I have been working on other platforms for the last few months and found several ways I could improve the performance of Pacify. I decided to take some time and implement these improvements for everyone here. The game will run much faster on older hardware (180-300 fps) and extremely fast on new hardware (600-800+ fps). I fixed several potential crashes, and network problems that could have been causing people trouble. I know it isn't a new map, but for new players coming to the game and players coming back to the game, I want them to have the best possible experience.
Major frame rate improvements
More than doubled the framerate in many areas of every level.
Optimized almost every object and program running in the game.
Areas and effects that caused major slowdowns have been resolved.
Major network fixes and lobby flow
Fixed disconnects issues when loading a new mission.
Fixed possible disconnects leaving or joining a lobby.
Added the ability to change the mission from the lobby screen.
The server list is unfiltered and shows which maps the host has chosen.
Games will not appear in the server list once started.
New players cannot join your game once it has started.
After returning to the lobby, the host will appear in the server list and new players can join again.
Fixed an unresponsive black screen problem that could happen during game launch for some players.
Language settings are saved correctly and are reapplied on opening the game.
On the farm map, I adjusted Karen's (the farmer) eating habits. She has a cooldown timer after eating a live chicken, before she will eat another one. She won't immediately eat another, but she will still attack you, eat any chicken you are holding and eat a poison chicken.
Have fun!