- CPU:
- GFX: DirectX 10 compatible GPU
- Software: Windows XP
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX:
- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch – Spanien, RussischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
Party of Sin
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Über das Spiel
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- CPU:
- GFX: DirectX 10 compatible GPU
- Software: Windows 7
- HD:
- SFX:
- DX:
- Peripherie:
- LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch – Spanien, RussischSprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 15:13
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.16 05:12
There is a decent challenge but never too difficult or frustrating (I will admit having used a youtube video once, near the end). The concept is similar to Trine, but you have 7 characters instead of 3, you have to alternate between each of them to use their special power to solve the puzzle and move to the next one. There are many (easy) fights to bring some action, but it's really the puzzles that make the game. Don't pay full price for this, get it in a bundle and you might enjoy around 5 hours of moderate fun if you like this kind of game. 6.5/10
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.15 00:21
It could definitely use polish. When the game's first boss is a lava narwhal, it's creative as hell but it feels like they're not recognizing how enjoyable the mythology and world building are for a game like this.
The controls, generally speaking, are tight, and I could see people having a lot of fun speed-running the crap out of this. They've already sort of set it up for exactly that, though blustering through isn't my style.
The one thing I wish is that we could rebind the keys. I never leave the jump key on space bar- I move it over to my mouse's side buttons as a holdover from the days I used a laptop to play Minecraft.
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122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.15 22:34
428 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.15 05:52
Probably better if you can play it with a friend! But its Local Coop only so... hope you have close friends. XP
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.15 22:17
First of, I adore the concept of the game. All seven of the deadly sins look and feel like what they are representing and each of the powers of the sins fits in well, the perhaps the exception of Envy, who supermans it up and shoots a freaking laser from her eyes. I was not aware that was a thing with Envy. However, you can tell what each character represents well and, on top of that, the game introduces you to them one by one and allows you to use their powers.
I see this game as three different parts: the platforming part, the combat part, and the puzzle part. As a platformer, this game is decent. Its not terrible, but there are far better platforming games to play rather than this one. Honestly, its rather basic with not much experimentation. Nothing broken, but nothing amazing as well.
The combat part is really rough. Although each of the sins have a visually different basic attack, they all feel too similar to make in impact. In fact, I am not sure if there even was a difference. Combat is also affected by the sins; unique powers, but too often combat was too frantic to make meaningful options. I could use Sloth to slow them down, switch to Lust to charm the other, and dash in using Pride... or I can use Gluttony to one shot them and regain health, melee another while healing all the damage, and one shot the other. Why bother switching sins when Gluttony is so much better. This is the biggest issue with the game, unless I am forced to switch, I generally stuck to Gluttony for combat and Greed, with his huge hookshot, to platform and start fights. The rest waited their turn for their needed role in the puzzles spread throughout.
Which, by the way, is by far the best aspect of the game. The puzzles are well designed and tricky and had elements from across the board. Sometimes you ran across a physics puzzle, sometimes a simple mirror-reflection puzzle, sometimes a timing and precision puzzle. This is where the game shined, the sins need to work in tandem and that gave me the most satisfaction when playing.
As I said, this game is hard to review since this game is all over the place, however, given its price and inclusion in indie bundles, I will give it a recommendation. Play it if it is in your library, you can easily beat it in a play session or two.
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12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.15 06:52
It plays like trine but instead of balancing 3 characters you juggle seven.
If I'm going to play a platformer the controls must be crips and precise and the combat must be engaging and dynamic. Instead I'm presented with levels that challenge me as far as switching to the appropriate character. What a headache.
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.14 22:28
I am just glad I got it as part of a humble bundle, 10 dollars for this game is a travesty.
I wouldnt even recommend this game to people even if it was freeware. Its just unfun.
Nicht Empfohlen
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.13 20:12
Combat and movement feel rather awkward and stiff. Limited melee range with only 1 of your characters having a ranged attack. Not a whole lot of feedback for hitting/getting hit. Enemies bouncing on your head for 3-4 seconds or visa versa.
The two boss battles I've gone through have been about avoiding 1 hit kills. The first one, who's only attack knocked you into the lava below or the second one who's two attacks caused knockback if you were close enough or instantly killed you if you were under it.
7 Characters is a tad bit too much. Having to remember their keybinds combined with needing to quickly switch between 2-4 characters for puzzles and some characters only being useful for a few seconds throughout an entire level leads to a lot of confusion.
Better off just replaying Trine or something.