Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.


Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.


Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.



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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.11.2020
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Preis Update 06.03.25

Über das Spiel

Owlboy is a story-driven platform adventure game, where you can fly and explore a brand new world in the clouds! Pick up your friends, and bring them with you as you explore the open skies. Overcome obstacles and greater enemies, in one of the most detailed adventures of this era.

Being a mute, Otus struggles living up to the expectations of owl-hood. Things spiral from bad to worse with the sudden appearance of sky pirates.

What follows is a journey through monster infested ruins, with unexpected encounters, well kept secrets, and burdens no one should have to bear.

  • A love letter to pixel art for a new audience, Owlboy is a story-driven action adventure, with a unique mix of flight and platforming.
  • Carry anything. Recruit Otus?s friends as gunners to fight for you, each with unique abilities and stories.
  • Large dungeons with big and challenging boss battles.
  • An adventure 10 years in the making.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

61 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 16:08
sad boy go flap flap
268 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 03:27
very good game, works great on steam deck
2151 Produkte im Account
185 Reviews
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 21:05
Owlboy is a shining gem among platformer games.

First of all - story. A heartwarming one. Despite the main character is mute, his body language along friends and enemies tell a great tale. There is a number of characters to be met, all with soul. Everyone is different, has something special in their design, the way they speak, the way they move. All have good and bad sides, like in life, therefore feel true.

What makes Owlboy special among other titles is art. It is a feast for the eyes!
The vast locations are incredibly detailed. If you do not run through levels, but stop and take a closer look to environment, into backgrounds, admire the artwork, you will feel the real depth of the game. The design of all the places, not only those related with owls, is incredible. As for me, this game is a masterpiece in this aspect.
The art plus the great choice of music in Owlboy makes the game an amazing experience.

I highly recommend playing Owlboy.
1081 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 10:55
Is good, you play yes
53 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 19:52
This is a nice game. I often hear people talk about it as a Metroidvania - I'm not sure I would describe it in that way. You get pretty minimal upgrades, and the progress is quite linear. It plays more like a standard adventure game, with a few dungeons, a linear narrative, and pretty simple combat.

I found the movement to be a bit awkward, with some sections of the game to have absolutely atrocious movement (no spoilers, but you'll know when you get to them). The combat was also pretty simple, just a dodge and spam kind of thing. Exploration was okay, but it is a bit of a grind to traverse the map if you ever want to deviate from the linear path that the story follows. I also found that sometimes I would go somewhere that felt clever, and it was a secret, but the payout would consistently be underwhelming. Hunting down all the coins was rather fun (except for the last challenge... see my complaint about the atrocious movement controls), and it was nice to have a reward that allowed you to move faster, but it was kind of too late at that point. A way to move faster would be helpful when still exploring the world - by the time you get that power up, you have already seen pretty much everything the game has to offer, so what's the point?

It wasn't a bad game, but it really felt like it was lacking some polish. I liked it enough to give it a thumbs up, but if I gave a friend a list of games to play, this would be pretty far down the list.
82 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 15:29
This game have astonishing pixel art design, literally juice for eyes.
1832 Produkte im Account
670 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 04:40
I played this for a few hours. This game is a solid C+ for me. The gameplay is... fine. Not super fun but not abyssmal. The combat is ... ok. The puzzles are ... ok. The story is a bit drab and at times long.

If you can't get enough of pixel graphic platformers, than fine. But you could do a lot better than this game.
103 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 14:14
This is a wonderful game, with wonderful sprites.
Thats all.
The open world ,like a metroidvania is poor. Many screens with nothing than a straight line. Poor map design.
The dungeons are too linear and easy.
This game is focused in story.
But the story is not good. It's feel like a kid that made a game. It's a poor story.
There is sometimes that after a dialogue, the game give controls just to you walk a little, followed by another sequence of poor dialogue.
I wished this was a game as good as it's visuals.
424 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
1168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 19:49
This game is tough to Recommend because there is no map. Sorry but wondering around in circles, lost, is not fun. A metroidvania is fun because you can find the areas you missed or couldn't get to, and unsurprisingly the map also helps you understand WHERE THE HELL you are. This game doesn't tell you or remind you what you next objective is either, so you are left to wonder around. I did this and got into an area I could barely find my way out of. I spent the better part of 2 hours wondering around before I remembered the exit was a hidden exit/entrance. WTF, come on devs... give us a map.

+ Amazing pixel graphics
+ Good Bosses

- A few bugs
- Lack of Direction
- Lack of a Map
- Didn't explain how to swap characters... I thought I had run into a bug at one point and just by accident did I figure out how to swap
- A few puzzles that were so vague I had to look it up

There's a lot to like here, but the missing map makes the game tougher than it needs to be, and absolutely ruins the endgame experience.
36 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 22:08
I originally heard about owlboy from videogamedunkey. I liked the idea of combining elements of the most legendary snes games along with some amazing flying mechanics. I decided to get this game later because i am currently learning norwegian and wanted to play through games that i could find. i am so glad i picked up owlboy. I would love an addon to replace one of my characters with Bogvin because that is the cutest character of all time. i died laughing when he popped out of the shop with a little pirate hat on. I digress.

It is a very challenging and fun game. beautiful crisp movements, fun puzzles that take just the right amount of time. The story is great. Artwork, great. music, great. The only issue i found with owlboy was ironically the freedom of it. when not in dungeons you can fall and dash, fly, enjoy many optional interactions with signs, trees, NPCs. You have so much freedom for this type of game and it really is a beautiful experience. when you enter dungeons or central story plot lines, the level design forces constraints on the player out of neccessity. you have to learn to fly in tight spaces accurately and while aiming which is a heap of fun. however after awhile, you begin to feel a bit cramped. In all honesty, i dont think they could have executed this much better. i wish i had 3 hands so i could give it more thumbs up than 2. Thank you so much to the team at DPad for creating a game that is as good or better than anything you can find in the 2d space in Norwegian. It is the perfect learning tool for me and i have mentioned it to all my colearners to come aboard as well. thank you so much. 5 of 5 for this guy.
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 19:49
Despite the detailed graphics, the mechanics of this game did not meet modern expectations. Being able to throw and instantly recall your companion at will, along with him being invincible, makes him no different than a mere gun. The basic movement and dashes don't measure up to those in Celeste, as you have to spam space to move quickly, giving the game an anxious feeling. While the story draws from some good parts of Cave Story, the combat is far less satisfying.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 02:03
Best platformer IMO. I loved every second of this game
177 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 23:03
I can only recommend this game if it is on sale. This game can be fun, but there are moments that are infuriating in dealing with the controls or when losing where your character is on screen in middle of a boss fight. This is a game where I won't be bothered to get all the achievements.....not worth that aggravation.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 16:29
I really, really wanted to like this game, but it's just bad. Like enragingly bad. Or not worth $13 (I waited until it was on sale to buy, even!!) The controls seem rigged to make you lose, the mechanics of shooting are so frustratingly sensitive, and the hitboxes are really confusing. I had to do a beta mode to even get my controller to work (I'm on a Mac with a PS4 controller, have never had issues with it like this). The game forces linear play, except there's stuff you could go back for here and there, or else know that you need to be so mind-numbingly thorough in each level so you don't have to go back (and sometimes you can't go back, it seems).Except....THERE'S NO MAP. What???? I know there's a joke early on about no map, but that's just...unforgivable. For a game with so many branches, and hidden areas that you NEED to complete to help you be able to move on...I just... I'm so disappointed. I've had this on my wishlist for over a year, and it's just Not Good.

When you have to watch videos for every boss fight and some puzzles (and like..I'm not great at games, but I'm not bad!), just to get a clue of what the heck you're supposed to do, it's a bad game. Especially late game boss fights - a player should have competency of abilities by the boss fight to not need to look up wtf to do.

-5/10, i'm mad i waited for this game and saved it for a day I could savor it, and instead found myself trying to rage-finish it so i never have to think about it again. For a good time instead, try: Ori for beautiful physics, Hollow Knight for combat that makes sense, Blasphemous for a 100%mapper's delight, or Undertale to feel like you actually have choices that matter, or hell, even Soli for a novel mechanic(while still not a great game yet).
227 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 01:21
It's nice looking. That's about the only nice thing I can muster. There's heart here, it's just not very good as a game.
700 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 14:03
Wow! This is another game I was delaying to play. Glad I eventually played it. The start was kind of slow but then it picked up and I was quite enjoying it. Can't think of anything negative to say about the game. Very polished and enjoying experience.

Highly recommend the game!
43 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 14:50
Love this game a whole lot. Easy controls, beautiful art and a good plot. The ending left me in an emotional despair pit for three days though - don't go marathoning this game as it doesn't take that many hours to complete the main storyline. Replay-ability is a bit low as there isn't much to do after the game's completion. I'd recommend this for people who get into content for the fandom.
14 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 09:11
Pretty good gameplay, amazing visuals, decent story, overall fun experience you could probably complete in a couple afternoons
923 Produkte im Account
145 Reviews
567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 19:33
The main selling point of this game is its story and it's full of feels. The gameplay mechanics are solid as well. There are some minor gripes and the need for a couple QoL improvements, but overall, this is a great game that's worth your time.
294 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 07:57
Great play control, nice graphics, though it was just so boring to play.
677 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 18:37
This game is just stunning.
70 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 22:48
good game
42 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 20:58
I have been playing games my whole life and well many of those were good and some bad, this is what I would truly say is a masterpiece. The art style is amazing and the depth with the pixels brings out life that makes the world feel more alive and real huge props to Simon Stafsnes Andersen. The audio is like listen to silk its beautiful, massive props to Jonathan Geer who created the songs. AND THE GAME MECHANICS...OH THE GAME MECHANICS, this game is so interesting and how every situation needs specific problem to fix, some being complex and overwhelming but never to difficult, others simple and straight forward.

many game have their flaws and when writing this I attempted to find flaws and things that I wished were different and the one thing that I could possibly say is this !!SPOILERS!!! but when the game ends and the final cinematic plays the game returns to menu and you can't explore the world after beating the final boss, BUT you can chose to continue your save and then turn around and look for the light behind you which will let you return to Vellie and i assume it will let you run around the world as normal but I don't know.

if you are LATTERLY ANY KIND OF PERSON WHO PLAYS VIDEO GAMES, well this game isn't multiplayer if you are a person who only plays multiplayer games i strongly suggest buying this game and playing it through to the end listen to the story, if your new to games and want a fun and cute game to get into here's you're pick it is worth the money.
57 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 02:01
I have yet to play a game with a better story.
141 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 04:26
Simple underdog story.

Nice art-style with a pleasant soundtrack and decent combat.

It would've been nice if they had an in-game map you could refer to when traveling between areas. But it's still a fun platformer that I thoroughly enjoyed playing.
533 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 05:55
What I wanted: High-flying adventure
What I got: existential dread and a light dusting of depression

I can't praise the pixel art, character design, dialogue, direction, and music enough.

From the moment I booted the game I was in love with the score, and while I think the metaphors don't line up as strongly as D-Pad thinks they do, the story was more than enough to keep me playing.

The controls are certainly not as tight as I like. You'll notice that bit of drift or agitating few frames after the spin attack later on, once the difficulty curve starts to ramp up and enemies deal a quarter of your maxed out health bar with each hit.
But the enemy variety is perfect for the length of this game and they don't hold your hand for many of them, which feels very rewarding when you get it straight away thanks to the stellar design.

However, I feel much of the quality takes a rather staggering dip in the second act. The difficulty curve surges, but remains manageable, and the story beats take on a more frenetic pace. There's a sense of urgency from the character dialogue, but no mechanical reason to worry, and you're not really penalized for any of the choices that you make, not a large shocker in a platformer, but still worth mentioning. And, once you unlock the third companion, the difficulty nose dives to trivial. You can spend all your time flapping around like a loser or you can rapidly dash to almost any point on the screen with utter invulnerability while you do so. It's well that he joins the team quite late.
It feels very much like something got cut? The ending feels very nebulous, even with the additional lore from the post-game secrets the final boss feels tacked on and out of the blue. There's a relationship hinted at that the player doesn't experience so it might as well have not happened or it's blown well out of proportion.

Really, it seems like I should have had more time to meet and learn about some of these characters, and, to their credit, I wanted that. I absolutely wanted more and it's completely detrimental to my memory of this game that I didn't get it. There's a whole cast of characters that are introduced after the first massive battle and it felt like I should've spoken to them before?
This may be symptomatic of a kickstarter game; characters created by contributors that don't have any bearing on the story, but nonetheless have to be featured and I hate it. Again, kudos to the design for seamlessly and naturally integrating individuals that I want to speak to, but my story completionist personality is doing tight, angry somersaults.

Owlboy is suffering from its own success and a disconnect somewhere in the narrative team. I'm not sure if they ran out of time and needed to push it out of the door or if the ending changed drastically at the midnight hour, but while I loved 65% of my time with this game, the ending is an unpalatable, incomplete, and cheap bow slapped on to a game with amazing promise. And doesn't that make it worse? That you were promised the pony on your birthday and you got it between two buns with a side of coleslaw?

Drama aside, do play this game. It's quite short though (I left it on for about a day at work while playing on my breaks, so my time is somewhat inflated) and I'm not a master by any measure so don't be fooled into thinking you missed a lot, it just isn't there.
805 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 20:43
Move 2 screens pause, someone wants to talk to you,

move 3 screen more, pause someone has some more dialogue for you.

Move on another 2 screens, Hold up a minute, Someone has something to talk to your character about.

Move another screen and control is taken from your character to play out a small in game cutscene,

move another few screens.. An actual fucking cutscene..

move anoth........... or just don't bother anymore.

It just goes on and on like this.
1836 Produkte im Account
70 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 04:31
This was not a bad game. It was just okay. Unfortunately okay isn't enough for me to recommend coming from a genre that has so many alternatives. It was fairly easy and nothing about the gameplay really stood out to me. It is a beautiful game, however, and can be completed in less than 10 hours so doesn't take long to experience. If you really like the look of it and it's on sale then you might as well try it. Just nothing amazed me beyond the looks.
214 Produkte im Account
148 Reviews
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.21 18:13
Owlboy is a great metroidvania (personally, one of the best I've played). It's fun, it has a good length (about 8-12 hours), it's challengig sometimes (but not unfair), the story and characters are interesting, the pixel graphics are superb, and the music suits quite well with its world.

In short, is very good 2D platformer. If you like the genre, give it a chance, you won't regret it.



7.5 / 10

213 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 02:04
I like Owls

514 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 22:18
A great 2D adventure platformer.
211 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 02:17
-Great music
-Cute Art and animation style
-Interesting story and characters

On another note there is an annoying aspect of the game that made a lot of fights tedious and outright frustrating. The battle areas are often VERY small and your character moves slower than anything else, which combines with large hit boxes and tons of attacks or enemies to make fights a real mess.
You will often die because you just cannot avoid the amount of crap that is flying at you from all directions.

