• Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.
  • Outcast - Second Contact: Screen zum Spiel Outcast - Second Contact.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 14.11.2017
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Preis Update 11.01.25

Über das Spiel

Schlüpfe in die Rolle des erfahrenen Elitesoldaten Cutter Slade und begib dich auf dem fremden Planeten Adelpha völlig frei auf Erkundungstour. Bei deiner Reise durch diese atemberaubende Welt, auf der Magie und Wissenschaft fließend ineinander übergehen, wirst du exotische Städte entdecken, auf erbitterte Feinde stoßen und die Geheimnisse einer hochentwickelten außerirdischen Zivilisation ans Licht bringen. Doch wähle jeden Schritt, jede Entscheidung in dieser komplexen, lebendigen Welt mit Bedacht – das Schicksal zweier Welten hängt von deinem Erfolg ab.

Die gewaltige, frei erkundbare Welt von Outcast – Second Contact bietet hunderte Quests und ein großes Abenteuer.

  • Beginne dein Abenteuer in einer völlig frei erkundbaren, gewaltigen Welt.
  • Du bestimmst das Tempo, in dem du die immer verfügbaren Quests bestreitest.
  • Begegne den Talanern in wagemutigen Duellen oder nutze Tarnung und Täuschung.
  • Dir steht ein ganzes Arsenal sich stetig verbessernder Waffen und Ausrüstung für alle Situationen zur Verfügung.
  • Ergreife Partei – Outcast – Second Contact spielt auf einem lebendigen Planeten, auf dem deine Entscheidungen direkten und spürbaren Einfluss auf deine Umwelt haben.

Begib dich auf eine unglaubliche Reise durch Adelpha, eine bezaubernde Welt, die von außergewöhnlichen Tieren bewohnt wird und auf der die Talaner eine fortschrittliche, außerirdische Hochkultur geschaffen haben.

  • Erkunde sechs verschiedene Kontinente – ob zu Fuß oder auf den Schultern eines Twôn-Ha – und dringe in eine fremde und gefährliche Wildnis vor.
  • Während du dich mit der Kultur einer außerirdischen Zivilisation vertraut machst, stößt du ins Herz der talanischen Gesellschaft vor. Feilsche mit den Händlern von Riss, treibe Diplomatie mit den Rebellen voran oder folge den mystischen Pfaden der Shamaz.
  • Jede Begegnung und jedes Ereignis lädt dazu ein, neue Abenteuer in dieser aufregenden Welt zu erleben.

n nicht all zu ferner Zukunft entdeckt die Menschheit, dass sie nicht allein im Universum ist – oder eher in den UniversEN. Unglückseligerweise nimmt der erste Kontakt mit intelligentem Leben eine katastrophale Wendung, als eine von der US-Regierung entsandte Sonde von den Bewohnern des Planeten Adelpha zerstört wird. Bei diesem Vorfall werden enorme Mengen Energie freigesetzt, die nun die Erde zu zerstören drohen. Du bist Cutter Slade, ein Navy SEAL, der damit beauftragt wurde, die Sonde zu finden und zu reparieren, um die Katastrophe abzuwenden. Die Bewohner des fremden Planeten nennen dich „Ulukai“, den Messias, dessen Ankunft in einer uralten Prophezeiung vorausgesagt wurde. Schon bald wirst du erkennen, dass die Zukunft beider Planeten nun untrennbar miteinander verbunden ist.

  • Über 50 Stunden Gameplay in einer dynamischen und temporeichen Story.
  • Ziehe blutrünstige Tyrannen zur Verantwortung und befreie ein Volk vom Joch der Unterdrückung.
  • Schlüpfe in die Rolle von Cutter Slade, einem charismatischen freimütigen Helden, der in der deutschen Version von Manfred Lehmann gesprochen wird, der offiziellen Synchronstimme von Bruce Willis.

Outcast – Second Contact ist ein vollständiges Remake des Kultspiels Outcast. Als erstes 3D-Open-World-Videospiel und als Pionier des modernen Action-Adventures räumte das Spiel bei seiner Veröffentlichung 1999 über 100 Awards ab, darunter Adventure-Spiel des Jahres.

  • Das Universum von Outcast wurde von Grund auf mit moderner Grafik neu nachgebaut.
  • Kämpfe sind dank Ausweichmanövern, Rollen, Sprinten und einem Deckungssystem jetzt noch dynamischer.
  • Fans des Originals können in neuen, versteckten Bereichen einige der umstrittensten Geheimnisse von Adelpha lüften.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 4th Gen Intel Core i5 Processors / AMD FX® 8300
  • GFX: GeForce GTX670 / AMD Radeon 7950
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64bits or higher
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 6th Gen Intel Core i7 Processors / AMD Ryzen® 5 1400
  • GFX: GeForce GTX780 / AMD Radeon 290
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64bits
  • HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Yes
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

