours of repetitive micromanagement.

Aside from these mechanical issues, it feels like the narrative is pretty well-tuned at the beginning of the game, but again things fall apart later on. Dialog prompts start appearing out of order, referring either to events that have not yet happened, or reflecting on something that happened hours ago as if it had just completed. Emotions will be extremely strained with a character in one conversation, and in the very next one they're as cheerful as ever, as though nothing happened.

There is a really cool game in here, I just hope they're able to bring it out in future updates.
335 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 00:41
Promising game in the beginning, but becomes tedious in the end.

Incomplete features, game breaking bugs and balancing issues ruin the experience and might prompt you to restart a few times.

Overall I advise to wait until more patches iron out the experience.
316 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 20:01
Worker drones are broken. They get locked into cycles of storing random garbage in places they don't belong, and fail to prioritize proper things, like replacing themselves when necessary. This leads to a game-over by attrition. Your colony is now essentially dead. It happened 3 times now to me. I'm shelving this until the devs update.

Don't purchase this game until they clear up a lot of these issues. Otherwise, you're just in for disappointment.

Otherwise, I'd give this game a thumbs-up. It's a fun story so far.
347 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
2227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 11:10
Reading the reviews... people seem very confused about what to expect from this game. There seems to be some major frustration from fans of city builders and deep simulation/ management games coming to this expecting something very different from what it is. I don't blame the game for this - the description is fairly accurate.

If you come into this with the right expectations (or no expectations at all) you might find, like me - you're pleasantly surprised.

Per Aspera does not offer some deeply complex resource manager that requires pin point micro-management with in depth tinkering of assets. What Per Aspera offers is a very chill - very zen colony building game with very simple, very intuitive mechanics. In short - you spread across the martian surface like a slime mold, all while enjoying a pleasant, perfectly voice acted soap opera involving an AI slowly coming to terms with their purpose and identity.

There's JUST enough going on that it doesn't over whelm you, but not so little that you get bored and distracted. For me - it was a wonderful balance between management and simply focusing on much bigger picture concerns, like terraforming and figuring out where I can focus my expansion.

There are some scenarios that may provide frustration. You may, like myself, find yourself needing to reload a few times during the story campaign because you've reached a dead end with your resources, requiring you to reload an older save in order to fix your mistakes. Problems that are easily solved but present some head scratching as you slowly learn how to maximize efficiency and avoid these pitfalls. When it clicks - it's great.

A calm, pleasant and entertaining experience that perfectly balances between engagement and allowing yourself the luxury of considering bigger picture concerns, all framed by a nice and simple little soap opera about an AI growing up.
368 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 01:26
Loving it so far.

It's scratching an itch I've had for quite a while. I think you'll know within the first 30 minutes if it's a game for you or not. The weak points of the game you see fairly quickly. The great parts you see fairly quickly too.
Plenty of other people have gone more in depth about the pros and cons and It's a matter of what's important for you in games.
Personally, I barely notice the 'gamebreakers' some others mention and I delight in the freshness of it all.
515 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 01:10
Game is addicting.

Gameplay is all about juggling resources and efficiency, all in the name of that huge goal -- terraform mars. I love how the planet changes dynamically to how you influence it. Once you get an atmosphere, wind will blow across the martian surface and you'll see the blue glow from your orbital perspective.

It has an immersive quality that I love. You are an AI in mars orbit and that's why you see everything the way that you do. There is a worldbuild behind it too, one that you'll really only get into if you seek it out. The story is a feature that I adored and was a perfect change of pace to the regular base building.

If you are one of those people who spent a ton of time with cities skylines or satisfactory, I'd really recommend this one.

Very good game.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
76.01% 1568 495
Release:05.11.2020 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Tlön Industries Vertrieb: Raw Fury Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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