- Dutzende neuer Fallen, einschlie?lich Kombinationen: Verwende verschiedene Substanzen, die miteinander reagieren!
- Zwei Figuren am Anfang und zwei zum Freischalten mit einzigartigen Spielstilen, Statistiken und Fahigkeiten!
- Erschaffungssystem und Dutzende von Gegenstanden zum Benutzen: Flasche + Benzinkanister = Du hast es erraten!
- Erledige mehrere Ziele gleichzeitig mit der machtigen Fahigkeit Multikill!
- Nutze Partysicht, um den Raum nach Zielen und nutzlichen Gegenstanden zu durchsuchen!
- Interagiere mit NPCs: Mache eine Frau betrunken, besteche einen Punk oder sorge dafur, dass sich jemand vor Angst in die Hose macht!
- Verschiedene Ziele, die zu deinem Spielstil passen! Ein schwieriges „Keine-Zivilisten-nur-Ziele“-Szenario oder das gute alte „Tote sie alle“? Du entscheidest. Aber denk daran: Deine Handlungen konnen deine Zukunft verandern.
- Freischaltbare Gegenstande, die abhangig von deinem Spielstil variieren!
- Bereite Partys mit einem Freund zusammen ein Ende: Der lokale Koop-Modus ist zuruck!
- Auch die Twitch-Integration ist wieder da! Jemand ubertragt Party Hard 2? Baue ein Level fur ihn, fulle es mit Partygasten, lege Ziele fest und werde zum obersten Konig!
- Brandneue Optik in 3-D und Lichteffekte
- Eine fesselnde Geschichte uber Rache und Vergeltung. Ja, mit einer uberraschenden Wendung. Und einem entlaufenen Zirkusbaren.
Party Hard 2
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- CPU: Intel Core i3
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GT 920M
- RAM: 4096 MB RAM
- Software: Windows XP/7/8/10
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5
- GFX: Geforce GTX560
- RAM: 4096 MB RAM
- Software: Windows XP/7/8/10
- HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
810 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.19 19:25
Die Musik ist richtig gut. Normalerweise höre ich beim Zocken immer meine eigene Musik, aber hier war das gar nicht nötig.
Leider fand ich es stellenweise etwas unübersichtlich weswegen ich nicht wusste, was ich genau machen sollte, um diese Teilaufgabe abzuschließen. Aber naja, dann hab ich halt einfach alle getötet. Ist ja auch nett. xD
Bin zwar eigentlich jemand, der wenig Geduld hat. Das kam in dem Spiel aber gar nicht zum Vorschein.
Ich kann es auf jeden Fall nur empfehlen. Den ersten Teil hab ich noch nicht gespielt, aber der kommt noch!
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.18 15:55
☐ Kinder
☑ Jeder
☑ Gelegenheitsspieler
☐ Profi Spieler
- - - [ Grafik/Animation: ] - - -
☐ Kartoffel
☐ Sehr schlecht
☐ Schlecht
☐ Okay
☑ Gut
☐ Wunderschön
☐ Meisterwerk
Hinweis: Grafik beabsichtigt!
- - - [ Preis/Qualität: ] - - -
☐ Kostenlos
☐ Zu Teuer!
☑ In Ordnung!
☐ Preis/Leistung optimal!
☐ Rückerstattung wenn möglich!
☐ Kauf es nicht!