140 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 02:06
Vorweg erst mal: Das Original habe ich nicht gespielt, weswegen ich ohne Nostalgiebrille auf das Spiel gucken, aber natürlich auch keine Vergleiche ziehen kann. Aus anderen Reviews kann man aber entnehmen, dass hauptsächlich die Grafik aufpoliert wurde und das Gameplay/die Spielmechaniken wenig verändert wurden.
Beim Zocken sind so einige Ecken und Kanten aufgefallen. So bleibt man gefühlt an jedem Grashalm hängen, die Geräuschkulisse klingt oft etwas blechern, das Kampfsystem ist sehr simpel/einfach und die Story ist oft sehr voraussehbar. Trotzdem hab ich mich beim Spielen nicht allzu gelangweilt oder den Kauf bereut.
Würde Outcast wohl eine 6,5/10 geben. Für Leute, die das Original von damals kennen ist es bestimmt lohnenswerter.
1288 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 15:41
Eines vorneweg, ich hab Outcast - Second Contact auf der PS4 durchgespielt.

Ich hab bereits das Original Outcast im Release Jahr 1999 gespielt, sowie Outcast 1.1 ein wenig und schlussendlich Second Contact. Outcast ist ein wenig wie ein roher Diamant. Es ist wundervoll, besitzt aber Ecken und Kanten (ähnlich aller Gothic/Risen/Elex Spiele).

Die Story, die Musik und die Atmosphäre sind einfach wundervoll. Die Soundsamples wurden aus dem Original von 1999 hergenommen und überarbeitet. Es gibt sichtbare Bugs (schwebende Talaaner, fliegende Two-Ha, usw), aber das macht alles nichts - denn es gibt Stargates :D (und es gibt keinen Game Breaking Bug)

Kann es nur empfehlen und sind gespannt was THQ mit der Marke anstellt. Aber sind wir mal ehrlich, wenn einer ein Herz für alte Marken hat, dann THQ.
73 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1039 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 09:03
ein weltoffenes, komplexes Spiel, das wirklich mit Leben gefüllt ist. Kein stupider Ego-Shooter, vielmehr ein ausgiebiges Erkunden einer sehr schönen fremden Welt. Man kann sich mit jedem Bewohner unterhalten und dem einen oder anderen helfen, indem man Aufgaben zu erledigen hat. Ich war schon vor 20 Jahren Fan dieses Spiels, habe es allerdings damals nicht geschafft, es durchzuspielen.
Die Neufassung bietet zudem wunderschöne Grafik.
517 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 00:48
coole welt ... für das spiel alter erstaunlich wie gut alles passt soweit ein gelungenes re make
826 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 11:49
Ich habe lange überlegt ob ich mir das Remake kaufen soll, da ja viele Reviews negativ sind.

Meine Meinung dazu:
1) Das Intro ist schlecht:
Also wenn das einer der Hauptkritikpunkte sein soll...ich fand das Intro ok. Ansonsten schaut man sich eben einmal das andere an.

2) Die Grafik ist schlecht:
Keine Ahnung ob wir über das gleiche Spiel reden, aber die Grafik wurde wirklich gut umgesetzt.

3)Cutter Slade sieht zu jung aus;
Stimmt, und nach kurzer Zeit fiel es mir nicht mehr auf.

4)Bugs aus der Version 1,1:
Mag sein, und nun? Es gibt leider keine andere Version die alle Fehler behebt.

Fazit: Ich spiele gerne alte Spiele und habe auch Outcast 1.1 gespielt. Aber diese Version hier ist definitiv die bessere Version. Dennoch empfehle ich einen Sale, da 35€ doch etwas viel ist.
16 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 12:32
Schon einmal gespielt...vor Äonen, freute mich wirklich, dass es spielbar für moderne Rechner gemacht wurde, ohne verändert zu werden. Top :-)
846 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 12:28
Ich habe den Original Titel geliebt und ewig lange gespielt und habe mich auf das Remake super gefreut, nun kam aber leider die Ernüchterung...

Es ist das Original mit aufpolierter Grafik, mehr aber auch nicht. Bewegungsabläufe sind immer noch so Steif wie im Original und die Soundfiles scheinen auch 1:1 übernommen worden zu sein. In den Zwischensequenzen ist es noch ok, aber im Spiel nimmt die Soundqualität sehr stark ab.
Das HUD des Originalteil empfand ich auch als schöner im vergleich zum Remake.

Um aber nicht alles schlecht zu reden, es hat UltraWidescreensupport.