Other than this I found the game to be entertaining, and a game that manages that is worth a buy.
75 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 17:15
I finished Owlboy quite a while ago, and I still think of it fondly. This game is absolutely beautiful and has made me cry when I beat it. it's short, but the combat is so fun, and I will be replaying again not just for the achievements, but for its heart warming story, and amazing pixel art and fun lil puzzles. I'm in love with all of the characters, too. SO worth the price for the experience it gives you.
791 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 18:58
Really fun platformer with a really nice art style, great music and an emotional story.
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
462 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 00:43
This is a very good game and I love the story line and the characters.
29 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.21 05:38
Art style is good. Gameplay is only okay.
468 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 21:58

The most imperfect game with an 80-90 Metacritic score I have played in a while

Visuals and Music
This game looks and sounds gorgeous. It has some of the best-looking pixel art I’ve seen and great music that makes the whole experience really immersive.
The environments look great but there were still cases after 8 hours of gameplay that I would try to fly through a solid surface because I thought that it was a background. Maybe that’s my fault though.

The story is simple but nice. It has enough depth and twists to keep it interesting but I can’t say that it’s among the best I’ve seen. I could say the same for the characters. Most of them don’t have complicated motivations but they have their own memorable characters.

This is the weirdest part for me because even though I’d recommend the game, this is where most of its imperfections come from. This game is a very strange mix of different elements that could be seen as an identity crisis. It’s a platformer without much platforming because the main character can fly for 90% of the game. It’s a shooter without very precise controls or satisfying combat mechanics. It’s an RPG in the way it delivers its story and the upgrades you buy. It’s an open world with only 3 main areas to explore and an artificial Metroidvania with no map when it comes to its level design.

Those elements are not necessarily negative. They create an interesting combination that you don’t see often and make it interesting to explore at first. But at the same time, they remain throughout the whole game at a very elementary level. You don’t get to use your skills in new creative ways but only in the most basic and obvious ways that you’d imagine.

The controls of the game work for the most part but they get messy really fast in situations that you have to do things under pressure. I'll provide some examples below.
The only moving character you get to control is Otus. You can carry one of the other characters that can shoot different types of projectiles. Then you can drop them or rotate between them.

Controls example 1: When carrying a character there are times that you need to drop them and pick up something else that’s on the scene. If you happen to drop the character on top of the thing you need to pick up, you’ll end up picking up the character you just dropped once again, and you’d have to drop them further away so they don’t block the object.

Controls example 2: If you try to carry somebody but you’re too close to the ground, this character will appear next to you on the ground and you’ll need to perform an extra action to carry him.

Controls example 3: When shooting, characters do different things if you press the right trigger once or if you hold it. During some sequences doing one over the other can have serious consequences and well… it happens very often.

Example 4: The jump button is a toggle for flying when airborne. Near the end, there was a sequence where you can fly only for a few seconds and you mostly have to jump. This is the only part of the game that you have to do that and it’s really annoying, not because you’re not used to it but because it’s against the controls. It’s pretty easy to accidentally start flying while you simply wanted to jump. And that part is quite punishing also because you can die by performing 1 wrong jump.

Stealth sequences are the messiest of them all. You can hide behind objects while walking. But sometimes you have to do the same while flying. Some other times you have to do it while carrying someone and some other times while using your web as a grappling hook. For some enemies, you can easily tell what’s their line of sight but it’s quite harder for others. I think that those sequences don’t add anything to the game. On the contrary, they are designed against the flow of the game but not in a creative way.

What saves the game for me is that all the things that I didn’t like are mitigated by something else. The controls are bad sometimes and I lost because of it, but then there are quite many checkpoints. I could really use a map sometimes but the levels are not so chaotic and the main map is composed of 3 main areas. I hated stealth but in half of the cases, I could get past them by only avoiding a few enemies and then running like a lunatic.

Level Design
This is partly covered before but I’ll write a few words. The world of the game feels like a real place. There is a variety of areas that look different but I felt that the developers were running out of options on how to make meaningful levels based on the mechanics of the game. There were some nice puzzles and a few interesting gimmicks here and there but the level design never reached a very high standard. I think that it was the definition of decent for most of the time.

I’ve seen critics giving this game 5/5 and 10/10 and honestly, as much I loved the game myself, I think that’s false advertising. This is the most imperfect game with an 80-90 Metacritic score I have played in a while. It’s a game that tries a lot of things and succeeds in a few.

This is an indie game that’s really important for the industry. It was under development before most gamers were even aware that you can use the word indie and game in the same sentence. It’s a monumental task by a really small team that gave everything they had and for that alone, I would recommend it.
38 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 03:19
I really wanted to like this game, and I still would recommend this game since a lot of people seem to really like it, and I get why they really like; but I just did not enjoy my playthrough. To start with the positives, the pixel artwork and predestination is just gorgeous and I have nothing wrong to say that aspect. The story is really good, the world feels really realized, and the characters I absolutely fell in love. The gameplay is part shoot 'em up, and part exploration game, that progression wise is pretty linear, but allows a lot of agency in how you explore the world. I had a fare amount of fun playing this game and it would be nice to leave the review off now, but in the end the bad stuff effected me more than the good stuff. The game just feels awkward, there is no better way to describe it. Your not given a lot of space to, the controlled feel clunky, and there was a lot of design aspects that probably seemed good on paper, but failed in practice. But above all else, the game is underwhelming, trying to focus more on cinematic moments then the gameplay, and having and some story beats just not going anywhere.
368 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 06:58
523 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 21:42
Art and music are nice, but that's all good that I can say about this game. Controls are annoying, huge open space is hard to explore (especially so without any map), story feels like it's made just for kids and so to me it was very boring.
171 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
181 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 17:52
Owlboy is a metroidvania game (well, in the loosest sense) that was made by an extremely small team (2 person, if not mistaken) over the course of 10 years. This is a charming game, with a lot of heart. It tells the story in a very JRPG/anime way - quirky characters with exaggerated gestures and motives to simple that it is impossible for the game's writing to surprise even the dullest of gamers. But that's not the worst part about this game.

It pains me to not recommend Owlboy, because the game is boring. There're puzzles to solve, and some of them are pretty clever, but beyond that, there's nothing. The story is not gripping enough to get me to keep playing, the enemies are predictable and basic, the puzzles are mediocre overall, and the combat is just a chore. It feels like the developers spent more time working on making the game pretty than making sure the game is fun.

All in all, get it on discount, and let this be a lesson to game devs: it doesn't matter how much effort you dump into a game if the end result is lacking. Iterate fast, prototype early, and launch quickly. What a shame, what a wasted opportunity!
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 08:22
I love this game, its not to challenging but it also makes you think.
The storyline is wonderful!
323 Produkte im Account
238 Reviews
729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 07:08
My playtime: 12.2h (based on Steam, 100% achievement)
Grindy Achievement(s): No.
Optional Achievement(s): Yes (12 achievements).
Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Owlboy takes on an interesting approach by featuring a flying character in a platformer game. The game sets on a planet where flying is required to reach most places. You'll explore a lot of areas, seeing breathtaking visuals as you flap your wings.

- ~7 unique boss fights
- Plenty of checkpoints to make the game easier
- Secret places for collectibles for those who like to explore

- Clunky controls
- Some areas are too dark to explore

Should you buy this game?

