• Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.
  • Othercide: Screen zum Spiel Othercide.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 28.07.2020
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Preis Update 23.09.23

Über das Spiel

Die letzte Hoffnung der Menschheit. Nur die Töchter, Echos der größten Kriegerin aller Zeiten, stehen Leid und Tod im Weg.

Führe deine Armee von Töchtern mit allen verfügbaren Fähigkeiten in den Kampf. Deine Kampfkunst entscheidet über ihr Schicksal, ihre Fähigkeiten und Persönlichkeit. Triff harte Entscheidungen – um eine zu heilen, musst du eine andere opfern – und schicke die Überlebenden gestärkt in den nächsten Kampf.

Ausgefeilte Kampfabfolge aus spektakulären Aktionen und Reaktionen: Plane voraus und überrasche den Gegner mit durchdachten Aktionsketten. Stelle dich in epischen Bosskämpfen der Quelle des Leids – den Albtraumkreaturen der übelsten Verbrechen der Menschheit gegen sich selbst.

Du wirst kämpfen. Du wirst versagen. Du wirst wieder aufstehen.
  • Führe, entwickle und opfere deine Töchter.
  • Spannendes Taktik-RPG mit Albtraumkreaturen.
  • Dynamische Timeline mit endlosen Kampfvarianten.
  • Tiefgründiges, komplexes Narrativ, das weit in die graue Vorzeit zurückreicht.
  • Eine Niederlage ist nicht das Ende. Kehre geschwächt zurück, um dich einem neuen Albtraum zu stellen.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

814 Produkte im Account
402 Reviews
1269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 09:24
Othercide is a game I want to love. Noir horror XCom with lovecraftian story. What is not to love? Well it is a rogue-lite. Permadeath (with very limited resurrection), and very limited advantages that carry into the next run. Insufferably slow progression without cheating. This would be a good game, if balanced correctly. A bit of randomization, a bit of reworking the upgrade systems, and this would be a great game of the same if not more value. What really got me are the out of nowhere difficulty spikes that let you get stuck at the same point for more than neccessary amounts of runs. But what really got me is the absolutely unfair, boring end boss. WTF!
I still recommend this game, because, as I said, it is a NOIR HORROR XCOM. Why don't we have more of that???

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 15:56
Nach x-com das beste rundenbasierte Strategiespiel. Nur die gothik Optik und die eintönigen maps langweilen mit der Zeit. Da hätte man im Spielverlauf eine Entwicklung reinbringen sollen, z.B. durch Zunahme des Farbspektrums und einer bewegteren Umwelt.
96 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 13:21
Bin Positiv überrascht.
Ich bin ja eigl mehr ein Fan von Fire Emblem wo Story mehr der Hauptpunkt des spiel ist und weniger auf den Hardcore lost at all Prinzip.

Aber Othercide hat dank den Traum Modus auch mich gefesselt.
Die Skill und Setups sind gut zu verstehen und es ist auch gut Fehlertolerant.

Der Opening Song ist einfach top, auch wenn ich es leider ingame bissel vermisse, dass da leider keine songs gespielt werden oder dieser ständige Graufilter nicht so meins ist.

Aber sonst ist das spiel wirklich Sehenswert.

Nur Ihr solltet euch bewusst sein das dass spiel wenig mit story zutun hat sondern eher auf dem Gameplay Prinzip.

889 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 13:06
Es ist einfach ein Kunstwerk.
Der Look, der Sound, die schaurig schöne mystische Welt, einfach alles.
Eine klare Empfehlung an Dich lieber Leser, solltest Du mit dem morbiden, düsteren Look etwas anfangen können, Sin City lässt grafisch grüßen. Auch wer ein recht kniffliges Taktik Strategiespiel sucht, dass leicht zu lernen, schwer zu meistern ist. So solls ja schließlich auch sein und mit seinen Rouge Like Mechaniken kommt auch bei Niederlagen kein Frust auf, sondern man stürzt sich eben in eine neue Runde.

Ein wenig Ressourcen Management gibts als Sahnehäubchen obendrauf und als alter X-Com Veteran fühlt man sich gleich heimisch. Also wenn Du es weniger hektisch magst, dafür aber jeden einzelnen Aktionspunkt in Deinen Games dreimal umdrehst, um auch das Maximum aus Deinen Runden rauszuquetschen, dann leg los.

Und die Wahnsinnsoptik gibts halt noch oben drauf, auch als Strategiefan muss man nicht auf die Schauwerte verzichten.
Also kauf´s, spiel´s und das am besten sofort Wir sehen uns jeseits des Schleiers.... ;-)
224 Produkte im Account
100 Reviews
964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 13:35

„Mutter“ hat viele schöne Töchter

Bevor ich zur eigentlichen Review komme, möchte ich ein paar Dinge anmerken, welche bedacht werden sollten, wenn man meine Review liest.

- ich habe bisher noch kein X-COM-artiges Spiel gespielt
- ich bin kein übertriebener Freund von rogue-like Spielen
- ich spiele üblicherweise keine Dungeoncrawler
- dies ist also mein erstes Spiel, welches (teils) in diese Kategorien fällt

Letztens bin ich rein zufällig über „Othercide“ gestolpert und hab mir entsprechend den Trailer auf Steam angeschaut. Von Beginn an, war ich extrem angefixt vom Artstyle, da es quasi nur Schwarz, Weiß und einen Spritzer Rot als Farben gibt. Die Musik ging direkt ins Ohr und auch das sehr düstere und morbide Setting hat mich sofort angesprochen. Als ich dann ein wenig Gameplay sah, habe ich jedoch gezögert, da eben solche rundenbasierten Taktik-RPG-Spiele nicht wirklich mein Genre sind. Ich habe mir dann die weiteren Trailer auf Steam angeschaut, um einen tieferen Einblick ins Gameplay zu bekommen und am Ende war das ausreichend genug für mich, um zuzuschlagen.

Nun habe ich gut 4 Stunden gespielt, habe den Kauf absolut nicht bereut und möchte erklären warum das so ist.


Wie bereits angedeutet, handelt es sich hier um ein rundenbasiertes Taktik-RPG (so würde ich es jedenfalls beschreiben) im Stil von X-COM und ähnlichen Spielen des Genres. Da ich selbst im Genre nicht übermäßig bewandert bin, empfehle ich allen Interessierten die Trailer auf Steam zu schauen. Diese geben einen super Überblick über Spielmechaniken und Besonderheiten, welche „Othercide“ einen einzigartigen Touch verleihen. Ich möchte mich in dieser Review bewusst auf die Aspekte konzentrieren, welche es für mich interessant gemacht haben.


Im Spiel steuern wir eine (wachsende) Armee von Töchtern, welche aus „Mutter“ im Gebärbecken auskeimen können. Diesen Töchtern können wir dabei eine von 3 „Klassen“ zuweisen – eine Seelenschützin, eine Klingenmeisterin und eine Schildträgerin. Genretypisch unterscheiden sich die Klassen in ihren Stats und Fähigkeiten. Zudem können wir ihnen alle paar Level neue Fähigkeiten beibringen, wobei wir stets aus 2 Fähigkeiten wählen können. Das führt dazu, dass man beispielsweise 2 Schildträgerinnen in unterschiedliche Richtungen spezialisieren kann. So weit, so normal für RPGs.

Opfer bringen

Ein wichtiger Aspekt des Gameplays ist es, dass Töchter sich zwischen den Kämpfen NICHT heilen. Wenn man also in einem Kampf fast stirbt, dann werden diese niedrigen Lebenspunkte in den nächsten Kampf übernommen. Stirbt eine Schwester schlussendlich, ist sie (zunächst) nicht mehr verfügbar und landet auf dem Friedhof. Es gibt jedoch Möglichkeiten, Schwestern zu heilen und auch wiederzubeleben. Dafür müssen jedoch anderweitig Opfer erbracht werden.

Das Heilen ist bspw. nur möglich, indem eine andere Tochter geopfert wird. Um wiederum neue Töchter in die Reihen aufzunehmen, mit denen man dann an Missionen teilnehmen kann, oder, um sie später als potenzielle „Opfer“ zur Verfügung zu haben, muss man Vitae verwenden. Diesen Rohstoff erhält man für den Abschluss von Missionen. In speziellen „Rettungsmissionen“ kann man zudem eine „Lichtseele“ retten, welche dann freigelassen (mehr Vitae) oder geopfert (eine Wiederbelebungsmarke) werden kann. All diese Systeme sind wirklich clever ineinander verwoben und geben dem Spieler stets ein gewisses Gefühl dafür, dass nahezu jede Aktion wirklich überlegt sein sollte.

HINWEIS: Es gibt im Spiel 2 Schwierigkeitsgrade. Der erste ist der ursprünglich vom Entwicklerteam vorgesehene. Zusätzlich wurde später jedoch noch der „Traum“-Modus hinzugefügt. Dieser ist identisch von der grundlegenden Schwierigkeit der Gegner, jedoch ermöglicht es dieser, dass nach dem Abschluss eines Tages alle Töchter sich um 50% ihrer maximalen Lebenspunkte heilen.

Und JA, ich selbst bin bin ein Noob und spiele im „Traum“-Modus, da ich eben mit dem Genre bisher nicht vertraut bin. Ich denke, spätestens nach dem ersten Abschluss des Spiels, werde ich mir trotzdem den normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad anschauen, um das vollständige Erlebnis zu erhalten. Derzeit fordert mich der „Traum“-Modus jedoch ausreichend und macht mir sehr viel Spaß.

Keine Tochter wie die andere

Ein für mich recht faszinierendes Element zur Charakterentwicklung sind die „Eigenarten“ Abhängig davon, was während eines Kampfes passiert, entwickeln die Töchter sich unterschiedlich.

Um nur ein Beispiel zu nennen: Ich weiß nicht 100% sicher was die Voraussetzung für die Entwicklung war, aber eine von meinen Töchtern hat die Eigenart „Arrogant“ entwickelt. Dadurch macht sie 10% mehr kritischen Schaden, bekommt aber 5% weniger Erfahrungspunkte (XP).

Dieses Feature sorgt jedenfalls dafür, dass Töchter sich stets anders entwickeln und irgendwie auch immer anders anfüllen. Auch ist es optisch am Charaktermodell sichtbar, wenn eine Tochter sich „entwickelt“. Man kann erkennen, dass sie bereits einige Kämpfe hinter sich hat, Dinge gesehen und erlebt hat. Zudem kann man seinen neugeborenen Töchtern auch eigene Namen geben, was meiner Meinung nach die Bindung zu diesen auf einfache Art verstärkt.

Der unausweichliche Tod

Bereits zu Spielbeginn wird einem erklärt, dass das Spiel damit rechnet, dass früher oder später alle verfügbaren Töchter sterben. Es gibt jedoch ein System, welches einen motiviert, eine neue Runde zu starten. Während man Missionen abschließt, sammelt man „Splitter“, mit denen man zunächst nichts anfangen kann. Wenn jedoch alle Töchter gestorben sind und man komplett neu beginnen muss, kann man diese Splitter ausgeben, um zuvor freigeschaltete Boni zu aktivieren, die einen dann in diesem neuen Durchgang stärker machen. Ich habe bisher beispielsweise einmal „15% mehr Lebenspunkte für alle Töchter“ und „neugeborene Töchter starten auf Stufe 4“ erhalten. Aktuell bringen mir diese noch nichts, aber sollte ich irgendwann sterben (und das werde ich ganz sicher), dann kann ich aus diesen eben wählen, um mir meinen nächsten Durchgang etwas zu erleichtern.


Es gibt noch weitere Kleinigkeiten, welche das Gameplay erweitern, die ich bisher nicht angesprochen habe, aber ich denke, das sollte genügen, um Interessenten einen ersten Eindruck zu vermitteln. Für mich, als absoluter Genre-Noob, erzeugt das Spiel jedenfalls einen sehr großen Reiz aus seiner interessanten, morbiden Story, seinem einzigartigen Artstyle, dem fantastischen Soundtrack, dem „Töchter“-System mit all seinen Facetten und der Tatsache, dass das Spiel einfach sehr klar und strukturiert alle Mechaniken vermittelt und einen nicht im Regen stehen lässt. Großes Kompliment an die Entwickler.

- genialer Artstyle
- ein Soundtrack, der ins Ohr geht (und nicht mehr geht)
- deutscher Bildschirmtext + sehr gelungene englische Sprachausgabe
- morbide, mit Horror-Elementen angereicherte Story (keine Jumpscare-Gefahr)
- einzigartiges „Töchter“-System, bei dem keine Tochter der anderen gleicht
- mehrschichtiges Charakterentwicklungssystem
- alle Gameplay-Mechaniken werden klar verständlich erklärt
- 2 Schwierigkeitsgrade
- hoher Wiederspielwert

- da der Artstyle sehr speziell ist, spricht er womöglich nicht jeden an
- Texturen sind manchmal bei sehr naher Betrachtung etwas matschig (trotz max. Grafiksettings)
- relativ hoher Preis (meiner Meinung nach, aber durchaus in Ordnung)


Alle Reviews von mir findest du unter folgendem Link: << Review Bereich >>
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 20:11
79 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
3702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.20 19:08
So, nachdem ich als Playtester seit der Anfangsphase dabei war, kann ich das Spiel sehr empfehlen. Es ist hart, da muss man sich darauf einstellen. Ein großes Plus ist natürlich der Artstyle und die Musik. Das Balancing ist wirklich gut (zum Vergleich mit der Testphase), trotzdem kommt man teilweise in kritische Situationen. Scheitern muss man in Kauf nehmen, aber es gibt immer ein Licht am Ende des Tunnels. Rouglike, glaube ich, heißt das :-) Die Töchter wachsen mit ihren Aufgaben und es macht echt Spaß, seine Fehler zu analysieren und die nächste Strategie darauf ausrichten. Achso, hab ich erwähnt, dass man eine gute Frustresistenz braucht? Egal, für mich ist jeder Sieg Balsam. Im Ergebnis ein sehr anspruchvolles, durchgestyltes Spiel, mit welchem ich sehr gut aufgehoben bin. Vielen Dank an die Entwickler!!!
838 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 19:03
Ich würde das Spiel wirklich gerne empfehlen, da ich mich lange darauf gefreut hatte. Aber leider lässt Othercide noch einiges zu wünschen übrig.

Das größte Manko ist ohne Zweifel, dass die Missionen einfach nicht abwechslungsreich genug sind. Gerade mal zwei Missionsarten, von denen eine bedeutend häufiger verfügbar ist als die andere. Dazu ist der Mappool auch eher dürftig, sodass es gerne mal vorkommen kann, dass man zwei Missionen nacheinander spielt, die beide auf derselben Map und mit exakt den selben Gegnern stattfinden. Das wird leider etwas schnell langweilig.

Auch technisch gäbe es noch ordentlich Luft nach oben. Autosave ist ja gut und schön, und man kann auch gerne auf manuelle Saves verzichten. Wenn man das Spiel jedoch mitten in einer Mission beendet, wird eben nicht gespeichert und beim nächsten Start muss man die Mission von vorne beginnen. Eine Warnung, dass der Fortschritt nicht gespeichert wird, kommt leider nicht. Ein Fehler, den man zum Glück nur einmal macht; trotzdem nervig.
Schlimmer ist da schon, dass die Steuerung nicht so wirklich durchdacht ist. Für manche Fertigkeiten gibt es Hotkeys, für andere nicht. Warum das so ist erschließt sich einem nicht so wirklich.

Das sind alles Punkte an denen man, zum Teil ohne große Mehrarbeit, noch was machen kann; sollte das geschehen werde ich die Empfehlung gerne ändern, aber in diesem Zustand ist das Spiel nur eher so mittelprächtig.
598 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 16:05
Das Spiel hat meine Erwartungen übertroffen, das tolle Artdesign und die packenden Kämpfe unterhalten vorzüglich.

+ Vorzügliches Artdesign
+ Ki verhält sich nach klaren offenen Regeln
+ Dadurch spannendes vorausschauendes planen der Züge
+ Timelinesystem mit Initiative anstelle klassischen Runden
+ Die Metaprogression wirkt durchdacht

- Kleine Unzulänglichkeiten in der Steuerung
- Die Oneliner wiederholen sich auf dauer
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 14:24
Pretty solid.
258 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 04:38
absolute banger of a starting menu song.
131 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 16:11
I have no idea what I played. I like the look of it. Looks like a flash game made into a triple A game.
210 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 02:18
i have waifu she dies im sad i make new waifu im happy
438 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 15:17
A very interesting idea that didn't quite click for me.

This is a roguelike SRPG where your fallen units can be revived in future runs. What this means is that you start off losing the first couple of runs until you unlock semi-permanent upgrades with accumulated resources - a challenging start.

The gameplay revolves a lot around sacrifice and very high risk/reward actions.

All units act on a set timeline with every action costing Action Points (AP) or HP. However, if you take any action that brings you below a set AP threshold, your unit's next turn gets shifted to the very end of the timeline. This effectively leaves you with half of your AP to use without leaving a unit completely vulnerable. Some upgraded abilities and traits for your units can mitigate this somewhat.
Fallen units can be brought back to life by using an in-game resource or completing a rescue mission. Damaged units, however, can only be healed by sacrificing another living unit. The kicker here is that the sacrificed unit must be an equal or higher level than the one needing to be healed.

Unit variety is also very low. There are only three types to start with (Sword, Gunslinger, and Shieldbearer), and each has two upgrade trees from which to choose skills. This means that once your run fails and you start from the beginning again, the missions start to become a bit repetitive since you can't vary your team composition all that much. Looking into this more it looks like there are some additional classes to be unlocked later.

This game has a lot of style and an interesting setting. Play this if you are up for the challenge and think you will enjoy finding an optimal setup for your units through trial and error.
253 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 02:09
75 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 23:33
I really want to like this game, it's just too boring. Once you understand the mechanics, it's not tactical, you just rinse and repeat. I don't regret buying it, but also don't recommend it.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 09:03
visually and musically beautiful. complex and brutal X-Com style game that will have you questioning every move you make.
103 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 19:43
Neat little game I got on a steam sale, definately worth the sale price. Turn based tactical combat. I absolutely love the grey scale with red color, creates a dark vampiric feel to the game. Unique combat system based on action points. Here are some tips for beginners :
- Can not regenerate HP even between missions, except if you sacrifice a characer of same level or higher. Level some characters just for the sake of life regen your main ones.
-Tactics include LOS behind objects to prevent range attacks, side attacks (flanking) and Backstab (attacks from behind) get bonus damage. Delay enemy attacks by knocking them back on the attack timetable through abilities. Kill enemies before they can attack to prevent any hp loss. Sacrifice small % of life to prevent damage on self or ally and do damage back.
-Generally use only 50 ap per turn so you can react easier to enemy movements. IF you are going to kill an enemy or delay it from attacking can be worth it to use all 100 AP, but this means you will be put at the very end of the attack timetable which means u have to skip the next attack round. Key point is use all 50 ap or 100ap per turn as any left over doesnt help you, the only reason not to use up to those points is if positioning is important.
-Try to face your enemies to not let them attack from behind or from the side. Move close enough toward enemies that they cant attack you next turn but have to move within attack range; that way you can attack right away on the next combat round. If you have aura bonuses stack your characters together to get the bonuses.
-If you have killed all or most of the monsters, sometimes you can get away with using all 100ap for movement before the next group of monsters spawn.
-always do rescue mission if you think you can beat it, and collect the reward of resurrection at the end so you can resurrect a high level character.
-Start by leveling 1 ShieldBearer (tank) and 2 SoulSlingers (range dps). The Blademaster (melee dps) is weakest in my opinion at low levels, once you get sidestep and lightining strike BladeMaster gets good. Blademasters are good against high armor/hp units or bosses since they have high damage single attack. Once you get higher level characters you can carry a BladeMaster to level up.
-it may be tempting to skip era once unlocked, but if you do so you could miss some rescue missions and some easy exp, memories and vitae.
-try to keep at least 6 sisters active at a time so you can do multiple missions before the next day if they area available, cause they do get harder as the days go by.
-use the codex to read up on new enemies so you can learn their tactics.
-get extra exp for each kill on the specific character that does the killing.

Great game for the price (on sale)! Few things that could be better - more music and sound bites variety, more and dif types of missions, more classes to play would be great maybe as an unlockable feature, more customization of characters skills cause it seems like you have the same choices all the time. The story is not exactly forthcoming, could be a bit more clear.
149 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 20:56
Othercide is a thinking man's game. If you can conceptualize a winning strategy, the game won't stop you from using it. It doesn't matter if this trivializes the encounter, because you win by learning, not by getting lucky. If that sounds boring to you, well, to each their own. All I can say is that Othercide is the first turn-based game I enjoyed because of its turn-based combat, rather than in spite of it.

The game tells you exactly what the rules are, it doesn't restrain you, doesn't pull cheap tricks on you. There’s practically no randomness involved — you only lose when you make a mistake. Figure out the mechanics, make correct calculations, and that's all there is to it. You can complete entire missions without taking a single hit. That's the beauty of it: an overpowered combination that would be considered an exploit in other games is completely valid in Othercide. However, none of this means the game is cakewalk. Every mistake you make has serious consequences, both immediate and delayed. Damage taken during one mission may spell your doom during the next one.

The game has excellent visual style, majestic soundtrack (except for some of the vocals), and great overall atmosphere. There is a story, but it’s nothing to write home about. There’s plenty of in-game lore, and there are dramatic cutscenes to set the mood. There are rogue-lite elements, and that’s probably the only objectively bad part of the game — it doesn’t improve the experience, it’s just used to pad out game time. The campaign would probably take less than 10 hours to complete if it wasn’t balanced to encourage the player to start over at least a couple of times.

Unfortunately, Othercide has some technical issues: there’s a somewhat rare bug that lets melee enemies hit you when you’re supposed to be out of range. It’s been a very long time since the devs promised to fix this, I don’t think it’s going to happen. I still recommend the game, because when it works properly (which it does, most of the time), it’s an absolute joy to play.
175 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 19:46
Good game, unique style, atmosphere just uffff!
101 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.22 15:18
I'm a huge fan of xcom but couldn't really find tactical strategies that lived up to it. This one does it for me. It's different and unique enough to be worth playing: the time line mechanic for turn initiative is brilliant, the enemies are interesting and have patterns/rules you can usually expect and strategize around, and it feels challenging but fair most of the time. The game's aesthetic is gorgeous, I love the girls' design and now that you can customize them it's basically perfect. The sound track is effective and tonally appropriate. Overall a really excellent game, the positives far outweigh any minor annoyances. Worth Every Penny!
60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 19:53
It's cool. Still unsure about the story, but it's cool. Hard
127 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4420 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 20:20
I had a blast playing Othercide. The art style and the atmosphere are amazing and I absolutely loved the backround story which you discover throughout the game. The soundtrack is different than most but I like it.

It has some rough edges like lacking usefullness of certain classes, some UI-bugs during one or two boss fights and some repetitive missions. I still had a great time and Othercide was the first game in ages I got all achievements for.
160 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 00:53
Has potential to be really fun but limited understanding of the difficulty settings and limited understanding of the rules during any game just leaves it with a sour taste. Like a best explanation is its fun Xcom when it doesn't cheap you out. I understand the three class system but wish there was more classes. I feel like they are fun but any real strategy is just not there.
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1038 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 16:02
Easy going, cool concept, great aesthetics
692 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
4150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 12:08
A rough gem. You should play other games in the genre first (XCOM, Darkest Dungeon, Into the Breach), but Othercide has its own merits and is within a sidestep away from standing against these giants with an expansion or sequel.

- Obviously the art style is incredible. Original and beautiful from concept to execution. This is one of those games that I fell in love with from the title screen.
- The gothic, lovecraftian aesthetic is on par with the best. The sense of hopelessness is thick in the air
- The tactical complexity is very engaging and rewards smart play. When you understand how enemies and abilities work encounters that seemed impossible can be played through without losing a single HP
- The sacrifice mechanic fits very well and forces you to consider every decision carefully
- Sisters look bad ass and you will grow to care for them
- The audio is top notch. The soundtrack is creepy and tense, the voice acting and sound effects are great. The reaper sounds still make my skin crawl

- The game is designed to be played through multiple runs, but it lacks the content to be interesting after one or two. With only 4 classes (3 for half the game) and not that many base enemy archetypes. Also the duration of a single play through is very long and some of the repetitive encounters could be cut down
- The UI is buggy and slow to update to input. It often displays wrong information that can be run ending in a game as punishing as this. Do not trust the UI and always double check before committing to an action!
- The UI lacks important information. Skill upgrades (memories) are not visible at all in descriptions in game, even though their effect can be as important as the skill itself. Duration of effects like root is not displayed. Character codexes can't be viewed in battle, forcing you to remember that enemy 1 targets lower HP, while visually identical enemy 2 targets higher HP
300 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
107 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 08:42
I like the idea of the game, however, the missions are incredibly repetitive which makes it boring
317 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 11:58
You guys, is easy!
N-no panic...
146 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.21 13:17
Great ideas with abilities, run resetting and initiative manipulation.

This game is sick
759 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
2025 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 06:52
Xcom but spoopy
47 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 23:26
tl;dr - The game wants to be an especially unforgiving SRPG. However, it isn't executed cleanly enough to stave off the resulting frustration. Instead of being hard and feeling rewarding to beat, it winds up being tedious and punishes you for things you cannot possibly avoid. When I first started the game, I raved about it to my friends and tried to convince them that the harsh mechanics were fun. Having finished it, I think I was just wrong.

For reference, I played through on Nightmare. I did not use any outside resources (like a wiki) for my first run. I reached the final boss on recollection 3.

Units cannot be healed in battle and require a sacrifice of an equally leveled unit outside of battle. This seemed like an interesting caveat at first, but eventually your strongest units will require hours of risky investment for a heal. This could still be fine, but the game does not give you enough agency to avoid taking damage even if you make no mistakes. In some cases it's due to bugs, in others because enemies act inconsistently.

A key mechanic (which is never explained anywhere) is that enemies do not attack on their first turn. They move and use support abilities but do not deal damage. Exploiting this is key to ensuring that you don't take damage. However, if an enemy spawns within basic attack range of a unit, they will still attack. For enemies that can attack at range, they will also attack (even if its a skill instead of a basic attack). Combine this with wide open maps and enemies that can hit nearly the whole map and you're going to take damage. Worse, enemies can spawn next to your units after they've moved and potentially get damage off this way. You do get warned about incoming spawns, but certain actions can trigger additional spawns that sometimes show up very quickly.

Certain enemies are also incredibly annoying. The Infected/Infested have twice the range of your units, punt you down the timeline with every attack, shred more armor than any class has to start with and will simultaneously speed/armor up their allies. If you're not at end-game levels of strength (the kind where healing your units takes all day), they also have a huge health pool. Since the game doesn't tell you what units you're going to face (it tells you a few, but anything can show up), you can easily load into a mission that kills your units on retreat but shreds them if you try to push across no-man's land. Enemies that speed each other up can also partner up and stack buffs while also attacking. A duo of Infested will act about three times as fast as your units while maintaining ~560 armor (7x the base armor of your tank class) on each other. A duo of gunslingers will get about a dozen attacks off before any of your units can catch up. Neither situation is super common, but even once means losing massive health or entire units.

The bosses are pretty interesting, but they have multiple phases and reset their initiative between said phases. If you do a bit too much damage, they will suddenly boost to the front of the timeline and unleash any pending attacks. These pending attacks tend to cover huge areas, so it's very easy for someone to get whacked due to an errant crit. Still, I would say the boss design is overall good...except for the final boss.

The final boss is extremely easy for phases 1-3. In phase 4, you have to set up a combo to kill him in one unit's turn or he will go to phase 5 and take infinite turns in a row until he kills your entire team. This forces you to start over far enough back to get equippables to boost your power before trying again. You cannot know this until you have been killed at least once. It's not what I would call fun or climactic. It feels like junior high game design where you have to either read the dev's mind or get sodomized by a cactus. Worse, such combos are most easily achieved by using skills that cost 5-10% of your hp. Obviously, you can't really use those in normal combat because healing is so hard to come by.

The most important stat for the final boss phase 5 is resistance to timeline disruption. However, this is nearly useless elsewhere as your timeline only gets disrupted when you get hit and you should not ever get hit. If you don't want to watch a 5 minute movie of your units being killed, though, maybe invest in some of that.

For such a brutal game, you would expect that the UI would give you as much information as possible to best make your incredibly impactful decisions. This is not the case. Worse, it is sometimes straight up inconsistent. If you take the Spirit Round skill, for instance, and mod it to boost allied damage, it will boost the damage of all target allies. However, if you mod it to boost armor, it will boost the caster's armor once for each ally affected by the skill. I honestly do not know if this a bug or bad wording, but you can abuse it to have a 1,600 armor tank (20x higher than the base armor of the tank class) that also gives your team a permanent 100%+ damage boost.

Don't play this game for the story. It's the usual vague gimmick where they use titles instead of names and give you very little direct information. You will not understand what is going on for a while, and once you do it turns out to be a rather mundane event with some basic supernatural flair. You may remember it for a while, but you will not remember it fondly.

Music is great. Would recommend buying the soundtrack if not the game.

You either like it or you don't. I thought it was cool.

I can't tell you whether or not you would enjoy this game. I had a lot of fun for a while and you might too. I would not recommend this game to anyone due to several critical flaws, but I do think it could be amazing if polished.
105 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 22:14
probably the most unforgiving & brutal game i've played thus far, but thank god i'm a masochist.
291 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 09:31
3/5. Play for the atmosphere, restart for the needlessly convoluted mechanics, get pissed at the strange, gameplay breaking glitches.

Otherside is dripping with atmosphere, and it is all the more awesome for it. The game dives headlong into the grimdark, brutally hard gameplay, and it’s mostly for the better. You’ll struggle, and love every second of it.

Until the game takes one little mistake and utterly breaks you for it. A mistake that could easily be avoided if the mechanics were 10% clearer.

To be sure, the tutorial of the game does to a good job of preparing you for the challenge that is Otherside. This is one of the few games that I would actually recommend a new player start on the easier difficulty, rather than jump into hard mode and learn the (very) hard way.

Sadly, the little mistakes and goofs cost Otherside.

The mechanics of the unit timeline is great. When you act, it moves the character back on the timeline. So far, so good. Sadly, sometimes opposing units have to act at the same time, and the game does an exceptionally poor job showing which unit moves first.

This leads to units unexpectedly acting first.

This issue is further complicated when the game arbitrarily decides what’s first. You see, the game has a timeline set up, and moving units sets them back further into the timeline. So the game sets unit activation up on a sliding scale; units move back on the timeline, thus moving left-to-right in order to act next.

Sadly, the game’s timeline moves about as well. Sometimes the characters to the furthest left activate first, and other times the units closest to the center act first.

What’s the difference? I’m not too sure; the unit activation timeline gets very cluttered very quickly, often burying vitally important information. This results in a “it’s a sure thing that you’ll win” getting turned into a “lol you’re rekt better start the game over again.”

Often times, this distinction is only a few pixels big.

And still, you’ll come back to Otherside because the atmosphere is perfect. The game expects you to fail, and most time set you up to fail. Yet the failures are laid out, and explained to you. When you fail, it feels like a logical extension of the game’s themes; hopelessness, and struggling.

Boy, you’ll do a lot of struggling.

One thing I also have to note: sometimes the game glitches out, and in a horrible way. One mission, an enemy unit clipped through the floor. Because it wasn’t technically visible, I couldn’t target it with my ranged units. And because it technically was in the same squares as my units, the clipped-through-floor enemy had free reign to shoot all my girls without any worry in the world.

Yeah, that’s a fucking bitch.

tl;dr – come for the gentile-crushing difficulty, stay because the game crafts a good story. 3/5.
5162 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
3187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 05:02
Great game.
332 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 20:36
There is a lot to love here. But there are also many awful design choices that lead to a lot of unnecessary tedium. And the boss fights are just bull____, whoever thought that having a boss make seven (!) consecutive moves while you sit there and watch your daughters die is a good idea, is a stupid, stupid person.
206 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 15:05
1. The game is beautiful.
2. Sounds are nice.
3. The plot is not quite innovative and engaging. Anyway, it does not matter.
4. The gameplay has its issues. The two first epochs are ok, and this is enough to recommend the game.

For the last part of the game, it becomes somewhat masochistic and repetitive to my taste. Someone may like it.
257 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 03:47
Pretty neat, nothing inherently wrong with it. It's essentially XCOM mixed with a roguelike, you're meant to lose and start over with more and more bonuses until you can eventually win. Main complaint is that it's pretty repetitive, there's little variation in the missions, maps, and enemies, and your Daughters don't really develop much so missions early on play about the same as missions later on. I kinda got bored and took a break from it, and haven't really felt like picking it back up yet, but it's pretty good for an XCOM-style game.
920 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 13:47
Totally recommended!

The style really pulled me in, the gameplay takes some getting used to in that you really need to wrap your head around sacrificing.

I saw a few reviewers that didn't like the game for this but it's honestly pretty interesting. It does take getting used to though.

The game is 100% about sacrificing.

You sacrifice a tiny amount of health (around 30- 100) to avoid losing a lot of health by interrupting enemy attacks.

You sacrifice daughters to both heal and permanently power up other daughters.

Its an interesting strategy game with a lot of planning and resetting. You can resurrect characters so do get used to it. There is one issue in that the initiative bar glitches some times... (Honestly, please developers- fix this!) but I am honestly enjoying the game enough to still recommend it. It's a pretty unique take on turn based strategy games
192 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 12:11
Actually made me think for one.
226 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
2849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 10:07
I like the aesthetic and the xcommy gameplay, it does get a bit grindy after a while.
598 Produkte im Account
82 Reviews
4118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 21:58

Memento mori

Laid in black and white with a hint of red, Othercide is a turn-based tactical game developed by indie developer Lightbulb Crew and published by Focus Home Interactive. This title’s most striking quality is its distinct, minimalistic aesthetic. The game has a similarly humble soundtrack to match with subtle ambient and whispers, disturbed by occasional musical track only in the most extraordinary of moments. Impressive both in terms of gameplay and stylistic choices, the title in question is a bittersweet journey about keeping hope amidst despair.