Kauft lieber das Original, es ist billiger und die Atmosphäre passt auch besser zum Spiel.
100 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.19 12:54
Viel zu laufen, viel zu sehen. Nette Geschichte und gerade jetzt im Sale echt zu empfehlen.
Vollpreis wär es mir nicht wert, aber für knapp 7 Euronen macht man nichts falsch.
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.19 15:44
Alter Klassiker in neuem Gewand. Macht Spaß das Game nach so vielen Jahren wieder zu spielen.
235 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 22:51
As much as I want to, I just can't recommend the remake.
The bugs and the lack of adaptation to modern times (apart from the graphics) weigh too heavily. The remake unfortunately feels like it was just graphically reworked and even bugs were left in for the sake of nostalgia. Even though it was nice to spend a few hours back in the (gaming) past, all the glitches really annoy you (Cutter moves and jumps with similar agility as a tank; NPCs float in the air or freeze before a story conversation; enemies vanish into walls but shoot out of them; and much more).
Giving a thumbs up only for the nostalgia trip is wrong in my opinion - only the original deserves that.
853 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
941 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 04:02
The game is a little janky to play, and there are a handful of bugs that might hinder your progress, but for the most part what you'll find here is an enjoyable adventure, some charming cheesy humour, an intriguing set of game design decisions, and a generally good time.
If you want to play through a classic sci-fi B-movie, this is your ticket - as long as it's got the B-movie discount.
1062 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
68 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 04:22
Surprisingly good game. Especially if you're an older gamer.
225 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 19:32
If you are gonna charge people for a re-skinned really old game, fix the bugs first. I could have enjoyed the game had I not had so many stuck character, bugged questlines, object interaction bugs, etc.
144 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 17:07
This is a remake done right of one of my favorite games of all time! And they're about to release a sequel too!

If you enjoy 90's Military Science Fiction such as The 5th Element and Stargate, you'll most likely enjoy the story and weaponry here. Outcast has wormholes, problem solving, and... um... let me take a breath before I say this: scouting around for crafting materials or strategic locations to launch your attack--while riding on the back of an ostrich-size, otherworldly dinosaur who's as lovable as a Chocobo.

Watch the official gameplay videos up above if you haven't yet. Seriously. This is the first review I've recommended that, because they're great. Then come to an alternate dimension, and have a BLAST with Outcast.

The Dynamite is fun. You can keep a stack of in your inventory, place individually, and then remote detonate, or shoot. There's very little hand holding or tutorial (imo enough), so just a heads up. Click the ? in the menu when you play, because it might take you some time to get into the groove of the game. Also, because this remake retains so much of the original, you'll quickly notice issues with the voice-overs, and several minor bugs. The sorts of flaws which even modern open-world games, still aren't great at tackling.

However; if you're typically okay with trading perfect levels of polish, in favor of a fun, immersive world to explore, and experiment in, then there's a good chance you could fall in love with Outcast. This is the old school class of game that came with a paper manual which had a place for the player to take notes. It can seem simple and corny at first, with its early version of RPG NPC daily routines, and straightforward-looking environments. However, in Outcast there's a lot to learn, and a great depth to this game that's hidden beneath the surface.

The original Outcast, was such a charming game, in an era where playing an open-world game was like winning a trip to your favorite vacation spot. The developers of Outcast did what players who find deep enjoyment in games, often want to see. They pushed the envelope. They did so with just about everything. And so, while Outcast Second Contact doesn't meet the highest of standards when compared to some of its counterparts in modern games, I do think that there are plenty of times where the hard work and imagination of the developers shines through.

Heck, one could argue that it's common for this sort of Science Fiction to have--easy to cherry pick flaws. There's a lot of clunkiness and corniness retained from the original. But hey, you might even like it for that.

In my humble opinion, Outcast Second Contact is worth its reasonable full price for new players or those who played the original. Or pick it up on sale for less than the cost of a meal if you want. But this game doesn't taste like chicken. There's a unique quality to it that's worth experiencing.

Can be consumed casually, or all night long.
651 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 21:53
I understand the game was once great 20 years ago, but it's not great in 2021. Recommendation: Look for something else.

Looks like the reason the game is getting so many positive reviews is because of players who loved this game when it was released back 20 years ago, but if you are like me, someone who has never played it before and have no emotional ties to the original, then I recommend you to drop this.
253 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 19:06
Outcast has been and always will be my favorite game of all time and this remake is a dream come true for fans of the original. Sadly, to get the full experience from it you must have played the original back in the day because the nostalgia plays a huge role here, there's no working around it. If you play this as a new player you will definitely still have a great time as long as you keep in mind this is a 22 years old game with good graphics and modernized combat mechanics but same very outdated everything else, like map design, quest design, cutscenes and especially animations. It's hard to call it a remake, it's more of a glorified remaster but I'll call it a remake since that's what the devs call it and to be honest they deserve it, it's easy to see how much effort and love they put into it. Also you'll have to bear with the new and extremely clunky combat/movement system which I'll talk about later.

