• Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.
  • Paradise Lost: Screen zum Spiel Paradise Lost.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.03.2021
Zum Shop
Preis Update 20.05.24

Über das Spiel

Der Krieg dauerte 20 weitere Jahre lang an, bis die Nazis schließlich Atomraketen auf Europa abfeuerten. Als Folge dieser atomaren Katastrophe liegt das Herz Europas In Schutt und Asche. Welche Geheimnisse birgt dieses tödlich verstrahlte Land, das dem Rest der Welt unzugänglich ist?

Sie spielst als Szymon, ein 12-jähriger Junge, der gerade einen riesigen Nazi-Bunker entdeckt hat, als er nach dem Tod seiner Mutter durch das karge, nukleare Ödland Polens zog. Er ist auf der Suche nach einem unbekannten Mann aus einem Foto seiner Mutter. Wer ist dieser Mann? Wird es dir gelingen, ihn zu finden?

Steige in einen retrofuturistischen Bunker hinab, in dem fortschrittliche Technologie mit rätselhaften heidnischen slawischen Bildern verflochten ist, und erkunde unterirdische Stadt, die darin verborgen liegt. Decke die Geschichte des Bunkers auf – von seiner Eroberung durch polnische Rebellen, bis zum unvermeidlichen Schicksal seiner Bewohner. Was ist mit ihnen geschehen?

Aus der Einsamkeit des Bunkers heraus, nimmt ein mysteriöses Mädchen namens Ewa mithilfe der Bunker-Technologie Kontakt zu Szymon auf. Vielleicht weiß sie ja etwas über den Mann auf dem Foto. Wenn er sie findet, muss er vielleicht nicht mehr allein sein ...


  • CPU: i5
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 960
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: i7
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 1060
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 30 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

190 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 00:52
Vor dem Kauf von Paradise Lost war ich etwas skeptisch. Ja, die Screenshots waren wunderschön, die Spielprämisse interessant und das Setting auch. Doch stand in einigen Rezensionen, dass das Spiel sehr verbuggt und nicht spielbar sei. Trotzdem hab ich mir das Spiel gekauft und muss sagen ich bin nicht enttäuscht worden.

Die Grafik des Spiels ist atemberaubend. Die Screenshots des Spiels versprechen nicht zu wenig. Das Spiel hat einen wunderschönen Grafikstil und eine liebevoll gestaltete Spielwelt und enttäuscht hier zu 0%.

Auch Storymäßig überzeugt Paradise Lost zu 100%. Ich werde hier nicht näher auf die Story eingehen, da diese meiner Meinung nach jeder selbst entdecken sollte.
Die Dynamik zwischen Ewa und Szymon ist liebevoll gestaltet und wirkt sehr realitisch.
Bei den Gesprächen zwischen Ewa und Szymon kann man selbst mehrere Entscheidungen treffen und ich kann hier nur über den Fortlauf meiner Geschichte sprechen, welche ich als sehr schön und liebevoll gestaltet empfunden habe.

In der Spielwelt selbst läuft neben der Geschichte zwischen Ewa und Szymon noch eine weitere im Hintergrund hab, welche durch die Spielwelt erzählt wird, mehr will ich dazu nicht sagen, dass müsst ihr selber herrausfinden. Das lohnt sich, aber zu 100%.

Die Synchronsprecher haben hier ganze Arbeit geleistet, zwar sind die Synchronstimmen auf Englisch, dafür gibt es aber deutsche Untertitel. Die Synchronsprecher bringen die Emotionen und die Dynamik der Charaktere sehr realistisch rüber.

Einem Bug bin ich in meinem Playthrough leider begegnet. Ein relativ storyrelevantes Item, mit welchem Szymon interagiert hat, wurde mir leider nicht angezeigt. Hier an der Stelle zwar schade, aber nur ein sehr kleiner Kritikpunkt. Von dem Hängenbleiben von dem andere User berichtet haben, habe ich nichts bemerkt, auch nicht mit Grafikeinstellungen auf Ultra.

Alles in allem ein gelungenes Spiel für den sich der Preis lohnt.
372 Produkte im Account
191 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 22:31
Wer einen ruhigen Abend mit einem Storybased Walkingsimulator verbringen möchte ist hier richtig.
Ich habe zwar die Story nicht vollständig verstanden, bietet aber Potential.
Im Grunde hat der Level-Designer bei diesem Game die beste Arbeit geleistet. Die Grafik ist Super stimmig und die Details sind wirklich liebevoll in Szene gesetzt. Da hat sich jemand wirklich ordentlich Arbeit gemacht.
Abstriche gibts bei der Technik, den im Prinzip ist es zu empfehlen das Game am Stück durch zu spielen, den bei mir funktionierte mehrmals die Savepoints nicht. Die äussert sich so, dass der der Charakter nach dem Laden sich nicht mehr vom Fleck bewegen kann. Hier hilft nur ein Level-Restart. Ziemlich nervig und hat mich fast zum Rage-Deinstall verleitet.
Trotzdem unterhaltsam für bequeme Abende am besten dann im Sale!
116 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 17:52
Gutes Spiel, wer SOMA gespielt hat wird Paradise Lost sicherlich auch mögen, wobei man beachten muss das in diesem Spiel keine Gegner oder Shocker zu erwarten sind! Die Atmosphäre ist mega, und die Story ist fesselnd. Spielzeit beträgt etwa 3 Stunden zumindest bei mir mit allen enden. Habe es im Sale für paar Groschen gekauft und es hat sich auf jeden Fall gelohnt.
705 Produkte im Account
85 Reviews
208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 20:25
Boarr was für ein spiel Sound bombe Grafik bombe kann ich nur empfehlen das einziege, was nervt ist der Computer und das viele gelese Spielzeit über drei Stunden . habe es durch ^^ Lg HundelungeVR

habe dort part 1 und 2 könnt ihr gerne mal gucken ^^
1558 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 22:06
das spiel ist sowas von verbuggt, das es keinen spaß macht, wenn man immer wieder von neuem anfangen muss.
es speichert automatisch und jedes mal, wenn dann weiter spielen will hängt man ich einem bug fest bzw. ich kann mich nach dem speichern nicht mehr groß bewegen, dh. ich klebe fest und kann nicht laufen! dann hilft nur noch alles wieder von 0 zu starten! echt totaler mist! bei mir steht 5 stunden spielzeit, aber ich habe das game gerade mal höchstens eine stunde gespielt, da ich immer wieder neu anfangen musste.......steam tauscht es natürlich nicht mehr um bei der angezeigten spielzeit.
naja....war halt ein griff ins klo.....käse....!
322 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 16:58
Wirklich gute Idee und ein schönes Setting..
Nur leider ohne Ende verbuggt..
Nach Laden der Speicherpunkte ging nichts mehr, sodass ich die Level jedes mal neu starten musste..
Dazu bin ich mehrmals durch die Map gefallen oder das Spiel hat sich an einigen Stellen komplett geschlossen..
Sehr ärgerlich...
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 13:36
Gleich vorab, da einige geschrieben haben, daß es langweilig etc ist: es wird eine Geschichte erzählt und ist kein jump n run oder ego shooter. Wer das sucht, ist mit dem Spiel definitiv falsch beraten.
Das hier ist eher die düstere Version von Cradle.

Ich fand es eine schön und stimmungsvoll umgesetzte, animierte Geschichte zum Durchlaufen.
Klar gibt es ein paar Bugs hier und dort. Aber nichts, was das Spielen maßgeblich beeinträchtigt hätte.

Ich bin froh, daß ich mich für das Spiel entschieden habe.
1053 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 09:37
Zum Kauf überzeugt hat mich das Spiel mit dem Setting, nämlich einem alten verlassenem Bunker und der schönen Grafik.

Schon nach den ersten Minuten hatte mich das Spiel gefesselt. Die schöne Grafik, die Atmosphäre und die ganzen liebevollen Details wollten mich immer weiter spielen lassen.
Die Story ist am Anfang etwas verwirrend und wirkt komisch, doch im Laufe des Spiel fügen sich die Teile zusammen und die Story wird spannend, sodass man herausfinden möchte, wie es weiter geht.

Die Sprachausgabe ist englisch mit polnischem Dialekt und für mich ein schönes Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

Für den Preis habe ich nichts zu bemängeln und ich hoffe, dass die Entwickler ein weiteres Spiel dieser Art angehen werden.
158 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 09:32
Schönes Spiel. ca. 6 Stunden.

Tolle Atmosphäre. Geschichte baut sich auf. Kann ich empfehlen. Kein Horror, Stress oder Schock dabei.
Kleiner Tipp vorweg : HEAD BOB abschalten. Sonst hängt die Figur fest.
62 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 21:18
Nach 3 Stunden Spielzeit finde ich das Spiel sowie die Story sehr detailliert und gut gemacht. Leider hat es sehr viele Bugs. Verlässt man das Spiel an einem Speicherpunkt, und nicht bei einem neuen Level, dann kann man sich rejoinen nicht mehr bewegen und muss das ganze Level neu starten. Sehr ärgerlich. Das spiel ist einmal ohne Vorankündigung abgeschmiert. Wenn diese Fehler behoben werden, wäre es ein sehr schönes Spiel bei dem man komplett entspannen kann. So ist es doch recht nervig, weil man gezwungen ist von Level zu Level zu spielen.
142 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 12:43
Ein Walking Simulator, der zum Nachdenken anregen tut, und mit 4-5 Spielstunden auch eine angenehme Länge hat
79 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 12:50
Was wir hier an Spiel haben ist ein Walking-Simulator, der die Graphik und das Layout stark an Bioshock angelehnt hat.
Wichtig zu kennzeichnen ist, dass das aber auch schon alle Gemeinsamkeiten mit angesprochenem Spiel sind.

Das Setting des Spiels ist es auch, was mich zum Kauf angeregt und das gesamte Spiel begeistert und durch die dazu passende Atmosphäre in den Bann gezogen hat.

Aber..und das ist eigentlich ein fettes aber: Wenn wir hier von Walking-Simulator sprechen, dann reden wir hier von Rollatorengeschwindigkeit. Kein Wunder also das sich die Entwickler für eine extreme Linearität entschieden haben, was aufgrund des Settings wirklich schade ist. Aber wer will so auch ein postapokalyptisches Szenario überleben - als Kind.

Neben der extremen Linearität, die einem das Entdecken der Umwelt gänzlich unmöglich macht, haben Entscheidungen die man treffen kann, in diesem Spiel kein Gewicht. Ob ich mich für das eine...oder doch das andere entscheide, ist vollkommen irrelevant - zumal Schweigen auch eine Option ist, die aber wie zuvor die anderen Optionen auch keine Sau juckt.

Nach 4,3 Stunden und dem maximal möglichen erkunden bleibt bei mir folgender Geschmack:
Würde ich das Spiel für einen zweiten Run erneut starten?: Nein, nicht einmal um 100% Achievement zu erreichen.
Hat dieses Spiel Potential?: Ja, definitiv.

Und weil ich es eingangs schon erwähnt habe: Wenn wir schon den Vergleich zu Bioshock bemühen, wäre mein Wunsch eine Fusion aus beidem!
Das Spiel Bioshock mit dem Core-Gameplay und dem Setting und der Atmosphäre von Paradise Lost.

All das genügt in Summe aber nicht, um eine klare Empfehlung zu Gunsten des Spiels auszusprechen.
264 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 00:05
Wirklich ein großartiges Game, starker Spannungsaufbau der den Spieler an das Game fesselt.
Ich kann es nur Empfehlen, für alle die an Mystery Games Interessiert sind.
Volle Rezension siehe mein YT
194 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 16:25
Das Spiel kann man leider in keiner Hinsicht empfehlen die Geschichte ist von anfange bis ende grauenhaft erzählt , zu viel durch einander von neben Geschichten und Hauptstory ,Es fühlt sich an als habe man bis zum bitteren ende sich nicht auf ein Erzählung einigen könnten und einfach alles Zusammen geworfen hat. Objekt die eingefügt wurden um damit zu interagieren und die Welt ein bisschen besser nach vollziehen zu können sind etwa zu wenig oder zu schlecht verfasst oder grade zu nutzlos eingefügt. Die Welt fühlt sich einfach zusammen gepresst an und an vielen punkten einfach ohne groß drüber nach zu denken zusammen gestopft. ( im vergleich als würde man das innere eines Restaurant und einer Mülldeponie zusammen legen) Aber Grafik und Designs technisch ist die Welt schön in Szene gesetzt und kann von sich überzeugen. Zuletzt ist dann halt noch die Steuerung die sich Hakelige spielt und an einigen Punken leicht Verbugt wirkt.

Fazit: Großer Schwachpunkte sind Geschichte und Steuerung bei dem spiel
und leider hilft da auch nicht der Runter gesetzte preis von 8€ und ein paar kaputten .
7967 Produkte im Account
280 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 15:26

Paradise Lost

Story und Handlung:

Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle des kleinen Jungen Szymon, der scheinbar der einzige überlebende Mensch ist, nachdem seine Mutter erst kürzlich starb. Er macht sich auf den Weg um einen Mann zu finden, der auf einem Foto mit seiner Mutter abgebildet ist um zu erfahren, ob er sein Vater ist oder ihm helfen kann. Auf den Weg zur 4 Ebene, muss er durch einen Bunker gehen, der eine unterirdische Stadt und komische Technologien verborgen hält.

Keine Rätsel, kein Sprinten

Im Walkingsimulator „Paradise Lost“ erwarten den Spieler absolut keine Rätsel, dafür aber viele Dokumente. Durch die man sich, zu der wirklich kurz erzählten Geschichte, durchwuscheln kann. Dies empfand ich leider stellenweiße als sehr langweilig. Wäre hier eine konstante Story erzählt worden, die von bspw., einem Erzähler oder so vorgelesen wird, wäre das was ganz anderes, aber durch ein Spiel zu laufen, in dem man sich nicht mal schneller bewegen kann, dafür aber weitere Strecken durchlaufen muss ohne ein hauch einer Story zu erhalten, ist einfach öde.

Wundervolle Welt ohne Interaktionen

Die Welten die wir in „Paradise Lost“ sehen, sind wirklich toll gestaltet und sehr detailreich. Dies war, wenn ich ehrlich bin, auch der einzige wirkliche Grund, wieso ich das Spiel durchgespielt habe. Jedoch hat mir die Interaktion mit Objekten gefehlt. Wir können ab und an mal etwas aufheben, aber nur in unserer Hand drehen, weder ran Zoomen noch sonst irgendwie. Es sind auch meist nur Dinge, die man für das Spiel benötigt, bspw. finden wir ein Buch, das wir aber nicht öffnen oder ein Bild, dass wir nicht umdrehen können um zu sehen ob hinten was geschrieben steht. Das ist sehr traurig, denn die Spielwelt hat so viel, dass man gerne in die Hand nehmen möchte um es näher betrachten zu können, warum sonst, liegt so viel rum?

Bugs und gelöschte Savegames

Das Spiel erschien am 25.03.2021, somit ist es noch sehr neu und benötigt auch einige Patches, denn es gibt viele Szenen, in denen das Spiel abstürzt. Ganz geschweige von der sehr schlechten Performance auf 4K und der nicht funktionierenden HDR Funktion. Auch die Frames schwanken extrem ab einer höheren Auflösung von 1080p. Zudem ist die Steuerung teilweise sehr träge, das umdrehen dauert ewig und fühlt sich oft wie in Zeitlupe an. Ist man dann nach ca. 3,3 Spielstunden am Ende angekommen, in dem man Entscheidungen treffen muss, wird nach der letzten Sequenz einfach das Save Game gelöscht, so dass man für die anderen Enden das Spiel erneut spielen muss.


„Paradise Lost“ ist ein reiner Walkingsimulator mit wenig Story, extrem kurzem Gameplay und ohne Rätsel sowie Interaktionsmöglichkeiten (außer die, die vom Spiel benötigt werden). Das im derzeitigen Zustand auch noch sehr viele Bugs und Glitches beinhaltet. Die Spielwelt ist wunderschön und auch die Musik, wenn sie dann mal vorhanden ist, wirkt sehr stimmig. Das war auch der einzige Grund, wieso ich weiter gemacht habe. Aber selbst das ist einfach zu wenig. Trotz der unterschiedlichen Enden hat das Spiel für mich kein Wiederspielwert. Könnte man mit allem oder vielem interagieren, sehe es ganz anders aus. Leider taugt „Paradise Lost“ in diesem Zustand nur zur Entspannung und selbst die wird mit den „Technologien“ langweilig in die länge gezogen. Man kann nämlich nichts überspringen. Traurig empfinde ich dies vor allem deshalb, weil das Spiel selbst großes Potenzial zeigt, die Orte und die liebe zum Detail zeigen dies deutlich, schade, dass man nicht mehr draus gemacht hat.

Folgt uns auf: German Review Group - Curator Site für weitere Reviews und My Curator Site, wenn ihr mehr von mir lesen wollt.
214 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 00:09
Ich halte mich kurz:
Grafisch völlig in Ordnung Sound Technisch auch angenehm.
Story ist gut bis interessant vor allem am Ende Arbeitet das Hirn um alles zusammen zusetzen.
Die Umgebung hat mich einfach nur umgehauen alleine in einer Szene wo der große Fahrstuhl runter fährt war ich einfach nur Sprachlos.
Die Story Idee mit der Umgebung sind zusammen echt gut gewählt
Steuerung mit Tastatur und Controller angenehm.
Ein Contra was mich leicht gestört hat ist das man nicht richtig rennt. Das Rennen in dem Spiel ist leicht schnelleres gehen. Es kann auch cool sein da man die Map mehr betrachtet aber wenn man doch mal schneller wohin will dauert's.
Leider sehr Linear die Story und die Map. Ich hätte echt gerne die Karte Erkundet
Im großen und ganzen für den Preis ein echter happen an Unterhaltung vor allem im Rabatt.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 14:09
ich mag es und es zeigt eine interessante Parallelwelt, wo der krieg weiter ging bis zur totalen Zerstörung.
236 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 02:05
so many bugs, story is enjoyable so far but I am not redoing levels because I fell through the floor, and the reload from last checkpoint is broken, I become stuck and cannot move.
57 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 20:41
I was gifted this game and was really excited to play it. Unfortunately, it's just not playable. I spent 2 frustrating hours trying to figure out how to get past a certain point and when I looked it up, I was doing everything right but the game was just glitching out and I couldn't progress. Very disappointed :( It might have been on sale but it's not fit for purpose.
3838 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 03:52
I can't say how good it is, since every time I get a checkpoint save I get a bug, where I can no longer move unless you completely restart the level. I see others have mentioned it in the forums for a while and seems no fix even mentioned.
2340 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 20:49
This game is amazing.
From the gameplay to the lore, this game is for casual and hardcore gamers alike. The lore is extremely rich and deep and it will keep you invested. I recommend this to anyone.
267 Produkte im Account
211 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 08:19
Yes the movement speed is PAINFULLY slow, but I still managed to enjoy the story, and the beautiful art style.
689 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 07:17
I feel like the story and the overall atmosphere of the game was actually really good.

This game is definitely worth a buy if you like linear exploration for the most part and a decent story to accompany that exploration.

Overall score: About an 8
424 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 05:21
It's very pretty—if this were an artbook, I'd totally recommend it. There's not much substance to traversing the areas, and you move very slowly. The story is very barren, although it isn't terrible.
856 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 11:13
crashes, bugs and at the end [spoiler]nothing really matters?[/spoiler]
152 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 16:45
I may come back to this review and edit it after giving the game a pause for now. I liked the concept and idea behind the game, and while the controls weren't quiet what I expected they weren't bad by any means. The no on the recommendation comes from routinely loading a save and then not being able to move. The character's feet are walking but you will be stuck in place; you can get around this by restarting the level but then you're in this constant loop of replaying sections over and over and never progressing the game. It also feels that most of the interaction they have for you is pointless. [spoiler] I can pick up a cup and admire it, great, but there's no dialogue with that object, I can't keep the object, why did they want me to look at that particular object??[/spoiler].

Anyways I'll come back to this game at some point and right a proper review after finishing it but until now this one will stick.
176 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 02:50
Excellent environment art, weak acting and game mechanics. Opening a door in this game takes more energy than opening one in real life. Believe me, I've tried both!
366 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 23:03
Slow. But also glitchy. started floating in the air instead of walking down stairs. reloaded. got stuck in the doorway acting as the checkpoint.
6190 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 19:33
If you can get past the abysmal walking speed ‘Paradise Lost’ offers a graphically beautiful, atmospheric and detailed world to explore set in an alternate history timeline.

The story is a linear slow burn and there are no puzzles or gameplay other than plenty of interactable objects and the occasional (not very) hidden area. Like most ‘Walking Simulators’ the game serves as visuals to narration in unravelling the mysteries of the main plot and will naturally not be for everyone.
407 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.22 13:11
The slow, clunky non-gameplay and average voice acting are a tax worth playing to explore the gorgeous environments and bizarre setting.
216 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 23:35
While the sales pitch is certainly attractive, the game certainly doesn't live to the hype it generates (Spoiler free review).

Let's be clear: The game is a walking simulator with a glorified button prompt for opening doors/drawers. That doesn't particularly bother me; nor do the occasional bugs (Mainly prompts or objects dissappearing at random, which can be solved by reloading; or the character freezing in place, solvable by disabling head bobbing, which is a mechanic that needs to die anyway).

But by having no gameplay mechanics, the game lives or dies by the strength of its story, and let me tell you, while the concept is really interesting and prime real estate for writing, the execution is horrendous:
- The amount (And size) of plotholes is enormous.
- The story sets several things that are later forgotten with no payoff whatsoever, resulting in more plotholes.
- While being completely linear, the game gives you the illusion of a branching narrative through dialogue choices and others, but they amount to nothing in the end.
- The pacing and delivery are pretty horrible as well, with the twists being telegraphed way before the fact, and thus falling completely flat when they do show up.
- While the art is really well made, art direction is...not as good. While the art style is really striking, some design choices in the latter chapters are a bit baffling (If the idea is to go for some degree of realism), and go full on surreal in the last section. Not sure what they intended here.

In summary, great concept, but very poorly executed. I wouldn't recommend it even for walking simulator fans.
265 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 16:47
This game is so sad and depressing that i don't even want to finish all the achievements
307 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 22:45
You kidding me that you have to walk the whole f*cking time?
383 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.22 19:12
The game has an interesting plot! Too bad its 2 hours of boring nothingness before you get there. You're better off watching it I think on youtube.
557 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 00:15
Gameplay is broken. When I walked through a door, I can't get back to the area where I came from to look around a bit more. I tried loading checkpoint but then the character doesn't move, AT ALL. I tried loading the checkpoint a couple of times but I'm stuck there forever.
Other than that, walking is so slow and running is just as slow. Interaction system is badly designed.
Fix your game please. It's pretty but painfully unplayable.
414 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 14:50
a bit short but i take this kind of game like watching a movie. i think its a really well made game, and belive me you just wanna see more.. ps: if you get stuck after game save, just turn off head bobbing and you can move again. hope you enjoy.:)
606 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
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1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 23:18
Seems interesting but the need to have a german to english translator open in another tab while playing combined with a number of gamebreaking bugs that have seen me replay the first level at least 3 times now make it unplayable.
108 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 10:48
The hours you see are a fairly thorough playthrough. No Witcher 3 here, but I still really liked the game. The story is a bit predictable, but the atmosphere is amazing in my opinion. I really liked each level, and the story behind the shelter, I'd highly recommend for some light load movie-like gameplay.
813 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 07:25
Fix this damn game!

Beautiful graphics, VERY compelling story/discovery experience, BUT.... the game gets stuck, then you reload and you can no longer walk, and you try again, repeat, try again, repeat WTF!??!! Fix this!
328 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 21:32
So... play this in 1 run if you can. Whenever I quit to comeback later the game totally freezes and my character won't move so I'm forced to start the chapter over. HUGE ANNOYANCE

interesting story though
174 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 15:06
Everytime I open the game the character gets stuck on the spot and won`t move no matter what. I had to restart 2 full chapters, after it happened a third time I gave up. Complete garbage
621 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 20:17
Very atmospheric walking sim, If you're into walking sims give it a go but if you aren't it woun't be for you
77 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 21:19
The atmosphere is incredible.
A very fun gaming adventure albeit a bit slow sometimes.
1382 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 03:32
A very nice atmospheric and emotionnal adventure.
99 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 21:22
Wow, excellent storytelling, immersion, and exploration all wrapped into one package! Prepare for an emotional ending that almost brought tears to my eyes.
Visually beautiful in an organic way that I wish other games could pull off.
Highly recommended!

152 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 17:10
I had Paradise Lost on my wish list for quite a while; it was worth the wait. It took me 6 hours to play because I was in no hurry. In games like this I examine everything that I can get to. I was blown away by the quality of the artwork/graphics. The atmosphere of each locale was intricately detailed and realistic. The locations felt immense, the ceilings and distant walls fading into the darkness or mist. The lighting was just about perfect, bright enough to see what you were doing and dim enough to add that little extra bit mystery. Though it looks like a large open world you are limited to pretty much a pre-set path. But then again, most games are.

Some might call this a walking simulator (I hate the term) but I think of it as more like an immersive and interactive first-person movie. You, the player, are a boy named Szymon who lives in a post apocalyptic Germany, a world where the NAZIs detonated multiple nuclear weapons, sending most of Europe into the stone age. Szymon (pronounced Shimon) enters a huge long abandoned Nazi bunker in search of his father. He learns about life in the bunker by reading various notes he finds along the way. He interacts with certain objects such as doors and ladders in his journey. He encounters a voice which gives him some direction and interactivity through the second half of the game. In the end he discovers more about the world and himself than he had envisioned.

I’ve found very little fault with the game. I’ll mention only two. The floors in buildings are very reflective (beautiful to look at) but should be dusty in a place that has been abandoned for so long. The other is in picking up objects. They are viewed only at an oblique angle revealing little or no detail. It would be nice to be able to rotate these objects, thus making it worth picking up in the first place. It would also be nice to squat to look into low things and to be able to jump as well.
All in all, I give this game a 9.5 out of 10. I will play it again because I have the feeling that when interacting with the voice and having multiple response options, that the game may have multiple endings.

Get this game – but do not rush through it. Take your time and look everywhere. It will be worth your while.
501 Produkte im Account
201 Reviews
299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 14:58
A short but enjoyable walking sim. Kind of like the modern Wolfenstein games without any of the FPS action. Sombre mood and interesting storyline. It looks nice but very unpolished on a technical level - it's buggy and poor management of the render budget means frame rates fluctuate wildly. A nice effort from an indie studio.

P.S. turn off head bob in settings to avoid getting glued to the ground when starting at checkpoints.
811 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
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170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 15:05
A very pretty game but I quickly lost interest when this 30 minute experience was extended to 2 hours because my character seemed to have difficulties walking...
75 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 04:16
I just finished Paradise Lost and am officially blown away. What a great story and outstanding artwork to go with it. This is more a interactive movie than a traditional game, but it nails it perfectly. I want more like this.
1278 Produkte im Account
663 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 21:45
I was looking forward to Paradise Lost as soon as I saw the first trailer. This is a very interesting game taking place in an alternative version of our World War II history. If my understanding is correct the Allies were eliminated and the Germans managed to create nuclear weapons that were eventually used against Europe. And the end result is what you see here: a nuclear wasteland covered by snow on the surface.

Our protagonist is a boy called Simon who leaves his home (shelter) where he lives with his mother in order to find an underground bunker where he's supposed to find more information as to who his father was. The game consists of 5 chapters during which we navigate in mentioned bunker and to include some dialogue so as not to present us with a boring game Simon is aided by Eva, somebody who seeks the boy's help while he's down there.

But the bunker has a lot of German texts and documents from officers. How come? This was a retreate for them and the Polish resistance managed to successfully eliminate the opposition. To know more about the story and also of the inhabitants it's worth reading every document and listening to all audio logs. Some of the underground locations look fantastic and if there are screenshot aficionados among you you'll appreciate the scenery and the attention to detail that was put into the creation of even a single room.

Now, Paradise Lost I played just after Draguen and I noticed the same issue here: high system requirements and occasional FPS drops. As a plus for me this is one of those first person games where we can see our body / legs when looking down. Now, the emphasis here is literally on walking and by collecting keycards we can easily make progress. We press buttons and pull levers regularly but there is no real puzzle that would make us stop and think. It's alright as this is all about immersion.

Beside the occasional FPS drops there are some other minor issues with Paradise Lost. Reloading the game can often result in Simon being stuck. The headbob option I recommend that you turn off in the options menu. This did the trick for me otherwise you have to start a chapter all over. Also, when you can interact with objects there is always a circle appearing in the right direction but pressing the button may not have a result as you are not close enough yet to the object you can interact with.

The above are just minor issues. Overall, I had fun with Paradise Lost. It gives you a solid 3-4 hours of gameplay time and it has several endings. The voice acting is also great. If Simon could walk at a greater pace or if running was possible I would do a complete 2nd walkthrough.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 18:31
Good. Let's see what they do next.
393 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 10:49
Great 4 hours story, really intriguing.

Game is a walking simulator, without combat, choices or puzzles. But the core is very well made graphics and incredible story. You can skip thru most areas, but this would take the fun out of it - instead, this game invites you to witness all fine details, see with your eyes how the bunker looks now and imagine how it was looking when it was operational.

It's like walking inside the movie. Great game!
409 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 19:47
Visually stunning (I took way too many screenshots) and the ambience is great but that's pretty much it.

It's terribly buggy, especially the 3rd chapter - figuring out how to fix the whole big lounge-like area to be able to go through it (and not fall through the non-existent floor the moment I step through the invisible, supposedly closed door) was a chore since I had no idea which room is supposed to be open and which one should be opened later in the still more or less playable area - all of the doors disappeared; the optimization is terrible; you can't skip any dialogues or cutscenes; the animations are weird and stiff (like when you climb ladders and ledges, jump down... or do pretty much anything else); the walk speed is so slow the game gets boring after a while - sometimes I didn't even want to bother straying off the main path to explore; there's pretty much nothing to do but walking + doing some simple tasks like pulling levers or opening doors, wow...

As for the plot - you get to know it mostly by reading long-ass notes and letters, so yeah, I almost spent more time reading them (or at least some of them) than actually playing the game and honestly - it wasn't worth it. Some of the notes and signs were written in broken German, the story itself wasn't particularly interesting or surprising (though there were some intriguing lore notes), it was rather childish.

Anyway, if you're into pretty graphics, stunning places, nice soundtrack and mysterious ambience; if you don't really care about the plot, have lots of patience and nerves of steel - you can give it a try.
I can't really recommend it, though.
450 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 16:34
Clunky, badly optimised, with bad voice acting. artificially prolonged. If it's on massive discount then I guess it's kinda ok. But for full price avoid it like a plague
97 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
465 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 22:38
This is definitely my favorite game from now on!
If you love good visuals and beautiful area's than this is a game for you. Also if you love to explore things with a bit of historical background in it then this is for sure one of my suggestions! The decisions you make can influence the area's you will enter in the game. Throughout the game you will explore a German bunker that is abandoned. the cutscenes are a bit wanky but overall the gameplay and the area's you go through are awesome. This is for sure a game that I recommend! You can beat this game in 3-4 hours and if you want to get all the achievement it will take you around 6-8 hours. If you are stuck after you reload a checkpoint or you load back into the game. You need to turn off 'head bob' and turn it back on than you should be good to go again. As I said this is surely a game you should play!

2338 Produkte im Account
380 Reviews
354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 20:42

So I see developers just learned lever pulling animation

The idea of the game is nothing new, it's another alternative history tale. But the story aspect is done really well and I enjoyed it.

I'm obviously not a nazi supporter in any way but I must say they had really cool aesthetics so the symbols and other stuff is used in games to this day, even some fantasy or sci-fi games adopt similar style. And I must say exploring the nazi bunker was fun. The story combines sci-fi and some history which in the end leads to a story about nazi experiments on people. The main plot becomes quite predictable soon but the bunker is fascinating and terrifying.
Although it would be nice to see more games about soviet atrocities too.

The game also tells a story about human nature and only proves my opinion about humans – they're selfish beings. Even at these times where nazis are a thing, when people supposed be united they instead start fighting each other and of course there are religious fanatics, everyone's fighting for their own good.

Gameplay is simply walking in a very linear path with occasional detouring into some rooms or facilities to read the documents or listen to audiologs. Oh you will need to press the buttons, open doors and pull levers, a lot of levers, sometimes even pull it to the side, not down or up. Amazing.

Seriously gameplay is average at best. I love walking simulators, I really do but I prefer when there's something happening when I walk, either someone is talking or you listen to some audiolog or something or admire the scenery at least. While the areas here look pretty, there's not much to see, 10 seconds is plenty and when you do that you walk and walk and walk *yawn*...oh did I fell asleep? No, still walking to that lever over there, I will need to pull it, yay! Oh wait, there's a door...*2 minutes later* oh i'm almost there, I wonder that door opens into outside or inside? Will see soon...

Walking is very slow, on one hand you want to explore every corner, on the other hand you're afraid you won't find anything there and then you will need to walk back V-E-R-R-Y S-L-O-W-L-Y. I mean too slow, it's like a hundred year old grand-grandpa walking in the park and dragging a pile of bricks behind him.

There are computers also. These are boring too, you just stare at the screen where computer does its thing and listen to some dialogues, there's nothing else going on, no cut-scene or anything just a boring computer screen. Of course it's nice to learn about what's happening, but ffs give me something to watch or do while it's talking.

Graphics are pretty nice. All the areas and rooms look good, every area tells a story about nazis and bunker's inhabitants. There are some open areas which are beautiful but mostly it's closed environments. The diversity is quite good when it comes to areas and each chapter you see something completely new.
There are some cut-scenes in the beginning of the game, they look average but I still expected more of those.

Performance is average. It's very inconsistent, sometimes I was getting 90fps, sometimes 45fps, mostly fps was somewhere in the middle. For the game with nothing going on around I expected better performance. Played on 5800x, 2070s, 32gb @3440x1440 at nearly max settings, had to tone down one setting because fps was horrible.

There's native ultrawide support but it's buggy. When you load the game and want to continue playing you end up in a state where you can move. But since i'm a genius I thought, what will happen if I hit alt+enter and voila! I can move again, so hit alt+enter again to go back into 21:9 and everything's fine. Same thing happened twice while playing too. Not a big deal but annoying.

One more thing regarding technical side. There's no chapter select! So if you're an achievement hunter then back up your save when you reach the end and read the guide. There's more than one ending and when the game ends it wipes your save file and you need to start over, so keep that in mind.

I usually am not needy when it comes to voice acting, I play a lot of smaller, niche, low budget games so i'm used to “ok” voice acting, it's enough for me. But here? The voice acting is bad even for my ears. I'm sorry but devs could've done much better, it's not some rpg with million words, you have a handful of sentences to voice. None of the characters sound believable, they're just reading their lines.
There's some nice music, more like ambient music sometimes but it fits the atmosphere perfectly and accompanies the terrifying mood well.

Overall a decent game, it has tedious gameplay but nice areas to explore and good story which saves this game. I recommend buying this on sale and only if you enjoy walking simulators and story driven games.

  • Good story
  • Pretty good soundtrack
  • Good graphics
  • Diverse areas

  • Tedious gameplay with no ability to run
  • Poor voice acting
  • Average performance
  • Technical issues with ultrawide
  • No chapter select, seriously? Kurwa.

Follow my curator page for more

564 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1018 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 07:48
I liked and enjoyed the game all in all. If you are very patient, enjoy a basically walking sim, following story without much influence from your end, and can overlook the few frustrating bugs that it has, you will enjoy the game as well. Make sure to get it on sale and you are good i´d say.

That being said, i would recommend it even, if it weren´t for a few problems/bugs i experienced, that going by the discussions forums, have been there since even before it launched on Steam. They make the experience... a bit unsatisfying at some points. Examples:

- The headbobbing many people have been complaining about can be turned off by now, didn´t bother me much.

- There is no running-option in this game, besides it says there is. The speed for running is the same as walking, can be veryyy annoying throughout the game.

- There is no Save option! Not even talking about manual Save-slots, there is Autosave yes, but it doesn´t mean crap if you can´t use it. Why?

- Because each time you do load up the last auto saved Checkpoint, you can´t move anymore, end of story. You are stuck in place and can´t get anywhere from the loaded Checkpoint. What you have to do, to be able to move again is, you have to restart the entire respective level. This was the most annoying and frustrating bug this game has to offer, and again, going by the forum, it´s been there for a while and hasn´t been subject to a fix by the devs. Big minus here!

- There is no Chapter selection whatsoever. Reason why this might be annoying? You can´t get all the Achievements in one playthrough. Now if you don´t inform yourself in before hand, you won´t know that, before finishing the game at least once. As there is no Save-option and neither a Running-Mode... you have to do everything all over again, as slow as it is and just target the parts, you missed the Achievements in, within the first playthrough.

- At least one place, at the very End has a collider bug that just let´s you float upwards forever and as there is no save loading, bingo, you have to restart the level. There was another place this happened as well in the second Chapter but i saw people said, the devs fixed that over time. At least something.

All things mentioned above, have been reported multiple times, by who knows how many people, and the game has been out for a while, not just on Steam but on other Plattforms as well. Brings up the conclusion, either the Devs are not really interested to fix things or they just don´t care about it, as it kinda works and people buy it anyway.

Other than that, texture wise, atmosphere and scenery, the game just looks amazing, bis plus here. They did put a lot of effort into details, even if the repetition of items/assets is quite high here and there but it is not disruptive to the over all looks and the picture the game creates.
Horror/Thriller Faktor is getting higher towards the end but it´s nothing to bad, nor are there any jump-scares per se or similiar. It´s a tragic storyline you could say but you already see that it´s not all about sunshine and rainbows in the Trailers, so thats that.

25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 11:30
Too bugs... every time I quit the game and come back at the last checkpoint I saved, I can't move or do anything. Finally I have no choice except to restart the level from beginning
145 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 10:36
There is no action involved in this game. Its more a fun exploration game.
252 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 05:59
For the last year i've had a serous fear of death, and its been difficult for me to sleep at night, this game for whatever reason really helped me, and eased my mind, I highly recommend it.
35 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 22:38
Too slow and boring, Beauitful artwork. On second level [ played 4 hours without a way out. No action takes place, just walking and cliking indicated piles of stuff, notes, etc., that have no real necessity to completing the task at hand. I gave up. Wasting too much time.
217 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
39 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 04:00
There must be a big market for games where you move slower than a turtle and pick up and put down random items of zero importance to the story because that is the only reason i can think of for this game having mostly positive reviews.
657 Produkte im Account
283 Reviews
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 19:51
It's impossible to play! The game looks nice and seems well done but THE WALKING SPEED is much too SLOW ! It's not even enough speed for a usual walking simulator, this moving speed is tedious and makes you feel inside a nightmare. I will put the game to the side until they release some patch to add a sprint function or change the default speed. It does not make sense, makes exploration completely demotivating.

p.s. I love walking simulators and this is the first time in my life I find the speed too slow.

EDIT: The walking speed is the least problem. The game is absolutely not interesting. It does look nice thanks to UE4 but the interaction with the environment is pretty much non existent, the voice acting is so bad I wish they only had subtitles, and the way you interact with stuff is just so wrong. Seriously who thought it was a good idea to interact with a door and put a stupid movement to complete with the mouse to complete that interaction? I could understand a similar way to the Penumbra games, but this is a punch in the face. Really disappointed in this game 3/10.
483 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 07:14
While the premise sounds great, and it's very intriguing at the start, I would not call this a game. The most exciting interactions in the game are slow walking, clicking, and pulling levers in a certain direction (sometimes the direction changes!). Buy this game if you like to walk around at an incredibly slow pace.
154 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 04:15
A lovely walking simulator.
551 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
88 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 00:03

I loaded up the game after almost a year of the demo coming out. I think it was June or July. Everything is the same. From the get go, the feedback has been, HEADBOB and MOVEMENT SPEED. There are numerous discussions in this forum with that complaint. PEOPLE WANT TO PLAY YOUR GAME DUDE! The game looks gorgeous, and I bet has an interesting story based on what I’ve experienced so far. Every time someone brings it up, the response has always been “Thanks for the feedback”. What feedback are you thankful for? Do you even care about the feedback? Serious question.

my experience in the game was me getting to the very 1st puzzle and needing to walk to 1 corner of the room only to find out I needed to walk to another corner of the room resulting in the travel time from corner to corner being excruciating. At the time I was already frustrated looked around for the paper pass thing to get through the gate and then it was me needed to reload the game because it was glitched out resulting in me having to redo an entire sections worth of walking.

The head bobbing issue is another one. I get it. you want to make it immersive. Its not. Its nauseating. If you want people to experience it then give us an option to disable it for those who want it gone and throw up on their computers.

Those are your 2 biggest complaints that you have yet to fix. You know they exist because I’ve seen you in the forums with the classical “Thanks for the feedback” response. What this game has shown me is that you don’t care what feedback you are given. What it has shown me is that I have no confidence in you as a developer to actually fix bugs that people report. The one thing you learn really quickly as a writer, developer, really any content creator is that if multiple people give the same feedback, then that’s an actual issue that needs fixing. You have the multiple feedback. Are you going to act on it or “Thanks for the feedback”? Either way, ill never purchase a product from you in the future. I hope you take this post as a learning experience for your future products. It’s a shame I won’t be there to experience it.
115 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 14:12
Interesting premise to the game, it is full of lore, plays almost like reading a book. The walking speed is extremely slow ... I kid you not. Also, voice acting could be better, the only audio available is English, however, all of the actors have extremely strong Polish accent. As the whole game is situated in a Polish territory, with Polish boy as a main character, it would make more sense to actually provide a Polish audio.
122 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 15:20
One day I was simply browsing through Steam and looking at games which contained popular user-defined tags for games that I had not traditionally played before such as those with “exploration” and “walking simulator” identifiers. Having a higher-end desktop computer (latest version of Alienware Aurora R11 with a top-end NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics card and ultra-wide curved monitor), I was also looking for titles that had been released recently (2019+) along with a “mostly positive” (or better) user-rating. I’d played a few titles from “smaller” developers and was interested to see if my past experience with these type developers was just fortuitous or if I could find others that could deliver the same good gaming experience. In short, I was experimenting and wanted to know if other solid, well-built products were being released by lesser known / smaller developers that I was not familiar with.

The story, for me, was engaging but I’m a huge world war 2 history buff and have often thought and wondered, what would the world look like today if the allies had lost that war. Some have said the player character moved too slowly throughout the game but I found that to be refreshing in that it gave the player a chance to explore the world built by the developers. It helped me get into the character more as a good RPG should do. I personally did not experience any “bugs” or “glitches” as one might expect to find. The game play mechanics were simple, easy to use and quickly acquired mainly because this game is designed to be a bit more story / narrative driven.

In conclusion, I’d highly recommend playing this game even if this is typically not the type of game you usually go for. Overall, I found it to be refreshing and something I plan on playing through again at some point. If you’re looking for a good, solid made game with a good story and relaxing game place, give this one a try. I honestly think you’ll be surprised and impressed; I was!
5013 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 09:05
Every time I play a post apocalyptic game I have a weird feeling that there should be a game which tells the story of an unsung hero. Who is that hero? He/she is that human being who goes into work AFTER the apocalypse, prints out the newspaper about the apocalypse itself and also delivers it to already sealed bunkers. No, this game isn’t about that hero, but this is another game which includes a newspaper lore object with the title “The bombs has fallen”...

Paradise Lost takes place in an alternative universe, where the 2nd World War did not end in 1945, instead it became a stationary warfare. The extended timeline offered enough time for all parties to develop nuclear weapons and so release the hell of the nuclear armageddon upon our planet. This was actually the plan of the Axis, to clean the world from unwanted human races while hiding and surviving in huge, secret underground bases. Paradise Lost invites you to explore one of these bases and all its secrets.


Paradise Lost is a walking simulator, an interactive adventure which lets you explore an underground facility built by the nazis. There is no action(fps or platforming elements), there are no puzzles, what the game is offering is just exploration and an overview to an alternate world with a lot of text based lore objects which helps you to visualize how life was in that universe and how the world changed.
Bored about nazis? Well, the story takes place in their bunker, but the bunker was actually taken over by the polish underground resistance so while at the beginning you will find information about the world and about the crime of the nazis, later you will experience the life of the resistance too, but not from first hand, you will still find only documents and computer logs only. As the story progresses, you will figure out that the true personality of humanity showed up in this facility too: nazis might be gone already, but humans always need to monsterize others, need to find a new enemy or someone to blame, just like in our world. The unwillingness to cooperate on all sides made the facility just as lifeless as the nuclear winter did to the surface.

Will you still be alone, or there are survivors in the facility? Curious about the fate of the bunker and the world? Then start playing the game:-)


This is a story oriented exploration game, if you don’t like that, then you better look for something else, if you do like these kinds of games, then this will be a world you might want to explore.
Rankings based on my own opinion:
Story: 8/10
Visuals: 7/10
Voice acting: 7/10
Atmosphere of the game: 9/10
Linear gameplay? Yes

Replayed the game 3 times, not encountered any bug, character wasn’t stuck at any time, game never crashed and i checked every corner, tried to move to every possible location.

Hey, I am an achievement hunter!

Perfection time: ~3-5h. 1 playthrough enough but you need to back up your save file as some parts of the game need to be replayed and no manual saving in the game. The first you could find early in the game, where you need to choose how you will enter the base, and the other missable achievements awarded for the endings. You probably don’t want to replay a story oriented walking simulator 3 times just to see the other endings and to get the other ending related achievements. Once you finish the game your save file is deleted by the game, this is why you just can’t return to the end and select a different ending. So again: backup your save file!

If you liked the review or you like to earn achievements, but in enjoyable, fun and entertaining games, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator or just check out our curated games. Thanks
6683 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 10:21
Paradise Lost is a really good walking / exploration game.

At the beginning it felt a bit boring but then it got better and i wanted to figure out where the story leads me in the end.
The gameplay consists of just of walking around, opening doors, pushing a few buttons and reading notes. Nothing stressful or complicated.
There is no combat, jumpscares or any other kind of nonsense. It's also not scary, only the atmosphere can be a bit disturbing,

The game looks mostly really nice, not state of the art, but pretty to look at.
Shadows and lightning are often missing or far off being realistic, but the developers put many tiny artsy details into the game, sometimes hidden, sometimes obvious, that motivated me to keep an eye out for them.

It's great for screenshot addicts and also relaxing.

What i didn't like about it?
Well, there is no option to disable the subtitles, and they are also very huge.
Walking speed is rather slow, running, if you want to call it that, doesn't change much.
Animations feel a bit robotic.
The Game uses German words&phrases here and there, some of them are wrong or make no sense.
The voiceacting is not bad but there is room for improvements. Both the female and the male voiceactor(s) are not too bothered or enthusiastic about what's going on. Happy, sad, amazed, afraid... it all sounds exactly the same.

The game has multiple endings, and if you want to see them all, you have to replay the whole game from the start, because your saves get deleted after completing the game.

One Playthrough took me 3,8 Hours, I'll update the time to complete everything here once i'm done with all of the endings.

Overall Paradise Lost is one of the better walking simulator games.
The graphics are pretty, the pricing is fair and rational.
Only things you have to consider before buying are that the movement is really slow, so far you can't rebind the controls and you can't disable the (often distracting...) subtitles.

1014 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 00:43
so normally i dont do reviews but i had to give my opinion,im still just starting the game and already hocked.
i see many comments about if i should refund and this is boring,walking simulator etc.
yes it is a walking simulator,yes this is boring if you dont like the atmosphere and the setting,so please avoid it honestly,if you are like me and love just staring at the architecture and everything around you for minutes and taking it very slow(literally you move like a snail)then give it a try
572 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 21:38
The atmosphere is good, and I love myself a good walking simulator, but Paradise Lost commits the cardinal sin of the recent artsy walking sim: untoggable headbobbing.

I don't know why the walking sim dev crowd so consistently seems to think that the field of view swaying left to right and up and down is increasing immersion, considering the human brain is hardwired to eliminate those motions in the perception of a healthy human.
A sizable portion of the potential playerbase (read: customers) are either irritated by it or get actually headaches or nausea from it, so a toggle (if not being Off by default) should be the absolute minimum of configurability.

Add to that that the protagonist has the walking speed of an old granny - even with run button pressed - and that their footsteps sounds like they are walking in combat boots twelve sizes too large for them. Which would explain the speed I guess but it still feels off.

Normally I'd make a forum entry instead of a review, giving the devs time to fix the issues. But according to the forums these problems were all brought up from the start of the demo phase, so I have no faith that they'll be fixed anytime soon.

I might return if it's eventually fixed.
But on release I can't recommend this on these simple technical issues that should be absolute standards for developers to adress: Don't include untoggable options that cause players physical discomfort just because you feel it's more 'immersive' that way.
345 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 19:18
Paradise Lost is a game that was crafted with a strong message in it's core. The polish team from PolyA weave a landscape that shifts from the cold despair from Nuclear winter to the budding lush of an underground forest. I strongly suggest buying the game if you are on the lookout for a narrative experience that goes hand in hand with beautiful graphics.

213 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 17:45
Paradise Lost, from a mechanical standpoint, is your average walking simulator. It is a fairly linear game that neither provides you with a ton of exploration nor stimulating puzzles that require you to rub some brain cells together. However, from a narrative standpoint, there are many things that Paradise Lost does right:

1) The environmental/world designs are simply awe-inspiring and truly evokes a sense of wonder. PolyAmorous created a believable world that truly feels like it had once been lived in and you can see the evidence and traces of the bunker's denizens. Certain points in the game will make you feel exactly what the Hobbits felt when they first saw Rivendell.
2) There is a compelling reason for your actions and your purpose in descending into the subterranean bunker. The game doesn't wrap itself around pretentious philosophical introspective mumbo jumbo like some walking sims do. Every bit of narrative or dialogue in this game is delivered to you straight.
3) The world 'lore' is fleshed out really well. Not only is this game pretty to look at, a lot of attention was paid to the lore of the world. As you explore new areas and read notes, you begin to understand when and how things started to fall apart, the emerging challenges, and the struggles and conflicts that arose as a result of leadership failing to address those challenges. But most importantly, Paradise Lost paints an incredibly compelling picture of what desperation looks like. A lot of questionable choices were made to resolve problems and the deeper you explore the bunker, the more you see 'scars' in the world that mark these drastic decisions made out of desperation.

Overall, I would recommend Paradise Lost for the price of $10 (promo sale). It should last about 3 hours. While I don't foresee it will have much replay value, I personally felt very engaged the first playthrough. The characters aren't exactly the best I've seen, but they aren't exactly lifeless either and the more you play, the more you start understanding who they are as people. A part of me does think that a lot of potential was not realized by turning this game into a walking sim, but nonetheless, I really do think the devs did a good job with this title and look forward to future titles that will also deliver this sense of wonder to me.
546 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 16:54
Been playing the game for over just a hour when I post it. The graphics and surroundings look as awesome as in the trailers and it has a somewhat spooky and abandoned vibe to it.

Keep in mind this is a story being told, not a sci-fi 360noscope shooter. For any history buff, alternate timeline fiend or someone who likes stories this is a must have. Also, it's just 8-ish euros now, which is a steal for this game.
1453 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 16:49
Have you ever wondered where the next BioShock game could take place? Paradise Lost won’t give you an answer to that, but it creates a vision so magnificent that I wish 2K Games used it for another installment of this cherished series…

If captivating story and fascinating world are the most important things you seek in a video game, then Paradise Lost is a must-have for you (the same applies if you simply like walking sims). Otherwise… well, I encourage you to give this title a try, nonetheless. The team at PolyAmorous has created a groundbreaking vision, one of the best virtual worlds I’ve ever explored. I believe it deserves to be recognized, even if there is barely any gameplay.

You can find my full review here: https://www.gamepressure.com/editorials/reviews/paradise-lost-review-wolfenstein-and-bioshock-walk-into-a-bar/zf3e7
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
66.39% 561 284
Release:24.03.2021 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: PolyAmorous Vertrieb: All in! Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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