- - - [ Anforderungen: ] - - -
☐ 90's PC
☑ Minimal
☐ Mittel
☐ Schnell
☐ Hochleistungsrechner
☐ NASA Computer
- - - [ Schwierigkeit: ] - - -
☐ Du brauchst nur 2 Arme
☑ Einfach
☐ Einfach zu erlernen / Schwierig zu meistern
☐ Schwer
☐ Dark Souls
- - - [ Spielzeit/Spiellänge ] - - -
☐ Sehr kurz ( 0 - 2 Stunden)
☑ Kurz ( 2 - 8 Stunden) -> (Story-Modus)
☐ Einige Stunden ( 8 - 12 Stunden)
☐ Land ( 12+ Stunden)
☑ Unendlich ((Endlosspiel))
- - - [ Story] - - -
☐ Hat es nicht
☑ Besser als Twillight
☐ Durchschnittlich
☐ Gut
☐ Fantastisch
- - - [ Fehler ] - - -
☐ Das Spiel ist ein großer Fehler
☐ Fehler die den Spielspaß zerstören
☐ Viele Fehler
☐ Einige Fehler
☐ Wenige Fehler
☑ Keine die ich bemerkt habe
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.18 11:53
Kurze Spielbeschreibung
“In Party Hard 2 spielen wir einen Psycho-Killer, der eigentlich nur seine Ruhe haben will. Mitten in der Nacht werden in seiner Nachbarschaft Partys gefeiert, doch wir wollen schlafen. Also gehen wir raus und beenden die Partys auf eine gewaltsame Art und Weise. Nach einer Party bekommen wir Lust auf mehr & machen uns daran sämtliche Partys in der Umgebung auf unsere Art zu beenden.“
+ Altbewertes Konzept
+ Aber mit neuen Ideen
+ Neuer Grafikstil
+ Verschiedene Mördertypen
+ Deutsche Lokalisation
+ Gezeichnete Cutscenes
+/- Story vorhanden, allerdings eher oberflächlich
+/- Nur noch bestimmte Ziele pro Level, aber abwechslungsreich
- Kein richtiges Tutorial verfügbar
- Teilweise ziemlich dumme KI
Der Test
+ Altbewertes Konzept
An dem Konzept aus dem 1. Teil hat sich kaum etwas verändert. Auch die Steuerung ist größtenteils dieselbe geblieben, weshalb es Veteranen leicht fallen sollte, sich in die Steuerung einzufinden.
+ Aber mit neuen Ideen
Das Grundkonzept bleibt gleich. Doch damit es Party-Hard-Veteranen nicht langweilig wird, hat der Entwickler neue Features beigefügt. Diese sind keinesfalls groß, können aber durchaus für Abwechslung sorgen. So zum Beispiel ein kleines Inventar. Neben unserer Waffe können wir darin bis zu 3 Gegenstände aufbewahren, die man einmalig verwenden kann, wie etwa einen Taser oder Adrenalinpillen.
+ Neuer Grafikstil
Grundsätzlich ist der Grafikstil derselbe. An der Pixeloptik hat sich soweit nichts verändert. Was allerdings verändert wurde ist, dass es nun eine Art 3D-Umgebung in der Vogelperspektive ist. Dies macht einen zeitgemäßen Eindruck und ist schön anzusehen.
+ Verschiedene Mördertypen
Wir sind nicht mehr DER Party-Killer, sondern haben die Möglichkeit aus verschieden vorgefertigten Mördern unseren auszuwählen. Leider sind bereits zu Beginn alle Typen freigeschaltet und auch die Geschichte verändert sich in ihrer Erzählweise dadurch überhaupt nicht.
+ Deutsche Lokalisation
Das Spiel ist komplett in Deutsch übersetzt. Allerdings gibt es keine deutsche Sprachausgabe, was aber nicht weiter schlimm ist, da Cutscenes eher rar gesät sind. Auch hat die Übersetzung hier und da noch ein paar Fehler. Diese sind aber nicht tragisch und man ist in der Lage zu verstehen, was gemeint ist.
+ Gezeichnete Cutscenes
Anders wie im 1. Teil, besitzen die Cutscenes keine Pixeloptik, sondern sind gezeichnet. Was sich nicht verändert hat, ist, dass die Sequenzen wie Standbilder funktionieren. Die Cutscenes sind keine fließenden Szenen.
+/- Story vorhanden, allerdings eher oberflächlich
Ja, das Spiel erzählt eine Handlung. Diese ist aber fast die Gleiche, wie aus dem 1. Teil. Der einzige Unterschied besteht darin, dass sie die Geschehnisse aus dem 1. Teil fortführt. Die Geschichte ist nett gemacht und eine schöne Dreingabe, mehr aber auch nicht und ist in den Leveln eher oberflächlich und für das Gameplay nicht weiter von Bedeutung.
+/- Nur noch bestimmte Ziele pro Level, aber abwechslungsreich
Der Spieler erhält pro Level nun nur noch bestimmte Ziele, die er erfüllen muss, um das jeweilige Level zu meistern. Dadurch werden die Level teilweise nicht komplett genutzt. Einen Vorteil den dies allerdings im Gegensatz zum 1. Spiel hat: Es bringt Abwechslung ins Spiel, da die Aufgabenstellung nun nicht mehr in jedem Level heißt: „Töte sie alle.“.