If you like to play platformer games with high detailed pixel art, buy this game when it's heavily discounted.

In-Depth Review


Owlboy surprises me with its stunning visuals. The high detailed pixel art reminds me of Metal Slug, especially with the use of sub-pixel animation, an animation technique to move some colors in a sprite to simulate movement. Animations are the core of Owlboy; every scene feels lively with how everything moves outside - the characters, the clouds - even the grasses are moving. While the exteriors are filled with animations, interiors are filled with detailed backgrounds instead, making you fully immersed in the game.


The story in Owlboy is brief despite it holding a lot of meaning. Most dialogues are simple and easy to follow with your best friend commenting about what is happening to both of you. However, it makes the story empty sometimes since you have to fill the important parts yourself. Some events also feel a bit rushed, especially with the introduction of villains. It took me a while before I can fully grasp the story because of this.

Despite the straightforward story, the game doesn't fail in its worldbuilding. Detailed pieces of information are left hidden in several places and you must piece the story together to know what happened. The extra story only serves as additional information, but it's still an interesting read.

The Game

Platformer games are usually denoted by the use of platforms to reach other places, but it doesn't seem to be the case in Owlboy. The flying mechanic makes the grounds feel useless, especially when the area features open spaces. There are some cases where the game disables your flying ability and forces you to either use your jumping or companion skills, but when you do, the control doesn't seem to cooperate since it's hard to switch between flying and jumping. Heck, it took me a while to realize that I can also jump.

Stealth areas are plenty but felt useless. The game offers some sort of warning at first where you have to clear an area without being seen. However, the warning seems to be gone as time goes and you have to figure out the stealth areas yourself. While this might work okay since most stealth areas have similar enemies, it's hard to figure out what you're supposed to do to clear the area without being seen most of the time. Surprisingly, you can clear the area faster by rushing your way through the exit, beating the purpose of a stealth mechanic in the first place.

The idea to implement different characters to clear different obstacles is clever, although it's ruined with its controls. Three companions will be available as you progress the game, each with its pros and cons, which can be summoned and carried whenever you like. However, having three companions that you have to cycle through to summon makes it hard to summon the ones that you want - I spent most of my time in boss fights just for this.

It wasn't easy to figure out how to defeat all bosses since you need to notice the safe spots from their attacks - some bosses will do an attack that almost occupies the whole screen for you to avoid. It took me several tries to beat all bosses due to their difficulty, but it felt satisfying to beat them. Some bosses feel unfair though, especially one particular boss where you must defeat it without taking damage.

Length and Difficulty
I finished Owlboy in 11.7h and continued playing to check the secrets that I missed. The game feels more like a bullet hell at first, especially with the game featuring a flying character and a party member that can shoot bullets. It shows more of its platforming elements later on, despite the empty map. Although there hardly any health-restoring items, checkpoints are abundant and you'll always respawn at full health. It turns the difficulty down a lot while giving more challenge to those who want to try no death run at the same time.

Most problems that I had with this game are due to the clunky controls. The game revolves around grabbing your companions before you can use their ability and it's hard to do it when you're standing on the ground. This affects greatly on boss fights, especially since it takes longer than your invincibility frame to last before you're ready to fight. Moreover, the game uses the left mouse button and hold the left mouse button to trigger different attacks - it was hard not to mix up both.


Intel Core i5-9300H 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650


This game is a mixed bag to me. Most of my enjoyment comes from enjoying the beautiful-looking scenery. Exploration feels empty since it's easy to avoid enemies by flying while areas that don't allow you to fly has nothing in it, encouraging you to dash through them to clear the area faster. The clunky controls also hindering me to enjoy the game to its fullest. However, despite all that, it is still a good game, although I'm not sure if I can recommend it if it's not heavily discounted.

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89 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 13:24
it is a classic art.. best 16 bit details and graphics ever.. atmospheric & something i will never forget
636 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 01:28
You can tell that a lot of love went into making this game. Not only is the story good, the game play is excellent, the controls are great, it has a nice challenge (not too hard, but not too easy), the music is wonderful and the pixel visuals are done very well.

Just an overall excellent game - lots of fun!
74 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:31
Beautiful game with touching story and interesting mechanics!
57 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 22:37
Amazing story. If you believe in games as a medium for storytelling, you will love this game.
2858 Produkte im Account
558 Reviews
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 19:44
Owlboy is a side scrolling adventure that was almost decade in the making, so let's take a look at it.


You play as Otus, who is a mute owl man living in a village in the sky. Otus is often made fun of by the village because he's clumsy and accident prone, with his only friend being Geddy, a human guard of the village. After Sky Pirates attack the village you set out on a quest to stop them and learn about the history of the Owls.

While the story of the game isn't incredibly deep, it's really well written. It has charm and every character is unique in their own ways. You meet interesting characters along the way to whom you really start getting attached to, not to mention the incredibly emotional story segments that cut you deep.


Owlboy's pixel art style is absolutely jaw dropping. The game looks absolutely stunning and I literally cannot praise the art style enough. Each environment you visit is bright and colorful and you visit a lot of places, each with their unique looks, it's honestly quite impressive how detailed every little thing is.

Every character is different and has their own unique set of animations. The details of this game are absolutely insane to say the least.


The audio design is also really good. The music is top notch and there's plenty of music tracks to match the tone of the area you're in. Quiet atmospheric tracks when it's set during the night, intense ambience when you're in enemy locations and so on and forth.

The sound effects are decent, albeit nothing incredibly special. They work with what they set out to do and I found a few of the audio effects incredibly satisfying especially the wooshing noises the characters make. Even the dialogue scrolling noise which is something I find most games tend to mess up, was very light on the ears and I have to give it props.


Owlboy is a side scrolling adventure where as Otus, you will platform, solve puzzles and fight enemies. Otus is not a fighter and often you will have to pick up items to throw them at enemies to defeat. However as Otus you can carry around your friends to help you solve puzzles and fight enemies. For example Geddy can be picked and he can use his gun to attack enemies.

You control the aiming yourself and it works fine for the most part, but it's never ideal. It feels quite finnicky at first and requires sometime to get used to, but I quickly picked up on it and I did end up liking the combat quite a bit.

As Otus you can fly around and reach areas and that allows you to cover a lot of land. It's quite fun to fly around and look for secrets and explore areas to interact with the village people and other items. It's a very light metroidvania, because there's multiple ways to go, but often then not there's not many places to visit which allows you to cover more land in faster time.

There is puzzles for you to solve every so often, but they are often really easy, only a handful of puzzles might make you stop in your tracks to think, but that's a rare instance, but they serve as a nice little pallet cleanser. So now let's also talk about the boss fights. They are often intense and often more difficult than anything else in the game. They are often the only places where you might die.


Often when games spend a lifetime in development, people think they will end up being bad, but Owlboy shows that is not the case in every instance. It's a brilliant game that is visually stunning, fun to play and has a really great story with plenty of funny and emotional moments to grip you. This is an absolutely amazing game worth your time.

Final Rating:

+ Visuals are absolutely stunning
+ Emotional story
+ Great characters
+ Fun Gameplay
+ Great music


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467 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
499 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 02:28
First of all, the soundtrack is staggering and the visuals are gorgeous.

The story starts promising and somehow ends strange and disappointing. I mostly didn't have any emotional connection to the characters as they were not really expanded upon. It all feels a bit like a really dramatic (and temporarily depressing) adventure story for children. I also think the story is way too short to really convey a lot of emotions. I finished the game in about 8 hours.

I kind of liked the gameplay. It wasn't great when compared to other platforming adventures and doesn't introduce a lot of new things, but it was fun enough to keep me interested. The gameplay and progression is built around three characters that you can carry around. Each character has different abilities and environmental uses (such as burning vines). The owlboy himself can fly around, punch and roll through the air. Not a lot of content, but it works well. The occasional boss fights aren't really tough but require a bit of thinking. Most bosses are less technical skill and more puzzling.

In the bottom line, I enjoyed the few hours of story gameplay, but I wouldn't pay the whole price of 23€ for it. Also, the soundtrack is incredible.
419 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:11
simple yet fulfilling
178 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
558 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 14:22
I was really taken in by the artwork of this one, and it's what pushed me over into buying it finally after sitting on my wishlist for some time. After a great experience with other pixel-art games such as Iconoclasts, I was excited for something old-school but modern with a compelling story and interesting characters. What started out well descended throughout to being less and less fun. The story is pretty flat and each of the levels, while very pretty, aren't all that interesting and the more difficult parts were more frustrating than challenging. There are a lot of good ideas here mired in poor execution. For example, you collect coins to unlock upgrades, but some of the upgrades are worthless on top of there being so few of them. Ultimately, the game feels hampered by limitations. There's a great game in here if they just had a bit more time or money to expand on it.
160 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.20 03:04
A really fun game, amazing visual art, amazing soundtrack and good gameplay with funny scenes and dialog while not forgetting to keep seriousness of story.
Over all a well worth Metrodivania title.
498 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 08:41
Nice pixel art and music does little to redeem sloppy, boring game design.
75 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 17:03
This game has love oozing out of its every pore. This game absolutely nails its atmosphere, it feels like a childhood adventure movie. There are so many cinematic setpieces, great characters, and just fantastic art and music that make you feel like you really are setting off to save a pure fantasy world. There are a few kinks in the level design, but this world and atmosphere are so well crafted that it doesn't keep it from being in my top 10 favorite games.

Also, Solus is the best boy i have ever seen
639 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 16:12

A pixelart dream 100% worth experiencing at least once for those with any appreciation for the art.

I've never experienced a game that sucks you into the heartfelt feelings that this game wants you to feel and that's thanks to the amazing art direction and soundtrack. The story is such a sweet tale of a lowly main protagonist relying on his friends and finding courage despite the cataclysm around him, it's definitely the pick-me-up in 2020.

This is one of the first indie 2D games I've played where I was screenshotting tons of stuff to capture it to appreciate later in an art gallery. :)

Gameplay on the other hand is pretty barebones. I was hoping for a free-roaming Metroidvania fare but it's far more linear than that and fairly easy on top of it. I think this is best exemplified by the fact that there is no in-game map at all–– it's the type of game that wants you to just take things in at your own pace. It's moderately fun but never really hooked me fully, making this game a more slow burn I would turn to chill out on late at night. It was only 7 hrs for me but took about a year over how often I played it.

So long as you're looking for a quaint indie game with some of the most phenomenal artwork you'll ever see, this is it. Just don't go here looking for a complex challenge like Hollow Night.
507 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 18:55
Strange masterpiece. It is a story more than a game and I usually hate that but goddamn it I can't not like owlboy no matter how much I try.

I initially wanted to give a negative review after playing through the game but the more I wrote about the game's countless flaws the more I thought about how it's actually a fun game because of all of the things that seem and feel like flaws at first glance but in reality tie together perfectly to make something good.

Took a bit less than 7 hours for my first playthrough ignoring practically everything but the main story but I already want to go back to replay it and do every single thing to be done in the game.
262 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 06:50
Owlboy is a pixellated adventure game. Beat it and 100%'d everything in roughly 15 hours (12 hours and 3 on the one minigame), using a game controller for everything but the minigame, where I switched to keyboard. Difficulty is Moderate to a little hard (minigame has an absurd difficulty curve and is very hard).

- The soundtrack is amazing. One of the most inspired, active soundtracks I've heard in a long while.

- The story starts out sad, almost depressing, but gets better until a whopper of an ending.

- Layout and levels are tight. The world doesn't feel big at all and there's lots of hidden places to find and explore within it. Each level is unique, though there isn't much variety in enemies between them. Instead of keeping the camera centered on the character, the camera moves from room to room. This leads to enemies being out of sight one path over, then the camera swinging to show them out of nowhere when you enter the next area and you getting hit randomly (Or their projectile comes at you from off camera). Other gamers had an issue with this, but it didn't get in the way whatsoever during my playthrough.

- The bosses are all different and memorable. Their difficulty varied.

- The controls are... Okay? Aiming was a bit of a pain (accursed flying swarms). My joystick was extra sensitive to some inputs like jump-gliding at the last level and I had to use the D-pad instead. Minigame is, well, I'll get to that... Flying around, swapping between helpers, dashing about, and shooting in general wasn't that hard to figure out, though I did continually teleport a friend into my grip instead of grab fruit from trees throughout the playthrough.

- Most achievements are attainable easily on the first playthrough. Choice others, like hitting your friend X times, seem arbitrary and a chore.

- The cannon minigame is about as fun as a nail in the boot. You need to do it to get 100% of the coins. Its controls are foreign from the rest of the game (I had to swap to keyboard because my controller wasn't very responsive to them), it's intolerably fast, and unlike the rest of the game the difficulty curve is insanely drastic. Another issue is there is no quick-start option for it; if you die, which you will, repeatedly, every 10 seconds for over 30 minutes until your reflexes get in order, you have to jump back up to the cannon and hit the mouse button to re-initiate the launch sequence animation. At some point it stopped being fun. Which is a shame. I did have fun playing, in a masochistic sort of way, but making it mandatory to 100% the coins seems cruel. The only good part about the mini game is the course is short.

-*** Epilepsy warning! Do not play this game if you have epilepsy. Blinky blink blink blink blink flash boom white trigger lights ahoy!

-* (Lite) Motion Sickness Warning! On top of the constant strobing light show, the screen will shake. A lot. Like you're playing on an excited washing machine. Never the less, I had no issues playing right up until the end of it, where I got a miserable headache. And a short break with water fixed that. So if you get motion sickness from games, you'll probably be fine if you take breaks now and then.

Would I recommend Owlboy? Oh yeah, sure. It's a fun, cute game with a fascinating plot and gripping music. It's fun trying to 100% everything on the first play through. The game is by no means perfect, and I could see the one mini game royally turning people off, but you can still beat the game without it. Owlboy is a game that deserves at least one playthrough and some fan art on the side.
381 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.20 18:18
Solid graphics are undone by pretty boring gameplay and level design that gets worse as it goes. The final level is something to behold for how much it sours the entire game.
731 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 00:59
Great graphics. Everything else from the controls to the story to the music is poor.
395 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 17:40
I'm of two minds with this game. The game is beautiful - easily one of the best-looking examples of pixel art in modern gaming. It's also decently fun, with secrets to discover, boss fights to win, and new abilities to unlock.

The game, however, lacks a certain amount of polish - not in the graphics, but in how it plays. It's not a whole lot of fun to have your tense boss fight interrupted by having to click through dialogue in the middle of it (with control taken away from you and, when returned without a lot of indicators that it's back, you have to scramble). There are sections of platforming-type puzzles that were a bit of a chore and a bore to get through - and it felt a little like they were put in to serve the story, which was fairly mediocre and frankly seemed to get in the way of the game. The controls in the last part, where you have some difficult platform maneuvers, felt unresponsive.

I finished it, which is a high compliment in my book - I have no trouble dropping terrible, boring games if they're not it's not awful. I don't want the slick graphics to give potential buyers the idea that the game is better than it is, though, and so I'm giving this a thumbs-down. It's fun, but there are many other platformers (e.g., Braid, Aquaria, Mark of the Ninja, Fez) that are a lot better. If you don't have any of those, hold off on Owlboy until you do and return to this one once you've exhausted other, better options.
623 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 15:07
One of the best games I've played. It's often incorrectly described as a metroidvania and a platformer, but I would describe it more as zelda but a shoot 'em up. And yes, it's as awesome as that concept sounds. The game is pretty easy, but the characters, puzzles, and bosses are all really great. It's probably not worth the $24.99, so I'd wait for a sale for it to go down to like $9.99. It's also extremely visually pleasing with a great artstyle that will draw you in instantaneously. I did have a few issues when I first ran the game in getting it to match my monitor's resolution, but the second time I tried it worked fine so your mileage may very. Bottom line is that it's worth a pick up on sale, but probably not for full price.
110 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 20:35
While the game IS beautiful and the music is incredible, it is incredibly, and i mean INCREDIBLY, unfriendly to people with visual problems. It was fun for the first hour or two of the game, and then when you actually get to the action it becomes hellish. The game has a strange love for having dark backgrounds + sprites, and then proceeding to have a LOT of pure-white flashing occuring randomly and constantly throughout a long early stage. It hurt my eyes and i eventually had to quit the game because it genuinenly became painful to look at.

On top of that, the game really loves INTENSELY shaking your screen during scenes where the screen has to shake, to the point that its difficult to see what the hell is going on. Pair that with the white flashing and its practically unplayable. There are no settings to disable screen shake or reduce flashing.

Controls are mostly fine although a little clunky, especially taking off and aiming. if you don't have photophobia or other sight-related problems, this game would probably be great for you. But as someone with these issues, it is unplayable.
165 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
165 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 23:00
Great visual presentation. If only the game play and fun factor were any where near that level I might be able to recommend it.
1417 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 22:26
It's a close call, but I can't recommend this game.

I liked:
The pixel art is beautiful. 10/10. Simply gorgeous. I really love it. The sound is alright aswell.
It's a cute and beautiful world with lovely characters.

I disliked:
The story feels lackluster and half baked.
There's an unbearable amount of unskippable cutscenes, animations and talking which became even more annoying once I got fed up with the lame story and just wanted to finish the game.
Many tiresome areas in almost complete darkness.
Fighting mechanics are unfun. Weapons are boring, many fights are slow and tedious (shotgun cooldown), and fighting controls are bad. Multiple boss fights and sections are more about finding out what to do than about being able to do so. Later on boss mechanics become repetitive.

The game ain't horrible, but it wasn't very fun and I kind of regret having played it.
707 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 08:46
The art, music and setting are all great and some of the character interactions made me laugh. This is tagged as a metroidvania and I don't really think it fits. There are only a handful of abilities and generally the game tells you exactly where to go. It's almost totally linear aside from a few secrets hidden around. Combat is clunky and a few checkpoints are placed badly and lead to re-doing long sections. This was especially egregious in the lava cave because enemies could jump down from off screen and knock you into the lava for an instant death.

There are collectibles to find that unlock trinkets, but most of them are next to useless. Restoring health by pulling up veggies and eating them is a chore and I found myself reloading at checkpoints to heal just because it was faster.

Overall, I have to give this a thumbs up because it's got charm, but I wish some of the mechanics were just a bit more fleshed out. I'd grab it on sale.
1503 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 11:05
Enjoy a magical journey with Otus a half boy, half-owl and some other very interesting characters. Owlboy is a beautiful experience from the visuals to the music.

+ Beautiful pixelated art
+ Hilarious dialogues
+ Fantastic characters
+ Magnificent soundtrack
+ Great story
+ Plenty of collectibles
+ Fun to play

- Excessive use of shaky-cam
106 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
723 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 21:02
I did not finish the game, or evidently get very far.
Interesting story, the parts I saw, but this game was so annoying and clunky with the controls that I got to the temple where everything is dark, died for two hours and decided I'm not interested in this game anymore.

For those that enjoy this game I'm glad, it's not for me.
204 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 17:24
For a game which took 10 years to finish, I did not expect it to have so many bugs and the controls were very clunky. Overall the story was pretty meh. Just wait for a sale before buying this game
154 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 15:49
Great old school SNES-like game.
68 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 03:06
77 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 02:55
I've always preferred games that are short but leave you wanting more, over games that are long & feel like a chore to get through. Owlboy is a $25 game with about 8 hours of content, but i believe it to be fully worth the price. Every single ounce of this game is simply drenched with passion.

This game is absolutely gorgeous. The vistas are stunning, the character designs are fun and expressive, not one part of this game looks out of place. It's obvious how much thought went into every single detail.

The soundtrack is just fantastic. Easily up there with games like Undertale and Outer Wilds in just how many absolute bangers it has. The music is constantly enjoyable, and always matches perfectly with the tone of the game.

The story isn't profound, it's fairly short but it's charming the whole way through. It does a good job creating moments of suspense and tension, never at any point do you not feel a desire to progress it. For being as short as it is, there a quite a lot of very strong and impactful moments.

The characters are quirky and unique; they are all very distinct, in personality and especially visibly. There isn't a ton of characters, but none of them feel poorly written or largely unimportant.

The visuals, art, and story of a game are important, and owlboy does all of those well, but what's important about a game is the gameplay.

Luckily, Owlboy succeeds at that with flying colours as well. The gimmick of this game is that you're flying around near constantly- free-flight is typically broken in most games but here, it's the core mechanic. And god is it satisfying. Just the act of moving around in this game feels nice. Combat in this game is fairly easy, but it's extremely addictive. You never really have to get any more advanced than Move + Shoot, aside from the occasional time you have to do a melee attack. That being said, mastering the combat is extremely fun. getting good at throwing things in the air, moving around, attacking, catching things before they fall, moving around as fast as you can, managing as many things as you can at once is so much fun, my biggest gripe is that there's never really an option in game to *have* to push yourself to that point. Narratively it makes sense, Otus isn't really a fighter, But god it would be really cool if there were like some optional arena mode or whatever. But if my biggest issue with the game is that i wish there were just more of it for me to play, I think it's safe to call it a Very Good Game.

Owlboy is a fantastic piece of media, and I recommend that you consume it
99 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 14:33
Most aspects of this game are just average other than the music which is great. I would recommend it but it has a bad price to length ratio so wait for a sale.
41 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
887 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 04:16
99 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 15:52
Owlboy is an ambitious and stunning little indie gem. It's obvious from the start that it is a product of love. The pixel art is vibrant and detailed, and the multi-layered foregrounds and backgrounds make the world feel more visually alive than most games of its style. Characters have charming, unique designs and are given expressive animations to fit them. The music is beautifully composed, performed, and timed within the game. As far as style goes, Owlboy is a masterpiece.

