Hello Survivors!
A brand new story level complete with sinister post-apocalyptic fruit trying to ruin your day. As always we hope you enjoy this new level and that you take the time to let us know what you think in the forums or on social media.
For those of you wondering what we’re up to next you can both check out the stream today at 18:00 CET at https://www.twitch.tv/starbreeze
You can also check out upcoming updates and improvements in our public roadmap at https://ovk.af/roadmap
Update Size: 4.3 GB
Season 2 - Episode 3: Enemy Of My Enemy
New Content
The content of this Episode is FREE for all game owners - click on "DOWNLOAD" to get them!
- New Story level: Enemy of my Enemy
- 3 new instances in Prospect Street: Supply Run; Assassinate; and Rescue
- Randomized lighting conditions for the new levels
- Added new cosmetic accessories for characters featuring Apple Andy's hand
- 5 New Lore items
- 3 New Achievements
Balancing and AI
- Revamped Hordeometer system to be more consistent across all maps and situations, and avoid popping-up walkers and inconsistent difficulty. Please let us know your feedback!
- Significant improvements in the AI follower navigation system to avoid getting stuck and reacting better to player input and level layouts
- Fixed an issue where walkers could get stuck when crawling out of ventilation shafts
- Polish pass on sniper lasers to avoid seeing players through 3D objects
- Improved visibility and communication of level objectives and icons
- Fixed an issue in Camp in Flames where Caleb could sometimes get stuck
- Fixed some VOs not triggering correctly in some conditions through several levels
- Did another pass to all pickable ladders to fix some existing issues that could prevent some clients to pick them up
- Improved navigation for human and walker AIs for different levels
- Fixed several "collision traps" in different levels
- Fixed an issue of walkers not spawning when players were in specific locations across different levels
- Fixed the randomization on the locks for weapon and mod chests that could sometimes prevent players from opening them
- Fixed several issues with gas pumps and cans in Accord Oil levels
- Fixed floating and clipping objects in different levels
- Fixed several objects, decals and shadows "popping" on distance
- Fixed issues with decals not being properly drawn over transparent surfaces (glass)
- Fixed several lighting issues that would render some spots in the levels either too dark or too bright
- Tweaked Objectives and Sub-objectives displays
- Fixed an issue with the flow of quests when purchasing episodes in random order
- Fixed some Loading tips that appeared unlocalized
- Fixed some missing strings being displayed in English when language was changed
- Several typos and minor grammar and spelling issues in different languages
- Fixed unmuted players still holding the mute icon
- Improved flow for saving settings in the menu
- Bounty now work if completed during weekly missions
- Fixed some inconsistencies in how survivors are listed in mission and workstation tabs
- Added more facial animations for both players, walkers and human AIs
- Fixed some 3rd person animations when interacting with specific level objects
- General polish pass on animation
- Fixed an issue with which you could unlock [spoiler]Reina's[/spoiler] knife skins by collecting Heather's lore items
- Fixed a crash that could occur for players dropping in levels with more than 100 walkers active
- Fixed several issues in matchmaking and loading flows that could prevent entering the levels in some cases
- Fixed a crash that could happen sometimes if a player stayed on idle for a long time
- Fixed takedown animations that could sometimes be misaligned when attacking from the sides of enemy AI
- Fixed some clipping animation on walkers raising up from eating
- Better synchronization of VFX and sounds for sparks particle systems
- Fixed issues with distance scaling of blood and spark VFXs to increase visibility from afar when shooting and in the dark
- Adjusted blood color when shooting enemy AI to make it more visible, also in dark spots
- Fixed some crashes and issues to overall stability
- Polished several small "quality of life" issues in different levels
- Several improvements on performance of the levels
“I don’t like the way that fruit is looking at me"