The story is a trip, the US government manages to send a probe to a parallel dimension but it gets damage and that somehow creates a blackhole threatening the Earth and the planet where the probe arrived, Adelpha. So obviously it's our job to save the day, playing as the snarky Cutter Slade, a former US Navy Seal and full time chad who gets sent to Adelpha with a team of two scientists, Professor William Kauffman and his partner Anthony Xue, whose jobs are to fix the probe and stop the black hole, and Marion Wolfe, a biologist whose job is to often get into trouble to keep the plot moving. The trip goes a bit wrong and Cutter wakes up in a snowy village to find out the four amigos got separated during the dimension jump and for some reason he is being treated like a savior from a prophecy by a race of natives called the Talan, who are living like slaves because of a shady tyrant called ''Fae Rhan'' who rose to power a few decades ago. You get out there, explore, talk to people, kill some bad guys, find out what happened to the other crew members, show the enslaved Talan the American way by teaching them freedom and find a way to save both planets.

What's interesting about the game is the deep lore of Adelpha. There are many myths, legends and mysteries around the world. The natives have their own language but a good reason to know English that makes sense within the plot. They have their own religion, traditions, goals, fears and development throughout the story. They really do make the game world feel alive, like a place that could exist without us even being there. Even saving and loading the game has an in-game lore explanation.

Adelpha is vast and we get to visit six very distinct regions using the ''daokas'', which are portals scattered around the planet. The snowy mountains of Ranzaar is our starting point, basically a tutorial area that we won't visit much. Our first real open world region is Shamazaar, a tropical land full of rivers, trees and many temples and mystical structures around the map. From there you can find portals to other regions like Motazaar, a hot place with rocky terrain and enormous craters full of lava, where Talan are made to mine a special crystal that fuels Fae Rhan's soldiers' weapons under the scorching suns (yes, suns), or Okasankaar, a very eerie place almost completely covered in water and home to the only portal to the forgotten region of Okaar, the most mysterious place in Adelpha, said to have been inhabited by an ancient race of higher beings that has long since disappeared. It is also the place where Cutter was first found by the locals near a giant broken daoka that no one knows where it leads to. Lastly but not least Talanzaar, a massive city in the desert that can be described as a trading capital, where all merchants go to sell their products. It is where Fae Rhan lives in a huge palace in the center of the city. Every region is beautiful in its own way and has an unique atmosphere and feeling to it. You always get the sense of how far the regions are from each other by looking up and spotting the iconic two massive moons that are always at a different angle and location in the sky.

The game is open world and will give you the freedom to explore and figure out stuff by yourself. You can talk to literally any NPC to gather information about the world and events. Their helpfulness will depend on your actions. Do good deeds and they'll treat you like a literal living legend and will help with anything you need, do bad deeds and they'll treat you like a walking pile of trash and won't even bother talking to you most of the times.

Your main objective is to liberate the regions to weaken Fae Rhan's forces and gather the mysterious ''Mons'' that are said to be sacred objects that will help save the world, hidden by the same prophet that taught the natives about the arrival of Cutter Slade decades ago.

The highlight of the game for me and most players is probably the soundtrack. Every single track is an orchestral masterpiece and adds a lot to the immersion. They are masterfully made to match the ambience like the mysterious and dark music that plays in the uncanny land of Okasankaar that gives you the chills or the wonderful theme of Shamazaar that really captures that feel of awe, like if you're entering a completely foreign world full of life and mysteries even if you're not playing the game. When you enter a portal it makes you really feel like you're going on a trip with the loading screen theme. The music in this game is just perfection and I'd recommend listening to it even if you're not gonna play the game.

The combat system and movement in general in Second Contact is extremely awkward and probably my only complaint about the game. I hate stamina system in any kind of game so seeing it implemented here was frustrating. I get where they are coming from with it, to make walking around faster since even with many fast traveling options like a few gimmicky teleporting gadgets or riding a Twon-ha (alien looking animal you can mount), walking around can still be tiring but there are many other better ways they could have implemented it like just straight up making a permanent run key instead of running until the stamina bar depletes then slowly walking, waiting for it to replenish. It's just annoying and adds nothing to the gameplay. Also for some reason you can only really run in open areas, if you get slightly close to anything, be it a NPC or a building, your character will stop running but it'll still burn stamina. You have a dodge but it's basically useless and you'll probably never use it unless you missclicked or your character decides to roll by himself for no reason whatsoever. It feels like they were trying to make the game an over-the-top action shooter for some reason but that doesn't land at all and judging by the trailers for the sequel, they are fully embracing the unrealistic super-human action which is disappointing.

Overall an amazing remake of an amazing game.
965 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 17:45
Wake the f##k Up Ulukai, we have Adelpha to save!

Same as 20+ years ago, just voxels replaced by polygons, and the same gem still, with OK-ish controller support.
371 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 23:19
Since 2001, Outcast is one of my favorite games ever :-) This remaster is amazing.
1990 Produkte im Account
1659 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
311 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 00:39
Well not that great. It's nice to see remastered visuals but mechanics are very and I mean very outdated and clunky. Horrible shooting mechanics, movement, camera work, game doesn't even teach you things like you need to take a key to your hand in order to open a closed door, how to use items and what they are. It's old school and painful to play today unfortunately.
130 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 11:28
nice game to explore good maps and a story about aliens.
1505 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 04:03
Really terrible, could not keep playing.
674 Produkte im Account
322 Reviews
288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 10:33
Outcast - Second Contact
After the reveal of the sequel i realized i never reviewed the remake of the original.
Outcast was the first original 3D openworld game ever made.
It blew peoples minds when it first released.
A vast and beautifull openworld.
Fun quests and characters and a fun combat system, made this a must play game.
A few years later we got second contact, a remake of this masterpiece.
Second Contact is a great version of the original. new graphics but still plays mostly like the original.

A must play !
Enjoy the game !
209 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 11:07
If you put up with the simple fact that Outcast has flaws and offers neither sideline activities nor RPG elements, you can completely immerse yourself in the remake.
The pretty atmosphere and figures still make a difference today. Most of the quests actually only come down to running errands, but many jobs are connected with each other, so that it is just fun to gradually work through the tasks from the well-filled quest log.
From today's perspective, the game world doesn't seem believable (you shouldn't forget the actual age of the game), but at least Outcast was a lot ahead of its time.

Despite a big nostalgia bonus: the chic facade does not entirely comfort the outdated core.
✅ Great graphics update
✅ Lots of quests and characters
✅ Extensive
✅ Atmospheric surroundings invite you to explore
✅ Useful improved map draws in important NPCs

❌ Structure of the game almost unchanged
❌ Inaccurate controls, especially when jumping
❌ Annoying automatic camera that often zooms too close
❌ No more first-person perspective
❌ Undemanding fights
760 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 10:35
Graphics are nice and story is ok.. but gameplay is verry clumsy. Can't force myself to finish the game because of that.
176 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 06:46
While I recommend this, there is a lot of Fed-Ex between the same areas multiple times.
I has to push myself to finish this one and theres no way I would do a second play thru,
197 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
1091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 09:02
really cool oldschool game, with a fantastic soundtrack, story, world and atmosphere. if you can live with the bad controls this shiny gem could be something for you.

i personally think, its much better as many modern a+++ mishmash games
628 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 01:27
Although it's clunky and buggy at times it's still a pretty fun adventure game with decent story and great cinematic music.
681 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 10:56
Outcast - a remaster, old game i played long ago on console. Big surprise - coming back to world of Adelpha. Game should have more attention, it is well written short story of experiment with teleportation and discovering a new world, which was changed... thats why second contact. Story explains why Talans, native race are slaves under tyrant. As protagonist we slowly free all regions odf planet Adelpha and prepare revolution by cutting supplies for tyrant. Game has beautiful graphics, and focus on alot exporation and side quests. Game is not holding hand of player - like in old rpg and adventure games reading and searchin yourself npc, answers or where o next. Mediocre puzzles but very different locations are making this a good trip in a world of Adelpha. Sadly game did not explain all phenomena, tech or fauna and flora fully. Is it worth playing? YES! Reminder of old sci-fi books, comics and games. Worth buying!
196 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 07:12
Such a fun game. A bit janky at first, but once you get used to it and all of the aliens names and places, and you really start to get into the story, it really is a fun game. There are beautiful scenery pieces to admire and lush vegetation in the alien worlds, giving the place a really 'lived in' kind of feeling. Overall the gameplay has a few issues but it really is the makings of an excellent adventure/roleplaying game. 5 potatoes out of 5.
268 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 08:09
An absolutely wonderful remake worthy of the original game. It has my highest recommendation.
176 Produkte im Account
54 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 08:01
like the original, but with better graphics and slightly different gameplay - couldn't have asked for more, really
903 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 09:42
It's amazing how much of the games sound, story and music have been retained in my mind so many years later. So much so that I found myself reliving with a huge smile, the dialogue, situations and ambient sounds ahead of their appearance as I played.

Considering the budget, they have done a great job in remastering the game. It is still a little clunky, the combat could be better, but the improved controls are certainly very welcome. Visually the game is good, to presenting some truly stunning vistas that rekindle that atmosphere from the original. Even after all this time, its one of the few games that actually makes you feel like you are exploring a living alien world.
84 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 21:29
It brought back that early 200s vibe but with modern graphics. I remember when this originally came out, but I did not play it. If you can get it on sale for about $5, it is worth it. There is a lot of exploring and the environments are well done...
1484 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 23:45
I remember playing the original years ago and I am happy to say this is as faithful a remaster as you will ever get. One of the first open world games that really build a place you could lose yourself in. The game also comes with a movie quality soundtrack worth a listen. The team have recreated a beautiful looking update of the game using what was available to them.
534 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 01:35
The world is fairly beautiful, but most everything sucks. The combat is lame, the physics is buggy, movement is clunky, the quests are mostly walking to places. The combat starts easy and then the enemies lose HP and damage as you complete quests. The plot is how your hero convinces a bunch of pacifists-in-the-face-of-a-holocaust to stop merely requesting that you kill their enemies for them while they're busy voluntarily supplying them, to fully giving up their sham pacifism.
904 Produkte im Account
107 Reviews
1759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 09:55
A truly special game. I came blind into this with no nostalgia. Have always wanted to play the original but time went by and I never had the chance. Finally got around to try this out... The beginning can be a bit overwhelming with so much lore puked at you and all the confusing alien names that I wasn't a bit sure if I was in the mood to invest on it.. But after a couple of hours I was hooked and couldn't put it down. I can only imagine how ground breaking this game was in 99.

