Bug fixes
- Unintended items from upcoming content have been removed. Sorry for the spoilers!
- We fixed an issue where the introduction movie caused crashes.
- The Knowledge shrine now gives potency points as intended.
- The mission "Vulture and Scavengers" has been fixed. Now spawning angry hordes as intended!
- Gauntlet chests now give loot, as they should.
- Seriously, sorry for the spoilers. We removed some exclusive Gamescom items from the game.
- Wolves have been undomesticated. Dameer’s "Feral Souls" ability now works as intended.
- We gave some visuals a coat of debugging paint. Act V: The Last of their Kind now displays as intended.
- Knowledge Shrine and Shroud Cage spawn chances have been increased!
- Rewards for endgame missions have been rebalanced. This adds a higher chance of getting better quality items.