Othercide puts the player in charge of a herculean task of mending a literal tear in reality. The quest ahead is to close the latest chapter in the history of wars against immaterial horrors lurking beyond, bent on manifesting themselves in reality. What makes this conflict special is that for the first time the evil has succeeded in coming forth into existence. Laws of physics gave way to temporal loop, ever re-playing the moment the reality broke. The only way out is to defeat the malign influence behind it all.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611492793 [/url]
Frankly, Othercide’s story is by far its least tangible aspect. The meat of the game is a steady stream of increasingly more difficult skirmishes where your ever-growing army of daughters, much like light to balance the dark, will face an army of horrors born from nightmares of a suffering child. Conducted over a number of preset maps consisting of square tiles, the player takes turns to carefully engage the enemy, always striding to deal as much damage as possible while also staying out of the harm’s way. Gradually, you will gain experience, increase your daughters’ levels, develop your favourites and eventually watch them die. Only for the cycle to repeat.

The ultimate price
Simply put, the core gameplay of Othercide is merciless. Perhaps its most telling mechanic is the characters’ lack of ability to heal. Not only every hit taken by a daughter is there to stay – the only way to regenerate a daughter is to sacrifice another one of the same level. Taking into account how challenging the bosses are, heartbreaking as it may be, your most powerful daughters will fall. Furthermore, failure to defeat the boss immediately ends a run. The only thing that remains is to start over. However, you do come back stronger – with game progress the player unlocks global buffs, such as increased starting level or damage, steadily empowering daughters in preparation for the next milestone (and boss) ahead.

With ground rules established, let’s take a look at the daughters themselves. Every run begins with 3 warriors at the player’s disposal – blademaster, gunslinger and shieldbearer – each equipped with a dedicated set of skills. Blademaster is a nimble warrior, excelling in mobility and melee damage; gunslinger provides ranged support with both bullets and buffs; shieldbearer’s specialty is protection and disturbing the enemy. Don’t be fooled by her sturdier stature though, there is no tank in a game where every ounce of damage is permanent. To keep things interesting, every class has 4 skills unlockable with level progression. They always come with a choice of 2, allowing for a diversity among the daughters of the same class.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2611492036 [/url]
The clock is ticking
Much like the game’s aesthetic, the gameplay loop of Othercide is plain, yet effective. Characters present on the map take turns to traverse a given number of tiles and attack. Each move consumes a set number of Action Points and the amount spent determines the character’s place on the initiative bar. Careful management of initiative is a crucial aspect of the game as untimely overexerted character may end up exposed and killed in a single turn.

Once the player gets a firm grip of the basics, the game becomes increasingly nuanced. New enemies are introduced and later replaced by their enhanced versions with a broader moveset. While killing is an inherent part of every mission, the ultimate objective may be different than plain eradication – timed survival, escort or prevention of a dark ritual; each type comes with a tiny spin to further keep things varied and interesting. Daughters in time receive traits that reflect their performance in battle in form of a permanent buff, and you probably get the gist by now. The devil is in the details.

For all the joy of creating a seemingly unstoppable force of daughters and excitement that monumental bossfights deliver, one cannot forget that the player is meant to fail by design. Beating the game requires multiple replays and even if this title does everything in its power to smoothen the pill (going so far as to provide easy mode) it is still hard to swallow that what you’ve meticulously built over several hours eventually just falls apart. However, fitting to overarching theme of the game, this design choice will make some of you drop the game long before the credits roll.

Forget to remember
Charming as Othercide may be, there are some minor concerns that need to be raised. As mentioned, the story of the game is rather difficult to follow. To truly grasp what transpires, one needs to read the codex, especially the memories – droppable bits of lore that second as buffs for daughters’ skills. Memories are assigned to chapters, alas codex pages won’t be complete until the game is beaten. It’s a worthwhile read though, as it covers the protagonist’s past, providing a lot of context to the events unfolding on the screen. It gives depth to the story, completely imperceptible over the regular course of play. A risky design choice to say the least.

Second dishonourable mention goes to minor bugs, still present in the game despite multiple updates addressing such issues. Perhaps the most unfortunate one is how a number of reaction skills occasionally don’t work, especially taking into account they cost total health percentage to use. Another vexing example is consistent issues with red markers, representing the area of the enemy’s attack. They almost never respond to skills moving the enemy away, and often linger 1-2 turns past their resolution, introducing confusion and memory game, particularly to otherwise atmospheric bossfights.

Midnight clad
All things considered, Othercide deserves all of its critical acclaim. This title is a feast for any enthusiast of turn-based, tactical play. As a bright-red cherry on top, the game’s aesthetic is a delightful application of minimalism, coupled with soundtrack evoking pathos where fitting. Minor hiccups I experienced along the way didn’t deter me in any way from greatly enjoying the game. However, one has to remember how difficult Othercide is. The game, by design, is meant to induce pinches of fatigue and hopelessness, alas those looking for light-hearted fun should steer clear away from this title. On the other hand, those who enjoy their gaming a little rough, and especially fans of the genre, can confidently send their daughters to war.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2730 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 10:48
Great game, the grim dark aesthetic is amazing, concept is original and the gameplay is generally sound.
Easy mode can be challenging but I enjoyed my experience in Original more, while it might sound masochistic xd.
I felt that every time I lost, afterwards I found that organising the Daughters and understanding enemy types became far easier.
Heres pros and cons.

I love the lore in this game, the abhorrent enemies, the sick and twisted bosses and gradually uncovering the truth of the past. The game also feels original, which is a breath of fresh air in this age of sterile media.

Fast and brutal, for both enemies and Daughters.

Flawless, there is nothing in this area in my opinion that needs to be changed.


I know its in my pros, but I found some aspects hard to understand, especially the Memories. Also I'm still confused as to what the Chosen One truly means, what the Suffering is and what Others are.

yes its also in my pros xd, but I ve found it can be frustrating for no reason. For example, on many occasions, ive had plague butchers and plague guard strike Daughters from across the map, which I assume is a bug. In addition, Infected spawn and immediately shoot a daughter, which due to the fact they can do it across the map, frustrates me. However, I think the worst experience Ive had are the Painslingers, simply because of Corrupted Haste. It wouldnt be a problem if they only used it once, but when there are a pair of them, they use it on each other and have 4 turns before you get to a Daughter's. Unless you re capable of killing one as soon as they spawn (Which can be difficult considering they have 3000+ health), it can completely overrun the mission.
In addition, actions that can counter interruptions would be great for both enemies and Daughters, as I feel that any action or ability in a strategy game needs a counter to feel immersive.

I think this has been repeated a lot in the reviews, but more customisation would be nice. Memories are one thing, but I do get attached to the Daughters ive had for several Recollections. Moreover, Shieldbearers don't work in Nightmare, at least they feel like the worst class. This is due to several reasons, one they can't aggro enemies, they can t generate armour without using hp, they do less damage than every other class (Yes even Soulslinger because they get Shadow Round.) which wouldnt be a problem if they could soak up damage like an actual tank. The biggest problem is healing, they need a way to regain health during missions, perhaps as an attack so you couldnt do it every turn. Having a big hp pool is useless if you cant use it.
More classes would also be amazing, I'd love to have one with an axe or maybe a musket to have another ranged class.

I have autism, which results in me finding games like Warframe and FF14 enjoyable to play, even after hundreds of hours of gameplay. I would say for Othercide though, having more items to collect would be a boon.

After hearing 'Give life to our Daughters' and 'A clean cut.' a million times, some more voice lines would be great, and help with the repetition.


I love this game and I am intent on buying any content that comes out for it. Despite some problems here and there, I find myself enjoying Othercide immensely. I am looking forward to it's future.
6238 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 12:30
Code For other game reviews, please follow us at What The Game?

Othercide is a turn-based strategy game (think XCOM) mixed with roguelike elements (think Darkest Dungeon). It first grabbed my attention with its very compelling visual style and when I read into it I knew that I had to try this game since I am a fan of both genres.

When I started the game, I had two choices, Nightmare (Original) or Dream (Alternative) difficulties so I just picked original and did not even think twice. Three hours in and I am literally tearing out my hair because of the difficulty. I love a challenge but I don’t enjoy it when it’s just way too difficult so I started a new game on Dream and it became much more enjoyable for me at least.

If you’re familiar with XCOM games then you will have no trouble jumping right in, the gameplay uses a turn-based system with a timeline, paying attention to the timeline is crucial to success, you can squeeze in multiple turns by properly rationing AP. The missions don’t vary much but the boss level and design is well-executed, in comparison the daughters look bland with very little differences between each of them. After beating each boss, you will unlock bonuses you can spend currency on like extra HP, attack and even coins to revive a fallen daughter so you can tackle the boss fight that you failed a million times again.

I see that there’s a lot of people saying this game is too repetitive and I can see why as there are only three classes with limited skills and almost no customization in terms of looks, weapons etc. That makes the game feel repetitive very quickly and I hope that the devs can work on that more in upcoming updates.

Overall, Othercide is an interesting roguelike turn-based strategy game, its extremely high difficulty may be a roadblock for some but it can be overcome with patience and study, the deeper you get into it, the more rewarding the gameplay will become, not to mention that the art direction is full of style!

Short first impression gameplay:
324 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 15:09
I've consumed a lot of media in my life, yet somehow this indie gem rates as one of the most stunning artistic works I've ever experienced. I can write an entire essay praising Lightbulb Crew’s genius here, but I wish to be brief and focus only on the question: should you get this?

The team has been incredibly bold and niche with their vision so the answer might be that it isn’t for you. Do you enjoy the complexity and grind of squad tactics games like X-COM and Darkest Dungeon? And do you enjoy the dark and bleak worlds and mythos of works like Bloodborne and Berserk? If it is a “yes” on both counts, get this game right away! Otherwise, I would simply wishlist it and consider it if you ever want to try something wild and different.

On the off chance anyone at Lightbulb Crew reads this: this game is an incredible achievement and you should all be immensely proud of it! Also: sequel when?
172 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 02:50
TL;DR - Smaller, tight turn-based combat rogue-lite RPG (in the XCOM vein), that doesn't get convoluted, but can be harsh with tough bosses and a sacrifice-to-heal mechanic. Cool art style and themes. A bit repetitive, but satisfying in shorter play sessions. I enjoyed it even though I usually don't like turn-based combat or rogue-likes/lites.

Turn-based combat and rogue-like/lite games are really not my thing and those game mechanics are usually a huge turn-off for me. However, the great art style and themes are what intrigued me into getting this game. After the disappointment of learning that Baldur's Gate 3 was going to have turn-based combat from the real-time-with-pause combat the original games had, I wanted to start getting used to some turn-based RPGs and decided to try Othercide first.

This was a great decision, because Othercide is a smaller, tight experience that takes dozens, but not hundreds, of hours to complete. The combat starts off simple enough to easily get into it, but ends up being pretty deep without being super convoluted or bloated with systems. The initiative timeline mechanic that dictates when each unit takes their turn is really interesting and smart, but could be used to greater complexity. This game doesn't have the biggest variety of classes and move sets, or the deepest, interconnected systems that hard-core strategy game-players crave, but has huge potential for those things in future sequels.

The battles can get a fairly repetitive (repeated maps, enemies and modes), especially with the rogue-lite run system. But you always make some progress each run, and the combat and strategy is satisfying enough to learn and master that it overshadows the repetitive elements, especially because I mostly played over lots of shorter play sessions. The bosses and the inability to heal without sacrificing your characters is harsh, but I appreciated it, at least thematically, once I had my roster of go-to daughters to resurrect each run.

I really like Othercide, and hopefully it'll continue to be updated and get a sequel!
385 Produkte im Account
311 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 14:50
I wanna like this but it is so short and has so little depth but the base idea is great. With some DLC and a little more content, this game could really shine. The asthetic alone is pretty cool. I'll be checking up on this one.
248 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 23:22
A good game. Challenging but made like Groundhog- repeat and learn from your mistake, have some fun and frustration along the way.

I do miss a system informing of the specific acts of the different creatures(maybe theres a reward for this lateR?-should be). Could write everything out but, to much work, should be in game.
Same goes for the skills(called memories) that you atach to the Daugthers(your units). I never remember what extra skill they have atached and it doesent specify when you started a game, only tells of effects of standard atack and not the bonuses. Please fix this ANOYING problem.

Otherwise a dark, fight the darkness(probably with some plot twist/s) game. Kinda like chess, only easier and more fun :9.

In black and white with red. Feels very much like an eternal grinder, but fun when you always improve fail or sucsess- just like in life xD
62 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 00:50
Good strategy game. It can definitely put you in some spots where you really have to think and you're always playing with limited resources so mistakes hit hard.
42 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 11:12
This game is just... WOW! Such an incredible gem! First of all the art direction is astonishing (especially if you like the macabre theme). The black and white setting with splashes of red makes for a very authentic world. Those visuals are supported by more than commendable audio (shrieks, whispers and VO). The whole package is a real audiovisual treat.

Secondly, and of course more importantly, this game is just a blast to play. Lovely turn based tactics and combat, where you can pull off some splendid tricks. I literally finished levels with one mouse-click (bring your Scythedancer to level 15 and you'll understand). Perhaps the gameplay isn't as unique as the art but it's rock solid nevertheless. Where the game really shone for me was the initiative order and recollection system. No Xcom-alike heroes first and enemies second setup, but a combined initiative order which can be manipulated (you feel so smart doing that). The recollection system grants you extra options and possibilities once you have to start over. It's a lovely system that balances the game for you no matter your skill level.

Lastly, I really liked the 'point of view' the game has on (the) main characters. You're playing with a team of Daughters so no masculine, pumped up, brainless machos here. It felt like a fresh wind of air. Because you're Daughters all look like very fragile schoolgirls, it was even more impressive when they sliced some monstrosity in half. :)

The only downside of the game is its size. There aren't that many levels, so there is an element of repetition involved (didn't bother me that much because I just luuuv it). So, devs, make my day and create some DLC!!!
124 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 07:13
This strategy game generally doesn't allow you to plan ahead. It is constantly spawning enemies directly on top of you and enemy telegraphed ranges suddenly change when it reaches their turn, if you can even get the sticky, clunky controls to display the range in the first place. If you don't 1 hit KO enemies they will take off 1/2 your health on their turn which might as well kill the character because of how inconvenient healing is. In my 7 hour playtime I never once had an opportunity to heal a character. Either the characters are too high level for you to have extra's to sac, or they're too low level to warrant spending resources on healing them. The nail in the coffin was when I finally made it to the first boss and he had an auto counter for melee attacks that makes 2/3 of the classes literally unplayable. It does this with no warning before the fight and if you chose to do all the fights like I did you might have spent 4 hours on your run just to get there. This sums up to a game where you just slog through missions until you get big enough numbers to ignore the game entirely. An overall very frustrating experience.
380 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2827 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 17:59
An incredible game with an incredible soundtrack.
I only wish there were more songs like the ones certain late-game bosses have, but at the same time it would lessen the effect of these moments.
This, amongst all the other design choices concerning visuals and audio create just the right atmosphere for the story this game is telling.
The voice acting is also particularly good in that regard, as every single line is emotion-laden and every voice feels fitting for their respective character.

While there are regular video sequences giving you more and more of a feel for the story and the characters, detailed info is hidden in the memories and remnants you collect, allowing you to piece everything together - up until the very end.
Maybe that's just the dark souls addict in me, but I dig this kind of storytelling.

As far as gameplay is concerned, I want to raise a few points, since I'm seeing a few reviews complaining about the enemies being unpredictable:
-Enemy behaviour is always predictable, as long as you memorise their pattern
-You can review each creature's behaviour in your codex in between missions
-Enemies (with one exception) only have 1 action on their first turn - attack or move. They will generally attack if they have their first turn in range of a daughter (does not include bosses, which have their own set of rules)
-The one exception is a crawling buffer, which can use all it's actions the moment it spawns - one of which being a long-ranged attack. This has to be taken into account
627 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 06:40
The game is enjoyable but I disagree when others compare it to Darkest Dungeon.

This game doesn't feel crisp, it lacks some major polish making some parts of it feel rather clunky.
- The camera feels really bad, selecting a unit to read about it/see it's range will force lock it on the target for a few seconds. You can't rotate the camera at all, thankfully it's not needed since obstacles aren't obtrusive.
- The range indicator itself is a little finicky, not always displaying when you hover over things. The enemy range also extends when you're 1 tile away? But they can't actually hit you despite the game showing you they can.
- Occasionally a melee enemy (the little crawler guys) will attack me from a range? I don't think it's a bug but rather a lack of communication in some skill the enemy had used.
- The narration, although very lovely, is quite repetitive. For a roguelite it's particularly unfortunate as deaths are many. I wish there were just a few more voicelines.
- The dodge chance is fair, as it's an 'turn-based' rpg.. but it honestly feels weird in this. Maybe I was spoiled by 'Into the Breach', but when you plan everything out and then your character misses 4/6 shots to ruin the plan.. it just feels like shit.

Anyhow, despite the flaws the game is still pretty fun. I loove the art direction of the game. The lore of the game is cool af.
101 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 06:26
extremely fun and hidden lore and backstory everywhere.
218 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
754 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 08:50
(8 hrs in at the time of this review, playing on classic difficulty, for those who care)

I love and hate this game.
I like many of the ideas, the game runs smoothly and the core tactical gameplay is fun, rewarding and punishing. Also the soundtrack is great. Other reviewers present all the good stuff (and there's a lot of good) in more detail, so i'll leave it at that for now.
The overall game-design and enemy-design is fine and while I don't like every single thing about it, I can clearly see what the devs were going for and why.

Here's why I wouldn't recommend the game - they are many small things but to me they add up to make the experience less enjoyable at best and frustrating at worst:
(Tl:dr: some important pieces of information are not clearly communicated)

  • The art-style, while distinct, cool and well executed, can be taxing on the eyes, especially when not playing in a dark room.
  • The game is missing visual indicators, that make some things feel like a gamble (or require you to count tiles).
  • - Obstacles sometimes omit ranged attacks and sometimes don't. While usually you can guess that a rock blocks vision and a hole in the floor doesn't, there are some obstacles that are not so clear and there's no indicator like a cover icon. - For the Soulslinger (ranged class) there is an indicator for when they're in range to shoot an enemy, before you commit to the move, but for ranged skills on the other classes, like the Bladesoul's teleport attack, there isn't. This is even more annoying, because sometimes you can shoot over an obstacle but not use the line-of sight based teleport, for reasons unknown to me.
  • Usually enemies don't/can't (?) attack you the turn they spawn but some sometimes do, which isn't great in a game where health loss is permanent.
  • Enemy behavior is sometimes too unpredictable, imo. There are sections on who any given enemy targets when, in the in game encyclopedia but you cant access that during a mission, but the scavenger for example (who's supposed to target the unit furthest away when they spawn) sometimes decides to just punch the unit closest to them and - again - this isnt great, when health loss is permanent.

260 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 05:45
Great game.
84 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3483 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 18:59
The final boss... it goes past being hard to just being a pain in the ass. You can only beat it by cheesing or camping specific spawn points.

Turns into a grind that by the time you defeat it, you forget the story or motivation entirely.

Garbage game design.
75 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 21:16
Very difficult but enjoyable. If you like isometric strategy games and difficult rogue lites, this is a game you should check out.
62 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
599 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 18:43
I absolutely love this game. I bought it in a sale and despite only having it played for 10 hours for now I will get back again and again to it. The game got my interest at first because its amazing style and because it is not so easy to find good turn based strategy games. Games like Fire Emblem, FF Tactics and such classics are totally my jam but I have to admit I was a bit sceptical because of the rougelike aspect at first. Then after giving it a try this game totally took over me because of its substance. I admit I got a grasp of the systems on hard difficulty quite quickly and almost finshed two bosses in my second run already, but still this game is dope and keeps on giving me things that I really like. What I really like besides the style is the voice acting, the general atmosphere and how you build relatively thought out characters that can be used for different kinds of missions. There are some things the game could improve upon, but for me most are non issues because it is not a hugely expensive game. Don't expect a story like that of a Final Fantasy or a Fire Emblem in this genre and look at it for what it is. The whole kinda Lovecraftian theme is also cool.

What I would appreciate would be maybe more classes, more character models, maybe more different types of missions and maps. So a bit more content basically, but just because I can't get enough from this game. This game is well worth your money already, more content would just be icing on the cake for me. Only thing that really needs a bit of tweaking is the AI sometimes and a couple of convenience features like sorting selecting favourite daughters so that you can revive/find them more easily or something. Obviously I wouldn't pick favourites, all my daughters are worth the same. Who am I kidding, ofc I love Melody more then Peach ;D

Oh and one thing I would imagine to be fun would be some place to appreciate daughters that I sacrificed or where I can show how many atrocities they killed or something. Call me weird or whatever but I feel cold hearted for sacrificing my daughters regularly, especially those that I create only to sacrifice them again. A shrine or something could be interesting, but I mean, it is fine as is since every daughter can be revived.
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 06:11
Look, Othercide, I love what you have going here.

I love your aesthetic, your combat system, your story.

The bugs in this game have frustrated me to the point of quitting.

I'd love to come back someday but I just can't do it for now.
73 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 08:42
Really tough, you're going to lose over and over again. But if and when you win it'll feel amazing. Not for the easily frustrated, but still rewarding.
9337 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
1909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.21 17:31
This review was brought to you in part by Abyssal Ascent Reviews . If you liked it, please Follow the Curator and Join its group.

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Othercide is a turn-based strategy involving some future event, and the need to produce daughters to circumvent this event that seems to be at some point in the future or past, during the opening of the game. Gameplay involves a good bit of grinding at its core concept. You can gain points to invest into direct abilities, and unlock things in each zone as you go along. Losing a few times is actually not such a bad thing in this game near the beginning, since you will accumulate more to spend on some of your unlocks, which you can then use to give you a slight edge.

I want to make one thing fairly clear though. The game itself is not actually extremely difficult. I do not consider this roguelike either. Permadeath is there for your current run, but it doesn’t really fit many other qualifications for the genre. I would say the difficulty is in a sort of ”battle of attrition”, meaning it’s grindy, and time-consuming to raise your daughters, of which there are several classes with varying abilities. The learning curve is the only problem, then it becomes somewhat clockwork in nature.

Some of the daughters were unbalanced when I played last. The big issue with the way the grind system is set up is that inherited traits of classes are the same for each class type, and you only get one, which is in red on your skills for the daughter that received the benefit from a daughter of a higher level, where the lower level will inherit the said trait. This is why the game is so grindy. You can also pick up random debuffs/buffs to stats that can be permanent, or practically permanent based on things your characters do while in battle. Another thing upon leveling is you gain extra usable battle skills. You can choose one or the other and it can vary depending on which you want to keep, given the situation.

There were several types of situations one might end up in, ranging from surviving all waves, to reaching a goal, or escorting missions and some other various types. You may choose to skip right to bosses, bypass bosses altogether, or do other things depending on how far along you are in the game. I thought some of the bosses were hard, but once you learn what they do in each phase, you can find ways to take certain counter-measures. Most are not too hard to figure out, but there was a bit of randomness and trial and error for me. Supplementing with a guide for ideas on how to effectively play is useful, since the game didn’t really explain it too well at the time I played, in my opinion.

Pretty graphics, with a noir and red style of background. The daughters reminded me a little bit of 2B or something similar, and the music paired well with the game’s overall feel and mood. The setting and plot are hard to understand much about, but things get revealed to you as you go, and there are sections to examine for unlocks, extra enemy information (which I cannot stress the importance of enough, as it reveals attack patterns, weaknesses and strengths to take advantage of), and other such things, which can be viewed in the menu any time once you’ve unlocked them.

You can gain other abilities which can be applied manually to your daughters when you meet the right conditions. They are usually chance-based, but if a condition meets all unlock requirements, it’s possible to get these orbs which can be later added. They are removed after a game ends. Your daughters you lose can be resurrected as well later on as you open up more abilities, so a complete wipe isn’t necessarily a bad thing in many cases in this game. Early on you probably won’t really be worried about specific daughters, and may instead try to get a few with some good overall stats, since these can vary.

While I think the game is good, I also think there is a lot of untapped potential in what is possible with this system and the way it was done during the time I played this game.


Lots of customization is possible. More is possible with further optimization and unlocks, further adding to possibilities.

Nice graphics, and the gameplay is fun early on, as I got introduced to the game. It can get a little bit repetitive, due to only a few classes of daughters to choose from, thus limiting your movesets.

I liked the counter-attack system, and the attack time grid at the bottom of the screen. This could be somewhat exploited early on, but as far as I’m aware, most instances of this have been hit with the nerfbat.

Decent amount of variations, and different ways to play, based on how you choose to set up your party. Good to strategize, since you can only fight once per day and need a rest with daughters. There is an easier mode where resting gains life. I never tried the other mode as of yet though.

The game could use more enemy types, varied attacks, and different characters and encounters. While the game is fun, it is still tedious and a bit predictable at certain points, depending on how familiar you get to creature habits and how to move your daughters efficiently to get the most out of them.

The roguelite elements are only having to do with earning extra currency to buy more skills as you unlock them with progression. This value only decreases in the current game, and you continue to gain more as you fail.


Very grindy when I played. This is what ultimately made me take a break from playing. I still don’t really feel like finishing this yet, but I do believe it will be enjoyable to jump back into playing again sometime and see how it is now compared to when I played it in October or November.

The battle speed was a bit slow too. Even speeding things up, it was a bit of an annoyance to wait on everything to finish turns.

Just felt inefficient and unbalanced having to grind and keep levels close, so I could then add stats in sacrifices.

Good foundation here, but I see a lot that could be built upon. I personally felt that this game should have been in Early Access or beta still when I played.

Way too expensive for the amount of material in the game, however it still feels like a higher quality game than many out there, most likely thanks to publishing and development making polished and crisp graphics a big priority. The scenes and action bits are quite nice in presentation, so I did enjoy some of the cutscenes.

Some of the voicing would mess up, be silent, or overlap. Not sure if this was corrected or not. It’s also a bit repetitive since there are not a huge amount of phrases.

No 9S in this game. Why can’t there be some dudes around?!


I’m probably out of room now, but this one is tough for me to swing one way or the other. Paired with the expensive price, I recommend this but with some caution. It’s not a game for everybody, and the tags are a bit misleading. Buyer beware! Still a nice game overall, but I hope there have been some improvements since I last played. I’ll update if I decide to finish the game and go for all the achievements! All in all this one is worth a go, but do not run into it with majorly high expectations!

Game curator review made possible thanks to Simetria League for allowing me to review this, courtesy of Jogos Grátis Brasil!
168 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 02:14
TL;DR: I would recommend this game if you like XCOM and Darkest Dungeon. As for tactics games, it adds a cool initiative timeline system with the concept of taking a half turn. Also, you can never heal your units between battles without sacrificing others. You will lose units, you will lose and have to start over, it is brutal just like Darkest Dungeon.

The good:
Excellent art style! The scarves that your daughters wear are also HP bars. They lose their red the closer they are to dying.
The timeline, with delayed moves and windups this makes initiative more than a roll.
Not being able to heal units, Sounds bad, but makes HP a limited resource. It also adds strategy between fights.
Boss fights are hard, and if you fail you have to start a whole new game. High stakes!

The bad:
Unfortunately, it gets a bit repetitive quickly.
Not a large array of maps.
High stakes game, just like Darkest Dungeon. If you don't like Darkest Dungeon you won't like this.
Only 3 different units.

The ugly:

Wrap up:
If you like Darkest Dungeon and you like XCOM, you will like this. The only real downside is that it feels repetitive faster than Darkest Dungeon and XCOM do and I'm not sure why. Still worth the money, even more so if it is on sale!
323 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
396 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 20:10
Kind of an odd stance with this review, I do enjoy the game and think it is pretty good but I also think it is lacking a bit of variety and content. The game doesn't have any updates planned or announced for nearly 6 months now and I can see it getting bland/boring with barely any replay value.

The game is worth probably 15 dollars for what it offers, if you do buy it (the game is good just a bit lacking) make sure you buy it on sale.
72 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 14:35
Swords, Guns, Grimdark, Anime, RPG, Wemen - 10/10
195 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 11:48
The soundtrack rocks.
The women are hot.
The art design is fucking gorgeous.
And the gameplay is very polished.
Do recimmend. Is good.
494 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 06:15
This game has style in spades, but it's just not that fun for me. The premise is super cool and I really like the aesthetic of the game. But I'm the kind of guy who suspends disbelief when he plays a video game. I try to get as into it as I possibly can. And, because of this, I learned a valuable lesson from Othercide: There is a MASSIVE difference between losing a unit and being forced to SACRIFICE them, especially when the game has christened these units your 'Daughters.' Yeah, yeah. It's just a game. Get over it. Get a life. I've heard all that shit before. But the fact of the matter is if we don't get invested in these premises, we're just clicking a mouse and pressing buttons in response to stimuli. That's it.

Anyway, every time I had to sacrifice one of my daughters, I felt like I had lost the game. When I lose a soldier in XCOM or Darkest Dungeon, I want to complete the mission so they didn't die for nothing. In this game, when I sacrifice a daughter to heal another, I feel like I failed. Over and over again. You can see how my bottle would fill up real quick in this respect, right? For a guy who emotionally invests in games like this, the atmosphere becomes OPPRESSIVE very quickly.

I don't regret spending the money I did on this game. It's a good game with an interesting premise and simple yet impactful combat and I'm very interested in what Lightbulb's next game will be. This game's just not for me, is all.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 05:23
I don't need to play more than the hours I have to say this is an amazing game.

The art? Stunning. Makes me want to buy an artbook just to look at, as well as to support the amazing devs.
The story? Gripping. Every bit of info I get leaves me thirsting for more.
The gameplay? Controls felt weird at first but I got used to it in less than 5 min, felt great after.

The only situation I can think of where I wouldn't recommend this game is if you don't like roguelites/roguelikes, due to the repetition. But also, if that's the case, why are you here if you know you don't like this kind of game?

TL;DR: I, someone who does not consider themselves anything of a completionist, plan on getting all this games trophies, just because I can see more of this beautiful game. Give the devs ya money.
815 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 03:42
amazing game, wasn't too long and even on the intended hard difficulty it wasn't too hard. The story and writing is what i fell in love with with a nice combat loop to play with.
205 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 22:04
I'm not super familiar with this genre, I was honestly drawn in with the downright INSPIRED art style. I was not disappointed. This game's music, gameplay, and art direction are incredibly on point. The AP system in combat makes the turn based strategy feel like things are happening all at once as opposed to turn based which I absolutely adore. I cannot recommend this more if you like a bleak, oppressive atmosphere, turn based combat, and have a good music taste.
66 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1893 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 03:17
Good tactics game if your bored of X-Com and its clones, needs a bit more options and customization. The gameplay and the art make up for it and really scratches that tactics itch we all crave.
242 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1422 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 00:10
I really love this game, but my god most people will not.

The UI is a complete mess, the design decision to make everything grey-scale or red needs to be backed up with other ways of seeing what is going on. Once the screen gets filled with red skulls its almost impossible to tell who is attacking what.

The only indicator for delayed skills is the same for every enemy on the timeline, so you are constantly hovering over everything (with a non insignificant delay) to try and work out who is attacking what and when they are doing it. It is not easy. And one mistake can cost a run entirely.

Many of the games mechanics are not explained to you, you are supposed to die, that much is clear, but it will be hours before you work out WHY you are dying.

Certain enemies AI is either totally bugged, or i'm still missing something about them after 15+ hours of play.

Its really really hard to tell what bonuses your characters have, without going into the specific menu screen to check and memorise. This is a problem when you have 10+ characters.

You need to be able to see who has what bonuses at a glance, this is because some of them will be needed in specific fights (i.e removal of armour). Going through 3 menu screens to see which sister has the armour break, or the immobilise, every, SINGLE, FIGHT gets frustrating.

this again comes back to the colour palette. If you are going to keep to 3 colours, you need some other system to show, at a glance, whether each one of your 40+ abilities has a low level bonus, a high level bonus, a stat removal, a damage buff or an ally buff. Currently every single one is just a red circle, so you have to over over everything to remember it.

I'm a sucker for turn based games, and this one has some really cool mechanics. But don't waste your time if you aren't prepared to deal with extreme teduim and multiple restarts that feel unfair.

Its the only x-com style game in years that i have felt the need to save scum, be it to test out the AI and try and work out what i did wrong, or because i misread one ability and my entire squad wiped.
194 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
139 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 20:01
I really wanted to like this game, as I like this genre and the graphics seemed really appealing to me. However, I've ultimately requested a refund for this game as some of the issues with the controls, UI and game features are simply lacking or too poorly implemented to make the game fun to play. It feels like a chore.

There doesn't appear to be any efficient way to view the range of movement of enemies, and the range of movement doesn't really factor in the AP cost of attacks. Making it feel like home work to have to count how many tiles an enemy may move, and what kind of attack he could use. The controls just appear silly making the whole process take for ever.

The UI lacks clarity, I would often try to use an attack, and be unsure if it's going to be an AOE, ranged, delayed, and sometimes couldn't figure out who I was targeting. The controls don't make this easy either as there seems to be an inconsistency with how the controls operate on various skills or targeting.

If this game had massive improvements to the UI and control schemes I would perhaps recommend it. But unfortunately the issues make the already slow paced genre of game even slower and tedious.

462 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 16:39

Style, music, animation, backstory, DAUGHTERS, loved everything, except for losing my cuties, which is a part of mechanics. Enjoyed the fighting, was interested in Mother's story, added boss fight themes to my playlist, spent a couple of hours just watching daughters switching stances in customization menu. Adorable.

I wish there'd be more customization (not that I didn't like the dresses and appearances, it's great, just wanted to switch sometimes and maybe put some armor pieces, xcom style), and some more comment variations from the narrators. Also there are some bugs left, couple of times worm got under the textures and kept attacking from there while being invulnerable, daughters can use reaction skills even after leaving the area, game crushed a few times...

But all in all, this is my game of the year.
I'd like to see sequel. Hell, I love that noir style.
10 Others out of 10! 1000 my perfect daughters out of 1000!
304 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 23:29
heart breaking to lose your daughters (seriously), fortunately you can resurrect them however the resources to do so are hard to come by and very spars. beautifully done, challenging. love it!
545 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
1795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.20 17:04
Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!

An XCOM-like isometric tactical game set in a dark, gothic, post-apocalyptic world with an interesting visual style. Nightmarish creatures are roaming about and only the Daughters, clones of a great female warrior, can lay those creatures to rest.

Aside from the usual XCOM-like features, such as isometric grid movement, action points determining what we can do in a turn, and squad-type missions, Othercide offers some of its own unique features too that spice up the gameplay.

The overwatch feature is taken to the next level with a variety of skills acting as interruptions or reactions. Interruptions allow a daughter to counter an enemy attack on an ally in range, while a reaction can cause a daughter to have an additional action, depending on what triggers the reaction (e.g. an enemy coming within melee range getting automatically hit, etc).

Daughters come in 3 classes in the beginning (+ a 4th class that becomes available partway through the game), each one with their own strengths and weaknesses. New skills can be unlocked at specific level ups, and at each such instance, we can choose one of two skills to go for, so there's some variety in builds even within the same class.

The combat operates on a timeline system, where turns are dynamic. Enemies can be pushed back along the timeline so their turn comes later, and likewise allies can be boosted forward on the timeline to take their turns sooner. Some effects from abilities can also last for a specific duration amount or trigger at certain points on the timeline.

Lastly, the game has a recollections system. If we fail at any point during a campaign, we can start over from the beginning with unlocked bonuses, tackling the same challenges with more advantages on our side. Some of these bonuses do allow us to skip past certain eras if we don't wish to replay them, so it's a nice mechanic. Can feel a bit grindy, but adds an interesting twist on the campaign progression.

Generally, the game is challenging and we're almost always outnumbered, but there are many ways in which we can tackle these challenges. It's a very rewarding experience. Boss fights are also well-designed and fun. The only part of the game I disliked is the final boss, as it felt like a cheap difficulty spike, intended to force you to grind more.

The story is mainly secondary to the gameplay and provides a nice backdrop for the conflict. The grey and red visuals also do great at enhancing the overall experience. There are some really amazing music tracks in places too, such as during the boss fights. But there are also some annoyingly jarring tracks playing during regular missions combat encounters.

A great, challenging, tactical turn-based game that shows quality all around with only a few drawbacks.

For a more in-depth review and a gameplay video, check here: https://saveorquit.com/2020/12/20/review-othercide/
476 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 05:45
A HUGE 10/10 - 5 STARS
The game mechanics are really good, think Fire Emblem meets Darkest Dungeon - But this is not what makes it 5 Stars. The art style is unique and it's something you don't see everyday which is good, I don't think this game would be as good if it had a normal colorful art style - But this is not what makes it 5 Stars. The voice acting, atmosphere, music, and soundtrack are all really amazing and make your blood pump at high points - But this is not what makes it 5 Stars.

ALL of these aspects put together make this game 5 Stars for me.

I love how unique it is and how it combines two of my favorite game's mechanics, but in a way that is fresh and interesting. This is a 'must buy' from me at any price if you are in love with atmosphere, hard hitting tactics, and insane difficulty.
268 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 01:04
TL;DR The gameplay loop is too small and shallow, making the game feel boring and repetitive almost immediately. Unless you LOVE grindy games, I'd stay away. There's a *reason* the full asking-price for the game is only $35; and even at that price I'd say it's too expensive.

Longer Version
You only ever have 3 different classes to choose from, melee dps, tank, ranged dps. And each class has an option to pick between 2 different abilities at lvls 2, 5, 10 and 15. Coupled with the original 2 it starts with, each class can have 6 abilities at max lvl. This might sound like enough variation on paper, until you realize how long it takes to level characters. I played for 6 hours and my highest lvl character just hit 5. That means you're going to be spending a LOT of time using the exact same first 3 abilities for each class.

The story and theme, such as it is, feels gratuitously edgy and emo while being intentionally vague (it seems), as if trying to foster an air of mystery and intrigue. Instead it just winds up feeling like a try-hard mess that never explains anything to you. Some people might enjoy a game that doesn't reveal what you're doing, who you are, who you're fighting and why until ~20 hours in, but for me that sort of stuff is just annoying and makes it impossible to give a sh*t about what I'm doing.

The levels all feel the same, with no interesting use of terrain or height differences, no cover system. There's never anything interesting to do with the map itself like flanks or alternate routes to objectives. It's always just 1 of 3 things: a straight slog from 1 end to the other, camping in your spawn while enemies come to you, or starting in the center and pushing into one of the corners while enemies converge from the others.

And as for the art style that some people seem to be gushing over...its just f*cking grey scale with accents of red...sure it looks kind of cool the first time you encounter it, but it's certainly nothing new or special; kind of the easy-button when you're trying to inject an edgy feel to something but don't have any original ideas on how to do that.

If you're still curious and want to try it, I would strongly recommend waiting for a 50+% off sale. $15 for ~6 hours of distraction isn't a terrible deal.
2333 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 17:38
Beautifully stylistic art approach to and incredible turn based strategy rogue. A few rounds will have you comfy with the game play and the in game mechanics are well thought through, new and quirky ( in a very good way ). Would love to see some MP added in the future for matches against friends or a league style system.

1250 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.20 15:55
A fantastic tactics game that balances its difficulty on a knife edge. Careful planning and combining abilities between your Daughters is key to winning boss fights and just as important for making it out of fights unscathed.

The graphics are dark, beautiful and unsettling in equal measure. Add on to that some smart use of colour and excellent animations which really give your abilities some punch and it creates some stunning visual moments.

The audio is an amazing example of timing done 'right'. With songs kicking in vocals or shredding guitars during boss fights when you transition to different phases or trigger an ability. The voice work matches the aesthetic nicely and the monsters have some haunting screams that will stick with you.

As a long time fan of Tactics game I cannot recommend Othercide enough. The game is punishing but fair, it follows very specific rules of engagement in combat and learning its systems can make you feel like an unstoppable wave of death just destroying whatever enemies happen to stand in your way... but if you don't pay attention or try to brute force your way through, the game will quickly remind you that sometimes its better to take a second to think.

Easily one of my top games of 2020, can't wait to see what Lightbulb Crew work on next!
603 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 23:23
The game is good. IT has a dark and haunting theme behind it and the black and white with only red accentation really sells it. I have thoroughly enjoyed it but there are some things to note. It is hard, and you are expected to restart over and over again until you rack up enough points to start carrying upgrades between runs. The problem is that the game has a number of bugs still. Things like melee enemies able to attack your character from across the map upon spawn (rare but still happens more than i'd like), and I lost my codex info progress for some reason. Other than that, there have been no big game breaking glitches. The story is interesting, and the codex really helps flesh out the world. The mechanics for only healing daughters through sacrifice seems like it'll be tough but the game finds ways to subvert it through the rogue lite elements. Overall great game with some flaws. I got my moneys worth, even if i havent beaten it just yet. Its a good time if you like turned based combat. Another note, turn the gameplay to quick in the options when you get a hold of things.
246 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 19:50
As a fan of turn based strategy games I was immediately pulled into the the mechanics of game. But what I didn't expect was that I became captivated with the art style and them of the game. The grim morbid setting was extremely well drawn that really pictured 'suffering' and 'sadness' within the human hears. The weird monstrosities we face are also horrifyingly strange to look at. Though that's all the more reason to destroy them.

Currently I have won my first playthrough on the dream difficulty, (Because I started out on Nightmare and was still figuring out the mechanics.) but now I'm more then ready to finish up Nightmare. The game is definitely hardcore without the dream difficulty, but it's also really addicting. Some people might feel it's a bit repetitious, and that is true as there isn't a lot of content. But this title has a massive amount of lore, alongside opportunities to expand the game. I bought it on offer, 30% which I felt it was worth it, plus I really liked their presentation.

For my future thoughts, I hope the company will continue to support this game by giving it much more content, as the game is only 5GB worth of space, it's still really small. I think the game would definitely be worth it's original price, once they reached 30-40GB worth of content.
113 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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1192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 19:37
I wanted to like this game, and for the first couple of hours I did. Longer than that and it became far too grindy and repetitive. playing on the same maps against the same NPCs over and over again.
199 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 13:20
I've played for 6+ hours and if someone kills my Daughters anymore there will be hell to pay.
91 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 21:36
Do you remember that feeling where a game put its save point not before a boss but instead a few encounters before it and you have to do those encounters over and over again before you can fight the boss? That's Othercide in a nutshell. i couldn't stand it after a while and never finished it.

So gameplay is fun at the beginning, the monsters are new, the gameplay can be quite challenging, you are learning the classes but after a while you don't get much new. The missions types are very limited and there is very little meaningfull change to your units. You have 3 classes and every few levels a class can choose between ability A and ability B (with one being better than the other). The monsters get repeatred a lot and later enemies seem to be just upgraded versions of old ones. So what happens is that the run towards the boss becomes extremely repetitive. So when you lose against a boss, you have to repeat those repetive encounters over again.

The boss fights themselves aren't good. You would hope that a boss is strategic enounter instead you get a chaotic mess. You see bosses have extreme mobility and damage to the point that they can slaughter one of your units across half the map. This means that positioning means very little in these fights and boss fights devolve in a game of onesided rocket tag.

To make matters worse the game has abilities that can trigger on certain conditions and you are going to have to use them otherwise you're dead. These abilities can chain and the boss has them too. Combine these and you create a fight where the boss tries to do something, gets intercepted and that triggers your reaction which afterwards triggers his reaction which then is followed by your second reaction, ... . it doesn't get much better during your turn and it doesn't help that bosses at moments can move themselves up to the start of the initiative. At that point the game was basically playing itself and I had minimal input.

And it is a shame because the game has a bleak atmosphere that I couldn't help but appreciate. Unfortunately it is marred by repetive encounters and unfun boss fights.

108 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 22:32
Fantastic job. This game is great, looks fantastic and there is so much strategy in it. Daughters learn traits based on how they are played and used in the game. Whether defensive, offensive or support, there are traits for all of those styles of play. Memories can also be applied to the daughters skills so that it best suits that daughters play style. Additional armor, damage buffs and support buffs. Fantastic job, I haven't played a game that I can actually enjoy nit picking everything in it. Fantastic buy if you're into strategic turned based games.
375 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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960 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 08:35
Repetitive, bland and boring grind, coupled with an absolute shit-show of a final boss.
Good concept but feels like early access contentwise.
The only pros are the dark atmosphere and the overall design.
Besides there is no variation in enemies and spawnpoints for the same map.
Same map? Exact! same fight.
There are about 5 different maps per level and you may encounter maps from older levels.
I've had the same map, with the same enemies in the exact same spot spawn once 17 times in a row.
There is absolutely no rng in this game regarding map design or enemies at all as well in how the AI behaves. It will do the same thing at the same place every single time.

While this game is a rogue-lite it features hard-caps:
You have 0% of winning encounters which you are not supposed to beat yet and have to reset and get upgrades.
Once you got the upgrades all earlier encounters are now childsplay and just a waste of time, they give you next to no xp compared what you need and you 1-hit everything... on a not randomized map, with the same enemies yada-yada so prepare for mindnumbingly easy, 100% repetitive battles with a scripted AI while the strong enemies are impossible to beat until you reset. rinse and repeat. The same applies to bosses as well btw...
And dont get me wrong, there are no middle-strong enemies. Only too weak and too strong.

I wouldn't even get it on sale (only paid 7€ for this and feel like it was wasted)
Wait for free dlc's or massive content updates.
586 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 12:51
My first impressions:



  • + Great Turn-Based combat system with lots of depth
  • + Fair but punishing difficulty (easy mode also available)
  • + Unique aesthetic, supporting the rather grimdark theme
  • + Gripping sounddesign and great soundtrack
  • + Huge Replay-value


  • - Story isn't particularly intriguing
  • - Low map variety early on

Othercide is a blend of genres that isn't seen very often,but works surprisingly well.

