• Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.
  • Ocean's Heart: Screen zum Spiel Ocean's Heart.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.01.2021
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Preis Update 28.01.25

Über das Spiel

Ocean’s Heart ist ein Action-RPG, das mit liebevoller Pixelkunst erstellt wurde und das Herz eines Erkunders höher schlagen lässt. In einer lebendigen Welt voller Geheimnisse begibt sich Tilia auf die Suche nach ihrem verschollenen Vater. Folge seiner Spur durch die Ruinen eines überfluteten Reichs, gestalte die Zukunft der Welt oder halte dich bedeckt und konzentriere dich auf deine eigene Mission in diesem epischen retroinspirierten Abenteuer.

Erkunde eine detailreiche wunderschöne Welt, deren verwunschene Wälder, einsame Berggipfel und Salzwassersümpfe voller Geheimnisse stecken. Jedes Gebiet bietet einzigartige und bedeutungsvolle Nebenaufgaben, uralte Mysterien und Gefahren in Hülle und Fülle.

Kämpfe mit den verschiedensten Waffen und uralter Magie gegen fürchterliche Monster, um sie zu besiegen und auszutricksen. Suche nach besonderen Materialien, um deine Waffen zu verbessern, bis du Monster im Handumdrehen besiegst, die noch kurz zuvor schrecklich zähe Gegner waren.

Sammle verschiedene Gegenstände in der ganzen Welt, um Tränke zu brauen, deine Waffen zu verbessern und dein ständig wachsendes Arsenal zu erweitern.

  • Retroinspiriertes Action-RPG mit modernen Elementen.
  • Eine lebendige, wundervolle Pixelwelt voller Geheimnisse, die du nach Belieben erkunden kannst.
  • Bedrohliche Feinde und spannende Bosskämpfe, die dich ständig auf Trab halten.
  • Tolle Waffen, Sprüche und Fähigkeiten. Experimentiere herum, um deine Lieblinge für jede Lage und jeden Feind herauszufinden.
  • Einzigartige charakterbezogene Nebenaufgaben mit herzerfrischenden oder grausamen Geschichten, die mit dem Wissen über die Welt einhergehen.
  • Sammel- und Fertigungselemente erhöhen deine Überlebenschancen in einem zähen Kampf.
  • Schrulliger Humor und Charme, damit dir dein außergewöhnliches Abenteuer immer wieder ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubert.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 1 GHz
  • GFX: OpenGL 3.0
  • RAM: 200 MB
  • Software: Windows7 (64bit)
  • HD: 250 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Brasilianisches
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 2.5 GHz
  • GFX: OpenGL 3.0
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows7 (64bit)
  • HD: 250 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Brasilianisches

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

58 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 13:49
133 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
856 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 22:54
Ocean's Heart ist ein wirklich grandioses Spiel, was eine gigantische Spielwelt mit einer spannenden und aufregenden Hauptstory und zahlreichen, interessanten Nebenquests bietet. Die Grafik ist wirklich wunderschön und mir persönlich gefällt der Pixel-Look des Spiels sehr. Dazu kommt ein echt abwechslungsreicher Soundtrack und ein cooles Kampfsystem mit vielen verschiedenen Items.

Ocean's Heart macht für ein Indie-Spiel alles richtig und bietet ein erstklassiges Abenteuer. Ich persönlich kann eigentlich nichts wirklich kritisieren und gebe dem Spiel 10/10 Punkten :3
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 16:50
Ich liebe das Spiel sehr. Zahlreiche Quests, eine süße und abenteuerliche Story und eine Map, voll neuer Entdeckungen!
Allerdings schränken Bugs das Spielverhalten auch sehr ein, denn oft treten Speicherfehler auf... Heißt; Man muss unter Umständen viele Quests neu starten und quick saves werden quasi auch gelöscht. Ein Minuspunkt, bei welchem ich hoffe, dass er irgendwann behoben wird. Dann kann ich diesem Spiel nämlich eine klare Empfehlung aussprechen.
54 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 12:52
Cooles Zelda like mit spassigen rätsel und Sidequests
28 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 11:13
When I played the game I was so impressed. It is like one of the older Zelda titles and for everyone who liked these games a must have.
145 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
413 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 07:58
Perfekter Zelda Clone, aber irgendwie doch kein Clone!
Es sind extrem viele Parallelen zu erkennen. Einiges ist sogar besser gestaltet, während Einiges aber auch in den originalen besser gefällt.
Dennoch das wohl beste Zelda-like Spiel von allen hier auf Steam.

Die negativen Rezensionen kann ich nicht verstehen. Entweder die Bugs wurden bereits behoben oder die User haben keinen Zelda-vergleich... Keine größeren Bugs oder Probleme...

Grafikstil erinnert stark an Zelda Minish Cap.

Hut ab, das Spiel wurde scheinbar von einer Person entwickelt!
Der Umfang kann mit den Zelda-teilen mithalten und ist somit mir 15€ sehr günstig!

TOP! Mehr davon;-)
74 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 10:22
Das Siel sieht zwar super aus und hat auch eine tolle Story, aber... die Steuerung ist der letzte Dreck! Es fühlt sich einfach nicht gut an wie die Spielfigur sich bewegt. Für mich war es Grund genug das Spiel nicht wieder anzufassen.
22 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1053 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 20:37
Ich habe 100% in diesem Spiel und ich habe jede Minute genossen. Teilweise bessere Item-Ideen als bei Zelda und das muss was heißen. Kann ich nur empfehlen
19 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 13:10
Sehr große Welt, solide Gegner, auch schwere Gegner, zum Großteil gefällt mir die Musik, zum Teil muss ich sie nach ner Zeit stummschalten und eigene Musik anmachen. Interessante Storyline, zum Großteil glaubwürdige Charaktere, kaum bis keine Probleme bei der Steuerung (Keyboard). Ist das Geld auf jeden Fall wert.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 15:20
Ein wundervolles Spiel in das man ganz eintauchen kann. Es spielt sich nahe zu wie ein klassisches 2D Zelda und das ist einfach nur schön nostalgisch.
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 17:55
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 20:09
Vor weck ich komme aus der Zeit von Link und ich liebe diese Art von spiel
und muss sagen ist mit sehr viel liebe gemacht und kann es jeden an die Hand geben.
Es gibt einen leider einen sehr blöden Fehler im Game den ich ohne Internet nicht verstanden hätte, ( man muss am Königsweg das Game auf Englisch stellen um den schlüssel in die Bären Statue zu stecken ).
Aber es ist ein wirklich schönes Game für wenig Geld.
13 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 13:10
Ocean’s Heart kann definitiv mit einem 2D-Zelda verglichen werden. Auch wenn das Spiel noch mit einigen Fehlern zu kämpfen hat und die Kollisionsabfrage noch verbessert werden müsste, kann ich das Action-RPG durch und durch empfehlen. Von der Spielzeit her kann man 10h+ ansetzen. Meine hohe Spielzeit kommt nur zu Stande, da ich nebenbei noch die Komplettlösung geschrieben habe. Ich habe meine 15€ gerne in das Projekt gesteckt. Gerne mehr von solchen Spielen.
172 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 08:51
sehr zu empfehlen dieses game
macht mir wirklich sehr viel spaß viel zu entdecken riesen dank an die entwickler
steuerung ist eine sache etwas für sich , da stört mich eigentlich nur das integrieren und rolle auf eine taste verlegt ist
aber groß und ganzen tolles game.
spiele es mit dem controller wie es mit tastatur ist kann ich nix zu sagen.
schön wäre es wenn noch updates kommen vielleicht neue sachen zu entdecken , hoffe das des game noch weiter suportet wird.
413 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 21:36
Wer die alten Spiele mag ( wie Zelda ) einfach nur eine empfehlung wert.
236 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 18:07
Oceans Heart ist ein tolles Pixel Art Spiel was sich schön spielen lässt und ein wenig an das alte Zelda erinnert. Mit einer tollen Geschichte und viel Entdeckerlust macht es Spaß die Welt zu erkunden und zu Erleben. Von verborgenen schätzen, harten Gegnern bis hin zu Dungeons und Bossen ist alles mit dabei.
Falls ihr Lust habt mich auf meiner Reise zu begleiten schaut euch doch mein Lets Play an was ich heute am 21.01.2021 auf Youtube gestartet habe, pünktlich zum Release.
Das Spiel ist mit Tastatur so wie Gamepad spielbar.

>>> Video: https://youtu.be/Opckz16YoPw
Über ein Like oder Abo auf meinem Kanal würde ich mich sehr freuen, Danke :)
1887 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
1003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 21:42
A delightful little romp that borrows heavily from the classic 2D Zelda titles, yet has enough charm to stand on its own. Enjoyable, though the ending was a let down.
1011 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 19:28
Didn't like it, sorry.
Reasons were mainly bad conveyance. Things are just spread all over without a consistent flow. Even the quest log is kinda not that useful when it tells you to go to a place that's not on your map and no one mentioned it.

I was trying to adapt to it, assuming it's just a ramped up difficulty. Then I gave up when i got to a pirate dungeon where i require bombs to do a puzzle, but the bombs given to the player are limited and somehow even pressing the button once makes the player places a crapload of bombs at the same spot, making the puzzle useless.

Now bombless, stuck with the puzzle with no way to recharge.

It was fun for a while, but nah.
1271 Produkte im Account
114 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.22 05:58
While it may be ok for some, this thing has horrible control settings. The default control for most PC games is xbox controller, maybe developers should learn how these are set up in default games. This is basically a very basic version of what is a zelda clone.
176 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 02:41
Great Zelda-like game, love the music and the characters.
8 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1203 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 23:26
A Zelda-like which accomplishes what it purports to be: a Zelda-like.

It's set on an ocean, but you don't actually sail anywhere through gameplay, with sailing functioning more as a fast-travel system between ports. There are some hidden islands, though not many (as far as I found, at least). There are a lot of dungeons, most quite short, to bulk up the experience. I played with a gamepad and the controls were sticky particularly when hitting a dialogue/cutscene and (oddly) when rapidly using different weapons, the latter of which is common as this game is more combat-focused than Zelda. The combat can be kinda sloppy, though that's certainly manageable. The story isn't too bad for what it is, although it's not the most compelling or thought through (but if you're a Zelda fan, I'm sure a light story isn't much of a deterrent).

All that said, the dungeons are well designed labyrinths for exploration, never leaving you too lost but rarely giving away the path either. They're light on puzzles, but the satisfaction of untangling a knot is still there. While Ocean's Heart leads with combat and not puzzles, the nonlinearity of the dungeons helps pace things so they don't become unrelenting gauntlets. The side content also adds a lot of value, with health upgrades and magic spells scattered for explorers to find. A few of the extra dungeons are actually quite lengthy, with interesting (if not complicated) mechanics to vary the experience. The story may be lacking, but the theming of the overworld and dungeons is excellent, helping the world feel more real and distinctly maritime.

Overall, it'll provide a few hours of core play, plus some compelling surprises if you explore every cranny. A good effort for a solo developer. Dive in. (Well, don't dive in, since you can't swim. But you know what I mean.)
1589 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 09:13
Ocean's Heart is fun, top-down adventure game that definitely scratches an itch for The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. The game controls nicely, combat is fun and fluid, and there's plenty of content to get your money's worth.


- Zelda-like
- Excellent spritework
- Fun puzzles
- Good music
- Exploration is not strictly* locked to areas in the main quest.
- Getting all the achievements doesn't require 100%ing the game.

* In general, the game will give you a couple areas that you can freely explore, with the rest being locked off behind items that the main story gives you (e.g. bow). The world gets bigger as you progress through the main story, without being unreasonably linear (e.g. Minish Cap) or overwhelmingly open-world (e.g. Breath of the Wild). There are a couple NPCs (or tiles) that block your path for arbitrary story reasons, but it's not too jarring.


- The map is really lacking*.
- Tile/sprite Z-ordering is pretty bad in some cases, with the player's sword clipping through decorations.
- You're going to need to self-impose challenges if you want the combat to be difficult**.
- Collecting all the upgrades is VERY difficult without a guide.
- Not much replay value.

* There are no dungeon maps, and the world map is only useful for showing which areas are connected.

** You can carry 50 of each of the three categories of healing items (1/2 heart, 2 hearts, 5 hearts), which gives you 375 hearts of healing on hand at any given moment (excluding the revive elixirs and defense potion). That's enough to fill your life bar at 100% completion nearly 19 times over. There is no delay, cooldown, or restrictions for using the healing items, and it really trivializes the boss fights.


Absolutely worth playing through once, but I don't have a reason to want to play it again.

If the developer comes out with a sequel with a better map and some more balanced difficulty, I would definitely buy it though!
159 Produkte im Account
184 Reviews
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 02:57
This is a top-down adventure like 'A Link to the Past' but is focused on side-quests and exploration. The world is large and full of secret areas, and most of the story is a patch-work of small quests, with the main story being quite simple and short. If you need demanding combat or like a linear story where the main quest takes up most of the action, this may not be for you. I deeply enjoyed exploring, reading the dialogues, and searching for the hidden secrets. Since I don't care much about boss fights or combat that wasn't an issue for me. The fights are very easy. There is an in-game method of making battles harder but even with this the fights were not tough. Easy enough for a 9 year old and up I would say. The controls don't handle as well as a mainstream game, but it didn't generally matter too much. The side stories, towns, characters, and the beautiful environments made this the type of game I enjoy. About 15 hours to complete most of the achievements but I do wander around more than most players so the game play is probably more like 8-10 for non-completionists. Well worth the sale price I paid, around 11$ iirc.
209 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
92 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 14:41
Story / Setting / catching the feel of a 2D Zelda game - 8.5 / 10

Moving around the world - 4 / 10

Accessibility / Controller Implementation - 3 / 10

As much as i want to love this game, and there is a lot to like, the control scheme and movement/interaction bugs are just not polished enough to not be distracting. A little jank is to be expected from an indie title, but getting stuck in a walking NPC's movement animation repeatedly, falling off random ledges, environmental interactions requiring you to be in a super specific area to work, and not optimising for controller inputs is what made me stop wanting to continue playing.

I would love to be able to change this review to a positive one, and if at least a few of these bugs are addressed i will absolutely finish the game and update my review. but as of not the lack of polish when it comes to game feel overshadows what is otherwise a very cool homage to one of my favourite game genres.

245 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 01:14
if you played any of the old zelda games and liked those, it plays exactly the same
887 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 07:14
You like Zeldaing, right? Well you get to Zelda all over the place in this one.
252 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2010 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 12:24
I never play Zelda game but my friend recommended this game to me and i loved this game. I played til the end. Storywise,gameplay are amazing. Recommended!
218 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 06:13
I found the game to feel very clunky movement wise. Also the preset controls were awful. This was enough for me to not want to play it again.
916 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 03:53
If you don't own this game, buy this game. It's a masterpiece. I've played some indie Zelda-like games, but this one stands head and shoulders all the others. Gameplay, story, writing, all excellent. It's a lot less linear than you might think, and there are a ton of secrets scattered everywhere. A ton of secrets. A ton.
393 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 20:52
Not a bad game great time kill if you get bore.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 05:06
I enjoyed my time playing this game. It's a pretty good zelda-like, reminded me a lot of Minish Cap. There definitely are some exploits that can be abused, i.e. potions. The story and characters are a little lackluster, but some of the moments and characters have their charms. The game looks great (it's hard to go wrong with pixel art). Overall, I'd give a 7/10.
835 Produkte im Account
271 Reviews
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 07:48
Very good zelda clone.

It has customizable difficulty by finding a hidden area where you can basically enable hard mode. Otherwise the game is very easy, since upon death you keep all items in your inventory (which also means you lose healh potions you used, which leads to me constantly suiciding rather than using health items as you get full health back that way). So that system is kinda flawed and exploitable but its much better than having to redo everything.

Other reviews mention bugs but I have not encountered any.

My main complaint is with the map. It's not very helpful for a sprawling metroidvania-esque game to only have the continents and major city names and that's your lot. If you vaguely remember a hidden door somewhere then you will have to search the entire area by hand cause the map is not gonna help you.
590 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.21 19:54
This game has so much potential, but it doesn't go far enough in any direction. It is clearly an attempt at a love letter to Zelda among other classics. That's it though, just an attempt.

So, what's wrong with it?

Enemy Design:
Most enemies don't have tells, and when they do it's either an attack from the sky or from the ground that isn't really related to the sprite wiggling. If a giant jellyfish attacks with sky lightning, you'd expect the sprite to have some electricity particles or something right? Nah, it just wiggles. Then lightning.

There are three types of attacks, generally speaking.
1. Attack comes from the ground under you or the sky above you.
2. The enemy simply charges at you without any warning.
3. Big brute types have a short animation before attempting to punch you.

There are many, many more types of 1 and 2.

In addition, multiple types of enemies are invulnerable at points in their attack for no reason. There's no visual indicator either.

Finally, there's like maybe three bosses in the game? There are 'mini bosses' that are basically enemies you've seen before but they don't really do anything special.

You get several different weapons and abilities in this game. None of them matter. I mean it. Unless it's a progression based attack (Bow/Mace), you can simply ignore them.

For some reason you can upgrade your sword and armor to insane degrees incredibly quickly, trivializing every fight in the game.

You can also spam the shit out of your sword. I don't know why they didn't put a cooldown. You can swing before you're done swinging. This means that you can't leave yourself open with a badly timed swing, which may have introduced some kind of combat mechanics into the game.

Player Death:
Let's say you're terrible. Death doesn't matter. In fact, you get almost all your health back when you die. Death is actually an option to healing for free.

However, you should never need to die thanks to...

THERE ARE SO MANY HEALING ITEMS. Like holy fuck, what were they thinking? You can pause and heal to full any time you want, even mid-boss fight. Let's be honest, this game isn't trying to be a hardcore souls game or something.

However, even classic Zelda knew better than to let you have infinite healing. Between barely being able to be hurt, and pockets full of bread, you will only die if you stop touching the controls.

You COULD go to an inn to heal. It costs a fair amount of money and WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS. Either eat from your infinite healing pouch or get killed. There is no reason to ever go to an inn.

Difficulty Curve:
So I just got done explaining how you're a walking god, right? Well, that's only true after the very beginning of the game. For some reason, within the first couple hours or so, there are many things that will just one shot you.

That's it. Just one shot. And these creatures are very easy to find in caves near the starting town. It feels just...weird? There's not much warning to them, and it's not like appearances matter enough to warn you. As I mentioned death doesn't matter it just feels really odd as a design decision.

After that you're a god, and that is it's own problem.

I just don't know why this is here. There's no need for it. There's no reason for it. It's clearly integrated into the game world as you can pick up crafting materials everywhere and can craft at certain locations in towns.
But you're already an immortal god fighting enemies that don't know how to move properly.

Why do you need to take half damage or do a number of other things that would further make the game trivial?

Environmental Design:
The world looks nice, but feels bad to move around in for some areas.

In particular, SOMETIMES there are ledges you can jump off. And MOST OF THE TIME you cannot jump off a ledge. There is no visual distinction, and many areas that would be nice to quickly drop from you simply can't.

However, you are more than free to drop into every single puddle of water. There seems to be an issue walking onto moving platforms sometimes as well, where you drop into water instead of walking onto the platform.

Also, sometimes you go through doors and an enemy hits you immediately. It isn't super often, but it's still noticeable. For the first time coming through the door, there's no way you won't get hit.

Dungeon Design:
There are actually a lot of dungeons. By dungeon, I of course mean a handful of rooms and enemies without puzzles or interesting mechanics. With a lot of back tracking.

The dungeons are just boring, honestly. The only good one is the final one, and I'm using 'good' loosely.

For a game of this style I was expecting numerous clever puzzles, and I think the only actual puzzle was at the very end. Super strange considering the number of tools available to you at the end.

Christ. Stop. Less is more when the writing quality is this cringe. The non-cringe is overly explained flavor that gets boring fast.

Note: I absolutely love CrossCode. I think this game was going for that kind of banter but unfortunately fell short.

The plot is basically your dad leaves to do things and after SIX MONTHS you decide to do something about it.

First, what? Secondly, this makes it seem like it's a big wide world. The world is actually incredibly, incredibly small. Spoilers, he's been just hanging out going around places.

There is literally no reason he or his companion couldn't have come back or told someone to tell the main character what was going on. It's very, very stupid.

The actual goal of the game is fine, if nothing special. Any potentially good moments are ruined by how trivial the threats are and how sloppy the combat feels.

To summarize all this rambling, this game had potential but didn't live up to it. All the pieces are there, but they're assembled incorrectly.

Tweaks here and there, dialogue changes, rebalancing of encounters, etc, would go a long way. This is asking more, but making dungeons actually dungeons would be also a good choice.

I wouldn't personally recommend this game, even if it was free. I know that might sound harsh, but there's just too many little frustrating things, more than what I listed here, to think someone else would enjoy it.
80 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 05:20
Calling Ocean’s Heart “Zelda inspired” feels like a gross understatement considering how much the game takes from the Zelda formula, specifically Wind Waker and Minish Cap. While some people would call the game a blatant rip-off of a beloved franchise, I think there’s more to it than that. Mimicking what makes an established franchise great is a relatively simple thing to do, and something that many indie games try. What very few manage to capture however is the feel and design of the original series, that punch that separates knock-offs from the originals. In that sense, Ocean’s Heart doesn’t just mimic a Zelda game, but it IS a Zelda game. Its pacing, mechanics, and world are all top-notch and there are a few points where the game’s creator even manages to beat Nintendo at their own game. I want to give special attention to the way the game’s world is laid out and how secrets are both cleverly-placed and almost always worth your while to find. I spent most of my time in Ocean’s Heart completely ignoring the main story and just getting lost in the world the game has to offer, which is really a sign of how well it was able to draw me in.

This isn’t to say that the game is perfect. It’s not. There are a few puzzles that can trap players if they aren’t careful, some pretty major pacing problems, some cryptic puzzles tied to the main quests, and a lot of odd “platforming” sections past the midpoint that just don’t work with the game’s controls. The game’s difficulty has some bizarre scaling where you should prepare to die a lot at the start and then never worry about running low on health again past the first dungeon. I think it’s also a shame that there aren’t options for windowed mode, or better ways to scale pixels to your specific liking. I was going to play the game in full-screen anyway, so it’s not an applicable complaint to me, but I’d feel dishonest if I didn’t mention it in the review since I understand that kind of flexibility can be a make-or-break deal for some players.

I would highly recommend Ocean’s Heart, but with the understanding of what you’re getting yourself into. I think it’s a well-designed, if slightly unpolished, game that offers a lot to fans of classic Zelda. Far as I’m concerned, Ocean’s Heart gets enough right that it might as well be a Zelda game to me, and I think that should really say it all. Buy at full price or on sale.
1606 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
634 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 10:46
If you are looking for something to scratch the 2d Zelda itch, you should probably give this a shot.
95 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2088 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 20:51
Really good game, if you liked the GBA Zelda games, you will like this game too.

The Speedrun of this game is also really good, if you are interested check out the SRC Page for it.
43 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 00:48
This is a fantastic old school RPG. I tend to get frustrated with a lot of RPGs near the end and don't end up finishing them because they get too complicated or difficult, but I was able to finish this one! So it's a good game for casual gamers. I'd for sure buy a sequel or additional content for this game. I plan on going back in to try to find the side quests I missed and finish those too because it's a fun game overall, even though I've finished the main quest already. Super good game!
285 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 06:05
This game is like a 6.5/10 for me, it had a lot going for it cool art style, interesting setting, and a Zelda looking gameplay. This is the only thing it has going for it, so if you want it buy it on sale.

The combat is simple, too simple. I found it far more useful to use the sword for everything, the sword can attack and bounce back projectiles making the shield ability worthless. So I would just spam attack the enemy until death, in fact I face tanked the final boss.

Items are a bore, and most were optional I finished the game without finding them all. Bombs are rare at the start so if you mess up you can miss a few optional items which is not bad but hard to remember where they are all at. At the end I was swimming in bombs with nothing to use it on. The bombs also have a very very long time to explode, so long they are useless in battle. Then there's the spear, I don't know why they added a spear when you have the sword, the reach is pointless as it barely adds range to your attacks.

I feel like this game with a little polish could be so much better, and I hope they release a better game next time.
515 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 21:40
This is a beautiful Zelda-like game, mainly focused on exploration and combat.
Recommended for any fan of Zelda-like games.
417 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 07:05
Ocean's Heart is from your classic Zelda-like games genre, it's an action adventure with tons of exploration where finding items and solving some minor puzzles involving moving or bringing objects and helping people paves your progress and makes your journey easier, the main difference I'd say is it has a simplified alchemy system for buffs and aids that reminds me of Gothic if it was a 32-bit game.
You play as Tilia a young girl with a talent for fighting and a dream of joining the Navy who is in search of her missing father which runs a bar, but is also in the Navy, who disappeared in search of a mysterious band of pirates who suddenly attacked their village and kidnapped Tilia's best friend an adventurer herself, Tilia then embarks on a journey around the island in search of clues from them and meanwhile helping people with their problems sometimes resulting in rewards that either help or upgrade her capacities be it health, offense or defense. Speaking about upgrades although the game has RPG in it's name it doesn't deal with experience points, but it does put numbers in how much offense or defense you have, much like Zelda in general it requires you to explore and find the power ups or upgrades to make things easier against monsters, hostiles or the occasional traps.
The plot is ok, pretty basic like most Zelda-like games and it does try to escalate it's importance with time, it's a bit dry by itself, but the side stories and world building help carry it on, it feels like you're unveling the world more than the main plot. The classic trope of ''my dad is gone I/he need(s) me/him'' is quite old and can be tiresome at times, but that's more a matter of personal taste, it's not too dramatic and Tilia's personality is quite charming and strong with the occasional jokey moments that help you get accostumed to it. I like how her character is no Poindexter, she makes it clear that she isn't a scholar, she likes fighting, action and survival, it's just not in her personality and the story adapts to that. She does show good investigative skills though. Other characters carry themselves well too, you can get quite curious and a bit involved in some side quests because of that, it's mini well written stories inside a big one that's cool, but not as great, but it hangs itself well. The occasional jokes are good for a few chuckles and laughters, nothing too goofy, but clearly has that good cartoon vibe with a bit of seriousness for a slight balance.
The design of the game is very detailed and there's variation in accordance to it's setting, there's a lot of colors and beautiful background that immerses the player sometimes.
The soundtrack is good and sometimes great, it fits well for each area and adds to the wonder, it has ''adventure'' written all over it.
The gameplay is a matter of taste if you like Zelda games or not, I can't say it equals the source, but it is definitely a good love letter and you can feel it with the items usefulness, similarities and movement.
My main criticisms with the game are mainly three minor things that don't affect the overall experience overall: the alchemy system, the lack of a radar or treasure map to find collectibles and the sudden ending. The sudden ending is self-explanatory sometimes your pacing is good then ''bam'' the end, and you have that feeling of ''more'' that doesn't match. The alchemy system although a welcome addition doesn't feel like it does much, it's just there to look cool, but ultimately can be easily ignored, it feels like it was just a check list the devs added up, but again it's not harming anybody, it just feels out of nowhere. Finally the radar/treasure map problem, finding upgrades and power ups is easy if you have a good memory for this stuff, but when you reach end game you meet that familiar painful experience most completionists often have where you're missing a few and you scoured the entire land only to realize it was hidden in that pocket dimension inside the wall you visited so often, or your alter ego made you forget of that weird place you visited before, or hidden behind an unique action in the game. All of this tragedy could've been avoided if we had a magic stone, treasure map or Dragon Ball Radar to give us a hint that it was in that area or just straight up shows us the exact location of it, you can even put a high price for the stuff, by then people are already rich by selling the excessive ingredients you collect to make alchemy stuff, 5000 Gold is a fair price in my opinion, just saying. But like I said it's not the end of the world just because of those three things.
In short, if you love Zelda-like games you'll love Ocean's Heart, it's a great game, also the game reminds me of Alundra 1 for some reason, probably the main character's blue outfit with some leather and blonde hair which is similar plus some items similarities, but at least I didn't developed PTSD trying to get all collectibles with this one.
4216 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.21 01:49
Play this game if you liked Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
540 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 20:33
Overall great game! Only complaint would be that difficulty scaled kind of weirdly. I went from struggling to make it through a map without dying to just never worrying about health at all. By the end boss I just swung at him until he was dead.

There is an in game option to increase the difficulty, not as a setting but as something you can find and activate. At the time of finding it, I was still struggling a fair bit so I opted not to increase difficulty. Though after finishing, I think I would have wanted to see it get harder. You could also self impose some challenges by not upgrading your armor/weapons quite so much.

But I found myself exploring every last bit of the world and leveling every bit of equipment I could.
82 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 04:37
As a long-time fan of Link to the Past, I really wanted to enjoy this game. A little more than an hour in, I find I am unable to.

The first concern was when I initially launched the game. It recognized the controller I had plugged in, but I couldn't make a language selection. I had to Alt-F4 out of the game, unplug my controller, and re-launch just to get to the title screen.

On said title screen, there are no options to adjust the VERY LOUD SOUNDS AND MUSIC. I game with headphones, and set most master volumes in the 50-75% range. After I started the game, I happily found that there were now options to lower the volume in game (why is this not at the title screen?). Even after dropping both Music and SE down to 10%, they were still louder than I found tolerable.

The gameplay had some minor issues, but it isn't as intuitive as I hoped. Jumping at the first beach did not fill me with hope that this experience would improve for me as I progressed in the game.

Regretfully, I would not recommend this to those looking for LotP nostalgia.
601 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
2112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 01:52
Snuggle deep with you childhood in the 90s with this brilliant gem.
9/10 Zelda Tribute.

And as quickly as so many N64 Zelda weekends, questing complete. Well, mostly.
You like old school Zelda? Guaranteed love. The thinly veiled versions of Zelda monsters manage both nostalgia AND laughter when you make the connection between each pair.

The slow-paced acquisition of new abilities and thus areas can be frustrating, as a completionist will find themselves retracing outlands and temples they'd rather stick a flag in as done. On that note, the only thing that feels missing is the dungeon map feature. The World Map is sufficient for progressing through the plot, but having a reference of which areas to write down to revisit later in the form a map would be more satisfying.

Easy to play, perfectly suited sound and graphics for the genre, reasonable puzzles, never overwhelming combat.
A few bugs here and there being locked in certain dungeon rooms (saving is on YOU, hombre) is worth it.

109 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 02:59
From what I can tell there seems to be a fun game in here, and I love the Zelda inspired aesthetic. But this is a game that needs polishing. Like, a lot of polishing.
The game is translated into a lot of different languages, which is great, but when the options menu consists of languages and nothing else...well that isn't much of an options menu. When a game has pixel art style graphics, things like being able to play the game in windowed mode or having some way to control how those pixels scale to the screen is kinda important. Otherwise it will look REALLY bad on some monitors. This is especially important if there is any amount of reading in the game, which there is. On the positive note, the dialogue seems quite well written and enjoyable. I would very much enjoy reading it if the text didn't make me feel like my eyes are burning. The lines making up letters should not vary wildly in thickness. At the very least, they should be consistent between different instances of the same letter! There are also some other things that make it hard to read like dangling sentences. Again, it's great that there are so many languages, but if it isn't comfortable to read in those languages then it seems kinda pointless. It would be better to have a good reading experience in a few languages than a bad reading experience in a lot of languages.
Some of the sounds are very sharp and irritating and loud. there is an option to turn down the sounds, but that also includes all of the other very faint sounds. if they're all attached to the same slider, then they should all be about the same volume.
The controls feel very odd and clunky, especially if you want to use a keyboard. The keys can be rebound which is nice, but it shouldn't be a necessity.
All around the game just plain feels bad to play, which is a shame because some of the mechanics seem interesting and the story seems well written. I want to like it but it just FEELS bad to actually play and there is no getting around that.
284 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
57 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 19:31
Overworld design feels random, combat is even simpler than A Link to the Past and that is saying something. Rolling feels way too floaty and the story isn't very compelling. If you really need to scratch the classic Zelda itch pick up on sale and sale only.
139 Produkte im Account
139 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.21 04:54
There's only so many times you can die to the first boss before you ask for a refund.

Okay, that's maybe harsher than the game deserves- it's beautiful, and pleasantly atmospheric, and charming, and I do like it, but I was absolutely not willing to work through the difficulty spike to continue. I'm angry and frustrated and rage quit, and I don't feel like the game gave me enough tools to get the combat properly to justify having to walk through the entire starter dungeon for the eighth time to die really quickly against the boss.

And if you want to tell me to git gud, then have at it then.
833 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.21 13:39
I'm going to say yes, I would recommend, because there is not a middle button. This is an ok zelda like game, lovely world, good exploration, but it really falls short in so many areas:
- Bosses present repetitive mechanics and with so many jumps.
- Game is quite buggy, e.g. phasing through walking NPCs, monsters damaging you upon entering an area.
- The story is not engaging at all.
- Difficulty even in what is considered the hardest is still quite easy.
- The way you can abuse consumables, which was the problem I also had with BotW and the new Ys games. In the end I decided to forget about potions to have a bit of a challenge.
- Open world translates too quickly into linearity, but this was expected.

It really does not come close to ALttP, not easy to pull. In any case, it has good things and is worth giving it a go.
169 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 09:15
More of a neutral rating than a negative one. I would only recommend this on sale. Fairly frustrating at times with its gameplay. You certainly won't be using any of those items you craft and other respective weapons you find (spear, magic orbs) are useless in comparison to sword and bow. Enemies are often placed right in front of you as you enter a room, making it impossible to avoid being hurt. Roll is fairly useless as Tilia has an enormous hit box. From a story point, it seems bizarre that Tilia can't swim considering that she's in the Navy and the world is flooded.

Story is ok, dialogue is nice and the art and music is pretty. The sidequests are enjoyable enough. The map is practically useless when it comes to details. I had a few glitches and crashes throughout. Unless I missed something you get more coral for upgrades than you actually need. Bombs are hen's teeth during the first half of the game; use them sparingly. Ending is rather anticlimactic.

Really only get this on sale. It's fine but there are better games in this style out there.
553 Produkte im Account
195 Reviews
450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 02:17
Is it zelda ? No. Not by a long shot.

Is it worth 15 bucks ? That depends but i will just say I regularly spend 15 bucks or far worse game than ocean's heart.

Controls with stick are horrible but they are fine with the directional cross.

I did not play with keyboard.

Why ?

Because i am not a monster and playing this kind of game with a keyboard is like playing a fps with console controler. It is bordeine heresy.

So i would recommend this game if you are looking for a 10 hours long cute zelda like but do not expect something as good as zelda and have a console controler available.

If you don't, you are not really missing anything.

Pleasant but forgettable.
289 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 21:51
Very much reminds of Zelda: A Link to the Past which might be my favorite game. I've completed the game and enjoyed the story. It was fun and challenging. It you like top down adventure games you'll probably like this.
271 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 17:35
I love playing Zelda like games. This looked like it would be fun to try and interesting, via the trailers and game play on twitch.
But the controls are a weird unicorn configuration, and the game does not have a re keybinding on all game keys, nor a restore to default button that you can use. Good luck if you set the action/use key to something you don't want.
In game they tell you very little what buttons to press, so u have to figure it out, or get to options and try to make it work.
I was fighting the controls form the first moment I started playing.
I will circle back to see if their are any updates that fix the keybinding.
Was looking forward to playing this game when i saw it, shame.
2110 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 01:48
Very nice game for about 12 - 15 hours.
Its good optimized for casual gamers like me who don't like very hard games.

I rly love the Zelda Minish Cap based textures a lot and I hope there will be some DLC's that will increase the game duration. I would definitly buy them!

Some bugs are a bit anoying, e. g. stucking in walls or the extreme anoying controller setup because the interaction and menu button was the same and I wasn't able to change it.
272 Produkte im Account
214 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 23:50
I thought this game looked good in the trailers and screen shots I didn't feel the same actually playing. I am a massive Zelda fan and I see the comparison but for me what really put me off were the controls, tried with controller and it would not tell you which buttons to press so had to figure out myself. I just didn't feel anything playing this game. Such a shame as was expecting to enjoy.
864 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 09:29
It's a zelda game with less everything. Less polish, less interesting story, less inventive puzzles, less interesting use of mechanics. Overall it tops out at being okay. I honestly just got bored with it.
51 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 06:17
When I first saw the trailer for this game, I immediately fell in love with the older Legend of Zelda style of the game along with the wonderful scenery and music. This game has plenty of hidden secrets to keep you busy for 20+ hours. 8.7/10
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 09:39
When I first saw this game in trailers I got Zelda Minish Cap and Oracle of Seasons/Ages vibes from it. In fact I would say it's one of the soul reasons I bought it. As of this review I have 5.3 hours invested in the game.
Off the bat I am going to say the things that made me want to quit before I finally did.
-The first boss you enounter in the story is more of a soft bullet hell that forces you in a position to spend more time trying to avoid the damage from constant falling boulders to prevent you taking swipes at the boss.
-Holes have mercilessly magnetic pull for the character
-Armor upgrades are barely noticeable.
-Underpaying rewards for puzzles.
-Dash roll shares the same button as interact
-Attack hit box is of proper size except against objects. You can only break an object if it's directly in front of you.
-Friendly NPCs will trap you as they walk into/through you
-The cursed breaking floor round trip gauntlet. Hard to miss it and in fact progression depends on it. There is no leniency of where you can step and it's likely the tile you're walking across will give out before you get to the next.

I don't want to refund this game. I just want it to be where if I am to have to quit the game it's not done out of frustration of a segment unless I am playing a harder game mode.
Until these things are fixed I would not YET recommend this game to my friends that would like this game.
88 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 21:10
I was enjoying the Game until I got to the Cemetery of Waves Dungeon and found a Severe Bug. You can use the Key to skip getting a Major Item you need. The Warpbolt Arrows and go straight to the Boss. If you use the key and defeat the boss you lock yourself out of the rest of the content because you need those Arrows to traverse the rest of Game.

If you're going to make Dungeons with Important Items that can be overlooked, please add multiple saves so no one has to restart the game from scratch or allow the bosses upon death to unlock every door as a fail safe. I do like the game but a bug like this can't be ignored and I will probably NOT be the last person to do this.
1495 Produkte im Account
206 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
526 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 16:26
A review copy was provided by the developer.


First Impressions

When looking at the game Ocean's Heart (OH), I thought it might make for a decent Zelda-like game. The main reason I thought this was because the trailer shows an inventory including items such as a bow and arrow, a boomerang, and bombs while the protagonist rolled about like Link. With the overworld map showing a large area to explore, and items to craft, I was rather interested in how it'd play out. Plus, who doesn't want to go to a dog's birthday party? Though I did wonder, would it be more than a knock-off or would there be no heart in the game?


I wasn't exaggerating when I said that OH is a Zelda-like game, as it replicates many aspects out of the 2D Zelda games, sometimes a little too closely. There's nothing wrong in making a dungeon-crawler game, where the protagonist completes quests for NPCs, gaining various items to open up previously blocked off areas so they can help even more people. Frankly, that's a rough description of many adventure games. However, there are quite a few examples of things being carbon copies of something from a Zelda game. Blue and red switches that raise and lower barriers, the leever enemy from the first Zelda game, the boomerang stuns enemies, etc. I'm not widely proficient on all the Zelda games and tropes, but even these were quite obvious to me. Assuming I'm not missing the reference, there are features that look and feel different, but it loses distinction by borrowing so heavily from another series.


It's possible to control the game with either a keyboard or controller, and I went for the controller myself. One issue I had with the controls was movement, as that can be controlled with either the 'L joystick' or the 'D-pad,' but it sometimes felt touchy or unresponsive. I found the 'D-pad' to be better, though I wasn't sure if my issue stems from using the Xbox 360's lousy 'D-pad' or if it's the game that's at fault. 'A' is a dodge-roll, 'B' swings the sword, and 'L bumper' brings up the menu. 'X' and 'Y' serve as shortcut keys, where you can assign items from your inventory, such as magic and alternative weapons.



You play as Tilia, who lives with her father and older sister in the local tavern. It's a simple, peaceful life until a band of pirates raid the nearby temple, causing havoc with explosives, and kidnapping one of the locals. With her father being a volunteer navyman, he's the only person in the area that'll pursue this matter, so he sets out to get more information and rescue Hazel. Several months pass, and as Tilia sets out, she finds that her father helped people along the way and was fairly competent in his quest, which seems to be an exception rather than the rule in games like this. Another thing I appreciate about the story is that the pirates do research and are knowledgeable in their lawless endeavors, with many NPCs being pretty astute. There's a few boneheads, but it's balanced out with smarter individuals.


The game makes use of pixel graphics, and does a good job with them. Although the ground and walls are made up of repeating tiles, there's enough detail and variance to them that they don't look flat or like effortless copy/pasting took place. Some areas could have benefited from more background objects to change up the visuals, but that's about the worst of it. Looking more on the positive side, many areas are quite bright and vivid, and many items have enough detail and polish to look smooth and clear.


Sound Design

I didn't find a soundtrack for OH, and though different songs play depending on your location, none of them stood out as particularly noteworthy. So as I listened to some of the tracks, they tended to meld together for me. I'd say this is due in part to how the music is based around fairly standard tempos and instrumentation. It makes decent use of guitars and has some vibes that touch on the idea of a sea-faring adventure, but none had a lasting impact on me. Similarly, the sound effects are appropriate and fit the game well, with no irritating noises that got on my nerves.


???? Combat isn't that advanced, but enemies are legitimate threats in OH. I died quite a bit early on, and learned to look at enemies as something to treat with proper attention and effort. Personally, I enjoy that there's some challenge from basic enemies.
???? The quest log will update as you complete portions of it, giving you a general sense of what you need to do next. I wasn't always sure where a location it referenced was though, but I've never excelled at navigation anyways.


❌ Treasure and secret items are sometimes unrewarding. There's so many armor upgrades that they feel insignificant. Even after getting several of them, the weakest enemies still do minor damage instead of being completely neutralized, which doesn't make much sense when they were doing the same damage early on. Several chests contain scant amounts of money, even later on, which comes across as stingy. I'd rather see less chests, with more meaningful rewards.
❌ Many dungeons and areas that seem like they'd have more to do wind up being small in scale, with only a couple of rooms and enemies to deal with. It's fine to have a couple of short areas to clear, but I think OH would benefit from an increase in the size of dungeons. This otherwise makes the game itself seem smaller.
❌ Most boss fights don't require a strategy to be defeated. With how many healing items you get, it's quite easy to spam attacks, tanking a few hits that get through, and coming out on top while not even dodging out of the way.


???? Plants scattered around areas won't respawn simply from you leaving the area and walking right back. However, all of them eventually spawn again, though I'm not sure at what point. It could be as simple as moving enough screens away. Either way, it'll always be possible to gather more healing items. With the weakest berries being the most plentiful, I'd use them the most frequently.
???? OH reveals early on that you'll get the bow by the blacksmith saying he's able to upgrade either your sword or bow. However, you don't acquire it for quite a while, so don't hesitate to upgrade the sword several times, as it'll make combat much easier.
???? Be stingy with bombs. Throughout many parts of the game, I was pretty low on stock, and only able to buy more in the late game.

Final Thoughts

I find myself in a strange place with OH, because overall I enjoyed the gameplay in spite of occasional issues controlling the character. That's usually going to spoil my mood completely, but it wasn't too obnoxious here. If anything, it's probably the writing that helps immerse me into the game. However, as I consider all the issues, particularly with how disappointed I was by the small dungeons, I don't think I can recommend it. Although making a Zelda-like game as a first entry into game development is ambitious and it plays well, it was also unwise to borrow so much from that inspiration. The reason being it sets itself up to be compared directly against steep competition, and it simply doesn't fill the shoes of one of Nintendo's giants. It's worth playing if you're able to separate it from where the ideas came from, yet I find myself unable to do so and not feeling a bit let down. For that reason I lean towards the negative, but think others might enjoy it more than myself.

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102 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 16:33
The game has great potential. It aims for that old-school Zelda feel, and mostly hits the mark. However, it is lacking polish; It is very easy to get yourself stuck in an area and have to reload, the ground that falls away underneath you is a nightmare to navigate, animations aren't quite what they should be and constantly remind you that you're looking at a 2D image and not exploring an interesting world. Overall, it feels like it was released before it was ready. I really hope the developer does a couple updates down the line, but I'm not holding my breath.

I wouldn't buy it at it's current price, wait for it to go under $10 and don't expect to put more than 10-15 hours into it. If it ever gets updated, I will update my review.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 18:23
I already really enjoy this game- it's fun, easy going, and has enough content to stay interesting. The only thing I would ask for is an adjustment to keybinding. Movement is done by directionals, and I would like the preference to use WASD instead. Otherwise, I'm really enjoying playing this game and will most likely play to completion. If you like 2D zelda games, this is a great one to play.
609 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 03:14
Had a blast. Very fun.

Only issue was access to healing allowed me to face tank. Not sure if the hard mode would have fixed that issue. Wasn't a problem though. Still enjoyed myself.

Felt really nice to sit down and actually want to power through a game in a few sessions like when i was a kid.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.21 06:32
It would be easy to note right upfront all the things about Ocean's Heart that left me wanting, but I think that it's telling that instead of going that route, I would much rather share how the game made me feel and respond. I laughed out loud at dialogue. I tried each and every weapon out and messed with it just to see how each on fared in different situations. I got small waves of nostalgia when I saw familiar Zelda LTtP tropes (like the bushes or similar room layouts). I did my best to talk to every NPC and search every nook and cranny and I STILL haven't found everything. I loved the graphical style, the sass of our protagonist, and the overall charm that reeks from every sprite. In short, I simply loved exploring and adventuring and in this regard, Ocean's Heart does exactly what it set out to do - make you want to go a'questing! I know it's not in the cards anytime soon if at all, but I absolutely would buy Ocean's Heart 2. Take my money!

People have already noted the things that bug them. Combat can be wonky (you definitely want to be using a controller). Bosses are generally lackluster. You will get stun-locked a fair bit. It's generally a very easy game because healing is ample and the puzzles are standard fare for the most part. The money system takes a minute to get used to (you basically have to sell your spoils or find money in chests and after a certain point money becomes moot). Traveling from place to place can get tedious even with the fast travel system in place. Some of the weapons have questionable utility. Does any of this take away from the experience? Yes if you're looking for a challenge and top-notch battles, but frankly, much like Zelda, that's arguably not the point. The joy is in the exploring, in the gradual uncovering of secrets and new places to see. And for goodness sakes, you're battling PIRATES! How. Cool. Is. That?

Ocean's Heart is a labor of love and a darn fine one at that. It's well worth the time it takes to romp through and while the replay value is moderate at best, I think there is enough humor and meat to warrant a rerun after the dust of a few months has settled. I look forward to that.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 21:44
I would give this game an 8/10.

Story is a bit short, but can be lengthened by making the enemies tougher.
Controls are pretty bad so I would definitely recommend using a controller which fixed all the issues with it.

Story was compelling enough for me to read the optional lore and talk to all the npcs I could find.
Combat is fun and gives you a variety of fighting styles to use.
The puzzles were tough enough to make me think but easy enough that I never got frustrated.

Overall I would definitely recommend the game to people who like legend of zelda type top downs. The $15 price might be a bit steep for the amount of content that the game has since I usually rate $1 an hour as a good deal, however I still have two unfinished side quests.
256 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 17:56
Fun, light hearted 2D Zelda-like. I beat the game in 6 hours though I did not find every secret (I missed what appears to be 3 out of 4 magic powers). A little buggy, got stuck a few times, but nothing major. Would highly recommend if you are looking for a casual RPG to play for a bit.
247 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 17:24
So, it reminds me a lot of link to the past. Though, I feel like most of the items are for combat, and less for utility stuff. Also, even with all curses enabled (the games hard mode) it really isn't that challenging. about 75% completion, at time of post, and I've beaten the game. So... definitely a bit on the short side. Short and sweet.
38 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 16:55
Great game to play - good sense of humor, pleasant soundtrack, and an enjoyable world that rewards you for exploring it. It wasn't too challenging, and let's you go at your own pace. The game doesn't provide you with a tremendous amount of tooltips, so you have to experiment with items and the like, but it never felt wasteful to use or sell anything, as you can always go back and find items again. I really enjoyed some of the equipment you find throughout the game, and the spells were very satisfying to use. Good choice for a relaxing adventure.
606 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 14:13
Right until now it's a good game, but there is a major flaw:
the effing stun lock.

This game has the problem that everything can instakill you, even the lowest mob. Why? Here's an example:
There are several enemies that shoot projectiles at you. But when you get hit, the projectile does not disappear, neither are you really pushed aside (you are, but in the flight direction of the projectile), so the object is stuck on your player model and drains each effing heart container. Some enemies charge onto you and whenever they touch you, you get stun locked and die instantly. It's so annoying and I hope the devs will fix this.

Besides, it's a great game with nice humour, the music is a bit annoying, but well ...
433 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 02:37
I walked into this game wanting to like it. I think it has a lot of potential, and I am sure with some work it will be great.
That being said, advertising full controller support when half the buttons dont function is an issue.
Settings need to be available to remap some controls as well since having roll and the use button be the same caused issues, especially when i had so many buttons that dont function.
It also randomly crashed on me an hour in when i went into quests.
I hope to see future updates and look forward to giving an updated review at that time.
220 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 12:50
This action RPG game has a lot of charm!

So far I'm really enjoying the setting and this looks like a zelda-like adventure game with RPG elements, which is a very tantalizing combination.

The pixel graphics and animation are superbly done and brings a lot of life to the game.

Sound design is pretty good and haven't found anything that would make me think otherwise.

My main gripe with this game is actually how the controls are implemented, especially the controls for gamepads. The controller I'm using is a DualShock 4 V2, and the game seems to have Steam Input support so it doesn't require any workarounds.

However, I cannot understand why the button mappings were done in the way they are and also why the menus navigation was done in such a convoluted manner. This is an issue for mouse and keyboard and gamepad.

.First of all, to open the menus you need to press L1 (traditional Start or Select would have been way more intuitive) and the only way you can navigate between the different menus is using the d-pad or the left stick. This makes it pretty annoying when you are on the Inventory page, because you have to first cross all the item slots to get to the next page. There doesn't seem to be any input to immediately cross from one page to the next, for instance using L2 or R2.

Other than the control scheme that feels a bit off regarding the menuing, this game is looking quite good for a decent price!
8185 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1877 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.21 12:23
I normally don't play many Zelda-like games on PC, but Ocean's Heart really hit the spot in terms of old-school feel, vibe and gameplay.

Developer Max Mraz has created a fantastic game that draws inspiration from the old Zelda titles like Link to the Past and Link's Awakening but adds a totally fresh outlook on the action RPG genre that we know and love so much!

The story is simple to understand and very light-hearted. The characters/main and NPCS' are likable, with most of them dropping hints on how to reach or find hidden items and quests.

What I found extremely rewarding was how detailed and easy to follow the main/side quest logs are.

As with many Zelda-like titles, the puzzles are present in many of the dungeons. Some are very easy, but some will have you scratching your head on what to do next. Ultimately, they are not overly complicated to complete.

If you're looking for a Zelda-like title with great pixel graphics, enjoyable gameplay and fun story then look no further than Ocean's Heart! Oh and the music/soundtrack is superb as well.

Also check out Ocean's Heart First 50 Minutes of Gameplay here - https://youtu.be/cPg4Lt2pZJs
Logo for Ocean's Heart
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.42% 307 61
Release:21.01.2021 Genre: Action-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Max Mraz Vertrieb: Nordcurrent Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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