Wow, it’s been a year. Just last July, our team huddled together to see community posts, read reviews, and watch creator videos about the launch of OXENFREE II: Lost Signals. It was the most extraordinary launch in our studio’s history. We’re so grateful for the support of players around the globe for returning to the coast of Camena.
To say thank you, we’re celebrating all month long because it’s way more fun to celebrate your game’s birth month than just a single day, right?
Harden Tower 4K Wallpapers

Our minds were blown last month when our sound designer, Chris Purse, very casually shared a 3D environment he’d recreated from the game. Chris clearly is a multi-talented artist that we’re lucky to have on our team. So, our community team instantly knew we had to squad up with Chris to share his work for OXENFREE II’s anniversary. You can download 4K wallpapers of Chris’s interpretation of Harden Tower and see it come to life in our “Missed Connections” story on our studio social media channels.
Vote To Finish The Story

To celebrate our game’s anniversary, we’re digging deep into the archive of stories that didn’t quite make it into OXENFREE II and featuring a special one on our social channels. Join us over the next few days on Instagram and Twitter to meet Tanner and Danny. Together, the OXENFREE community will forever decide their fate, voting for how their story will come to an end. Will Riley and Jacob fix their missed connection? It’s up to you.
Join scntfc for an AMA

We teamed up with iam8bit to release OXENFREE II’s soundtrack on vinyl (by the way, it’s not too late to get your copy here) and now we’re hosting an AMA with our composer, scntfc, in r/OXENFREE on Reddit. Join us on July 24th, 2024 from 9 AM PST to 11:30 PST where he’ll answer questions about making the record, crafting OXENFREE I & II’s soundtrack, and much more.
60% Off the Night School Complete Collection

Back in 2016, our team was honored to take home the IGF award for Excellence in Visual Art with OXENFREE. This year, we’re including our entire game collection for a 60% discount during IGF celebration days. Check out all of the games for sale on Steam and pick up the Night School Complete Collection right here.
Thank you!

Because of your passion for both OXENFREE we were able to make OXENFREE II. Seeing the community’s lasting enthusiasm for Night School’s games is what fuels us as we work on the next thing at our studio. We can’t wait to share it with you. See you around at Seafood Sammy’s… if you can look past the health code violations. If not, we’ll catch you on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or maybe even YouTube!