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Die Handlung des Spiels folgt im Allgemeinen den Büchern. Vieles hat sich geändert anderes ist Erhalten geblieben. Leser des Buchs werden bekannte Figuren treffen und mit ihnen das neue Otherland erkunden.
Begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise in ein virtuelles Multiversum, in dem Sie eine vielzahl der unterschiedlichsten Welten entdecken können, sei es ein mittelalterliches fantasy Setting oder eine Welt in der modernste Technologie das Leben bestimmt.
Basierend auf der Unreal-Engine bietet Otherworld beeindruckende Grafik, actionreiche Kämpfe mit direkter Steuerung, PvE und PvP-System, einer reichen Story und ausgefeilter Charakterentwicklung mit vier unterschiedlichen Klassen und einer ganzen Reihe besonderer Fähigkeiten in bester Rollenspiel-Manier. So erlaubt zum Beispiel das eDNA System, Items und sogar NPCs zu erzeugen oder zu klonen um damit das eigene Appartment zu beschützen oder in Clankriegen mitzukämpfen.
Ein einzigartiges virtuelles Universum
Otherland ist ein Netzwerk von miteinander verbundenen und doch enorm unterschiedlichen Welten mit ihrem jeweils ganz eigenen Design! Dadurch entsteht eine Vielfalt and unterschiedlichsten Landschaften, NPCs, Ausrüstung und Waffen. Kaufe, verkaufe oder entspanne dich in den Bars der futuristischen Lambda Mall. Kämpfe gegen andere Spieler in der Hacker Zone, nimm an den Kriegen im mittelalterlichen Eight Squared teil, lüfte Geheimnisse auf dem Mars, bekämpfe fürchterliche Kreaturen in Bugworld oder erkunde die asiatisch angehauchten 5 Isles.
Jede dieser Welten ist voll von unzähligen Quests, verbunden durch eine fesselnde Hintergrundgeschichte, die das Sequel zu den Romanen bildet
Atemberaubende Grafik
Eindrucksvolle Landschaften, bezaubernde Effekte und unglaublich detaillierte Charaktermodelle, die alle auf der Unreal Engine basieren.
Actionreiches Kampfsystem
Die Kämpfe in Otherland fühlen sich eher wie in einem Actionspiel als ein typisches MMORPG an. Man zielt selbst, bewegt sich per WASD fort und sieht sich mit der Maus um, was alles zu diesem speziellen Feeling beisteuert. Und doch muss man auch seine Fähigkeiten und Gegenstände gekonnt einsetzen um im Kampf bestehen zu können.
Individuelle Charaktergestaltung
Aufbauend auf vier verschiedenen Charakterklassen ermöglicht Otherland eine Vielzahl an Optionen für die persönliche Charaktergestaltung. Ob man lieber groß oder klein, eher schlank oder muskulös sein will und die Möglichkeit, alles zu tragen was man findet, erlauben dem Spieler, seinen ganz eigenen visuellen Look in diesem Multiversum zu entwickeln.
Otherland basiert auf den Bestseller-Romanen des Fantasy-Autors Tad Williams.
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz
- GFX: Intel HD4000
- Software: Windows 7 SP1
- HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible audio
- DX: Version 9.0
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Otherland does not support connection over VPN if split tunnelling is disabled and does not support IPv6 connections.
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel i5 or equivalent
- GFX: Nvidia 750Ti or equivalent
- Software: Windows 7 SP1
- HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible audio
- DX: Version 9.0
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: Otherland does not support connection over VPN if split tunnelling is disabled and does not support IPv6 connections.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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1001 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.17 20:11
Es gibt Tage da kommt man überhaupt nicht auf den Server.
Es lägt ohne Ende ist voll mit Bugs, und Ladesequenzen dauern ewig und das heißt nicht das sie zum guten Ende führen.