The type of game they don't make anymore.. it reminds me of the Gothic series.. quests are spoken to you, directions are given.. it's up to you to go out there and and figure it out. None of this modern quest marks floating in your face crap.. no quest marked on your map either.. you have to learn to navigate the world, follow landmarks and explore. I miss this type of game.
309 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 20:36
Outcast is a fun game with lots of exploration and sometimes hard battles. I have never played the original and when I went into this game I really didnt know what to expect. There is a lot of jankiness in this game, but that is to be expected of an older game. I definitely recommend you playing this, even if you havent played the original.

I also loved the environments, since there were lots of pretty places to take screenshots of.
1048 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 14:25
one of the best
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2474 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.20 11:16
This has been my childhood game. Now that it's been remastered, it's as colorful as I remembered it to be. Kudos to the developers for bringing this piece of nostalgia to the modern age.
526 Produkte im Account
367 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 23:30
Outcast: Second Contact is a nice looking, action adventure game, that features a unique world and some of the worst combat I have ever seen. The janky controls and the awful combat system simply ruins the otherwise competent gameplay.

The story is fairly simple Hero's Journey stuff, it's the most basic video game narrative ever that standard screenwriting software just prints out in one click: You are thrown into a foreign world, where you fight against an oppressive regime and its tyrant leader, while helping out everyday locals, who all eventually look up to you as you single-handedly save their world. The game then turns into every Ubisoft game ever, where you have to go to locations on map and press contextual button to solve the quests.

The excuse the game gives for the jarring passivity of the population is simply that they are pacifist, which makes almost no sense for me considering the enemy soldiers are of the same race as well. All in all the narrative is not going to win any screenwriting awards, there is very little grey area and most situations are incredibly one sided.

That being said, the world building is well realized and the personality traits of the locals comes across quite well. Conversing with them was a blast at first, because it really felt like they are actually living in the place and have goals and dreams.

Before I get into the bad stuff, I do have to highlight, that the game looks and feels stunning. Environments are detailed, well realized and logical. Lighting and music both add to this creating an original atmosphere.

The game likes to give you side quests like its candy and remembering which alien name was supposed to do what and whom I should speak to and why that guy is on the other side of the map, became just tedious after while. Side questing is broken up by the worst combat system ever. None of the guns feel in any way satisfying and enemies can take an entire magazine of pistol rounds before they go down, which just throws the otherwise realistic world completely out of the window. The combat is coupled with an awkward non responsive movement system and a terrible 3rd person camera that gets stuck on ceilings constantly, making you miss every shot. Did I mention, that you can only upgrade or buy weapons in one place in this multi-map game? It simply makes no sense.

Sadly, this was the deal breaker for me, the game forces you into fights where 4-5 hits kill you, yet you have to unload endless bullets into enemies that should have died after the second headshot.

Ultimately the game is just not good enough to be worth my time. The story is too childish and simplistic, the narrative is convoluted with a way too many foreign names and locations, the combat feels terrible, moving through the environments is a chore and the side quests all feel like fetch quests, where the locals really shouldn't need your help, because it felt like 90% of what I did, could have been done by anyone. ...I didn't even mention the bugs.

The game simply feels like it is stuck in the 90s.
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
6411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 07:00
Can I recommend Outcast - Second Contact?
Short answer: Yes, definitly!

Long answer:
I am a huge fan of the 1999 original and for me this game has a special place in my heart and maybe will always be my most favourite game of all time. I don't think any game will mean more to me than this game - so yes, I am a bit biased and nostalgic.
But aside my personal feelings I think this is a great game and also a good remake of the classic, so if you are just a little bit interessted in one of the most defining early open-world games, than you should definitly play this game! You cannot fairly compare this game to modern AAA games, cause it was coded in the 90s and therefore it has some rough edges and not all aspects are as user friendly or advanced as you get them today - but on the other hand you get a very unique and special adventure visiting Adelpha and it's inhabitants - the Talan.

