An endless thank you to everyone who's been continuing to keep up with this project, write reviews, report bugs, and express general positivity and good will.
It's been a wild few weeks and having friends by our side has made all the difference. Lots has been happening! More very thoughtful and encouraging press reviews have been coming in like this one from TheGamer ; we got nominated for a few award categories at the A.MAZE festival in Berlin which takes place in May; and Jesse Jacobi and I sat with the wonderful hosts of No Cartidge for a relaxed interview about our pixel process, disaster tourism, influences and lots else.
We're still plugging away at the game, fixing bugs, preparing patches, and most importantly: working towards localization support. Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Brazilian-Portuguese are coming soon! It's been a more difficult process than we'd hoped, and we're identifying lots of sneaky bugs as we test, but we're in the home stretch. We're hoping to get all of these languages released later this week or early next. THANK YOU (a lot) for your continued patience while we translate, implement, and test.
We are looking into adding additional languages like simplified Chinese and others in a few months – keep an eye out for more updates. As always you can access the latest patch notes and bug submission form here.
Much love, more soon, thank you forever,
NORCO devs