- Kein richtiges Tutorial verfügbar
Ein Tutorial gibt es nicht wirklich. Im 1. Teil gab es noch ein Tutoriallevel. Dies wurde nun gänzlich gestrichen. Die Grundsteuerung wird nicht weiter erläutert. Man erhält im 1. Level lediglich wichtige Tipps. Dies ist zwar schade, aber nicht weiter schlimm, da die Steuerung im HUD angezeigt wird und das auf eine Art und Weise, so dass es nicht stört.
- Teilweise ziemlich dumme KI
Die KI scheint kaum Verbesserungen zum Vorgänger erfahren zu haben, denn sie ist weiterhin so dumm wie vorher. Wenn du mit einer Person in einem Raum stehst, worauf alle freie Sicht haben, kannst du diese Person dennoch umnieten, ohne Konsequenzen zu befürchten. Die NPCs rufen nämlich nur dann die Polizei, wenn sie im selben Raum stehen. Und wenn du von der Polizei dabei gesehen wirst, wie du den Ort des Geschehens verlässt, laufen sie trotzdem an dir vorbei. Solltest du doch mal gejagt werden, reicht es eigentlich aus, um die nächste Ecke zu laufen. Und schon bist du wie vom Erdboden verschluckt. Hier wurde leider viel Potential verschenkt, da gerade die KI für das Gameplay enorm wichtig ist.
“Ja, das Spiel hat Macken. Teilweise sogar große, wie die KI. Doch das Positive überwiegt trotz alle dem. Ich hatte mit dem Spiel meinen Spaß. Jedes Level ist anders. Die Umgebung lässt sich wie im Vorgänger perfekt nutzen. Und ohne taktisches Denken geht nichts. Einfach in einen Raum laufen und 20 Personen niedermähen ist nicht. Mit den verschiedenen Mördertypen wird der Wiederspielwert erhöht. Zusätzlich dazu besitzt das Spiel Twitchintegration und einen lokalen KOOP, wodurch man noch mehr für sein Geld erhält. Allerdings konnte ich die letzten beiden Features nicht testen, somit kann ich nicht sagen, wie gut oder schlecht diese funktionieren. Veteranen sollte ein schneller Einstieg gelingen und auch neue Spieler können sich schnell in dem Spiel zurecht finden. Für den Preis bekommt man viel geboten. Das Spiel ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung, wenn man dem Entwickler die miese KI verzeihen kann.“
Nicht Empfohlen
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 14:47
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133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 02:25
It's just like the first game with more features and better graphics.
However, it has randomness that ruins the game, such as AI that randomly decides to kill you or report you for murder... even if you hadn't killed anyone. The level layout is always the same but a large portion of items and traps are random, so you might get screwed by lack of kill options. The game can be very unpredictable at times.
It's a great improvement from the first game but ruins one of the most important aspects introduced in the first game, the strategy. If you like playing until randomness is in your favor then go ahead.
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818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 10:45
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225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 13:16
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956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 14:45
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282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 14:29
TLDR: Way too grindy and story is still cringy, too unforgiving and not in a way that makes you want to retry the level to get a little further.
- Bugfixes from last version
- Slightly more mechanics than last game
- Missions make there alternative paths to victory (not just kill everyone on the one level)
- Added bosses into the game, which require a little more than just creative killing.
- There's only 2 bosses. Add a nice feature into the game and barely utilize it...
- The last few levels are lazy at best. Like the game can be broken up into 4 parts:
1) Tutorial/intro 2) Actually interesting part with alternative approaches 3) super grindy and luck based (if you get no molotovs or lighters in nightclub you can't light cash on fire so RIP) 4) lazy finish (insultingly easy, like the devs gave up and just wanted you to finish)
- Constant crash reports. Doesn't always exit properly (or in fact never exits properly, I have to Alt+F4)
- Voice acting and story still as cringy as first game, and not in an alluring way
- While extra missions is a plus, the whole crafting setup and the various bars on the menu overcomplicate the game. Too much for what should be a simple mechanic game
- Way too grindy. This is my biggest gripe. With 1 I found you can kinda adjust in the moment as needed to fix a bad situation here it's much less forgiving to a point you have to learn off what to do when otherwise you are screwed. Like in 1 I felt I'd get a little closer each time, here if it doesn't work out then I exit out quite quickly because too annoying to have to replay each level. This is paired with the fact you have to be much more patient for each kill to make sure people are in the right position at the right time, whereas again in 1 you can adapt strategy and be quick.
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 00:58
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 16:33
Achievements: 29/41
Better looking game.
Only 4 characters.
Harder than the first one.
Almost impossible stealth because of random people fighting and calling cops on eachother... ok?
It was fun, but i wouldnt play it again.
Nicht Empfohlen
500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 17:26
The story is abysmal. Second half of the games cutscenes i just skipped entirely. They are painful to watch. The voice-acting is bad, because the actors have nothing to go on. The characters, if you can call them that, have no personality and are only there to tell you about 1 line of plot, that is purely functional. Soulless story.
Voice-acting also weirdly sparse, some characters have it, others dont so you have to read their lines.
Gameplay super unintuitive and clunky. There is no real mixing of mechanics. Gasoline on the floor + taser does not light on fire. Pile of interactable fireworks cant be lit by lighter. Most logical combinations dont do anything. This wouldnt be so bad, but there is no tutorial to speak of other than the 3 posters in the first level that just tell you about buttons you can press, which you can see on screen anyway. Had to look up tutorials online, because its frustrating to be limited and not know in what ways.
Movement is slug slow and the 2D/3D done so bad, that you often cant run past stuff, where you can clearly see that you should be able if actual 3D were there.
Levels are difficult for difficulty sake. Often not enough materials to work with and have fun. About 50% of stuff idk what they do, because the game never explains and they dont seem to do anything. Like money, condoms, vests...
Can be played in under an hour, if you know how to play the game. Sadly it takes about 8h for me to learn the game.
Got it on sale and i want my money back.
Nicht Empfohlen
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 04:36
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 16:04
Party Hard 2
After the major success of Party Hard 1, Pinokl Games had to make a part 2! I love the irony in the game’s name as although it’s named “Party Hard”, you don’t party at all. Instead, you end these parties by whatever means possible. To be honest, Party Hard 1 & 2 are very similar gameplay-wise. ☹
Cold-blooded Murder
The storyline for this game is nothing different from that of its prequel. Okay so, the basic plotline goes something like this:
Protagonist wakes up at 3 AM due to the neighbors having a party & blasting music. This triggers him & makes him go on a murderous spree, ready to do anything to stop these late-night parties & get a good night’s sleep. This masked “Hero” unintentionally gets dragged into destroying a drug syndicate & even saving the Earth from an alien invasion!
Yes, I know, the story is so fucking random that it’s just hilarious. It’s apparently a story that is filled with “Vengeance & Redemption” according to the developers, but I would say that this storyline is nothing more than a joke. I mean, this is the charm of the game, complete randomness & stupidity. A pretty well-executed plot, if you ask me.
Gameplay Mechanics
I will probably be repeating this statement over a million times in this review, this game has the same gameplay as its prequel, Party Hard 1! Well, it does introduce a few new mechanics, but that still doesn’t remove the majority of similarities. If you ask me, this game should’ve been released as a DLC for Party Hard 1. I mean, bruh, this game literally has only 14 levels including 2 boss fights while the first part had 20 levels in total (including the DLC expansions). To me, the first part is always superior.
So, what’s new you may ask. Here are the features the game offers:
- A dozen of new traps.
- You can combine traps/substances that actually react with each other to cause a chain reaction. For instance, water + electricity.
- The game supports Local co-op allowing you to bring in a partner in crime.
- There are two new Skills/abilities(?). Multi-kill which, as the name implies, allows you to kill multiple targets at once. The other one is Party Vision which is the common scan ability in video games that allows the player to highlight enemies (in this case, targets) & objects of interest.
- The only new feature that mattered to me was the ability to craft stuff. You can make the weirdest combinations with this feature. Imagine combining a Lighter & a can of Gasoline. [spoiler]P.S. don’t try this at home![/spoiler]
- You can actually interact with NPCs now. Give a condom to a bouncer (works although you have a male character ????) & make him fight for you! Bribe punks to work for you. Get an NPC drunk. There’s a lot of things you can do with NPCs now.
