• Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.
  • Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite: Screen zum Spiel Orbital Bullet ? Das 360? Rogue-lite.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.03.2022
Zum Shop
Preis Update 06.10.23

Über das Spiel

Die Save the World Edition enthält neben Orbital Bullet auch den wummernden, offiziellen Soundtrack des Spiels. Zusätzlich spendet Assemble Entertainment 10% der Einnahmen dieser Edition an die non-profit Organisation Ocean Cleanup, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat die Ozeane von Plastikmüll zu befreien. Dies ist die beste Option für alle, die die Arbeit der Entwickler von Orbital Bullet noch mehr unterstützen und gleichzeitig etwas Gutes tun möchten.

Orbital Bullet ist ein schnelles 360° Action Jump & Run mit Rogue-Lite-Elementen, bei dem sich das ganze Spiel im Kreis dreht. Ballert euch euren Weg durch eine Vielzahl von Monstern auf prozedural generierten Planeten. Modifiziert euren Charakter mit allerhand Ausrüstungsgegenständen, Fähigkeiten und nutzt die brachiale Durchschlagskraft unterschiedlichster Waffen für eure Zwecke.

360° „Gunplay“: Projektile bewegen sich in einem 360°-Grad-Bogen und sorgen für ein neues, unvergleichliches „Gunplay“-Gefühl.

"Nur noch eine Runde": Prozedural generierte Planeten, fiese Gegner, knallharte Endbosse, ein gewaltiges Waffenarsenal, sowie unterschiedliche Upgrades garantieren hohes Suchtpotenzial.

Als Scharfschütze genüsslich deine Feinde aus sicherer Entfernung aus den Latschen hauen oder sie im Nahkampf mit einer geballten Ladung deiner Hyper-Schrotflinte zerfetzen? Kein Problem! Oder bist du eher der Raketenwerfer-Typ?

Rasante, unerbittliche Action im Pixel-Stil: jeder Tod ist permanent, aber seien wir ehrlich, das Sterben ist Teil des Spaßes.

Das Spiel ist dir zu schwer? Du würdest am liebsten das Handtuch werfen? Keine Sorge, wir lassen dich nicht hängen! Du hast die Möglichkeit nach jedem Tod Nanobytes auszugeben, um permanente Upgrades und Fähigkeiten freizuschalten.

Wie wäre es mit einem größeren Medi-Rucksack oder einem zusätzlichen Schild, um ein bisschen länger durchzuhalten?

Oder aktiviere das Kombo-System, um das Spieltempo zu erhöhen und Boni auf Währungsdrops und EXP zu erhalten.

Deine Startwaffe macht dir nicht genug Schaden? Dann schalte doch gleich zu Beginn der nächsten Runde eine bessere Waffe frei!

Erstelle mit unseren dynamischen Fertigkeitsbäumen deinen eigenen, individuellen Baum! Triff clevere Entscheidungen, um Fertigkeiten zu verstärken und die maximale Power zu erlangen – deine Fähigkeiten ändern sich mit jedem neuen Spiel.

"Wir brauchen Waffen, viele Waffen!" Schalte, finde oder kaufe mehr als 42 verschiedene Waffen, Waffen-Upgrades und verschiedene Perks frei, die dein Spielerlebnis nachhaltig verändern werden.

Schalte bis zu vier verschiedene Klassen frei, darunter den Ingenieur mit seinen durchschlagskräftigen Geschütztürmen und den brandgefährlichen Feuerteufel, wobei jede ihren eigenen Fertigkeitsbaum besitzt.

Gehörst du zu den Menschen, die gerne etwas Schmerz empfinden? Gut, denn wir haben ein Siegesserien-System implementiert, das das Spiel mit jedem abgeschlossenen Lauf erheblich schwieriger macht (gepaart mit ein paar anderen Überraschungen), bis deine Siegesserie endet. Aber keine Sorge, du wirst reichlich Gelegenheit zum Sterben haben.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 (2*1866) or equivalent
  • GFX: GeForce 7600 GS (512 MB) or equivalent
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 or later
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch, Deutsch, Japanisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Russisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch , Koreanisch, Polnisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (traditionell), Türkisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

309 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 22:37
Soundtrack ballert
312 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
32 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 09:04
no cloudsave
226 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.21 08:33
Richtig schönes Rouge-Lite.. Schöne Musik die ein bisschen an Doom angelehnt ist. Was zum weitermachen einlädt ist, das Du nach jedem Tod deinen Charakter weiter leveln kannst. Das erhöht den Wiederspielwert. Die schöne Grafik tut ihr übriges
162 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 06:03
Absolut great and refreshing idea of a jump&Run. Love it.

