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  • Overload: Screen zum Spiel Overload.
  • Overload: Screen zum Spiel Overload.
  • Overload: Screen zum Spiel Overload.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 31.05.2018
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Preis Update 12.09.23

Über das Spiel

Revival Productions präsentiert mit Stolz den ultimativen 6DoF-Shooter OVERLOAD von den Machern des Spieleklassikers Descent. Overload vereint intensive Action, eine unglaubliche Grafik und Effekte zum ultimativen Zero-Gravity-Shooter. Overload bietet eine fesselnde Einzelspieler-Story-Kampagne, einen intensiven Überlebensmodus, einen Online-Mehrspielermodus, VR-Support und eine Vielzahl von Anpassungsoptionen für ein intensives Spielererlebnis mit einem hohen Maß an Wiederbespielbarkeit. Zerstört Roboter, rettet Überlebende, sprengt den Reaktor und entkommt, bevor das ganze Ding explodiert!

  • Einzelspieler-Story-Kampagne mit über 15 stimmungsvollen Levels in VOLLER GRÖSSE
  • Ausbaubares Spielerschiff und 16 Waffen mit mehreren Verbesserungsoptionen
  • Über 20 furchterregende Robotertypen und 3 riesige Bosse.
  • Über 12 Levels im Herausforderungsmodus mit den Varianten Unendlich und Countdown, die den Schwerpunkt auf Überleben oder Effizienz ändern
  • Pulsierender Soundtrack von Dan Wentz (DESCENT 2), Allister Brimble (DESCENT 1 REDBOOK) und Jerry Berlongieri (DESCENT 3)
  • Epische Story von den Verfassern von FREESPACE 2
  • Steam-Errungenschaften und Bestenlisten
  • Unzählige Level-Herausforderungen, darunter Lava, Kraftfelder, feindliche Türme, Abriegelungen, Hinterhalte und geheime Räume

  • Virtual Reality-Support für Oculus und Vive
  • Äußerst anpassbare und neu zuordenbare Steuerung
  • Unterstützt alle wichtigen Eingabearten: Maus und Tastatur, Gamepad, oder Joystick und Tastatur empfohlen
  • Fünf Schwierigkeitsstufen von gewöhnlicher Herausforderung bis hin zu besonders schwierig
  • Speedrun-Modus und erweitertes Werte-Tracking
  • Automap und Hologuide, mit denen ihr durch komplexe Levels navigieren könnt
  • Speichert überall!
  • Surround-Sound-Audio-Optionen
  • Ein benutzerdefinierter Level-Editor wird nach dem Start mit einem Update veröffentlicht.


  • CPU: SSE2 instruction set support
  • GFX: DX9 (shader model 3.0) or DX11 with feature level 9.3 capabilities
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP SP2+
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • LANG: Englisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

115 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 10:10
Wer die alten Descent Spiele ( 1 und 2 :D) mochte, der kommt hier voll auf seine Kosten
503 Produkte im Account
361 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.19 10:42

Review zu Overload

Overload ist ein Spiel, bei dem man wahrlich nicht weiß, wo oben und unten ist, da man ständig ein Gefährt steuert, dass sich mit Hilfe einer Drehung die Decke zum Boden machen kann und umgekehrt. (Simpel gesagt, man dreht eine Kamera.)
Und da fängt auch schon meine erste Warnung zum Spiel an. Wer, bei zu viel Bewegung, schnell mal unter Schwindel leidet, sollte lieber die Finger vom Spiel lassen!
Overload ist mit seinen engen durchfliegenden Korridoren, auch eine recht klaustrophobische Erfahrung, weshalb bei mir stets der Wunsch aufkam, dass das Spiel mich irgendwann mal doch im Weltraum spielen lassen würde und nicht immer in engen Gängen. Leider ist mir dieser Wunsch verwehrt geblieben.
Irgendwann wird das Spiel auch mal repetitiv. Ständig auf Drohnen ein zuballern macht halt nur bedingt Spaß und das auch nur für eine kurze Zeitdauer.
Und dennoch. Diese kurze Zeitdauer, bevor das Spiel irgendwann repetitiv geworden ist, ist der Grund, warum ich das Spiel letztendlich empfehle.
Spiele wie Doom, Serious Sam, oder auch Overload sind einfach so simpel im Design, dass es irgendwann einfach unumgänglich ist, Langeweile zu verspüren, aber bis es soweit war, hatte ich stets viel Spaß mit dieser Art von Spiel!
Wer also kurzen, aber vergnüglichen Ballerspaß haben möchte, ist hier also genau richtig! Wenn man es auch nur auf eine halbe Stunde pro Tag verteilt, da sonst das Spiel an einem zerren könnte.

Kommen wir für die Schnellen unter uns einfach mal zur Pro-Contra-Liste:


+ Grafikmäßig hat Overload einiges zu bieten. Lichteffekte und Reflexionen im Allgemeinen haben mich von ihrer Schönheit fast schon geblendet!
+ Die Musik strotzt nur so vor Energie! Jedoch habe ich mich irgendwann selbst dabei ertappt, dass ich ihn irgendwann schlichtweg überhört habe
+ Beeindruckende Optionsmöglichkeiten. Da lässt sich beinahe alles Nötige einstellen
+ Auch wenn die Geschichte für mich belanglos war, so haben wenigstens die Synchronsprecher sich Mühe gegeben, sie etwas interessanter rüberzubringen
+ Das Spiel ist recht gut optimiert worden. Ich konnte alles auf Ultra ohne Probleme spielen
+ Secrets sind ziemlich gut versteckt und haben immer wieder Freude gebracht, sofern man eines finden konnte. Allerdings hatte ich mit den Secrets auch so meine Probleme (siehe Contra)
+ Mir hat es irgendwie gefallen, dass jede Mission mit einer Zerstörung endete
+ Die automatische Verbesserung von Upgrades war, fand ich jedenfalls, ein interessantes Feature. Das habe ich noch nirgends irgendwo gesehen
+ Das Item Tarnung ist zwar so gestaltet worden, wie man es erwartet, dass die KI meinen Standpunkt nur kennt, wenn ich schieße und dementsprechend auf meine vermutete Position schießt, allerdings fand ich das total geil, wenn ich so die KI ausgetrickst hatte. Hat wirklich Spaß gemacht!


- Es ist ziemlich unbefriedigend, wenn man ein Secret gefunden hat, aber die Tür dazu verschlossen ist und man erst noch einen Knopf, oder dergleichen zerschießen muss, um hinein zu gelangen. Oft habe ich mir dann selbst gesagt, dass es das einfach nicht wert sei
- Die Geschichte ist absolut belanglos. Klar, ein solches Spiel kauft man sich nicht wegen der Geschichte, aber ich möchte es dennoch mal erwähnt haben
- Im Verlauf des Spiels macht man oftmals so ziemlich das gleiche. Man findet Schlüssel zu Sicherheitszugängen, stets von Level 1 bis 3, zerstört einen Reaktor oder rettet Crewmitglieder und flieht dann. Da hätte wirklich Abwechslung reingehört. Im Allgemeinen ändert sich im Laufe der Kampagne stets die Karte und erst gegen Ende wurde von dieser Formel endlich mal abgewichen


+- Hier und da, habe ich Rechtschreibfehler in der Übersetzung gefunden
+- Vor lauter Explosionen kann es mal vorkommen, dass man Gegner manchmal nicht sieht
+- Die Gegner-KI ist nicht wirklich die Beste. Beispielsweise scheint sie damit gelegentlich überfordert zu sein, mir durch Türen zu folgen
+- Der Ladebildschirm hätte etwas besser gestaltet werden können

Overload kann man sich mal zulegen, wenn man mal wieder den Drang zu ballern hat. Allerdings würde ich dies zu einem Sale empfehlen. Overloads Kampagne ist schnell durchgespielt und ich bezweifle, dass das Gameplay mich noch an der Stange halten wird, um vorschnell zurückzukehren und mehr zu spielen.

Ich danke fürs Lesen und wünsche sehr viel Spaß beim Spielen! ;-)

267 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 19:12
For the price tag it flows like a sped up Descent 1 without any of the weapon, level, and enemy variety that can be seen in Descent II. Honestly Descent II is straight up better and came out in 1996.
51 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
695 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 04:41
Wow, hate to sounds like a cheap commercial - but if you liked Descent, you'll love this. So so glad I discovered it!
155 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
5766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 14:39
This game is probably the best 6DOF game out there when this review is being written. I get lost a lot, but that's mostly on me, and the game has a good readable 3d-map, might would have been helped by a gyro style compass though.

The controls are amazing, and the feel of flying the ship is great whether you use a joystick or the mouse. I have more fun with a joystick but if you don't own one don't sweat, this 6DOF game has the best mouse controls I have ever played with in any game of this kind.

I love this game and have played through it multiple times.
There are also community levels you can download and play, some which are very creative. There is no Workshop integration though, the easiest way to find the community content is probably through the Overload Discord.

The only gripe I have is that even though the game has a native Linux build the level editor doesn't, and I couldn't get it to work on Linux at all, even when I tried using Proton. But that's probably not relevant for most of you. I really wanted to make my own custom levels though, with statues of sexy aliens and abandoned alien underground cities to explore.

But don't take my word for it, the game has a free demo that represents the full game very, very well.
67 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 20:07
It's like Descent, but newer!
71 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
11050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 17:06
A whole lot of yay, from way back in the day.
420 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 02:43
It's Descent. It's good.
211 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 15:16
The game is finally playable, and that's thanks to the brute force of the RTX 3090. Maxing out all graphics settings, I get close to solid 90 fps in VR using Valve Index res 150%. Granted this game should be able to do res 400%, but I fear devs more or less gave VR players the raw 2D version x 2...

In big battles I can't do 90 fps, but 95% of the game is solid 90 fps.

I've waited years for this moment - and the game really is awesome.
246 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 07:55
76 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 06:52
This is fantastic, a true Descent successor. It's really sad to see that it isn't very popular.

Great design, awesome mechanics, fantastic soundtrack.

Just buy this game so we can have nice things again.
688 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 20:13
If you're old enough to remember the classic game Descent, just go buy this game now. Its everything you loved, updated for modern PC's.

If you haven't played Descent, then hang on, this is a 360, bot hunting FPS. In VR, it's even more insane, as down can suddenly become ip, and the hole in the floor can become a dark hallway leading a 1,000 feet straight down.

Stealth and weapon management are key to your own play style, especially in multiplayer.

Strap in and enjoy the ride!
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 09:54
All time classic. Better than the original. Buy it.
233 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 23:08
It's fast and rewarding. As difficult as you like.
328 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.21 07:47
If you grew up in the 90's and played the Descent Series, You're going to love this game!
If you didn't and you wanna play something that's not just a typical single plane shooter, then you are going to love this game!

If you want to challenge your Spacial Awareness in a way you might not have before, then you are going to LOVE this game!
781 Produkte im Account
331 Reviews
845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 16:46

'Descent' into Ymir, Titan, Enceladus and beyond.

Premise: In 2118, you'll operate a multi-purpose service vessel (MPSV) donned the “Iberia” registered to the Cronus Frontier which is a subsidiary of Juno Offworld Automation.

You, the ostensibly unnamed pilot, will awaken and be contacted by an AI named “Mara” onboard the Iberia. Mara informs the pilot that an outpost on Ymir, a moon of Saturn, has had its operators — what are mining and security drones in the facility — malfunction and become hostile. During the mission, the pilot learns more about the tumultuous relationship between Juno Offworld Automation and the Cronus Frontier CEO, Gabriel Kantor.

The story is exclusively told through preamble voiced text before each mission as well as audio logs found throughout the levels. The voice acting is quite good. Anecdotally, Overload feels a bit like System Shock, Red Faction and Perfect Dark 64 if they were all combined and re-imagined as a 6DOF game. Of course, this game actually made by the same devs as “Descent” under a different banner — appropriately named “Revival Productions”. Chiefly, Matt Toschlog, Mike Kulas of Parallax Software (now called Deep Silver Volition) and Luke Schneider of Radian Games.


Most level objectives are straightforward and.... unchanging. Typically revolving around very light exploration to find security keys, then going through the subsequent security door and destroying the main reactor. That or destroying a boss — then escaping. On occasion, you'll run into lockdown sectors that you need to destroy the subsequent security in order to leave , other objectives might include destroying a smaller reactor to de-power a security gate. Nearing the end however, this slightly changes. For narrative reasons, you need to pass through portals after supplying them with enough power. All without the aid of your holo-guide.

The game does not take place in “outer space” so much as it's inside of outposts and facilities around the moons of Saturn. A sort of “tunnel shooter”.

If you're unfamiliar with what “6DOF” means, it essentially means you've got full control of pitch, yaw and roll movements of the ship. “6 degrees of freedom”. A number of movement aids are available if you're easily disoriented, such as auto-roll — this can be augmented to the degree of which it is active with both strafing and mouse movement adjustments.

6DOF games require a bit more spatial awareness than a traditional shooter. For instance the sight-lines are different, were this Call of Duty or Battlefield, you'd be able to reasonably predict where an enemy may appear around of the corner — being filled with ground-faring creatures. Even in something like CoD: Advanced Warfare or Titanfall, you can make a reasonable prediction that enemies' center of mass will appear just above the ground but not so high that your aim is perpendicular to the to the ground. Otherwise, a rough estimate can be made where a player could reasonably be wall running. In Overload/Descent, or in any 6DOF game for that matter, anything could be anywhere.

However, if you get lost, you can assign the holo-guide to track specific things on the map. Need more power? Tell it to guide you to an energy center. You can't overcharge there, but it can get you out of a bind. Have no idea where to go next? Tell to it to guide you to the next security key/gate. This of course only works in facilities assigned to Cronus Frontier.

There are enemies in which their first parameter for attack is simply ramming into you — occasionally they will attempt this in a relatively furtive way. You'll be exploring for secrets, power-ups or what have you and all of a sudden this big metal beast will smack you on the side knocking you around. With the clank of your metallic hull combined with the antagonistic engine sounds and the operators make, this surreptitious ramming can make you feel rather vulnerable — especially if you already feel uncomfortable with ideas like there not really being an up or down.


Operators break up nicely. You can see them ignite from the inside and become inactive, ultimately sending them careening to their demise. Recognizing when they go inactive can save you a fair amount of ammo.

You can find upgrade points throughout stage. Used to increase stats like maximum ammo or damage from specific weapons.

There's a challenge mode with its own separate unlocks and progression. But there is an NG+ after the campaign is completed.

Headlights draw small amount of power, which is acts as health underneath the shields. So it behooves one to use flares instead. They can also help reveal clocked operator positions — plus they look really cool.

There's also cross-platform multiplayer, though I would not suspect it's very active.

Weapon variety is pretty decent. Everything from standard lasers and missiles to time bombs — and I don't mean a bomb with a timer, I mean a bomb that slows down time itself. There's also chain guns like the Cyclone that increase its rate of fire the longer the trigger is held, creeper mines that slowly seek out operators among many others.

The Gist

It's a very fun, fast-paced and challenging shooter — especially on higher difficulties. There's not a lot of variation in the level design or mission objectives, which can be a real bummer. The story is actually pretty intricate and compelling, that is, if you actually pay attention to the mission briefs. Personally, I would wait for a sale, as I don't think what is here will satisfy people that are not actively seeking out a modern replacement for Descent.

If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 17:28
Loved Descent in the 90s? You're gonna LOVE this.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
23896 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 02:46
Awesome game! A worthy successor to Descent!
7 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 14:45
It's practically Descent, updated for 30 years later.
1868 Produkte im Account
144 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.21 19:11
Support the Devs ... Buy the game .

so we can get Co op Mode
440 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
7413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 13:12
I'm grateful this game exists, for an old genre that just doesn't have the attention I'd like. After 2+ years, it still impresses me how well these devs nailed the gameplay/combat. The game overall feels a bit bare-bones, but clearly they spent their resources wisely. Technically It looks good (particularly in combat), though at times there is some stuttering (Unity) which I have been able to minimize with various methods. Believe me I hate stuttering but it's not enough to ruin the game. It's satisfying to play, has a good story and some great voicework, and surprisingly good music. It's honestly better than it should have been, and deserves any attention it gets.

P.S. Though Overload takes the cake for me, Sublevel Zero is also very good and quite different; you should get both if you're into this genre.
217 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 15:49
Descent in 2021? Let's go.
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1550 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 16:57
It fills my old descent cravings perfectly.
241 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 16:20
This game Holds true to the Descent game play of 1995. For anyone who has played the original DESCENT games. you will love this game hands down.
238 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 00:31
As a huge Descent player back in the early 90's - this does justice to the game. Love it!
265 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 04:56
I've never played a game like Descent before, but I walked in thinking I was going to get a bit nauseous playing this compared to games like TF2 or Quake. I was wrong -- rather, I adjusted to the controls and the ride was very enjoyable.

The movement in Overload is SUPER smooth, and the combat destroying those pesky robots is incredibly satisfying. I haven't played through the multiplayer or DLC levels yet, but the campaign and challenges are more than enough to enjoy what Overload has to offer. The soundtrack in this also has its moments -- Tetrahedron in particular is amazing.

I can't wait for more.
408 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 16:52
Its Descent, whats not to like! Surprisingly good to play with a T16000 and throttle using the throttle rudder to strafe, takes 10 mins to get used to but more immersive than the PS4 controller. Amazing in VR, but this is the first time i ever felt a bit of nausea, purely because of the fast paced flipping around strafing, took an hour to get there though so short blasts are good.
147 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 00:06
Did you like Descent 1 and 2? Then play this game. For the love of all that is good in this world, play this game.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 13:52
A PERFECT version in my head of a modern version of Descent I. This is extremely enjoyable and intense. Seriously 95%+ for me.
23 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 20:21
Great game that for all purposes could be Decent from the PS1 era. Plays well and is a lot of fun. In VR the depth of field is a little flat and the distances don't feel as real as say Ark Park or Skyrim. But it doesn't take away from what is a really fun arcade shooter.
135 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 13:12
The game looks great with great gameplay but poorly optimized. There are sometimes 1-2 second freezes in the game, very rarely even more. After some quick google searches I found out others have this problem too. It seems the game regularly makes calls to some time server to synchronize time. This is to prevent cheats during speedrunning. You also need to add exclusive fullscreen mode (using -window-mode exclusive command line switch) to avoid constant micro stuttering and to achieve at least SOME level of smoothness.
1526 Produkte im Account
225 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
258 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 20:27
A review copy was provided by the developer.

First Impressions

Not since Star Fox 64 back in 1997 have I played many SHMUPs where you don't just look at a small ship from overhead, as piloting a ship in a 3-dimensional manner doesn't seem to arise very often. The only exceptions I'm generally aware of come from jet fighter sims. Regardless, looking at Overload (OL), I was excited for the opportunity to play such a game again, though the camera angles shown in the trailers were of some concern to me as I found it somewhat hard to see what was going on. With such positive reviews overall though, I was all too happy to take a key from someone who didn't need it, so I could give it a shot.


As already mentioned, this is a first-person perspective SHMUP style game, and true to form you face off against an enemy count that greatly outnumbers you. The action is broken up into individual stages, though your progress carries over from stage to stage, including your ammo and energy reserves. At least, I think so, due to the otherwise arbitrary amounts of items you start a stage with, since you don't start off maxed out. Additionally, you're able to upgrade various stats of your ship, such as the power of your weapon systems, speed of the ship, durability, etc. Doing so requires you to find upgrades scattered about each stage, in contrast to gaining XP by killing bad guys. There are also secrets tucked away, some of which require some careful navigation to find.

Although the secrets are useful, there are progressing objectives to complete in each stage. These essentially involve finding keycards to access secured areas, before blowing something of importance to pieces, such as a reactor or boss. Completing the last objective triggers a short count-down before the entire station you're at self-destructs. If you don't escape in time and haven't manually saved during the stage, you would have to start at the very beginning again. You're also able to rescue hibernating people before the base explodes, but more often than not, I can't find where they are and let them die.



Flying a spaceship is surprisingly complicated, but that's because of how much control you have over it. As expected, the 'L' and 'R joysticks' are used to steer and move the spaceship, but if you want to adjust your height this way, it requires you to angle into that trajectory. Hitting 'X' rotates the ship 90 degrees, which is helpful for reorienting yourself and trying to make sense of where the ceiling and floor is. The 'L bumper' lifts the ship straight up. All the other controls activate other systems on the ship, such as hitting right on the 'D-pad' to bring up the guide, and the 'R shoulder' and 'R bumper' activating the primary and secondary weapons accordingly. It takes time to get used to, and it can feel floaty at times, but the controls work pretty well overall.


I can't say the story is that interesting in OL, primarily because of how it's delivered. Although it does include voice-overs, you listen to the voice acting while staring at neon green text on a black screen. There aren't cutscenes or images of the people involved to give the events some context, as the only time you'll see the visage of a person is when rescuing people in stasis. Even then it's nothing more than a photo ID. A story is nothing without characters, and the events taking place come across like some paranoid businessman getting ticked off because others won't support his research.



The locations you fly your ship through exclusively consist of research facilities set in outer space, and excavated tunnels, which doesn't make for the most exciting or diverse environment. For all intents and purposes, it could all be taking place on Earth. In spite of the sterile location, the graphics still look smooth and crisp, with your flight through the air feeling fluid due to how well the game handles 3D space. Kind of like the environment, enemy ships and the projectiles fired aren't that distinct, but that wasn't what drew my attention to OL in the first place. With my original concerns about the visuals, I'm glad that my orientation in the environment didn't feel obtuse or hard to discern.

Sound Design

I wouldn't say the music strikes me as spacey, even though the synthetic sounds may have tried to impart that effect, as this is taken over by the consistent style of grungy rock. Some songs slow the tempo down so it's not as aggressive, but I could see all of these songs fitting together on the same CD. It fits the game well enough, though I don't find it to be memorable music either. I didn't mind the voice acting, as infrequent as it might be. Similarly, the sound effects of missiles blowing enemies up, and the other weaponry sounded as I'd expect from a game.



???? I didn't notice a lot of difference in the primary weapons, but I could see the distinction more clearly in the secondary ones. This variety helps address different enemy types and situations.
???? If you like exploring, there's plenty of secrets hidden in each stage. I doubt you'd find most of them without a guide though.


❌ The environments aren't broad or open in any sense, you're always flying through tight, compact locations. It somewhat defeats the point of flying a spaceship, because you have no freedom or room to take advantage of your range of flight.
❌ For whatever reason, I found myself playing the game a mission at a time, not really feeling like playing more of it right away.
❌ Enemies get bullet-spongey pretty quick, so you'll almost have to spend upgrade points on your weapons.


???? With the ammo and other pick-ups available in each stage, you'll want to use your secondary weaponry evenly so that you don't have a slot that still has full ammo and no need for that refill, but are completely empty on something else. Since your weaponry isn't unlimited though, make your shots count.
???? Enemies can be tucked away in dead-ends and around blind corners, so you can't be too careful while going into unexplored areas. With how enemies suddenly show up, some won't spawn until you trigger a spawn point.
???? Explore the level by yourself for a while before turning on the guide. When I play levels without guidance the whole time, I tend to find more upgrades.

Final Thoughts

What I enjoyed most while playing OL was the sense of movement as I flew around, and even though some angles might disorient me, it always felt pretty smooth. However, the game itself didn't give me as much satisfaction as I hoped for. The stage design worked against what these controls could have allowed for, putting you into a concise box with almost as little visual interest. With an emphasis on needing to explore for upgrades and secrets, it reminded me of Nintendo 64 games. I remember games from that era hiding power-ups in out of the way locations, and your time in any given stage increased significantly in spite of not accomplishing anything.

I think the reason why the game gets such good reviews is because it initially feels good. However, the achievements for getting very far into the game aren't earned by many people, with only 15% of people beating the first 3 stages (not including the tutorial). My reference to StarFox 64 wasn't intentional to the point I made here, but it seems prophetic after I spent more time playing OL. I might recommend OL if I thought more people would even beat it, and since that seems unlikely, I'd suggest skipping it.

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187 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 16:05
A proper modern Descent game. Evil robots and full six degrees of freedom, what else can you ask for?
153 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
517 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 09:03
Overload is a 6D shooter similar to games like Descent 1 and 2. This is the first time I have played a 6D shooter so I hope this review helps newcomers like me.
The game looks great. The environments are greatly textured and the lighting is very well done to create a pretty sweet atmosphere. The music is a banger as well appropriately adding to the the ambience. There is a story told through large paragraphs before missions. There are also audio logs scattered throughout missions which are decently voiced. I personally didn't care for the story mostly because the paragraphs at the start crawled so slowly onto the screen that I got bored and skipped it.
Now this is the best part about the game. The controls in this game are very tight and responsive which is great. Levels are mostly open areas where you fly around shooting enemy Operators. The operators themselves are very smart. There is a wide variety of enemies each with different weapons and they move around alot and flank you with their numbers. Hopefully you have some pretty sick weapons too divided into primaries and secondaries. Primaries include a stuff like a Machine gun,Flak Canon and Lasers whereas Secondary includes Missiles,Bombs and other various explosives. Level design in this game is really complex and its easy to get lost ,luckily there is a holo guide and an easily readible map to guide you in case you're stuck.
I had alot of fun with Overload considering it is my first 6D shooter. Level design can get confusing at times and there are a few difficulty spikes like stuffing you in a small corridor with tons of operators but all these are not major deal breakers. The core gameplay loop is solid and never gets old as the game keeps rewarding you with new toys to play with. Highly recommend it
249 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 03:30
So I wanted a game like Descent in the modern era. This isn't a game like Descent. This IS Descent.
Allister Brimble and the rest come back to make it sound like Descent. It moves like Descent. Everything from the bot sound effects, to the music, to the weapon sounds, are prettymuch Descent. The visuals are stunning, like Descent in its final form.

This is Descent, and God bless it.
434 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 10:46
That is Descent 2018! Period!! I feel like 1998 again!!! I love it!!!
134 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
907 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 18:02
Why I put off picking this up for 2 years is beyond me. This is the successor to the old Descent series. It is 6 DOF gaming at its finest. I have not touched multiplayer yet, but the campaign has been engaging, even if the story involves a lot of tropes.

The weapons feel good, and there are some similarities to past weapons from the series. The only complaint I have is the config is a little limiting. I was hoping to put my sliding thrust on the mouse stick of my throttle, but I have not figured out how to do so. I have implemented a work around using other buttons, but it is not as smooth as it could be.
309 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
25 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 20:32
This feels like it would be the coolest game of my childhood. It moves like a noclip first person shooter instead of a game where you control a vehicle, and has that pleasing nostalgic simplicity of the early 1990s. The weapons are distinct, fun, and each serve a different role. Weapons and your ship can be upgraded between missions, so you can focus on the gear you like to use.

I do struggle with navigation, but the provided guide makes it easy to follow to your objective and the mini-map is wonderfully detailed and precise. I would have found it helpful if there were more decals, details, or difference in textures to serve as visual landmarks.
80 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 00:06
This really is from the creators of decent and freespace. You get massive vibes from just the first few levels. Screw doom nostalgia. How about real pulse pounding space ship nostalgia! Sound track really sets you in to the game and gives off the old school sound effect that you always wanted but never got. The game play is exactly replicated from decent.

With the minor negative is of the secrets. Where instead of being delayed a special weapon in decent, you have to find it in overload. Not a fan of because that means i have to look up a guide instead of just paying the game.

I have to say the mouse and keyboard work just fine, but i borrowed a friends ps3 controller for the exact feel of decent and believe me it is PERFECT. You owe it to yourself to get this game if you were a fan of decent and freespace back in the day.
207 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 02:19
I was really excited to play this game on my new Valve Index, as I was a massive fan of the original Descent back in the day. However, this game has some of the worst performance in VR I have ever seen. I get a consistent 45 fps during gameplay, with 40-50% reprojection, which just makes it ugly as hell and absolutely unplayable. Adjusting settings did nothing to increase performance. Looking around online, it's clear that my system isn't the problem, as many people with systems both better and worse than mine described the exact same performance issues.

I ended up refunding because I bought this game to play in VR, which isn't possible.

System Specs:
i7 8700
16gb RAM
GTX 1070
339 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 04:58
If you like Descent and 6DOF gameplay, you'll enjoy the hell out of this game. Good graphics, a pretty decent story, and space guns. 8/10 more Descent games pls
1697 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
461 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 22:43
Despite being a pretty big fan of Freespace, I've never tried any of the Descent games—Descent is basically only connected to Freespace 1 by a colon in the title, so they just never really crossed my radar. I probably should've played them a long time ago, though, because their spiritual successor Overload is pretty damn awesome.

Developed by many former Descent devs and poaching most of the main gameplay mechanics, Overload is a generally fantastic game. Working as a kind of 360 degree Doom, you traverse claustrophobic bases in a very agile ship, strafing and flipping in any direction as needed to navigate. It's a huge shift from what I've come to expect in the more traditional space sim, which was a pleasant surprise! Overload combines all the freedom of movement I love in space dogfights with the twitchy paranoia of corridors filled with things that want to kill you.

It all culminates in a thrilling rush to the exit after blowing a generator, twisting, boosting and manoeuvring quick as you can through the squadrons spawned to get in the way. It's a gimmick lifted completely from Descent, but I can see why because it's easily the best part of any level, desperately trying to stay oriented and keep your bearings while your screen visually assaults you will explosions.

Even the story is a lot better than the average 90s shooter. When I first picked up Overload I played usually one or two levels a day before moving on to whatever bigger game I was working on. But by the midpoint or so, I was getting pretty interested in what would come next, both in terms of plot and level design. By the end, I beat the last five levels in one sitting—thoroughly hooked, if you couldn't tell.

Being unfamiliar with Overload's main inspiration I'm sure I missed a bunch of other shout-outs and design refinements, but the point is that Overload is super fun even without the nostalgia—the best of both worlds that every Kickstarter retro revival should try to hit. It's a criminally underrated game—likely done in by the cult space sim audience and impossible to Google name—and well worth picking up as a sleek, modern entry point to the spaceflight genre.

Ending Question Corner: [spoiler]I noticed I got an achievement for the Beale ending. I've scoured as best I can but can't find anything other than the mention of a Trinidad ending on achievement sites. Anyone else have a clue what causes the split? I'm assuming it's cause I saved all crew members, but would love a confirmation.[/spoiler]
389 Produkte im Account
153 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 14:16
Alright. Maybe that's a throwback to the olden days, but I really did not want secrets that are actually gameplay-relevant upgrade points which you can only find by slowly smearing your face all over the level geometry. Twice.

No thank you.
458 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 04:22
A Mind-Blowingly AWESOME Game… Whether You Played 'Descent' Or Not!

Seriously... You're still reading the reviews for this? In the time it has taken you to read just THIS, you could already have had this game bought and downloading!

Think of it this way: At your age (yes YOUR age), if you’re NOT already reducing malicious robot swarms to scrap with your arsenal of lasers, missiles and flak cannons in a zero-gravity environment, then what are you even DOING with your life?

Add To Cart Now… Chop, Chop!
359 Produkte im Account
307 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 06:52
Doom with the gravity turned off. VR mode is great which is surprising because I thought I would get sick instantly.
455 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 23:29
Seems to be overlooked by many which is a shame, but it's essentially Descent (old PC and PS shooter with 350 degrees of movement). Supports VR and TrackIR.
584 Produkte im Account
275 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 21:22
The core mechanic is fine (flying) but I don't want to look around for keys and be lost without the auto tracking. As a throwback to Descent it is fine but there is a bit of disconnect - the levels are so simple they are almost low poly but the fights are in contrast very visually busy and confusing. It is not terrible but the game does not really have a consistent artstyle. I hoped to get some fun out of multiplayer but I was not able to join any games so I can't really tell... It is obvious a lot of work went into this game but it just did not reach my expectations.
244 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 23:34
It's Descent but modern. If you never played Descent but you like FPS spaceship shooters that are 100% indoors then you should absolutely get this
209 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
3614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 19:47
If like me, you are frickin old... and remember the 90's Games Descent and Descent 2... plus the expansions... then prepare your butthole for some nostalgic feels.

To put it simply, this is basically a clone of the originals... and developed by people who actually worked on them.

It's a simple premise, fly into underground bases and complete your missions... Stop the infected autobots... blow reactors and shut down/destroy the outposts.

It's simple shoot up fun and mayhem... the learning curve is good, the levels get harder and the DLC offers plenty of extras... and there's at least 50 or more muiltiplayer maps and challenges. Skiill levels range from Trainee to INSANE... Leaderboards are there to see how you rank against others, but only from Rookie level upwards.... Put it this way... On Rookie, I'm doing ok and in the top 10-20% on most of the challange levels I've played so far.... next level up... My ranking drops drastically.

I'm old you see... in my 40's now and my reflexes aren't what they used to be.

But this game is fun, and I'm put around 50hrs into it so far and have completed the game and the DLC and am halfway through challenges on the first 3 levels. So there's plenty to keep you going and it's well worth the £10 I paid for it.

So grab your popcorn, sit back and remember the good old days when you were actually a gaming god. instead of the podgy middle aged dude you are now. :)
600 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 18:58
They pretty much nailed the Descent / Forsaken feel with this one. More like Forsaken though with the over the top lighting and such but it just feels so good. Yeah, some upgrade points must be incredibly well hidden unfortunately.
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 18:11
Great successor to the Descent Series by some of the original development team. If you loved the old games you will love this.
430 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 18:16
Oh how I've missed Descent. I didn't even realize I'd been missing it 'till I got this.
551 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.20 23:55
I love shooting flying robots and rapidly filling a barf bag.

Awesome 6DOF FPS and a great successor to the Descent games.
648 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 11:08
This is what Descent Underground should've been.
What a brilliant game!
163 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 17:09
If you're looking to scratch the Descent itch, look no further. Having to rely on your memory and mini-map - not a GPS - with level design that forces your brain to re-calibrate away from modern games, just felt awesome. And almost exactly like the original games. Awesome neon effects, metallic reflections, hi-res textures and silky frame rate makes the entire experience better. The upgrade system is fun to progress thru - and seems well-mapped to the increased difficulty of the levels and bad guys. Playing in Hotshot, the firefights are challenging without being frustrating. There is an abstract, spatial quality to the action that requires one dust off their old kinetic skillset to succeed. The game allows you to cautiously work your way thru the level, almost at the pace of a survival shooter - except during the Lockdown sequences, boss fights and generator hunts, so if you'd like, a mix of frantic and slow. Music sounds right at home. If you liked the originals, there's just no way you won't enjoy this.
189 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1219 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 17:29
I purchased this hoping for a glimmer of fond childhood memories of a beloved game. Instead what I got was a tunnel through time to a summer spent deep in PTMC mines against a horde of hostile robots. This game is classic Descent with a fresh coat of paint. Everything about it feels and plays like the original games and I've spent the last few nights staying up later than intended, just to finish one more level.
908 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 04:54
Overload is an exceptional tribute to the Descent series. It keeps everything you hold dear from the classic series, but also introduces enhancements and adds extras such as collectibles, challenge mode, and achievements. The Cronus Frontier (campaign mode) features 16 levels and three bosses, while Challenge Mode allows you to choose between 12 different levels. Speaking for myself, I like the level design and enemy diversity.

In other words, Overload is one of the best choices if you're looking for a modern and contentful Descent-like/6DOF game. Its developers are the creators of Descent themselves, and it's unlikely it will disappoint you, especially if you like mazes, challenging shooters, sci-fi, or already know what to expect.
536 Produkte im Account
187 Reviews
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 14:37
Recommended for fans of first-person and degree-of-freedom shooters. It definitely felt like one of the better 6DOFs in recent years.

+Visuals and music
+Weapon and enemy variety
+Levels and secrets
+Difficulty options
+Scout ghost ensures you are never really lost
+Voiced story

-Repetitive, missions feel very similar
-Story is not very cohesive
-Unlimited enemies in some areas
1867 Produkte im Account
423 Reviews
928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 07:43

I backed this game on Kickstarter because many of the people who created this game gave me my start in the game industry. I’ve worked closely with some of the people on the team. I didn’t even give this game a score when I looked at it previously because I am biased.

After the first hour:

Overload is a return to the era of Descent. I think Descent was the first 6 Degrees of Freedom game where the player flies around a mine to blow up the reactor and escape. Overload is essentially the same game though made a couple of decades later.

Much of Overload is exploring large environments and trying to find keycards, stranded civilians, and the reactor, all while dealing with modified mining drones that will attack you on sight. This isn’t the stand and shoot type of game, but more focused on constantly moving and dodging attacks while shooting the enemies as well. It’s very different from anything that is currently out there in the video game market.

A big piece here is that 6 degrees of freedom. What that means is the game allows you to move and rotate your ship in any direction, similar to how planes would operate, but without the force of gravity it creates a very strange experience with trying to move through the large bases you’re on.

I would recommend this to anyone who remembers Descent or anyone who wants a very different style of gameplay. Overload is made to replicate the original game so if you’re not interested in a game like Descent, this might not be for you. There is also a slight chance of motion sickness because you can move in all six directions but I didn’t experience that myself.

There is also a VR mode for the game so if you like VR, you could check that out but I would also caution on that because I find that VR mode hard to play and it’s a bit sick inducing.

Related Video:
2477 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 09:53
A love letter to the Descent games series.
212 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 04:18
Reminds me of descent so much. Good game so far. Thanks humble bundle.
312 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 21:08
So first i wanted to say that ive never heard about this game, i got it from Humble Bundle Choice June 2020.

I was really surprised how unique and fun this game is. At first i was getting really motion sick, even without playing it in VR (that must be some other level of gameplay), there is no up or down, well there kind of is, but isnt at the same time :D so i had to take pauses after each level.

Once you understand the mechanic and start using the map, uncover some secrets, it gets really addicting, at least for me, when you just want to explore all the secrets and finish the level on 100%

I really recommend it for anyone who is looking for some new exciting ways to train his aim and shooting skills.
There are many weapons & upgrades to unlock, and the levels get more complex the further you are.
Im playing it on the medium difficulty, and even there, things sometimes get tough, when you are surrounded by many enemies, you dont have much energy and ammo and you just dont know what to do first :D I can only imagine how hardcore the game would be on the hardest difficulty.
1693 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 17:06
Overload is an awesome modern replacement for the The Descent Classic Collection! I didn't even know this game existed until I saw it was part of the June 2020 Humble Bundle Choice. This is what the now-dead Descent: Underground could have been.

The first thing that struck me was the perspective-curved menu, which was fresh and modern. I enjoyed working my way through the levels, trying to find the security keys, finding secrets and secret levels, destroying enemies in spectacular explosions, and trying to stay alive to accomplish the missions. There's a ship upgrade system to help your ship to overcome stronger enemies, or more difficult levels, requiring you to discover upgrade tokens hidden through the levels in order to take advantage of. The game itself looks and plays great, being quite sharp and highly polished. It has trading cards, lots of achievements, a free Overload Level Editor, built-in cross-platform multiplayer modes, and also mod support.

It's easy to become disoriented while playing, due to the six-degree-of-freedom (6DoF) nature of the game, just like the original Descent. To offset this, you're provided with a 3D level-map to help you find your way if you're lost, which can also be used to help you find secrets. In addition to this, you have flares and headlights built into your ship to help you navigate darker sections of a level, and a holographic guide-bot to lead you to where you want to go.

On the downside, the Internet multiplayer aspect of it could have been improved, because you need to find the IP address of a server to join using a web browser, and I felt an in-game server listing would have helped immensely.

Aside from that, I highly recommend this game if you're even slightly a fan of any games in The Descent Classic Collection, because Overload is clearly the spiritual successor of them all! If you are interested in the genre, or want to give 6DoF a try, you don't want to miss this game!


312 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 22:28
This is a VR (Oculus Rift S) Review:

I just got the game on the humble bundle, which was a very nice surprise, since I've been wanting this game for quite a while now, but wasn't sure if I would like it.

I played Descent 2 alot as a kid with my original Microsoft Sidewinder Joystick back in the day. I always loved the fast paced action and the great soundtrack. I would have never thought that I would be playing the successor in VR some day, but they absolutely nailed it. The action is faster and more frantic than ever, the soundtrack still rocks (and is similar in style) and the controls with the xbox controller is super fast and precise (after getting used to it). This is just great fun in VR, I really love it. Only thing I noticed is that the performance sometimes drops with many enemies and explosions on screen. Granted, I have every setting on high (no super sampling though), but I'm also rocking a 3900X with a RTX 2080 Ti.

Overall I would definitely recommend this game to VR users and old school Descent fans!
313 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 08:03
This game has started out badly in early access. I have regretted spending my money on this spiritual successor of descent/forsaken.

BUT: things have changed. Given a little time, handling feels smoother and much more interesting, orienation is working flawlessly even for new players and looks (as well as performance!) are stellar. The voice messages telling the story add a nice touch, the atmosphere is great. I will now go finish the game!
1601 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 15:26
If there was ever a 6-degree-of-freedom game to try, this is the one. Fluid controls, bass filled explosions, and gorgeous visuals. I really don't have anything further to add other than everything you see in the screenshots, and videos above are accurate. This game is a blast to play, pick it up now!!
175 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 20:13
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!
As a big fan of Descent 1 & 2 (haven't played the 3rd one), I cannot believe I missed the release of this game.
But this big mistake is fixed now!

This is Descent. Period.

My only concern is for the VR mode. It's badly optimized and there is a lot of stuttering, even with all the graphics settings to low. (and there is really not much to display...)
Hope to see a fix someday.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 04:25
6dof is there another?
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
170366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 18:16
Best 6 DOF fps out there! Replayability is great. MP community is the best I've ever experienced. Buy it you'll love as much as I do!
345 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 19:22
Descent is a first-person shooter (FPS) game developed by Parallax Software and released by Interplay Productions in 1995 for MS-DOS, and later for Macintosh, PlayStation, and Acorn Archimedes. It popularized a subgenre of FPS games employing six degrees of freedom and was the first FPS to feature entirely true-3D graphics.

This is the definitive Descent clone, and my god has to be one of the best. Total VR bad ass action, groovy music and great FX.

Not a lot needs to be said just that if you want tunnel 360 action with lasers, guns, missiles and robot ships then this is it,.
37 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.20 11:30
The best 6DOF Shooter since Descent II.
Fun weapons, super smooth gameplay, interesting enemies, complex levels, challenging gamemodes. This is the true Descent successor.
47 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 03:37
I grew up on the original Descent games, and Descent II is my personal favorite. Overload hits all the right notes, from the other-worldly aesthetics to the intricate and cramped level design, plus powerful weapons with the smoothest flight controls around. It's a little harder than the original trilogy at times, but this never detracts from the fun of destroying everything while flying around in every direction. There are 5 difficulties and even the 2nd easiest one (Rookie) can kick your ass at times. 10/10 best 6dof game.
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1758 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 03:59
TLDR: If it goes on sale, buy it. It's fun.

I was a big fan of the Descent franchise, so I really enjoyed Overload. There honestly isn't a whole lot to the game - fly around, get new guns/missiles, and kill robots. That's all it really needs to be for Descent fans. Online play can be fun or really frustrating (if you suck like me) and challenge mode is a blast (it's basically a nonstop gauntlet and your ship powers-up the longer you survive.) The single-player story was interesting enough for what it was (I mean, your character is a faceless, speechless, nameless pilot that never leaves the confines of his little ship.)
357 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 06:47
Awesome Descent clone by the original developers. Challenge mode in particular is awesome. Totally recommended for any and all 6DOF fans
346 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 20:52
Honestly, this game is an absolute blast - granted I really only ever played the original Descent, but this brings back all those memories in force.

Everything about this game just speaks to how well polished it is - the difficulty curve is well paced, the upgrades are all meaningful and balanced, and the level design is really top notch.

Honestly, I can't recommend it enough. Very rarely after beating a game do I go back and play it, but NG+ is calling to me right now.
348 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 21:21
Experienced on a 9900K, RTX 2080 TI, Valve Index.

As an old timer who cut his teeth on Descent along with Doom, etc., this is the shit in VR and it kills me to put a negative but I want a fix.

My primary complaint, and it's a big one, is the FLASHING BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT that happens all the time. Some of the static lights cause this effect standing still and it happens in combat relatively often but OMFG it's terrible and makes me want to rip the headset off. I can't believe this was intentional by design. The effect is jarringly horrible. DEVS, please fix this crap. If anyone else has a fix please comment.

If you have any sort of epilepsy, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.
93 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 05:41
This game is Descent II 2.0. I highly recommend it for old gamers who liked the Descent series or new gamers who want to try a top-notch FPS in 6-degrees of freedom.
2466 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.19 01:12
The true Descent 3. A perfect recreation of everything that made the first two Descent games amazing, with some seamless modernization. The levels are maze-like and claustrophobic while rewarding attention to detail, the enemies are the classic Descent archetypes, the aesthetic is an almost 1:1 replication, and the 6DoF shooting is as timeless as ever.

Not for those with spatial awareness issues or anxieties. You WILL get lost and you WILL have to learn how to navigate 3D spaces better.
907 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 12:01
I had to write a review right away because I need to share the same good feeling I had with Descent running in my old 486SX 25 MHz back when I was 15 years old :).

This is a proper Descent modern sequel. It improved where it was obvious like graphics, effects, interface, modes, etc but kept the awesome soul that every fan has from the old times.

Smooth controls, smart frightening enemies, awesome level design, nice story with exceptional voice-over, lovely powerful weapons.

In short, Overload is the soulful 6DOF FPS everyone needs.
Logo for Overload
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
94.3% 1424 86
Release:31.05.2018 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Revival Productions Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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1 Prisoner hat dieses Spiel schon
50 Steam-Errungenschaften
Kein Handbuch vorhanden
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