Ich kann nur schreiben Schade Schade Schade
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945 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.16 19:08
Leider kann ich diesem Spiel keine Empfehlung aussprechen, egal wie gut die Welten aussehen, egal wie gut die Story ist, die Bugs rauben dem Spiel auf kurz und auf lang den Spielspass. Vielleicht gebe ich dem Spiel in einem Jahr nochmal eine Chance, vielleicht auch etwas eher.
Nachtrag 24.11.2018 immernoch keine lust gehabt das Spiel wieder anzufangen
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.15 16:25
Beautiful Atmosphare, nice Graphic.
For a EA it has quite a lot of work to do, but im positive that the DEV's will suceed.
On the Steam Forum everyone is helping and the devs are doing everything they can.
Just try it out yourself, and you will see how this story will drag you into that World.
547 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.15 13:59
basierend auf der Roman-Reihe Otherland von Tad Wiliams.
Zuerst sollte gesagt sein, dass dieses Spiel eine bewegte Geschichte hat, mal eingestellt ,
mal wieder nicht, dann kleine Betaphasen mit vielen Bugs und Server Problemen.
Und hey, bitte, erwartet kein Beta-Test wie Blizzard sie abliefert , hier muß man einiges an
Geduld mitbrigen, denn Bugs gibt es noch reichlich. Die Entwickler wollen die Gemeinschaft
mit einbringen und EURE Mithilfe ist gefragt.
Ein richtiges MMO kann ich Otherland noch nicht nennen, es ist mehr eine Mischung
mit einen starken Hang zum Solo - Rollenspiel.
Nun gibt es dieses Spiel bei Steam in der Early Access Varinate.
Der Anfang ist nett gemacht ; man kann sich dann für eine der 4 Rollen
Marksman , Assassins , Warrior und Energizer entscheiden.
Zum Einsatz kommt die Unreal 3 Engine.
Die Welt, ohhh man , das muß man sehen , der Anfang ist das Limbo(Chaos) Gebiet, echt
Die Weltenansicht bestehen aus verschiedenen Gebieten, meist mit einer starken
Brise Cyperspace. Knalligen Farben.
Einen Skillbaum gibt es so nicht, man steigt auf und beim Klassentrainer gibt es nur
verbesserte Fähigkeiten.
Die Quest sind vielleicht nicht sonderlich, spannend aber trotzdem schön gemacht.
Am Kampfsystem wird noch gearbeitet, es hat noch seine Macken, aber es läuft.
Etwas schwammig noch.
Man zielt mit der Maus , meist hat man 2 Attacken, wenn man mit der ersten Attacke genug
Energie angesammelt hat , kann man den 2 Angriff mit der anderen Maustaste auslösen ;P.
Für Fans von Otherland und Cyberspace auf jedenfall ein Blick Wert.
Vor allem , wie bereits geschrieben, bringt ein bisschen Geduld mit für die Bugs und meldet diese auch.
Für mich ist Otherland sehr erfrischend , es ist etwas anderes als WOW und Co.
Mir gefällt das Setting und die Musik hat was.
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.15 20:30
Grafisch macht das Ganze mal einen erfrischend anderen Eindruck, als die meisten MMORPG's. Man fühlt sich hervorragend hinein versetzt in die beschriebenen welten von Tadd Williams. An manchen Stellen vielleicht nicht ganz so detailreich wie man es erwarten würde, aber ich denke, das ist dem MMORPG geschuldet. In einem Singleplayer wäre da wahrscheinlich mehr gegangen.
Die ersten Tage waren wie bei so vielen Spielen dieser Art rauh, da die Server wie so oft nicht wirklich rund liefen, und es so fast unmöglich war zu spielen. Das hat man anscheinend sehr schnell und gut in den Griff bekommen. Ein kleines Bravo dafür.
Die Handhabung selber wird nicht sofort ergründlich und zumindest für mich war einiges noch Try & Error, man kommt aber dann doch sehr schnell gut rein.
