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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 03.06.2020
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

Nine deities. Nine heroes. And only one champion. Mythical Greece. The land of gods, poets, heroes, but also of terrible monsters and creatures.

Numen is a fully three-dimensional action RPG set in mythical Greece. The player controls one of nine heroes, who in the name of the gods they follow compete in a grand test of their capabilities. Heroes who undertake a pilgrimage over the highest mountains, through valleys and deep forests, underground vaults and the scorched sand of deserts.

Numen however is no mere hack-and-slash game. It offers the player the possibility of tactical decision making, searching for enemies? weak spots, selection of adequate weapons. It rewards those who are able to adapt to the changing situation on the battlefield. In this the player is helped by the unique powers and abilities invested in him or her by the god he or she follows, provided that the god is happy with him or her. The Olympian gods, after all, are renowned for their wanton and unpredictable nature?

  • Action RPG with strong and intriguing storyline and surprising plot turns.

  • Detailed 3D design with state-of-the-art visual effects.

  • The game world based on the Greek mythology comprises of tens of locations situated on 12 islands with both exteriors and underground labyrinths.

  • Many extensive main story and side quests.

  • Select your hero?s gender, his or her specialization out of three possibilities and one of nine deities for him or her to worship.

  • Plenty of unique weapons, armors and items, more than 80 spells and abilities.

  • Arena duels, training combats and tournaments.


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

156 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.14 19:47
Spiel, Story und Grafik können absolut überzeugen.
Mir gefällt das Spiel ausgesprochen gut. Man kommt schnell in das
Spielgeschehen rein und hat dank der spannenden Geschichte
und interessanten Quests viel Spaß.
86 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
144 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.14 20:34
Singleplayer-Rollenspiel mit klassischer MMO-Mechanik. Die Grafik wirkt etwas altbacken, aber für Fans griechischer Mythologie ist Numen auf jeden Fall einen Blick wert!
Mehr Infos und ein kurz angespielter Test im folgenden Video:
1418 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.11 14:32
Schönes RPG im MMO Style wer WoW und Konsorten mag wird mit Numen Spaß haben.
252 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 00:02
This is the game for people who enjoy atmosphere, delayed gratification, and don't mind realistic lengths of exploration and grinding for experience. I LIKE games where you can't immediately carry or don every item and you keep stronger stuff around while building up equipment and skills every few quests and monster kills. The character has an appearance customized by the gear so you see your armor and weapons change your look.
It's straight forward but there is some depth and it's perfect for someone like me who just wants an open world playground, a sense of progression and challenge, and enough little touches to the environment to show the love for the world.
This is grind-tastic, lengthy, lots of walking and going on fetch quests and kill quests...but if you're someone like me that works out fine.
A lot of people compare this to a single player MMO and that's how it feels, minus the lag and constantly spending money to upgrade your skills and gear. Confession time: I loved Inquisitor and this is like that only set in Greece and in full 3D.
It caters to a certain taste, but that taste in definitely mine and I hope I'm not completely crazy....
932 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 22:42
This game is pretty dated and the gameplay is not very dynamic.
The concept was somewhat interesting though and seemed to pick up the pace after a few hours.
Then the game crashed while saving.....
377 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 05:32
This game isn't bad, it's just kind of boring. The main plot was okay, but the quests that guided you along through the main story were uninteresting and felt grindy. You can tell they put a lot of work and thought into it. It reminded me a lot of torchlight, just mindless fighting of dungeons and map area.

I did like the monsters looked and the music wasn't bad.

Skip it!
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 05:06
If you except few tiny things inside the game like bugs or that it is slow it can be good game with deep strong rich and long story as a background . I recommend this game for it history and the fact that it is very atmospheric
514 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.16 19:00
Numen: Contest of Heroes is a third-person hack & slash RPG. Having demonstrated enormous courage as a child, you are selected by a Greek God to be its hero and must compete against those of other Gods in order to find the Sickle of Kronos first.

Pros: You get to pick from a boy or a girl, although can't actually customize your appearance. When beginning the game, you are given the option of using different weapons, and your class is determined by the type you used the most. Your mastery of any weapon comes from using it. Each of the three classes allows you to pick from three different Gods to be the champion of, so the game offers a total of nine sets of spells and powers. There is a large variety of equipment you can find (common, enchanted, rare and unique) and may equip up to 16 at a given time. Some of the items you find are only good for one gender, but can be refitted to your character. Rather than being class-specific, items are attribute-specific, meaning a mage that works strongly enough on its Strength will be able to use that badass sword usually meant for Warriors. Graphics are ok, most textures are pretty good, and each piece of equipment have a different look on your character.

Cons: The writing is bad: sure, I spotted several typos and even apparent missing words, but the bland story itself is badly written with many mistakes about Greek mythology (example: Neptune is NOT a Greek God), you never actually feel like you're playing in Greece. The game lags and drops in frame rate when looking too far away. Combat is uninteresting, you click on the opponent once and look at the character fight, this game should've been an isometric hack & slash, but that would probably make the tiny size of the maps too obvious, or the comparison to Titan Quest (a much better Greek mythology RPG) too easy. There is little to no development, interactions with other champions are very limited and fighting them in arena battles is lackluster. The game is short, very few main or side quests, no branching paths, save a few short class-specific quests in the early game. The game itself would be over quickly if you didn't spend that much time grinding for levels, the first few hours of which is so tedious that I almost stopped playing (although the grinding got less annoying a few hours in).

Verdict: ★★☆☆☆ - Forget it

I've seen worst, but it doesn't excuse Numen: Contest of Heroes from being an uninteresting game that offers no surprise, no excitement, and no replay value. If you have it in your library AND have the patience to tough it through the boring introductory level, you might as well play through it to get it over with, but I otherwise don't see how I can recommend to someone to purchase this.

This was just my opinion.

If you found this review helpful, please consider giving it a thumbs up, and feel free to check out more of my (purely opinionated) reviews.
766 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.14 22:36
I will only reccommend this game to people playing RPGs on a budget. I'm sure you can get this game for a dollar during a sale, and I'd say it's worth it at that point. Besides that, it's a low-budget, not quite horrendous but still not-good RPG with an ancient Greek aesthetic. For some reason, it plays exactly like an MMO in spite of its being single-player only, and the titular contest comes down to you dueling one or two NPCs over the course of the game. But if the struggle is real, there are far worse games to spend a dollar on.
537 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
4048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.14 05:50
+ hunting for the perfect ~lvl80 gear keeps me entertained
+ once I went with my 1st char over lvl98/99, I became a demi-god
+ ancient greek mythology setting, without funny monsters
+ few surprisingly neat levels/events

~ a treasure hunt as gimmick

- loved to see a mod-tool kit
- not that many areas or content

All in all a nice game for a nice price (1€ when on sale)
4537 Produkte im Account
124 Reviews
1903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.14 22:21
Numen: Contest of Heroes basically plays like a single player MMO, complete with hotkey bar, ability cooldowns, and combat that doesn't feel like it's quite connecting. It isn't a great game, but it's at least a decent one, and well worth the huge sale prices I've seen it (currently $0.99 as I write this review.) I myself picked it up for $7.50 soon after release, and don't really regret it, though $5 or less is the sweet spot here IMO.

The introductory / tutorial section is pretty boring, but persevere and the game becomes more enjoyable later. You start out as a kid, and through a few quests learn the basics of the three primary classes - Warrior, Archer and Mage. At the end of the tutorial you get to pick which of the three classes you want to become, and appear as a leveled up adult with only the abilities of the chosen class. At the same time you also pick which God to worship, granting you additional abilities and bonuses, which increase as you make your God more proud of you through your actions.

Then it's standard fantasy RPG fare. You go on quests, trigger events which advance the plotline, unlock new areas and make more quests available, kill monsters to level up and get better loot, and eventually kill the final boss and beat the game. You encounter other heroes along the way and choose whether to help, hinder or ignore them. And there's an Arena tournament event where you can fight these heroes as well.

The balance seems a bit off in some areas. A couple times you can be thrown into a new area severely underlevelled for the enemies, and have to grind before you can take on more than one of them at a time. Then 3/4 of the way through you find that 90% of your attacks are critical hits and enemies don't stand a chance as long as you don't get careless.

Overall I'd recommend the game when it's on sale, though not at the base $9.99 price.
8244 Produkte im Account
238 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.13 13:05
It's not a good RPG, but it's not a total catastrophe either... The item and level grinding is boring, it lacks in story and especially in side quests and the level 'design' is pretty much non-existant. Most of the game looks more random than Diablo while it isn't. While the game isn't a complete waste of time and has some moments, the lack of speech for the few NPCs, the mindnumbing and pointless arena fights and a lot of other small details make the game very dull and sometimes tedious to play. There's just so many better Diablo clones around and this one is hardly worth anybody's time. The final battle is a joke compared to the other boss fights. So many design flaws in one game that it's almost a candidate for a rotten tomato award... Unless you're extremely bored and have nothing better to play, stay away from this game.
Logo for Numen: Contest of Heroes
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
44.35% 55 69
Release:03.06.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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