One of the latest and greatest additions to the upcoming Orcs Must Die! 3 release is Scramble Mode, a new game mode where you battle orcs across 5 random levels as both sides escalate in power. In Scramble Mode, you have just one enhanced pool of rift points across all 5 levels, so you will need to carefully choose your buffs, debuffs, and loadouts in order to survive!!

When you first enter Scramble Mode, you will be prompted to make a choice between two different levels, each of which will come with a unique debuff, something to make the Orc army more terrifying. For instance, you might have options like “Lose 10 rift points on death”, “Increase mana cost of all weapons”, “Adds dynamite archers to every wave. Makes dynamite archers stronger”, or some of the dozens of other debuffs available.

The good news is, if you manage to survive the first level with some rift points intact, you will get a choice between three buffs, something to improve your own odds. These are options like “All wall traps do double damage”, “Double your hit points”, “Headshots heal the player”, or one of more than 50 total buffs. After you choose your buff, you once again pick from two more level options, each with their corresponding debuffs. You have the chance to reroll one debuff per tier, but be careful, as you might get stuck with something even tricker to deal with!

This means that by the 5th tier, you will have some combination of 4 buffs, and the orcs will have some combination of 5 debuffs against you - leading to a whole lot of possible combinations each time you run through Scramble Mode. We hope everyone enjoys the new game mode on July 23rd, when Orcs Must Die! 3 launches!