Momentan hänge ich noch im Limbo und man kann zumindest erahnen, das die Story noch einiges bereit hält, was ich sehr gut finde.
Ebenfalls als sehr gut empfinde ich, wie man die Charakter-Erschaffung gelöst hat, bei der man sehr schön hernageführt wird. Ein großes Plus in meinen Augen.
Am Anfang denkt man noch: Hallo, ist das alles? Was ist das für ein Charakter und dann erhält man ihn spielerisch.
Das Quest-System ist mir noch etwas zu linear und ich hoffe, da tut sich noch einiges.
Ansonsten bleibt zu sagen, erfrischendes etwas anderes Spiel mit durchaus einigem an Potenzial.
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214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 00:30
I suggest everyone Report this game to have it removed since it is now unplayable.
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 17:44
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 18:59
I think the End of Otherland has come and gone. If you happen to stumble on this i don't think you will ever be able to play it. A Shame.
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 19:04
For not keeping up with the technology in 2021 there is no chance i could ever try it again unless they will ever start working on it.
After some research on forums, community posts and youtube i understand what actually happened here.
Long story short, no interest in the development and supporting this game in the long therm.
Starting from the UI problems, mostly glitchy and hard to understand.
Game design poorly developed, bad physics, bugged maps, unstable connection to multiplayer.
Most mechanics are really bad, poorly implemented and sometimes is like the mechanics are changing in real time and is very confusing.
Someone comment if is there ANY update for this game.
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 01:42
2061 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 02:57
But you can see where they were trying to take the game and it looks pretty good for what they were able to get out. Give it a try, its free
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1274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 20:59
It started with the character creation not being usable for me, since it would create a classless 1 HP character for me, making it impossible to complete the very first quest. A friend had to login on my account for me to create a character for me.
The same happened on another main story quest to use the metamorph store.
But the level design would make up for all of this if it wouldn't have been for this annoying annoying bug which, starting at the orphanage quest, would send me back into the login screen whenever I was interacting with my inventory. This included progressing collection quests (so I would have to login again 10 times to collect 10 items or restart the game 10 times) or even completing quests which game me an item as reward.
Since this bug occurred I was sent to the login screen for more than 50 times, essentially making it impossible for me to continue playing sadly.
On a bright side this game has an active discord where you can easily reach developers or other players trying to help (even though nothing worked for me so far).
I will definitely come back to this game whenever I'm not getting kicked to the login screen whenever I'm interacting with the inventory.
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 06:55
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 19:48
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928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 00:03
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62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 04:26
Edit: Found a fix. Use BCUninstaller helped get ride all the files on my PC after uninstall it, then reinstall the game. Now the game log me out probably because of the server for the map is out.
1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 16:28
Yes the game is unstable, but it is the most unique experience you can probably find for something completely free.
11976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 07:11
Playing through the quests you meet some of the characters and visit some of the weird and wonderful places from the stories. The world in the games if beautiful and i often find myself just looking at a stunning view while hunting down the next NPC to help me along the quest lines.
Although there is this picturesque world for us to explore, the story is quest driven and it seems some of the quests were just added to pad things out. Some of the escort type missions are a real pain but can be done and once you get the hang of them they aren't that bad really.
This is a MMO but you really can just do your own thing and in no part of the quest lines do you need to rely on other players. I have played other games where you are stuck waiting around for another classes to come online to give you that boost so you can equip that item. There is none of that in here.
Combat sucks even with an agro boost its sometime hard to get things to attack you, Using the warrior class i can run up to a enemy batter them with my big sword and the just ignore you. You then move on to the next one and then the first decides to attack.
This game could have been so much more, but i guess with the low player numbers it wont ever get its chance to shine
Even with all its flaws you really should try this game.
2580 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 11:27
In conclusion do not play this game, you might end up really enjoying it like me only to find yourself 37 hours into the game and no combination of restarting , reinstalling or verifying the files will actually fix the game breaking bug that will not let you play the game.
If not for this bug that literally will not let me even play the game anymore, I would love to keep playing despite the constant crashes. It makes me incredibly sad to not be able to see this game through to the end no matter how hard I try. Even now I keep trying to reinstall the game in hopes of being able to log in.
Edit: 2 hours later
I decided to @ One of the Devs on discord and they managed to fix my problem! I can play the game again! After an entire day of reinstalling / restarting / verifying I can adventure through this strange and interesting world.
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 07:57
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 19:12
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 20:19
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 20:24
There is no US server, it is only located in the EU but using a VPN (ExpressVPN) to connect to the UK helped keep the ping between 150 and 200. Still a little high, but playable for me.
There are 4 classes to choose from: Warrior, Assassin, Marksman and Energizer. I went with Marksman because I love being a shooter class in MMOs when it is available (not often enough!). I am able to switch between a DPS or Healer class. DPS is the starting build, but purchasing skills you can switch to become a Healer shortly after the tutorial section.
The UI is the only huge downside to this game, even more so than the bugs. It is horrible. The hotbar is fine, I do like how that is built up. But all the other UI windows make me want to gouge my eyes out.
This game is very different. The range of styles you will run into from Medieval to Space to flying giant Chess pieces, you will at times wonder if you should be high while playing to better understand what you are looking at. But don't get me wrong, that is a positive! I love games that really create something new and mysterious. Every environment is beautifully crafted.
I only have 1.5 hours into the game as of this review, but they were restarting the game servers and I thought I would pop on here quick and help get the word out about this game, give it some positive action so hopefully the game can start getting updated again. I think I have a pretty decent understanding of the game to know its something I will enjoy playing off and on.
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 17:54
I recommend this game but not because I think you enjoy it, but because I think it's worth seeing. It's kind of a lesson as to why big publishers don't want to make MMORPGs. I'm not sure of the story of this particular title, but nothing feels really bad here. It's a little wonky, a bit linear, there's alot of latency, but nothing that should really have it sitting at 0 players. What the hell happened to this game?
78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 15:43
2279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 14:07
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 21:34
Some day, probably soon, this game will go offline. It's a wonder it hasn't yet, and I encourage you to try this because it's still just amusingly weird. I recommend it because in 4 hours of a free game, never once was I directed to a real cash shop. What do you have to lose? You miss nothing by paying nothing. See some of this little bit of gaming history before it's unfortunately gone and experience what it's like to be almost completely alone in a world meant for thousands of people.
2171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 00:36
On one hand you have absolutely beautiful environments, artstyle, fun combat (if it works), and finally a real sci-fi MMO...
On the other side the quests are really repetitive (collect X, kill X, escort X), combat and mob-aggro are buggy most of the time, and almost noone is playing this so you will be on your own for the most part.
I give it a thumbs up because i still had a good time with it and just really liked the setting and the atmosphere. I can however understand if people dislike it. But its free, so you can always try it out for yourself.
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 05:04
102 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 19:28
I would recommend to give this game a try, just for the cool visuals alone, even though it is buggy. It also runs quite well through proton on Linux
7767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 15:09
To begin, yes, there are absolutely issues with Otherland. The game still has a lot of bugs and some issues with combat and it’s unclear whether it’s going to get any further development. This review is of the game as it stands right now (though the game has a massive amount of potential with some more resources and work put into it).
Despite these issues Otherland is a truly unique and captivating MMO and I absolutely feel it’s worth overlooking the problems with it just to experience the incredible atmosphere, environment design and beautifully haunting worlds that the game has to offer. I’ve poured a lot of time into this game over the past month, reached max level and completed the story. I have played a lot of MMO’s over the years and the journey Otherland takes you on through it’s simulated worlds has easily been one of the most interesting and memorable for me. I’ve not read the books (but now plan to) but the source material for a start is so fitting for a MMO and really makes it stand out.
