• Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.
  • Noita: Screen zum Spiel Noita.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.09.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 09.09.24

Über das Spiel

Noita ist ein magisches Action-Rogue-lite, das in einer Welt spielt, in der jeder Pixel physikalisch simuliert wird. Kämpfe, erkunde, schmelze, brenne, gefriere und dampfe dir deinen Weg durch eine prozedural generierte Welt, indem du Zauber verwendest, die du selbst erstellt hast. Erkunde verschiedene Umgebungen, während du immer tiefer in die Welt von Noita vordringst, auf der Suche nach unbekannten Mysterien. Von Kohleminen bis hin zu eisiger Ödnis ist alles dabei.

  • Pixelbasierte Physik: Jeder Pixel in der Welt wird simuliert. Brenne, erkunde und schmelze alles. Schwimme im Blut deiner Feinde! Betritt eine simulierte Welt, die interaktiver ist als alles, was du bisher gesehen hast.
  • Deine eigene Magie: Erstelle neue Zauber, während du tiefer in die Höhlen vordringst. Verwende Magie um deine Feinde zu zerschmettern und die Welt um dich herum zu manipulieren.
  • Prozedural generierte Welt: Erkunde jedes Mal, wenn du spielst, eine einzigartige Welt. Entdecke neue Umgebungen, während deine Abenteuer dich tiefer in die Welt von Noita führen.
  • Action-Rogue-lite: Der Tod ist eine dauerhafte, immer lauernde Bedrohung. Verzweifle nicht, wenn du stirbst. Lerne aus deinen Fehlern, um auf deinem nächsten Abenteuer noch weiter zu kommen.

Noita wird von Nolla Games entwickelt, einem Unternehmen, das von 3 Indie-Entwicklern gegründet wurde, die alle bereits an eigenen Projekten gearbeitet haben.

Die drei besagten Herren sind:

Petri Purho
Petri ist bekannt als Entwickler von Crayon Physics Deluxe. In seiner Jugend hat er außerdem viele kleine Freeware-Spiele entwickelt. Er hat auch einige Brettspiele entwickelt, aber das hat er niemandem erzählt. Also erzählt das bitte keinem.

Olli Harjola
Olli ist bekannt für das preisgekrönte, anspruchsvolle Sci-Fi-Puzzlespiel The Swapper. Abgesehen von Indie-Spielen beschäftigt er sich außerdem mit Musik, Live-Visuals und der Erstellung von Programmiersprachen.

Arvi Teikari
Arvi ist auch unter dem Namen Hempuli bekannt. Im Laufe der Jahre hat er viele kleine, experimentelle Spiele veröffentlich. Um genau zu sein waren es so viele, dass er sie selbst gar nicht mehr alle kennt. Eines der Spiele, an dessen Entwicklung er sich erinnert, ist Baba Is You.


  • CPU: Dual Core CPU, Intel i5 oder besser
  • GFX: 512MB VRAM, OpenGL 3.0 unterstützt
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
  • HD: 1600 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch
  • CPU: Umso mehr Kerne, desto besser
  • GFX: 1024MB VRAM, OpenGL 3.0 unterstützt
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista, 7, 8/8.1, 10
  • HD: 2500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Japanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

384 Produkte im Account
206 Reviews
71 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 11:47
Noita ist ein Action-Rogue-lite mit einer 2D Pixel Grafik. Die physikalischen Pixel und das Gameplay mit den Zauberstäben ist recht unterhaltsam, allerdings bin ich kein sonderlich großer Fan von Rogue-likes dennoch wollte ich dem Spiel mal eine Chance geben. Für den Vollpreis ist es für mich persönlich uninteressant, Fans des Genres sollten aber mal einen Blick riskieren.

[_] Realitätsnah
[_] Sehr schön
[X] Gut
[_] In Ordnung
[_] Schlecht
[_] Sehr schlecht
[_] 5 Jähriger mit Kreide an Hauswand

[_] Sehr gut
[X] Gut
[_] Genre Standard
[_] Nicht so gut
[_] Langweilig
[_] Nasse Farbe an der Wand beim trocknen

[_] Wunderbar
[_] Sehr gut
[X] Gut
[_] Ganz ok
[_] Schlecht
[_] Kratzen an der Tafel

[_] Kinder
[_] Heranwachsende
[_] Erwachsene
[X] Jeder

[_] DoS Niveau
[X] Schrottkiste
[_] Standard
[_] Leistungsstark
[_]Extrem Leistungsstark

[_]Walking simulator
[_]Sehr Schwer

[_]Nicht vorhanden
[_]Uninteressant oder schlecht
[_]Sehr Gut
[_]Literatur Nobelpreis

[_]Komödie ()

[_]Kurz (5>)
[_]Durchschnitt (15>)
[X] Lang (30<)
[_]Lebenslänglich (100<)

[_]Den Preis mehr als wert
[X]Normales Verhältnis zur Leistung
[_]Absolut nicht wert

---[Bugs etc.]---
[X]Praktisch nicht vorhanden
[_]Kann das Spielgefühl stören
[_]Wie ein Ameisenhaufen

47 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3212 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 00:52
vincent approves
87 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
5977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 02:30
jeden penny wert
57 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
4193 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 15:16
1a god game
62 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 00:48
Amazing game design! chemical reactions, explosions, particle effects, a variety of monsters and environments...
221 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 16:05
Ahoi Liebe Leute,

Bock Schwer aber Geil !
Gelungener Pixellook
Toller Soundtrack
Geile Physik und die damit verbundene Wechselwirkung
Ein paar Runden zwischen durch sind auf jeden Fall unterhaltsam, sofern man ein wenig Frunstresistenz und experimentier Laune mitbringt !

Mister Endzeit
162 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
5447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 23:43
Pain, unending plain selfhate and just more pain.
This game let you feel like you play league of legends .... but instead of hating everyone else.... You just hate yourself.
It´s a pretty good game.
151 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 04:02
Da die Rezensionen für dieses Spiel beeindruckend gut sind, muß es das Spiel wohl auch sein. Leider konnte ich bisher noch nicht erkennen, was das Spiel so besonders macht. Außer dass es einfach bockschwer ist. Ich dachte immer, ich würde schwere Spiele mögen. Below, Hollow Knight, Dark Souls ect genau mein Ding. Nach wie hier angegeben 16 Std, und unzähligen Versuchen habe ich noch immer keinen annähernd zufriedenstellenden Run hingekriegt. Ich bin sicher, wenn man sein Leben diesem Spiel widmet, und irgendwann alle Tricks und Kniffe kennt nach 200 Std Spielzeit ist es ganz toll. Ich mag es, oft drauf zu gehen, und Schritt für Schritt besser zu werden. Werde ich hier aber nicht. Die Motivation ist dem Frust gewichen, und so langsam empfinde ich es als reine Zeitverschwendung. werde es sicher immer mal probieren, aber kann mir nicht mehr vorstellen, mit diesem Spiel noch wirklich Spaß haben zu können. Der aha Effekt, wo man langsam den Durchblick kriegt worauf es ankommt, wie es bei Spielen üblich ist, läßt hier sehr lange auf sich warten. Aber vielleicht kommt der ja noch. Würde das Spiel nicht empfehlen, weil es wirklich nur Hardcore Gamer ansprechen kann, die nun wirklich gar nichts anderes zu tun haben.
100 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
5975 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 22:06
Idk what to say.... just buy it
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 17:02
Unglaublich schwer... aber man will es weiter schaffen und bleibt dran.
Hab mir das Game dank dem guten Hänno geholt.

und abfahrt ;-)
164 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.21 13:57
I hate this game

21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 10:36
44 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 20:24
Gepriesen sei Hänno! Ehre
66 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 01:37
Eines der geilsten Roguelikes.
Hat alles was es braucht:
1. Nichts erklärt, kein Plan was die ganzen Werte sind.
2. Kein Plan von dem was abgeht. Also ABSOLUT NICHT!!!
3. Kein Plan von den Möglichkeiten, die die Welt einem bietet.
4. Man verreckt die ganze Zeit elendig.
5. Aber man lernt daraus und wird 0.000001% besser.
6. Geiler Itemeditor.

also TOP.
Nur zu Empfehlen
11 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 21:25
Super Spiel !!
240 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
12724 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 12:10
this game is evil
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 13:16
Sehr spannendes und fesselndes Spiel mit großem Wiederspielwert.
Die Twitch integration ist auch sehr geil. Kann ich jedem empfehlen der auf rougelike steht
201 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 10:35
Is this pixel gonna kill me?

57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
2308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 14:13
I was litterally trippin' on shrooms while being burnt to a crisp for the 10000th time.

10/10 - one of the best rougelikes to ever exist
would buy again
44 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 11:45
Noita is a very fun but also a bullshit game where you randomly die from dropping into a lava pool
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
9221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 20:52
Das Spiel macht richtig Spass und es ist einfach nur cool neue Strategien und Kombinationen auszuprobieren. Ich habe gute 100h gespielt und bis jetzt nicht das Ende erreicht. Ich bin mir nicht einmal sicher, ob die Entwickler überhaupt wollen, dass man das Spiel bis zu ende spielt. Ich finde den Schwierigkeitsgrad unverhältnismässig ungerecht und müsste zumindest einstellbar sein.

Ansonsten ist alles sehr stimmig.
Cooles Grafikdesign, passende Musik, sehr atmosphärisch, coole Engine.
139 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
20111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 21:59
even in early access it was one of the greatest rogue-likes ever. feels like content doubled since full release.
dont get me wrong, i mean you will die...like a lot...and then die more...when you are finished dying you will probably die some more.
wand creation is freakin insane. cant wait for the next 300 hours...
god im wasting my life...well time to die again <3
btw: devs are the greatest devs i know...always find new ways to kill ya
219 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 20:25
562 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 19:56
287 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:49
Its really good.
100 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 20:08
1296 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:40
173 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 21:11
so smart its stupid again
49 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 17:02

Bevor wir Anfangen

Dieses Spiel ist Modbar! Es gibt schon viele, und GUTE Mods! ;D

Fangen wir aber mal an:
Noita ist ein Rogue-Like Game, sprich: Levels sind (Halb) zufällig generiert und wenn du Stirbst musst du von neu Anfangen.
Es gibt paar Bosse, (mit Mods mehr) die aber nicht so einfach sind.
Der Stärkste Gegner? Du selbst.
Man kann dieses Spiel im Prenzip nie durchspielen. Es gibt ein Handbuch, in dem du alle Zauber, Monster e.c sammeln musst. Viele Tränke, Zauber und Zauberstäbe.
Wer sich ein Dark-Souls 2D härter als 4 sucht, ist hier richtig ;D
[spoiler] Ich empfehle euch, den Streamer Modus zu Aktivieren. Denn dadurch könnt ihr wenn ihr Streamt eine kleinigkeit machen aber es funktioniert auch alleine. Seht selbst was es macht. [/spoiler]

122 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 00:57
it blows up your car and fucks your wife
227 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
2172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 02:47
Must buy if you like physics simulation games
212 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
27638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 14:50
If you praise the RNG Lords before you play, it`s really Fun to play. If you dont, its fun too. Just love to die and suffer alot while you learn all the mechanics. I just lovehate this Game. It`s awesome.
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 16:40
How many layers does this cave have? I don't remember as I only beat the game once when I was lucky. This game has too much RNG. If you're not getting good wands or perks, it's mostly over after level 1-2 anyway. Far too frustrating.
1590 Produkte im Account
99 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 23:08
wenn Geld keine Rolle spielt, kann man es ausprobieren. Was nicht stimmt, das alles eingedeutscht ist !!
Der ganze Zauber/ Spell Kram ist in Englisch gehalten, noch dazu gibt es keine Anleitung für Mischen und Kombinieren von Zauber u. dergleichen... was vermutlich aber sinn machne sollte !?
Spiel ist, meine ich, schon jahrelang im early acces...
Zum mal zwischendurch spielen, was solls , aber mehr wie 5-7 euronen würde ich nicht mehr ausgeben dafür.
Die Musik wird hochgelobt, na ja , für mich bisher eher psychedelische Klangerzeugung... macht aber gute Atmosphäre....
393 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 17:29
Dieses Spiel ist gar nicht mal so einfach.
580 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.22 11:04
its like that powder sim from 2008 but an actual video game
46 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 23:22
I am a 45 yo father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father to my Son, who is 14 now. My son got this game for Christmas, so we installed it on his computer and he started playing. By the end of the week he had 24 hours on this game. This was horrible for me, as it was already hard for me to find ways to spend time with my son, as he is always out with his friends or just, watching YouTube. So i decided to make a Steam account and get this game to see if I could maybe play alongside him. loaded into the game, made my character and world and started playing but I was stuck on what you where supposed to do. I asked my Son for help and he hosted a game for me to join. loved it as it was the best time had spent with my Son since my wife had died. This game has ever since brought me and my son closer again and now we actually spend time together outside the house together as well. This game reminded me that there's fun to be had in everything, and it has brought both me and my Son many happy memories
105 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
13468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 08:19
I was an ice-mage with the ability to freeze any liquid that came near me. Poison-spewing creatures surrounded me. I blasted one in the face with an icicle, then ducked around a corner, leaving a bomb behind me. The two remaining creatures turned the corner and in an instant, they were blown to pieces, coating the room with a poisonous substance.

Confidently, I approached the body of my first victim, the one I'd stuck in the face with an icicle. My small prize awaited atop its body: a single golden nugget. Nothing special, but I sure as hell wasn't complaining. When I stepped upon its body to pick up the nugget, the weight of my foot squeezed some toxic 'blood' out from the wound that I had created. The poisonous blood squirted right into me and immediately, my frozen aura congealed it in place around my own body. I couldn't move, and some of the liquid had frozen around my face, creating an inescapable death mask. Within seconds, and out of nowhere, I was dead.

Turns out that having the power to freeze liquids around you has some downsides. And that pretty much sums up a big part of the game: accidentally killing yourself with your own badass abilities.

Easiest 10/10 of my life
78 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7635 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 02:28
after 100 hours i can safely say that i know absolutely nothing about this game and I love it. just when you think you know how deep and complicated the world is, you discover there's way, way more to add to the list of things you don't know or understand in this world. it rules.
527 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 08:32
eat moss / drink piss
98 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.22 23:07
i have nothing funny to say i am just bad
97 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
31610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 05:43
game want kill u
246 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
11888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 19:47
This game is so incredibly unique I don't know where to begin for a review. First as many have said, you will die often playing this game. Thats okay! Starting over and finding new things is part of the fun. So is experimenting with wands and finding new ways to blow yourself up. Or finding new pastel colored liquids that kill you in various different ways. This game has so many different and interesting ways to die!

IF you survive long enough, you might discover eating fungus has very strange and interesting effects on the world. Or that with enough perks and power ups you can basically become immortal. You might even discover that killing the 'final' boss isn't really the end but just the beginning...
282 Produkte im Account
87 Reviews
4494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 13:54
a hlep! I accedintllay drnak a ptoion od Dylsexia. Ervey wrod lokos wierd now.

waht sohuld I do?
1982 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 04:32
410 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 06:34
My son bought this for me. I've died 8,726 times.

I don't know if he loves me or hates me. I'll think on it after this run.
441 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
844 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 20:22
107 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 12:29
i ate soil to make myself vomit rats that fought for me

159 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
7078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 04:02
Finnish simulator
78 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
12559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 17:58
Just like an abusive relationship.

Makes me sad when I'm playing, but I can't wait to get back to it after I leave.
1119 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 06:12
with the screen fov settings the enemies can see and target you before you know they are there. and this can only be realistically played with a keyboard and mouse, aiming response time and los issues, not that that's a bad thing. no hand holding here.
punishingly difficult (to a point you may look to cheating!!!) with my current setup thus this review is subject to change and because i cannot give a neutral review.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12015 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 02:37
this game makes you think you're winning, and then, at the least suspect moment, fires a mach speed projectile subjecting you to instant death. 10/10, hated everything and everyone every time i died.
332 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.22 14:44
A game where most of your deaths come from finding something new and immediately killing yourself with it.

Community is awesome though, stream your gameplay on twitch if you want most of your deaths to come from your chat instead.
147 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
18498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 01:48
I had attained Godhood. My sparkbolts dealt tens of thousands of damage. I was immune to almost all damage. Then I shot something I hadn't seen before, it exploded, and I instantly died.

Another time I was immune to almost all damage, including explosions! I had a wand that shot infinitely quickly. I unloaded on an enemy I had not seen before and died instantly as it shot back every time it was hit.

There is no pain quite like falling from hubris in Noita. This is the definition of not for everyone. But for some of us, this game is a masterpiece.
77 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
8044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 19:55
likes: it gud

dislikes: im not gud
7 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 22:58
my pc crashed

248 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
12246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 19:21
Cool wizard game with simulated pixels reminiscent of old falling sand games. The game itself is pretty challenging with lots of cryptic side content and unlockables for anyone curious enough to find them. Noita presents itself as a level-based roguelite, but the inquisitive player might find that the full scope of the game is much bigger than the initial presentation.
157 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 16:53
Every pixel wants me dead
2657 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
6645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 15:04
super addictive, keep dying, keep coming back for more. highly recommend.
1800 Produkte im Account
205 Reviews
7726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 18:47
Imagine if Spelunky, instead of ending on level 7-99, actually continued until 30-5 with a bunch more bosses with hundreds of different items and modifiers and perks. And if you figure out the trick, you could pickaxe between the levels, revisit them - dive under olmec's lair, past the lava, wind your way back up through the intermission screen, and use your jetpack to finally hop that cliff off to the side of the intro screen because there's a whole other game over there now. Noita invites you to break the game mechanics, even encourages it, and hides the bulk of its content behind these opaque goals that aren't made evident, only discovered out of your pure curiosity of seeing what lies over the horizon. I beat the main boss after 50 hours but there is 80% more left for me to discover. I try not to read the spoilers in the wiki but apparently there's an entire alchemy system that I've never discovered for starters.

There's hundreds of different spells and modifiers and perks. They combine in different ways that will kill you as easily as the enemy. Sometimes the game gives you a wand with a spell or configuration you've never seen before and it's a trap - it spawns an explosion right in your face, or electrocutes you, or opens a portal to the tentacle-realm and beats you senseless. You ded. Next time read the spell descriptions more carefully! But take those wands to the intermission stages, the refuge between the levels and you get a chance to reprogram your wands. Take the spells from wand #1, combine them with some modifiers from wand #2, and stick them on a wand #3 with a huge mana pool and rapid fire capabilities. Create all new spells of mass destruction. And as you learn the mechanics over an excrutiatigly long time, spells and perks that initially seem worthless, become tremendously powerful when combined with others. For example, a spell to surround yourself in clouds of Whiskey is worthless. But wait, what if you modify it so that the whiskey cloud spawns at the end of a short-range projectile. And what if we attach a fire trail to the projectile and cause it to move in spiral pattern. Now you have a remotely detonated fire cloud that spins around the map widly setting everything on fire, including yourself. Then you remember you once saw a perk that gave you fire immunity. Aha. Spotting those amazing, absolutely game-breaking synergies is what keeps you retrying death after death.

Another example: I found a spell modifier that causes projectiles to spawn more copies of itself. So if I shot a fireball off to the left, it would spray more fireballs as it soared across the screen. Nice. Instead of the obvious application, I applied the spawning modifier to a TNT crate. TNT crates just kind of plop out of your wand and sit there. They don't despawn after impacting a wall. Therefore, combined with this modifier they just keep spawning more copies of themselves infinitely, filling up the level with dynamite like a virus. This wasn't an obvious combination at first, but it absolutely deletes an entire level and anything contained within it. Drop a crate out of the entrance hatch, wait 30 seconds and drop a match. The CPU pegs at 100% for a moment, you deal 500,000 explosive damage to anything below. It's a world ender. Also I blew myself up. Restart. Next time I'll modify it so it safely shoots crates from a projectile, and add tentacles for good measure.

Every time you die, your carefully engineered wands are thrown into a graveyard, some data file tucked away in the game's folder. The next time you play through, there's a % chance that your ghost will spawn wielding one of them. It's a mixed bag, on one hand you get an opportunity to reclaim a favorite wand. On the other hand, your ghost is using it against you. I did eventually run into my 'world ender' wand again and barely managed to get it off my ghost before everything went up in smoke, but there's been plenty of other times I've run into a ghost of a past run and recognized all too well the wand they were wielding.

Noita is fun. Not everyone will like Noita, it's pretty unforgiving and even flat out unfair at times. The first level becomes a chore. You can rush through it, the really interesting spells don't start in until snowland anyway. Enemies will snipe you from some darkened corner of the screen. Enemies will *steal* wands from their pedestals and use them against you. The game will hand you a wand sabotaged to blow your face off. A worm will anger the 'shopkeeper' out of your control, before you have any weapons capable of surviving the encounter. And you will end many promising runs by building weapons that are too simply too powerful and dangerous to exist in this world. You don't really start to feel like you have a handle on spellcrafting until dozens of hours in and many players will rightfully give up before then. But each run I see new spells or see new things. And the hope that, next run, I'll finally get a chance to try out a build I've been working up in my mind keeps me coming back.

4.3 out of -13e^2 stars
312 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
4762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 16:37
I hate this game.

Its true. I absolutely hate this game. This game has the worst that roguelike/roguelite/rogueadjacent games have to offer. You can build your arsenal on a run that you have invested a good amount of time in only for the game to flip a switch and immediately kill you. Its one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in 36 years of playing videogames.

Its also an absolutely brilliant game with incredible mechanics that is deeply satisfying on a moment to moment level. Kicking a box into an enemies face as he jumps at you will never stop being badass. One-shotting the enemy that normally screws up your runs. Figuring out how wands work, how to read a wand's sheet quickly to determine how promising it is, different types of wand styles and even unlocking nuclear options that make end up slicing enemies in half.

I had been waiting for this game for a long time. I discovered the tech demo for the Falling Everything Engine, it was very cool to screw around with for a few minutes. That feels like it was before 2010. It was always known that there was a game on the way, but when it was announced it would be a witch game based on Finnish folklore I became less interested - magic and potions aren't really my jam. Still, I'd keep an eye out for it.

Years after release, I finally bought it and got immediately hooked. 66 hours later and I've finally (FINALLY) beaten it with the help of online guides and mental health resources. This game drove me crazy and I absolutely hate it. But its wonderful and I also love it and you probably will too.
6 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 20:58
You can get a cool spell and immediately kill yourself with it.
15 circular saws out of 10
117 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
4199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 16:13
Got my first win after 231 deaths and 50 hours. I can now recommend the game.
453 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 04:05
nothing like spending 40 minutes beefing up for a god run to die and have no idea what caused it. 10/10
102 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 03:40
A very accurate version of Animal Crossing that takes place in Finland; Has the eye demon eating and everything! If you want a good way to experience the wonders of Finland and its cultures, without actually going to Finland because why would you, this game is perfect for you!
83 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
113004 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 14:53
Twenty bucks. Eighteen hundred hours (and counting).

Rogue-like platformer sandbox. Fiendishly difficult. Fiendishly addicting.

Any time you think you've found a limit, boundary, or edge, you are probably wrong. You can find a way to get past and go farther, or higher, or lower, or hit harder. Fight monsters, and die. Experiment with wands, and die. Explore, and die.

Patience and knowledge are how to succeed. You can expect hundreds of deaths before you complete the easiest ending, but keep learning, and you start counting how many times you can win in a row, or perhaps you discover that winning is no longer the point, and you just want to become supremely powerful, or find something, or do something you haven't done before.

But eventually, no matter how powerful you get, on the next run you are back to two simple spells and a potion of water, wondering
'What can I do this time?'.
331 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
7762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.21 19:33
TL;DR: Glass cannon wizard simulator roguelike

This game is as fun as it is punishing - building wands, the procedural environments, and the sheer variety of possible deaths keeps me coming back for more runs. You can die thousands of ways, and also build spells that do literal millions of damage out of 5 damage projectiles.

If you get frustrated easily, avoid this game. It is simultaneously one of the best games of the last 10 years, and unbelievably punishing (including RNG wise) towards the player. You WILL lose hours of progress on a god-run to an enemy that polymorphs you into a sheep, or a misclick on an explosive - but it makes achieving the variety of wins and objectives hidden within the game all the more satisfying.

The sheer quanitity of secrets, the lore, the alchemy portion of the game, the very spell mechanics, it holds your hand on none of it. There is so much hidden beneath the surface, and it is SO GOOD.
187 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 17:51
this game makes me want to eat a child
24 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.21 05:11
Grew spider legs, created an active cast wand that makes chain reaction bombs in a line, accidentally stepped in teleportatium, landed smack dab in the middle of a lava pit. Its random, chaotic, and so much fun, I love it.
199 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 00:25
There is so much more to this game than meets the eye.

The basics:

  • You play as a mage. 
  • You kill enemies with your wands/spells.
  • You progress downward through levels and reach safe zones where you can purchase new wands, spells and perks.
  • When you die, it's game over and the entire game restarts (quite literally due to the design).
  • If you progress far enough you'll reach the end-game boss. 
  • Defeat said boss to achieve victory!

Sounds simple enough, right? Well...

  • You have one life and there are no saves.
  • Zero hand-holding. The game tells you the controls and off you go to explore and die.
  • Enemies do not fuck around. They will wreck your shit.
  • Bosses laugh at you and ragdoll your corpse if you're not prepared.
  • Everything else can and will kill you.

You'll think you're having a good run, then BAM! Death by falling rocks, exploding barrels, hidden traps, lava, acid, electricity, panicking, pressing the wrong key at the wrong time - the list goes on and on.


Wand building and player perks.
  • There's a HUGE variety of spells for your wands as well as player perks.
  • Spells can be linked together in weird and wonderful ways for maximum carnage. 
  • It's insanely fun (and dangerous) experimenting with different spell and perk combinations.

Exploration and secrets.
  • Without spoiling too much, the game is a lot larger than it appears. 
  • Try going off the beaten track and see what you can find. 
  • There's a lot of secrets to be discovered. Some are massively cryptic though, so I found myself having to search for answers online.

Enemies and bosses.
  • Awesome variety of enemies with unique stats and abilities.
  • You'll find yourself learning enemy behaviour and capabilities.
  • A spell which is effective against one enemy might be totally useless against another.

Pure destruction.
  • Everything in the game can be destroyed in one way or another.
  • Solid rock can be nuked into oblivion, liquids turned into gas and flammable items burned so you can unleash your inner pyro.

  • You can collect all kinds of liquids in bottles which act as utility items.
  • For example, some put out fires while others provide temporary buffs (and debuffs).

There's so much more I want to say, but it's way more fun and rewarding discovering these things for yourself.


RNG can be a bitch sometimes.
  • The random spells, wands or potions you find might be undesirable depending on your situation.
  • On the flipside it pushes you to adapt and figure out how to make it work in your favour.

There's also a certain event which makes all of the safe zones very unsafe. I won't say what it is or how it happens but it's normally triggered by you the player. Sometimes it can seemingly happen at random and will make the remainder of your run a lot more painful.

Singular pixels.
  • It's not uncommon to accidentally explode yourself because you did not see a single pixel right in front of you during a fight.
  • It's also quite easy to become blocked or trapped by a single pixel while you're manoeuvring or fleeing.

No saves or difficulty setting.
  • I personally do not think this is a bad thing, but others might. The game is designed to be challenging and harsh.
  • You will die easily and frequently.
  • Losing everything after many hours of hard work can be really frustrating but that's the nature of the game.

Overall, Noita is an amazing game with an incredible amount of depth. 
It will punish you over and over, but you'll keep coming back for more.
77 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 01:38
This game isn't fun
789 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
1179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 09:37
By combining falling sand physics with a dungeon-crawling roguelike 2D platformer, Noita manages to be a game that gives an endless amount of good times. You play as the titular noita (witch) adventuring into dungeons and blasting through its denizens with powerful wands, descending through progressively harder levels.

The spells on the wand, many of which can damage the dungeon itself to open new paths or affect the environment in order to defeat enemies, are fully customisable and swappable, giving the already content-filled game many more dimensions.

Between levels, you are able to purchase new wands or spells and equip a new perk from a random choice of three, letting you build your playstyle as you wish, bound only by randomness and luck.

On top of that, there are a lot of mysterious secret areas to explore, many of which are consistent between playthroughs in contrast to the randomly generated dungeon. There's also plenty of mods for the game.

As someone whose interest is not usually held well by 2D platformers, Noita defied my expectations. So I recommend it.
164 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
3925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 10:16
taikoija vittu
16 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 05:56
i died
200 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
5609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 22:46
In the post-death statistics page, the game informs you of what caused your death. Feel free to ignore that though, because what really killed you was hubris.

It's always hubris.
179 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
79584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 03:54
its okay i guess, havent played it a whole lot lol
147 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
12540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 05:00
i opened the game then i lost then i tried again then i lost then i tried again then i lost then i tried again then i lost then i tried again then i lost then i tried again then i lost then i tried again then i closed the game. Now i have 100 hours.
489 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
19047 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 11:58
Deceptively large, Ⅰ love it, go in blind for at least 100 hours for the best experience imo.
45 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
21260 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 16:20
do NOT drink the pepto-bismol
365 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
3981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 07:41
What's going on? I'm a little magic person going Wheeee skateboarding down a cave into some mines oh God a skeleton is doing a psycho-crusher on me oh lucky he fell into lava I'll shoot my wand at him THE WAND FIRED A BOMB oh God now I'm in the lava wait I have a bottle of water to save me... hey this isn't so bad I kill these guys and get gold and now I'm in a safe temple of the Gods that cannot be broken into OH GOD THE TEMPLE OF THE GODS GOT BROKEN INTO AND THEY'RE MAD AT ME INSTEAD OF THE WORM THAT DID IT I made it out wait how deep does this cave go it's snowing in here now and jetpack snipers and goopy beholders and wasps with LAVA FOR BLOOD are chasing me phew now I'm in a garden oh God the garden is trying to eat me and there are spiders! Luckily I found a nuclear bomb and wiped out the entire level NOW THE GODS ARE ANGRY AT ME AGAIN hey what's this tablet it speaks about secret magics A GIANT OCTOPUS IS FLYING THROUGH THE AIR SHOOTING LASERS AT ME hahahaha I am a master of wandmaking I have figured it all out I'm invincible now only the most insane confluence of circumstances could kill m....and I'm dead. Now I have to start all over again but at least I know what to.... IT'S ALL RANDOMISED ON EACH NEW GO!?!

I have no idea what is going on and I love it, this game rules.
53 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 15:37
>Buy Noita
>Boot up PC
>Go into mines
>Kill some dudes and eat their corpses
>Go home and play Noita
Good game :)
61 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 08:44
I got further then i had before in a run, then bought a new wand that had a bunch of symbols I'd never seen before.

I clicked once to try it and immediately violently exploded, ending the run immediately.

10/10, great game.
167 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
17928 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 22:43
Game good. Rock kill people.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 01:59
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.06.21 23:28
Noita is one, if not the, most infuriating video games I have ever played. The secrets are so complex and convoluted as to need to google search all of the answers. I have spent my entire time playing so far just dying over and over and over again.

But, I love the game. It doesn’t just tell you the answer, so you have to work hard to get anywhere. I celebrated even the smallest improvement, because it meant something. I can’t say I have gotten the level of satisfaction from dying in any other game. Dying normally means you have lost, but here it means you improved. I quite enjoy the pixel art style, and the overall aesthetic the game’s graphics give. It is the perfect mixture of the pain of failure and the joy of improvement. While this game is not for everyone, I would recommend it to anyone who will listen.
12 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 15:32
maybe the real noita was the friends we made along the way
95 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 23:34
The real difficulty spike was inside us all along.

Much like everything else that was inside us, it's somewhere over there now.
78 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.21 22:03
Wizards, Alchemy, Mushrooms, and Death is all I ever needed.
68 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 09:12
I love this game however, I feel there needs to be some rework when it comes to how easily you can die when you've invested yourself into a countless hours filled run just to to get polymorph killed when you have over 5k health, or to be insta-teleported into lava and have your run ruined, it can be extremely discouraging.
I know with the way the game mechanics it would hardly be Noita without those characteristics, however, i don't want to keep playing a game that's ultimately going to screw me when i least expect it, after a huge time invested run.

Noita will always hold a place in me heart, but when there's no learning experience from the other end of a cheapshot death, its hard to feel like i want to come back to play this game.
230 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 20:44
231 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
33649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:25
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1135 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 01:39
Suffering, but fun
143 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
3973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 22:40
God I hate this game.
344 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
3416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 19:51
I found a wand I had never seen before that let me shoot a crate - which upon shooting the crate, it immediately did a U-turn and exploded for my entire health pool.

1488 Produkte im Account
168 Reviews
8078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 04:42
Easily one of the best if not the best game to be released (officially) in 2020. Noita makes the player suffer horrifically at first to the point where it feels like you'll never grasp how anyone makes it past the Hiisi Base. However, perseverance is it's own reward and after about fifty or so grueling hours of agony you'll BEGIN to realize that you've been doing it wrong. Noita affords the player a great deal of agency no matter what RNG deals them, it just comes down to learning how to use it properly.

You can spend hours tinkering with wands to try to find the perfect combo, or just something that will let you live to the next level in the hopes of finding a better combo or spell. Greed is often the downfall of most players as they try to push beyond common sense and then die when they should have moved on. Once you start to grasp these concepts a lot of the difficulty melts away and most deaths can be chalked up to some genuine bad luck or a split second decision that went the wrong way.

For people who love to suffer and enjoy pressing on and beating the odds when the game tries to thwart them at every angle there's no more rewarding a game than Noita and you never forget your first win.
131 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 20:23
Noita is a horror game
72 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
9805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 08:05
One of the best games ever made. Have you ever glitched out of bounds in a game and thought 'I wonder whats out there', knowing that in reality there's nothing? Noita is a good game with a spectacular game hiding out of bounds if you have the patience to find it and uncover it's secrets. The world feels alive, and just the amount you can do with wand tinkering and alchemy is staggering.
48 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 21:35
i like to eat the grass
52 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 17:28
every single pixel in this game is designed to kill you
62 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.21 11:12
Too stressful to me
144 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
3924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 18:40
A true gamer's game for gaming gamers gaming.
65 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 13:52
fuck this game
627 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
8638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 19:37
-Noita, The game that keeps on giving-

In the 130 hours I have in the game so far I have yet to do a run and not discover something new. That is not an exaggeration. In terms of tutorials and direction, Noita tells you how to play the game in the first 30 Seconds, and then it is your decision where to go from there. The world is utterly massive, with an obscene amount of incredibly cool secrets.

The game has plenty of RNG, but there is rarely a run that isn’t worth pushing forward in order to make new discoveries or uncovering some new OP wand, item, or fun terrain/potion interactions. I’d be lying if I said there were not plenty of incredibly frustrating moments. For instance, I might forget that I’ve just been turned into a lava bug and jumping into a pool of water to lose the toxic sludge I’m covered in is a terrible life choice. Or holding a wand that has an electrical aura while standing in water would be akin to holding a plugged in toaster in a bathtub. There is also a ton of chaos, and dying in frustrating ways, and as with most roguelikes of its kind, these turned into learning experiences. The game technically never gets easier, you just get better, and learn what works best, and how to move forward with that knowledge.

There is not much in the way of a clear narrative, but it makes up for that with some interesting mysteries that I have yet to fully discover in my playthroughs. The sound, and general aesthetic of Noita is also fantastic with so many unique creatures and biomes that I discover on my daily runs.

Ultimately though, with all the fun interactions and content to explore, in my mind this game easily stands among the roguelike titans like Binding of Isaac and Spelunky. Money well spent.
186 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
3519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 07:34

Pain and suffering guaranteed

186 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 08:21
accidentally turned into a sheep and fell into a pool of oil

there was a lantern above the pool of oil

and then there wasn't

i learned how lamb kebabs were made the hard way 15/10
128 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 06:27
200+ ways to make your wand kill you

163 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
6961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 09:18
32 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 08:28
this game is like an abusive relationship
465 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
8301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 13:49
This is the perfect sandbox roguelite game for me.
If you love games with:
- Physics as a major component of gameplay
- Harsh trial and error (you will die to things specifically to teach you a lesson about how they work)
- Alchemy based systems that you can use to your advantage (or disadvantage)
- Customizable weapons and builds
- Secrets with secrets INSIDE their secrets (literally)
- Brutally hard and unforgiving, but intensely rewarding
- A mod community that adds spells (sometimes by the hundreds), wands, enemies, bosses, and secrets
- A kick ability that is the more satisfying than most game's main attacks

Then this is will be your perfect game, too.

Only thing I can think to add is the ability to edit and customize the look of your wands, but maybe that's best left for mods to explore.

17564 Produkte im Account
1375 Reviews
497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 18:48
Create your own spells and fight your way through a magical, unforgiving and completely destructible randomly-generated world where every pixel is physically simulated. Very difficult but so much fun!
120 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 00:24
*Dies 3.5 hours into a run to a hidden propane tank*
*Quits game*
122 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
3220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 01:47
this game is just a recreation of what its like to live in finland
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 19:39
It is crazy fun to play and every time It feel like you learn something new.
212 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 21:03
start the game
find a cool wand
use it

14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 05:32
It has a feature where you can make yourself more attractive to giant, aberrant worms. What more could you ask for?
140 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.21 13:00
its like drugs- you'll have a good run. then you'll come back again and have a shit run and swear that you will never play the game again. but you will always be back for that dopamine rush of a good game. noita is love.[b]noita is life.[b] there is no escape.
99 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 07:03
If you have a mental condition this game is right up your alley
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
32741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 20:11
Only review I will likely ever write. Game is amazing.
97 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
9930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 20:21
Suck down the worm juice and ascend to Godhood.
68 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:52
Wow this wand looks cool wow it makes a cool spark wow it exploded and killed me instantly wow epic
107 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 21:40
From the 200hrs I've played so far, 150 were of me killing myself in the first stage though various methods.

Highly recommended.
452 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 22:36
Rogue likes and 2D platformers are not my thing. I was hoping Noita would change that, and it didn't.

However, I'm leaving a positive review because of the staggering quality of the game. Even though I've gotten barely over one hour, it's clear that this is a brilliantly designed and executed bolt-em-up. Even if you removed the physics it would be able to stand on its own two feet, but the simulated pixels of matter are an astonishing technical feat that bring an entirely new dimension of play into the equation. Most of my battles started in a very simple manner, but after mere seconds evolved into an explosion of fire, poison, blood and the like. It's a cacophony of destruction and side-effects, and making basic situations spiral out of control is a delight.

While the game's genre simply isn't my cup of tea, I can nonetheless strongly recommend it to anyone who has an affinity for the format.
249 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 00:52
Luv me spells
Luv me health
Luv me tablets
`ate not havin` a water flask
`ate traps
`ate those jumpy things

Simple As.
359 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 03:54
hahah niocee!
98 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 05:44
Some reviewers that dislike the game complain about it being too hard, and they have valid points. The game is incredibly difficult and you will get frustrated if all you're trying to do is beat it. However, that's far from the best way to play. I recommend treating it like a sandbox that you know nothing about, and just experimenting. See where you can go, play around with spells, learn how the enemies work, and [spoiler] find secrets ;) [/spoiler]. Just don't take it too seriously, have a good time, and laugh at all the stupid ways you can die.

Also, there's plenty of mods on the workshop to tailor the game to you, just try not to go overboard and make it too easy (it ruins the fun). I recommend Edit Wands Everywhere for anyone looking to just have a good time and not worry about min/maxing every floor :) Have fun, and get Noita'd!
219 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 16:15
wizard eats grass and dies
303 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
39371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 22:07
This game is exceedingly hard for me to review properly, but I'm going to take a stab at it.

Firstly, I recommended this game because I love this game. It has the right amount of challenge, can be played at whatever pace you feel like, and when you get that itch to go exploring, well this game's got that covered, too. I personally have taken on the challenge of becoming consistent at the game, having held the early access world record for most consecutive wins with 11 (and, I did it by doing only 11 orb runs). But know before getting into it that there are some clear downsides to Noita, especially with the 1.0 release, that I would like to speak to first. These changes made it very difficult for a casual player to get into the world of Noita, unfortunately. However, if you are seeking out a challenge, Noita is definitely for you.

My main point of contention is that 1.0 added forced randomized starting loadouts (previously they were opt-in by way of doing the daily instead of a normal game) that sometimes give you different spells and a different flask to work with. These cause needless suffering for new players for 3 reasons:

1) You can get a primary wand with a single spitter bolt on it. This single spitter bolt wand will have low range, poor accuracy, and poor speed, and can leave players vulnerable to enemy attacks. Even veterans can become overwhelmed if they suddenly find themselves surrounded by enemies, but new players are especially susceptible because they won't know what the correct enemy prioritization is, resulting in heavy damage or death. There are other bad primary wands as well, but the spitter bolt is the worst, and my hope is that spitter bolt - and anything with short range, really - gets removed from the initial primary wand pool. Great alternatives are spark bolt, bouncing burst, summon arrow, or magic arrow.

2) You can get a secondary wand with no explosives on it. While a rain cloud has its use (see the next point), the ability to get out of potential soft locked situations with an explosion is invaluable for new players, and not having an explosive spell to do so hurts new player progression.

3) You can get a random flask. This is the most inexplicable decision to me, because water is EXCEEDINGLY valuable at all levels of play: it can be used to put out fires, neutralize toxic sludge, make the player not take fire damage while stained with water, and kill one of the more challenging first zone enemies, the stendari. My recommendation is to ditch whatever flask it gives you when you start - even if beneficial - and replace it immediately with water. Water can be found to the left of start under the tree (you may have to dig, and you may not have the tools necessary to do it, but sometimes it's free), to the right if you're willing to climb the mountain with an appropriate explosive in the wall (ie: anything but a bomb) and find the lake, or if you start with the rain cloud wand.

Honestly, it is my opinion that Nolla should revert this change and make it opt-in for the daily only, or even enable it as an option for full runs. Why I find this important enough to bring up first is because there's literally a whole WORLD of things to explore and learn about this game to have to also deal with the frustrations of a randomized, and sometimes underwhelming starting loadout. Players are going to have their hands FULL tackling every challenge this game throws at it, and as you get deeper into the game those challenges grow bigger and more difficult. And THAT is what I LOVE about this game.

This game pulls no punches. You WILL get shot by the shotgunner. Repeatedly. You WILL die to enemies with a freeze wand, or a nuke wand, or machine gun concentrated light wand. You WILL kill yourself experimenting with wand building. You WILL find enemies you have absolutely no idea what they do, even after the 50th or 100th time you kill them, because, darn it, that enemy is going to die before you find out what kind of terror it will inflict on you! You WILL be running about panicked or scared because you know you can't deal with that one particular enemy, and now you're running headlong into a bunch of other enemies and... well, game over.

There's a REASON win streaks in this game are hard to come by, and that's because the game is HARD. It makes you stop and think about what you're about to do. Is going down this hallway without checking above and below a safe bet? Is there a propane tank lurking in the snow you're about to dig in that you can't see? Is that underwater chest going to have a thunderstone? Did I just hear Ukko or is that the wind? Often, second-guessing yourself and staying as safe as possible is the key to victory in Noita.

If you're a speedrunning type, Noita has got you covered. Runs of this game can be as short as 2 minutes, and involve absolute chaos, tight dodges, teleporting blindly into new territory, and trying to find that one boss-killing wand to finish the game as quickly as possible.

If you're an exploration type, ignore the usual seven zones and explore the world around you! Find out what's at the bottom of the pit to the right of the lava lake, what's outside to the left of the tree, or to the right of the mountain. Journey into the sky, or fight your way beneath the temple of the art to see what my lurk there. Traverse impossibly thick walls on either side of the map and see what might be on the other side. Fight optional bosses with unique mechanics and rewards. Discover strange quest items and try to figure out what to do with them. Learn the secrets of alchemy and be blessed with endless health and wealth.

If you're a completionist type, you'll be interested in what's at the top of the tree - pillars of meta-progress that grow as you unlock more endings, more spells, and more challenges. I myself plan on doing a NG+28 33-orb run at some point. I expect that run to take *weeks*, and to think that one drop of polymorphine can end that run is a scary but exciting prospect that will keep me on my toes the entire time!

If you're a mad scientist type, wand building is where it's at. There are so many spells with so many spell combinations in the game that you will be hard pressed to get a win with the same wand twice. Sure, there are repeating themes: homing mist wand, trigger chainsaw wands, speedy bouncing burst wands... but in the end, you get to craft your own tools of destruction from what you find in the game, and that's one of the most rewarding things about this game.

So overall, my recommendation for new players is to expect the game to be challenging and hard. If you're going into this blind you are going to die, quite possibly hundreds of times, before you get a win. If this is not your style, this game may not be for you. But if you're willing to learn everything the game has to offer, you will be rewarded with a rich world of mystery worth exploring, satisfying wands of mass destruction, fulfilling victories against challenging bosses, and the thrill of winning the game on your terms.

That is, in between bouts of stepping in polymorphine and getting one-shot.

Best of luck, noidat!
168 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
10632 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 03:43
The eternal quest to survive long enough to build a wand that breaks the game. In 177 hours and over 500 games, I've done it twice.
1317 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 19:40
I die
I sigh
Again I try
Again I die
Again I cry
Again I try
One fateful hour
I find the wand of power
Anything in my way
Did not survive on this day
Now I've reached the end
Time to do it all over again
55 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 16:35
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
134 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1310 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 07:54
If your looking for a relaxing game this is not one of them
119 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
17163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 17:46
One time I transmuted projectiles to sheep, proceeded to eat them and attracted a big worm which in turn ate me.
It's a circle of life.

If that doesn't sell the game to you, I don't know what will.
102 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
8502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 02:05
Now here is yet another breakthrough in gaming. A roguelite that teases simplicity yet delivers far more complexity then you could ever get through. And to top it all off, it's still in beta. If you are considering this game at all, I would happily say go for it. Here's the thing. Yeah, starting off it will be frustrating. It will be difficult, it will be down right unfair. But, after that, you have probably one of the best payoffs ever in gaming. You'll start to anticipate enemies, you'll learn their attacks and range. You'll discover ridiculously powerful spell combinations. You'll find hidden areas you hadn't seen in your other 300 playthroughs. You will become insanely powerful, and die to something insanely stupid. But, just one of those times. You just might not, and when that happens, you just might understand why I love this game so much.
4 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 00:29
It'll kick your ass.
160 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 12:06
I would say there's no real satisfaction from playing this game, as there's no meta progression and each run is very dependent on early RNG, to the point of suicide if there's nothing found in the first 2 levels. There's no feeling of making progress, and mostly what I learned was to get more and more careful, not skillful, at the game.

Death is really only one missclick away, even when playing carefully. Too many end screens have just said 'Cause of Death: Explosion', so I learned nothing from how or why I died. It's impossible to identify the things on the floor, to avoid getting blown up or poisoned, it's either too dark or the colours are just not there.
With the severe lack of health regen, it makes there no way to correct your mistakes, only accept that you've lost half your health but you might as well have died.

Perfection is the only answer, and it's just not worth investing the time to become perfect when there's no reward system for that.
270 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
924 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 16:50
It's rare that I like a game like this, but it was the pull of the games physics that made me want to try it. Safe to say I'm now hooked!!

It's all thanks to how the game works, the things you expect to work well together do (fire and gunpowder/oil, lightning with water). Or just use the world to kill the enemies, you can shoot the tops of ice spikes to make them break off, crushing anything below it - or just kick a mine cart on to some poor unsuspecting victim!

The game doesn't really tell you much, and other than the basic controls being shown to you at the start, you're on your own! (I'd recommend watching a couple of youtube vids to get you up to speed). In saying that, it seems like the kind of game where dying and learning is all part of the fun. When you die, thats it. Game over and you start again with nothing.
Don't let that put you off though, good and bad runs are all fun! I've had terrible luck with loot and some how got really far, whereas other times I'll have a super OP loadout, only to get rekt in the 2nd stage.

For me its the perfect game for killing time, a game can last 2 minutes to 2 hours depending on your luck/skill. I'd say the only downer for me is that it isn't coop, but I can't imagine a game like this supporting another player running around as well.

Oh and finally, its currently in early access but I haven't encountered a single bug or crash. Big thumbs up!!
136 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 01:53
What i have learned about noita in the time ive been playing.
Stay out of the dark.
Stay out of the clouds.
Stay out of the lava.
Stay out of the bullets.
stay out of the slime
stay out of the toxic goop.
stay out of the monsters.
if you dont know what it is: its not Friendly
if you do know what it is: its not friendly.
i still dont know exactly how wands work.
i still dont exactly know how ANYTHING works.
There appears to be a near infinite amount of stuff, where infinite is defined as 'you died before you finished exploring the areas.'
112 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
6221 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 19:51
It took me nearly 100 hours to beat this game. Highly recommend - you will die more to yourself than enemies.
793 Produkte im Account
132 Reviews
3392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 13:09
Game not even FINISHED and it blows my mind. Every pixel in this game can interact with other pixels causing predictable, unpredictable, or wonderous results. Even if it wasn't a spectacular rogue-like all on it's own, the magic and wand crafting system which synergizes with the perk system would make it deep and fun and ridiculously replayable. when you add ALCHEMY and the fully reactive and destructive environments the game just shines. The game is full of secrets and mysteries and different enemies and environments, There's just so much there. Competing monster factions, runaway fires, flooding random loot -- then dissembling your loot to make even cooler loot. I can say all this and I've barely scratched the surface. Bosses? yeah, bosses too. Game is DA BOMB!
74 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 00:49
In Noita, there are a handful of things that are true.
Wands cast spells. Monsters attack you. The world is malleable. You are the Noita.

This game hates you. It actively mocks your attempts to learn. Each time you descend into the mountain. Noita is not hard because enemies are hard to hit. It's not hard because it's fast paced. Noita is hard because it is designed exploit at least one loophole in your fragile human skull. If you play meticulously, inching along, you will be killed. If you rush in, landing shots on monsters left and right, you will still be killed. The game asks for a level of wisdom about its own world that you will not have for very long time.

This game is difficult to learn and almost impossible to master. As you collect perks, spells, wands, and items, you'll get brief glimpses of what you can become. You might even reach a point where you think you're as powerful as you can be. But then you'll be back at the entrance for the cave, wondering how you ever died.

As you play and explore the world, you may find places and wonder why they are there, and where they lead. You will go places until you wonder why you are still walking. You will be alone in an empty, world that does not care about you. Press on. Learn all that you can. Find ways to stay alive.

To win Noita, there are certain things you must learn.
Learn to edit wands. Learn to kill all. Learn to shape the world. Learn to be a Noita.
1089 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 10:24
Noita is a masterpiece where every pixel is physically simulated. Is a really astonishing fact. Soundtracks create good gameplay atmosphere.
P.S. In this game I died more often from my weapons and combinations than from enemies.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 04:49
Steam recommended the game to me because I liked rogue-type games before,

I played this game quite a bit (at least in my opinion) because it had so many positive reviews that I was sure that there was something I was missing that would make this game great. However, having googled and read tips and watched videos. I realized I wasn't missing anything. It's fun at times, but for the most part I found it incredibly frustrating. I try again and again because I want to find the wand combo I can use or a new mechanic, but honestly it feels like a slog.

It's a frustrating game due to the random ways you can die despite playing as carefully as possible. A zombie suddenly picks up a wand and one shots you. You try out a spell and you die. Your spell bounces off something and you die, etc. I'm sure if I had a lot of time it would be fine, but it's frustrating having to trial and error every new spell to see what it does and if you'll die from it. It would be nice if there were more information.

I'm used to dying in rogue type games, but it feels unforgiving and sometimes just makes you want to give up on the game which I've never felt before in other games.

I'm 100% sure many people will disagree with me on my opinion, but do not buy this game expecting a rogue type progression where after each death you gain some ability or advantage. If that's your type of game, then 100% buy this game. Not every game is for every person, and it appears that this game is not for me, but I'm sure it's for other people. I will keep playing this game some more to see if I will change my mind.

Pros: interesting attack mechanic, status effects, pixel simulation

Cons: Steep learning curve, too many random deaths, repetitive level design (randomly generated)
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 17:52
There are four faces to Noita.

Noita is an entire world created by the use of particle physics. The flash sandbox games of old were used as a blueprint upon which to mold a partially procedural rendition of a game map to explore. Sand and soil flow down hillsides, water pours down through holes in cave systems in a flowing waterfall, fire spreads across wood and organic matter, and each element reacts with others in different forms while transferring between the three main states of matter. Lava will cool to rock when exposed to water, and rock formations fissure and tear realistically when marred by an explosion. It is a playground of physics and particle properties.

Noita is a harsh, unforgiving world of monsters and destruction. As you step foot in the opening to the underground caverns, you will be greeted with ravenous beasts, lashing out not only at you, but each other in a bid for survival, as the mine tunnels are torn apart in the ensuing conflict. You can be lit on fire in an instant, or get coated in toxic sludge. There will hardly be any means of recovering damage, every nick brings you that much closer to death. Even with a full bar of health, you will always be a mere few explosions or acid pools away from dying in an instant, and no matter how deep you go, once you are dead, it's back to square one.

Noita is a quest to get down to the bottom of the earth to uncover the secrets of the ancient wizards. Each new layer is more perilous than the last, and you must prepare accordingly. At your repertoire are numerous wands of different attributes and capabilities, which you may tailor to your liking. Search the world and amass gold to collect a variety of spells, and with a little ingenuity and trial and error on your part, you can fashion a deadly customized weapon to combat the horrors below. Whether that wand is a reliable asset, or a desperate loose cannon is on you. You could rush for the end, or comb each region for resources to empower yourself. The holy mountains will grant respite and boons, though you'd best be respectful, the gods look down upon those who abuse their utilities. Approach each new challenge and environment with great forethought and the utmost of caution.

Noita is abound with hidden secrets and forgotten knowledge. The gauntlet which many have fallen upon is only the bare surface of what the world has to offer. To one who would tread the beaten path and poke into the farthest reaches of the land, many mysteries lie in wait. One door opens another, and once you know where to look, your understanding of the game expands forever. Every barrier, each pit, the shifting skies above and the elements strewn across the world hold esoteric powers and discoveries. It was a simple mission, get to the bottom and finish your work. Once that is done, you deserve your rest... and yet, you've already come so far. Should you stop now?
403 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 06:47
i made a wand that caused an explosion that crashed the game!
53 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 16:21
funny wizard shoot monster is good
232 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 11:47
My Advice, don't look up anymore tutorials or walkthroughs than you have to with this one. I'm only an hour in figuring this out and I'm feeling a sense of reward and experimentation i haven't felt in a long time.
288 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2964 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 12:58
This game is CBT for the soul.
64 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 05:44
150 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 00:20
The roguelite gameplay directly conflicts with this game's origins, a literal sandbox game. I don't understand the dev's decision to make it a roguelite at all, as this type of game would benefit immensely from a large persistent world to explore, and the ability to freely experiment without consequence. Whenever you die, which will happen a lot, you will spend about 10 minutes navigating the first cave with a 2-shot laser that can barely interact with the environment at all. You have to pray to RNGesus to get a decent wand, and focus all your attention on scraping together a little bit of gold so you can buy a wand at the next stage. The novelty wears off fast and I found myself immediately seeking mods to make the game tolerable.

Persistence is a great mod that adds the meta-progression that this game desperately needs.
812 Produkte im Account
145 Reviews
186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 20:41

It's all about the journey, not the destination

Noita is a roguelite platformer game which every pixel is simulated - but you probably know about this already. What it isn't clear is that this game is more like a sandbox experience where you combine spells like mad and end up killing yourself accidentaly. Or in other words, it's more of a toy than a game - at least that's the mentality you need to have if you're looking for a great time with this game. Every level is procedurally generated (no two runs are the same), you only have one life and the physics are very wild, so expect to experience a lot of insane - and sometimes even unfair - scenarios. This is a game more about the journey than the destination.

You get better ny learning, not by grinding

The thing I appreciate the most in this game is that it's one of the rare roguelites that doesn't have a meta-progression. You carry nothing between runs, so you can't grind to get better, only your knowldege by the game (that you acquire after several deaths) and skill (with much practice) can help you. Honestly, I think it's better this way. While I can enjoy some grind-heavy roguelites (like Heroes of Hammerwatch), it feels good to see that I'm improving by myself instead of amassing upgrades and buffs.

High replayability is the rule here

Being a roguelike (and roguelite) fan, I can say that I'm a huge appreciator of procedural generation in games - but it's not always it works fine. In my view, the perfect procedurally generated game would be a game that actually throws surprises at you and don't feel safe all the time (like the one seen in The Curse of Yendor), and Noita has the almost perfect procedurally generated content. You really won't play the same run twice - in fact, the procedural generation is so perfectly made here that sometimes I focus in exploring the whole level instead of trying to win - yep, it's that enjoyable. And, of course, the icing on the cake is that this game is moddable and have Steam Workshop support.


Noita is a great addition to your library if you're the kind of player that can have fun with a game even when you don't win. The game is still in Early Access and it feels very polished already. I can't wait to see it develop even more. I have a feeling that this game will stand the test of time, just like many gaming classics.

*Easy to learn, insane to master
*Top-notch procedural generation
*Interesting dynamic soundtrack
*Cloud saves and Steam Workshop support

*You can't rebind the buttons of your controller - only keyboard
*This game could use more than one achievement, and they could be very creative
343 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
32576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 03:20
Crazy. Chaotic. Insanely difficult up until the moment it isn't, but then you let you guard down and die from some bullshit you never knew was even a thing. On your next run you now have something new to be paranoid about. Forever and repeat. I love this game. Rogue-likes were never my jam but this game has me hooked. Try it out, embrace the frustration.
317 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
2693 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 13:00
(forgot to actually review this)
the best game that i'm not great at. you don't have to be great at Noita to have a great time.

what makes Noita shine is not any one of its parts, but all of them together. strange Lore/World building, wacky Wand setups, both you and the Enemies follow the same rules, and the fully physical world.
if you think you came up with a creative way to use Physics to your advantage or a really dumb Wand setup, you can do it.

if you've ever thought you like secrets, Noita has so many secrets that there's more secrets in the game than there is main game - and there's plenty of main game. Noita is like 6 games in one with how many and how diverse and wacky all of the secrets are.

Mod support always a great plus especially in a game that lets you do so much.

Noita is a crazy, shining hidden gem.
754 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 02:22
Incredible game. Extremely polished, with many many different spells and possible combinations. No run is the same.
It's got that feeling of exploration that you find once every thousand games, and the world's semi-randomization assures no end to surprises.
Just beautiful.
234 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
1353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 03:00
Noita is quite an interesting game. On its own, its pixelated aesthetic but solid physics make it an attractive game to begin exploring. it's mildy challenging and confusing at first, but even though it makes the first runs frustrating and monotonous, once you find the path you should be going and the way the spell crafting works, in a couple of hours you'll already be praying to find trigger spells and modifiers to either make your favourite synergy of a shotgun that fires dynamite or discover new ones, like orchestrating a gigantic explosion on your own by creating a cloud of flammable gas by transorming water into acid or bathing the monsters in oil before shooting a fireball. The levels/biomes with all sorts of different materials make every spell potentially more useful or a little more limited as well, for example: Levels filled with liquids or metallic tiles will allows you to do much more crowd control if you have spells that create electric charges, but will make digging with explosives almost an impossible task. Varied enemies also make every area much more distinctive and present their own opportunities at tricking them into a quick, clever death or using their projectiles to your advantage (and potential demise too!).
Where the game already presents lots of depth with endless combinations of magical projectiles, casting patterns, modifiers and bonuses, mods have made the experience even more unique. Sure, you could cheat and get yourself a mod that erradicates the shuffled casting wands have or by making you OP in different ways, but there are plenty of mods that add lots of new spell effects, enemies, that slightly tinker with the alogrithm to create new biomes or improve the current ones, or that randomize your starting loadout even more.
The few things I can point negatively about this game are that you'll end up reading a wiki to discover Noita has a small bit of hidden lore you'll easily mistake by breadcrumbs of in-game triviality and that the same environment will usually backfire if you're not careful when making your way through, which could sometimes look miles more punishing than what it should be.
All in all, Noita is a game that is pretty, deep, entertaining, hard and that can even end up slightly addicting if you have a particularly strong curiosity, and all is very well boosted by the mods workshop has at your disposal. Noita gets a solid 9/10 from me
89 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 00:22
fire bad.
97 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 19:32
Very fun. No run is the same.
211 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
3521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 16:53
Drawing (maybe reductive) comparisons, imagine the overall game loop of Spelunky, the causal chaos of Broforce (turned up to 11), and some of the intrigue and discovery of a Souls game.

There's a built-in GIF generator to capture what will be your numerous deaths, both hilarious and tragic.

This is great game as it stands and has further potential. I'm glad I took a chance on it.
680 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 12:33
Absolutely enough to play at the moment despite Early Access. One of the deepest games I've ever played in terms of systemic interaction. If you like making crazy synergies in games like The Binding of Isaac, the wands system in this game takes that to another level.
125 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 14:47
its literally the falling sand games i played as a kid except as a deep and thorough roguelike. The monsters, locations, and weapon (wand) building systems are all fantastic and I can't imagine how it will progress out of greenlight.
178 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 00:39
This game pisses me off
321 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3152 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 05:56
I've played a lot of A+ platformers in my life... This one stands proudly with the best of them - up with likes of Spelunky and Risk of rain. The physics really need to be PLAYED (not seen) to be believed. Strong modding community.
160 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 00:45
soldat with fruity wands and a guy in a dress 10/10
218 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 23:25
You're looking at my hours played, and at the Overwhelmingly Positive rating, and you're wondering why I'm not recommending it. Well, I'm wondering too. This was one of the very few games I actually felt hyped about, and I bought it as soon as it was released. I've had fun with it, and it's a competently made game with a fun central gimmick. So what gives?

At its core, it's pretty simple: While Noita is fun, it's also really miserly when it comes to doling out that fun. And that's something that just really rubs me the wrong way.

Pay Your Taxes

One of the frustrating things Noita does is something more Rogue-like games do. The game's mechanics are conditional under a tax you have to pay, and that tax is you being forced not to use the mechanics. In Noita it comes in the form of a time tax and an inventory tax. See, when you start a new game, Noita isn't fun. Your starting items are garbage, so you have to find good items before you can start having fun. But the first level is purpose-made to be absolute trash to navigate with a fresh character, and the items you can find there are often poor. There are other forms of time tax, such as the character being really slow, but most of it is that first level. The other tax is the inventory tax. See, the point of Noita is that you make your own magic wands from wands you find in the levels. These are random and often not very good. In standard play you can only edit items in the saferoom at the end of the level, which means you always have to sacrifice one of your four and slots to carry found wands to the end of the level.

Pray to RNGesus

Yes, yes, I know, complaining about RNG in a Roguelike. The problem is, a good run in this game depends on luck to an extreme degree. For instance, there's no real healing in Noita (with a scant few exceptions), and you will take damage. In fact, the reason you now start with a flask of water is because catching on fire before you could get one was a run-ending first level problem. So your capacity to look for new stuff depends on your health, which you can increase with an item found in the levels. If you have bad luck and don't find many, that's most likely a junk run for you. Can't find good wands or spells in the levels or at the saferoom? Junk run. Bad perk selection? Junk run. Bad luck in one level makes you much more susceptible to bad luck in the following level, because it directly limits your capacity for exploration. And it doesn't end there, oh no. There's a wizard enemy who can teleport your butt to random places on the map. Better hope it's not too harsh. The worms that traverse the level can straight up destroy the saferoom, for which the game blames you, spawning a strong enemy in every saferoom that you have to fight. It's even in the enemy placement, because damage comes easy in Noita. Clear an obstacle and see a lightning wizard? Good luck with your new run. In the correct quantities these mechanics are all fine. The way Noita piles them up makes the game feel extremely arbitrary.

Point and Shoot

Noita's core mechanic is that it simulates every pixel, being probably the first real game to actually have a good reason to have pixel art. It's pretty cool, not gonna lie. The fact that you can empty a flask and dip it in liquid in the level to fill it up with is pretty unique. But it... doesn't really do a lot with this. Despite the environment being fully destructible you'll only rarely use it to tackle problems, and then half the time only by accident. There's very little interaction between the environment and the player aside from digging passages to get somewhere. When you get down to it Noita is basically just a sidescrolling shooter where you sort of get to decide what bullets you shoot. Even the kick your wizard can do to move loose objects is horrible. There's a massive delay, it's inaccurate, and sometimes barely moves an object. Oh, and enemies that are too close to an object when you kick it are likely to get no damage. This all comes back to the game just plain not wanting to give you the tools to have fun. The explosives in the levels are a good resource to blast passages if you have no digging tools, or just blow up enemies with. So why is my only way to move them around the worst kick in video game history while I'm a bloody wizard?

You still here? OK, look, Noita isn't a bad game. It's more what you'd call a diamond in the rough. But boy, it's rough. You're going to have fun with it, no doubt about it, but you're also going to get pants-on-head frustrated by it. Because it's a fantastic idea marred by execution that's both really arbitrary and really afraid to give the player too many tools.

Oh, and I almost forgot: One of the new features added is a perfect example of my complaints. Your wizard can drink liquid present on the map. If it's a potion or similar, you gain its effects. If it's inert, it simply disappears. Previously, you could keep doing it, and it was somewhat of a tool to lower the fluid level somewhere. The developers thought this was too powerful a tool, apparently. Your wizard now has a limited amount of stuff he can eat/drink. I wasn't aware of this thing breaking the game in any way, but OK. It doesn't end there, however. No no no, you also take damage if you overeat/drink and overeating/drinking reduces your already slow movement speed. This isn't fun. This is a garbage mechanic with no purpose other than to limit the player. The only other game I know that has a similar mechanic is Kingdom Come. That is a game with an autistic dedication to realism. This is a game where you play a spellcasting wizard with a jetpack. If I want to chug a trench of whiskey because the game hasn't deigned to give me proper digging tools yet, can you just let me do it? This feels too much like playing D&D with a DM who feels threatened by your character's capabilities.
141 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 19:52
Beat this beauty in only 19 hours, lucky ass run. got permanent shield, explosion resist, and invisibility perks. then the game decides to give me a lightning wand of death, made short work of the baddies then. After this bad boy replaced my shitty fast fire wand i bought another and taped on a secondary shield, angered the gods somehow shortly after that. But the skeleton guy was just another shitter to me now, shocked and brought to the floor beneath my knees. Lab brought me to 20 health, but i just went invisible and scattered like a dozen cockroaches in bright light to the boss room. beat the boss, didn't take an damage, before this run i'd never even gotten past the very start of the jungle. love it, get this game
49 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.20 09:36
169 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.20 13:23
I really don't play games like this. I enjoy Crusader Kings II, turn-based tactics, and other nerdass stuff. In other words, I dislike twitch games. But for some reason -- probably the intricate particle simulation and systems interaction -- I am really enjoying Noita.
180 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 16:30
Magical roguelite where every pixel is procedurally generated. this is a game you need to take your time because the enemies are not idiot. They aim very well and it super easy to get surrounded. Hard game but extremely fun and Addictive.
309 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 18:55
- Do I want to punch my computer after ever loss? Yup. For some reason I still play? Yes.
124 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
4971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 15:25
While fairly hardcore as an action roguelite , Noita features an endless supply of fun or tense and scary situations thanks to its dynamic environment , that you must learn to master to succeed , as well as the semi-freeform (changes are usually done at shops) wandcrafting spell system. Finding the most effective and damaging combinations that do not kill you upon use can be quite the challenge. Also , the game features some non-randomized locations that require trickery to reach or conquer , necessary to obtain a more satisfying ending. And it has mod support !
59 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 10:14
The base of this game feels great, different liquid, malleable terrain, it's fun to shoot enemies. I cant help but feel this game would be so much better if it was an entirely different genre. All I want to do is mess around with spells and not have to worry about my progress being reset every 10 minutes. I knew it was a rouge-like when i bought it but i still just didn't expect to be resetting this often. I often get to a point where I've just found something cool but i can't use it any longer because the enemies have already out scaled it.
Here's a list of what i consider to be problems with the game.

1.) Getting hit kills all of your movement. ALL OF IT. This is incredibly annoying. If you are in the air and you get hit you will fall to the floor with absolutely no control. If you are on the ground your movement will be stunted. This just feels awful, and not even because you're getting hit, but because sometimes you cant do anything for a solid 2-3 seconds (Quite frankly this right here ruins the game for me)

2.) Opening the menu does not pause the game, its a single player game I don't understand why this isn't a thing. This means you can still fire wands, while your trying to edit them, I have killed myself multiple times like this, A small point that you can get used to but annoying nonetheless.

3.) A lot of spells have ammunition. Some like the bomb and the black hole i can understand the reasoning, but there are just so many spells that share this trait, which aren't mining spells, that feel either useless or undesirable because of it.

4.) A fair portion of enemies like to aggro off the screen. When considering point 1 this becomes even more annoying. If something intends to shoot me I would like to be able to shoot back with equal accuracy and not just blindly shoot from miles away because getting closer would just stun lock me and kill all my movement.

5.) Money disappears. The fact that money drops as a physical object is a little iffy in my opinion considering the floor is constantly on fire, or covered in poison, or something of the sort. However, those scenarios are manageable so that's fine. The problem i have is that money despawns. And this despawn doesn't take long either it goes away very quickly. Meaning if you have some kind of weapon that lingers and deals self damage, or if you just need to kill the 6 other enemies simultaneously attacking you. You wont be picking it up. So good luck with drops because you are never getting enough money to buy anything past the first couple levels.

6.) The game window closes and reopens itself every time you start a new run. Might be a bug, and probably is one.

7.) the beginning of the game is very samey after a few runs. You always start with the same items, and there's a good chance you'll be stuck with them for five minutes or so. I've seen an image of a different starting wizard, but as of now i have no idea if its a mod or an unlockable that's just completely unexplained in the game, and to be honest I don't feel like putting in the effort to try and find out.

That's about everything negative that matters that I can think of so here's some positive stuff.

1.)The Pixel art and animations are god tier. Everything looks amazing and is satisfying to kill.

2.) Spells are amazingly fun to mess around with when you have the chance to and can do many interesting and unexpected things.

3.) The game has a variety of liquids, all of them are fun and useful, Ive just about found a moment where every single one has come in handy.

Noita has a lot of good traits but also a lot of problems. Currently I feel as though the issues outweigh what makes it fun. At points even being infuriating. In its current state I can't recommend this game.
285 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 14:46
Unique roguelike, the game seems simple at first but its number of hidden mysteries is astonishing.
The wand/magic and fire/liquid systems are pure bliss.
Don't spoil yourself too much before playing, discovering stuff is part of the pleasure.

Cheers :)
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 08:52
game is epic make sure if your playing it to turn off cloud saves or it breaks
688 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 06:03
In my personal opinion, this is perhaps the best rouge-like I've played yet. The sheer amount of bonkers things you can do in this game are insane. You see, in most rouges you have to deal with all of those pesky prefabricated static rooms. Not with this one. This one just tells you that you can blow up that little corner and cause all sorts of chaos. It just feels a LOT more satisfying than most games of this genre.
97 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1191 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 00:05
every new game is a new adventure. played 5 hours on my first sitting. if its on sale you would be crazy not to get it. if its not on sale, you should probably still get it.

I only wish it was co op
281 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2341 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 18:37
Tl;dr: You spend a couple hours in a single run slowly trudging through levels to accumulate gold and wands; then your run ends abruptly in ways you feel like you couldn't have done anything about. The combination is very dissatisfying.

I keep coming back to this game because I really want to like it. The physics and wand system are great. The graphics are great. This game is great as a tech demo for those things. But as a game experience I'm always left feeling a little empty after playing it.

There are two things going on that in combination cause this feeling. There's a big mismatch in the pacing of the game vs how you die.

Part 1 is you move slowly and enemies will immediately target and fire at you when you have line of sight to them. This makes you have to play very slowly and carefully. Poptart and try to fight one enemy at a time and kite everything. Which by itself is not an issue in a vacuum. It puts more value on how you strategize with your wands and potions, which is what the game is all about. It's actually worth taking the time to spray yourself with a buff potion or fill a little crevice with it so you can keep rebuffing. That's a lot of fun.

Part 2 is that every time you die it's some new bs you've never seen before that instantly kills you. Whether it's trying to test a new spell or running into a new enemy or you make a single slight misstep while fighting a dangerous enemy or you leave the shop/perk area and land in-between a giant group of enemies flying at you with tons of health and immediately start shooting at you. Again, in a vacuum this isn't such a bad thing. A lot of games have you learn by dying.

The problem is the way these two are combined. You spend a couple hours in a single run slowly trudging through levels to accumulate gold and wands; then your run ends abruptly in ways you feel like you couldn't have done anything about.

There are games that do part 1, but when you die it's a long drawn-out death and you always feel like it was your fault for dying. There are games that do part 2, but they're usually the type of games that respawn you at a checkpoint or home base with all your stuff so you can keep playing without starting over.
280 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1963 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 07:22
Insanely addictive but unnecessarily cruel. It's hard for the sake of being hard which isn't always the best, so I'd recommend installing mods to counteract some of the frustrating design decisions. This might seem like a negative review, but it's so damn good. Really, really good.

Also if you don't find any wands after the first level swap the spells of the starting wands for a better fire rate.
1755 Produkte im Account
837 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 20:55
There are a lot of factors that go into making a good game, but there’s one that I don’t hear about very often, perhaps because it doesn’t have a good name. It’s the chaos that arises from getting an insane build in Binding of Isaac going, or the chaos that erupts from grabbing a poorly-placed idol in Spelunky. It’s chaos that doesn’t always favor the player but wreaks absolute havoc on the game world, much to the delight of spectators. This chaotic special sauce can improve the fun factor of just about any game, and titles like Noita that build their action around it come out as some of the most fun of all.

Noita might still be too Early Access for a story, but wizards don’t need much of an excuse to ruin shit. You start your journey at the mouth of a cave, adorned with some very helpful runes that inform you of the controls. Descending into a network of disused mines, you find all manner of zombies, goblins, and gooier things in your way. The first of your two wands will make short work of foes, while the second will make short work of the environment in spectacular fashion. These tools are only the tip of the magical, exploding iceberg, though, as you find grander wands that scatter fireballs, launch black holes, summon acid clouds, ignite everything on the screen, and more. If you can manage to defeat your foes and not vaporize yourself in the process, you might just find what lies at the bottom of these caverns.

Admittedly, there’s not a lot of direction to Noita at the moment besides going down. Each level is a large, sprawling complex of tunnels, shafts, and chambers that eventually lead to a portal at the very bottom. The portal always leads to a temple where you recover your health and spell charges (if any), buy new wands or spells, and get a perk to make your little murderwizard even more murdery. Once in a level, you’ve really just got to survive, and enemies are only half of the threat to your survival. Every pixel of the environment is modeled and is ready to collapse, drain, burn, or flow at the slightest provocation. You can imagine what happens when you drop a lantern into a pool of oil, or blast out the supports for a tank of acid, but watching the chaos unfold is a whole new level of fun, and surviving it is a whole new level of challenge.

This is the core of the Noita experience, taking ridiculous weapons into ridiculous levels and watching ridiculous things happen. You can absolutely play it safe and cautious, mitigate risks, and focus on reaching the end of the game, and at some point you’re going to want to do that. But honestly the real appeal is finding a wand that fires six nuclear warheads in 0.1 seconds and finding out what happens to the entire level when you push the button. There are wands that shoot lasers, wands that shoot eggs that hatch into flesh-eating monsters, wands that are actually chainsaws, and wands that do all the of the above with each shot. You’ll find wands that do crazy things but they’re really just containers for spells, which you can pull out and affix to other more appropriate wands to make whatever implement of chaos you desire, like burning sawblades that explode into acid clouds.

The catch is that you have to find the odds and ends to do that, and it won’t always happen. I’ve had runs in Noita go absolutely bonkers with wands that could instantly vaporize half the screen, but those are the minority compared to how many runs I’ve played straight with wands that shoot arrows or bouncy balls. Make no mistake, this is a solid roguelike platformer with excellent movement, controls, and combat, but the real magic is left for the RNG to give to you, and it won’t always deliver. And maybe it shouldn’t, considering how potent the biggest, flashiest spells can be, but I can’t deny how many runs I’ve been on where I was left wishing for more bombs or more chainsaws or just that wand I found last time that I killed myself with all too soon.

There’s still plenty of ground for the developers to cover in terms of fleshing out the game world and balancing the tools available, so if you’re more in the market for a full game experience there’s no harm in waiting. But you can’t look at the gifs on the store page and tell me that doesn’t look fun, because I can assure you it is. Some of my new favorite game experiences have come from my worst Noita runs, like hucking 4x dynamite all through the ice caves or shattering an entire shelf of potions and rolling in the magical runoff as it enchanted me with everything at once. The potential for hilarious chaos here is at a record high, and as long as the rest of the game coalesces around it eventually, Noita is sure to be a classic.

Did you enjoy this review? I certainly hope so, and I certainly hope you'll check out more of them at https://goldplatedgames.com/ or on my curation page!
295 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 01:36
unreasonably Cruel 8/10
219 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 05:29
Step 1: Start the game thinking that you will use the Physics to your advantage
Step 2: Die.
Step 3: Repeat
418 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
5767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 08:32
Really not for everybody, but this is far beyond your typical dungeon crawling-shooter. If you have the patience and curiosity for such a game, you'll find all kinds of things that will take you by surprise.
128 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
5137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 00:17
Probably the best bang for your buck out there.

988 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 11:52
Wand-constructor spelunker.

Officially a roguelike terraria, but full modding means you can turn it into sandbox Hulk-smash sim / peasant-to-god sim / meme platformer / etc.

Mixing mods is easy with checkboxes
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Rating auf Steam Äußerst positiv
95.86% 28005 1208
Release:24.09.2020 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Nolla Games Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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