Well made for a early access, cool sound, cool grafic, cool gameplay.

exited to see the full final version of the game.
335 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 14:42
Orbital Bullet eine echt abgerundete Sache. 360° no scope. Sorry dafür.

Orbital Bullet ist ein tolles Rougelike, dass man immer mal wieder raus holen kann und auf anhieb Spaß macht.
Die Unterschiedlichen Perks, Waffen und auch Gegnertypen erhöhren den Wiederspielwert ungemein.

Highlight sind die Bossfights.

Klare Kaufempfehlung und vor allem für Rouge-Like Liebhaber.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 15:05
sehr schönes spiel
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.21 19:19
Super Game macht richtig spaß für zwischendurch.
Ich bin ne ziemliche Niete in solchen Games aber hier hab ich richtige erfolgserlebnisse
41 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 14:35
Geiles Spiel, macht echt Laune. Dadurch das es Early Access ist, ist das Spiel leider sehhhhr schnell durchgespielt. Aber sonst 5/5*
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 09:27
Ehre Hänno, dange aller für dieses übernaise Game!
18 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 18:42
it's a very nice game and it makes alot of fun :)
273 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 15:41
Nach 20 Minuten im Stream von Hänno ALLA!!! Wurde sich diese neue Perle erstmal gegönnt und wird nun angespielt (y)
181 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 03:38
its a good game, but the developers really need to pick an art style, everything feels kinda out of place
223 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.22 13:47
If you like dead cells -- you will probably find this enjoyable. Scratches the same itch for me while being different enough to be very fresh.

I haven't gotten to the end-game yet -- so i'm not sure how the end-game compares to other roguelites like dead cells or hades, but i'm already happy with my purchase regardless of how good the endgame is.
251 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 20:52
The fact this game has less than 250 user reviews is criminal. It's not perfect, but an idea so clever that's been so well executed should have significantly more attention. This game deserves your money!!!!
696 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
899 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 12:03
Most fun I've had with a rogue-lite in quite a while. Great gameplay, sound, guns, controls and SO MANY UPGRADES! The 360 degree gimmick is a lot of fun and doesn't get old. There are many viable builds that can get you to the finish line.

The UI could have used a little polish - for example, you have to press 'A' forever just to upgrade a weapon with 150 components once you've accumulated enough weapon parts. Just minor niggles like this keep it from being a masterpiece... 9/10
338 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 00:12
It's fun, albeit downright annoying sometimes. The controls and shooting are pretty tight and responsive.

My two biggest issues are as follows:

1: A lot of the enemies are so low res (and yes, I know that's the style and I love it) and there's so much else going on around your character that it's somewhat hard to tell when the enemy is going to attack and what exactly they're planning to do. This often results in my taking damage and having no real clue where it came from.

2: Every time I make it to Karth (3rd planet), the music cuts out. Eventually it comes back, usually when I hit the boss room. This isn't game breaking for me and I'll just play through it, but like I said at the start, it's downright annoying.

Those problems aside, this is a fun title with satisfying and rewarding gameplay. The class system is pretty cool, even if the upgrades for each seem a little lacking. Not to mention, the upgrades for classes mainly include perks that you may or may not come across in your run, with a few exceptions. So why have a class system in the first place? Why not just make the class unlockables passive abilities only? I've played mostly the shotgun class (cannot remember the actual class name), and your passive perk gives you a 5% CHANCE to negate incoming damage. So, basically a pointless crap shoot on a perk point I'd rather spend on something like 5% increased base damage with shotguns. And to top it off, there's only one tier for said perk. If we could at least increase the chance through a 5% --> 10% --> 15% skill path, that would make it a little more worth while AND increase the longevity of the game.

It's hard to give a verdict on this game, considering I haven't finished a run yet and I'm unaware of whatever end game exists. So I'm going to stick with my initial opinion. Orbital Bullet is fun, addictive, and all around, a great rogue-lite experience.

And for all you TLDR people out there, here's a fraction to satisfy your cravings of instant gratification:

79 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 01:58
In hindsight, my buying this game was something of a gamble. I'm in the process of expanding my library for my eventual Steam Deck and this showed up in my discovery feed. It looked like an amalgamation of things that entice me; sci-fi, roguelikes (especially after finishing Hades on the Switch port), guns and a cute hybrid artstyle. Plus at $11 when I bought it (even now I think $16 is fair) it wasn't a dent on my wallet like some other games would be.

I waited until I beat the game once to review it. Took me 21 runs to reach and beat the final boss the first time. I'll condense my thoughts in bullet points to save some time for myself (and you, review reader):

-The cylindrical gameplay is surprisingly strategic despite only being on a small 2.5D plane. You definitely notice the rewards of experimentation when it comes to weapons and upgrades that can deal damage across both layers. Once you master weapon ranges and angles the safety you're afforded is immense.

-Very fast paced, and doesn't let up. The further you get, the faster you need to adapt or die. Thankfully it's not overtly punishing; as you come to know every enemy and what they do avoiding damage gets easier barring some borderline bullet hell floors.

-Pretty timeless artstyle. Environments are 3D while enemies mix both pixel art and 3D models. None of it looks seriously out of place. The player class designs are neat as well.

-Backtracking is made completely painless by post-battle teleporting. If you rushed to a timed crate and skipped portals or upgrades, fear not, just teleport back and grab them. I never once had any lack of clarity with the maps.

-The plot is certainly no doorstopper, not does it need to be. You are guy who gon teach the aliens lesson and doesn't afraid of anything. It's a backdrop to justify the gameplay and is sufficient.

If you've stumbled upon this game and find the kind of appeal I did in it, this is worth your time. Costs less than certain microtransactions in other games and has more long lasting appeal if you truly sink your teeth into it.
128 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 01:43
It would be a pretty fun game, maybe a 7/10 roguelike. But after encountering my third softlock bug deep into a run, I just feel like people should know to stay away until there's been a lot of fixes. :(
156 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 23:05
It feels like i'm back in the arcade. The music slaps! oh and I suppose the game is pretty fun too.
332 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 14:02
I bought a batch of games recently and since playing this one I have completely forgotten about the other games I purchased. Level design is fantastic and the music is top notch. If you're a fan of the genre its a must buy in my opinion.
279 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 15:56
Not recommended for Steam Deck because of game breaking bugs and lack of cloud save.

This game seemed like a perfect little snack for quick sessions on my new steam deck. I had to abandon my first 3 runs because I was stuck in the menu and could only restart/exit to menu. I tried to verify that bug on my regular PC and found out that the game doesn't even feature cloud saving.
209 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 21:28
Ill see if I keep playing this and change the review, but for now runs early on don't feel very different. Feels like im playing rogue legacy. I run in and die, then i upgrade one little thing, repeat. Maybe i just need some better rng, but the run skilling rn just feels like I focus on the damage type increase of whatever weapon im using and don't really bother with the other skills unless i need to path through them. Ive already beat the first two bosses, and after seeing how much meatier the enemies on the third planet are, I don't know if I really want to spend time repeating the first two parts over and over to unlock weapons and skills one by one
1074 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 22:57
So far so good. I'm only about 6 actual hours of playtime in at the moment but I've beaten four of the seven bosses (Council Members). It's pretty dang hard to get very far without upgrades to your skill tree - but I've started making good progress on the health side of it which has helped me lengthen my runs. Can feel pretty cheap and grindy at times due to the weight of fire you come under sometimes - but it does have that satisfying hit of dopamine when you get the right combinations and start snowballing and returning the favour!
412 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 22:06
I've been playing this game since since it was in the very early stages of EA. And let me tell you, it has changed a lot! (in a good way) The gameplay got more complex, more enemies (types, abilites, areas), more weapons, overall more dynamic system.

The same amount of time i've been playing this game, has been me in Discord trying to explain bugs, tackling flaws, or trying to improve the game with my personal ideas.

Recently, some of these major bugs have been completely ignored. And instead of fixing them, the game gets a full release with another world. (why? why release the game in such a broken state?)

Gamebreaking bugs, softlocks, enemies who get stuck and become immortal, which completely ruin your runs and the chest system that is still completely broken. Stuff that was addressed by me ages ago and was 'fixed'. And yet those bugs still prevail and are even more noticeble than ever.

You already have limited gameplay and if half of it is broken and you constantly live in fear of your run going down the drain by a single enemy getting stuck, then it's just not even worth trying and starting again from scratch. I, more than enough, spoke about replayability and doing the same stuff over and over, since it's pretty repetative and boring.

