News Liste Oxygen
Thank you so much for your efforts on testing our closed-beta.
Here is the new features, improvements, and some fixes:
*Steam Achievements (11) are added.
*Energy Consumption and Oxygen Sufficiency buttons show the actual energy consumption of the buildings on their tops.
*It's possible to prevent any possible crack explosion if you build a Gas Extractor.
Before: When there was a crack with no possibility of Gas Extractor placement, it was forcing you to "dismantle" the building and "rebuild" it.
Now: Gas Extractor is small and you can build it anywhere.
*Decoration Building Information (Star/LightedTree/Fountain/GlobeDecor/ClockTower) is updated.
*Main/Pause menu "close/back" with ESC-key is functional now. (Right mouse click is still valid for close/back)Tasks are rearranged.
*Task-order, deadlines, rewards are changed.
*Script is updated based on the feedback we've received. Some sentences/words/definitions are changed/corrected and some new explanations are added.
As you know, Oxygen: First Breath is a free-beta version of the full-game Oxygen.
In this short-version, you can experience the gameplay, post-apocalyptic theme, and some of the buildings. This version ends when you reach 50 days.
We'll continue updating the game towards your feedback.
TR Games
[Please add full-game to your wishlist, thanks again :) ]
Turquoise Revival Games
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos