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  • Of Orcs and Men: Neue Bilder zum Rollenspiel
  • Of Orcs and Men: Neue Bilder zum Rollenspiel
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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 12.10.2012
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Preis Update 20.03.24

Über das Spiel

Es herrschte Krieg zwischen den Menschen und Orks, die Grünhäute wurden vernichtend geschlagen. Orks, die die systematische Ausrottung und die Massaker überlebt haben, werden gefangen genommen und versklavt. In Of Orcs and Men übernimmt der Spieler die Rolle eines Ork-Elite-Soldaten Arkail aus der legendären Legion der Blutkiefer. Sie werden von ihrem Ork-Kommandanten auf eine unheilvolle Mission geschickt, die den Ausgang des Krieges für die Orks zum Guten wenden könnte: Töten Sie den Mann töten, der für all das Blutvergießen verantwortlich ist – den Imperator selbst.

  • Rasante Rollenspiel-Action von den Machern der Fantasy-Hits Blood Bowl und Game of Thrones
  • Kämpfe in der mittelalterlichen Fantasywelt des iserischen Kontinents gegen die mörderische Inquisition und den sinisteren Imperator Damokles
  • Wechsle jederzeit zwischen deinem mächtigen Ork-Krieger und dem magisch begabten Goblin-Schurken
  • Entwickle deine Fähigkeiten, um dich der menschlichen Gefahr zu erwehren, den Imperator zu töten und das Ende deiner Rasse abzuwenden


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

462 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 00:31
So, nach circa 10 Stunden habe ich das Spiel beendet.

Die Story ist echt nicht verkehrt, aber verschenkt einiges an Potenzial... neben der Tatsache, dass es viel zu kurz ist, so werden auch einige Möglichkeiten nicht komplett genutzt. Da hätte man gerne noch einiges dazu schreiben können.

Die Grafik finde ich echt gut, die einzelnen Bereiche sind sich schön und voller Details aber ein wenig monoton.

Das Kampfsystem ist sehr taktisch aber leider nicht tiefgründig xD

Ich habe das ganze jetzt nur auf Einfach gespielt, aber das hat mir persönlich gereicht, wie sich das ganze verträgt wenn es auf schwer gespielt wird vermag ich nicht zu bewerten.

Für den Preis kann ich das Spiel aber definitiv empfehlen. Kann man echt machen. Es gibt auch 2 weitere Spiele mit Styx...

Was mir fehlt, wäre eine Möglichkeit, die Ausrüstung und das Level der Chars in ein Neues Spiel mitnehmen... dann wären die anderen Schwierigkeitsstufen reizender für mich ... dann mit neuen Rüstungen und die Möglichkeit weiter zu leveln.
1509 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
865 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 17:27

Interessante Protagonisten reichen nicht aus um ein gutes Spiel zu machen

Of Orcs and Men wartet mit einem überraschend sympathischen Antiheldenduo auf, und leistet einen soliden Job die typische Rollenverteilung von Orks und Menschen durcheinanderzuwirbeln. Blickt man über diese Aspekte hinweg, bleibt jedoch ehrlich gesagt nicht viel übrig, was dieses RPG spielenswert macht. Das Game ist mit seinen ca. 14 Stunden (äußerst linearer) Spielzeit nicht allzu umfangreich. Es gibt abseits einer handvoll Sidequests in der ersten Spielhälfte nichts zu entdecken und auch die halbgaren Kampf- und Stealthsysteme können nicht so recht überzeugen.
Sofern ihr mehr von diesem Spiel erwartet als erinnerungswürdige Charaktere und eine (für damalige Verhältnisse) relativ gefällige Präsentation, dann wird euch Of Orcs and Men schwer enttäuschen und sollte besser ignoriert werden.

Pro und Kontra:

- sehr schöner Soundtrack und gelungene Sprachausgabe
- sympathisches Antiheldenduo
- solide Grafik
- Schwierigkeitsgrad lässt sich jederzeit in vier Stufen regulieren

- halbarschige aber dafür funktionierende Stealth-Mechaniken

- unnötig frustiger Endkampf
- schwachbrüstiges RTwP-Kampfsystem ohne richtige taktische Möglichkeiten
- sehr langweilige 08/15 Fantasy-Settings
- strunzlinear und kaum was zu entdecken
- sehr kurze Spieldauer von ca. 14 Stunden bei gründlicher Spielweise
655 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 21:19
Das Spiel sah in der Beschreibung gut aus, leider keine Kaufempfehlung.

Das Kampfsystem ist echt das letzte.
Ohne Fokus werden gerne mal die Gegner selbständig gewechselt und die wichtigen Ziel außen vor gelassen.
Was schlecht bei Magiern, Schabrackenschamane ist aber auch bei schweren Einheiten.
Die Steuerung der Kampf/Abwehrtechnik ist mies, obwohl ich auf defensiv eingestellt hatte, kämpft Ark im Angriff.
Und manchmal stehen beide gerne in der Gegend und machen nix, also auch ohne Einfluss der Gegner.
Das Partner Wiederbeleben ist auch eine Sache, wenn Ark stirbt, muss er erst auf den Boden liegen, vorher kann man diesen Punkt nicht anwählen.
Auch muss Styx oder Ark nah an dem Körper sein, meist läuft man dann in die Gegner hinein, kassiert dann gut Schaden und ist down.

Schaden ist auch großartig umgesetzt, Fernangriff ist irgendwie nutzlos, da Styx bis fast zu den Gegnern läuft.
Dafür haben Schwert, Dolche, Speere ein Mega Reichweite und das auch durch Wände und andere Barrikaden, Sehr Hitscan das ganze.

Videosequenzen sind teilweise nicht abbrechbar, was stark nervt, Focus Intro und Co darf man sich immer wieder abschauen.
Ätzend aber dann wenn man einen Kampf X mal neumachen muss, was dann zum nächsten Punkt führt.

Speicherpunkte oder Schnellspeichern ist kompletter Unsinn, während eines Kampfes geht nicht oder dazwischen, den das bringt scheinbar wertvolle Wiederspielzeit ein.
Feste Speicherpunkte sind limitiert auf 50, dachte seit C64 ist das schon nicht mehr so.

Die Schleichparts sind jut, aber zu linear und mehrere Gegner kann man nicht aus der Gruppe lösen, wenn es nicht vom Spiel vorgesehen ist.

Grafik ist gut, leider Schlauchlevel und Alphawände.

Sound ist Spitze.

3/10 würde ich dem Spiel geben.
Mir fehlt auf Steam der gehtso Daumen

1218 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 11:30
sehr sehr gut kann ich nur empfehlen
gameplay 9/10
Story 9/10
Fun 10/10

ab und zu hat der kleine gnom mich an Styx erinnert,... das Gemeine :)
756 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.15 16:37

Die Reise beginnt

Eines muss man Of Orcs and Men zugutehalten: Es lässt einen nicht lange zappeln. Keine 5 Minuten Geplänkel vergehen, bis man von seinem Chef den Auftrag erhält, der die Zukunft des gesamten orkischen Volkes entscheiden wird. So dauert es auch nicht lange bis wir den Hauptstrang der Story durchblicken. Wir sollen uns hinter die vom Imperium gebaute riesige Mauer schleichen und den Imperator höchst selbst in die ewigen Jagdgründe schicken. Dieser will nämlich die Menschen, Elfen und Zwerge gegen die Orks vereinen, was die endgültige Niederlage der letzten verbliebenen Stämme bedeuten würde.

Weil wir aber ein dicker und grober Ork sind, bekommen wir dabei Hilfe vom durchschlagenen Goblin Styx. Das gefällt Arkail nicht, weil er grundsätzlich Goblins verabscheut, und Styx gefällt das nicht, weil Arkail nur als der „Schlächter“ bekannt ist. Eine kämpfende Legende unter den Orks, der für seine überaus gefährlichen Wutanfälle bekannt ist.

Natürlich vertragen sich die beiden nicht so wirklich und es entstehen immer wieder kleine Reibereien zwischen den beiden grundverschiedenen Protagonisten. Im Grunde kommen sie dann doch genug mit einander aus, um den Auftrag nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Arkail – Boom, Peng, auf die Fresse!

Arkail ist natürlich der fiese Nahkämpfer und das leibliche Offensiv-Massaker in Koch Medias RPG-Spektakel. Rohe Kraft, die ihren Tribut zollt. Seine ungezügelte Wut wird dem Ork schnell zum Verhängnis – beziehungsweise seinen Gegnern und auch seinem Begleiter Styx. Wird Arkail häufig geschlagen und schlägt selbst zu, so füllt sich seine Wut-Leiste. Ist diese prall gefüllt, so dreht er komplett durch. Der Bildschirm wird rot und wir verlieren die Kontrolle über das Muskelpaket. In diesem Zustand greift er alles und jeden an – auch Styx. Das führt manchmal unweigerlich zum Tod des kleinen Goblins, der einem Schlag von Arkail wahrlich nicht viel entgegen zu setzen hat. Da hilft meist nur eines: Goblin steuern und die Beine in die Hand nehmen!

Damit wir diese Rage gezielter nutzen können, kann der Schlächter seine Wut auch hinaus schreien. Gerade wegen der Erschöpfung, die Arkail nach dem Ausraster befällt, ist dies nötig. Im defensiven Talentkreis gibt es dazu eine Fähigkeit, die seine Wutanzeige langsam senkt. Im Laufe des Spieles habe ich sie jedoch immer seltener genutzt, da ich durchaus meinen Spaß an den imposanten Finishern von Arkail gefunden habe.

Zwar würde dem Blut-Magneten ein Live-Action-Kampfsystem wesentlich besser stehen, aber zumindest sind wir mit Arkail in Of Orcs and Men auf einem guten Weg.

Styx – gerissen, hinterhältig, liebenswürdig!

Obwohl ich ein absoluter Fan von Orks bin, hat mich Styx auf Grund seines Charakters wesentlich mehr gefesselt als sein gegensätzlicher Partner. So ist der kleine Goblin verschlagen, geldgierig und humorvoll und dazu auch in der deutschen Synchronisation fantastisch synchronisiert worden. Fans von Hörspielen werden seine Stimme wohl erkennen.

Was Styx an körperlicher Kraft fehlt, macht er durch seinen Nutzen in taktischer Hinsicht weit mehr als wett. So können wir mit ihm vor einem Kampf unsichtbar werden und bereits mehrere Feinde ausschalten um uns dann mit Arkail ins vergnügliche Gemetzel zu stürzen. Zudem eignet sich der flinke Goblin perfekt für Fallen, bei denen wir die Gegner erst heimlich dezimieren und dann in die Arme des Schlächters locken – eine wahrlich grauenhafte Prügel ist die Folge.

Direkt im Kampf haben wir mit Styx zweierlei Möglichkeiten. Wir unterstützen Arkail im Nahkampf, in dem wir zum Beispiel die Rüstung der Gegner verringern oder mit vergifteten Dolchen fiese Hinterhalte ausführen. Wollen wir das zarte Pflänzchen lieber aus dem direkten Geschehen raushalten, so kann er sich auch getrost im Hintergrund halten und mit Dolchen werfen.

Alle zwei zusammen

Wer sich dazu entschieden hat, nur mit einem der zwei Protagonisten spielen zu wollen und den anderen der KI zu überlassen, den muss ich enttäuschen. Da die KI so unfassbar dumm ist und gefühlt nur den Autohit zusammenbekommt, ist es bei größeren Gegnergruppen absolut notwendig, sowohl Arkail als auch Styx zu steuern.

Und da kommen wir auch schon zu einem Minuspunkt – die KI. Man darf von einer Rollenspiel-KI eventuell nicht zu viel erwarten, aber die Gegner in Of Orcs and Men haben keinerlei Verständnis für Taktik und sind nur in größerer Zahl gefährlich. Speerträger, die sich gezielt um den Ork kümmern und Schildträger, die Styx in Schach halten? Fehlanzeige. Eine simple Bedrohungs-Rangliste regelt das Ganze. Ein wenig Schade. So hätte man zumindest in höheren Schwierigkeitsgraden noch einmal eine zusätzliche Note einbringen können. Und so auch das Gefühl menschlicher Gegner.

Eine Aufgabe, die es in sich hat

Die Zusammenarbeit von Arkail und Styx verläuft durchaus flüssig und es stellt sich schnell eine gewisse Routine ein. Es dauert nicht lange bis wir den Ork auf die Nahkämpfer schicken und Styx von weiter entfernt seine Dolche wirft. Dabei kommt ein strategisches Kampfsystem zum Tragen, welches uns die Möglichkeit gibt, den Kampf stark zu verlangsamen und so unsere nächsten Schritte ins kleinste Detail zu planen. Ein bisschen ist das mit „Knights of the Old Republic“ zu vergleichen. Das Ganze ist auch zwingend notwendig, denn schon auf dem mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrad fordert einen das Kampfsystem viel ab. Wer blind in eine größere Gruppe der Miliz reinrennt, findet in Of Orcs and Men schnell den virtuellen Tod. Patrouillen erschweren einem einige Kämpfe noch einmal zusätzlich.

Kampf, Kampf, Kampf, Story, Kampf…

Oh solch fiese Trägheit. Wahrlich, das Kämpfen ist in Of Orcs and Men recht langweilig. Für Leute, die auf Taktik stehen wird dies eventuell anders sein, ich jedoch musste mich zeitweise richtig quälen, um Gefallen an den Kämpfen zu finden. Diese sind dann auch leider immer wieder das Gleiche.

Man kommt in ein Gebiet und läuft durch Schlauch-Level, trifft immer wieder auf kleine Gruppen von Gegnern, selten mal eine große Gruppe. Zum Schluss kommt dann ein Boss oder eine andere Zwischensequenz, in der Haupt- oder Nebenaufgabe vorangetrieben wird. Anschließend kommen dann wieder mehrere Gegnergruppen und so weiter und so weiter. Spannend ist etwas anderes.

Wirklich motivieren tut wirklich nur die Story, die so einige tolle Höhepunkte und Wendungen aufweisen kann. Manche sehr vorhersehbar, andere überraschend. Über allem liegen aber durchgehend die schläfrigen Kampf-Passagen.

Welch bunte, schöne Welt

Im Laufe des Spieles laufen wir durch viele verschiedene, aber leider auch ausgelutschte, Gebiete. Slums an den Grenzen der großen Mauer, Katakomben, die eher aussehen als wäre sie eine riesige Kloake für Goblins und natürlich auch Wälder.

Neben den wenig einfallsreichen Gebieten ist es auch die mittelmäßige Grafik, die einen immer wieder aus dem Spieltrieb herausreißt. Die bekannten Probleme wie matschige Texturen, miese Gesichtsanimationen und Lippensynchronität fallen immer wieder störend auf.


Of Orcs and Men ist wahrlich kein Überraschungstitel, dazu weist es einfach zu viele störende Aspekte auf. Diese können zwar meist im Ansatz überzeugen, bleiben dann aber auf halber Strecke stehen und versperren den Weg. Andere Dinge jedoch konnte Koch Media sehr gut in das Spiel integrieren. Die oft grandiosen Dialoge, die zwei Protagonisten, die Nebenaufgaben die ihres Gleichen suchen und selbst AAA-Titel in die Schranken verweisen. Koch Media kann mit diesem Spiel niemanden überraschen, aber sehr wohl fesseln.

Ein ausgereifteres Kampfsystem, eine stärkere Atmosphäre und eine bessere Ausnutzung der Charakterunterschiede von Arkail und Styx direkt im Gameplay fehlen dem Spiel leider dennoch.

zuerst erschienen auf getgaming.de
1139 Produkte im Account
432 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 05:50
Quite an interesting story about two warring races that rallied for a single mission. The destructive Orc and the quiet goblin (which is very sharp on the tongue and his blades) will go a long way hand in hand together - having been captured, raised an uprising and participated in the murder of the Emperor of Men.
In the game, we are waiting for humor, a different option for passing - such as assault, or stealth. Pumping heroes and their weapons. And also a lot of dramatic moments that allow you to get to know the characters from the other side.
The game is recommended for purchase and will be a great gift for fans of the Goblin Styx series of games.
842 Produkte im Account
1269 Reviews
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 09:16
Of Orcs And Men
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,
alot of difficult battles.
requires micromanagement.
somewhat difficult and weird battle controls.

good game.
Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.49 Or Less During Sale
57 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 13:18
Old but gold
467 Produkte im Account
83 Reviews
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 04:37
A great game with terrible combat, Of Orcs and Men is the story about the Human Empire Genociding and enslaving the Orc race and of a Rebel Orc and Styx on their quest to assassinate the Emperor to free and save Greenskin kind.

The Combat is a Real Time Strategy combat type, however the skills/commands between the two characters are not very useful and the Partner will only use basic attacks; This forces you to constantly switch between the two characters to have any real effective combat. I in the end fond that combat basically came down to which attack did the most damage percentage and had the higher stun rates.
Late Game is incredibly annoying with this as enemies have high DPS and stun skills.

7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 00:02
fun game great graphics and doesn't take up all my hard drive and easy controls. I like it lol Its only 3gb on my hd
393 Produkte im Account
263 Reviews
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 06:33
Of Orcs And Men is a action-RPG where you play as 2 protagonists, Arkail the orc and Styx the goblin, as they went on a mission to kill the human emperor with hopes to stop the oppression against greenskins. If you're wondering, yes, it's the same Styx as the one in the Styx games, which are prequels to this game. Honestly, I wouldn't bat an eye to this game if I wasn't a fan of the Styx games, but this game surpasses my expectations in many ways.

Firstly, it's an interesting take on the fantasy genre, where we don't play as humanoids, but rather monstrous creatures But they're actually good, and the humans are the evil ones. This game expands the world and lore of the Styx games, which by itself is already an interesting fantasy universe. The levels are sadly narrow and linear, but despite that it still provides a pretty good look at the world. There's also some weapons and outfits for both your characters, each with their own bonuses, and you can change them as you wish.

Combat is rather different than most game, it's not hack-and-slash combat like people would expect. It's not really turn-based, it's like Dragon Age: Origins, where it still happens real-time but you can slow down time and plan your attack. My advice is to use Styx to damage the enemies' armor with his attack first, and Arkail and finish them off. But before starting combat, I recommend using Styx to stealth kill the enemies first. In some areas, the enemies are all roaming around and you can stealth kill most of them. In combat, the enemies are weirdly strong, so its better to lessen the number of enemies first.

My main problem with this game is the narrow FOV. It makes the levels feel even more cramped. But luckily, maybe due to the combination of third-person view and narrow levels, it doesn't cause me nausea. This game would be better with a wider FOV, which you can change, but it's kinda complicated and didn't work for me. Plus, it would be easier to take good screenshots if you're into it.

Of Orcs And Men is a pretty great underrated game, one that I never heard of had I not been researching about the Styx games. If you're into fantasy genres and RPGs, give this interesting franchise a try. Although, like me, I recommend playing both Styx games first. Hopefully, there will be more games set in this world.
94 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.22 01:31
This game isn't as polished as others triple A products from the same period, the combat at first seems unresponsive and uselessly complicated but after playing for the first hour I really started appreciating it and it started to grow in me.
The two protagonists are memorable and the interactions between them and the rest of the world are really funny, the dialogues with npcs are interesting and never too long nor boring, every now and then we can take small choices that aren't gonna change the whole plot, but they still have some consequences and they make the world feel a bit alive.
The game is really linear and so are the majority of levels, which can be a good thing if you're a bit tired of huge open world rpgs with tons of exploration and different paths.
This time instead of being a human hero against the forces of evil we're gonna be an orc and a goblin that are gonna fight and kill mainly knights, bandits, goblins and other orcs.
The story isn't the best I've ever seen but it's definetely enjoyable, the music and sound effects are of average quality and the dub, aside from one of the protagonists, Styx, isn't anything special.
The combat system is in real time but we can slow down time in order to choose what abilities and attacks to use, other than also choosing our targets.
I suggest to play the game on normal, at the very beginning it may seem too difficult but when we'll start to upgrade our abilities and our characters its gonna become very viable and rather easy.
I didn't experience any crash nor bug at the time of the review and overall I suggest this game to anyone who's looking for a low cost rpg in a rather classical fantasy world with two very different protagonists but with their charisma, without the necessity of a complicated story, deep morals or overwhelming difficulty.

TLDR: Funny goblin and chill experience
301 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 12:59
A very underrated game. Nonetheless a fun and memorable one. The game is an RPG that heavily utilises pause combat derived from the old crpgs or even Dragon Age: Origins. Good voice acting for the main characters and subpar voice acting on the other npcs.

The game is quite janky in many places. Combat can be a mess for first timers if you do not have the hotkeys binded. But you become easily overpowered if you invest in the right skills and the right stats. I suggest going with the blue skill tree for both characters. I tend to use Arkail as the beefy crowd controller while Styx dishes out massive crits from afar and melee. Maps are pretty linear and mission based, so do not expect any exploration.

I recommend it to anyone looking for a new refreshing story setting and likeable characters. There are 2 more games that were released for this universe (Styx 1 and 2). Looking forward to playing those.
446 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 11:30
Awesome game unforgiving in some fights. Everyone is a game designer nowadays and has demeaning things to say about games that are not his/her thing. This might be yours.
86 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1090 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 18:04
Great game a mixture of rts and action had a blast with it
347 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 17:28
I really didn't like the mechanics and combat. Yet I couldn't help but keep playing. This has somehow become one of my favourite games, if not my absolute favourite. However I will never play it again
130 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 09:24
Shrek and mini Shrek 10/10
412 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
399 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.22 15:00
Charming, lovely setting, stale, boring af combat, cheap story, linear progression. As much as I wanted to like it, I can't bring myself to finish it. Too little to do, too much repetitivness.
192 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1648 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 19:56
Nice and fun game. Old school game with old school gameplay. Simple and fun ... something lost in new games.
316 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 13:13
i love everything about this game except for the combat , it makes me feel disconnected from the game and its not fun. The voice acting is great and it has a good story just a shame about the combat.
272 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 09:30
Nice game, but lacks stealth. It simply does not exist! Linearity kills the interest of passing.4/10
526 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 11:10
Lately I've been through my backlog and wanted to start playing Styx, but I read about the previous game and realized I already had it, so here I am!

At first, like others, the gameplay during fights felt really awkward, but it didn't take very long to get used to it, though I did have to read a little about it on a guide here to actually be good at it. It's absolutely no biggy!

Once I got past that, I got hooked pretty easily!

I really liked the story at first, though the twists aren't twists as they are way too obvious... I wish there was a little better writing there.

What REALLY impressed me, is how when you're done with a quest you're instantly teleported back to where you need to be (maybe the quest giver) instead of having to waste time walking backwards, and sometimes again forward in case the quest giver forgot to ask for everything the first time (I hate such quests where you keep going back and forth instead of just doing everything at once!). I also really liked how the side quests don't feel like side quests but more like the main quests without impacting the story much.

I appreciate how there are actual choices in game, though they don't really affect much.

My negative here is the end game: by the time I reached it, things felt way too easy, even though I somehow never found the ultimate weapons, and I don't think I was necessarily that good at the game either. I really expected the last 2 main battles to be tough, but they were really not... The last battle in the game took absolutely no effort at all, I mean it, that's disappointing, especially considering who we're supposed to be fighting...

NOTA: You likely can get stuck if you mess up. One fight I just could not win it, no matter... but thankfully I had not realized before it I could spend points on skills (silly me) and so by looking up good skills online I was able to spend points on the right one, if I had only a save with my points spent, I don't think I could have ever made it.

Anyway, full thumb up and I look forward to play more games from these devs!

The game also played fine with Proton on GNU/Linux, in the last few days it froze a few times when loading a stage, but that may have been due to an update on my computer since before it did not, not sure.

PS: for any readers, if you know any nice RPG (whichever substyle) that like this game doesn't make you walk back and forth for hours for a quest (main or side) please tell me about it, I'm definitely not much of an explorer! (Even if I did love TW3, I used teleport mods for that reason...).
2146 Produkte im Account
526 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 00:35
Of Orcs and Men, a very straightforward story-driven action-RPG -ish.

The battle system is both quite easy and sometimes way too frustrating - if you play it on the highest difficulty. And there is actually nothing else, in terms of gameplay, except combat. So, if you only want some decent old-styled slasher game for an evening or two, there are so many other titles in the market, that will make it better.

The game is not too bad, mind it! The music and overall sound work are all good, the visuals... obviously dated, but we've all seen much worse from nowadays indie titles. But the only reason I can really recommend this game for you is its story. Unlikely heroes, questionable moral choices, pretty solid motivation for all the main characters... A story well told!

So, to be brief: if you're an action-driven type, and skip most of the intermedia between the action parts, it is very unlikely that you'll like this game now. It wasn't anything fancy in the year 2012 when it was released, and of course, it was not evolved to something greater since. However, if you're generally playing the games for the story part, well... Maybe you should look into it. Especially if you also play stealth games, and like Styx - a goblin assassin. Because the story Of Orcs and Men is actually the first chapter of his journey.

My mark is 6/10. There are many subpar things in this game, starting from the very questionable visual design and gameplay balance. But they are easily tolerated if you feel that urge to turn another page and see how it'll end.
564 Produkte im Account
334 Reviews
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 04:09
I dont think this game age well, but it looks so interesting, i wanted to finish it on XBOX 360 and never could, i try on PC and its a bit outdated. Still looks amazing and if you have more patience than me, this could be a gem.
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 23:16
* Styx

* Gameplay

I found myself pretty much indifferent to everything else.

Would only recommend the game if you want more Styx.
1491 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 20:48
Styx is in it. Only this time he's not as refined of a prick, and he's more of a kiss-ass. But still, if you liked the gritty witty greenskin, you're bound to enjoy this for the sale price.

The game looks pretty good for its age, even in 2021. It's no AAA title, but it's enjoyable. They took some pretty good game mechanics and made a solid quarter of a game. Then they repeated it several times to fill out the rest of the game. Having only played a couple hours so far, I haven't hit a point where it feels monotonous and repetitive, but I can see where it'll maybe get there. And honestly, I might not recommend a game like that for $40. But for a buck fifty it's hard to hate on a couple fun hours.
191 Produkte im Account
160 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 15:53
45/100 Devs failed at combat

- gfx and combat feel dated
- general controls are very much console port ;(

>>> Better not buy at all !!
94 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
793 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 07:19
If you really love Styx and its games, you can easily buy it at 90% off. And if I am very punctual because the game is not very big, it is linear and the combat ... mmh, but who cares? Just buy the game. ; )
423 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
1251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 07:02
Of Orcs and Men

Well first off i got to say that im not a fan of the combat system. In short it really sucks however i did enjoy the story it does make you feel for the characters. The game is extremely straight forward as in you follow the path and maybe a few side quest along the way. However there were two maybe three part of the game where it just almost impossible. The last fight in the arena is just stupidly hard. Unless you love kiting the enemies around in a circle to heal and attack then your going to love this. Same thing with the Final boss fight except worse with the BBEG that keeps healing himself. On to other things the music was alright and the character voices were ok though some just bad.

Do I recommend this game umm... im in the middle ground on that. The game is average at best. Really needs a better fighting system but i cant complain to much for i got it on sale for a really good price.
189 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 21:07
sold game about orcs and goblins, has nothing to do with of mice and men, but it's a fun game about orcs. If you liked the Styx games, this is where our favorite little goblin made his debut. The final boss is borked as hell, but hey, it's a good game. Just don't buy it full price
605 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 23:06

A good game that faceplants in the end

I was so sure I'd leave a positive review here… I have much respect for Of Orcs and Men and want more of these AA titles that sit somewhere between the blockbuster and indie game space. This game is neither particularly ambitious nor groundbreaking, but what is in there is solid and the anti-hero duo of Arkail and Styx is memorable and well realised. I thoroughly enjoyed the game throughout most of its length, slowly coming up with a strategy that would get me through the game on hard difficulty.

I give up. The final boss fight is an absolute mess. He constantly ressurrects his powerful mobs to the point, where attacking those becomes pointless. Worse still, attacking the boss feels equally pointless due to his immense health regeneration. Now also give him the ability to paralyse your character and you have 'that guy' of a boss. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! It turns out there's no checkpoint before the fight and AFAIK no way to save the game. Upon seeing what one has to sit through to simply get another shot at the boss, my jaw hit the ground. With every attempt you have to go through three preceeding battles and two unskippable cutsenes which can easily waste between 10 and 15 minutes of your life for each try.

Now, I can be persistent, trying the same thing over and over… In this case, I don't think I will give it a shot for the third time. It's just too much frustration and I would rather retain my sanity. Some day I might lower the difficulty just to see how the story ends, but I think I'm done for now. This game got me beat.
124 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
49 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 01:16
Combat system = joke. Not a good one. Point and click in 3d live combat. Run away from this crap. Too bad liked the story.
570 Produkte im Account
72 Reviews
1111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 15:49

Of Orcs and Meh

Let’s get one thing straight out of the way – if you are playing Of Orcs and Men in 2021 there is about 95% chance you enjoyed Styx games and are looking for some more rapsy-voiced goblin goods. As for everyone else, I hope you do love a good piece of jank. If one or preferably both of the above are true, Of Orcs and Men is bound to deliver a good time. The title in question is probably best recognised for allowing fantasy fans to switch things around a little. Rather than fill the role of the default savage punching bags, a duo of orc and goblin are the protagonists of the story. That said, what makes this game a true curio is the unusual combat system. Not only the player controls two characters at once, the combat itself is based on a set of attack commands given to the both characters with extensive help of active pause. Take note, the game wasn’t exactly beautiful the day it came out. Nearly ten years later its visuals aged about as well as fish with a side of raw eggs left out in a dank, humid place for a similar period of time.
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Suicide squad
The usual green menace are introduced by the game’s intro as the ones being prosecuted and oppressed by armies of men. Prized for their physical strength, the orcs are a desired source of slave labour, hunted like animals to be then worked to death in quarries and construction sites. The greatest among them – the Wall, a set of fortifications which allows the Human Empire to prosecute the war against the orc as they please without a risk of significant counterattack. These are the circumstances under which we meet Arkail – one of the few remaining free orcs, a member of elite force named Bloodjaws. The group prepares their last-ditch attempt at making the humans bleed – an assassination of human emperor. The first step of becoming a kingslayer means getting past the Wall, that’s where Arkail’s guide steps in. Enter the Styx, a roguish goblin familiar with the Wall and ways to get across it. Alas, the game’s protagonist duo is born – a desperate orc warrior, more than capable of holding his own in the fight but suffering severe anger management problems and Styx – a sneaky goblin bastard with pension for surprise attacks and self-gain.

Those among you who approach Of Orcs and Men as “the one that has Styx in it” will find themselves right at home. Styx is played by the same voice actor and he’s exactly the gritty, self-centred douche, who we know and love. While the game’s plot of attempting to murder a figure of authority isn’t exactly groundbreaking, the tone of it is a departure from usual high-fantasy. Perhaps Bloodjaws don’t say it out loud but you can tell that their “heroic quest” is just their way of going down fighting and perhaps to give Human Empire a finger while they are at it. A gloom note for a doomed cause.

Hyperactive pause
Arkail and Styx affinities are apparent from their stature alone. The orc is a literal mountain of muscles relying on his sheer bulk to disperse the damage of the enemy attacks, fully capable of taking several enemies head on. Styx on the other hand is proficient in stealth and assassination. He can turn himself nearly invisible and slit the throat of an unsuspecting foe before the fight even starts. Once things inevitably go loud, he has a number of ranged and crowd control attacks to keep him mostly out of the harm’s way.

Employing skills of both protagonists requires constant use of active pause and manual selection of target and attacks sequence. The duo requires the player’s guidance as the second a selected opponent dies, they either revert to basic attacks or stop attacking altogether. Both Styx’s and Arkail’s moves fall into offensive and defensive categories, where the first “stance” allows for more damaging moves in exchange for receiving more punishment from opponents while the latter focuses on disruption of enemy attacks and tanking hits. Both character’s have a wide selection of abilities, each with a choice of 1 out of 2 upgrades to better tailor the duo to your playstyle. That said, you will quickly figure out your most efficient combos and not use half of the options available.

Bare enemy bones
The reason for that is this title’s gamepay loop, simplistic to the point of being primitive. Every map is in essence a single meandering corridor with a series of fights along the way. You peel the group of all enemies that can be assassinated (the rest have a clear sight of each other, so attacking them immediately begins combat), then have Arkail barge in and keep enemies occupied. Next, Styx can use the commotion to eliminate the enemies 1 by 1 while the orc makes his best punching bag impression. If one of your characters is left standing, they both quickly revive and regenerate to full health. Repeat until a cutscene plays. Admittedly, a lot of games could be described this way at some most fundamental level. What makes it a problem in Of Orcs and Men is a very low enemy variety, especially in terms of mechanics. Half of the skills won’t be used much, simply because there are no enemies that would require a significant change in approach. Yes, brigands with pikes become armoured knights further down the line, which doesn’t alleviate the fact that the moment you enter the goblin-infested tunnels you’ve essentially seen it all. In the first chapter out of five.
[url] https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2515913702 [/url]
Bluntly put, the game can get pretty boring, fairly fast. Especially given the fact that Of Orcs and Men’s pacing is all over the place. The second chapter is a prime offender in that regard. It is by far the longest part of the game and its underground corridors seem to drag on indefinitely. There are too many fights against large enemy groups, which demote Arkail to a glorified speedbump. All the while Styx enters a vicious cycle of running in circles, reviving and occasional knife throw. It’s a slog and a painful one. That said, if you make it to chapter 3 the game suddenly becomes fun. The scenery and enemies appearance start to switch regularly and larger areas that allow player to plan their manoeuvres show up. Even the story becomes more interesting.

To add just a little more jank sprinkling on top, there is an odd RPG-like character progression where you improve their stats for no visible reason and equipment which doesn’t really get better over the course of the game, instead it affects different stats. At later stages gear traders start appearing only in plot exclusive moments, making this entire gameplay element redundant.

All things considered, Of Orcs and Men can be called a curio if we wish to be charitable. It’s a mostly unremarkable, weird and ugly game with likeable characters and interesting spin on fantasy setting. It is no surprise that “sequels” are stealth titles starring Styx by entirely different developer. The goblin and his stabby shenanigans are by far the most fun part of the game in queston. Despite all of the negatives, it’s a fun jank should you have a taste for such a thing. Frankly, I can’t imagine this title just popping up on someone’s radar without any previous knowledge of this game. Most of you probably know exactly what you are signing up for. With that condition met, the game absolutely delivers the goods. Styx is there, grumpy and sardonic just the way you like it. If by some happenstance you come into Of Orcs and Men blind, fair warning, this is as B-class game as it can possibly get. You are probably better off trying out Styx games instead.
72 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 01:49
I'm a massive fan of the two Styx games, and so I decided to pick this one up.

I strongly dislike the combat, the voice acting from just about everyone other then Styx and Arkail is really bad, the levels are painfully linear, and I wasn't a fan of the music.

HOWEVER, I still love the game. The story really is fantastic and Styx and Arkail are just about perfect protagonists. The humor is great and I really like how you can do different side quests that change how the game works out. As I mentioned previously, Styx and Arkail really carry this game. Both of their voice actors did an amazing job really bringing these characters to life. Speaking of voice acting, some of it is so bad from the other characters in the game that it actually is pretty funny, so it gives the game a unique charm. Also, it never got old seeing Arkail rage and knock Styx out mid fight, it's pretty hilarious.

I'd recommend this game if you're a fan of the Styx universe and if you like alternate takes on fantasy.
255 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.21 01:35
I am recommending it yes, but with a warning. Final boss fight is luck based and with a safe strategy unwinnable.
With that out of the way, I can safely understand why the Styx series continued on, the setting of the game is a not so new but different take on the orcs, elves, dwarves and men fantasy trope. But what really takes the cake is the characters but specially Styx and Arkhail. Both of them steal the show and since they are the main characters you are never not engaged on what will happen. The story had some cool twists and some predictable ones too but overall very enjoyable.
The music and sound effects are nice but not at all special aside for a few ones here and there, the graphics are great for the time period. To maintain graphics like that, the design of stages is extremely linear to a detriment.
The combat is the only thing that is a pure negative, not a true turn base system, not a only action base one, is a mish mash and nobody is satisfied... a lot of the fights are luck based depending on your build so dont buy it if you can't digest it and enjoy everything else.
403 Produkte im Account
158 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 11:54
One of the worst combat systems I've ever seen.
I'm actually really interested in the story, but this is so bad that playing it makes me angry.
Usually in a situation like this I'd cheat just to see the story, but it's one of those games where even cheating is a pain in the ass.
5129 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
44 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 14:20
Probably the worst fighting in an ARPG I've ever encountered.
You have to line up moves? Why didn't they just make it a card game or something like that.
Also being interrupted every 2 minutes by a cutscene is extremely annoying.
133 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 16:15
After playing the two Styx games I decided to play this game which is a great game overall. The story is great, I enjoyed the stealth segments and combat system even though it can be difficult. This is one of the unique games available that let you play as both Orc and Goblin. This game provides a certain challenge and worthwhile experience after succeeding the encounters especially the final boss battle which is really really hard even on normal difficulty. I hope they make a sequel to this game in the future.
165 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 03:27
This game has what seems like very interesting story. Too bad I can't see it thanks to garbage combat and absurd difficulty. After 2 hours in one spot and about 66 attempts I gave up. No point in torturing myself any longer.
Edit: ok I beat it. Cool story. Cool lore. Awful controls and bout 3 unbalanced fights.
26 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.21 03:38
A really good, if simplistic and linnear action RPG with tactical combat. Great story, adult themes, a lot of prophanity, interesting world. Recommended.
26 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
6620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 16:33
these ugly motherf***ers..
57 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 17:40
haha, goblin go f-word 10/10
seriously though, one of the best games I've played in a while, and I'm not one for intensive strategy. might be because I've played the first main Styx game before this one, but the fact I already knew the little bastard made his vulgar dialogue that much funnier and engaging to me. highly recommended if you can keep an open mind about the more tougher spots in the game, the payoff when you do succeed is quite satisfying!
1429 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 05:48
I bought this thinking it was bronze, turns out it was gold all along.
Good Styx universe game.

Eu comprei isso pensando que era bronze, mas acabou sendo ouro.

Pontos fortes:
Roda até em frigideira+tem suporte ao pt-br(recomendo melhor no inglês) e é da saga do Styx então recomendo para quem curte.
1012 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 06:00
JUST BUY IT ON SALE FOR STYX. It's the first appearance of STYX the foul mouthed goblin from the games of the same name. That's enough for me to give it a try and it's not bad. It's shallow but fun and the story with Styx's crazy dialogue is interesting enough to keep me going.
32 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 21:19
This is the best tour based action RPG / stealth game I've ever played. At least in the dark fantasy colors. I love the characters, I love the story, I love everything about it. Even tho it's old and there's a lot of things that could be done better, It still is a sold 8/10 for me.

I'm going to buy the earlier released part of Styx and have some more fan with the First Goblin of them all. And It's gonna be epic :3
160 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 15:39
I was really excited about this game, offers a whole different setting from what we are used to (Orcs vs Humans instead of Humans vs Orcs) unfortunately I absolutely hated the gameplay, it relies heavily on pause menus to select actions/powers and to me that's a big buzz kill..
53 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 21:49
Perfect story !
470 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 14:13
After about 5 hours i decided to drop the game. It was just to boring for me to continue. Having played stxy master of shadows before this (and yes i know this game came out before the other one), this was just not appealing enough to complete. The game is too linear and two-dimensional. I hoped to have something where you could move up walls and so interesting stuf with your assassin and then have the tank clear the rest, maby lure enemies into an ambush. But literaly every stage was a straight path, with a few enemies every now and then. In the enemy loaction you kill with backstabs the enemies that are alone and clear the rest with the duo. Combat was the worst aspect, you just give them a set of up to 5 orders and that is it, no real skill involved. Sadly steam removed the star rating so i was force to thumb it down. If you loved styx master of shadows , and want to give this a go; you can get this on a sale for 1$ almost every month on sites like fanatical. The setting and the whole lore was good, but game ij just not appealing enough for me to finish it
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
566 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 04:25
Im not sure if its worth $15 but i enjoyed it... beat it in one sitting in under 5 hours..it kept me interested for that amount of time but im not sure if id play through again.. you should check it out if u can get it on sale or if u arent as cheap as me..
474 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 17:10
This is a short and easy to play game, but honestly it's repetetive and there's not much to combat once you find the best solution for your fights.
There's several things that could have been done to make the game way more entertaining, but it seems both the developers resources and time to develop this game was cut short.
By todays standard the graphics are just bad and honestly it's only an 8 year old game... It should have been way better , but if the gameplay at least made up for it, it wouldnt be a problem.
The area maps are repetetive and you get the feeling that a lot of things were done in that way due to lack of resources, the combat part of the game is lacking a lot and should have been improved in several areas.
I got to the end of the game quite fast, you can finish it in around 30 hours or 25, but after that you don't really get the feeling that you want to come back and try it out again.
The background story is a bit interesting through and I picked it up due to playing another game where Styx is the main character.
Id say almost an 6/10 , but honestly I can't recommend it to anyone.
345 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 22:16
Decent game, weird combat system. Styx was better....

you know that sort of game you install hour before sleep and it seems good enough, but you have 0% motivation to play in the morning. Its this game.
2342 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 20:53
It’s a bit janky and not the prettiest but the story is interesting enough to follow and the combat system is very involved and demands some planning during combat.

I would highly advise playing this on easy or normal since the game was not balanced very well around different playstyles and builds since the game can become very frustrating when you reach midgame and if you didn’t plan for the exact builds on harder difficulties then you will have to restart.
106 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 07:39
A rather good quality and ambitious RPG title from the past.
-Good characters and very engaging plotline with some OK-ish sidequests,
-Independant setting and graphic design,
-Well-written dialogue and voice acting of main characters (Styx especially).

-Structure of last chapters is clunky and includes a lot of unavoidable cliches (4th and 5th chapter),
-Same problem as with the Blood Bowl series- absolutely brutal difficulty curve,
-Combat system should technically work brilliantly, but, practically- it just doesn't (there is only 1 build variation for both characters that can yield you even a chance to beat the game on max. difficulty).

*)As a sidenote, this is basically Shrek movie set in a much more brutal fantasy setting (with clear similarities).
I enjoyed playing the game, but it's very far from being perfect with some solid and persistent, but minor AI bugs.
At that, the game is quite solid and playable: 7/10
107 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 11:39
The combat system is really really horrible, in my opinion. After the first battle I uninstalled the game.
155 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 02:20
To be honest the story is the best and everthing else is bad 2 1/2 stars. I most likely will play this again if I need a refesher but thats it. Its very buggy.
454 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
596 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 21:08
Very clunky, but definitely charming.
242 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 21:11
I played and bought this because I wanted to know more about styx his backstory. which is the only thing that you should get out of this game. the world looks decent enough but as soon as you need to make your way through it everything is in the way. rocks the size of styx's finger are able to block arkail and styx. Not to mention the combat system straight up ruining any combat experience that happens. but even if that wasn't enough to convince you, feel free to buy the game and see how audio fails from time to time. how enemies are almost unbeatable unless you know what you are doing upgrading wise and equipment wise. (even on the easiest difficulty) see how the AI kicks your ass in combat with no effort whilst the your ally AI does nothing other than getting their ass kicked whilst throwing a punch every once in a blue moon. I swear it's that I wanted to know the story but otherwise I'd rather have refunded and never look in the general direction of this horrid experience.
So in short summary:
It looks decent enough, combat sucks as much as it can and the story is somewhat interesting
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 16:03
the gameplays is nice graphics are good
513 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.20 19:50
The story is good so far, I liked the characters, but the fighting system is not that good. The game gave me motion sickness so I probably won't be playing anymore. But for those who like the style, I think it's worth giving it a try and drawing your own conclusions.
110 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 14:07
This is a great game. Be wary, the combat system does require some getting used to, specially because actions can be interrupted and the automatic targeting can disrupt your plans. But, if you take the time to learn it, it is a very cool system.

The game has a very interesting take on the fantasy setting and I find the overall background universe far more interesting than the story of the game itself.

Ambients are very beautifully made, but level design is kind of poor. Getting on the cons:

- Level design is kind of weak. It is a straightfoward path, with segmented combats and enemies that don't communicate. So, you can't scout ahead the whole level with Styx in stealth mode to take out strategic targets beforehand, only that specifc segment.

- I like the stealth and assassination mechanics, but it is broken. You can kill someone 1 meter alway and the other guy can be oblivious to his buddy getting his throat sliced. If someone sees the dead body where a guard used to be, they don't get alerted at all.

- Story is also very straightfoward, despite the options you can take in some moments. If you skip some side quest in an earlier chapter, you can't complete it later (wish I knew that before ignoring the Black Hand challenge for a later time).

Overall, a good and enjoyable game.
362 Produkte im Account
303 Reviews
1519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 07:43
I've won this game through Steamgifts website.
This is a good value game. It can be real difficult on harder settings. The stealth elements feels well balanced and rewarding. I also generally liked voice acting, graphics and generally story with some humor (many times dark one). The only problem I had with this game are skills and maybe items. Although at the beginning they offer different approach to characters creation, after a while game becomes a bit repetitive due lack of new skills and items.
Game generally runs through Proton (LInux), but I had real problem on earlier versions due hangs and crashes, try newer versions if there are such problems.
134 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 18:59
Give these devs more moeny !!! in this day and age we need stories / music like this game has to offer , i finished this game when it came out on the ps and have been waiting for a sequel but even this on steam will do . just love the characters and the dialogues make it soo much more interesting also THE butcher IS SOOOOO OP !!! we need more games that focus on the orcs as the main characters !
666 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.20 19:41
awesome game!!!!
585 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 21:49
This is a flawed game that clearly did not have a big budget. The first few levels are ugly, the fighting system is communicated poorly and the last boss fight is absurdly difficult even on easy and yet I like the game. I like the story, I love the characters and the later levels that seem to get better as you progress (usually it is the other way around). The side quests always deepen the main story and in many cases affect it and the gritty humor and weighty topics like identity, honor and freedom add to a game that is worth your time if you like these things and can look past gameplay issues. I played this because I enjoyed the Styx games and was not disappointed. Give this game a chance.
507 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 20:40
This game is as good as it was when i first played it the first time. Loved the story, loved the characters, loved the combat, too bad we never got a sequel but got 2 styx games at least.
234 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 20:40
For a game from 2012, this is still pretty fun to play. You can beat the entire game through in about 3 hours (5-ish if you take your time).
-Fast, easily beatable game, can scratch the medieval fantasy itch for you without being a time sync
-Decent combat at times, some fun moments of slaughter occasionally
-Cheesy animations due to being a dated game, but so much so they are laughable
-Voice acting is great, and not great, making for some more laughable moments
-Tough guy and jerk (darn profanity blocker) character types make for some sinister antiheroes that make you love being despicable
-Great music, variety of soundtracks, great quality despite the age of the game
-Variety of locations to play through
-Controls for the PC are satisfying, despite the game being designed for console
-You can skip most cutscenes (if you wish)!

-Stats for characters are vague. You don't ever know specifically how much damage you're doing/taking
-Many skills are based on percentages, similar to stats, you don't know how much damage skills will do. Experimentation is necessary
-Blind progression, some areas are harder than others and if you level with the wrong build, you could hit a brick wall in the story which forces you to start over
-One mechanic is that Arkail gets enraged after a meter fills up, this causes you to lose control over him, can be annoying to some
-Gear is limited and some of the best gear is in the beginning of the game, for those that don't know this, you inadvertently handicap yourself later in the game
-Cutscenes, cutscenes, cutscenes. Lots of story elements in this game
-Combat gets repetitive after awhile, especially once you learn which combos are necessary to get past the difficulty spikes, you tend to use the same skills all the time

It wasn't what I expected as I thought I'd be slaughtering orcs and goblins (I did, just not how I thought I would). Instead of playing your typical humans, I'm playing two (very lovable) characters through a decent story. So, if medieval fantasy is what you're looking for with linear gameplay then this game is for you. I found the dialogue between the characters to be the best thing about this game. There are many great lines, especially from Styx. This, coupled with the mature theme makes for some really fun moments. I've stated the pros and cons, and unfortunately the core of the gameplay has the most flaws. Combat can be frustrating at times and with no idea of what skills are good or bad you might be spending more time than you'd like playing (or re-playing) through content. Overall, this is a neat gem from years past that has held up enough to be worthwhile to play.
431 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 12:48
While the graphics and combat can feel somewhat lacking, it is more than made up for by the interesting story, original setting (repression and persecution of orcs by humans), great voice acting and solid musical score. If you like a mature universe where everything isn't black and white, get this game. Certainly when it is for sale. I had a blast!
467 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 08:48
good game that resulted in the better styx games
59 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 20:03
Of Orcs and Men is the progenitor of the slightly more known Styx series of games, though Styx is more of a tag alone goblin in this entry. While dated, not entirely fluid and at times out right broken game play experience I will say ultimately the game was fun despite its flaws. After plaything through it in its entirety my only two major gripes when it comes to this title are some of the story telling choices which I understand from a story telling stand point and how the final boss is absolute BS to beat. Entire game has a couple of harder moments but none as frustrating as beating that SOB.
My entire gameplay experience is up on youtube on this link if you wish to see first hand my experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2oIkjJWH7w&list=PLdxbOycN7_iIOoqvVX-ye-vRqh0MueDwt
35 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 06:50
One of the games I finished.
I loved the 2 main characters, you are going to play - their voiceacting, how they do communicate with each other, how they look like, their story and set of skills, esp. I love the world, visually and how it felt mediaval, its inhabitants, factions. And also I loved the gameplay - how thanks to the 2 different main characters you was half fighting- half stealthy/lockpicking, so there was variability.
Also the corridors didn't feel all that narrow thanks to the great graphic design of surrounding. And I love games where I collect different looking armor sets from chests. It makes me want to replay it with different build and its armor.
Overall 9/10 for me, because I do enjoy small immersive story games.
1886 Produkte im Account
182 Reviews
967 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 19:18
Nice game, average and cliche story-line but decent for killing time.

I think this game prefer stealth more than action LOL
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
70.24% 668 283
Release:12.10.2012 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Cyanide Vertrieb: Koch Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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