Feedback has been taken for granted lately and instead of clarifying next steps and communicating with the player/customer to all the discussed topics (something that has been more present in the past), out of the blue the game gets a full release including all the broken game elements and major bugs. Recently, when something was reported or feedback given, the reponse was a mere 'thanks, we'll look into it and fix it'.

I really loved and enjoyed the game, I've had everything unlocked and was 100% done with the game and even a literal speedrun god, since I knew how to cheese the game. But having to start over is a tedious task and quite franky I'm not only bored of having to farm everything again, but now I also see how frustrating it can be, especially for new players that have nothing unlocked and who not only know the enemy pattern, but also stumble into these broken mechanics.

People who have been shaping the game, dedicating a lot of time and effort into the game since early access, aren't even rewarded with anything. No thanks, no special in-game item for being a helpful beta-tester, no nothing.

Quite frankly i've lost interest in reporting all these bugs and putting my time into the game. Even though I've got a batch of newly discovered bugs and have them ready to post, I'm sure someone else will take the time to find and report them, cause I wont anymore. Once I read the upcoming patch notes and see major improvements in the game I might give it another go, but for now all the excitement and enthusiasm that I once had is gone and I'm sad over the fact that this game was fully released in such a questionable state.
483 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 12:10
Beautiful run n' gun gameplay coupled with a very in-depth roguelite. What's not to like?

Just wanted to note the ability to instantly travel to any explored area of a map is a godsend. The only other roguelite I'm familiar with including this feature is Monolith.
279 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 08:39
The best game you could ever puke to.

It has all the mechanics you'd expect of a rogue lite but at launch, an interesting gimmick, and a lot of features I haven't seen in a rogue lite before. You have your usual meta progression skill tree, but in game you also have a skill tree you BUILD. Each tier of the in round tree is built by you based on which 4 perks you want to add to the tree, then you invest in round skill points to unlock them. It has a classic metroidy or contra feel with absurd weapons, which you can also level, and each weapon is a playstyle of it's own.

The only downside for me is that the game makes me super motion sick. Definitely recommend, I'm already working on building my tolerance to it. For the $11 launch discount this is absurdly cheap and with the right attention I think rogue lite fans could be talking about this one for a while.
69 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 05:05
Before OBs latest update the game may have been small with regular updates to areas, weapons, and perks, but it was also pretty much bug free, promising for an early access game, and worth the small price. Since the For Eternity update I can't recommend the game anymore. Every perk and ability had their points removed, not refunded, and previous games were erased. This game is not connected to a cloud so recovering those saves is out of the question. Replaying and unlocking everything was not fun a second time since the update brought an overload of bugs. Mobs still getting stuck in terrain preventing you from advancing even though the devs state they fixed it, perks showing they're unlocked but not taking effect, getting some perks although I haven't unlocked them, picking up ammo but weapons showing as empty and unable to fire your weapon, among many others, as well as horrible optimization that eats your PC's memory.

In short it used to be a promising early access game, but now it is the everyday early access trap that feels like a college grad's final project that was started the week before it was due and gave up on; loaded with bugs that makes the game unenjoyable and unfun.

Only good thing about the game currently is the soundtrack and it doesn't even play half the time.
1199 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 05:29
Great soundtrack! Very fun, unique take on side-scrolling shooters. Very responsive controls.
466 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 08:13
5065 Produkte im Account
73 Reviews
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 21:13
Orbital Bullet might be an early access game, but it already delivers a lot of content with more to come in future updates. It's a roguelite, sure, but one that rewards you after each failed run and doesn't force you to spend an eternity on grinding.

The game's main feature becomes obvious right from the start. Everything works around circles/orbits. You job is to progress through circular rooms by destroying all enemies and get as far as you can without dying. The shape of the rooms means that bullets fly around the arena; the distance depends on the weapon. Your character is very agile. Double jump and roll/dodge are available right from the start.

Progress is random, which means you don’t know what awaits you in the next room. Enemy rooms are most common, but there are also shops and upgrades. A nice touch is that once you complete a room, you don’t have to walk to the exit. There are actually two options available: one is to press the button that automatically takes your character to the next room, and the other is a map that can teleport you to any cleared room.

Experience points earned during the run are used to upgrade a skill tree you build yourself. You start with only four skills, but once you reach the room with the upgrade, you get to choose between two preselected packs of four new skills. The catch is that skills need to be unlocked in order from bottom to the top. You can’t just pick the one in the middle.

Death is only a new beginning. Each run gives you some experience points that can be used to unlock or upgrade permanent abilities. These can be classified in three branches: starting weapon, health/shield and support.

Sometimes you can earn a much rarer upgrade point that only works for classes. You can pick among four and each has its own upgrade tree. There isn’t that much of a difference between them, except for the special abilities and upgrades that unlock for future runs regardless of the class.
136 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
89 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 22:48
So just to start off the game feels a little weird to handle, shooting is based on where your running rather then nearest X enemy or where you would like to shoot. (Kiting) Another review had pointed out the ammo problems, where as all the guns have the same cap of 60 bullets, from the smg to the grenade launcher, picking up a fast firing weapon in my opinion is just a detriment to your run since the gun fires at such a ludicrous speed that you're out of ammo before you know it, and no you can't just stack 2 smgs if you like the feel of the weapon since they have a total bullet pool, SMG, Rifle, Grenade, Shotgun. Self damage is entirely too high, you can get a skill that makes you immune to self damage. But it takes investment of 2 skill points that are limited in number early in the run.

I get that the game is in early access but how does this make it past testing. The ammo is just awful design, self damage is annoying but can be circumvented by a skill that is rng. So if you like the explosive weapons you better hope you roll the immunity to self damage early or you just have to reroll a run.

Not sure if this just inexperience but this is what came to mind when writing this. Hope this gets addressed
85 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 09:30
Love it! And this is coming from a person who generally doesn't like games with shooting. But the fun in Orbital bullet is pretty awesome, and the music is cool.
773 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 05:44
This is a creative Roguelite Platformer. The 360-degree movement changes how you have to think when you play this game. There are many different weapons to unlock and use. I found the boomerang weapon was fun. After every run when you die you get to unlock a permanent perk. This is fun to jump in and do a few runs. This game just came out so I expect it to get even better in the future. I would buy this game for the full price of $13.

8 out of 10

Find more reviews from me on my Steam curator page:
170 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 12:33
Pretty solid game for an early access title. Gunplay and movement work well, and the four character classes add some consistency to the randomized levels, loot and skill trees. Bugs are uncommon, it's mostly the UI that could need some improvements (more information, better functionality) and sometimes it's difficult to spot enemies (which can be frustrating if time is of the essence).
867 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 06:51
This game is great. A fun fast-paced roguelite with interesting visuals. Not the most mechanically complex at the moment but this game has a stupid amount of potential. I really hope this game pops off.
97 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.21 15:42
Orbital Bullet has a pretty cool concept and I enjoyed it quite a bit. And the soundtrack is a banger!

The more levels and mosters are being slowly added into the game during the Early Access, the more I'm loving it.

Very much looking forward to the full release of the game - cannot wait to see more levels, weapons and continue my chair dance while listening to new music!
81 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 16:22
10 Bucks and 14 hours later, I can say I really hope this game gets the updates it deserves. Unique enough on its own but its replay value is entertaining if you like the genre and Rogue-like/lites.
337 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 07:00
Ok, so, I bought this game during the summer sale for $10. After 14 hours, I have hit the end of the base game. Would I recommend it? I don't know. I will put a thumbs up on here to give the developers some support, though I wish there was a tentative thumbs up, as another reviewer mentioned.

- The core of this game, the idea, the controls: all solid and a stellar foundation. Like I was honestly addicted to it, trying to unlock everything (and the difficulty level challenged me enough to keep me coming back).
- The future of this game really, really depends on the developers. Granted that is true for any game, however for this one it feels especially true. They could turn this into a real blockbuster game, something on par with Dead Cells, possibly even better. On the same note, they could completely mess it up and ruin the game. If you are on the fence, I would recommend waiting a while longer to see if the devs are as invested in the game as they need to be. Because if they are committed - evidenced by putting out consistent large value updates, listening to the community (both of which seem to be true as of right now) - this could be a substantial franchise in the making.

Now, the boring stuff -

- Unlockable challenges after the 2 bosses [spoiler](there are 3 bosses total right now, only two have connected game modes that unlock after defeating them)[/spoiler] are confusing. There are no benefits to activating them (no unlockable weapon blueprints or extra loot drops, for instance), so no real reason to use them currently.
- Quite a few weird issues with hit boxes and clipping of missiles and other attacks from enemies. You can chalk it up to early access status, though they are frustrating at times
- No real in between pauses or mini-levels after boss fights, so you just go straight into the next level which can be tiring if you want a mental break
- If you only unlock a couple weapons in the weapon rack, be prepared for a disproportionate chest and merchant loot drop table of just shotguns and the almost pointless boomerang thing constantly being available
- Shotguns do nothing, even though they have a strong DPS (damage per second), according to the weapon descriptions
- The weapon descriptions aren't very informative as to what the actual DPS is with all bonuses you gain through the levels
- As another reviewer said, currently it is hard to understand where to find the classes (stumbled on it one time on accident)
- Perks are nice, just limited options right now
- Graphics are nothing too exciting (the merchant looks very unfinished)
- Really difficult to quickly see which weapon you have currently selected (highlighted box is not super obvious, which can lead to some frustrating weapon switching drops)
- Here's a riddle: some enemies have armor that you have to jump on to remove before using your weapon on them. There is also an armor-piercing skill that you can unlock. However after unlocking it, you still have to jump on armored enemies! Not sure what is going on there.

- Really amazing premise and overall gameplay concept
- Bosses are well designed, though the final one has a rather glaring exploit
- Enemies are varied and have unique attacks and strategies, though some are repetitious and some are confusing on how to counter attack
- Skill tree is varied enough right now and adds a great twist to each attempt (unlocking new skills could be a fun addition in the future)
441 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 03:13
Remember that N64 game, Iggy's Wrecking Balls? Think that, but with guns and techno. This game is going to be dope if it continues on this trajectory
10722 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 06:21
Pleasantly surprised in this title. The 360° gimmick is actually quite fun and interesting, as the everything revolves (no pun intended) around the stages. A fresh take on a rogue-like platformer. Still lacking in content but it seems to be quite early in their road map. That being said, the content which is there is fun and engaging, so even in this state I can recommend it. Games in Early Access like this which are already quite polished and just basically asking for more content are always nice, because you can return to them later for a good experience and more stuff to do.
264 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
305 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 18:45
So the basic gameplay feels very good and there's potential here, however at the moment there's not only too little content but also a bunch of bigger problems and given how the dev responded I'm not sure they'll ever get fixed

1) Ammo, all weapon types have 60 max ammo, from slow firing rocket launchers to fast firing machine guns. most of the time it doesn't matter since you don't run out of ammo, but when fighting bosses this can still happen and leaves you no way to really deal damage. It's effectively a non-element gameplay-wise until it completely ruins gameplay.
2) Class unlocks: First of all I didn't even know where to go to unlock them it's so hidden. But then you can't even respec and the points you need to unlock stuff is tied to certain missions, some of which are speedrunning at a ludicrous pace. So what am I supposed to do know if I want to try a new class? That's right start a NEW SAFE FILE, yay. Again, terrible design-decision, but doesn't look like the dev thinks so atm.
3)Difficulty. You get higher difficulty when you win a run, which is appropriate and the higher difficulty gets more fun since the base becomes quite boring once you got used to it. HOWEVER they're not actually a difficulty setting but a streak, so if you're on streak 5 and lose once, back to 0 for you and play the boring easy mode for another idk 50 minutes until you're back at the right difficulty. Again dev didn't even understand that complaint apparently.

So honestly I HOPE those things get changed because again, the CORE gameplay is really fun, controls are tight, enemy design is good. But I have not much faith in the dev actually turning this into a good game overall sadly. Well, wait and see, but atm better not spend money on it imo
19 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 22:03
the game is great but please add a soundtrack!
169 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 07:35
Writing this review after just completing a full run (full run meaning finish the 2nd boss considering it's early access & a coming soon graphic appears).

Spend a decent amount of time with this game & the roguelite circular thing works really well, there's some depth in the skill trees & genuine strategy to what you upgrade when especially when you have class, global & run-specific skill trees. I did this thing where I'd stack my perks so that Id get two weapons to 300-500dp & then murk the bosses fast by cheesing the fight. The health side of global skill tree helped immensely, but also the rifts/nanobank.

I don't have much else to say it's a fun lil roguelite platformer that plays/feels good to me the rotating inner/outer cylinder is what drew me to this game. Hope mores coming down the line & can't wait to see what this game looks like outside of early access.
3497 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 23:08
This game is incredibly fun and while i was nervous about a circle based level atmosphere it does it quite well. If you like rogue-lites i encourage you to take a chance on this game. For being in Early Access it is very fluid and thereseems to be a reasonable amount of content right now. This is a definite recommend and when it releases i could see it being phenomenal.
Logo for Orbital Bullet: Das 360 Grad Rogue-lite
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
93.16% 218 16
Release:21.03.2022 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: SmokeStab Vertrieb: Assemble Entertainment Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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