The worlds in Otherland are unique, visually stunning and all have incredible attention to detail (check out my screenshots if you want to see some of the environments explored through with the story)
This is a game where simulated realities exist as part of the lore. You’ve got 8squared, a simulated chess game that spiraled out of control to become a living and breathing medieval world where the white and red armies (based on chess pieces) war endlessly and giant chess pieces float ominously above everything. You’ve got Mars, which is one of the most striking zones I think I’ve ever seen in a game, the red planet, designed with a mixture of middle eastern, steam punk and victorian England influences. There’s many other simulations all with their own unique themes to them and a look closer at any of these reveals hints that they’re not real. In a barbarian campground in a seemingly normal Medieval world, a closer look at the fire reveals binary code rising up with the flames, looking closer at water in 8squared reveals that what looks like ripples in the distance is actually code, skimming across the surface. NPC’s of these worlds appear to be normal but an occasional surface glitch shows their true nature as digital beings of these simulations. The story of Otherland transverses these themes well, dealing with simulations that are collapsing, firewalls, changing your code and many other topics perfect for a sci-fi mmo.
This is a hub based MMO and the hub area, Lambda mall is a very well realised representation of a futuristic Cyberpunk City. The city has just about every shop you’d need, each with their own unique style and music and around the city are bars and clubs for socializing, ranging from a chill, smooth jazz bar to an underground themed warehouse with techno music, an irish pub and everything inbetween! Beneath the city is the Lantern district, a beautiful market area where you can buy crafting schematics and lower than that, the bad sector, the unregulated depths of the city where gangs and hackers maintain control. The soundtrack and ambience throughout the game is immersive, varied and beautiful.
Character customisation in this game is great, there's a huge amount of armor and weapon skins to collect crafting schematics for, a costume system (kind of like a transmog system, but you craft costume pieces to go over your armor) and a dye system. You can choose practically any body type you want and there are a decent amount of hair styles/tattoos/hair colours and other customisation options, both free and for the premium currency.
Quests are very old school MMO feeling, there is more variety later in the game but most typically you’re asked to kill x, gather x, defend from x waves or escort NPC’s. The quest line is mostly linear with a few optional side quests or hidden quests here and there. I don’t feel like either of these is a negative but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. The player base is very small for a MMO, to get the most out of the game I’d recommend joining the official discord or find a clan in-game, as due to the massive size of the game and the small playerbase, it’s rare to run into other players.
To sum this review up, If you’re curious, try it out! It’s free to play, so you’ve got nothing to lose by installing it and giving it a whirl. It’s not clear how much longer this game has online, so give it a try while you still can, the experience is absolutely worth it! :)
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 17:50
Like many of the recent spike of players I'm here because YouTuber Josh Strife Hayes is currently doing a series on Otherland, just 1-3/4 hours into the game I'm loving the aesthetics and visuals, but have much the same complaints about bugs, the combat, lack of customizing the UI (that chat window position, font colors & no font shadows among other things), no way to rebind keys.
I love sci-fi and alternate reality fiction so I am going to continue playing as I want to see & experience more of this virtual world & its inhabitants, I don't know that the Dev will fix the problems or is even interested, after this many years it doesn't seem even remotely likely but we can still have a glimmer of hope.
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19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:37
Sad to see a game with potential that's trying to be different than the crowd - especially when we have so few actual Sci-Fi MMORPGs - fall so flat on its face.
2199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 11:07
Yes there are a lot of bugs and lot of awful things, but the core mechanics and the horror filled jew dropping environments are very interesting. I'm not the one to make reviews. I just wanna say that it's free.
Give it a look and try to overcome the bugs and mistakes and you'll find a decent time waster.
Honestly this game is dead and propably abandoned and the mostly negative reviews makes it a no no for most people.
So i would say if you want to explore some cool environments and a decent story just give it a try for a few hours.
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109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 17:38
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1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 05:07
Massively Multiplayer Online
dtp - entertainment AG
Unreal Engine 3
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel