• Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.
  • Obduction: Erste Artsworks zum geistigen Myst Nachfolger.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.07.2016
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Preis Update 16.11.24

Über das Spiel

From Cyan, the indie studio that brought you Myst and Riven comes a whole new adventure that will become your world.

As you walk beside the lake on a cloudy night, a distant thunderclap demands your attention. A curious, organic artifact falls from the starry sky and inexplicably, without asking permission, transports you across the universe. You’ve been abducted from your cozy existence and added into an alien landscape with a stereotypical Kansas farmhouse, a white picket fence, and a rather bizarre little ghost town - well… almost ghost town. Adding to the oddity, you discover a strangely kluged kiosk that reassuringly welcomes you to Hunrath.

The new worlds of Obduction reveal their secrets only as you explore, coax, and consider them. And as you bask in the otherworldly beauty and explore through the enigmatic landscapes, remember that the choices you make will have substantial consequences. This is your story now.


  • CPU: CPU Intel i5-2500 equivalent or better
  • GFX: GeForce 660 GTX w/1GB / AMD 7700 series w/1GB equivalent or better
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or newer
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: CPU Intel i5-4590 equivalent or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GTX 970 w/4 GB / AMD R9 290 w/4 GB equivalent or better
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64 bit
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

373 Produkte im Account
675 Reviews
850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 12:17
Obduction von Cyan den Machern von Myst.
Wer Rätsel und die Erforschung unbekannter Gebiete und Welten mag, ist in Obduction wahrscheinlich genau richtig aufgehoben. Oduction ist ein bock-schweres Story-Puzzle-Adventure.

Zu Beginn wandern wir selig durch ein Waldgebiet, plötzlich zucken Blitze vom Himmel und etwas fliegt vom Himmel herab und entführt uns. ...

Wir sind auf uns allein gestellt und müssen nun herausfinden, warum wir genau in dieser seltsamen Welt gelandet sind. Die Umgebungen sehen wunderbar aus und das obwohl das Spiel schon einige Jahre auf dem Buckel hat. Es ist von 2016!
Die Rätsel gehören allerdings zu den kompliziertesten, die ich je gesehen habe und wenn man nicht gerade eine Lösung parat hat oder eine Art Puzzlegenie ist, wird man sehr lange in Obduction verweilen können. Falls die Rätsel nicht doch zur Aufgabe zwingen.
Die Steuerung bietet die Möglichkeit sich per Telepotation oder freier Bewegung zu bewegen. Weiter gibt es noch viele andere Einstellungen in den Optionen, wie verschiedene Eingabegeräte usw. Oduction kann man auch auf dem Monitor spielen. In VR erlebt man die Welt von Obduction natürlich viel immersiver, wenn es auch nur wenige Dinge gibt, mit denen wir interagieren können. Es gibt z.b. kein Inventar und können wir doch mal ein Objekt anfassen, lässt es sich nicht mitnehmen. Die meisten Interaktionen beschränken sich auf Hebel und Knöpfe. Auf losen Zetteln, die wir überall finden können, wird die Geschichte des Spiels erzählt. Leider fehlt auch mal ein Text oder die Schriftart ist schlecht gewält. Eine weitere tolle Interaktion ist allerdings, der Minenwagen, den wir über eine Gleisanlage steuern können, das macht Spaß.
Das Spiel strotzt nur so vor Details und ist eines der schönsten Spiele, die ich gesehen habe und es ist von 2016. Der Sound ist auch wunderbar, Umgebungseffekte wie Wind, ein fließender Wasserfall oder ein rieselnder Bach klingen alle fantastisch. Die meist gut getimte Musik unterstreicht die Atmosphäre des Spiels nur.
Toll sind auch die realen Videoaufnahmen von echten Schauspielern, die wir ab und zu finden, das fand ich schon in Myst sehr gut gelungen.
Aber Obduction kann wahnsinnig frustrierend sein und zwar so, dass ich es trotz Hilfe nicht durchgespielt habe, leider.
Die meisten Rätsel sind so clever und so gut durchdacht, dass man die Entwickler eigentlich dafür loben müsste, aber genau dadurch ist Obduction auch nur etwas für echte Hardcore-Puzzle-Fans!
Das Leveldesign ist einfach besonders, die Geschichte ist fesselnd und die Rätsel sind wahrscheinlich die schwersten, die ich je in einem Spiel gesehen habe.

Obduction ist ein wunderbares Puzzle-Game für eingefleischte Puzzlefans, die auch mehrmals um die Ecke denken können.

????Mehr verschleppte Reviews auf meiner Kurator Seite.

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????

Obduction by Cyan the makers of Myst.
If you like puzzles and exploring unknown areas and worlds, Obduction is probably for you. Oduction is a buck-heavy story puzzle adventure.

At the beginning we are blissfully wandering through a forest area, suddenly lightning flashes from the sky and something flies down from the sky and kidnaps us. ...

We are on our own and must now figure out exactly why we have landed in this strange world. The environments look wonderful, and that's despite the game having a few years under its belt. It's from 2016!
The puzzles, however, are some of the most complicated I've ever seen and unless you're a solution or some sort of puzzle genius, you'll be able to linger in Obduction for a very long time. That is, if the puzzles don't force you to give up.

The controls offer the possibility to move by telepotation or free movement. Furthermore, there are many other settings in the options, such as different input devices, etc. Oduction can also be played on the monitor. In VR, of course, you experience the world of Obduction much more immersively, even if there are only a few things we can interact with. There is no inventory, for example, and if we do touch an object, we can't take it with us. Most interactions are limited to levers and buttons. On loose pieces of paper, which we can find everywhere, the story of the game is told. Unfortunately, sometimes text is missing or the font is poorly chosen. Another great interaction, however, is the mine cart, which we can control over a track layout, which is fun.

The game is bursting with detail and is one of the most beautiful games I've seen and it's from 2016. The sound is also wonderful, environmental effects like wind, a flowing waterfall or a trickling stream all sound fantastic. The mostly well-timed music only adds to the atmosphere of the game.
Also great is the real video footage of real actors that we find from time to time, I thought that was very well done in Myst.

But Obduction can be insanely frustrating, so much so that I didn't play through it despite help, unfortunately.
Most of the puzzles are so clever and so well thought out that the developers should be praised for them, but that's exactly why Obduction is only something for real hardcore puzzle fans!
The level design is simply special, the story is engaging, and the puzzles are probably the hardest I've ever seen in a game.

Obduction is a wonderful puzzle game for die-hard puzzle fans who can think around corners several times.

????More Obducted reviewson my curator page.

???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 18:57
Puhhhh...Crazy..abgefahren..... Viele ZWEIGE auf die kein normaler Mensch kommen kann..
Respekt an die Macher, nach der MYST Reihe die schon richtig gut waren.. ein geniales Teil!!

Respekt an die IDEE und die UMSETZUNG ...ich bin fast gestorben während dem Spiel...
Will nochmal so eines von Euch ;*
148 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
5264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.21 17:04
Ein spannendes Spiel in dem es viel zu Erkunden gibt. Mit Teleportern können wir zu den verschiedenen Inseln reisen.
Und von denen hat es viele! Manchmal dauert dann die Ladung etwas sehr lange.
Für mich hätte die Story noch etwas mehr Informationen haben können. Die Tagebücher sind dünn gesät.
Auch nimmt einem das Spiel nicht an der Hand man muss selber herausfinden wie und wo es weiter geht. Da habe ich endlich einen Weg gefunden wo es hin geht, schon stehe ich wieder vor verschlossenen Türen. Auch sind die Rätsel teilweise eine Herausforderung. Kurz dieses Spiel ist nichts für ungeduldige :-)
Es gilt zu proben, auszukundschaften und zu tüfteln.
Ich hätte auch da gern noch mehr Hinweise gehabt. Aber trotzdem hat es mir Spass gemacht.
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.20 20:39
Grandios! Diesen speziellen Mix aus hochwertig gerenderten Landschaften, kreativen und spannenden Rätseln, eingebettet in eine absolut phantasievolle Story mit keiner Minute Langeweile beherrscht nur Rand Miller. Ich habe alle Games der Myst-Reihe gespielt... einige waren hervorragend, andere zumindest sehr gut, aber Obduction toppt sie in Summe für mich alle. Dieses Adventure ist wirklich jeden Cent wert!
46 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 02:07
On one hand, this game has a weird premise with an open-ended, yet immersive environment that Frac OSC will never accomplish. However, it's a few notches too open-ended to the point where you need a guide to know where you need to be going. And considering you have to regularly backtrack through large environs with one of the slowest running speeds in video game history, it becomes a tedious exercise and the time significantly adds up. There should be an option to fast travel certain areas instead of taking in too much of the scenery. Also, while the Hint Glints are helpful, they only give vague hints for your puzzle solving outside of showcasing the lore in-game. As someone who likes a good puzzle, this was getting towards a disappointing walking simulator.

Also, can this game please use a regular save system that RealMyst has? Having one of the most unspecific auto-save system that doesn't let you know when it saves doesn't exude confidence...
3809 Produkte im Account
475 Reviews
959 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.22 19:16

“Where should I begin? Perhaps my story is in order.”

Cyan's back! You know, Cyan? Miller brothers? No? OK, perhaps some history is in order. Back in 1993, a small team of talented young people released MYST. A puzzle adventure game that quickly became a legend. And not only because of its state-of-the-art visuals (even though yes, while being one of the first CD-ROM games, it looked fantastic), but also because of its creativity. MYST wasn't just a game. It was an art. Long story short, at the beginning of the game, player (in MYST we weren't supposed to take a certain role, we were supposed to be ourselves) discovered so-called linking book. A book that allowed them to travel to strange island called Myst, from which it was possible to get to the other worlds and eventually discover the dark mystery. Or not, since the game had four different endings and the best one required you to pay attention to details. Anyhow, the game became a huge hit and ended up spawning a franchise.

Ironically, it was MYST that ruined Cyan's future. And I'm not talking about the fact that, after two good games that were made by Presto and Ubisoft, Cyan failed to live up to the expectations in MYST V. I'm talking about URU. An experimental multiplayer game, which tried to bring MYST online. I can't say it was a complete failure and it sure was an interesting experiment, but still, solving puzzles together online? It wasn't for everybody. I mean, let's just admit it – Internet and puzzles are a lot like water and oil. The best thing you can do while playing an adventure game is to turn Internet off. Just to avoid the temptation to google yourself some hints. Naturally, URU didn't live long. But guess what? Instead of moving on, Cyan just kept pushing. Again and again, they tried to revive URU and it was ridiculous. Even though I have a special place in my heart for that game, I must admit – those attempts felt a lot like beating the dead horse. Which was especially stupid since it only caused Cyan financial troubles.

Like I said, though, the guys are finally back. For real. Even though breaking their bonds with URU felt a lot like quitting smoking, Cyan is finally done with their bad habit and is ready to move on. So, here comes Obduction. The first Cyan's game since 2005. Well, as long as we won't count basic stuff like Cosmic Osmo's Hex Isle and mobile games, but honestly, all that just doesn't count as the real deal. While Obduction? It's exactly that. The real deal. The next big thing from Cyan all of us, old fans, were waiting since RIVEN (like I said, MYST III and IV weren't made by Cyan, while MYST V failed very hard). Is it good? Well, short answer is – yes. Yes, it's good. In case you were afraid of getting another MYST V here... well, don't be. Obduction is good and can offer you a lot of fun as long as you enjoy puzzle adventures. But of course, it's not that simple and there are many things to talk about. So, let us begin.

The first thing you should know about this game is that it follows the MYST formula. Again, we're supposed to play as ourselves and visit a strange place that serves as a hub, from where we'll be able to access some other places. Naturally, it's a not a bad thing per se, but they kinda... overdid it a bit. While RIVEN was a daring attempt to create something bigger and more complicated, Obduction feels a lot like MYST all over again. Like it's the only thing they can do. Kinda gives the game an unpleasant aftertaste. “Kinda” because well, it's not that simple.

Like in MYST, in Obduction we have a hub place and four different worlds to visit, but this time things won't be nearly as linear. In MYST it was pretty simple. We were supposed to solve a puzzle to unlock another world and then go there, find two pages and solve another puzzle to return. In Obduction it's more tricky than that. Even though the amount of worlds is exactly the same, we won't just visit them. I mean, we will, but not in such a simple way as before. See, gameplay in Obduction revolves around two things – shortcuts and so-called seeds-swap devices. In every world in this game there's a tree (which you should find and connect to the main hub). And while being inserted in special machinery, those seeds can be used to travel to corresponding worlds (an interesting linking books alternative). But the thing is – we won't just go there and back again. There are quite a lot of seeds here and different seeds will lead to the different parts of the worlds. Moreover, seeds won't just teleport you. They'll take a part of the your current location with you. And even though most of the time it'll be just a cool-looking gimmick, from time to time, it'll be a very important feature to progress. Moreover, the worlds are not completely separate places anymore. Not only they're connected to the main hub, they're also connected to each other. With the same exact seeds. And at the late part of the game, you'll travel between them quite a lot, which will be a somewhat complicated task. In other words, it's a pretty interesting concept. The one that does improve over the old one.

Unfortunately, at the same exact time it kinda makes things a bit too... monotonous. While in MYST every world was unique not only because of how it looked, but also because it came with a unique set of themed puzzles, here? Things are a bit too similar. And as the result, despite the fact that the worlds here do look different, it's almost like there are no different worlds at all. Like it's just one big world. And it doesn't feel as good as it was supposed to. It's also important to mention that Obduction is a VR-oriented experience. And technically, it's a good thing. Just because, like music, VR makes everything better. Unfortunately, while trying to sit on two chairs and providing us with both regular and VR versions of the game, Cyan screwed things up a bit. While playing the regular version, it's hard not to notice that controls here were made with VR in mind. While VR controls? Despite playing it smart about taking notes (the game allows you to take pictures, so you won't need to remove your headset to take notes), those are pretty rough, buggy and unpolished. Up to the point where I needed to switch to gamepad just to pass through certain parts. It's not like I expected perfectly polished experience from Kickstarter project (when it's about Kickstarter, the best thing you can ask for is a game with no “unfinished” aftertaste and, thankfully, there's nothing like that here), but still, it's important thing to mention.

Aside from all that, though, Obduction is a brilliant present to all the MYST fans out there. Which is very cool, since, let's just admit it, puzzle adventures are dead. Nowadays, we either get some hardcore stuff like RHEM, or story-driven “press X to win” games. Obduction? It's exactly what we fell in love with back in 1993. Which is even more cool since we can experience all that in VR now. Sure, Obduction isn't perfect, but then again, what is? As long as you don't mind old-school puzzle adventures and don't want the game to tell you exactly what to do, this is a game for you. Like MYST, Obduction wants you to dive into it, take things slowly and try to understand how they work. Actually, good ending in this game is exactly about that. You'll just go for puzzles? You'll get the bad one. But if you'll read all the notes and learn about the story? You'll be able to make right decision. Which will look wrong otherwise. Like I said, Cyan's back. For real this time. And it's great.
751 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 06:30
A very solid spiritual successor to that of the Myst Series.
38 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 22:12
A little late to the party with this game, playing it several years after it was released. Overall I enjoyed the game...the plot is really interesting and exploring the strange new worlds was pretty engrossing. I liked the fact that the game didn't do much hand holding early on....one has to figure out what's going on themselves.

Having said that, some of the puzzles in the game were pretty obtuse and one or two just seemed silly (given the plot) and/or overly tedious. Maybe a hardcore gamer wouldn't be quite as negative about them as me but when you solve a puzzle by using a guide and STILL can't figure out why the solution worked, that does detract from the overall experience.

Overall though, it's a game definitely worth a try.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 21:35
Feels very much like Mist and Riven while remaining a different and unique game. I love it, highly recommend it to fans of Cyan Worlds' previous works.
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 10:22
Not quite as obtuse as Myst. Though, like its predecessor, front loads quite a few of its more fiendish tests so I could see people being put off by one of them early and never coming back. As is usual with Cyan's puzzle games everything is entirely logical so the solutions (when you realise them at 2am) are actually pretty intuitive - although there are one or two I completely cheesed (or got right for the wrong reason) so it's slightly more forgiving than its harshest forebears. Worthy addition to the genre.
304 Produkte im Account
116 Reviews
722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 23:22
Decent puzzler adventure with an odd backstory to follow. True to Cyan puzzlers, where you need to pay attention to everything along the way, and jot things down in a sketchpad. This game only took up 1 page in my book though, not a whole lot of things.

Graphics were pretty (ran it on epic settings), and audio was clean and immersive.

A bit on the short side, but I understand it was a game on a budget. So they pulled off some good use of small spaces, and environment.

I enjoyed it.
184 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 22:40
Obduction's beautiful setting and captivating mystery are not enough to overcome its inconsistent gameplay. Far too often, the solutions to the game's various puzzles end up disjointed and not intuitive. There is something to be said for not holding the player's hand, but Obduction takes it too far with obscure clues and a clunky UI.

Minor story spoilers to list a couple examples: The rotating piston puzzle shows no indication that the contraption can be rotated, requiring the player to click and drag a very small piece with no feedback while doing so. Also, after watering all of the trees, no clue is given to the player that CW opened up a new passageway, leading to unnecessary frustration and backtracking.
491 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 12:51
My god what a terrible game.

I came in ready for obtuse puzzles and some advanced note taking etc.

What I didn't come ready for was half assed (or completely non-existent) attempts at QoL improvements to this very old school formula.

You can choose object glow if you don't want to spend half your time working out what can be clicked on. But objects glow several seconds apart and only when you're within about 3 feet of them. Both settings that could easily have been given as user definable to set the difficulty at your preferred level.

Your cursor vanishes when you are moving (presumably to make the game look prettier) and only reappears when you stop. Your cursor changes when something can be interacted with, but to do this you have to come to a dead stop. A simple toggle would have made this less infuriating. If I want to zip around a room clicking and quickly seeing what I can interact with, I should be able to. Not step step look, step step look. Maddening.

Although 'zip around' is quite the misnomer because your run speed is far too slow for the large distances between areas you have to cover. It's already evident that simply backtracking will take up an embarrassing amount of playtime, and covering the distance between something as simple as two switches in the same puzzle is annoying as hell for this reason. I don't care if fast travel or something comes up later; because a) the damage is already done and b) you will always need to move between places on foot, and it sucks. You cannot sell this to me as 'taking your time', 'appreciating the environment and atmosphere' or any other such half assed, non-gameplay related reason. If I want to appreciate the environments (cool in places, if somewhat basic) I can stop and stand still. My choice. I don't need to be forced to move at wading-through-mud-speed to take in all the hard work that went into making this world.

If you want to move faster, you can move diagonally (you know, like in old school shooters where they hadn't yet worked out how to set the movement speed to be the same for both forwards and diagonally - a problem that's been solved for like 2+ decades). So cool, I can go 20% faster if I'm happy to stare at everything at a headache inducing 45 degrees to the direction I'm moving.

Sick of all of the above and want to save your game and maybe come back later when you've calmed down? Good luck. Press escape, and wait five seconds for the slow. fade. in. of. the. menu. for. literally. no. reason. Stare blankly at the existence of a 'load' option, but no 'save'. Hit google. Find out the game autosaves, but only every few minutes, and doesn't tell you when it has done it. Realise thanks to google (not the shitty game telling you) that the game saves while pausing, but the game doesn't telegraph this at all. Want to preserve a save game? No, you don't just create a new save slot, because that would be far too conventional and convenient, and you can't see the save slot. Instead, go to 'load', and then use a copy function to make a copy of your existing save file. But of course. Damn even typing this stuff is making me picture monkeys hitting buttons and accidentally coming up with something resembling a functioning piece of entertainment. Mind blowingly bad.

I'm all for challenge. But I have no time for poor UX than can almost certainly be attributed to ageing devs who refused to pay heed to any of the developments in gaming trends for the past 3 decades. I can say this with confidence, not as a young gamer who doesn't understand the how/why of these older-style more obtuse puzzle games, but as someone who is practically the same age as the games' lead developers - someone who can remember the original Myst coming out and playing it - and who has moved with the times, rather than being stuck in love with poor and/or badly implemented ways of doing things.

The list goes on but my playing of this game will not. It doesn't respect basic tenets of good game design, and it doesn't respect my time, so it won't be getting any more of it.

I came here for intelligent, multi-layered, multi-disciplined puzzles that require pen and paper, lateral thinking and joining of distant dots.

I didn't expect to be left pining for the thoughtful, intelligent design choices of Call of fucking Duty.
344 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 18:22
I'm not really a fan of this one, didn't really grip me as much as the Myst series and the puzzles weren't that fun to go through. Characters didn't really offer any guidance or advice to a total stranger on how their own systems worked which was a bit odd to me. Definitely has a similar vibe of Myst, with getting thrown into this world that you are supposed to slowly understand. However it just doesn't feel as welcoming or encouraging to pick apart. Not really sure if I should recommend this or not, didn't really hit with me but your mileage may vary
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.21 09:38
A great game for all myst buffs.
some wonderful interactive puzzles. Superb graphics Be warned take a couple of weeks off if you want to play this game. so engrossing.
210 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 17:55

If you have any train knowledge at all, this game will actually BE HARDER unless you know this: running through switches doesn't break them, and you can pre-set a switch to the direction you want to go back through it before entering it. I spent several hours stuck because I assumed you couldn't run the cart through a switch that was aligned against the direction from which I was coming. It wasn't until I reached the junkyard, and was basically stuck unless I ran through the switch, that I realised this.

Great game otherwise, if you like Cyan's other titles, you'll enjoy this one.
168 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.21 22:35
(Played in VR by a 31-year-old woman) Fun and challenging puzzle-solving. There are a couple of points where I felt stuck, but I was glad I kept playing through those because the pay-off was good.
169 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 20:46
The game is beautiful but there are some many annoying things that ultimately made me quit mid-game:

- Too much walking. The puzzles and clues to the puzzle should be relatively nearby but here they are scattered.
- Most times I didn't know what to do and where to go. Things I discover were mostly by luck.
- I kept searching with the mouse for things to interact with, feels like brute-forcing. It should be clearer what I can and cannot interact with.
- Sometime hard to tell whether a game behavior is a clue or a bug.
- Many times I had that sad feeling of discovering a new place only to realize that there is nothing useful there.
- There is no clear order for the puzzle. Doesn't feel like the author of the game is trying to communicate with me.
1962 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 02:00
rawWwRrr's raTiNg: ???? ???? ???? ???? ⬛ = ❤️

Very well done.

There's a good balance of exploration, story, and puzzle solving, not to mention providing some good visuals to the overall mixture.

There was only one task that stumped me causing me to search for a hint. It didn't provide any meaningful feedback so I was lost as to what needed done next. Other than that, the rest of the game was well designed. Some places are bit more hidden than you might expect but it was always a rush once I was able to find them.

It definitely took me back to those days suffering through the worlds of Myst. I look forward to a sequel if one is in the works.
348 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 09:41
I enjoy the puzzles of Cyan games well enough, but I feel where they really shine are their interesting settings and the stories they tell within them. By that metric, I feel Obduction is on par with Cyan's best. I really enjoyed the weird and surprisingly expansive world they've built in this game. The puzzles are mostly enjoyable, with a few great ones and one or two that I would consider not good.

Where the game falters is with the technical issues. There are a ton of load screens, and some of them are built in to the puzzles such that every time you perform an action, you get a load screen. I feel the game is likely better the faster your hard drive is (and it would perhaps be a great showcase for the new consoles and their fast load times.) This is mostly a problem in the latter half of the game where the number of load screens increases almost exponentially for the later puzzles.

Despite the technical issues, I feel the general atmosphere of the game, the puzzling, and the all-around creativity on display are good enough to warrant a recommendation.
3 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 10:38
I really wanted to like this game, but ultimately there is far too much traipsing across a very large map, with too many loading times between areas. A couple of the problems are so obtuse that they require lucky guess work. The core gameplay engine is also very dated and lacks any of the modern conveniences you'd expect such as a map for quick-travel, or the ability to keep documents you find for later reference. Time has moved on since the Myst, it's just a shame this game hasn't too.
485 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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124 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 02:25
No. I do not recommend this game.
33 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 16:32
I like puzzle games and I've enjoyed this game so far but I've also had a tough time figuring out what to do. Once I find a puzzle, I can solve it but the vast majority of my time is spent wandering around looking for something to do. So it's very slow and I get stuck a lot but it's been a good game so far.
I do dislike all the voiceovers and 2d character models though. They are not well implemented in my opinion.
521 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 02:53
For lovers of the everlasting charm of MYST, this is easily MYST 6 without the name, gorgeous and amazing puzzles... though easier than RIVEN, EXILE and REVELATIONS, the VR format makes it stand out, it was gorgeous, specially for those of us who were let down by END OF AGES.

149 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:02
Really enjoyed this game in the beginning. Cool puzzles, beautiful world, and fun exploring.

Unfortunately, there were some very bizarre decisions by the devs towards the end of the game.

It gets incredibly tedious. Constant loading screens. Puzzles just do not make sense.

This had the potential to be a great game and I tried my best to enjoy it, but the deeper you get into it, the worse it gets. 4/10 overall.
16 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 07:25
Extremely boring at the start. Way too much wandering around required to find pathways for my character to overcome their inability to jump over small rocks. Even later on, having to solve puzzles that require navigating multiple worlds because my character can't climb over a small rock is just bad design. Some of the puzzles require leaps of faith that have no clues. (Rotating tower puzzle on moray, hidden 5th piece, just why?!) (You have to look up specific pods to open a white door on moray, no explanation as to why that opened the door and no clues that would lead you to do this). The world changes at arbitrary times, so you're supposed to reexplore the whole world whenever you get stuck? Come on. The sequence on mofang has zero content, we finally get to the strange alien planet we see at the beginning and there's nothing to do but run to the tree, great payoff. So disappointed. The graphics team did a great job, but other than that this game is a disaster.
41 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
883 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 04:54
As someone who has never finished Myst and always wanted to, Obduction was a perfect compromise and introduction to this specific genre of puzzle games. Cyan does open-world, story-thicc, complex-puzzle exploration the best in the industry. Obduction was self-intuitive enough that I did not feel the need to consult a walkthrough until things got... interdimensional. It is entirely possible to figure it out oneself, tho, again I'm just a puzzle game admirer and novice. The world and story were very intriguing. The sci-fi western elements worked well together- with a touch of mysterious suspense. It was overall a very good experience and I highly recommend as one of the best, most challenging puzzle games available.
66 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 23:01
First of all, let me start by saying that this game is gorgeous. It has great atmosphere, great world building, etc. But they really stuck to their aesthetic guns and made 80% of the lore completely unreadable for anyone with any trouble reading. There are smudges, light colored text, cursive, all the bad stuff, and no way to turn that off. So, for me, all of the lore had to be accessed through the wiki's transcripts, which is fine, but really annoying.

Second, the seed swapping is just... So confusing. There's no map, so it's really hard to track where one seed/portal goes, so you're just teleporting all over the place with no real sense of direction, or at least that was my experience.

The game also doesn't really flow in a way that makes any sense at all. There would be times where I thought it was natural to go down one path, and five minutes later realized that the path I was supposed to take was hidden or not obvious. It made for a lot of tedious backtracking that I really didn't enjoy.

At one point I reached a point where something I'd done six or seven teleports back was wrong, and so a door hadn't opened, and honestly? I had no idea how to get back. I could have gone into the walkthrough on the wiki and backtracked using that, again going through a long and tedious process of repeating everything I'd done, but that's just not fun. So, sadly, I wasn't able to finish the game.

I understand it's a puzzle game. I know how these work, and I don't want the whole thing given to me easily. But too much of it was ridiculous backtracking with no sense of direction or purpose, and it got really irritating really fast.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 20:10
If you liked Myst or Riven, this game is for you!
39 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1900 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 15:01
This game has good graphs. But,
There are too many steps,
You seem to be walking for a long time
Until you get to where your going,
A lot of teleporting from one place to another
If you get to near a machine or jump onto
A rock you get stuck and can't move
I had to start the game twice because of that
If you don't mind running about and teleporting
Then go for it. The ending I think was disappointing
282 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 02:01
You cannot kick down doors. You cannot climb walls that are 4 feet high. and if you see a rickety old wooden gate that has a rusty chain with a hundred year old padlock on it, nothing short of the key is going to get you through it. Definitely a Cyan game.
89 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 20:30
Took me 2 years, but I did it.
96 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 19:43
The best game I have ever played. Astonishing environmental detail and expanse.
3061 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 21:51
As a game in the Myst style, I expect a certain amount of opaque puzzle design and backtracking. However, this is a game that simply does not respect the player's time.

I started playing the game using the Valve Index VR headset and there is a water gate that works only if the settings is *precisely* at full travel, which when using VR is actually a bit of a pain to achieve. 98% throw to the correct side and the level pull does nothing.

Switching out of VR was better as travel was faster and the UIs overall worked better, but the maze like nature of the first area made many of the puzzles tedious. However, as you progress you open shortcuts, which was encouraging.

The second major area is even more maze like and requires slotting together part of the world in a very specific way, but every adjustment requires returning to the first. The full sequence of an adjustment:

1. Go to the intersection and realize it needs to be rotated.
2. Travel back to the start area, turn a bridge and wait for the zone transition.
3. Travel to the mechanism (which requires a slow ride and cross though one of the shortcuts.
4. Click the button, wait, click the button, wait, etc until you get the angle you want.
5. Travel back through the shortcut and then up the slow ride.
6. Wait for another zone transition.
7. Cross the bridge yet again, half way around the map.
8. Check and realize that you need to rotate 45 degrees more.

This is the opposite of respecting the players time and is just one example of the experimental gameplay that Myst has always had also keeping the tedious travel times and arcane solutions that frankly cry out for the use of a guide.

Plenty of the puzzles are *not* like the above example, but I think 75% of my time was boring travel and 25% being intrigued by the world, which is actually amazingly rendered.

Recommended only if you have a lot of time for the game: the solving of the puzzles was actually pretty cool.
10 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 14:13
Very difficult and you need a good memory but well worth the time
931 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 14:32
definitely not a game for people who have issues keeping attention and have problems with math. i cannot complete this game at all without a walk through as there are parts of the game that just goes way over my head. to give an idea of my level of proficiency concerning puzzles, im at about at portal 2 level. this game goes way beyond that. some puzzles are easy, some require you to know what base 4 is. i have trouble understanding what base 10 is and that's the everyday number system we use.

basically put, if you like really difficult puzzles, at-least by my standards, hey go for it, get this game.

if not, either stay away, or be prepared to use a walk-through early on.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 00:43
This was a bizarre game to say the least. Puzzles go from physics-based to cryptic paper chases in a heart beat. The voice acting and visuals are outstanding. Honestly, I needed help at certain stages but the plot was that compelling that I desperately wanted to see the finale. Lovers of mysteries and point-and-click adventure games will find the most enjoyment in Obduction. I wasn't that interested to start with but now am hooked.
451 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 01:55
Incredibly beautiful. I really wish I had a VR setup for this. LOVE the Ansel screengrab tool built in. Figuring out what to do, where to go, and how to solve problems is more than a little tedious, but it's visually interesting enough to stay engaged.
47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 20:20
I am a big fan of Myst, so my daughter purchased this game for me. I highly recommend it. Obduction has fantastic visuals and challenging puzzles. Kudos, I cannot wait for Cyan's next game.
287 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.21 23:27
Unless the game is at a very steep discount, I can't recommend this game for VR. I got it during launch excited being a Myst/Riven fan. In VR, this game is poorly optimized and makes it uncomfortable to play. I have only a 1080ti/i9-9900K, however fpsVR stats show that Obduction is sometimes only using 60% of GPU, 15% CPU even when it's doing 45fps. It's on SSD and disk appears not to be a bottleneck.

I have to use teleportation due to the weird lags and stutters and this makes playing this game unpleasant given how much traversal you have to do. There is a fair bit of driving a mining vehicle which can make those sensitive like myself queasy.
254 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 04:52
A very fun Myst like game (from the creators of Myst) with a large interlocking world with logical puzzles for you to solve. I'm not using any spoilers and still making my way through the game figuring out things by myself, This is really well done and enjoyable so far.
533 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 13:19
Probablement un très bon jeu, mais il n'a pas réussi à me donner envie de passer outre les 30 premières minutes. L'histoire de base ne m'a pas intéressé et l'absence complète de direction ou de choses à régler/résoudre ne m'a pas non plus motiver à aller les chercher, d'autant moins que pour avancer à une vitesse convenable, je me suis retrouvé à straffer en diagonal.

Impossible de commenter sur la qualité des énigmes, je n'en ai pas croisé une seule pour l'instant.
1483 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 02:41
This game is not for everyone. It's a generally challenging puzzle game/walking sim. Not much will happen, and yet the game will ask a lot of concentration out of you. To be honest too, there were moments that did piss me off (the 'last' puzzle specifically for genuinely not making sense). However, every time I put the game down, it became the only thing I thought about. I'd lie in my bed and go over everything I discovered that day and try to think of solutions to problems. Though the ending might seem anti climatic to some (or questions left unanswered), it personally made sense to me. Maybe because I took the time to read everything and tried to deduce the events of the game. And honestly, that's likely what you will do for most of the game, sit down, take in info, and deduce how to use it. I had a great time, and maybe you will too. (btw, lots of loading in one section will get very tiresome to some so gl!)
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 02:15
So much work went into this game, I am really shocked that they decided we would find it fun and challenging to just link back and forth between worlds over and over again in an endless spiral of disorientation. Yes of course this is supposed to be part of the narrative, I get it. But at the half way point the game becomes sheer torture. What were they thinking? Just about the only thing I ever disliked about any Myst game was the necessity of multiple world or age linking to solve a problem in one age/world. This design idea that you can't solve puzzle X unless you also solve most of puzzle Y in another world, and 3/4 of puzzle Z in another world, then come back and push a button in world W, then go back and finish X, etc etc is really tedious. With Obduction I was blown away, dazzled by the graphics, the design and many other features until it came to about the halfway point where any hint of fun or real challenge stops and you get sheer tediousness, just linking over and over and over and over in the Gauntlet. I seriously tried to cheat with a walkthrough and actually failed, apparently missing one small step, and that was it, my game was over. If you mess that up, it's nearly impossible to recover. I certainly can't bear to try anymore. l like tough puzzles and got that far entirely on my own through a really stellar game up to that point in the best Myst tradition, then a total crash and burn in the Gauntlet section. Sorry, thumbs down.
145 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 16:27
This game brought me back to drawing maps and scribbling down conlang rules with my friend playing Riven for the first time. Each area is a new work of art and there's no better feeling than finally unlocking that door you've seen the locked side of for hours. A must for any puzzle game fan.
86 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
473 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 09:49
I'm not a genius or good at math or even puzzles for that matter. Portal and portal 2 are about max brain power for me without help. But I could not finish this without a walk through. It was insanely difficult to understand what to do next and even when I started understanding things, the mechanics were pretty sluggish. You have some puzzles that force you into load screens 20 times before the one puzzle is over, that is very frustrating.

Good game though. The story is there if you want to make sure you read everything. I love the design, very beautiful. I am a sucker for gears and mechanical stuff so this game really hit the spot. I'd give this game a 6/10. Great game for a sale price. Would probably rank higher if I was smarter!
278 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 09:31
This game is beyond excellent and beautiful. Although it has a pretty slow start, it is highly recommended and the ending is gorgeous.
340 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 21:07
I have a love-hate relationship with obduction. On one hand the game looks great, and the story/gameplay both open very strong. There is a level of intrigue at the beginning that had me wondering where I was and what was going to happen next. The puzzles are interesting and challenging without being unfair. But on the other hand, there are significant performance issues that crop up as the game progresses. These include significant FPS drops and frequent long load screens. But worst of all the story seems to end very abruptly without really explaining anything. None of the interesting plotlines are flushed out or explained in any detail. Perhaps the story didn’t have as much depth as it initially seemed. Overall I would say I enjoyed Obduction. That being said I am disappointed in how it ended, and feel that it could have been much better. I would recommend obduction to any fans of puzzle games, but would not recommend it over stronger titles such as the Talos Principle or the Witness.
204 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 02:08
- great visual aesthetics
- very novel plot concept and lore
- Lots of time-consuming back-tracking
- Clumsy, frustrating interactivity with game-world objects
- Not many interesting puzzles
- Inconsistent inverted Y-axis support
51 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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3943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 19:19
Very enjoyable game but all the switching seems to only lengten the game but dos not help the story line!
122 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.08.20 00:48
Dang... I really, really wanted to give Obduction a positive review, but I can't. I grew up with Myst and Riven and loved that series, but this is something different. I was intrigued by the new world that was presented; clearly very mysterious and drop-dead gorgeous comparatively. The problem was the sheer tediousness of the puzzles, particularly at the end (not going to give any spoilers). I don't mind a walking simulator at all, so long as there is a clear through-line to the puzzle structure, but the puzzles toward the end were just silly and involved SO many twenty-second loading screens that I couldn't be bothered. I watched a walk-through on YouTube for the last half hour of the game. Glad I did that, as the ending(s) are completely underwhelming. Granted, some people seem to have much shorter loading times between worlds than I did, but mine is a brand new high-end rig in 2020 and it shouldn't have had this problem.

All in all: beautiful game graphically, some interesting material, but the last third of the game or so is an utter disappointment. Sorry Cyan...
91 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 03:32
Beautiful. The makers of Myst brought a worthy heir to their legacy to the table.
26 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 19:31
I was really excited to start playing this but despite mostly enjoying it, the downsides were:
• none of the achievements fired for me (yes, I've checked all my settings);
• loading previously-saved games scrambled the order of photos in my album;
• I got stuck in scenery numerous times;
• horrendously long load times transporting between worlds - like, enough to go make coffee, go to the loo, make a snack.
The last one was probably the thing that sucked most of the joy out of it, by the end. Too much running around and too few actual puzzles to compensate for all that legwork. It was a nice place to be, overall (so I won't give it a thumbs down), but grit your teeth for a lot of frustrations.
27 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 17:36
As someone who enjoyed the Myst series, I was pretty sure I'd enjoy this too.
I was wrong. I'm afraid this has to be one of the most tedious 'mystery' games I have played.
The interminable swapping between worlds took away all the enjoyment, not least because of the time taken for each 'swap'. It appears that this is really the only puzzle of the game - working out how swapping bits of rock alters the landscape to let you progress.
Eventually I became completely stuck, trapping a minecart behind a rock and being totally unable to fathom out how to release it.
I realised this would take more hours of random world-swapping until I could work out how to progress, so I decided life was too short and gave up.
The landscapes are beautifully detailed of course, but the linear nature of the game means you can't really explore.
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 03:03
It good big truss
154 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 20:14
★★☆☆☆ Obduction has an interesting premise buried under many obtuse puzzles and vicious backtracking. Fighting the controls to be able to input numbers on an alien calculator is not a particularly interesting use of time. Game looks stunning if you happen to have access to NASA supercomputers or if you are an animal that can only see at 10 frames per second. The mine cart section during the early parts of the game is one of the most mind-numbingly boring sections of a game in recent memory. A mishmash of genius and amateurish VFX work (the FMV messages from the residents in Hunrath and opening sequence are wonderfully immediate examples of this contrast) await you. God help you if you accidentally press the esc key or spacebar during your playthrough unless you needed an excuse to go do your taxes or make a sandwich while you wait for the game to finish taking a picture or loading the options.
738 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 13:16
Great story. Great graphics. Great puzzles. Satisfying to progress through. Controls are simple... I highly recommend against using Point & Click, but try it if you wish. It lasted for about 10 seconds for me. Basically, it'll only allow you to go where you can and need to go which might make the game a little easier, but I prefer to wander where I want at the pace I want.

I'm only 5 hours in, but the only things that annoy me are the load time between areas especially when you have to go back and forth frequently at times. Installing this on an SSD might help. Also, there's a lot of walking which normally would cause me to not even play a game because I'm too impatient, but thankfully the rest of the game makes up for that as well as the fact that your exploring new areas fairly often, so even impatient me doesn't mind too much.

Update(s) to come as I play more.
49 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 18:16
Loved some of the concepts in this game and thought they made for a good story. I found the game relatively easy though, maybe even too easy. I felt the puzzles could have been more unique and interesting. Some puzzles felt like a chore instead of a challenge because you had to run back and forth through areas or wait for the long load time between worlds. Overall a decent fun little game.
227 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 05:18
I really wanted to like this game. It's very atmospheric, and visually inspired. But things go downhill after the first five minutes wandering around in wonderment. The whole game, as far as I've played, consists of starting up a collection of interconnected systems that other people have shut down. You spend SO MUCH time walking between destinations. The the level load times are excruciating. And, 10 hours in, I'm still not entirely sure what the plot is, or what my part to play in it would be.

I can't rate the puzzles themselves - I'm not sure if they're genuinely too obtuse, or if I just suck at puzzle games - but I found them to be the not-fun kind of hard. I don't feel smarter after they're complete, I feel relieved. I'm giving up here because I followed a very detailed walkthrough through an especially convoluted section, and when I had done all the steps, something was still missing, and I couldn't progress. I have no way of knowing if my mistake is five steps back or twenty.
87 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 01:37
I finished it in 13 hours of play time. The puzzles are too simple, I think, and there is a ton of boring running around to do. So, mainly a walking simulator, I'd say. Got it on sale, so that was good but still not sure if it was worth it for just 13 hours and no value in replayability. I would suggest you look for something else for your money.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 18:36
Can't believe how short this game was, and really not very difficult, compared to Myst and especially Riven. Was a bug in the game as well, didn't show the 222 code as others have reported. Overall, not really worth the $30.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 17:26
Beautifully crafted, often frustrating mystery puzzle game. Would recommend but other Myst games have been more enjoyable overall.
10 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 13:44
Good follow-up to the Myst series by Cyan Worlds. Very challenging and interesting. Multiple endings, so be careful what you choose!
17 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
10572 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 15:56
Played Riven, Myst and Uru (first online game) brilliant !! only problem computer is ten years old and gliitches -otherwise wonderful being in another world solving puzzles which exercise my brain especially as my spatial awareness is terrible like my eyesight but great fun !
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 11:43
Good myst game is good.
83 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 13:50
If you liked Myst (or Riven, I suppose, though I haven't played that one myself), then this is the game for you. Especially if you, like me, hated those scene transitions (they gave me a headache). You can navigate the entire game with WASD for movement an your mouse for the camera. (There *is* also a point-and-click option, but as I didn't use it, I cannot speak on it.) The story is not at all connected to Myst, and is instead entirely its own thing. And the aliens that you learn about are nicely alien in ways difficult to manage in live action media, plus the Myst-typical video-capture only humans have logical reasons to not interact with you directly in person.

Interesting story, good execution, beautiful locations, and challenging but not impossible puzzles. All in all, I found it to be a very engrossing game; it kept me up way past my bedtime, two days in a row until I finished it.
41 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 10:51
Brilliant game with a wonderful atmosphere, engaging story and challenging puzzles. Great attention to detail. Keeps what was good about Myst and gives it a nice new coat of paint. Would recomend it to anyone.
211 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 01:29
This puzzle game is fun! I enjoyed working my way through the puzzles in the gorgeous environment. However it is clear that the development of the game was abruptly halted and they had to complete the game as is. The story makes little to no sense, even after you complete the game. Just plot holes everywhere. And solutions to the last couple of puzzles had no sense to them, no reason why you would do it that way.

Overall though if you like a relaxing puzzle game pick this one up. Just don't expect all the pieces to fit together.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 07:49
I was a great Myst fan when it first came out, this one is taking me back to the island but with much better graphics and transitions
8 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 03:53
It's been 20 year since I last played - Exile I think it was - and I'm hooked again. I missed Uru but with the quarantine I thought I'd give it a whirl. There was a glitsch so I plumped for the more recent Obduction, coughed up the cash and landed in Hunrath. On one level it's the same old same old. Which is not a criticism because the sense of horror and brooding menace is still always around the corner or in a shadow. This is a beautiful and more baroque reimagining of Myst and Riven. The best of both worlds.
89 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
747 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 02:02
In Cyan fashion the worlds are immersive and beautifully rendered. However, that's about the only good thing about this game. The puzzles are flat and annoying. They aren't so challenging (requiring logic or pattern recognition to solve as in Cyans previous games) as they are laborious. You spend more than half your play time staring at a loading screen because you are constantly having to travel between worlds or zones. I think they were trying to be innovative by having puzzles interact between zones, but the end result was high levels of tedium for the player. Even using a high speed SSD the constant zone swapping absolutely ruined what could have been a really good game.
54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 02:57
I've played plenty of games like this before Including Myst, and all of it's intellectual successors. What I cannot abide in a puzzle game are puzzles that cannot be solved with the available information, or puzzles whose solution depends on an enormous logical jump that most people will never be able to make. Maybe it's obvious to the creators because when you know the answer it seems simple, but connecting the pieces if you don't requires a series of deductions that will not occur to even a reasonably intelligent player.

Enter Obduction. I was having a great time. The puzzles took some thinking, exploring, experimenting, coming back later, trying a few things I hadn't thought of the first time. Always there was a reward that moved the story forward. This is where the game gets an enormous FAIL from me. Being mindful of spoilers, there is a point where you need to unlock an elevator. I tried everything I could think of. The key is numerical, so it was easy to isolate the possibilities from the in-game content. After more than 10 hours I shamefully turned to the internet for the solution. Guess what? I found the answer to the puzzle, however, there was no way to logically deduce it from the clues given. It literally depends on a writing that supposedly exists in the game. When I found this out, I searched out the writing. I went to where it was supposed to be, but there was nothing. I didn't miss it. Again, without spoilers, the solution I found was very specific about where and what the answer was, and it WAS NOT THERE. There was no way (other than cheating) that I or anyone could have solved the puzzle. Brute force would have worked if you made at least one logically, unconnected leap, but otherwise, nothing. I'm guessing from the help I found on the internet, that there are previous versions of the game, perhaps even on other platforms, where the puzzle can be solved. I saw the videos, but they don't match what I see in my game. Whatever happened, through updates, porting, or whatever, literally wiped the clue out of my game.

I have 65 hours invested, so I'm going to keep playing, but I feel cheap, and dirty, and more than a bit disappointed. Also, I'm not sure how hard I'll struggle with other puzzles since at any time, I could be facing a puzzle that I literally cannot solve without cheating. What a great way to ruin a perfectly good game.
371 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 22:23
I really wanted to like this game. Most of it seemed lovely and even clever. The story was vaguely interesting (what I saw of it) if rather nonsensical. But what did me in the map and movement. The map is very large with lots of 'portals' that take you to unconnected random places or other places entirely. Since nothing seemed to directly connect, I had extreme difficulty remembering where to go or what identical rock hallway led to what other identical looking rock hallway. Plus movement was very slow and you would get stuck on even the smallest hill or rock. I found myself slowly walking (even run mode was slow) back and forth back and forth trying desperately to remember what led where and where was what. Eventually I gave up. Games should be fun to play not just to beat.
401 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.20 07:31
A cool concept executed in a cool way. Probably the best piece of fiction about alien abductions ever produced.

Tough to review without giving too much away. If you like Myst-style adventure games, play it.
55 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 21:46
Although Obduction has a lot going for it, I can see why people complain about it.

First, the positives:
* The game is *beautifully* designed from an environmental perspective, and there is a solid sense of exploration and progression as you open up new areas throughout.
* While they skew towards the easier end of the difficulty curve, many of the puzzles especially earlier on are good solid Myst-type deductive puzzles, and none of them were I thought unfair or illogical.
* While the story isn’t especially compelling, it does have the decency to stay mostly out of the way and not present itself as a puzzle reward instead of something more helpful or trap the player in unskippable cutscenes every five minutes.
* The Mystlike interface has been updated to reasonably modern standards with free movement and a highlight functionality to show interactive objects so there is no hunting around searching for a single plank that’s different from all the others or whatever.

Unfortunately, as the game goes on, it proves itself to be… “bigger than it needs to be” is the best way I can describe it.
* You will spend increasingly large amounts of time running back and forth to get from Point A to Point B without actually *doing* anything, a problem which is amplified by the fact that a lot of puzzles require substantial backtracking to complete.
* Additionally, there are a lot of areas and also an entire puzzle which serve no real gameplay or story purpose. Some are at least interesting to look at, but every time I ended up in one I felt a little bit cheated because of the effort I had put in to get there not really having yielded anything other than possibly an achievement.
* As it goes on, the game makes heavy (I would go so far as to say a little excessive, like they’re showing it off) use of a teleportation mechanic. Some of the teleport puzzles are solid in concept and others are kind of perfunctory, but each teleport has a *loading screen* in it and some puzzles can take, like, five or ten teleports to solve. This makes them slow and frustrating. A fast-travel system would have been *very* helpful

Overall, Obduction is certainly playable and enjoyable if you’re a fan of Mystlikes, but simply cannot compare with other offerings like The Witness or Quern. I’d characterize it as a “thumbs-up, but only just” game.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.20 18:39
Fell off a bridge and ended up stuck in locked-in place. No checkpoints to go back to. So why start again and re-play the 14 hours?
108 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.19 06:17
This game starts off promising but quickly turns into a real slog. The puzzles are so clunky and you spend most of your time walking back and forth, rather than solving them. Really unsatisfying.
Logo for Obduction
Release:26.07.2016 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Cyan Worlds Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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