It isn't lacking in substance either. The story is a simple enough adventure with an interesting but fairly predictable twist yet an incredibly charming world and characters. There's also a clear understanding of what makes an adventure feel grand. Between dungeons and dramatic setpieces there are moments of respite wherein the characters simply relax, reflect, and bond. Just as well there are moments of anger and quiet sadness. Moments such as these are more important to a compelling adventure than action and heroics; Owlboy shows a clear understanding of this. What it lacks in deeper narrative it more than makes up for in execution.

If the gameplay had held up to the same standards as the above I may have considered it a masterpiece. Unfortunately this is where my complaints start.

Owlboy's biggest strength may also be its biggest shortcoming. The beautifully detailed art often makes Otus hard to see. Part of the problem is Otus is brown which in of itself is not a color that stands out. Add to this that many locations are portrayed in shades of brown, with brown enemies, and brown projectiles. These problems aren't always happening at once but overall it seems in making the game so incredible to look at D-Pad Studio forgot that visual language is important for gameplay as well as atmosphere. The color of a character and its environment or enemies don't always have to be completely contrasted, of course, but this game struggles to find a balance. The issue is worsened when the companions you carry distract from Otus even more with their own distinct visuals. In the end I felt through the entire game that I never had a complete grasp on Otus' hitbox and often left combat feeling somewhat frustrated. Add to this that the reticle is very slippery and that Otus seems slow to react at times. Ultimately only a handful of combat encounters, unsurprisingly those with fairly neutral backgrounds and one distinct enemy, were fulfilling. However, the scripted action setpieces were thrilling and never overstayed their welcome.

The puzzling and platforming were at least fun, overall. Even the dreaded cannon minigame only bothered me in that you had to fly to a platform and watch a short cutscene to restart, which you will be doing many times.

If I had one more complaint it would be that if you're going to incentivize collecting everything you should perhaps have a limited fast travel system and a rough map. I never got lost myself, but it would be nice to have a frame of reference when deciding to re-examine the world at end game. By that point I couldn't be bothered to fly through the entire map once more looking for every last obscure coin.

All this isn't to say the gameplay is bad, it's just the weakest aspect of the game and I wanted to elaborate a bit more on the problems with it for those seeking a polished gameplay experience. That said, it's functional enough that I was never too frustrated to see what the characters would encounter next and in a game like this that may be all that matters. It was enough that I would still recommend this game for the experience alone; it's not a game I will soon forget. For every flaw in the mechanics, every encounter that I couldn't find clarity in, I found myself excited for the next dialogue between the characters. I wanted to hear more of the soundtrack and see it set against the stunning art direction in whatever new location that team Otus would find themselves in next. Despite everything I've criticized, I never once considered dropping the game. In the end its strengths outshine its weaknesses.
467 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 18:29
No matter how weak and vulnerable we think ourselves to be and no matter the circumstances, the good within us will prevail when we set our minds and hearts towards the greater good of those whom we love, and ourselves.
And that is what OwlBoy is about, its fascinatingly nice story of self-worth, sacrifice, friendship and gallant. its a love letter every human deserves to read... every human deserves to play, I loved this game!

Not only that OwlBoy brings a refreshing way of playing platformers, adventures Metroidvania games but it does that with incredible, real-life emotions conveying, brilliant writing and storytelling, and stunning pixel art and yet soothing music and soundtracks.

This is what magic is made of and this is what dreams are like, OwlBoy is something we haven't seen over and over and something we probably will never see again.

this game is too good to be real!
296 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 19:53
emotionally abused owl saves the world by playing touhou on easy mode
118 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 18:40
Watched a world record speedrun live. Beautiful game, would recommend!
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 09:02
wanted to like this one, it has a nice aesthetic but overall i didn't really find it all that fun :/
453 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
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335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 18:28
It was not for me, I couldn't even finish it. The world and the story of the game seem pretty cute, and pixel art is great, but the gameplay just does not work. Controls are not satisfying at all, especially flight feels underwhelming, it's sluggish and slow and feels like a chore, which you will be doing for the majority of the game.
243 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 22:42
Owlboy is not a bad game but for me it did not live up to its reputation of being an amazing indie game. The story did not grab me and I had to force myself to get to the end. If you are going to play I recommend getting through the game in a short time period, like 1 month, otherwise the world becomes confusing. Other negatives: I got lost in a few of the dungeons and had to reference a guide to figure out how to beat some of the bosses. Finally, I thought the art for the world was very pretty but I strongly disliked the art style used for the character models. Rating: Skip
643 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 19:00
I don't understand all of the positive reviews. Gameplay is sluggish, movement and combat are boring. The game is pretty, but it's not fun. The story might be good, but it's hard to play long enough to find out. Maybe the game just starts slow and gets better? But reviews are saying it's a short game overall, so a few hours in I shouldn't still be in the part before the gameplay opens up. I don't know, everything about this game so far is just utterly underwhelming.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 01:18
stunning pixelart with somewhat clunky gameplay and suprisingly touching moments
512 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.20 20:03
This is an entertaining adventure with charming characters and story, but it feels slightly unfinished.
Some areas feel rushed and have much-less-than-fun mechanisms. The minibosses are not fun - you always get locked in a room with 1, then 2, then 3, etc enemies until you finish all waves. Some characters just disappear mid-story, never to be mentioned again. Combat is very simplistic and feels very repetitve. The twist makes little sense.
This game has a lot of soul. It feels like if they had more resources, and if the game didn't have such a rocky development cycle, it would have been a masterpiece. All the set pieces are in the game - a varied cast of characters, an epic story, gorgeous graphics, some really cool boss battles, interesting ideas bordering on the philosophical... Many positive points that somehow make the negative ones feel less bad.
Bottom line, I guess I recommend the game. There ARE several frustrating platforming sections and spongey bosses, but the game is generous with save points and healing, so with a little Metroidvania experience nothing should pose a serious challenge.
I kinda hope for an epic remake of this game, and curious to see what those guys will make next.
178 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 08:48
❤ Audience ❤
-People of culture

☼ Graphics ☼

♬ Music ♬

☠ Difficulty ☠

§ Bugs §
-Few bugs

☯ Story ☯
-Nice and very funny

⚔ Gameplay ⚔
41 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 02:38
I have finished this game 2 times now, and I still enjoyed every bit of the game!
The story is extremely good and the music is fabulous! I loved almost every character in the game too! It is so well made and it is so worth buying. It will always be my #1 Favorite game of all time, and it is rare for me to say that. I hope that there will be another game, maybe a sequel of Owlboy someday in the future as it took them a decade to create!

I highly, 100%, recommend trying this game. You will fall in love deeply with it throughout the whole adventure!

10/10! <3
167 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
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835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 13:09
I wanted to thumb this game up but despite the marvel of effort put into this game it suffers from a poor director. Good effort does not equate to good design and thus we are left with an astoundingly polished mediocre game.

There are moments where a moral lesson hits me right in the guts when talking to certain npcs, but at the same time this approach gets hamfisted in order to move the plot along. The music during these moments is probably the best quality I've heard in a long time, whoever was charged with this should be very proud. Unfortunately the cuts to different tracks doesn't flow naturally as I dodgeroll around trying to get from point A to B, the mood set by one piece is gutted unceremoniously by the area transitions.

The combat has a lot of thought and research done on it on how it should change as the game progresses, the setpieces with particular enemies are very clever unfortunately though too short to make any impact on me personally. Enemies that take a long time to die from a pistol will turn into fireballs that launch after being hit by a flame blaster, they tried to set up domino areas but the monsters didn't line up properly. Whoops. In light of this, when I say thought and research. That doesn't mean they were capable of achieving the results, they did their homework but it gets a D-.

These guys wanted to make a modern classic, by emulating things that were done well in the past. But having no real context on what it was like to make one. Level design is confusing, progress and unlocks feel jaunted and ill-paced and the story carries very little weight by what I was even able to gleam from it. Also the combat is clunky for the most part, good set up but no execution.

It's something I wanted to like, but it's an imitation of a game with heart.
286 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:25


I still can’t believe that I’ve bought this game over a year ago and didn’t played before. I don’t know how I missed that absolute masterpiece for such a long time.

This game isn’t something that you play over and over again. It is so deep and impactful that a single playtrough makes your wonder for hours after you finished it. Of course, there are a few things to do after you finish the main campaign, and they fit really well, but the story is the main thing here.

And not only that, each character’s Arch is so unique and meaningful that makes you want to understand every.single.backstory. Each one has its ghosts, its fears, its angers, its funny moments. I found myself related a lot with Otus and his fears on the first minutes of the game and was thrilled to see how he managed to keep going, even with such handicap (narratively speaking). I cried in several moments of the game, got angry with some characters, and that only show how deep and well thought each one of them are. (ESPECIALLY THE BOGUINS!)

On a Game Design perspective, the game also shines. And a lot! When you finish learning a new mechanic, the game twists into making the very best use of that mechanic repeatedly, but here’s the catch: it doesn’t feel repetitive, specially because there is always something new on the mix, something that makes you go “aha!” after each puzzle. At the final stage (not a spoiler) I was still learning new mechanics, applying everything I unconsciously learned in order to beat the game.

Sound Design? Absolutely stunning. Although some soundtracks don’t loop and you can easily notice when it ends, each and every song on the game is amazingly immersive and drives perfectly the mood of each stage. The Sound effects are awesome as well, very satisfying to hear when using every mechanic. Damage, narrative emphasis, mood setting, they fit well in any part of the game.

Summing up, the game is a short story compared to other games out there (I played so far 8 hours, with some exploring one each area), but it doesn’t stay behind in any other subject. Puzzles, Animations, Visuals, Narrative, Characters Background, Side quests, Mechanics, Level Design, sound design, FX, etc, everything fits so great together that I wouldn’t even bother to ask for a DLC or more content (which if existed, it would be greatly appreciated). The game is perfect as it is and it is totally worth it.

And if you read it so far, thanks! You rock, sir. This is my first [strike] serious [/strike] review :)
88 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 19:28
Is good game me likey
1358 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 01:59
Fantastic Platformer with a great story and amazing music.
624 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 20:30
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#437 out of 576)... it's time for Owlboy.

Owlboy is an excellent, beautifully-rendered metroidvania adventure game with some light shmup elements. The controls can take a bit of getting used to, but once you do, you'll discover a fantastic world to explore populated by interesting characters and a surprisingly compelling story arc for the titular hero. Easily one of the best indie metroidvanias in recent years—hell, in recent decades: Owlboy establishes a new standard of quality for the entire genre.

Note: also played on Nintendo Switch.
105 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
491 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 20:32
Fun and good looking platformer. The controls are sometimes an issue with k&m, but nothing to ruin the game experience. Has varied level design and transitions from stage to stage are very nicely intertwined. Soundtrack is okay though it does have some very memorable moments where it creates such a nice and fitting atmosphere to what's going on. Overall 4/5 only because it is relatively short even if you go for 100% so maybe wait for a sale if you really want to pick it up.
3102 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 17:43
Gordon Freeman from platforming world.

It's a fascinating adventure with almost no backtracking if you don't need 100% of the achievements.
It's challenging, but not at the start, so don't drop early if you like challenging games.
Controls are fluent and with the spectre cloak (last trinket for all collectables coins) you will be like flying Sonic. It's a pity that you'll get it right before the end.
Have completed it within two days with pleasure.
247 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
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66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 09:57
The problem is that the game misses the point about why retro platformers felt so great to play. It was that the core sensation of moving through the world was itself satisfying — whether the momentum of running down a slope, the sensation of travel (and peril) when jumping from one moving platform to the next, or the satisfying springyness of a well judged bounce off an enemy's head. In a good platform game, all of these actions deliver tangible feedback to the player, which gives them a feel for the physics of the world, and a sense of agency over their avatar.

There are many indie platformers which understand this, and successfully recapture that magic, but Owlboy doesn't.

In Owlboy, the flying mechanics amount to the following: Press Jump, press Jump again in the air. That's it. You're flying now. Suspended in the air, Owlboy waits patiently for the next movement impulse, which is to say pressing the analogue stick in 1 of 8 directions. Owlboy will then move in a straight, perfect and unfaltering line in that direction, at a constant speed. No acceleration, no momentum, no resistance. No dip or swoop as you beat your wings against the imagined wind. I'm not trying to exaggerate or be comically harsh when I say there is a stronger and more nuanced sensation of movement when we're sending Pacman around corners of a maze — there just is. In a game that is all about flight, it's a missed opportunity.

The foundation of Owlboy is therefore not original or satisfying platform game mechanics, which were then embellished with beautiful art. The foundation instead seems to be that some skilled artists knew they could create highly detailed, painstaking pixel art vistas, and then later had to conceive of a game which might fit into them. Visually impressive, but not fun to play.
763 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 17:33
Beautiful pixel art, vibrant characters, exciting gunplay and not-too-difficult puzzles make Owlboy a metroidvania game worth exploring. [url][/url]
41 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 12:30
The game looks beautiful, hands down, but the gameplay is not great. The lack of save points and a map bugged me; not all games require these, but the checkpoint system was insufficient, and with a huge area to go through, going back to cover the area felt tiring.

I couldn't bring myself to finish Owlboy because I started to feel bogged down.
3380 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 08:37
Beautiful visuals, nice music, but among the least enjoyable games I have ever played because below the surface everything is abysmal. Most of the game is far too easy. Then there are a few sequences that took dozens of tries for no good reason--the rising debris sequence was especially bad. The cannon mini-game at the end is simply unplayable. I can't remember being this disappointed in a game.
121 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 22:05
i only beat it because i dont like not finishing games
126 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.20 13:54
this game is actualy amazing it's in my top 3 gamed of all time i think

5/5 master peiceeee NOW BAY BAY MY LOVERS HEJ DÅ <333
19 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 05:01
You're the Avatar and u must bring balance to the four nations.
76 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 22:32
Owlboy was certainly a very endearing and enjoyable experience for me. It has similar exploration to Metroid, with the puzzles and charm of Zelda, so if you're into either of those franchises, this is already a game you should be interested in. The music and characters were fun, and the game's got some of the better pixel art, compared to other games out there. While the story was rather simple, I still found myself invested in it, due to the appeal of the world, and the characters inhabiting it.

I 100% recommend picking this game up on sale. However, unless you're really into this style of game, I'd say you should only get it on sale. The story is pretty short, and aside from it, there's little to nothing else to do; it's a pretty linear game in all honesty, and while I enjoyed the experience through and through, I can't say there was a little left to be desired. I talked about those desires to a friend who also beat the game, and they agreed with them. Supposedly, though, there was a lot of cut content, as the game was under development for ten years. If this is the truth I honestly can't blame the game for its shortcomings, but that dosen't nullify my one complaint.

Anyways, like I said. Owlboy's definitely gonna be worth your money once another sale rolls around and cuts it a few dollars down. Unless you really want this game, I'd recommend waiting for one before buying it.
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