- You now have the power to choose how you want to play. Instead of massacring everyone, you now have specific targets/objectives. You are still a murderer, at least not a mass murderer! Well, this is obviously challenging but it’s still a way to do it.
- 4 characters with their own unique skill sets, playstyles & abilities. They also have ultimate abilities which have to be unlocked. Choosing the right character that matches your play style is very important.
Apart from a few unique features, it’s very similar to Party Hard 1. The main thing I love in this game is the freedom you are given to complete each level. There are endless possibilities on how you can complete the levels and it’s entirely up to you on how you want to execute it.
The puzzle side of this game emphasizes a lot on trial and error. You always have to strategize & try to execute your plan as efficiently as possible. If you fail, you need to strategize once more as most of the elements in the level are randomized. This might sound annoying but hey, Hitman has a very similar concept but no one complains!
You can check out my review for the first part here!
Graphics & Audios
The game has a pixelated art style. It may sound bland when I say it like this but give me a moment to explain! This game’s art style reminds me a lot about Hotline Miami since both have the ”Enhanced Pixelated Graphics style” along with a very vibrant neonish color palette. Well, Hotline Miami is a 2D game while Party Hard 2 has 3D assets! All in all, the game has a pretty eye-catching art style that suits the “Night-Neon Party theme” it portrays.
Moving on to the game’s aural aspect. As I always say, I am not a huge music enthusiast, so I am not aware of the music genres. If I were to say, this game combines electro music with rock & some of the songs have vocals too! My favorite one has to be the “Sweet Taste of Victory” OST.
TinyBuild has to add DLCs to their games, I am not surprised. So, there are three DLCs as follows:
DLCs | Description | [/tr]
Party Hard 2 Comic Book DLC | As the name suggests, you get access to a 30-page official comic. This is free-on-demand for all owners of the game! | [/tr]
Party Hard 2 DLC: Alien Butt Form | This DLC adds a lot of content. It gives you 3 new characters, 5 new maps, a few new weapons & items as well as some new abilities. | [/tr]
Party Hard 2 OST | You gain complete access to all of the 29 Official Soundtracks made for this game. I recommend listening to them as they are really good! | [/tr]
Well, they aren’t that pricey so it’s all up to you whether you want to buy them or not.
- Has a pretty detailed pixel art style accompanied by wonderful soundtracks.
- Player has a lot of freedom when it comes to gameplay. They can choose their preferred play style to complete the objective.
- The game has a very idiosyncratic sense of humor which I found pretty amusing.
- The game just felt like a remastered version of the first part with a few new features.
- The story is quite unappealing. Not something worth remembering.
- Due to its pixelated graphics, you might lose track of your character’s location. Happened a few times with me. There should be something that makes your character stand out.
Judgement Day
No matter what anyone says, I find the first part to be supreme. As I mentioned a lot of times before, this game just feels like a remaster with extra features. But yeah, I did have fun with it. It surely tested out my strategizing abilities. I highly recommend you to buy it on its cheapest sales as it isn’t worth the full price.
Reviewer: Midplayz
Turn the fucking music down before I come there and kill everyone………..Ah, fuck it. Takes out a mask & a knife from the bedside drawer. Let’s see if you can party after y'all are nothing but dead fuckers.
Ratings: 7/10
Please follow United Critics for more quality reviews.
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1220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 10:04
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239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 22:11
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47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 03:53
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161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 20:36
Crap Compared to the 1st
I found this to be a poor sequel to Party Hard, graphically the way they have designed the game makes it look like a 2 year old came up with it. The gameplay is poor and the game is pretty bad.
My Score - 1/10
Nicht Empfohlen
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.21 22:26
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 09:43
Fun game-play
Interesting story and developments even better than the first game
Plenty of references, easter eggs, and fun things to laugh at.
Workshop support giving you countless new levels.
The game is a bit short story line and in official levels.
Locks a story character behind DLC that many players likely would just like to unlock.
Boss battles are not only odd to have, but are way too easy and just don't go well with the rest of the gameplay.
Despite the cons it's a fun game and a great experience pick it up on sale or in bundles.
Nicht Empfohlen
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 02:36
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 11:28
Though it isn't without its bugs and memory leaks and other little issues, but nothing that makes it unplayable... for the most part.
Nicht Empfohlen
87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 10:13
I prefer to play with controller because the layout for the keyboard isnt easy to use in this game and changing it is very difficult.
If the controls would be better it would be such a fun game.
Nicht Empfohlen
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 16:17
+ Nice cool new things to try
- Panda man is way too buggy to use, You will fail the level if you use his absolute broken ass 1 punch skill
- Panda man's skill will lag the game if you use it on a level too many times
- Motel level is impossible with no 911 calls. Either kill everyone or Kill all bikers and trucks.
- Police capituring you is not fun when they chase you 24/7 and will never leave unless you kill them.
- Motel level's 4 guys who will kill you when they see you on sight are broken. If they even touch you, you will die in 1 hit.
- Last boss is boring and again if the weird guys in that level touch you, you will die in 1 hit.
- In some levels, some random parts when you are inside a building and kill someone, someone outside might see that through walls with no windows in the way.
- Some craftable items will never work if you found them in a box, or just dont work even if u have the recipe correct.
- Utterly bad controls, but if you play some time, you can get used to them.
- This game has been out for 2 years and nothing has been done with all these damn bugs
Nicht Empfohlen
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 11:01
Party Hard 2’s story starts identically to the first game, with noisy partying neighbors waking the protagonist up in the middle of the night. The similarities end here though; after crashing the party and slaying everyone the story shifts to revolve around drug trafficking, human testing and overall messiness.
Whereas the first game was just about a psycho killer slaying people at parties, the second attempts to be deeper. Sadly it completely fails by having a ridiculous plot and providing no reason for a lot of things. It doesn’t help either that every zone the player visits is hosting a party for seemingly no reason; after justifying a pair of them, the player runs into parties at drug factories and human testing sites, destroying any suspense of disbelief.
The graphics of the game have had a significant change, going from pixel art to a combination of this and 3D graphics, making for a very interesting although weird look. All new areas designed for the game are unique in their own way while still being a nice throwback to the origina. Cutscenes also have their own graphic style, which can be hit or miss depending on the scene but is overall high quality.
As it was to be expected knowing its predecessor, Party Hard 2 has an amazing soundtrack with a huge amount of songs. These are varied and unique, though the autoplay system in game often makes the same few play over and over. Voice acting during cutscenes is also quite good, though at certain times the delivery can seem pretty forced and out of place.
Gameplay hasn’t really changed for Party Hard 2; it’s more of the same formula. The mechanics remain the same with a few new ones added, move around killing people and avoiding detection. The main differences are the crafting and inventory systems and how some other things are handled. While in the first game only a single item could be carried and all were active, in Party Hard 2 up to three can be carried, with some only serving as components to make other things. Curiously enough most of the new items only affect individuals, making them unreliable besides for particular things.
Several completely new characters have also been added to the game, each with their own unique properties and abilities. These abilities vary from character to character, ranging from invisibility to area attacks. Most of the new characters can be unlocked through the points granted by fulfilling extra objectives, though three of them are locked behind DLC.
A huge departure from the first game is the addition of mission objectives, which players can fulfill instead of slaying everyone. These objectives are way easier than anything else, usually requiring a few specific people to be killed and little more. There are also secondary objectives which give the previously mentioned points and are pretty varied, though poorly explained. An example could be one paying for a striptease, without specifying who has to be paid in an area filled with people.
There are also a lot of bugs and questionable decisions taken in the game, such as the inclusion of bosses and maps without police. On the one hand the first barely work, requiring the player to run around dodging attacks waiting for things to trigger and deal damage. On the other hand the second do work but plummet in difficulty; with thugs instead of police, the player can just shank person after person without consequence, since said thugs also die in one hit.
Another worthy mention would be how, instead of getting tired after a moment, policemen in Party Hard 2 have a timer on top of the screen. If the player has been detected by a witness, the policemen will look around for him, not leaving until the timer has ran out or they’ve been killed. While it may sound simple enough, it is not; killing policemen can only reliably be done with traps, which still require precise timing. It is true these policemen can be knocked out with stun guns and attacked, although it is still a big risk for the player, putting them in range to be captured. This makes being seen a death sentence in most cases; with two policemen tailing the player and a huge amount of time until their departure, escaping is extremely hard.
Some of the previously mentioned bugs include detection mechanics being pretty messed up. Players can sometimes run in front of groups of people and start stabbing away without witnesses and some other times someone will see from half a map away. Tying into this, the newly added vehicles seal the deal; the forklift basically ignores detection and the bike usually does as well.
Another bug worth mentioning involves policemen. After killing one of them in certain ways, such as with a vehicle or balloons, the other will stand still for the remainder of the timer. This means no new police will appear and the current won’t act, allowing players to freely slay people. There are also collision bugs which make cars go flying, broken glass with colliders and jumpable platforms.
The game does include a co-op mode, which is way easier than anything else for several reasons. Besides having two killers instead of one, players can just revive each other. Once one of them is captured or killed the other only needs to slay 5 people to resurrect them. This makes the difficulty plummet, even if the amount of damage to kill people has been doubled.
Overall, Party Hard 2 is the same as the first one with a worse story, a few changes and a lot of bugs. While it is not bad, it definitely isn’t polished or good enough for its price tag of £15.49/$19,99/16,79€. Those who still crave more Party Hard may be interested in it regardless, but waiting for a sale would be a good idea.
I’d like to mention as an extra note that, while I have a decent computer with only a few years, Party Hard 2 was making the fans run as if I were playing Monster Hunter World at max settings. I also had to deal with constant FPS drops and crashes, up to 3 in just a few hours. This may possibly be a compatibility issue with my PC in particular, but it’s worth acknowledging it regardless.
More reviews at bonusstage.co.uk
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 21:55
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 14:00
It's a drudge and missions can take so long. Then you make one mistake, can't run as fast as any victim and have to start over.
Don't bother.
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 07:52
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1777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 17:49
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 14:02
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521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 20:45
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38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 19:01
It also features a more fleshed out plot than the original, which IMO crosses the razor-thin line from fun premise to antisocial murder fantasy wish fulfillment. I get the impression that the main character is now meant to be a cool antihero a la Hotline Miami, but I found the characterization more like Klebold and Harris.
Nicht Empfohlen
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 15:16
On the plus side, the game has an absolutely fantastic soundtrack, a really nice aesthetic and can be quite funny at times.
On the other hand, it seriously lacks polish. Objectives are often poorly explained, item spawning is random so you often cannot find what you need to accomplish some objectives to begin with and the mechanics behind the police and guards feel quite buggy and inconsistent, leading to some frustrating deaths midway through levels. I also think that the environmental kills are repeated too often and usually just a case of press button to break stuff and kill a few random people. It's rare that they promote much strategic thinking - you're almost always better off being patient and waiting until people wander off on their own, rather than trying to create some elaborate trap.
Performance is also an issue. My computer sounds like it is trying to take off when it's running this game and seems to be under more strain than it is for much more graphically intense titles.
It's alright - I was willing to play through to the end, but not 100% it. However, there's no way I would pay £15.49 for it.
Nicht Empfohlen
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 15:51
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 18:57
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344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 22:44
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 20:42
Party Hard 2 is more of EVERYTHING. More objectives (you don’t have to kill everyone necessarily), bigger maps, more 3D (diagonal isometric), but also way more bugs.
It feels like the devs ignored the previous bugs, tried to add more features, creating more bugs and then gave up on them. It was hard for me not to rage on this game since I had to restart a lot of missions many times to get the job(s) done.
If you haven’t played Party Hard 1 yet, please go play that one first.
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 16:00
Nicht Empfohlen
737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.19 03:25
It also frustrates me that custom levels are not a thing in this from what I can tell, as those were really fun in the first game. I feel like overall this game doesn't capture the charm of the first one, nor does it improve on anything from the first one. Aside from the graphics and story being vastly improved on, the overall gameplay is just frustrating with many tedious factors added on to it. Which makes me sad as I really wanted to like this game.
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 16:08
9 / 10
Because it needs the original main menu music from the first game and you removed it from the first game as well.
Nicht Empfohlen
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.19 23:05
Mechanics are here to screw you over and since the mobs are chaotic your chance for a restart are significantly higher. The craftig would be good if the ingredients were spawning together on maps.
Boss fights are just tidious and boring and they seem to be there just to annoy you.
The story is weak compared to it's predecesor.
Save yourself the money and frustration and get the first part, which i can easily recommend.
1483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 05:13
Entwickler:keine Infos
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel