• Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.
  • Partisans 1941: Screen zum Spiel Partisans 1941.


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Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.10.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 07.10.23

Über das Spiel

Eine neue Art des Stealth-Taktik Genres: Partisans 1941 kombiniert Stealth, Action, Ressourcenmanagement und Basisbau.

Du übernimmst die Kontrolle über eine Gruppe von Soviet-Partisanen, die sich gegen die deutsche Besetzung wehren.
Plane und initiiere Kämpfe genau nach deinen Vorstellungen. Benutze die taktische Pause, studiere deine Umgebung und wähle die beste Position für deinen Hinterhalt.

Baue dein Widerstandscamp tief in den Wäldern Stück für Stück aus und gewinne Verbündete für deine Sache. Bilde Gruppen aus einzigartigen Partisanen und schicke sie auf verschiedenste Missionen, um den Feind und seine Versorgung zu sabotieren, während du selbst jede Chance nutzt, um den Widerstand weiter am Leben zu halten.

Erlebe ein dramatisches und einzigartiges Kapitel des Zweiten Weltkriegs und werde zu einem Kommandeur der Roten Armee hinter feindlichen Linien.

  • Eine erfrischend andere Herangehensweise an das Stealth-Taktik Genre. Eine Neue Art der Echtzeittaktik, mit einem Mix aus Gefechten, Schleichen, Hinterhalten, und jeder Menge Spezialausrüstung, um Chaos in den feindlichen Reihen zu sähen. Finde deinen ganz eigenen Weg, eine Mission zum Erfolg zu führen.
  • Führe eine Truppe aus Partisanen an. Wähle deine Soldaten und finde mit Level-Ups und den Stärken des jeweiligen Charakters die richtige Lösung für jede Situation. Finde und rekrutiere neue Mitglieder für den Widerstand.
  • Erlebe den harten Alltag einer Widerstandsgruppe. Zwischen ihren Missionen haben auch Partisanen ein Leben, aber müssen sich trotzdem auf die nächsten Missionen vorbereiten und ihr Camp erweitern und natürlich vor allem überleben! Halte die Moral deiner Leute hoch. Erkunde deine Umgebung, verwickel den Feind in kleine Gefechte, um seine Schwachstellen zu erkennen und schlage dann unerwartet zu.
  • Eine andere Perspektive auf den Zweiten Weltkrieg. Erlebe die Geschichte des sovietischen Widerstands, der der brutalen deutschen Besatzungsmacht and der Ostfront mit dem Mut der Verzweiflung die Stirn geboten hat. Sieh selbst die Geschichte und Motivation verschiedenster Menschen, die sich dem Widerstand angeschlossen haben, seien es Soldaten oder einfache Zivilisten.

Hintergrund und Story
Du bist Alexey Zorin, Kommandeur in der Roten Armee und du entkommst aus einem Nazi-Gefangenenlager. Werde der Anführer einer Partisanengruppe, die sowohl aus Soldanten, die ebenfalls hinter feindlichen Linen gefangen sind, besteht, sondern auch aus ganz normalen Leuten. Stehe mit deiner Truppe, von gezielten Sabotagemissionen bis hin zu offenem Kampf gegen die Authorität der Besatzungsmächte.

Spiele eine entscheidende Rolle bei der vom Generalstab angeordneten Operation der Roten Armee, zu der alle Partisanen ihren Teil beitragen: Einen Schlag gegen die Nachschublinien der deutschen Front, damit die Verteidiger von Leningrad sich auf die Offensive der Nazis vorbereiten können.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3 - 8100 / AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon HD 7790
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K / AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB / Radeon RX 590
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bit
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

142 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:25
In Partisans 1941 befehlige ich eine Gruppe sowjetischer Partisanen im zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Missionen finden auf dem von den Nazis besetzen Territorium statt. Optisch muss sich Partisans nicht verstecken. Der Stil wird – passend zum Russland-Setting – von gedeckten, herbstlichen Farben bestimmt. Die Missionen spielen auf teils schlammigem Territorium in kleinen Dörfern, Stadtruinen und Bahnhöfen. Soldaten, Waffen und Fahrzeuge sind den realen Vorbildern des Jahres 1941 nachempfunden. Inszenatorisch versucht das Spiel die Gräueltaten der Besatzer abzubilden, ebenso wie die Gefahr, in der die Partisanen durch Ihr Tun schwebten. Die Farbgebung transportiert diese Atmosphäre sehr gut, genauso wie der Soundtrack, der sich eher im Hintergrund hält. Ich habe - der Atmosphäre wegen - mit russischer Vertonung und deutschen Untertiteln gespielt. Das kann ich sehr empfehlen. Schön ist dabei, dass die Nazis immer in deutscher Sprache synchronisiert sind.

Partisans ähnelt eher Desperados als Commandos. Ich habe beim Durchspielen des Hauptspiels eine Mischung aus Schleichen und Ballern gewählt. Beides ist möglich und beide Aspekte machen viel Spaß. Auch in Partisans gibt es unterschiedliche Gegnertypen. Demgegenüber haben meine Partisanen Skillbäume. Die Truppe besteht am Anfang aus dem Jungen Sanjok und Kommandant Sorin. Im Laufe der 15 Missionen schließen sich 6 weitere Partisanen an. Die Ideen hinter den Missionen sind interessant und abwechslungsreich. Jede Mission bestreite ich mit 3-4 Kämpfern. Bei Missionsbeginn kann ich zwei davon frei wählen. Neue Partisanen führt das Spiel in den Missionen ein. Wen ich am besten mitnehmen sollte weiß ich vor Antritt der Missionen nicht. Das ist aber gar nicht schlecht, denn die Fähigkeiten der Partisanen unterscheiden sich und lassen unterschiedliche Spielweisen zu. Ich entscheide also was mir Spaß macht und wie ich vorgehen möchte. Einige Partisanen können nur am Gewehr oder der Schrotflinte ausgebildet werden, andere verstehen sich auf Maschinenpistolen. Die meisten Partisanen haben zudem eine einzigartige Eigenschaft. Walja ist zB ausgebildete Sanitäterin. Setzt sie nach entsprechender Skillung Verbände ein ist die Heilwirkung größer. Sorin kann den Nahkampf-Skill so weit ausbilden, dass er auch die stärksten Widersacher meucheln kann. Die blonde Schönheit Bjelotserowa hat es mit dem Messer dagegen etwas schwerer, da dieser Skill bei ihr nicht so weit ausgebildet werden kann.
Um es im späteren Spiel nicht zu schwer zu haben sollte man bestimmte Skills voll ausbilden. Während ich die Hilfspolizei immer im Nahkampf ausschalten kann gelingt das bei SS-Soldaten nicht mehr ohne Fortschritt im Skilltree. Einen Gegner schnell auszuschalten und die Überreste zu verstecken ist auch bei Partisans an manchen Stellen ein kritisches Element. Dabei hilft eine Anzeige über dem Gegner. Grün bedeutet, dass der Gegner schnell erledigt wird. Gelb bedeutet, dass der Gegner sich gegen den Angriff verteidigt (es dauert länger, bis er am Boden ist) und dabei Geräusche erzeugt, die umstehende Wachen alarmieren könnten. Rot ist eine Steigerung der Stufe Gelb, bei der es auch passieren kann, dass ein Gegner den Spieß umdreht. In dem Fall besteht nicht nur die Gefahr, dass andere Wachen den Attentatsversuch bemerken ... Zum Glück kann ich besiegte Partisanen wiederbeleben.

Klingt wie Commandos? Stimmt, dieser Teil ist sehr ähnlich. Ich locke Wachen mit einer Flasche Schnaps an eine unbeobachtete Stelle, nur damit sie feststellen, dass in der Falsche nur Wasser ist und danach ein Messer im Rücken zu spüren bekommen.
Alle Wachen haben Sichtkegel, die durch Fahrzeuge und Geländedetails unterbrochen werden können. Bei den Nacht-Missionen ist die Sicht der Wachen eingeschränkt, wenn eine Stelle nicht beleuchtet wird. Super Sache: Beleuchtung lässt sich ausschalten. Das hat Einfluss auf meine Strategie: Versuche ich so durchzuschleichen, oder arbeite ich mich leise bis zum Stromkasten vor und schalte das Licht aus? Ist das Licht aus bemerken Wachen ab mittlerer Entfernung nicht, wenn ich einen ihrer Kameraden messere.
Vermisst habe ich nur die aus Commandos oder Desperados bekannte Möglichkeit einen Marker zu platzieren, mit dessen Hilfe die Sichtkegel der Wachleute automatisch angezeigt werden.

So viel zum Schleichen. An einigen Stellen aber ist es sinnvoll sich des Gegners mit Blei zu entledigen. In einer Mission habe ich mich leise vorgearbeitet, um dann unbemerkt um einen Platz herum an drei Seiten in Deckung zu gehen - auf den Maps sind verschiedene Deckungsmöglichkeiten verteilt, zB Fahrzeuge, Kisten oder Sandsäcke. Auf dem Platz standen mehrere Wachen. Mit aktiviertem Taktikmodus habe ich die Angriffsbefehle erteilt. Nützlich dabei: Hält man Shift gedrückt kann man mehrere Befehle erteilen, die nacheinander ausgeführt werden. Fetisow schaltet mit dem Streufeuer die Dreier-Gruppe aus, die an den Fässern steht. Sorin zielt auf den Offizier und Bjelotserowa nimmt die Männer an der Feldküche aufs Korn.
Meine Recken eröffneten das Feuer. Die ersten Wachen fielen. Sorin verfehlte den Offizier, der sich nun in Deckung begeben hatte. Dann war es an der Zeit für Bjelotserowa die Position zu wechseln, da einige Wachen sich entfernt hatten. Reichweite und Deckung spielen eine Rolle bei der Trefferwahrscheinlichkeit. Ich eilte von Deckung zu Deckung, während Fetisow sein Unterdrückungsfeuer einsetzte. Am Ende war ich siegreich. Nur Sorin war verletzt, aber das ließ sich mit einigen Verbänden regeln.
So vorzugehen kann actionreich sein. Auf die KI muss ich reagieren und zB Granaten ausweichen. Besonders clever stellt die sich oft trotzdem nicht an, was dem Spielspaß aber nicht schadet.

Manche Kisten und Gegner kann man plündern. So komme ich u.a. an Munition und Verbände. Ich muss entscheiden, wie ich den begrenzten Inventarplatz nutze. Die Partisanen finden auch Gegenstände wie Nahrung und Werkzeug, die zwischen den Missionen wichtig sind, wenn meine Leute sich in einem im Wald versteckten Lager aufhalten, das ich nach und nach ausbaue. In diesem Teil des Spiels verbrauchen meine Partisanen Nahrung. Ich muss für Nachschub sorgen. Mit den gesammelten Ressourcen kann ich zB eine Küche errichten. Im Kampf können meine Partisanen schwerere Verletzungen davontragen, die negative Effekte auf deren Leistung haben. Gut also, wenn ich ein Lazarettzelt habe.
Im Lager verbringe ich stets einige Tage. Ich weise meinen Leuten verschiedene Aufgaben zu: bspw. Angeln, Kochen oder ich schicke sie auf Operationen, von denen sie Munition oder Waffen mitbringen könnten.
Alle paar Tage unterhalten sich meine Partisanen zudem miteinander. So lerne ich die Truppe besser kennen und erfahre zB, dass der Vater des jungen Sanjok in den ersten Kriegstagen getötet wurde. Das erreicht zwar nicht die Tiefe, für die ein Bioware früher bekannt war, trägt aber einen guten Teil zur Atmosphäre bei.

Ein paar Dinge machen Partisans sogar besonders. Wenn sich der Sichtkegel der Wachen bewegt, bewegt sich auch der Kopf der Wache. Das ist nicht nur ein schönes Detail, sondern auch nützlich. In vielen Missionen begegnet man Zivilisten, die auf das Geschehen regieren. Ich glaube einmal hat mich ein Zivilist verraten, der rief „Oh Gott, ein Toter!“. Entweder das oder die andere Wache hatte sich zufällig umgedreht.

Verglichen mit den Genregrößen ist Partisans aber ein deutlich leichteres Spiel und die Platzierung der Gegner ist oft nicht so gut durchdacht.
Mein größter Kritikpunkt ist das Looten: Ist die Maus über dem Gegner fahren seitlich Symbole aus. Mit einem Klick sammelt Sorin zB sein Wurfmesser ein. Dumm nur, wenn ich in einem Gebüsch schon 5 Leichen versteckt habe. Dann weiß das Spiel nie, was ich von ihm möchte. Nein Spiel, nicht die Leiche aufheben, Inventar öffnen! Nein, nicht die andere Leiche… das Inventar…

Alles in allem hatte ich trotz des einen oder anderen Kritikpunktes sehr viel Spaß mit dem Spiel. Daran gemessen waren meine knapp 18 Stunden Spielzeit gut investiert.
213 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 18:34
Ein Spiel das aussieht und sich spielt wie Desperados? Das klingt ja super. Dachte ich mir anfangs. Dann hab ich es gekauft und war ziemlich schnell enttäuscht. Bei einem Schleich-Strategiespiel sind Missionen in denen man ein Zeitlimit beachten muss oder in einer Mission mehrere Wellen von gegnerischen Truppen in Metzelorgien niederstrecken muss nicht das, was ich erwartet habe. Ich betrachte es mittlerweile als Fehlkauf, da der Spielspaß sehr schnell dem Spielfrust weicht.
Spiele jetzt doch lieber Desperados 3. Manchmal muss mal halt doch zum Original greifen.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 12:13
Kann ich nur Empfehlen.
40 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 19:20
quite interesting story, is fun if you like RTS, it is not to easy and you need to use your brain
66 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 18:49
Leider noch zu fehlerhaft.
158 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 16:01
Gutes Spiel
458 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 11:15
Its not the biggest, the best or the most inventive game i have played this year.
But to feel like the good old Commando times was nice and its not like the normal titels, that comes out every year, so give it a try and enjoy some hours of something different :).
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 19:13
Partisans 1941 is not a bad game, dont't get me wrong: It's just that the overall quality of the game is too low for a general recommendation. But let's note some pros and cons:

+Interesting scenario
+Good mix between stealth and open shootouts
+Overall style of the game reflects well the historic period
+Different weapons for different tactics
+Partisan squad development

- Grahpic detail level far too low
- Maps are very static, not much animated
- Animations like explosions and action moves are definitely not state of the art
- Selection with mouse directly on icons or characters often does not work properly
- Inventory management is not well thought out
- Many tactical criteria like cone of view and audio range are not shown precisely enough and must often be guessed
- Enemy soldiers often just have plain text instead of spoken audio

Overall it's a nice game for fans of the scenario and genre and it certainly has its own twist. But to be a good game, the technical level must be higher and the gameplay more polished. An actual reference is Desperados III. Hopefully the studio can do this in their next game, because their ideas are promising.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 16:06
Es ist Schade!
Das Spiel hat sicher Potential, aber leider auch viele Bugs! Das sollte man Kunden nicht antun. Man hat das Gefühl das es ein Bananen Produkt ist(reift beim Kunden)! Auch sind es für meinen Begriff zu wenig Missionen. Das Thema ist wirklich spannend und die Umsetzung auch gelungen, aber noch weiter Monate Test und mehr Missionen - dann klappt es auch mit dem Spiel. Zum jetzigem Zeitpunkt würde ich das Spiel nicht empfehlen.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 22:03
Ich hatte eine Weile Spaß mit dem Spiel, hauptsächlich wegen dem Setting. Aber der Spielspass wurde mehr und mehr zu Frust durch lange Ladezeiten (Levelabhängig) und den vielen Bugs im Spiel die hier schon oft gelistet wurden.

Ich befinde mich gerade in der Big Bertha Mission und hatte jetzt schon 3 Spielabstürze, Sonst hatte ich bisher einen im gesamten Spielverlauf. Ich werde wohl die nächsten Tage wenigstens noch versuchen das Spiel durch zu spielen (keine Ahnung wie lang es noch ist, aber hätte ich von all den Problemen vorher gewusst wäre mein Geld woanders gelandet.

Im gesamten kann ich dem Spiel dadurch nur eine 6/10 geben.
16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 15:53
Es bringt sehr viel Spaß und man muss Taktisch vorgehen um die Missionen zu bestehen. Am Anfang fand ich es etwas langweilig aber jetzt hat es mich gefesselt.
277 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 16:46
Quickly turns into trial and error. Due to the long loading times of the level more time may be spent looking at the loading screens than actually playing.
39 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 00:45
shitgame, breaks off constantly when saving, doors do not open properly and you are constantly caught, everything full of mistakes cheap production do not buy!!!
76 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:39
If you love Commandos and Desperados this one is right for you!
455 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 12:09
Hatte mir echt mehr erhofft. Das Spiel fühlt sich sehr unfertig an: Menüs sind unintuitiv und man verbringt viel zu viel Zeit mit frustrierendem Inventarmanagement. Spielfiguren machen häufig nicht das, was man eigentlich tun will, und tendieren gerne dazu, direkt ins Visier eurer Feinde zu laufen (so viel zum Thema Stealth). Einfache Dinge wie das Öffnen von Türen, das Aufheben von toten Gegnern oder einfach in Deckung zu gehen/zu bleiben werden zu einer unnötigen Herausforderung.

Viele Nebenmechaniken des Spiels wirken unnötig. Das Fertigkeitenmenü ist uninspiriert und das Camp-Management zwischen den Missionen trägt meiner Meinung nach absolut nichts zum Spielspaß bei.

Dem Spiel mangelt es an zahlreichen QoL-Elementen. Beispielsweise muss man Messer nach einem Messerwurf immer manuell per Klick herausnehmen, selbst wenn man sein Opfer bereits durch die Gegend getragen hat. Charaktere laden ihre Waffe außerhalb von Gefechten nicht von alleine nach, nicht einmal zwischen den Missionen. Es gibt keine Möglichkeit, die Spielgeschwindigkeit kurzzeitig zu erhöhen, um den Zyklus eines patrouillierenden Gegners zu verkürzen (Leuten, die das exzellente Desperados 3 gespielt haben, wird das sicherlich besonders negativ auffallen).

Es kommen noch viele kleine Bugs hinzu wie verschwindende Gegenstände aus dem Inventar, ein in den Spieleinstellungen teilweise nicht änderbares Tastaturlayout (ich musste extra außerhalb des Spiels eine Datei per Text-Editor bearbeiten, um die Kamera-Rotation mit Q und E zu ändern) und Achievements, die man unverdient bekommt (nach meinem ersten Kill im Tutorial bekam ich ein Achievement für das Töten von 100 Gegnern). Ich gehe zwar davon aus, dass diese in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft behoben werden, aber man sieht, dass das Spiel noch einige Zeit in Entwicklung hätte bleiben können.
433 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 08:44
Andere Spieler haben schon alles Positive zu Partisans 1941 geschrieben dann sind hier die Punkte an den Alter Games unbedingt arbeiten muss:

- Tastenbelegung ohne Einschränkungen ändern können

- mehr Missionen

- Gameplay verbessern [Maus- und Kamera Steuerung + alle Fehler beheben die denn Spielfluss stören]

- mehr Charaktere zur Auswahl

- Wiederspielwert erhöhen zum Beispiel durch New Game+ Modus

Ansonsten kann ich das Game sehr Empfehlen und ein Tipp für alle die sich noch nicht sicher sind wartet auf Patches und Negative Reviews erstmal Ignorieren denn das Game ist erst 2 Tage alt, wenn Alter Games nicht auf das Feedback der Spieler hören würde dann kann man immer noch meckern aber man sollte jeden Entwickler eine Chance geben.

Other players have already written everything positive to Partisans 1941 then here are the points on the Alter Games absolutely must work:

- be able to change key assignments without restrictions

- more missions

- Improve gameplay [mouse and camera control + fix all bugs that interfere with the game flow].

- more characters to choose from

- Increase replay value for example by New Game+ mode

Otherwise I can recommend the game very much and a tip for all those who are not sure about it is waiting for patches and negative reviews Ignore it because the game is only 2 days old, if old games would not listen to the feedback of the players then you can still complain but you should give every developer a chance.
116 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 07:23
Hi, ich finde das Spiel wirklich gut. Totaler Commando Fan - da kommt mir sowas immer in die Spielebiliothek :-) I like
111 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 07:12
Commandos im neuen Gewand! Absolut Top. Die Grafik ist super, das Spiel läuft flüssig und ich habe bisher noch keinerlei Probleme festgestellt. Macht Laune.

Die Übersetzung ist hier und dort noch Verbesserungswürdig, im Grafikmenü hatte ich einen Absatz mit Kyrillischen Schriftzeichen, ich denke aber das wird nach und nach behoben =). Alles in allem ein sehr schönes Release
1148 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 03:53

Man erinnert sich prompt an alte Commandos Reihe.
Man plant seine Vorgehensweise, schleicht sich durch.
Zur Not helfen gut postierte Kameraden als Schützendeckung.
Das MESSER wurde dabei die wichtigste Waffe.

Die KI nahezu real.. manche Wachen dumm wie Brot.

Daumen hoch. Für Idee wie Umsetzung !
Man erhofft sich mehr. Sei es als DLC oder weitere Teile.


Warum nur die Wahl zwischen Maus und Tastatur ?
Spiele des Genres lassen MAP mit beiden steuern !
Ärgerlich auch das es keine Funktion der ABWAHL gibt.
So kann es geschehen das man irrtümlich Charakter bewegt.
Schlimm auch das Charakter die Ambition hat nach durchsuchen
eines Gebäudegegenstands dieses spontan zu verlassen.

Derweil lebt man damit.. man hofft auf PATCH.
173 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 23:31
Ein Mix aus Commandos und Desperados im zweiten Weltkrieg.
Macht echt Spaß :)
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 20:57
Mein erster Eindruck ist durchaus sehr positiv bis hier hin. Ich kann es nicht erklären aber das Spiel macht direkt etwas anders als die anderen Spiele dieses Genres - im positiven Sinne. Die Steuerung ist sehr angenehm umgesetzt, die Grafik sowie Vertonung passen super zum Setting und bringen die Atmosphäre gut herüber.
Ich werde es definitiv weiter spielen. Daumen hoch :)
116 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 20:50
The first level looks very promising. Look forward to finish the game!
331 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 18:49
Macht bislang eine menge Spaß!
Schöne Grafik, hat einen schönen Stil.
Alleine, dass man ein Lager hat und dort mit den gesammelten Vorräten Gebäude errichtet, um seine neue Ausrüstung herzustellen, wirkt für mich nach einem langlebigen Spiel
Gameplay ist auch leicht zu verstehen dank den Tutorials ( Fragezeichen )
Szenario ist top und meiner Meinung nach echt toll um mal einen Einblick von den Partisanen zu der Zeit zu erhalten.
Bin gespannt wie es weiterhin wird!
Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen
361 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 18:46
GEIL! Ohne in Nostalgie zu verfallen: Das Spiel nimmt einfach mal alles, was mich an den alten Commando-Games so gepackt hat - und wuppt das - ordentlich gepimpt - in die Gegenwart. Bestes Feature in meinen Augen: Die komplett drehbare 3D-Map fügt den Levels nicht einfach nur eine Dimension hinzu, sondern verlangt einem auch ab, hin und wieder einmal hinter eine Baumgruppe oder ein Gebäude zu schauen - das gabs damals zB nicht.

Ich LIEBE das ruhige Gameplay. Und lasst euch hier nicht von der Grafik täuschen. Das Gameplay ist deutlich tiefer als so ein 3D-Modell sein kann. =) Ich LIEBE den feinen Adrenalin-Kick, der nach dem Zurechtlegen einer Taktik für die Levels einsetzt. Es ist - was das angeht - irgendwie auch etwas vergleichbar mit Hitman, lässt einem aber weniger Improvisationsmöglichkeiten - was ich persönlich sogar gut finde.

Harte Empfehlung meinerseits.
Weiter so!
11 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 20:55
Great game, great story, fun gameplay. Sometimes a bit annoying but certainly worth buying.
205 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 03:10
Uhm I don't know, spam mines or something (the actual most fun I had in this game). This game really doesn't want you to do anything except stealth, and 95% of the time, it's just better to run up and knife people, or fully specialize in the commander's knife throwing, or Sanek's concussion miracle slingshot, or even just the thief's run-up-and-gut-stab someone ability.

The camp survival in-betweens feel like fodder and padding. I'd think the game would work better if it was more linear and had a mission-to-mission structure without the downtime. Also the RNG loot system and operation chance feels misguided as I might as well reload saves just to get better loot from the operations or get a successful chain of events from low percentages.

I didn't reach the ending because I got bored, Looking it up, it was an absolutely pathetic excuse for an ending, very anti-climactic and unfulfilling.

Game is also buggy as hell and the AI is straight up retarded at times.
77 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 13:54
Good Game 4 Good Price
61 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 22:19
I was hoping for a good game like desperados, but I was disappointed. Many bugs make it hard to plan your moves correctly. Ammo is scarce, so you're most likely gonna play stealth and reload like a ton cuz of that. Some characters can only use their abilities a couple of times pro mission. Camp and resource thing is totally useless. Story is badly written
170 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
1470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 18:58
Not great, but a solid game. The AI and the engine is only slightly worse then the one of games like Shadow Tactics (for example a platform of half a meter height blocks sight cones of enemy soldiers, even when they are on the higher ground), the graphics are decent, the occasional firefights are not bad.

What I see as the worst part of the game is probably the story. Basically it's about killing Nazis, which is always good, but here it's a LOT of Soviet/Russian pathos and propaganda, especially in today's light of things happening on Ukraine: All the partisans are strong and intelligent people, all looks like fashion models, most talks about how successful they were in study or sport - clearly trying to picture that only the best of the best became partisans. All the characters are completely shallow and flawless. And anything of Soviet making is presented as a great and righteous, including highly controversial stuff like Finnish Winter War. You can look on this like that's all a comic book hyperbole, like a comics with Captain America (then you will be fine), or you can feel that the authors meant of all this for real (and then you can be slightly disgusted).
45 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
942 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 21:07
Спасибо за отличный советский сеттинг! Наконец то нормальные персонажи и мотивация героев. Задолбали западные игры, где наших предков поливают помоями. Незначительные огрехи в управлении, к которым быстро привыкаешь и легко закрываешь глаза. Наиграл пока дишь 9 часов, но в полном восторге! Обязательно скуплю все дополнения и выбью дух из всех фашистов! Рекомендую всем к покупке! Такие игры крайне редко выходят к сожалению
45 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 04:14
you can give a rifle to a 14 year old boy and order him to charge a fortified position, making this the most accurate ww2 game i've played
224 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 05:46
A good mix between commandos and Men of War
1209 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 22:43
Game has disgusting Chromatic Abberation that you cannot remove along with some blurring motion blur that again you cannot turn off. Devs said they were going to add an option to turn this off and didnt. Cant play the game because not only does it look ugly in motion it makes me physically sick
314 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
1670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 15:59
pros: a nice game really, while it indeed scratches the itch of old school commandos games but no its not a copycat, it has clever ideas of its own and its a bit faster based and allows for a bit more action which is something i like, it smartly blends in real-time tactics with RTS-like action, amazing really.

sound effects is nice, music while not bad is overly repetitive would have helped if they could added some more tracks, graphics are so so and are badly optimized wish massive FPS drops even on my RTX 3090 which it should not! other than that i like the game and hope for a sequel :)
357 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
3904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 15:23
I wonder if it says how many times I loaded a save..
535 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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813 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 12:00
I really really enjoy this game. It's a lot of fun, and I'll recommend it when everything works properly. But right now there are so many bugs that you have to quicksave constantly to avoid fucking yourself over (though that can screw you over too when a guard on the other side of the map decides to sound the alarm over nothing).

Mines not placing, bodies not being lootable until you pick them up and drop them, guards perma alerted, dogs covering half the map to investigate a body they've found 5 times already (christ, the dog bugs in general), stacks not merging, morale not working, really weird frame chugging in the inventory menu along with a heap of others i can't be bothered typing out.

This is a really good game, it's got an idea and it executes it well... just maybe wait a while before actually buying it.
102 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 21:24
If you're a middle-aged gamer who played Commandos in his early game days, you'll enjoy playing this game too. It's pretty well made, has a lot of potential at times, but never really delivers. The skill trees are useless, plenty of Partisans joining your cause, but why bother using them if you have your 3 men maxxed out death squad? I'll give it a recommend, but please wait on a 50%+ sale to happen.
226 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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2130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 12:54
This game is so close to being really good.
But its absolutely riddled with gamebreaking bugs, the basebuilding part is completely pointless and doesn't make sense at all. The controls are clunky where you need precision. Leveling up skill trees sounds like fun but at the end of the day you can just use the same 3 partisans on your missions and it doesn't matter what you do with the other ones. Only one mission so far required a specific skill of a specific partisan which you aren't told before hand.
While I like stealthing around, most, if not all missions are mainly played with the one partisan that can throw his knife silently to sneak around the map because shooting a gun tends to attract the entirety of the enemy soldiers anyway, there's rarely a cool gunfight happening.
Inspecting gear/items is unnecessarily complicated with many clicks to get to your information.

The missions are really fun at times though which is more often than it should interrupted by bugs
All in all, it's an okay game to buy at a sale but not for the full price.
583 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 00:57
Really unpolished (hehe) feels weird to play, I couldn't get around it.

I'm playing Desperados 3 and recently played War Mongrels that game with all it's bugs gave me a better experience than this in the short time I played it. I was waiting for a sale and it was disapointing.
82 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 16:12
good for teaching young revolutionaries.
632 Produkte im Account
581 Reviews
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2236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 16:53
Game is actually good, but I couldn't bother to finish it due to several bugs that made it annoying to play.
Of course, it has a good premise: upgrading your partisans, bit of base-building, inventory management. but clunky controls (left click to walk, right click to cancel...), and the bugs... OH, THE BUGS.
- Skills stopped working randomly.
- You just can't click properly on a corpse to retrieve items or your knife. You have to move the bodies around in order to properly click on the icons.
- Sometimes you order your partisan to build a trap, your partisan would go to that place and...... nothing happens. They just stay there, doing nothing, and you can't move them either. You have to cancel the order and repeat the order to build a trap. Then the dog notices you and you should reload a game due to a bug.

Among other things that made it annoying to play, like, guards outside the screen can't hear an EXPLOSION. It made me feel like I was cheating: putting a explosive trap and wait for a patrol to step on it, and every other guard on the game just keep doing their business.

Why, WHY, IN THE NAME OF THE GOOD LORD, stones are a PRECIOUS limited resource? Seriously!

And, the resource management at base is... I'm sorry, its just plain stupid. Like, you should spend 10 food, to get 20 food, or you could just go hunting/fishing and get 15 food.
And fishing you can go as soon as the game starts. Only late at the game you can smoke 10 food to get 20, which sounds......... counterintuitive.

Like I said, it is a good game. But half way through it, bugs got so annoying that killed my will to keep playing.
385 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 16:49
All right, let's start with the good stuff:

- Carefully crafted, detailed and coherent maps.
- Diving into Russian resistance at the beginning of the war, rather rare in terms of WWII games.
- Russian voice-over can be selected, really nice touch.
- Pretty visuals and near excellent light/shadows processing.
- Several playable characters rather well written.
- Many partisan skills to unlock.
- Inventory micro management and equipment customisation.
- Camp management in between major operations, with a little bit of survival aspects and various tasks to attribute to your partisans for resources, equipment, moral and xp + taking into account the passing of seasons.
- Simple but great atmosphere and music, albeit a tad bit repetitive.

And now the bad stuff:

- HOLLY COW SO MANY BUGS. Few and barely a hassle at first, gets worse as I progress.
[-->Currently at mission 9 at moment of writing; bugs spotted so far (non exhaustive): characters struggling with pathfinding, animations bugs, characters sometimes not following commands on first try, unexplained FPS drops, enemy bodies talking (sometimes with unfinished dialog bubbles), light music glitches, interface sometimes completely stops responding until one (apparently) random key stroke or another will make it come to life again.]

- A lack of optimisation regarding interactions with world items, loot, and bodies, which are either difficult or confusing to enable + unable to quick switch inventory slot and discard misc loot.
- Non coherent, unbalanced realism; enemies hear you in bushes and carrying bodies near them, but don't hear firearms and explosions 20 meters away (can't complain since I play on hardest difficulty with no manual saves, but it's so weird at times).
- AI sometimes brilliantly ruthless, sometimes quite stupid, sometimes... aloof.

So... I really like this game, a lot of care went into it, but the many bugs and a bad optimisation here and there would make me wish for a neutral vote, so to speak.
181 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 18:28
A very mild yes. Overall, the game offers the gameplay you expect from a commandos-style game. There is a story which is not super immersive and engaging, but delivers. Yet, i just could not bring myself to continue further, as it quickly became boring and repetitive for me. I guess i could alternate playstyles and stop stealthing out all the levels, but eh, no thanks but no
36 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
8308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 16:47
It's great fun slitting all those Nazi throats!
95 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 20:36
After finishing the campaign on Normal, I can say this game needs work.

It was fun at first. I love the voice acting, setting, sound, music, base mechanics, looting, etc.
But all that fun goes away fast later on when things get difficult and you need precision. Unfortunetly, the pathfinding for characters, controls, and bugs break the immersion for me.

A game like this cannot do that good without good controls. I don't know how many times I was hiding bodies in bushes to avoid detection only to have problems dropping and picking up bodies unintentionally.

When I fast click, my characters get clicked on instead of giving move order.

Sometimes I cannot hit that loot button..

Its just messy.

I really wanted to give this a thumbs up.

The rest of the game holds up. I give it a 6/10 but if the devs polished it up it could be an 8 or 9/10 for me.

Get this on sale if you want. Its a good Commandos style game. But it is just too clunky in its current state.
50 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 15:49
This game still have bug, even from release and now (july 2021)

what i think about this game, very awful. i compare this game with Commandos 2: Men of Courage... very old game but still better that this.

what i have about this game:
1. the item usage key (x,c,v key), it limited only 3 ??? i keep need to change item every time...
2. the stealth is awful. Enemy turn behind and saw me when i at very close (i mean very close) and instant fail (on stealth mission). Maybe you can give me 0.2 - 0.5 sec to kill you...
3. Enemy instant call his friend instantly. WHAT??? it like the enemy can call this friend telepathic ???
At least Commandos 2, enemy shout or sound of a gun fire alert his friends.
3. The door keep opening even i close it..
4. i throw a hand grenade at other direction, enemy know my location instant even not in sight.... enemy not even scouting the area. BUT if i run from the fight, At lease the enemy scout where my last location.
5. The wine bottle suddenly gone when enemy pick it up... not event consuming it... At lease you pick it up and go to your post to drink it then the wine is gone then i accept that...

What i like about this game
1. The concept. Partisans sabotage and fight for the people... i like the sound of it....

Not recommended to play.... i buy this game because steam rating....
122 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 23:04
Feels pretty XCOM like but more real time than turn based. Feels like a mix of that and This War of Mine, so fairly unforgiving difficulty wise. Plus you get to kill a ton of Nazis which is always nice.
361 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
3306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 18:02
Great strategic RPG, 8 out of 10. If you like Desperado series you will love this one
298 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 17:54
The game is good, most bad reviews are saying the game is bad because desperado 3, and shadows tactics are better. Thats ridiculous. Yes, both game are better, but that doesnt mean this game is fun and brings some new stuff to the table.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 07:35
If you liked Commandos when you were younger, this is a great game
117 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 22:25
If you're not accustomed to this type of games (Commandos-like), you'd better start with something else - maybe Shadow Tactics, as Partisans don't explain some mechanics and suffer from many little issues that may frustrate a player.
If you like this genre, you'll enjoy this game, although it's not a state of art. The characters are likable, overall the mood (especially when you use original Russian voice lines) is interesting and the music is fitting. It is satisfying to either clear the map silently or win a few shoot outs using battle-oriented skills.
However, the game has a lot of minor flaws - like if its creators needed a few more months to think through and polish everything. The AI is weak, the equipment management is tedious from time to time, UI could have used a few tweaks, you can use only 3 heroes in most missions, the maps lack variety, graphics are low-res in some places, etc.
Nevertheless, you can still have a lot of fun. Seeing how few games of this genre are available, it's worth giving a try. I'd love to see a sequel that adresses veteran players' feedback and improves in many areas.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:40
Interesting but broken game! I have love/hate relationship with this game and you may not have the sanity to deal with this bug - unpolished mess with broken AI and mechanics. I hate it, but I love the concept and setting. Who loves WW2, try it... but beware!
For Devs: Try QA, guys. It is worth it!
424 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 13:20
Could have been something good; but the bugs, the cluncky UI and bad gameplay combined with bland map design deserves no more than 6/10.

There are just too many bugs its crazy:
enemies hear you from wierd distances and get alerted to your location from across the map.
Base building is banal.
Upgrading a weapon is useless.
The abilities are too few and too similar, some dont even tell you much and just state you will slightly aim better:/

After the great success of Desperados 3 and Shadow Tactics the syncronized attacking in this game is plain absymal.

Good ideas, bad implementation. :(
229 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 19:23
Okay, about this game.

It's a good game, no doubt about that but there are some things they could've done better. If you would compare this and Commandos 2 I would say that Commandos 2 is still the superior game. Which is a shame since that game out back in 01/02.

-Firstly the enemies detection mechanic is a bit weird. Let's say you have a partisan sound an alarm while you have another partisan hide in a bush behind enemies at another location, both will be detected. This is an extremly annoying mechanic, -especially if you are playing the hardest difficulty where you cannot save.

-If you try to knife kill 2 enemies at the same time and one lives a bit to long, other nearby enemies will be alerted even if there is no line of sight or no way they should've heard.

-You have to hover the mouse over enemies to Loot/carry/retrive throwing knives, it's fine at first but gets very annoying after a while and it can be very fiddly when there are alot of dead enemies that clutter your screen.

-I miss alot of functions that Commandos 2 had, you can only indicate the LOS for one enemy at a time. I found no way to have my partisans cover a specific location before comabat is engaged.

-The hit mechanic needs to be adressed someone. In my play through i rarely used guns, mainly cause i couldnt rely on my partisans to hit, even tho the little circle indictor was full. There should be some shots that cannot miss and should be one shot kills. For example I had a guy with a shotgun in a bush like 2m behind a enemy, he missed both of those shotgun shots. Things like that are just annoying.

-The maps are good, but I'm missing a way to vault up platforms and the like. You can cault over short and tall fences but not train platforms, trains etc. it makes the maps abit weird to traverse sometimes.

I'll probably add more when I remember why I wanted to write this review in the first place.

-Edit. Oh yeah, it has a few bugs, especially the maps with time limits, I had the game say my time was up several times, which is a drag when u play the hardest difficulty and you cannot save. So you have to start the map all over.
I've also seen some bugs with enemy detection, being detected through walls etc.

Overall 8/10 would play again. Commandos 2 is still better.
264 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 20:55
Everything about this games feels like very early access. Way too many problems for a full released game to have anywhere close to positive reviews. And its a shame really because the game has potential, but its lack of polish and execution turns game play into a quicksave/load slog feast of a chore very quickly.
302 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 20:16
If you are here because of blades of shogun, this has little in common with it. It's a good ideia with a bad implementation. Wait until they do some polishment, today it has too much bugs (navigation, optimizations).
145 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 00:35
If you liked Commandos back in the day, or you like stealthy turn-based tactical games, then Partisans 1941 is enjoyable enough. And a little addictive. (It's not turn-based but these games still kinda play like ones in a way.) I never quite liked Shadow Tactics. That game never brought back fond gaming memories in the same way Partisans does.

Much like in Commandos, you lead a small, isometric team against the Nazis, only this time it's partisans on the Eastern front rather than a ragtag crew of commandos on the Western front. Very much in-character too, if we put it that way. It's all WWII Eastern rethorics and ethos this time, a novel experience for a Western gamer.

Clearly a hommage to Commandos, Partisans 1941 include sneaking around enemy 'cones of vision' since taking on too many enemies in a firefight is a very bad idea, much as it was back then (I'm not only referring to Commandos). But then the devs also threw a mini resource management game and RPG elements on top. It doesn't add all that much to the game experience, but it's a little extra on top of a game idea that is over 20 years old by now. But still works just fine.

I read some complaints in other reviews here about the interface being clunky. It's not too bad really. Besides, it's NOTHING against how Commandos was. Commandos was sort of retro already back when it was released and, boy, was it clunky! But that never mattered. It was fun anyway. Here, due to significantly larger maps and more complexity, the game becomes more unpredictable. You end up quicksaving your way through basically every move you do, at least if you go the full stealth route for the achievements, but as opposed to Commandos you never really save yourself into a corner since there are three quicksave slots (plus you can do hard saves as well). You try something, screw up, reload, try something else, screw up, reload, try a third approach, phew, it worked, better save immediately! That's how it plays. Playing through a map takes a little time and that seems to be the intention.

The one thing Partisans lack compared to Commandos is that humorous charm that made the latter game so irresistible even during its most frustrating moments. It was like one of those old WWII movies back when wars were still portrayed like an adventure on the silver screen. But with Partisans it's like it can't quite make up its mind whether it's a dead serious game or not. It's sort of strung up in between Commandos, on the one hand, and on the other hand a movie like Come and See, portraying the real horrors of the Eastern front from the civilian perspective.
344 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 08:09
I love the premise of Partisans: 1941 but not its execution. I wish I could score this higher but I would rate Partisans: 1941 a solid 6/10. Not a perfect game, but does bring about some genuinely fun moments; particularly in the beginning. I would recommend waiting until it goes on sale if you are interested in purchasing.
308 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 20:37
Occasionally, enemies can spot dead bodies through walls and it can be really annoying, especially if you don't save scum.
268 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 06:17
Too many little things adding up that made this RTS game unenjoyable for me: Dropping fps on big maps, random movements on re-loads, no audio cues when shooting bullets making stealth a guessing game, and bad UI/enemy design making it hard to discern strategic information.
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 20:11
I enjoyed this game. Some interesting strategy choices deftly woven into an immersive historical backdrop made this fun for me. Takes a bit of time to get through as you must make some careful tactical decisions. 2 thumbs up. I hope they make a follow up game.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 02:04
Great game for WW2 gamers.

148 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 09:42
Never missed a chance to land a punch on fascit scums.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
11430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 18:29
Fantastic Fun Game! A must have in your library. Who doesn't like killing Nazis?!! A great experience ... and well made, game play mechanics. Thank you! It was well worth the wait on my wish list.
117 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 16:19
If you like Commandos 2 and Desperados you will probably like this game, too. This time the story is told from the point of view of Russian partisans, which does not make it less interesting.

It essentially plays like Commandos, Shadow Tactics and Desperados, but sometimes does not feel quite that polished. The characters have different abilities, but they are not as remarkable or distinguished as in the other comparable games.

One big difference, though, is that open fire fights are sometimes even encouraged, and the game provides a cover mechanic and it is a lot of fun seeing a plan unfolding when you circumvented the enemies and flank them from all sides. This is where the game really shines, though the RNG factor is quite high, meaning the outcome from these firefights can be vastly different.

I had fun with the game for the time it lasted, I wished the devs would polish it a bit more, if there is any DLC, I will surely be there to play it.
78 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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1764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 13:17
Its is a good game, but with a really, really bad control, you want to shoot someone and turn out running in front of them
And your AI pathing are too suck that sometime your men just dont go for the short cut but a long way to go which is right in front of enemy.
Really sad to see such a potential game get ruined by the bad design
97 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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5546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 20:48
Played 14 missions, needs a more in depth tutorial, learning key strokes is trial and error. Haven't found a way to go back and play previous missions. Am I missing something? Can't get past mission 15, ( have restarted 3 times) as the game keeps saying I died, for no reason (crashing) very frustrating. The overall game play is not nearly as good as Desperado's 3. I wouldn't buy it again if I had the option.
225 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 19:16
The other reviews said it all.
It's a nice game, lacks some polish, especially if you're looking for a WWII Desperados/Shadow Tactics.
Still, even if some bugs can be infuriating when they make you fail an action, the game is enjoyable, the historic setting is good.
109 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 02:58
dont expect it to be another Shadow Tactics. if Shadow Tactics was a 90/100, this would be a 40-50/100.

-many times i click on a highlighted item/direct a character to move/use an ability and nothing happens.
-when enemies off screen spot you, good luck cuz all you get is a stupid little ping sound and you have to guess where the fck they can see you from
-interacting/looting is a god damn nightmare when there are many things clustered together. you click a body to loot but you end up doing something else.
-the autopathing is fcking dumb.
-the kill beiermeier mission has an enemy in bier's house that can see through walls. FIX THAT FKING SHIT WTF.

like, are you fcking serious? how the fck did this game pass the playtesting phase? christ
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 19:32
Amazing game in the best traditions of Commandos.

1) Pushing interaction button could be challenging when there are lots of enemies corpses all around (sometimes annoying, but not critical.
2) I wish there would be more missions in this game (it's not that there's a lack of missions, but I enjoyed the game so much that I'd like to play it more.
937 Produkte im Account
163 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 12:13
I REALLY would like to recommend this game, but the gameplay is so broken I can't.

- You always end up clicking where you don't want to.
- Sometimes it's not clear where you are clicking until it's too late.
- Your characters will always do random things you didn't ask them to do
- And the most important one for me: can't save while in disguise (I mean seriously...).
- Base UI is also quite bad, very unintuitive.

Game has potential, but these issues must be fixed so we can focus and immerse ourselves on the game instead of constantly fightint with it to get things done.
140 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 00:49
If you like old games like Commandos 3, newer games lik Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun and Desperados series, you probably will not be disappointed with Partisans 1941.
617 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 04:56
Slicing Nazi necks and collecting loot like a goblin and I'm all out of loot to gather!
67 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 09:05
Firstly I don't think this is a bad game. I always like a stealth game with base building mechanism. However, the reasons that I don't recommend is as follow:
1. The game is kinda unresponsive. The register for double clicking is kinda buggy, you must double click pretty quick or else it wouldn't register as a double click, and thus your characters won't run.
2. The color of the map makes your eyes weary. Seriously when you look at the unexplored area or the shady area out of your sight of view, it's pretty dark and your eyes feel very tired.
3. Seriously, I have a i5 CPU with GTX 1080, my PC can run The Witcher 3 with highest setting and I can play similar game like Shadow Tactic, Desperados 3 without any problem with this game runs with 25 FPS at the 3rd mission (they are gonna hang them mission). This is where I couldn't keep playing and stopped to write this review. Seriously?
4. The camp building mechanism is there, but it's not really useful. It doesn't feel rewarding upgrading them. It doesn't add any extra depth or simply because I didn't go far in the story just yet.
5. You cannot save when your spy is in disguise. This makes the spy completely useless. There haven't a single stealth game where you CANNOT save while your spy in disguise. How am I supposed to use him? Disguise then scout the area or steal and then go away and save? That's not how you use a spy.
6. The skill system is kinda unnecessary. At first, you may think it's nice to have level up and skill system in this kind of game, but then it turns out that you don't really have much options. For example, if you want your beret to also have thief skill it's impossible. If you want your thief can effectively use knife it's impossible. There are class-wise skill and 60% of your skill points you have to spend to pick up these skills and the rest doesn't really matter, you just spend those randomly so that it unlocks the higher tier skills. In short, it's just an illusion, you don't actually build any characters there.

I hope I could play the game more the give more accurate review but the low frame rate simply kills me, and I'm sure whatever it is it's not the graphic. I tried to use the lowest resolution and the lowest graphic setting it's still just 25 fps. This game is kinda half-baked. If you really wanna try it, watch it on youtube first and wait for sale to decide.

Update: after gritting my teeth and played it to the end, I can now assure that this is a not recommended from me. The game is a half baked bug fesh, AI is too stupid and there are many annoying things stuff around. E.g:
- You cannot save while the enemies are alarmed, but it's more often than needed that the enemies are bugged in alarm state and would never getting out of that.
- Saving and loading is not consistent, sometimes when you save before taking an action and load it later, the patrolling soldiers doesn't go from the point where you saved
- Enemies reinforcement will not come after you load a save game.
- You can easily cheese a patrolling group by killing them with knife throwing ability, the AI is too stupid to actually do anything. Actually you can almost win the whole game with knife throwing ability except for missions that need stealth.
- And yes, when we're at it, there are like 4/10 missions where you immediately failed if you get detected or raise an alarm. For a stealth game with mixed gun fighting action, this seems weird and annoying as f.
60 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 03:45
Really cool game! Highly recommend, wish it was longer.
100 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 16:39
If you are an OG gamer which is familiar with Commandos and Desperados series so why shouldn't you like this game ???
a Modern Similar Genre game like those along with so many new features and fresh ideas . 15 Clean Missions and Great Survival Camp Elements . a Great Product from an indie studio but unfortunately with so many bugs and technical issues since release . in the end the game is just perfect itself and it is good sample from Commandos Genre if you played that but all problems related to technical ones which it would be fix by the time . . . Good Game Nice Price !!!
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 16:34
Great game, like old Great Escape sort in 1980s. Too short though. Should have some options to use things found and assemble stuff...more missions of course. There's definitely room for part II.
74 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 11:28
Well made game, squad members have diverse abilities, numerous ways to resolve most of the combats - stealth vs special abilities vs gunfights. Subject matter is well presented - neither the Soviets nor the Nazis are caricatures. Touches on matters relating to atrocities committed against civilian population by Nazi and their collaborators.
88 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 20:37
Currently on a bit of a WW2 trip so picked this up on a whim - absolutely love it. Addictive gameplay, varied pace, stealth, action, levelling up - everything I need in a game to be happy. If you're wondering about buying this and you like stealth / rpg / strategy games - stop thinking about it and buy it. I 100% recommend it.
43 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 19:07
I cam to this game from Shadow Tactics and Desperados III, so I found the control scheme for Partisans 1941 very clunky by comparison. There are also odd restrictions that make zero sense: Why can't I auto-save when one of my characters is in disguise? It's a particularly irritating thing to keep dealing with when I'm so used to saving just when I've got all my troops in position for an assault. Before we even get to that point, though, for a game in which part of the point is stealth... I find myself repeatedly using the one character who can actually stab people or throw a knife, only utilizing the other characters in a fire-fight after whittling down the number of Nazis to something manageable.

With all that said, I do like the campaign aspect of the game, how you can make strategic choices about food gathering, base-building, and trading items. That just doesn't make up for the weak game play.
61 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 13:56
really nice one. could improve a lot about some features it got, like the administration and keep everyone without hunger and that sort of things. the weapons workshop could improve to have more meaning and things to do. The story is very nice.
I would definitly buy a partisans 2 if it keeps the same gameplay in mission but adds more stuff around it in the partisan camp and story, maybe even consecuences to the actions taken during missions. i dont know. It is a really good game tho.
1169 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 07:52
it's nice to play a game where the soviets and the red army are portrayed as the valiant, resourceful freedom fighters they were instead of the big bad or a punchline
541 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
2450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 05:39
Who doesn't love playing a game about stalking fascists?
400 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 02:28


Partisan 1941 is a real time tactics where you control a group of partisans resisting against invading Nazi force. For what was seemingly a Commando clone, Partisan shuffled up the system to accommodate a more combat-oriented gameplay and light role playing system. The result is a fun, flexible system that encourages more adaptive playstyle than almost strictly stealth focused gameplay of Commando likes.

The Good

  • Good sized level that can be tackled in multiple ways with different strategies.
  • Variety of characters with different skill trees to fit into your plans and setups.
  • Well done resource and inventory management adds layers to the tactical choice during gameplay.

The Bad

  • Inventory UI is clunky.
  • Game Performance left a lot to be desired considering the level of fidelity it offers.
  • Base building element is shallow and doesn’t add anything meaningful to the overall experience


The main bulk of your time will be spent on missions. It’s where your partisans will stab, shoot, or blow up nazis. In this segment, you choose 3 Partisans of your choice, and thrown into the level. The freedom given in tackling the levels is quite satisfying. With one or two exceptions, players are given goals such as eliminating certain enemies or rescue missions or gathering intel.


Combat works similar to real time isometric RPG. if you choose partisan(s) and click on enemies, they will attack with their equipped weapons. Cover and positioning matters as these are the key to casualty-free combat. The real time element actually feels refreshing especially when you see your plan unfold. In turn based games like xcom, time basically stops until either player or AI take actions, resulting in unlimited moments to think about your next move. In Partisans, your survival in combat depends on how you react to the events happening on-screen.

The addition of slow-mo also will help you, but the clock will still tick, so a fast response is still needed. One of my best example was using my SMG unit to drew fire while my shotgun wielder ambushed them. Another squad were closing in to ambush my SMG, so i threw a grenade on them with my 3rd character, got 2 of them while 1 ran and i killed them with a melee attack.

It’s not a perfect system, as sometimes cheese just happens on its own. I’ve killed like a dozen units with a single grenade because the enemies were clumping on the screen and reacted poorly. They usually ran from grenades, but it might be a glitch that the crowd didn’t disperse and the explosion caught all of them at once. Overall when it’s working as intended, the combat is brilliant and fun. When it doesn’t it either can lead to funny, cheesy moments or just reload from your save before you engage.


Discretion is another option when going through a level. Detection is based on 2 factors: vision and sound. Each enemy has a vision cone, and each action made by your character such as running, or shooting a gun produces sound. If you are either seen or heard, enemies will send one or more squads to investigate for a time. If you are detected during this time, combat will ensue and you will be on a disadvantage.

Stealth-kill is directly related to melee skill. With high melee skill, you can take out higher-ranked enemies silently and quickly. If your character’s melee skills are low, you can kill regular soldiers easily. If you try to take on an officer, your partisan will make a lot of noise as the victim struggles that will ensue instant detection unless the surrounding area is clear of enemies.

Maximum melee skills are also only owned by certain characters. The decision of who you bring during missions will affect your style as each character has their own forte. Each character has 2 types of skills: unique and generic. Generic skills are shared between other characters like gun skill or carry capacity, but each also has their own unique ability. One character specializes in stealth and has the skill to lure enemies out and take them out silently. One specializes in machine guns for suppression or crowd control, et cetera. All these factors meld together into a flexible, fun gameplay.

Base Building and Morale

To be honest, it’s a part of the gameplay that can be easily omitted and wouldn’t change anything for better or worse. In between missions, you have to manage your partisan’s camp. Each day will consume food for each member of the resistance. There are daily tasks that you’ll assign to each member, each have different functions. Some will raise the soldier’s morale (which determine their effectiveness), some will get you resources or food. There are some “off-screen” missions that basically can give you extra XP or equipment. The problem is the system is really shallow. You will basically never run out of resources as long as you spread the tasks evenly. The only useful part about the base is, you can spend resources and assign characters to craft usable items like health packs or grenades.

Technical Issue and Performance

Specs: GTX 1080, Ryzen 3700x, 16 GB RAM, 1440p
The game’s performance leaves a lot to be desired. In later, bigger levels the game runs at 40-50 FPS. The game visual isn’t technically demanding so it should have been better. It doesn’t really distract your gameplay experience since the game doesn’t depend much on quick reflexes.

As for bugs, per v1.03 minor bugs still exist such as weird enemy behavior and overall lack of polish. My main complaint is how cumbersome the UI is, especially the inventory screen. Organizing your equipment feels like a chore because you have to click right for a drop-down menu to show weapon stats instead of a floating bubble that automatically appears when you hover over the items.

Visuals and Graphics

This game doesn’t have zillions of polygons nor fancy shaders and effects but strong art direction glued the pixels on the screen very well. For example the muted color palette reflects well on the game’s setting of early wintry russia. Aesthetics wise, I have no problem but functionally, some parts of the design can be confusing. With some characters, especially those who wear similar clothes and body type, it’s sometimes hard to distinguish them on the screen unless you click on them.

Audio and Sound

The sound is acceptable across all boards. Sound effects, voice acting, music does all it’s job enough.


Partisans 1941 shakes the formula of real time tactics games enough that it is quite worthy of your time. Some of the edges are rough, but if you are a fan of commandos and the like and looking for something similar yet different, i cannot recommend this enough.

366 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 19:15
Game tries to be a hybrid of Commandos and Silent Storm but fails horribly at being successful at any aspect of those games.
The main premise the devs had for it is you use a combination of stealth and combat to finish your missions, but that is utterly wrong. Because the correct answer is you can only use stealth and getting into combat is not rewarding and utterly detrimental to your success.

PROBLEM ABOUT COMBAT- Going stealth is always better. If you fire a single shot almost entire map will rush to your position, the germans are much better at shooting your guys vs. your guys ability to shoot them back. Which makes sense to a degree, because they are a professional army but its a bit ridiculous to see your partisan with shotgun repeatedly failing to hit someone 5 meters infront of them outside of cover. Even if you somehow miraculously manage to survive you will get hard to cure injuries, wounds. So only time you might want to get in combat is when you almost cleared the entire map.

PROBLEM ABOUT STEALTH- Maps arent designed well. To compare, in shadow tactics blades of shogun, maps are designed like a puzzle that you have to solve. You will need to use the correct char at the correct time and sometimes multiple characters in combination to make it work. And you gain satisfaction of solving a hard puzzle when you managed to overcome it. In this game its not much of a puzzle but more like finding the starting point of a knot. After finding it you just rip it open by mindlessly following that path. Killing and passing by soldiers one by one easily.

In short, this is a game that tried to have a hybrid gameplay but failed at both of them. Not recommended.
42 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:33
Wonderful game. You get to slit some nazi throats with the lads.
128 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 19:05
Really Solid gameplay. And i'm very glad to see soviet union depicted in video games. Nowadays the media makes ppl believe the Allys and Normandy did 90% of the work during ww2 but in fact majority of the war was won by the soviets.
229 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:39
A good few hours in at the point of writing this, thought I'd share my thoughts;

Came into this game wanting a Desperados 3 type game in a WW2 setting and got pretty much exactly that. Arguably a little rougher around the edges with inferior writing however all in all I find the game comparable and just as exciting, tense and a blast. The stealth aspects are definitely not quite as refined however with the era and weaponry I found myself going loud often at big engagements and only using stealth to clear my route and pick off stragglers. It's incredibly satisfying and I'm looking forward to playing more. Micromanaging a soviet teenager, wielding a beast of a double barrelled shotgun to point blank the survivors of a perfectly executed ambush has been a constant highlight for me.
131 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 16:13
First game where soviets are portrayed fighting for the cause they believe in and not forced by comrade commisar like in some western propaganda movies.
489 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:27
Partisans 1941 is a mix of the old Commandos games and the Russian-made real time strategy/tactics series Men of War, with a dash of the XCOM style metalayer in there too. As the title suggests, you control a band of Soviet partisans during the Nazi invasion of the USSR in 1941, and the game consists of a series of missions (semi-scripted and hand-crafted, not procedurally generated and random – worth clarifying I think) with the opportunity to manage your partisan hideout between them, and send your guerrillas off on tasks that will resolve off-screen, such as supply raids or ambushes.

Proper missions consist of a mix of stealth and combat, often switching from one to the other – you can sneak around to set up the perfect ambush, then Go Loud with grenades and gunfire before returning to sneaking around – as long as your brief firefight didn’t result in any alarms being set off or reinforcements called in. This means you want to target things like German radiomen, or maybe set up traps near alarm systems that enemies might run to activate, while also trying to get it all over and done with as quickly as possible and with as little meaningful return fire as you can manage. Your partisans are capable, but they’re always heavily outnumbered and even on the lowest difficulty (which the devs recommend you pick for a first playthrough) they’re vulnerable to gunfire if not in cover.

This all combines to make for a very satisfying gameplay loop – reminiscent of XCOM 2’s ambush phase out of combat, or even the feeling that you get from clearing a room quickly in an action game like Hotline Miami. The stealth itself is robust enough (although it can get a bit fiddly indoors – more on that later) and you have some fun abilities to get you through the few enforced stealth segments in the game. For the most part, missions are generous in letting you raise the alarm and still continue, but a handful of missions are either entirely or partly dependent on a failstate if you alert the enemy. These missions are also the more linear ones – most of the others present you with a location and let you pick how to approach it, but the forced-stealth missions are more reminiscent of the ‘one optimal path from end to end’ design seen in games like Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun. This isn’t necessarily a negative.

The partisans themselves are also fixed characters, unlike most other similar games where they’d be randomly generated to some extent and based around archetypes or classes. Each character can use every weapon and item but they have their own skill tree that boosts their effectiveness with, say, rifles or shotguns or pistols, as well as some unique abilities for each one. Red Army captain Zorin can throw knives, for instance, and ex-sergeant Fetisov can fire long bursts from SMGs that kill everyone in a cone in front of him. As another example, Sanek the 14-year-old who’s definitely lining up some heavy-duty PTSD for later in life can exploit his youth and saunter around in the open without attracting attention because the Germans just think he’s a kid. This variety is cool and gives each partisan their own particular niche, but since they can make use of every normal weapon and item anyway the game gives you a lot of flexibility in how you approach situations.

The characters themselves don’t have particularly deep characterisation or development as the story progresses, but it gives a nice sweep of the different kinds of people who would potentially get involved in a partisan unit – soldiers, aggrieved locals, ex-criminals, and so on. It’s also nice to see the representation of women in the unit, since female partisans were not at all uncommon historically. The story is also fairly straightforward and doesn’t really have a particular arc, but it does a good job of presenting different scenarios for each mission – rescuing a hunter in the woods, ambushing a supply convoy, saving townsfolk from SS deathsquads, staging a prison break, etc.

The plot is also pleasingly willing to confront the brutality of the Nazi invasion of the USSR – reprisals by the Germans against civilians are a constant theme, and the threat of torture and murder and casual cruelty from collaborators is always looming. The atmosphere is compelling and convincingly realistic, even though your unit of defined partisans has an unbelievably good success rate – I suppose if the developers wanted to convey the high rate of deaths among WW2 partisans then they’d have had to come up with another couple hundred characters to rotate in and out of your unit, which is a bit of a tall order, I guess. Even so, the portrayal of the Eastern Front is head and shoulders above that of the whitewashing of games like Company of Heroes 2. I also appreciated being able to switch the spoken audio to Russian while keeping the subtitles in English – I don’t speak Russian but I do enjoy that kind of linguistic immersion, and I liked that the Nazis still spoke in German throughout too.

The user interface is generally good but could use some tightening up. The way cover positions are calculated and displayed is a bit fiddly, especially indoors (it’s impossible to take cover around open doorways, for instance), and doors themselves are a pain in the backside to deal with at the moment as they’re prone to swinging open and shut repeatedly when you activate them, although I understand the developers are looking to fix that. While the inventory management is mostly fine you’ll definitely get bogged down in swapping the appropriate ammunition between people who need it (and it took me quite some time to be able to distinguish the different types of rifle and pistol ammo based on the icon rather than having to meticulously hover the cursor over them each time). It made me miss the feature in Men of War where looting bodies or containers with a group selected would ‘smartly’ assign ammo to everyone who had the relevant weapons in their inventory. It can also be annoying that view cones – showing where exactly enemies are looking at any time – are the same overlay colour on the ground as markers for using abilities, which can make it tricky to set up ability usage while also keeping an eye on who can see what.

The last thing I have to say about Partisans is that when it ended, I really wanted more. The story, as mentioned, doesn’t really have much of a climax, and while I guessed that the final mission was in fact the finale based on its title, it doesn’t feel like an appropriately large event to close a narrative campaign. I held out some hope that it would in fact just be an End Of Act 1 situation, especially as the last shot in the game before credits is of your partisan camp now snow-covered and wintry – I was really hoping for a winter segment to the campaign, particularly with the mentions in-game of ‘fishing before the lake freezes’ and so on. This is both a compliment and a criticism, I guess – it felt like the game was a bit too short, but also I was having so much fun with it that I wanted to keep going. I hope the developers are able to make more of this game, either in the form of DLC or an expansion or sequel.

All in all I highly recommend this game to anyone who’s interested in the setting or genre. It’s got a few rough edges but a great core game shines through and I’m impressed with what the developers have accomplished here. Za rodinu, and all that.
225 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 16:10
It's a very well put together little stealth based real time tactical game, very much in the mould of the great 'Commando's' series.
I love it when small indie studios pull it off, you can really feel the love that has been invested in every map, model, animation, sound effect etc and the voice acting is much higher than you'd normally expect.

The quality of the UI, graphics, mechanics and the overall gameplay experience really makes it a pleasure to play and worth the asking price.
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80.16% 1131 280
Release:14.10.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb: Daedalic Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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