On the one hand there is the Turn-Based combat that can almost rival XCOM in terms of depth. It's easy to learn but hard to master.
Making full use of all the options given will require lots of strategic thinking.
This paired with the punishing difficulty makes prevailing here hugely satisfying.

And while it is certainly hard, it doesn't feel unfair. Looking back at a turn, you can almost always identify something that you could've done differently to prevent a characters death, due to the large amount of options the game gives you, in terms of skills, movement and special character traits.

On the other hand you have a lot of Roguelite elements sprinkled in there, that will allow you to make progress and get stronger even if you fail. And you will fail - but like any good Roguelite, Othercide mixes things up from run to runby having a degree of randomization, as well as allowing the player to shape the outset of a run.
Add to all of that the unique, dark aesthetic and you have yourself a recipe for greatness.
An experience that I recommend to anyone that even remotely enjoys turn-based combat games!
334 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 23:58
I really enjoyed this game, with a couple of small disclaimers. This is based on a full playthrough on Nightmare mode.

Overall it's a great turn based squad combat with some interesting systems that reward carefully planned turns thanks to (mostly) deterministic systems and enemy AI coupled with a very involved initiative system... and punishes careless play or mistakes due to high damage and difficult/rare healing.

As a result it's very satisfying when you manage to plan things out for a flawless match and for the most part when things go badly you can see exactly what you did wrong (vs bad luck, which is only occasionally a factor). I found that intricacies of planning each turn more than compensated for the relatively small and simplistic maps.

Also it looks and sounds great.

It's not perfect though, so here's what I didn't like:

It's a bit buggy in places, including:
* The damage on the skill tooltips rarely matched up with the predicted damage once you actually targeted an enemy - and this seemed to go beyond factoring in armour. Resulted in a few misplays on my part due to bad info.
* Initiative tracker occasionally bugged out where the numbers still updated, but some unit icons stopped moving alone the line, making it very difficult to keep track of - bad in a game where initiative planning and manipulation is huge.
* A melee-only enemy would sometimes use its melee attack from across the map - bad in a game where taking damage is a big deal. Thankfully it was rare - maybe 4 times in 30 hours of play.

I also didn't like the introduction of dodge chances in the later game - I felt it went against how the rest of the game worked.

I enjoyed the boss fights (and I say this as someone who generally dislikes boss fights), but the final boss was very frustrating - win or lose it's not fun sitting watching as it takes multiple turns back to back while your turns are unable to act.

Finally, there's the potential for it to feel very grindy if you don't do well. I only hit this when I lost to the aforementioned final boss and realised I'd need to farm up xp/loot to build up a team that could beat it. Thankfully I won before it became tedious (3rd try), but it was definitely heading in that direction - which would've been a shame as I loved the game until then.

But yeah, definitely worth checking out if you enjoy the genre.
574 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 03:13
Can't recommend the game in its current state, especially given the price. The game has bugs, not all of which I have personally experienced, that needed to be ironed out before release let alone make it through multiple patches. After the latest patch, a new bug or two was even introduced. The developers don't have a clear roadmap of where they want to go with further post-launch support.
144 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
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508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 19:45
The game is very repetitive and super grindy and gets boring very soon.The core mechanic involves failing a campaign, rolling back time at Day 1, and restart with more resources to get stronger. Finishing a campaign requires 4-6 restarts depending on player skills and difficulty level. Consider that1) the maps are NOT randomly generated, there are 2-3 different types, and they are very small.2) enemy position, type, spawn point is always the same.3) you have 3 classes that become 4 lategame, and the viable mechanics to win are a couple at best4) there are 4 diffent types of mission (save hostage, kill everyone, survive x turns, kill the switch after in x turns).5) there are bosses that once you understand how to defeat they play out always the same.Now take these items and repeat them hundred of times and you have your Othercide campaign.Then the stilized and minimalistic art is pleasant, but also very simple, it's a Unity game and I wouldn't be surprised to see a mobile version soon. It's basically a browser game with grindy repetitive mechanics that sells for 40 bucks. Hell no, pick something else or at least wait it to be sold at 5 dollars, wich would be a fair bargain.
1314 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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1967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 06:41
This game is really good, it's gorgeous, the art direction is amazing, and I want to keep on playing.
Thing is, I can't, this is honestly the first time in my life where game breaking bugs just don't let me play.

You may not experience any bug in your whole playthrough, but you may also loose your save file five times before being able to finish the game, theses issues appears to be old and nothing has been done to fix them.

Buy at your own risk.
52 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 19:39
Don't bother buying until bugs are fixed. There are a slew of bugs in this game that stop you from even playing. A few major ones are as follows:
- When trying to heal a unit (daughter) you have to sacrifice another unit of equal value. BUT IF YOU GO INTO THE MENU AND DON'T WANT TO SACRIFICE ANY OF THEM IT DOESN'T LET YOU LEAVE UNTIL YOU DO. This is obviously unintentional as there is an exit button right there.
- Sometimes while in combat you cannot confirm a command. Only way to fix is to quit game.

Both issues are game breaking. This game has great atmosphere and potential to really be great. But these bugs break it. Just wait for the developers to get themselves together. Games only been out for over a month....
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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6466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 02:50
Put 80 hrs in the first run, got a boss glitch that after 50% health would freeze up and have to restart the entire match. Tried over 10x and it KEPT happening. I deleted the game data and restarted from a new game. 109 hrs in and got to the boss match AGAIN it freezes after boss reaches 50% health. I am SO SO SO SO SO SO PISSED. FIX THE DAMN GAME
144 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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4148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 00:11
The Game is incredible.... But alot bugs.... And i lost everything i farm in the second run (i finish the game in the second run).

Was supose to i got 475 + 1800 points to unlock all to the thrid run... and i go back only with 475 and everything unlocked... hahaha So i tryed their support.... DONT EXIST SUPPORT... They never responde.... never care...
293 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 02:37
19 hours in and save file wont load anymore, listed issue on forum and no reply from dev in 2 weeks
39 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 22:55
After 30 hours, I've gotten all of the achievements and cleared the game twice. However, due some balancing abuse cases, this game should actually be longer and, arguably, much more difficult later in. I'll explain that after some praise.

I like the dark aesthetic, theme, and intentions behind the concepts. This game is grim in all things, especially the sacrifice mechanics. Since your daughters never heal naturally, and can only be healed by the sacrifice of another one that is equal or higher level in power, this sounded like a tough choice. And it is for your first or second attempt. Though it's technically possible to beat the game in a single shot, you're not meant to, and it's highly unlikely you will deduce the methods to do so on your first try.

The game is challenging starting out. You don't have vitae to dump into memories or germination, and enemies are formidable. This continues on, and the bosses can be tricky with limited resources and power. You want a well-balanced team, and to stay as healthy as possible. Your goal every battle is to kill everything before it can hurt you, or minimize damage taken. There are reaction skills that cost HP, but are ultimately intended to prevent you from taking even more damage in a bad situation, or turn the tide.

After you wipe a couple times, you'll have enough shards and Remembrances (perks you can activate for your next restart) to finish the game. The further you push, the more powerful you'll be in your next playthrough, so you're inevitably going to be strong enough to beat the game, regardless of tactics.

Now some negatives:
1.) Variety
This game is not massive in scope. The development team is on the small end, and you'll notice a general lack of variety, primarily in missions. Layouts get reused, a couple tracks are kinda boring to listen to repeatedly on some missions, and the mission type variety is limited--particularly early on. This comes with the territory and doesn't bother me much, though some more layouts earlier in the game, or randomized starting positions would be better. There's missions that have identical enemy and daughter placement, including later enemy spawns.

2.) Specific balancing issues (Spoiler for making the game way, way, WAY too easy)
There are some very specific abuse cases in this game that were clearly not intended, or an oversight into how effective they are. Soulslingers and Scythedancers (obtained much later) become utterly busted and break the game. In the case of the former, they gain a skill at level 7 called Spirit Burst that costs them 30 Initiative units to move another daughter up 20 units. This, in its base form, isn't really overpowered, since the timeline will keep advancing in a negative loop. However, later in the game you can add memories on that increase the Init. bonus by 10-20, and it becomes very broken at this point. The skill has an insane cast range that isn't limited by line of sight, and your AP pool can jack up considerably late game with the right traits. You can run 2 Soulslingers that have enough AP to trade +40 Init buffs AND attack at least once in the same turn. You can literally freeze time on any boss that isn't capable of fighting back by late in the game.

This gets worse once Scythedancers come into play. Each class gives a bonus to the daughter you sacrifice it to. They aren't game breaking, except in the case of Scythedancers. When sacrificed, they increase your starting position on the timeline and reduce the end-of-turn delay. It's possible to get Soulslingers to ~31 turn delay, and Scythedancers to 20. So, now you have Soulslingers freezing time by trading buffs, and getting in free shots with no reprisal.

The last domino in the broken Soulslinger issue is the Shadow Round skill. At first, this seems pretty average. However, Shadow Round fires once for each attack any daughter does before the Soulslinger's turn comes back. Trigger a boost to push your turn back as far as possible, and then have another Soulslinger unload 4+ attacks for 4 additional Shadow Round attacks--there is no cap on how many times this ability can activate for more damage, and it's only a 5% HP cost (which is nothing late game). To top this, you can equip a memory with it that will increase the target's damage taken by 15-30% for 30 Init. units, and this debuff begins on the Shadow Round shot. This memory stacks onto itself, and you can chain bosses into taking over half of their HP in a single hit from all of the debuff stacking. I actually broke one of the bosses doing this by skipping multiple phase changes and a cutscene completely by accident. All of these abuse cases completely trivialize the mid-game through the end, and I highly advise NOT using them.

Lastly, the Scythedancers are cool and, aside from their sacrifice bonus, are okay. Except one of their final skills, The Harvesting, is overpowered. Assuming you get to 15 to snag this, it trivializes virtually every mission thereafter, including parts of a few bosses. An instant skill that hits every enemy on the map for a substantial chunk of damage, and doesn't even automatically push the Scythedancer into a burst. Two Scythedancers with their reduced turn delays bulldoze an entire map, and I've literally loaded into one and killed every single enemy on the very first turn and had to wait for more to respawn.

3.) Bugs
I encountered very few bugs, actually. There's some shenanigans with damage values, and explanations on mechanics could be better. I do wish the UI contained certain information more accessible, especially in battle. (Forgetting which daughter has which memory in combat is annoying.)
So, as you can see in that block, there's some balance issues for specific things. Most everything else besides the aforementioned is quite balanced for the game. I think overall delay and armor options need tuning against each other, but otherwise you'll find the endgame very difficult if you skip these cheesy tactics. Even Scythedancers aren't overpowered in and of themselves (besides sacrifice bonus and Thar Harvesting).

The game has a lot of replay value in imposing challenges upon yourself. I'd expect someone casually moving through this game to 100% it in 25~ hours, maybe a little less, with no self-challenge runs. I discovered and abused these cheesy tactics and cleared it on my third Recollection (restart; I died once to two different bosses). The game would likely be longer and more brutal with some balancing done.

I do recommend this game for fans of things like XCOM. Whether you want to wait on a patch or not is up to you.
55 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 18:09
This game has an amazing aesthetic. Extremely well made, and challenging. Every decision can cost you, and may weigh heavily on you as you progress at the game. However, the more I played it, the harder it was to progress. Not because of the challenges, but the lack of variety content. I dont think the price tag is worth the value of the Game. I recommend watching the game for a while on Twitch, to see if its your flavor, and waiting for a price drop. As for recommendations. if its your style of game, its extremely well made, and the consequences will weigh on you
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
84.17% 1579 297
Release:28.07.2020 Genre: Strategie Entwickler: Lightbulb Crew Vertrieb: Focus Home Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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