Hello Survivors,
We're excited to tell you that Pandemic Train has finally reached its main station called RELEASE!
It's such an exciting day, both for the developing team and the publisher!
Creating Pandemic Train was a truly exciting process for all of us. Each day of development was full of new experiences and knowledge. All of us learned something new and improved our skills in game development, which made us feel like the leaders of our Pandemic Train journey. We're hoping you will share our joy and excitement and jump on board :)
Buy now with a 15% launch discount!
Your feedback matters
We're curious about what you think about the game, and we're happy to talk with you about it. If you want to talk with us during the release weekend and afterward, we will try to answer you as soon as possible.
Remember that in Pandemic Train's ESC menu, there is a bug reporter which should make reporting any in-game bugs easier. Reporting them through it will also give us much valuable information on the cause of different issues. This will save us some time and allow us to fix bugs sooner, and more efficiently. Therefore, we will be in your debt if you could report them this way.
If you decide to review our game, here are some requests from us:
We care about your experience with the game, and we want to provide you with the best we can. Therefore, you can trust that we will address your feedback and try to find a way to bring the solution into the game.
Also, meet the conductor of the Pandemic Train development, Darek, who has a couple of words for you :)

Oh, and don't forget to share your YouTube videos and Twitch streams with us! We would love to come and see how you play :)
Enjoy the ride,
Pandemic Train team