The Good:
- Much better visuals than the 1999 game, the world looks beautifull
- Great remastered Soundrack by Lennie Moore
- Faster Gameplay and Combat
- Many Quest Bugs from the old game are removed
- Great game itself (great story, world. characters, exploration and a very memorable experience!)
- 2 new small rooms to explore for veteran Fans
- The best Version of Outcast so far - more enjoyable than Outcast 1.1

The mediocre:
- Voice acting unchanged from the original (audio quality sometimes poor)
- New intro sequence is a bit lackluster (a motion-comic, would have prefered in-game grafics)
- Cutters new face and look needs some getting used to (only for older Fans)
- Unpolished product (a few visual bugs remain)
- NPC-Animations not up-to date (mostly unchanged from 1999)
- Some players have a few performance issues and some rare crashes
- Controls are a bit wonky and need some getting used to
- Combat is a bit too easy for me (but there are Fan-Mods to improve the difficulty)

The Bad:
- A few very rare game breaking bugs (dead-ends --> but I can solve most of those if you contact me!)
- Bonus-Endings deleted in this version (Ulukai Dancing)

Overall and after many hours I find myself only playing Outcast - Second Contact and not wanting to play the old version Outcast 1.1 again, cause the remake is a much more smooth and visually satisfying experience for me.
162 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 20:08
I barely got past the awful re-imagining of the intro cutscene - a cutscene that I used to love - with the same v/o but crappy graphics with no personality. Then when I saw that the first lines of dialogue magically explained all of the alien concepts in an easy mouse-hover style, I knew that this game was a compromised version of the original. I'll be returning to Outcast 1.1 rather than play this.
2215 Produkte im Account
239 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 21:30
Rinnovate le vesti grafiche, il gameplay è rimasto ancorato al passato, troppo direi. In ogni caso non mi è piaciuto allora e non mi è piaciuto adesso. Dispersivo è dire poco.

Just a graphics improvements, the gameplay is like the past, too old. I don't like before and same now. Too much dispersive.
508 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 19:08
This game has a special place in my heart...
When I played the original from 1999 8 years ago, I was very fascinated about the elaborate world and it's lore.
It gripped me from the very first moment I delved into Adelpha.
The dialogues are very interesting, a witty Navy member explores a foreign world and is amused about the (for human standards) strange local conventions, sometimes kind of mocks the indigenous people, but in a rather friendly manner...
You are the prophesized saviour of the alien race and everyone treats you as such. That's a nice plot feature, indeed.
And the more side missions you accomplish, the more the people adore you (and they show their admiration).
The world has a very interactive feeling to it...there are people who have an urgent need to talk to you and push through the masses to speak to you, then there are people who refuse to talk about other people when they're next to them, which I found to be very realistic. Those are mechanics that I missed in a lot of newer RPG's. I was very surprised about all the details that were put into this game.
When I was in the steam overlay for a few seconds, an animal (something similar to a flying dinosaur) hit me with rocks from above...The world somehow seems alive...the people seem alive, they are doing their daily business while you kill the part of their folk who is siding with the (dictator like) enemy.
In order to weaken the enemies that fight for your opponent, you can weaken supply chains.

It's a wonderful game and one of the best remastered game versions I ever played. I loved the original, I loved this. I rarely play games twice or thrice, but this game was a must play-again for me the very first moments I experienced this remaster.
The graphics are great, the background music is great, it's really a pleasure to walk and ride around the game world (and you will walk a lot if you want to see and complete everything).
And the game features an ingame encyclopaedia that is very useful...it's very easy to follow the plot (you are even given explanations in brackets during the dialogue) and learn about the culture because the explanations are fleshed out (I really missed a feature like this in mostly every other game).
There is nothing left to be desired....
Perhaps only regarding the combat system...maybe it turns off some new players, because there won't be the brutal feedback you have in other games. But I don't regard this as a shooter, it's rather a roleplaying game...okay with a lot of shooting elements that's right...but it's rather about entering a foreign world with all it's wildlife and it's very own cultural habits and mythology...and it's the one and only game that really captivated me with it's alien world, no Mass Effect or other game could evoke such an interest and curiosity like Outcast did for me.
I can wholeheartedly recommend this game, not only out of nostalgia purposes. Don't let the stiff fighting scenes get you off, it is really worth a full playthrough because it has something very special and rewarding to it.
I'm really glad I can revisit Adelpha one more time...This is exactly how a remastred version has to be done...
821 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 00:21
Much improved graphics helps the nostalgia, but it's kind of one long fetch quest with forgettable, even annoying characters. Worth a replay for old times' sake.
919 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 23:09
One of those living world action rpgs like Gothic/Risen,Elex.

The first gun is absolute trash (even upgraded) and you can wander into areas where you'll get smoked by someone with a crazy weapon or just run into an army.

Despite the jank you aren't going to find many games like this.
435 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 17:58
I really love games from the late 90's and early 2000. Its janky as hell, they kept the original voice acting and i love it for that.
It looks really good too, a good example on what remakes (not remasters) should be. Also good thing that this was in a Humble Bundle since otherwise i would have missed this completely
245 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 17:34
If you played the original Outcast it's a great remaster. It keeps most of the stuff you liked back then along with some bugs and problems, but that's what the old game was about. Combat is much faster and fun. Graphics looks amazing and all the voices sounds original. Love it.
693 Produkte im Account
101 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 05:21
You could hate every single genre this game encompasses and I would still recommend you buy it because the soundtrack for this game is fucking gorgeous. Seriously it's a dollar on humble bundle right now and the soundtrack is 79 cents during the summer sale, it's totally worth it.
252 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 09:56
Pure nostalgia - and you can get it for 1$ in the new humble bundle! I think you can do nothing wrong with that.
616 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 16:51
Big fan of the original, couldn't miss out on reliving the same experience. The developers did a great job, some bugs might occur, not as smooth as some of today's games, but every moment worth it!

This is a remaster that has been made purely for the love of the original, kudos guys!
77 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 16:36
Thanks for returning me into childhood
319 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 10:14
Nice remake. Does play like an older game so probably not going to be your thing if that sounds off putting. If you were a fan of the original then there's no reason not to get it, especially on sale.
140 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 19:32

Outcast - Second Contact

If you want to buy this game, don't expect a mere shooter in a beautiful scenery. Outcast is more. You will not shoot most of the time, but walk around and collect things, look for people, talk to them and do different quests. The enemies are respawning really slowly, or, depending on the place you are, they don't at all.

The game is really easy to play. I am the roundbased RPG type and usually very bad at shooters, for I have a slow reaction and can't stay calm under (time) pressure. If this sounds familiar, give the game a try. The AI will be worse than you in any case. ;)

The world, a parallel universe, is complex and authentic, but most of all absolutely beautiful.
The protagonist and other characters are quite amusing, and so are the Twon'Ha, two-legged reptiles you can ride on.

You follow a predefined story, but in the order you like, for it's an open world. There are some minor decisions you can make on your own, and of course there are some nice sidequests.

You have six weapon types altogether, but to achieve your goals, you can also use other equipment.
The menu is easy to operate and you will find your way into the game quickly.

Outcast is a really cool game! Only experienced shooter players will maybe be bored.^^
Have fun! :)
427 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.20 16:12
A great adventure game that still mostly holds up today, some gameplay elements are pretty tedious like alot of older designed games can be. The atmosphere, dialogue and locations make this game what it is overall.

Good Storytelling
Many locations/biomes
Interesting AI
Has the feel of being in Stargate.

Tedious fetch quests and make people happy quests
crafting/purchase of better weaponsis abit annoying
buying ammo and having to wait to collect them feels realistic but not fun.
Some quests are not very clear which makes them abit annoying.

Overall the gameplay is ok but its definatly the feeling of being in an alien world that makes this game so good.
65 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.20 15:48
One of the more thematic games with incredible visuals and world. The story is simple, you are in unknown world where you meet npcs, talk, shoot bad guys and try to solve the main quest.

There are.. i might be wrong - 6 unique locations that are cool and this game does feels quite big.

Bad things: loot might be small to pick up, so you might end up with not walking directly on the loot to pick it up. Very small amount of backtracking, but since its so beauty game its fine.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1288 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.20 21:31
Very beautiful remake of original Outcast, I am very glad that they kept original soundtrack and voices. It never cease amaze me how much of soul this game has. I never found similar game to this in terms of living world and so many personalities of characters... about every a bit important NPC you could say something about their personalities.
The only thing I am a little bit saddened is combat, they made it easier in this remake than was in original (AI being more stupid hehe).
161 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.19 12:00
I played through the original dozens of times and in my opinion Second Contact is a really good and worthy HD remake. Highly recommended.
916 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.19 00:51
what a bizarre, weird, wonderful, janky, charming, vaguely problematic star trek game

i saw this game in the 90's in PC Gamer and never got a copy of it. i finally got to play it with the 1.2 update released a few years ago, and it is so fascinating to learn about this society and operate within this world. this is the Exact Same Game, just with updated graphics. it's an enthralling mix of old and new and an underappreciated experience.
296 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.19 13:03
Very well polished version of the original. It's not just the graphics that got updated, but the gameplay got improved as well:
* The UI shows names of NPCs and names are even shown on the map, which helps tremendously. In the old game I would wander about a lot talking to every NPC on site because I would forget which was which (they all look similar and they move around).
* Camera zooms in when indoors.
* The character no longer runs like he has polio. Proper sprinting this time.
* Characters can climb up most of the slopes in Shamazar.
* Controls have been simplified. Some may view it as a negative though.
* etc.

* The quest log is a bit harder to navigate than in the original (instead of side-to-side scrolling i'd prefer a navigation menu like before).
* So far (after playing for 10+ hours) I encountered a single scripting error, when a cutscene in Motazaar triggered too early. It was supposed to be delayed for a minute or so. Nothing broke though, so it was just a bit funny in the end.
* The game doesn't work on Windows N editions. Seems to be the same issue as with GTA V.
198 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.19 09:50
I never played the original, but i really loved this one. The quests are fun, and i really enjoyed the exploration and the puzzles. There are lots of NPCs that you can interact and that's good too. The soundtrack fits well in the game. It takes around 20 hours to beat the game. Do i recomend it? Yes,i do. I give an 8 on a 10 scale.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
79.27% 367 96
Release:14.11.2017 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Appeal Vertrieb: Nacon Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Outcast
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